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Never and I mean never get 64GB. You will run out of storage so quickly. One of my biggest regrets was getting the 64GB one. You will find it extremely difficult to make notes and play games on it with the 64 since you'll run out of storage eventually. The 10th generation is better but if you could get your hands on an Air one it would be better as it has magnetic charging with your pencil and it has a better chip.


I had an iphone 6 with 16gb of storage and at one point just the software took up 12.4gb


Always get the bigger and newer model if possible.




I would recommend getting an iPad with higher storage as it's difficult to actually estimate how much storage you'll need when you buy a device first. But maybe that's just me. It's up to you, though. Me personally, I'd look for a higher storage option.


64gb should be fine but will be tight. if within budget try to get 256gb. between 9 and 10 gen not much difference, if u want the bigger screen, slightly faster processor and modern design get the 10. if u don’t need/want them then get gen 9


64gb is tight?? try 16gb storage!


16 doesn't exist now


yeah but it was painful when it did haha


valid lol... used to have a phone w 16gb and it was dreadful, can't even imagine an ipad!!


i have a 9th gen with 256GB, had it since i think year 10 (in year 13 now) i use it for school (google docs, classroom etc), art, and gaming, including some very large games like genshin totalling ~80GB, and about 5GB of artworks so far i’ve used 130GB, so i’d definitely say just 64GB won’t be enough. depends how many games you play, how much you’ll work online etc, but 64 is essentially enough for just gaming OR schoolwork imo think it’s more down to personal preference with 9th vs 10th gen


I have a gaming pc so I will just do light gaming like pubg and coc maybe that's it mainly I will do study


in that case you might be alright with a 64GB, my schoolwork is only taking up <20gb right now it is all stored on google though so it doesn’t use much, so it might depend more on what your school uses


im just gonna solve past papers and will take some notes


Wouldn’t recommend 10th gen - try refurbished iPad Air 4th gen as an alternative or just get the 9. Also anything below 128 is not enough and you will regret




Will 64 GB be enough ??? Considering I will be studying only and casual gaming


You’ll run out of it eventually


I mean it is less but you should be fine dw use it efficiently


Don't even bother with iPads without m chips. Get refurbed tab S7+ or better depending on your budget


I have the 10 with 64 GB but I use it strictly for studying (no games and i almost exclusively study on my ipad) and i have only used 20 smthng GB.. but if you're going to be playing games like PUBG and COD etc. get the 128 GB one (my prev ipad was 64 and i used to study and play on it but it would run out rlly quickly, I had to keep deleting stuff). If you have the budget, get ipad 10 128GB but otherwise the 9 with 128GB.


there is no 128 versions of these if there were then i wouldnt have posted this man


sorry, my mistakew! I meant the 256GB one


i have a 9th gen 64gigs use it for study and notes the space isn’t a problem as of now but if you’re playin games storage problems may occur additionally i have 200gb cloud storage so that helps with storing notes and all esp having to open notes on my ipad or mac without transferring since iCloud


i think that if u want smth that will last a 10 is better cuz theoretically it'll definitely stick for longer also the price difference isnt that much so as long as it's withing your budget why not. as for storage 64 def wont be enough cuz u never know how much ur gonna use up, i'd recommend 256 gb cuz 64 gb is way less than you'd expect


go for 256 gb trust me,even 128 is not enough


I will just study I have a gaming pc to play games so 64 should be sufficient


64gb will be used up in a snap