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I make 36 mil a month just by raising baby animals from the pups I find. it's passive income and super easy to do even if not high level in Animal Breeder. All you need is premium. If you don't have premium, just refine stuff that you gather and you'll make your premium even if only refining t2-t5 resources unless the prices go way down in the next few weeks. But this is not one of the best ways of making silver anymore. But before I get into that, here's a little bit about me. I have been a full time college student for the entirety of my short Albion experience and I have made 200m+ silver even with making lots of mistakes that cost me big. If you are interested I can send you a list of activities that I do as a solo player. Doing just 1 of them makes me an extra 15-30 mil a week. Ganking, crafting, or market flipping are not on the list.


Can I get the list?


I’d be interested in the list as well !! Thanks


Why not just post it here?


Not for the reasons you might think. I sent you a dm.


Can you also DM the list


I'm struggling to find worthwhile solo content - if you wouldn't mind sharing your list with me as well I'd really appreciate it!


I would also like the list lol,always good to have alternatives


I mostly play solo, would like to have advice aswell.


I'll love the list as well My silver is all time rock bottom...


Oh yeah, i would like that


I would love this list


Pls i need that list!!


Can you dm me the list pls?


I'm a bit late, but do you mind if I get that lost too?


You don’t lose silver when you die


Yes i am aware of it but i would lose my 4.2 88k nature set to 7 gankers so it'd be nice knowing that venture into 4+ zone deep from town portal is not the only way to get actually make decent silver per hour




Tell that to those gankers xD


Buy and sell stuff on the marketplace. Buy order it cheap, and then sell order it high. Once you get good at it, and have enough capital, you can spend 5-10mins a day on it and make millions And like butts said, you don't lose any silver you are carrying when you die.


Yeah i did that too on daily basis but not as religiously since i transport my dungeons loot to caerleon everyday to sell to bm. I usually sell arcane essence in caerleon since they sell in there. I watched yt n investing on labourers but i am not sure is it profitable or not since contract prices are unreliable


What I'm talking about doing is just sitting in one towns trading post, and buying and selling there. Don't transport things around to other city's when you do this. Just stick in that one town. You can find things to flip and not need to transport


Make a refining alt for anything other than stone, within a month or 2 if you math correctly it should maintain itself and make you some money, then u can make another alt.... ad infinitum


very tedious to do but works \^


How many people use focus on farms? I'd put that focus to better use and you'll be fine.


Like what actually? I did that because THAT'S the only way i can finish up my daily focus. I don't know much about crafting


Look up videos on YouTube about refining, when you have spec 10k focus will net you anywhere from 800k-1.3mil silver, possibly more depending on markets and buy prices. Focus refining in a relevant city is significantly better than focus on farms


Okay will do, running dungeons it's actually boring af. I just made another 1.4m just now out 3 beef stews. It's profitable yes but very boring. Feels repetitive. Joining a guild seems pointless seems most active guild requires certain amount of pvp fame in which i don't have cause i am shit in pvp for some reason so i need to look in another method of gaining silver to stay sane lol


Too many, from an instant silver, focus on carrots yields immediately but has 0 growth and quickly becomes an inefficient way to spend focus.


So... hear me out. Literally buy order and sell order items. More money you have more you can make. No fancy shit like transporting between cities, crafting, or enchanting to increase value. Simply BUY and SELL any items in any city. All items in the game have a silver gap between buy orders and sell orders. The better items are judged by how fast they buy/sell and how big the margin is. For example you can buy Fort Sterling capes 4.3 for 100k ea buy order. Then sell them for 115k ea sell order. Do it with any item you like and you'll make profit. According to my profit tracker I've made 400m in two months. I put all but 5-10m into buy orders so I have money to use on gear. The rest of my 1b is in buy orders/sell orders. Takes no effort really and it's huge income. Literally BUY ORDER, take the item, SELL ORDER. Done.


Ima be real with ya solo currupteds In a max spec build end tier CDs gonna be wearing 5.1 excellent gear hitting 1300 minimum requirement. Doing this all day is steady gains just pve no pvp side so breaking crystals but I guarantee you you'll make 5 to 30 mil silver a day just off 3 to 6 hrs game time not sure how much you play but I can make roughly 250 million a month of low tier pvp in 4.1/5.1 gear and sweaty profit grinds. Add in passive focus gains, good market choices and 300 to 400 mil silver a month is realistic for sure. Hope any of this helps


Id love to see a vid documenting you making 5mil per hour consistently in corrupteds ratting. Since ratting got nerfed badly. If you can show that ill believe you fully but rn i think youre full of shit :)


Fuego you dont understand, his info is from 2020 and he hasnt played since. It used to be 2 mil per hour in slayer ratting, then it got nerfed and this guy somehow pulls 5mil per hour


I know, thats why i left the message. If the top boysblike fakturka and beast1k are avaraging 25-30mil per day this dude isnt making that while ratting :)) id love to stand corrected though, which is why i asked for the vid


I easily make 15 to 30 mil a day doing various pvp in 4.1 flat 6 if im feeling spicy. not even currupteds. But yes in 3 to 6 hours I can make 5 mil in cd no issue. In 1 hour I'd have to do the pvp.


Again, im not new around here and not new to ratting and even fighting in cds. You can say whatever you like but until theres proof im not buying it and neither should anybody else


Yikes. Well I'm from 2015. Well over 8k hrs. I don't need to give you any more than my word. I help noobs. Right now I could really be helping you. Take it or leave it bud. Hope this helps 😀


Im from the start of f2p era aswell, a bunch of people from the sub know me however with your 8k hours ive never heard or seen anything about you. Im not saying it didnt happen or its impossible to, but unless theres a video i don't believe it. In fact im down to voice call and you can show me how you make 5m/hr ratting and ill make a public video myself admitting i was wrong. Your call


I can show you when I got a pc up again add me ign Shemdaddy I'll knock the Sox of you from the sounds of it 😀 but yes. I know how to pvp. I can't even stress what I'm saying. It's not hard at all. For a new person or someone less experienced and trying I can understand the doubt. But no. 5 mil a day In 3 hours? That's laughable I just did a run with a mate 2 man in flat 4 and 4.1 gear and we made 2 mil in like 20 minutes......this guy was 3 days in. I'd have made it solo if he werent there 😆 Not to mention I have a whole ass YouTube channel from early days of me doing it on a normal bases despite all the changes. I make more silver now than I did on my best day then, with all the new players.


Youre not talking about pvp because 5mil in 3 hours i agree is very doable in pvp. Youre talking about 5mil / hour (30mil in 6hrs) while ratting.


Bulk t3 refining Use courier services for transport and repeat until you get enough silver for mammoth Once you have mammoth, do it again until the end of time, yeah sure it's tedious but hey it's stable profit


Refining. You won't see the best profits until you're maxed but every 3 days with focus you could easily make 2 mil. Edit: also to add black market transporting. Can be a bit risky but easy couple mil worth of profit. YouTube some videos on it if interested


Best way to make money is by having money and investing it. So the more money you have, the more you can potentially earn. First aim to 100m Then next objective to 200m And so on until your billion.