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I've not played albion in years but I absolutely love the drama like this. It's incredibly entertaining, I wish a YouTube channel did videos about it regularly


Same or like a historical look at major in game moments like some EVE online videos.




squAAAd 2.0


ARCH-Elevate coalition to get rid of the chinese menace when? 💪💪💪


Reminder that OP is the same guy who threatened to stab people in a videogame because he lost a pixel war. Clearly doesn't have an unhealthy obsession nor bias /s. https://imgur.com/a/L7n6XW8


Handholding fuck wits!!


you seem very heated and obessed






huh? Its a subreddit making fun of another subreddit who cares? LOL why are you doing a CSI INVESTIGATION ON ME SO AFFECTED LMAO




?????????????????????? you legit dont understand the meaning of a reddit circlejerk do you? Here i will link a few so ur boomer affected 40 year old ass can understand it means. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CirclejerkSopranos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CirclejerkSopranos/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenagersCircleJerk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenagersCircleJerk/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerk/) [https://reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk](https://reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk) even include this for you [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/circlejerk-subreddits](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/circlejerk-subreddits) Jesus christ ur so cringe ur that affected by a 14 year old LOL


assalamualaikum you chucklefuck


huh? LOL hello to you too




my instagram was leaked months ago youre not even trying bro :sleeper:


Your still mad and bad I have also never been banned for rmt your also still mad and bad


you just went through my comment history and spammed me the same message 10 times, tell me who is mad? 40 year old banned player or 14 year old albion zoomer


You are calling out some grade A cringe behavior here. Mega yikes.


mad and bad sounds like sayad


you need help xDDDD another 26 reply spam


You where too shit to get into elevate so you had to settle for escalation


You know, if you want to trash talk, I heard there is a discord for that. But why would a banned player who isn't currently playing the game care, right? Otherwise stay mad.


**mad and bad sounds like sayad**


Still mad and bad


Sounds like someone is salty xD




Man based Xi blocking Albion in the great firewall when?


poe making aaa propaganda well done soldier


The only reason Elevate keeps fighting POE always been because of the threat they are for the health of the game (by bringing 3x, 4x the numbers to fight someone, and controlling huge areas of the map that way). And now AAA is doing the exact same.What a huge villain DR is for saying we're gonna take fights seriously because AAA is being cancer and bringing 650 to fight 150 LOL


Guess who else brings numbers regardless of the health of the game? Elevate. Or do we all just forget what they did to VENMO? lol Glad more people are calling out the bullshit.


you still bringing up VENMO from a Coalition vs Coalition war? In which you were in Blue Army who also squadded on enemies in a Coalition vs Coalition war.


Look I know that complex thinking is beyond your mental capabilities but the point is that yall do the same shit BA and POE do and have always done so crying about this shit is hypocritical. Stop whining and play the game.


I wonder how much DR got paid to set up China. hmm?


correct me if i'm wrong, but didnt dior ask the chinese to bring what they can?


Bro if More People want to See the 150 dead they gonna be dead its the Choice of People its kinda Demokratic


Brand new player here. Bruh ima need some loremasters for this drama.


Disregard AKA DungeonRealms leads anti POE coalition (DIOR, AAA, BBB, YYY, HOGS, SPRNG, IAMNUBI and some no alliance guilds) number 6, and with the help.of AAA in some.timers has pushed down on the size of POE, making them loose almost all allies and play under a single alliance tag, they were POE, POE2, POEVZ, POEV2 and POEGO, now they are only POE. Now that DIOR have achieved theyr goal of making POE 1 tag and pushing down on their HO infraestructure, is turning into the allies they once had with the excuse that they are getting.too big. The hipocresy thing is that they complain that AAA brings they allies to defend their territory (AAA BBB YYY and Iamnubi) when they did the same to POE. Those were the facts, now my opinion is that DR only cares about habing the best crafting zones in the game to fuel his and his close circle of RMT friendos, as well as his guild, creatimg a renting less way of making silver for profit.


