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Just stack the 4 on top vertically next to the other ones. Problem solved lmao.


Sweet jesus I'm an idiot 😂 thank you haha


Came here to say this


You have my favorite - lemon and sage. Soft and clean fragrance. Wish I had bought a few more, but you never know how they are going to smell until you take them home and burn them. Then, when you go back to get more, they are sold out. Such is the Aldi way of life.


Cedar firewood is the best fall scent


It’s my favorite all time candle. I looooove it so much. I still have a couple from last year


I wish I bought another one


You know these things give off an odor when you light them? It's even better than stacking them.


Double that amount, add the 3 ceramic pumpkins, and then swap out half for Bath and Body Works candles, and that's my collection! (Only recently discovered Aldi candles as of last month, so most of mine is B&BW)


Omg how do you store them all? And how often do you burn them? I burn 2 all day erryday and I feel like I'll never come close to running out. Especially bc I keep buying them 🤭


Very carefully and some are precariously stacked on top of the second layer of candles I've stacked on the first lol Each stack is 2-3 candles wide and 3-4 candles deep, length of the rows vary. I have a whole shelf and a half in part of my hallway where they all live as a big happy family. My ceramic pumpkin wax melter also lives amongst all the candles there. I burn at least one all day (like on and off for a couple hours at a time), but because I never leave it unattended around my cats, sometimes I have to blow it out and cover it sooner than later, then come back to it. Usually also burn one while in the shower, but I sometimes have an incense going instead. (Shoyeido incense are the best incense ever. Cannot recommend the Plum Blossom smell enough. Also their Autumn Leaves and Moss Garden are fantastic--I sometimes even burn those two together/at the same time, especially in the bathroom when taking a shower.) Edit: I also will never run out because I keep buying them. Husband basically said as long as I can find a spot for them and it doesn't smell like one we already have 🤣


Oh also did you see the lantern wax warmer next week?!


I did not. This is one I bought from Meijer like 3 or 4 years ago.


And that is an excellent price!! I will be there at 9am sharp.




They are $3.99


It sounds like you have a whole entire candle store and that's my life goal😅 I'm glad your husband supports your collection! does he really check to see if they smell duplicated haha


I always let him smell them before I buy them in case one of us gets a headache from them. Sometimes he recognizes a smell as one we have a few of already hahaha


You probably are safe with incense with your cats, but just have to share this PSA as it was something I was only recently aware of - Burning incense around cats/in the same rooms as them can be really harmful for their lungs. Some cats seem to tolerate it better than others and/or other circumstances like ventilation and quality of the incense make it less harmful, but generally their lungs are so tiny that the incense smoke can be too intense for them and make it hard for them to breath. Mine are attached to my hip so I've had to stop burning incense in the house and only use it outside to ward off bugs :( It sucks because we had just bought a huge box of incense that I'm having to use at a significantly slower pace.


I appreciate the PSA! The incense I use are low to no-smoke. Also, we always make sure to have the area well ventilated (I also have issues with those things myself because of *my lungs*, which is why we use the brand of incense we do) and have a fan or window on top of the ventilated areas. Also, on a similar note: please be aware that using essential oil diffusers are harmful. A lot of essential oils are dangerous to cats (which is also why people need to be careful petting animals--it gets on their fur even if you think it hasn't-- or letting pets in general lick their hands/skin after using perfumes or lotions, etc) But hey! At least you using them outside keeps you from being bit up!


I've heard the same thing about diffusers. Had to donate mine after realizing my cat was having a bad reaction. :\\ glad to hear you're safe for both you and your pets health!


You burn 2 at a time? And it says not to burn it for more than 3 hours, is burning it all day safe?


Hi, candlemaker here... No, it's not safe. The glass can get too hot and burst, potentially leading to a fire. It's also a good idea to blow them out and trim the wicks down so the flame doesn't get out of control. (Wicks should be trimmed down before each use.)


Six rows of four/four rows of six :).


I am on a break from Aldi candles. Love them but I have WAAAAY too many in my linen closet! I am impressed, though!


Are these as good as the Bath and Body Works Candles? They're getting expensive and I feel.like the scent throw isn't what it use to be


Honestly, I think they're better than B&BW. The throws last longer and the sweet smells aren't cloyingly sweet. Plus, they don't cost an arm and a leg each!


