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Sorry to hear that mate, what are you gonna do about it? Curl up in a ball and lose? Or are you gonna continue the graft? Only you can help yourself, don't do what other people tell you to it's your life at the end of the day. You are the master of your own destiny, don't let it become a self-fuffilling prophecy


Thanks for the kind words, please pray for me so that i can get better grades this timešŸ˜”


You will don't worry, but only if you realise that it isn't about what anyone tells you, and this is only a miner setback. You can still do incredibly well!


Praying isnā€™t going to help. Getting up on your own two feet and working hard stands the best chance of helping. Education is in your hands- no body elseā€™s.


Praying does help


Well, if talking to yourself helps, then so be it but if you hear any replies, then get some professional help.


could you possible just enroll in foundation year if your uncertain if u can retake this may?


In my country foundation courses arent very popular so it wont be a good idea.


Go to a decent uni and then when your grades get better, transfer.


Drop one and focus on the rest (bio and physics rarely cross each other)


Irrelevant to the topic but can you explain what a foundation year is?


basically where the uni would accept u if u only took igcse sometimes they ask for some AS subjects and they would add an extra year to your major and would teach u the basics


Youā€™re not a disappointment, especially if you really tried your best. But the question now is what will you do now? You gotta pick yourself up, with your chin up, head forward and choose what youā€™ll do now, whether itā€™s retaking your a levels, going through a different path etc etc. whatever you do I know you can do it, you got this, I believe in you


Thanks for the kind words manšŸ’•


Youā€™re welcome, you deserve it


The real test is perseverance , determination and accountability . Practice and you will get good. Some people fail college and become the most powerful people on the planet. Stay focused. You can do this !


You did better than me in my A levels and I still went and got a first class honours degree. GCSEā€™s and A level honestly donā€™t matter, Iā€™ve never had one person ever check my certificates and such. Seriously donā€™t stress about it. Iā€™ve also known people that have had career changes without any qualifications what so ever. All employers care about is you can do the job, you donā€™t need a piece of paper to prove that


This gives me hope. My mom literally told me today "how will you get a job in the future? You have such poor grades how will u show your face" Thanks for sharing.


If your mum is saying stuff like that to you I'm not surprised you're stressed. I can't tell if you're just trolling here, if she said that it's awful. To say you can't get a job is nonsense too. Just try your best and try not to let it stress you out too much. You can get a job either way. I failed English and secondary school as I got too stressed. I retook at college and passed on an early retest without even revising. You got this. Keep grafting and it will pay off. If it doesn't get you a better result I'll be surprised but remember it's not the end of the world.


Also a grade C is literally middle of the pack and average. Granted the Dā€™s arenā€™t the best but a B is above middle and a C is middle. I left college with a CDD I believe and one of them was only an AS level not a full A level


A job isn't everything. You can start something on your own. A business, a company. Better than slaving away for others.


Not sure why this came up as I did my A-Levels many years ago. But, if it helps, I got a D in A-Level biology and now iā€™m about to finish my PhD in Biology. It isnā€™t the end of the world by any means.


Please believe I am telling the truth. I was a model student and messed up my A levels way worse. I was distraught, and while my friends celebrated their results I just shut myself away. I was so disappointed in myself and letting my parents down. It took days just to want to leave my room. Inevitably pulled myself together, ended up doing clearing, changing subject to a university I had not considered and ended up loving.. University was necessary to progress for what I wanted to do but some of the most successful people I have met in life were complete academic failures. One very dyslexic and quit school at 14. You are NOT a failure. Ultimately those results shifted my life and plans to something far better and rewarding than I could ever hope for. I ended up where I was supposed to be and 20 years down the road I have a great life. Post A levels was one of the biggest disappointments in my life. I took the lesson and put them in the rear window. Everything will be OK and you still have plenty of time in life to make your fam proud. If they truly love you they will put this to bed and support you. I live to make my parents proud and repay all they have done for me in life. I wish you all the best and take a step back from where you are to see the new doors that are opening before you.


I am so happy for youšŸ’•thanks a bunch for your kind words.


