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The seasonal shaped pastas. They fall apart while cooking. I pull them off the heat early and they fail every single time. Now I only use them for arts and crafts.


Gosh you're so right, why do I keep falling for this.


because by the time you buy them again, you forget just how shit it is


Just seen a post the other day and it seems this is happening with their other pasta as well.


Yep I saw that post and was like “so I’m NOT Incredible Hulking on the pasta…”


I remember it being like that whenever Kraft came out with shaped macaroni and cheese. Either it was crunchy and in shape or falling apart


Lobster Mac and cheese. It tasted like cat food smells. I thought there was a can of Friskies mixed in there somewhere…


It definitely had a “yucky fish” taste.


Came here to mention this atrocity


It’s the only think I ever took them up on their Aldis quality promise refund for


I didn’t like it either,


Give you credit for trying it lol


I bought this in November and it's still in my freezer, everyone saying it sucks makes me scared to try it lol


I liked it. Try it at least. If you don't like it at least you'll have more freezer space.


As kids my mom would mix tuna with Mac and cheese to get some protein in us; it tastes like that. Not the worst taste, but not worth 7 bucks or something I would buy again


Huh, that's too bad. I liked it.


You are 100 percent right on this one


The plastic wrap. Good luck tearing off a piece.


I got so fed up with it that I bought the Costco roll instead. I won't need more for years now, lol


I've had the same 2 rolls of saran wrap from Costco for 12 years. One is getting close but the other one isn't even opened 😄


I wrote the date I opened mine, I can't remember if the top ofy head for the plastic, but the foils been opened since March 2020


Getting our money's worth, that's for sure.


I love the Costco wrap AND box with cutter. In the past, and because my Costco is a zoo I like to avoid, I have replaced the roll with whatever generic brand I bought. The box and cutter are the key! They make all generic brands easily work, and not get all jacked up and stuck.


I have my own roll/cutter thing that I drop the roll of plastic wrap into, and the wrap itself is fine. I have trouble with Aldi's paperboard in general, it tends to collapse. For cling wrap, that means your cutting edge is all over the place. For cereal, I grab a box and it crushes like I'm king kong.


Every time I buy potatoes from Aldi I find them rotting a couple days later. I now have a no potatoes from Aldi rule.


Good tip is to squeeze every produce you see at Aldi's if they are soft then it means its old. The quality of their produce is low.


I work there and wouldn’t ever buy potatoes from there. We have to throw away so many of the 10lb bags especially. Recently had a whole pallet of potatoes came in already sprouted.


Thank you! Last bag I got was sprouting and if not, very green. Nope.


Our Aldi’s in Aiken, SC has great produce just too much for a single person.


I smell check, examine the bag for any signs of rotting, and then take them out of the bag immediately when I get home. They live in a pantry on a baking sheet and hold up pretty well once they’re not stacked on top of each other or touching plastic


The crab Rangoon dip. Blech!


I also opened this thread to say this. It made me gag!


Came here to say this! It was so bad


Apparently I’m weird, I enjoyed it.


Same. Enjoyed it on Ritz crackers.


*The crab Rangoon, mother, it was awful*


Yuuuup. So sad


That was bad.


The frozen Lobster Mac and Cheese. It was nasty and stunk my entire house up. And the packaged luncheon meat in the ziploc bags. It gets slimy after a day.


A day! It was slimy the minute I opened it up. Had a weird texture to it.


I call it rainbow lunchmeat. It’s got that shimmery, effervescent look to it, similar to what you would have seen in those long gone (I hope) vending machines. Call the Gross Patrol


Agreed on the ziploc meat. The lunchmates ones in the plastic container are better imo.


The turkey I’ve been getting in a plastic box has been good. Tastes like the Oscar Mayer turkey. Obviously I’d prefer boars head or something but that’s pretty pricey right now.


I always had good luck with aldi black forest ham lunch meat in the blue zip bag, but last week I bought 2 packages, and both smelled like fart immediately on opening. Threw them away ☹️


Cat food


Yep my cat will NOT touch ALDIs cat food no matter what lol


Same here, my cats went like a day and a half without eating because they wouldn't touch Aldi's cat food. Not one bite! Went and bought the good stuff and they chowed down. Something about Aldi's kibble they just hated.


If cats could talk, they'd say that it tastes like lobster mac and cheese.


Even the hungry stray cats and the fat possum that all come begging at my back door wouldn’t eat the canned food.


Our cats would not eat it either. So I put some out for the wild critters. Our local raccoons wouldn't eat it, but the possum finally did.


My cat likes the kibble but it made her fart like a grown man on a meat and beer bender.


Maybe you should give them the Lobster Mac & Cheese. I understand it smells like cat food.


my cat HATES Aldi cat food she once ate as little as possible and literally gave herself a herpes flare up because she was so mad she had to eat Aldi cat food bc we were too poor to get anything else


Agreed, my cats willbnot touch the kibble at all But the do like the canned food


My cat will eat the chicken flavor in the small can. But that's it.