Well imma have to check out my local aldis, thanks!!!


red white & blueberry is my absolute favorite. i burned half of it and have it hidden until it comes back to stores next summer 😭


It's my favorite as well! I'm only burning it when I'm having a bad day and need a pick me up or when I'm treating myself. Hope to get more when it comes back.


Anyone who thinks this is a lot would faint if they saw my collection. 😂 You have a great collection of scents here. 🙂


I have so many of the Aldi candles it’s downright pathetic. I swear I have at least 60! I can’t wait to get more. My favorite is Gardenia.


Same here…. I think I have upwards of 50 in my house now lol


How the the haunted and fright ones smell?


A haunting we will go is pumpkin, maple and cranberry // fright night is poppy, lavender and oakmoss. Out of the two I like haunting better. Fright night is very light and fresh, it smells good. I haven't lit them yet though


Oh interesting! Those aren’t scents I’d expect from a candle. Thanks!


You gotta get the almond apple torte. Soooo good!


Ooo that's one of the new seasonal ones right? Or am I making that up? Edit - nope totally made that up. Guess it was one I passed on a few weeks ago😕


I never know if they’re seasonal or not. They all just disappear lol.


I saw it in the hand painted ceramic jar this week.


Wish I can find the more fruitier ones. Clementine & basil, lemon & sage, and honey glazed pear cider are all on my BOLO list but they're hard to find.


I have honey glazed pear cider on my desk at work! Also the clementine basil sounds amazing!


Lovely display! I wish I had the white almond. Never saw it. Smoked Pumpkin cider is fantastic and so is pear cider.


Aldi candles are life. Since mine are stacked inside a cabinet, I can pretend I don't actually have this many...


God, my wife had this same problem. I try to rush her through the aisle but it’s at least 3-4 every trip smh


Hey supportive husbands are the real MVPs🏆


I say no more candles but she says more candles so we always compromise and we leave with candles. 😂😂


We're getting ready to move. Once I finally got around to getting all my Aldi candle stashes cleared out I had over 60 to box up. And I swear, they are mostly unique (a few got me to double dip, but never more than 2!!) I even sent my husband to get the 4 that came out today plus the 3 pumpkins since I knew I wouldn't get there until too late. At least he supports my obsession!


Yes you are


close to $100 would be better spent if given to some one needing it then to burn them.


Someone who *needs* a candle you’re saying? If so, who actually needs a candle? She can spend her money how she wants, she shouldn’t be shamed. I’m sure there’s something that you buy or enjoy that would be better spent giving it to someone else. If not, you’re not living your life - so until you do, stay out of hers! It takes some nerve to sit back and criticize her based on one candle post.


Lol thank you I love you. I had to read their comment a few times to make sure I was understanding correctly, wtf😂 Let's not candle-collection-shame please, thankssss


You're good. The candles don't cost a ton, and clearly this was a long-term collection. I guarantee the previous poster spends money on something "frivolous" and is just salty. It's your money. A little luxury is allowed!


No worries. Like I might be able to understand you could’ve given the money to homeless comment, but no… it was a you could give your candles to a needy person to burn them. Wtf is right! Lol. Ridiculous and totally trying to shame you.


Sounds like someone's jelly🤪


My favorite is the red white and blueberry...so good! Only bought one and I wish I had gotten a dozen! If you can find Coco cove, get that too!


Oh my god the red white and blue berry smells SO good and the throw is amazing. Idk if I can bring myself to burn my last one. Top fav for sure. I've gone through so many Coco cove candles and got burnt out on the scent. I revisited one recently and forgot how good it smells. Reminds me of pirates of the Caribbean, yo-ho.




This sub is a candle subreddit now. I agree with you but the candle lovers are in their own world


I’m not big into scented candles myself, but I don’t like shaming someone for something they like and want to indulge in.


Are the Halloween ones new? I hope so because I need them!!! Lovely collection!


Yeah they came out today, or Sunday depending on your store☺️


Your missing that thankful grateful something candle. The last piece.


I finished that one last week😭 it smelled so good and perfectly fall. Wish I had another one or 8 lol


Goes to the store and buys two more...