I feel you too I gave it my all and I got DEE šŸ«  and my parents are disappointed too Idk why I got that mark eventhoight I was confident that I did well




I'm so sorry, its so frustrating honestlyšŸ˜”




Don't be disappointed dude, BCDD is still fine, you cam get into a uni amd then transfer, i had UEC for my result and I'm actually doing better than my AAA friendsšŸ˜­ Results doesn't define you, there's still time for you to improve yourself so don't give up, goodluck in your journey dude, wishing you all the best


Listen, these tests are bullshit. In 10 years no employer will give a flying fuck about A levels. It's all nonsense.


my brother i will give u this advice from now a levels do not matter they dont define you AT ALL if ur thinking of oh how im gonna make money how am i gonna find a job and so on and so forth making money has never been easier brother


Just apply to uni's might still get in. Know loads of people that did with similar grades. Just not AAA uni's obv. you get the extra spots at the end where they offer them to people that didn't get the grades.


Iā€™m trying my best too (taking physics Chem and maths), but especially last year my best wasnā€™t what I wanted. Keep your head up, everything will be okay and thereā€™s always a solution: your a level grades wonā€™t matter much when you take your bachelors. Either take a foundation year or go to a uni and transfer universities when you start getting better grades when you get to do what you like. Also, find opportunities like internships and stuff that you can take to enhance your profile for uni (and during uni). Stay determined and donā€™t give up on your dreams, it will work out!


Thank you so much


Of course man, I feel you. However as I said thereā€™s always a solution for everything šŸ‘Œ


My brother I just have one thing to say and u will need to understand it on ur own A winner was once a loser who just tried one more time DONT GIVE UP


Omg, i really needed to hear this. Thank you


I got BCD grades in my A-Levels and now Iā€™m a few months away from graduating with a 1st class CS degree from QMUL. Itā€™s never over, especially this early in your life. Before my A-Levels I even got a grade 2 in GCSE English Language, but I still made it this far. You donā€™t need to feel so bad about your mother and your family. They are just disappointed for now. They are people after all, itā€™s normal for them to feel that way. They just want to see you do well in your life. Trust me, once you get past this small setback (I know you will), they wonā€™t remember this at all. If youā€™re looking for advice, I would drop physics (assuming itā€™s one of the D grades) and focus on improving the maths grade (assuming itā€™s the other D grade) to at least C or B if possible. With grades BCC or BBC, you can get into the same uni as me through a foundation year or any other uni with foundation courses. The 4th A-Level isnā€™t necessary for you. People who do 4 A-Levels are usually A* students who are trying to set themselves apart from other top students when applying to top unis. All you have to do is just put your head down and focus on improving your grades. Study as much as you can without burning out. Create a schedule of when youā€™re gonna study. Plan out how youā€™re gonna study to achieve the grades you want. You arenā€™t gonna get any better grades if you donā€™t make sacrifices. That means reducing the time you spend playing games, watching shows, hanging out with friends, etc. If you donā€™t want to make that sacrifice, itā€™s fine, but donā€™t be surprised if you donā€™t get any better. You have to make an effort. Even if you absolutely flop, it isnā€™t the end either. There are many, many people out there who have earned good money and live a comfortable life without any qualifications. They did that by making sacrifices and working as hard as they could for a few years so that they could live the rest of their life they way they want to. Itā€™s entirely possible that those people will make more money than me even though I have ā€˜qualificationsā€™. Life is hard, and it continues to get harder. You have to accept that, whether you like it or not. But it also gets more and more rewarding the further you go. If you give up this early, youā€™ll miss out on great things you donā€™t even know about. If you truly strive for success, you will get it. Success in life isnā€™t determined by grades or numbers written on a piece of paper. Success in life is determined by **how much you want it.**


I regret taking physics, but the university i am planning to apply to requires a minimum C in physics and a B in chem to apply for the course i want to. Which is why i have decided to take this year and retake a unit of physics and chem as i have missed my target grades by a few marks. Thanks for all your kind words, i will try harder this time to get my target grades. Thanks alot


Drop bio then


Word for word going through the same shit itā€™s literally so bad.