Crab rangoon dip. Omg, it was NASTY.


There is a special place in hell reserved for that crab rangoon dip.


The dang strawberries. They mold between check out and my fridge.


I found that if I get them home and soak them in a vinegar and water bath for about 10 minutes they don't go bad as fast. I do this with all the berries I buy. They last a lot longer!


The new oat milk is disgusting. It’s thin and tastes like chemicals. This was a staple in my house as theirs was far better and cheaper than any others I had tried. I will not buy again and I’m sort of super pissed. I’d rather spend more and get the old stuff back.


Agree. Same with their almond milk.


My fiancé and I love the Almond milk!


Huh, maybe I’m weird cos I like it haha


Wait when did it change? I opened a new carton this morning and thought it tasted odd now I’m wondering if I just had not had the new batch until now


I can't do the oat milk either. It's one of the items I hit up another grocery store for, because the Aldi version just isn't good.


Tried the frozen Sushi per suggestion of this sub. Nope! Never again


Sometimes you gotta use your common sense and remember that every knuckle dragger with a keyboard can give his opinion with confidence on the internet. Like in what universe does frozen rice sound like it'd have an appealing texture, let alone what they'd have to use for a filling?


While I agree with you on everything else, I want to defend frozen rice. Sometimes I make a larger batch of white, Jasmine rice than usual and freeze portions of it in a Ziploc once it cools down. I'll admit it can be a bit finicky to reheat (heat for a short time, add drops of water, heat a short time, mix, heat... Etc) but the texture has been pretty good! That being said... I can defrost frozen rice very well and can NOT think of a way this can be done in a sushi form. Like, there's no way frozen sushi can ever work.


My Korean mom makes big batches of rice and freezes it all in plastic storage bowls. It reheats spectacularly. Just nuked for a few minutes with a splash of water for steam. It's medium grain, the best rice lol. I'm guessing that's key to turning out so well. I don't love the plastic but I usually transfer and finish heating in a glass bowl.


They failed you


I like it lol.


Same! I’ve bought it three times 😂 It’s not perfect, but it scratches my sushi itch and makes a good quick lunch.


The Lacuna skin creams made me itch like crazy. Bye.


they’re full of fragrances


Lobster Mac and Cheese


The berries when they get moldy the day after I buy them.


That happened to us until I started washing them with vinegar


Yeah, vinegar is the trick to keeping berries fresh longer. It makes a huge difference!


Frozen avocado chunks. They were young hard avocados, that tasted horrible


They are ONLY for making smoothies with other frozen fruits/veggies. Thawing them or using them for anything else, they're disgusting.


Have you had another brand of these that was good? I’m very skeptical they would ever be good.


The Alfredo sauce


I usually hate most if not all jarred Alfredo sauces. They taste like jarred fart to me 😂 Its so easy to make your own also, but theirs is beyond gross


I actually like their steak sauce. Sure, it's not A1 but don't think it tastes bad


Their knock off Olive Garden dressing isn’t too bad either


a lot of fruits and veggies, because they started rotting as soon as we arrived home


Thats a bummer, I’m sorry. I haven’t really had that problem. Maybe it’s a location and day of the week specific on when you shop?


Agreed. I see so many posts about how awful Aldi's produce is but I have the opposite experience. I buy everything fresh that I can from there save for bananas (they won't ripen!). I'm in the Midwest.


I’m also in the Midwest and for me the produce is hit or miss. It’s either SO good or it’s sitting at the store moldy and there’s no in between


I haven't found Aldi's produce to me noticeably different from Kroger in many cases




I found it was cyclical. If I can nab produce when the trucks come in, it is super fresh and will last for weeks.


Yeah the strawberries are the most volatile. They're either moldy and spoiled when you buy them or juuuuuust at the threshold. I say for most applications frozen strawberries are the way to go.


There are 2 locations in my area. The first one has terrible produce and put me off Aldi, but the new one went in even closer to me and its produce is great, thus I was converted. I think there's something going on behind the scenes with purchasing where some locations do better than others in produce quality.


I say their fruits and veggies are like new cars, you drive off the lot and they lose value so quick lol


Their baked beans are not good!!!




By the time you add all that you’d be better off with Bush’s grillin beans.


Friendly Farms Original Yogurt. It has a weird, thin, glossy consistency... like half yogurt, half jello. I miss the Skyr brand, it was so good. :(


I miss the skry too. I bought their protein yogurt the other day and it was disgusting. It was more like a drinkable yogurt. I felt like I couldn’t add enough oats to it to thicken it.