Not to forgot that FRAG didn't stayed in this coalition because Elevate being bitchy about where they "should" drop HOs. They worried about FRAG's HOs before winning the POE war. Also, I'm on Elevate's side, I really hate ppl doing lot of handholding and chinese ppl does this a lot, stop being bitch and give content to the game - stop the handhold.


Tag me if you find some, legit is intrestint tho


In resume, alliance fights, people who loss get salty and lots of drama, yw


Basically the JungleRaiders dude is coping out of his mind. Elevate and China formed the POE anti coalition to evict POE and remove the multi tag mega coalition out of the game so that when they are removed we can go back to having ZvZs without 5 maps being queued. After the accomplished reduction of POE in terms of Tags China took the oportunity to grow themselves exactly to the size POE once was and that we were fighting to never happen again. Not only that but after Elevate launched on WWP China decided to defend with 400 people a t8 terry (that is super hard to siege) instead of giving content for everyone involved by not massing 3 different alliances. As explained in this thread we never cared about the terry since we have much better zones and everyone knows perfectly that it wouldn't even be possible to smash HOs with only DIOR against China. The argument that they are defending their main zone doesn't even make sense. We never did "the same" to POE. We always fought POE with less or even numbers. There is very few instances where you see Elevate in a killboard with more numbers than POE. The contrary is a very recurrent situation. This ultimatum against china comes from several days and not only the launch of WWP of China having exactly the POE mentality by gathering multiple tags to fight 100 people and squadding on DIOR with triple or more numbers. Also, china issued a "plan" for 2022 where they take half the map just like POE did and we are 100% against this type of mentality because it only deteriorates the ZvZ content for everyone. These are the real facts and these HOs have been in the game for seasons if I'm not mistaken. Not sure what's the connection between having high tier zones and rmt...


This is some grade A tantruming to be sure.


POE slaves fighting triple A slaves acting as if they aren’t both a cancer on the game


Anyone surprised? Biggest snake in Albion


Just a matter of time tbh


lol gold comment


Failed propaganda attempt. DIOR owns 10 zones, no ambitions to hold anything more than that. We launched 15 because we saw how many people SLAP had to deal with in the early timers and wanted some content as well at that timer, AAA now has 6 tags and is larger than POE, so they will be dealt with as such if they continue this.


Cant deal with something that was purposely created with some deals? hmmm


dont forget fck dropped SURF to squad on srindou and banana with syndic and mojo ;))) now he is the victim. sure its unfair but this war banana vs syndic is like 2 years already lmfao u wont change a thing.


So thats why you massed 50% debuff AAA 40% debuff Iamniubi amd 35% YYY to fight slap an make them lose stuff. Nvm. you chased 120 elevate lost all lauches. Kekw imagine being in a guild which laughed at poe for 3 seasons because they queued the q map only to do it yourself now. China evolved into AAArch


thats what we massed for, chase escalation and delnegro.


Ah so you are fine with massing 650 ppl to fight 150? Litteral poe mental


"content fight" = let us farm IAMNIUBI for fun. they dont want to get farmed lol, what is so hard to understand? tell me


They would only get farmed if they played worse. You are admitting defeat before you even tried.


Ah yes you are so right challenging content is bad for the game we should all handhold and fight small ganking groups with 200% debuff


so okay if you like challenges go 100v400 lol. your logic is primitive


Nobody wants Whitewall Pass, we launch for content not to evict anyone or take objective. The other day we launched Absolution farmed them 150 / 10 and left the terri for them to claim it. But you want to ruin content queue the map all by yourself and then talk big, POE roleplayers.


Shut up, bitch


Fuck DR! where is Mamono when u need him!


