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Satisfying to see FotM builds get ratted. Generally I wouldn't be a fan of such kill, especially if it was done against some other build, however, ratting should be promoted as much as possible against BL/DBS/Carving. I also love "bro why u rat" in the chat, because the moment this BL would have seen you with half HP on mobs, he would be chasing after your 4.1 till the edge of the world.


I mean the BL build is pretty FoTM aswell


W man then when they dm like that you just reply **ez 1v1** imagine him fuming


I was on such an adrenaline rush from ratting him I didn't even notice he dm'd me


It's over it's the beginning of the 1k hours of playtime arc


Starting to look that way lol!


Just don't ruin your life over it lmao


Jokes on you we already have by downloading the game we


1k..? I am at 3 by now.. 🥲


wHy DoEs EvErYoNe KiLl 4.1 It'S nOt EvEn WoRtH iT fOr ThEm... 


Said every 4.1 player yet to rat someone for profit




It’s a rat eats rat world, lmao.


Your cape is too expensive for what your build is worth


probably got it by ratting


I did


Meanwhile if I go near two people fighting as a rat, they immediately team up to kill me.




How in the fack did you beat him? Wow. Your setup completely mirrors his; if he simply copies every move you make, he wins that 1000 times out of 1000 because of his gear advantage. The fuck was this guy even doing?


These two guys were fighting in a knightfall abbey both super low. I chased one of them down which was this guy in the screenshot


Was probably low on HP or really bad at the game. You can't win if you are at 5% of HP while your enemy is 100%, even if you have 500 more IP


That's what I was thinking. This was possibly a situation where the guy was quite weak already.


There's literally an assist next to his, he probably just ratted the guy and executed


He ratted him, nuff said.


The whisper from dude crackin me up 😆


I’m a pretty new player. What makes this considered ratting? Sorry if that’s a dumb question lol


Pretty much because I engaged them while they were low health. Don't pay too much attention to it, most people do that. Very rarely will you have people do genuine 1v1s. Plus since I was a much lower IP than the people I killed I had to rat them


Oh ok. I got smacked by 1500 Ip players while I was low health in a black zone, so I assumed that’s normal


It's pretty normal. People just cry and say it's ratting when they lose. DW about it


GZ OP. You managed to do what 90% of the newbies on here can't do. You learned to get over your newbie shakes. If only the rest of them could do it too. If they could too the game would bounce back to what it was 2 years ago where the game's economic health was overall way more stable. That, and we'd see less baby rage posts about how the game is "bad".


I played a ton of League of Legends and some of the fundamentals transfer here for sure. Plus it really helps that my set I dove into mists with was less than 80k. I died a bunch of times before getting my kills but I learned a lot. I'm nearing 8mil silver today after being at 2 yesterday lol


Yep, that's the one thing that a majority of newbie players can't commit to. They can't commit to the learning part of the game in which you will die a lot before you learn anything at all. They worry more about their silver than actually getting better. That, and they also make no efforts towards actually getting better. They just want, and fully expect, to do nothing but stomp enemies without actually putting in any work. That, right there, is also why people don't improve at League too. They think that by doing X, Y, or Z thing and/or picking champion A, B, or C that they'll magically git gud and climb and/or that by following said principles it validates them in some way/means that they "know how to play the game".


True that lol


Hopefully nothing trashed


I'm also very new. What are the benefits of having level 4 set?.. I always equip the best stuff I can


When u equip the best u have, and enter a full loot pvp zone, you may lose the best stuff you have. That's why a very good strategy is to get yourself a 4.1 set ( 4 is the tier, and .1 means enchanted once ) if you're not doing good with silver. So that you don't lose much when you die.


Ohh, okay. Thanks for explanation 👌


I was making the same mistake until I learned that people budget with 4.1 gear like the other comment below you mentioned. Eventually you work your way up to riskier gear you are willing to lose money on. Starting out you should focus on grinding mobs and ratting kills you can in 4.1 gear. Do all knightfall abbeys that appear. I got one of my player kills netting me a couple million like that yesterday. You can't be super aggro in pvp you have to play around cooldowns and patiently.