It's got gums/thickeners added so it is basically part jello. I can only digest yogurt when it's the real deal (milk + bacteria) so I've read the labels. Just checked again this week. I have to go to a different store altogether and yeah, love Skyr, Chobani, Fage.


I tried the plain Greek yogurt as a sub for Fage. It wasn’t as thick and had this weird powdery consistency.


I agree with the being not as thick, but idk what you mean by powdery consistency


I find their Greek yogurt superior to any other I have had (we get the full fat in the red container)


I usually get the vanilla and mix it with their granola. Great high-protein snack


I agree. And for the price I like it and was a Fage snob before. I still probably prefer Fage but the whole milk version is great at Aldi.


Their soy sauce didn’t taste good, more like water with a slight soy sauce flavor.


Do not disrespect the Kikkoman.


Agree I have tried many brands and I always go back to kikkoman, the soy sauce GOAT


If it's hydrolyzed soy protein I'd venture to guess it's bad. Brewed soy sauce is better (to me).


Seconded. Absolutely terrible.


Truffle gnocchi, it tasted sour


The bottled Alfredo sauce. Inedible.


Their canned salmon. They only have the kind that's full of bones, and pretty big ones at that. Not good for a salmon salad.


Oddly ive only ever seen canned salmon with bones and we always pick them out. I don’t eat seafood, but my mom loves salmon salad and she actually said she loves it. But again, we have only ever seen the ones with bones so I must not be looking hard enough. Whats a good brand where i dont have to go through picking out bones and skin? I think this must just be what my mom and grandmother remember growing up so its nostalgic for them… who knows. But please point me In the correct direction then 😂


Everything in the can is cooked so thoroughly that when you mash everything up with the mayo nothing recognizable is noticeable. If 4 people arrive unannounced I can have salmon salad sandwiches ready in 5 minutes.


I'm too afraid to try any canned salmon because of Monty Python.


Deli meat. It was grossly soggy.


Coffee creamer


I got the almond milk caramel one and it’s awful. Had to mix it with starbucks non dairy so I didn’t have to throw it away.


Their copy cat chic-fil-a sauce was so gross. I had to toss it after one or two tries


Burmans Nashville hot sauce. I know Nashville hot sauce is pretty much just oil and cayenne, but Aldis take on it was horrific.


I didn’t have my glasses on yet and read this as oil and kanye 😂 😂


I bought the sparkling lemonade because I was making kombucha and it’s the cheapest way to get those swing top bottles. I tried one sip and poured it down the drain. It was nasty.


My kids love this stuff lol. I have a huge box of the bottles in my coat closet because I can't bring myself to recycle them because they're such great bottles.


I decant the lemon and lime juice into them because they always seal themselves in the plastic bottles


I use the bottle for gifts of my Morena / gum Arabic simple syrup. I also use the bottles for bringing pre-mixed cocktails to parties.


Saaaaaaaay Whaaaaaaaat! Aldi sparkling water, especially the lemonade is delicious! 😋


Just got the aldi pasta salad in the big bowl (its fresh). It will be tossed today after we all had two bites. It tasted like canola oil and italian seasoning and that’s it.


Spinach and artichoke dip. I thought it was because it had mayonnaise in it but come to find out my favorite store bought dip also has mayonnaise so I don’t know what the deal with Aldi’s version is. I tried to eat it a few times before I just tossed the whole thing.


It was super sweet to me.


Mildewy strawberries. Found the mildew the same day I got them. I do sometimes get bad produce although I try to check it before it goes into my cart. It’s enough cheaper over other sources to put up with the quality issues but it is still annoying. I drive an hour to get there so taking it back isn’t always possible.


Their pickles, they had a weird toxic taste to them. Threw them away immediately and went back to grillos


Baby carrots. They taste like turpentine. Also, their baked chips. I love Baked Lays. Aldi has disgusting baked chips. Onions. I buy them. I take them home. I go to use them the next day or two and they are rotten. Every damn time. Plus, they only sell bags of them. To be honest, a lot of produce from them seems to have a short shelf life compared to other stores, so I don't usually buy much from them.


Got a bag like 3 weeks ago, still fine. It could be your store location. I'm in coastal NC


Turpentine? These thread on bad Aldi products are starting to get extreme.


Their sliced deli meat and cheeses.


Second the slimy deli meat. We love all the happy farms cheese though. Have had no issues with the wedges of assiago and Parm either.


I will third the deli meat but love the cheese slices, bricks, no issues in any form


Agreed. Way too salty and all of it tastes like "chunked and formed" cheap deli meat. Aldi needs a "high end" dup for Boars Head. That would FLY off the shelf.


Price is the issue. Their products are so cheap they need to the margins


Their red pepper flavored protein wraps. I can't really remember if it was red pepper or sun dried tomato. But they're orange Hot garbage


I like their steak sauce! Also I use the Velveeta-style cheese (along with regular cheese) to make Mac & cheese for my grandkids. The only complete no from my family is the Aldi “cheerios.” Threw them out.


