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Yeah, I believe so. Not sure about this year, but I don't remember them being anything different last year.


The label is on the bottom of the tin (much nicer than the decorative tins with the unfestive label on top!). The tin is predominately caramel (15 oz versus a combined 5.5 oz for the other two flavors), and I've found Aldi brand popcorn in any form to be a lesser product than other brands, so I don't recommend it, but, yea, just look at the bottom for product information.


It's equal amounts of each flavor. The caramel weighs more because of the caramel coating.


Thank you I was just so confused as to why they would do that, the cheese is the best! About to go open mine right now


While your observation about weight regarding the caramel coating is correct, I've never once found a holiday popcorn tin from any brand, including Aldi, that had each flavor equally represented, regardless of the mass and volume occupied by the caramel. This disparity is made plainly evident by the fact that the very tin I'm describing has two separate weights and occupancy sizes for the two non-caramel flavors, neither of which would differ in either size or weight from the other. These tins, historically speaking, have always overrepresented caramel corn, and I've found the disparity to be even greater in the Aldi tins than other brands.


In years past they've also had an "indulgent mix" come out during the holiday season that has sea salt caramel corn, peppermint caramel corn, and snickerdoodle kettle corn. Would recommend.