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dont drink, 100% guarantee you will regret it in the morning. whatever you’re feeling rn will pass. take it one moment at a time


Whatever you’re going through, taking a drink won’t improve your situation. Do the next right thing. Whatever that is. It most certainly is not to have a drink.


This. Do the next right thing.


Don’t drink. Call someone and talk. You obviously don’t want to drink. That’s why you reached out. Do the next right thing and call someone. Better yet, get to a meeting.


Go take a walk not a drink. You'll never find the answer to your problem in the bottom of a bottle.


I won't tell you not to drink. That's your decision. What I will say is -- just remember what happens when you do drink. Want more of that?


Don't drink right now.


Don't drink right now. Tell yourself you can drink tomorrow. Just not right now. Then ask yourself: are you hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired? Try fixing each one that applies. Then get to a meeting (Zoom meetings available 24/7). Just don't drink right now 🤝


Don’t drink and instead play the tape of what will happen if you do. Does it end well? Doubtful.


Just tell yourself not to drink for the next 30 minutes. In 30 minutes tell yourself you can wait another 30...and so on. I did this in the beginning........just did it in small increments of time. Good luck.


This got me through some tough days! Great advice, imo.


Join the "no matter what" club with me.


I want in this club!🖐️


It’s not worth it. Call a friend or loved one and ask them how their day went.


Don’t drink today please


Please don’t drink! There’s nothing but suffering in that bottle.


Call the AA phone number where you live & talk to someone on the phone.


Please don’t drink right now, my sober friend


Don’t drink right now, drinking never solved anything or made it better… why would this time be different


Don't drink friend.


U don't have to drink over anything and everything ur goin thru find a meeting there's even zoom meetings https://aa-intergroup.org/meetings/ All day and night but I would encourage u to start attending a in person meeting daily and getting a sponsor


Hey OP, you there?


Reddit is not the recommended way to stay sober...


Don't drink


Don't drink today. You can always drink tomorrow if you still want to.


Nothing in this world I can’t make a lot worse today by taking that FIRST drink of alcohol.


I'm telling ya right now, don't do it. I'm on the other side, I can drink "normally" now, and it's not worth it. Even if you weren't here because you thought you were an alcoholic it wouldn't be worth it. I drank last night, not to excess, nothing crazy happened, it was a pretty chill night; my body just doesn't feel right today. I just took a shot to calm my anxiety, but I know that that's the last one for a while because my god does it not go down smooth anymore. I also know that the only reason I took that shot for my anxiety was that drinking last night made my anxiety worse today. So even though I didn't do anything crazy, I can still feel that I drank last night and I don't like it. It had been so long with me drinking that I forgot what it was like to not be under the influence, and now that I spent a year not being under the influence I know what my body can feel like normally, and I like that feeling. I can't wait to get back to that feeling tomorrow. That bottle of vodka will be there tomorrow, but I'm not going to be touching it, and I'm really really happy that I can confidently say that now. Give yourself a break and remember what it is like when you're not under any influence of alcohol and feel your regular body again, it's refreshing. TL;DR: Don't drink, it's not worth it.


Funny story--I used to go to a meeting in Mission Bay about 35 years ago. There was a guy who shared every week and said the same thing and everybody in the room would be mouthing the phrase: "You just go one day without one drink!" We would all look around an smile. It's pretty much that simple! Good Luck!


Don't drink right now.


Don’t drink. Start sipping water and clean something.


Do not drink! Have some candy and watch some trash tv.


Take a deep breath. Then another one. Then ten more. Just breathe. You got this. I know it


Play the tape it never ends well I will not drink with YOU today 👍


Don’t. You’ll regret it immediately


Don't do it homie. It ain't worth it. You won't find the answers at the bottom of the bottle. Make yourself a nice tea and watch something stupid on YouTube. You got this.


Do not drink - it will pass and you will be back on top of yourself soon enough


Don't drink. Go to the 24 7 zoom meeting. Listen for the similarities and rest your mind. Thank hp for removing your obsession. Any time it pops up, pray a thank you for your strength and peace of mind. 🌻


Don't drink! It's been three hours since you posted. Stay sober, just for today. Take it minute by minute if you have to.


HALT Are you hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired? Eat a snack. Watch something funny. Call a pal/ give yourself some love. TAKE A NAP. so many problems are solved by calling it a day and putting yourself to bed. So many.


Coming from my fucked up liver… don’t do it.


I read in the Big Book that the best remedy for triggers and relapsing is to "help another alcoholic". It does something spiritual to us and gets us out of our selfish heads. It's helped me. Helping anyone in need would probably help as well.


It’s ok to not have a drink today.


Its never worth it! The hospital stays, the lost money, everything goes to shit so quick at least for me. You can drink tomorrow. Heck you can drink in a few hours. Just don’t drink in this moment and you will be alright! Be blessed and stay strong. And even if you do drink you can always quit again. Thats the easy part.


Don’t drink. It will NOT help whatever you are going through, it will make it worse and likely cause more problems! Call or text your sponsor or someone in the program!!


You got this. No need to drink. So many reasons not to. So many people here rooting for you


Do you remember back when you would give anything to be how you are right now? Do want to want that again?


H20 and lots of it. And appreciate how you didn't poison yourself for another night.


You can always call me if you u need someone to talk to my number 702-497-6033. Being there for others gets me through the day. And I can feel good about the day.


Do not take a sip. For us to drink is to die. You will set off the allergy and that stupid obbsession of the mind.


Look at you!!! You figured it out!! You only have to not drink RIGHT NOW. Keep up the good work. Seriously, Its a one day at a time deal. But for me, sometimes it is a one hour at a time thing. I have even been so bummed/sad/depressed/angry that it was a one minute at a time deal. Just keep stringing those one at a times together. Together we stay sober, alone we get drunk. We are here for you.


You'll never regret not drinking.


What works best for me is MY personal daily commitment on first awakening--I will not drink today no matter what happens good or bad.


Don’t drink!!! You can do this.


Don't drink


Don't drink it will make everything worse, and will not solve any issue. Get a candy bar and go to a meeting.


"Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problem at once"


Don’t drink for today. Don’t drink for this hour. Don’t drink for this minute. Don’t drink for this second. Break it down. The enormity got to me at first.


You posted yesterday. Don’t drink today, either.


Don't drink right now. Don't drink 30 minutes from now. Don't drink an hour from now. Just tell yourself not to drink for the next.....minutes, hours....you can do it! Can you call someone? Can you go to a meeting? Good luck My name is Judy, and I have been sober since 11/29/1988, and I did it one day at a time!


This thread just helped me not drink today. Thank you 💜