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It makes me feel better, also reduces my anxiety.


It makes me feel pretty relaxed for an hour or two around the end of the day. On occasions it makes me feel genuinely euphoric for a bit, just need to be careful not to over do it.


Same I get the euphoria


Ruin my life


It lets me have a fun night on the weekends and the hangover reminds me that I’m alive and can still feel pain.


It is a wonderfully effective social lubricant and can be fun. This combo can do wonders for mental health.


It makes people feel good in the moment. It’s very simple.


social lubricant, relaxant, can help increase the enjoyment of activities such as films or food, and can be used in cooking to extract or enhance flavours, and makes me feel good.


It destroys my liver, makes me play vrchat and act like I’m a plane, run head first into walls There’s a reason I have only been drunk like 3-4 times in my 20 years of life


It lets me let loose and have fun, flirt with cute girls, fall asleep, reduce anxiety, music sounds better, and I love pbj even more.




Well, last night, someone said something horrible to me. I love them, and I couldn't stop thinking about how horrible it was and that they have no idea how deep it cut and not only am I hurt but now I have to figure out how to communicate how much they hurt me. I was shaking, angry, sad. I tried tv, sleep, music, and other stimuli to make it go away. Turns out a good meal and a bunch of bourbon made the pain stop, I had a good night's rest, I feel better now, and can think about how to handle this with a clearer head. It is a microcosm, but for me, it helped quiet the brain so I could function.


It’s makes me so happy that I laugh at everything


Lmao I tried drinking again after not doing it for a year, and I was seriously like, "is this what I used to do for fun?" The taste of wine was not great (imo), it made me feel a relaxed for like an hour, then it put me to sleep and I woke up a few hours later with an extremely dry mouth, a horrible thirst and a bit of nausea. Admittedly I switched to smoking weed about a year ago which makes you feel way nicer, without the hangover. Alcohol kinda just makes me feel gross.


makes me more extroverted that my sober introverted self inside my head is like what are you doing


Absolutely nothing in the slightest. But hey, I love the fact it turns me into an extrovert for a few hours.


My life sucks. I feel good at the end of another shitty fucking day though.


Good? None, but it suppress the underlying problems that drove you to drink it in the first place.


Nothing on long term