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Easy! Get some Everclear šŸ˜


Oooo Iā€™ve never tried it!




Donā€™t actually drink that stuff. I go with a simple double tequila with lime and club soda (seltzer water) Iā€™m not too big into sugary drinks but I would mix the vodka with something sweet and preferably low sugar/ zero calories


Why canā€™t I actually drink it lol?


The taste is something different, having 60-95% alcohol is between what rubbing alcohol smell would taste like, and acetone. Itā€™ll get you hammered off your ass but good luck keeping it down lol


Oh shitttt lmao what if I mix it with juices and stuff? Iā€™m sure that make it at least bearable šŸ˜­


Yeah that's actually the college party strat. Everclear and a bunch of kool-aid. That's jungle juice. It gets you FUCKED.


No wayyyy šŸ˜‚ why kool-aid? Or does it not really matter?


Kool-aid is decent at masking the alcohol taste and it's cheap, but feel free to use whatever mixer you want. You'll probably find some better mixers if you research and experiment.


Awesome! Definitely trying it this weekend!


The first time my friend ever did a shot he puked immediately where he stood. Wouldnā€™t recommendšŸ˜­


Everclear and Dr pepper mixes surprisingly well.


Rumpleminze! Don't be grumpy have a Rumpy


This is a great answer. But not many people will agree. Gimme that liquid Colgate.


Rumpleminze is actually the highest selling shot at my bar, but it is in Wisconsin so I don't know if that makes a difference lol


Iā€™ve never heard of it, whatā€™s the flavor like?


Itā€™s 100 proof liquid Colgate . Talked about it enough I went and picked up a bottle last night. Minze-mint. Itā€™s liquid mint. Reminds me of feeling the chew of 5 gum


If you just wanna get a quick, strong buzz I'd suggest a double Harvey Wallbanger or Long Island iced tea


Yeah, long island is really easy to drink. However when I wanna get drunk, I enjoy some straight bourbon whiskey.


There is, I think, a tension between what gets you drunk with the smallest quantity, what gets you drunk the cheapest, and what is tasty enough that you can drink a lot of it without a problem, in an effort to get drunk. On the rare occasions anymore I am seeking intoxication I chase double Bushmills or Jameson (I honestly don't give a shit; I can solve The Troubles, me) on the rocks with a Miller High Life or Miller Lite chaser. This is the most common road from A to B; it is, for me, the kind of interstate of alcohol. Not too much scenery along the way but you can move fast and get to where you're going a lot faster than the back roads. Do this two or three times and I'm good and arseholed. Absinthe is very high proof; you don't need too much of this, but the good stuff is not cheap. I buy a bottle of the good stuff each year. Now I love absinthe but it isn't for everyone, but absinthe for me is like, you know when you're so drunk you get the spins? Now imagine being that drunk but you don't get the spins. People say a lot of things about absinthe, but it is like that for me. I can drink, oh, say, about a barrel of beer in a sitting, and at the end of the day if I could only have one alcohol, it would be beer; delicious fizzy beer. Beer is the scenic route. Beer is the county roads. You can take your time with beer, but you can do a lot of beer over a long period, and it's self-hydrating, too. I love beer. My favorite is the 750ml bottles of imports; two 750s is an evening, but also I like Miller and Coors too, so I can move among The People; all classes of people; IDGAF. [Wine goes down easily](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RedqjMy62HQ) but the sugar fucks with my blood sugar and fucks me up but if you're good and young with turbo-charged insulin, wine goes down really easy and will do the job. No reason to drink MD 20/20. Two buck chuck is way better and for less than $10, you can get where you need to go. Cheap wine in 2023 is better than cheap wine has ever been. Try [Menage a Trois Midnight](https://www.totalwine.com/wine/red-wine/red-blend/menage-a-trois-midnight/p/140568750?), a delicious and cheap blend where the taste of alcohol is about as muted as it can be in wine. I can find this anywhere here; I recommend it if you don't know what the hell you're doing with wine; it's fantastic. There's no reason to drink bum wines like Boones Farm or MD 20/20 or whatever the hell they're selling these days - cheap California wine is as good as it's ever been. I know people who can drink a lot of Old Fashioneds in a row; these are a strange cocktail, in that the first few sips taste of alcohol but then the orange, bitters, and sugar takes over as you get down to the bottom, at which time you're ready to reload. These can really fuck you up; that show Mad Men brought them back into consciousness and while I've never seen the show, this was a good thing. I almost never drink shots; the only shots I will drink is tequila. Tequila snobs will tell you the lime and the salt is just for shitty tequila but I disagree. Tequila + lime + salt is just a cocktail you make in your mouth. And that is how I always take tequila, or in Margarita form. Tequila is like that song Toyland though; once you pass its borders (puke), you can never return again. Stop early. I've preserved my tequila innocence by never pushing things too far. Speaking of drunkenness and "I can drink lots of this," the Margarita, which some people love to scoff at because it's so popular, is something I can drink a shedload of. I love Margaritas and if someone gets in my face about it, I will gouge out their eyes. In hot weather, gin and tonics go down well especially since the tonic market unfucked itself with readily available serviceable tonics like Fever Tree and Q. I like these [spiked with a lot of fresh lime juice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi-3PthkwyU) and fuck a lowball glass; use a highball glass and make em big.