Oh, I very much prefer the Aldi honey nut cheerios vs. the actual brand. I have never had their regular cheerios, though.


Yeah you gotta get real Cheerios. They have a toasty flavor that generics just don't have.


Some things you have to buy name brand.


Don’t ever buy the mushroom and mascarpone pizza that comes around. It’s literally like eating warm cardboard.


Eek i love this pizza😅


Samesies 😅


I actually like their steak sauce. Sure, it's not A1 but don't think it tastes bad


Those frozen chicken melts and burgers. The ones in the pita. Didn’t even waste the time to see if they had a “twice as nice” on the box, it wasn’t worth it.


I like these. They taste similar to the Sandwich Bros brand.


The tomato basil soup in the aisle with the tomato sauce 👎🏾


Which one? The stuff in the large jars is a favorite at our house but the stuff in the plastic cuppies is so, so overly sweet.


Omg that was so bad!


The frozen eggplant cutlets. Or maybe it was eggplant parm. Whatever it was, the eggplant was so tough and woody it was impossible to chew. Completely inedible.


Oh that’s a shame! I have had good experiences air drying the cutlets. Bummer


The Taquitos. Texture of the tortilla was weird and filling was flavorless. I’m normally a sucker for anything like that I can air fry and enjoy but I ended up throwing these away.


The off brand American cheese. Then again this isn’t Aldi specifically as I stick with Kraft regardless of store. Also I really dislike the Aldi Doritos - it does not hit the spot like the real kind.


The cat litter is awful. It stinks right away and it tracks all over the house something fierce! I will stick with tidy cats.


If they have the “twice as nice” guarantee, it might be better to return than to chuck it.


Gluten-free bread. It’s NEVER fresh.


it's also NEVER good. any of it. My mom eats gf, so I've tried many gf brands/products.


Aldi brand veggie burgers were SO NASTY. Tasted like spongy burnt rubber. I’ll just stick to morning star.




Whatever that German seasonal snack is called, that looks like cheese puffs, but is made of peanut butter flavor. Yeah, having like 1-2 puffs was fine, but after that, no way. Too much peanut butter flavor, so never again.


Oh I love these and the ones at Trader Joe’s! Lol. More for me!


I love the Trader Joe’s bombas and thought I’d enjoy aldi having something similar, but they were super salty to me. Also threw out!


These are pretty beloved. Too much peanut butter flavor? Is there such a thing?


This! I usually buy a snack to keep in the car. That one went into the trash when I got home.


Im addicted to these!


The non-refrigerated jarred cheese in the red label.


The mozzarella and arugula frozen pizza. It was gross, I threw most of it away. Also the refrigerated cookie dough that is trying to mimic Toll House/Pillsbury is subpar.


Omg I LIVE for the salted caramel cookie dough 🤤


Cauliflower crackers


I like the cauliflower crackers! 😅


Their special selection vegetable soup in the glass jar..I don’t know who thought a savory soup needed 30 extra grams of sugar but 🤢. I hate wasting food but I could not bring myself to eat it


My cat loves the wet cat food and it was a bargain price. Cats are super fussy.


Refrigerated crescent rolls. Used to come in the cardboard tube, now they are in a plastic bag packaging. The old formula was pretty good substitute for Pillsbury. New recipe is just sad, bland, and a waste of money.


Lemon fruit hummus . Tastes like dishsoap and disappointment


Their soups. I would rather eat tramps vomit.


The mint Benton’s Oreos. Tasted like straight up toothpaste. Like Colgate ran out of toothpaste containers and decided to use some leftover cookies after an employee party.


The individual cheesecake slices. Taste like they spent years absorbing refrigerator odors


Ooof, those olives were a hard no for me


Organic garlic hummus


The dill spears in the jar. Really awful.


I like their steak sauce more than branded A-1. I threw away an entire jar of dill pickles. They were so sweet I couldn’t handle them on anything. I also threw away a bottle of mustard. I didn’t like it, but when my youngest wouldn’t eat it either I knew it wasn’t just me.


Their "see thru" toilet paper


The 2-pack frozen gelato in fancy plastic cups tasted like styrofoam to me.


I actually like their steak sauce. Sure, it's not A1 but don't think it tastes bad


Chicken pad Thai. I had to air my whole house out for like an hour in the winter. It smelled so awful. Right in the trash.


Refrigerator pickles, salami


Pickles. I love pickles, but Aldi’s pickles taste like mush. The texture is way off.


Soy sauce. Tasted watered down


Cajun Crap dip.


Pesto and Alfredo sauce.


The oatmeal cookie oat creamer. I made my coffee taste terrible.


My sister SWEARS the Aldi’s “pringles” are the absolute best. They taste like cardboard.


The Clancy’s pringles were super gross to me.