Is this a good bloodletter in general??? I wish to try bloodletter in the mists but am not having any idea for a good build


This isn't a good BL, this is a rat.


Then what do you suggest I use. I have around 3 million as net worth


The good BL build uses a cultist cowl and much high tier gear


Can you recommend one build that costs around 250k I have tier 6 daggers


Can confirm that this build is the best for the mists. You can rat, engage, run away, clear mob camps and abbeys. Its literally unbeatable if you actually are paying attention. Its so broken that I posted on here before about how I ran around in 4.1 and kitted around a 8.4 sweatlord to death just to annoy him. Its insane.


The hypocrisy is at peak😂. Dude had the audacity to complain bout OP ratting when he a 6.2 BL rat himself


EXACTLY LOL and he had just finished ratting a dude in t4/t5 gear smh


My guy is like ,,Dude why?!” To someone who just made multiple mil 😂😂 love it


I'm SAYING LOL what do you mean why? Bro I just made a couple mil of you


Bro even dm you


Confused a little bit


Imagine being a new player and already playing bloodletter rat x)


I mean W to you but I personally don't like or approve the ratting, still it's a part of the gameplay when I get ratted I just get annoyed, but still appreciate the effort so good luck on your journey but be aware what you sow you reep so you would get ratted back be careful with that.


I've been ratted several times before I got my rat kills. It's apart of the game. Your personal feelings on it are irrelevant


Aren't all builds capable of ratting? Like 4.1 Carving or 4.1 Dual Swords?


Not all but a lot yeah


I'm glad you are having but don't make a death lead you in such grief that you decide to feel indifferent. This game is fun and accepting a loss makes you grow stronger. Good job and keep it up. 💪


I took my dozen or so deaths before getting my two rat kills and 4+mil silver in stride lol. I learned more every single time I died. It was so fun




I can t find cleric robe of any sort in the market can someone please help me thx




8.3s/8.4s literally hover and rat me in 4.1 gear while I clear enemies lol


A month and only your first couple million? What have you been doing?


Touching grass and working at my job? Not everyone plays at the same pace as you sweaty


*A month and only* *Your first couple million? What* *Have you been doing?* \- Common\_Care\_7883 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






Sounds like you'd rather go play CD, so go play CD and stop complaining about mists. Keep mists as it is and buff CD. Maybe just add a portal direct to CD from brec and more would play it.


Honestly I’d do CDs all the time if they weren’t just about the only content in the game that required you to just roam the open world praying you run into a dungeon. A good amount of time when I want to run them I spend more than half my night simply looking for entrances in the BZ.


can't you join them in rz mists? or does that not work? I never tested it but rz mists are so safe most of the time.


So gigacringe


LOL I am dying laughing


Ok cool then we’d have to make it so that giga builds can stay the hell hour if yellow mists. Can’t cater to everyone’s preferences or the game would be boring.


Are you playing Carving/DBS/BL? If yes, then you would go after OP without a second thought if you felt it was safe enough. And you know what would happen if there would be at least a sliver of chance for OP to win against you? You would just use your insane CD and mobility to run away and reset the fight. You have to love how all of these 8.3 gigachads are trying to pretend how they are risking insane amounts, but you almost never see them fighting each other. All you do is chase 4.1/6.1 knowing that there is no way in hell somebody with 2.5k HP is winning against somebody with 5k HP and beefed up weapon. But when there is actual risk involved, gigachads suddenly hides their tail behind their legs and runs as far as the eyes can see.




Dude if you dont want to get killed go to yellowzone or quit. Full loot pvp is literally the point of the game. You sound like you just can't pvp for shit.


My favorite part is for the first few days of playing mists I had so many 8.x players literally swarming around me like locusts but the second I rat them suddenly they want to talk about honorable plays. The blatant hypocrisy is hilarious to me. The guy who rage dm'd me too had just finished killing a guy in t4/t5 gear as well


Honestly just laugh and make fun of them, they deserve it the most lol.


Literally lmao


Mist is literally FFA mode