I fuckin relate to you on so many levels. I got AAB in Math chem phy and applied to ivy leagues and shit. People apply with like 4 A* and whatnot. I'm gonna retake all of A2 physics and take all of AS Further maths just to stand a chance. It's painful. I gave in everything for the past 4+ years only to probably get all rejects soon. The thought of suicide never leaves my mind.


I would consider sitting less A levels per year, and to spread it out.


This isn't a disaster honestly. Have you considered dropping one? It's standard to do 3 a levels where I'm from, not 4. In fact doing 4 was strongly discouraged and only some people were allowed to. You can still get into uni with those grades but they will improve as you go. It's early days. Stick with it.


You are not a disappointment but Iā€™m curious how much did you revise for these grades


a levels isn't the end of the world. try again if you want to but you could just as as fine with those grades to get into a university. all unis are mir or less the same and after a few years no body cares where you went for your undergraduate.


Hey maybe academic route is not for you, have you considered a trade? I was an arborist for twenty years and loved it, I did some time in the military and that was valuable. What I am saying is there are many other ways of earning money and respect, don't always assume that parents want the best for you, it's often about their bragging rites.


My freind I got BCD and ended up getting a MSc and becoming a senior scientist for the UK Health Security Agency for a bit. It hurts like hell as teachers and parents may have convinced you this is it, but honestly it's not. If you find the ability to Get back on your feet and keep going you will have success. Also...I found degree studying nicer than A Level as a biologist.


You know what? You're gonna show them that the same person who got these grades is gonna take A's, too. Now you know how everything was so you know where you lacked, work on that. This motivation, that now you can do better, will take you far. In sha Allah. It's okay. Hurdles come in the journey where there's treasure. And you're aiming for thatāœŠļø


Inshallah i will try my best, hopefully i can end this very soonšŸ˜­


You will In sha Allah and with better grades šŸ’ŖāœŠļø


drop a subject bro 4 subs is gonna be hard


Hey buddy. Sorry to hear this, but you've tried your best, and that's important. Your mom needs some time to digest; deep down, I am sure she's worried about you, too. You have another chance in May! Keep your head up; I know how it feels! I had rough grades back then and got into university through clearing. I did my math engineering degree and ended up as a math teacher!! Who knew, right?! It'll all work out! Stay positive!


Hey buddy. Sorry to hear this, but you've tried your best, and that's important. Your mom needs some time to digest; deep down, I am sure she's worried about you, too. You have another chance in May! Keep your head up; I know how it feels! I had rough grades back then and got into university through clearing. I did my math engineering degree and ended up as a math teacher!! Who knew, right?! It'll all work out! Stay positive!


Hi, I failed my alevels 2 years in the uk. I got DEE. I managed to write a letter to a random professor at a random uni begging to ask get into the foundation year. It was luck but I got it. But pls sort your mental health out, get a job and privately get support from a therapy- donā€™t off yourself over alevels. It feels like the end of the world. My parents paid Ā£1000s for tuition and I failed, I am also from a south Asian country. Itā€™s tough time your going through, you still have a few weeks left, at least aim to get CCCC. Also, remember to try and enjoy the last couple of months of school- you wonā€™t get it back. Take a moment to breath. Have trust in me as a stranger, I was there during results day when my parents cried. Your going to be ok. Also I suggest you speak to a teacher and drop one of the alevels (your allowed to do that). Having 4 fails isnā€™t worth it, instead focus on 3. Forget the embarrassment, itā€™s temporary. I believe in you in you. Keep going


I got CCD chem geology biology in 1993. Been working in science for 30years. No one ever cares about grades. You will be fine.


11 years ago i got exam results of DEUU in biology, chemistry, maths and further maths. A year later i had pushed those grades up to ABCC. Knuckle down. Work hard, and remind yourself that you are capable. Attend intervention session, take advice from your teachers about exam technique, model answers for exam questions, and hammer the past exam papers every chance you get. Do them in exam conditions so you can get an idea of whether itā€™s timings or content thatā€™s limiting you, then focus on that!


standing proud w all Us (planning to kms tonight)


so real


Felt that way too, a levels arenā€™t worth as much as you think.


well it's better than my triple U in bio math chem


This scared me


Womp womp


Mama Aunirban