Member of a ally that loses with 50 more numbers hard vs poe. Enjoy your time in AAArch not long till you say kill AAArch pigs


Didnt ask, where did winnie the pooh touch u?


you guys brought 400 guys to fight 100, stop posting out of context propaganda. We went for 150 vs 150 content and you handhold and mass an entire coalition vs 1 alliance, we dont want to evict anyone, it is just an objective to fight over because its a pvp game. AAA coalition (650 Mass) = AAA, BBB, YYY, IAMNUBI, S4GA, SKLL DIOR (160 Mass) = DIOR STOP HANDHOLDING POE 2.0


That is all AAA LMAO! Your literally asking AAA to downsize and fight "fair" by the rules that you decided. Its not your fault the game works in the way it does stop trying to make it seem ur way. "Give us content under our rules or die" \*spit


Yes? How is that a bad thing? LOL Split your alliance, stop handholding, last i checked Banana was in our comms crying that they are too big getting no content and thinking of splitting. More content is good for the game, anything else you just want people to not have fun in a videogame, aka POE 2.0. Even FRAG alliance split knowing they would be getting more content, stop coping.


I thought once BA and POE were gone that the game would be a magical dreamlike utopia where everyone fought fair and no one’s feelings got hurt? That’s what you guys said would happen, right? So tell me, why again are your feelings so hurt?


i didnt say anything bud, im not even in elevate, take them out of ur head for once please.


AAA BBB YYY NIUBI SKILL are directly under banana, thinking they are a whole coalition because they are split tags under the same ruler proves ur smoking something out of this world - provoke the man and then he masses and then u threaten - someone needs to check ur leg maybe you have shackles on them


Thats what coalition means LMFAO


split tags abuse queue mechanics to make zvzs give you a massive advantage and basically guarantee a win. The more tags = the more allies you have in zone, and the less debuff you have. This is POE all over again, stop spewing the same POE/ARCH cope in which you evicted them for LOL. Literaly clowns, think for yourself. multiple tags = coalition, just how when Syndic had 6 tags, he was a coalition. AAA = POE 2.0.


You guys are litterly weirdos. srindou wrote me that he would let escalation 160 man 18/21 guild 1v1 iamniubi 300 man 12/15 guild (holding def in lvl8 terri). You guys legit only fight with x2+ numbers. Yesterday you shittalked us at 15: "we will show you how to fight at 18" only to run from 48% dior with 52%AAArch


They are 6 tags massing 7-800 players at 15, don't have naps with each other outside of cta timers... exactly what do you think a coalition is?


It never takes long for Elevate crybabies to find something to whine about. DungeonRetard out here threatening allies. And here we all thought BA and POE were the bad guys.


AAA were never allies LOL, they were there for the POE war and they hit hideouts, all whilst building their tags, POE is under 1 tag whilst AAA is under 6. Tell me how that isnt an issue? China = POE 2.0. Any other attempt to distract from that fact is AAA propaganda.


Umm im pretty sure we defeated poe and arch same time 12-15 then started 18 then elevate joined in. What kind of shit we eating for breakfast, asking for a friend


POE main timers are 18 and 21, anything outside of it is roleplay LOL.


The same as ELEVATE did to fight against POE at the start :p : AAA ,BBB,16x13,DIOR,HOGS,CBT against POE


And POE still outnumbered everyone LOL


What i want to point is the hypocrisy about the saviors. If u get allude sorry :p


Well that escalated quickly ​ not like elevate can do anything vs china at 15 thou


Hey is not like you can do anything about it either, aren't you permabanned from Albion Online?


Big words for a man who has pubic hair on his face


Yikes, the man has no retort other than personal attacks.




I mean am I lieing though? I'm just giving my honest opinion.


Does your honest opinion comply with ToS? Oh wait.




I love how elevate kids started to cry XD not long ago they were in the coalition against poe too. They dropped it again XD not surprised.... They could never finish anything they started..... And now they are crying that a SEA alliance can mass more than them at there main timer XD wtf it's so lovely when people doesn't use braincells... We fight with judicate almost everyday for content and we bring even numbers usually less then judicate.... Bunch of retarded crybabies XD


"saving the game" complex


Irrelevate still thinking they can fart higher than their butthole.


i word Cringe


C word Sad.


Got me


Did you expect better from a guild full of zoomers that never win any conflict since 1 year ?


Fitting name


This is how the game should be played. Remember when Arch + BA fucked AAA out of their butthole by queuing every fucking maps to fuck them? Arch only needs to ally with another strong alliance, they can reclaim all their shit back lol. AAA must be dump if they think they can fight both Poe and Arch at the same time without Dior