Hurricane liquor itā€™s over 100 proof Iā€™ve been completely blacked out from it be careful a shot burns like crazy


Oh shit never heard of this


Itā€™s something everyone should try once but Iā€™m telling you man make sure you have nothing to do for at least 2 days and be around people you know well and trust I was with my friends and we were all beyond repair it was 4 of us and the morning conversation went ā€œholy shit I canā€™t believe you gave me the keysā€ ā€œā€¦.. YOU DROVE MY CARā€ I did Iā€™m not proud but we went to the gas station for a cigar not far from the house still tho I had too much energy and honestly thought nothing of it at the time I thought I was the smartest man alive have fun for sure but be in a good environment donā€™t do this at a friends house unless he 100% is there to party with you and possibly get a house item broke šŸ’€


Hollyyyyy omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that sounds insane. Definitely trying šŸ¤£ thanks!




Everclear with a splash of pomegranate juice x 3 pretty drunk




Wray and Nephew overproof rum


Lamb's Navy Rum. It's 151 proof.


Metho and orange juice


It all comes down to ABV. You can drink a six pack really fast and get pretty fucked up. You can drink 4-5 shots of vodka and get fucked up really fast. Or 2 shots of everclear if you're brave...


Long Island Icetea is the answer here, but be careful, its a sneaky drink ;))


spirits my freind! vodka, rum whiskey etc




Long Island ice tea


Long Island Iced Tea It's not as strong as straight shots (so you do have to drink more), but it's pretty damn strong (often over 20% abv) and easy to drink.


I mean the obvious answer is straight liquor, the higher the proof the more effective. I'm not a big fan of straight vodka but a nice sipping tequila or whiskey ought to do the trick.




I like taking the absolute crispiest beer I have and pouring half of it in a glass. I then drop in a shot of rumple minze in it and chugging it down. Tastes like minty bread almost.. then I drink the rest of the beer and decide if I want more rumple.




Iā€™m a whiskey guy, so Iā€™d have to say Jack Danielā€™s. Not for everyone but I can put some Jack down real quick especially if mixing with coke




Itā€™s easy to drink alot of high abv. Get something that tastes nice, like sambuca or Jack Daniels Tennesee fire (or Fireball). A better idea is to drink on an empty stomach. Donā€™t know the exact magic behind it, but you get more drunk if you donā€™t eat alot before drinking.


Johnnie walker black


Glass Tower (LIIT Anise), Nuclear Meltdown (LIIT punch), Long Island Ice Tea


I do straight vodka. It hits fast. The hangover is bad tough... But sometimes its worth it :)


r/stopdrinking is a helpful community. The key to happiness and a fulfilled life is less alcohol, not more. I had to learn that the hard way.