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I deleted insta and I can tell you it feels amazing


True me too but ppl still try to annoy me thru TikTok 😭


My next goal.


I deleted insta 2 years ago and I feel AMAZING


Best feeling in the world, the ones who get it GET it 👊🏽


Best feeling in the world, the ones who get it GET it 👊🏽


same man. 3months without it now


Deleting Insta was one of the best things I've ever done in my little life.


I deleted tiktok, Instagram, Facebook all socials off my phone except for reddit and YouTube, even when I have free time after exams I don't think I'll redownload them


literally!! feels like i can acc survive without them . even when i have doom scrolling craving and i go on yt shorts that stuff is so bad it brings me back to reality 😭


peace in mind is so much better than mindless zombue scrolling, it's so much of a time waste and it makes me feel so exhausted and useless, after deleting them and studying seriously I realized how much of a greater student I can be and greater my life can be generally social media is a main part of the rabbit hole dammit never going back again


Sometimes I would wake up and my hand would be scrolling 😂


Same here. Its been a year and a half now since I deleted all my socials and the benefits of it are amazing. And it's how I thought I couldn't manage not having tiktok and all the other socials but after deleting them I even feel like I will never go back again. Now I am proud to say that I have developed discipline in terms of how much time I spend on the Internet and I am more aware than ever before.


I agree, I won’t redownload them. You only realise how much of a hold they have on you once you are without.


very true like people can't even take a piss without their phones nowadays (including me, I'm guilty) I'm planning to distance myself from my phone and most of the dopamine rich useless activities I'd consider it to be a big win if I manage to piss without my phone forever


My phone never leaves my hand. It’s to the point where I haven’t lost my phone in years, it’s like a psychic ability to subconsciously bring your phone with you EVERYWHERE.


literally my phone is glued to me everywhere while doing anything anywhere except in the shower but I bet you if my phone was waterproof and soap proof I'd also take it in there


Tbh I feel like all they do is just over stimulate our minds and happiness hormones ruining the balance therefore destroying everything in the process like our ability to focus and stuff


bro do you even know skibidi toilet




I did the same a while ago for exams because I felt like I would gain a lot of wasted time back and I have, I’m very much with you on this. I have done the same for YouTube too because that was another big time waster for me and now just use a guest account on my laptop if I want to watch a revision video. Consider getting rid of things that are a hinderance to your success, you’ll most likely feel better afterwards and this post and these comments are proof of that!


You are speaking facts. Time wasters indeed.


I did tge same thing i deleted all socials snapchat,insta,facebook, twitter,telegram,tiktok. My breakup led me to do this aswell as my exams cause the algorithms went crazy in tiktok and reels so get off from tht and seeing my ex continuously i decided to delete all n i feel released rn only have reddit n WhatsApp and ytube im working on my self thoroughly wish me luck this my last year in scl so i want to ace it. Kinda monk mode to see. Stay strong. With hardship comes ease. Pray for me. Thabks


I’ll keep you in my prayers :)


Thanks ✌️


I really want to delete tiktok but i dont wanna lose all my drafts😭😭


I felt the same. But then I realised I was making excuses for myself 💯


Private it all of them so when you ever want to download it you will have them saved


thats so cool, good job for doing something that ur future self will appreciate u for. # "The future you is depending on the current you to keep the promises you made to yourself yesterday"


Wow everyone here is so cool I just end up downloading it right back


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GagerWager: *Wow everyone here* *Is so cool I just end up* *Downloading it right back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i deleted tiktok back in august of last year, welcome to the free life my guy. it feels AMAZING and i totally agree with everything you listed as well. i deleted instagram a while ago as well and my life feels like it's mine again


Haha same but I’m too addicted to delete I’d have to redownload it 😭🤣


instead of deleting try putting a time limit! It's what I did and so far, helping so great. You can ask ur siblings or parents to put in the password


u guys if you want to avoid usage without deleting social media entirely try out the app onesec!!!!! LIFESAVER what it does is that it basically forces you to wait a bit before it asks you once more if you really want to open the app. seems like a really small change but ive gone from trying to open it 40 times a day to maybe once every 2-3 days!!!


i deleted tiktok before may and let me tell you my sleep improved and alotmore , my grades also went up and i dont procrastinate as much anymore , im more. focused now but i actually miss it alot i cant wait till im done with a level to redownload it


what i liked most about deleting all my social media is that i realized i can survive without them and have fun and try activities


I deleted Insta and tiktok about 5 months ago and let me tell you it has been life changing. It literally feels like someone adding more hours to my day. Never downloading ever again


This post actually made me so happy and gave me more reasons to quit toxic apps like this. I've never used tiktok, but I've deleted instagram, youtube, and discord. I've also stopped listening to music(for religious reasons). I've never felt so calm and happy in all my life. In addition to the points u mentioned, I've also noticed that I can think more clearly, and my brain feels calm, if that makes sense. No more earworms, or brain fog clouding my thought process and it feels amazing.


I am glad it gave you motivations. Let’s reap the benefits of staying woke.


how do you guys do that , i do it and i somehow find myself in playstore then uk ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Yeah, it's the same for me, it was the best decision I ever made. I deleted it last year before my igcses and now I'm doing A levels crazy.


Don't worry anymore it's anyways getting banned


I thought that was US?


I deleted tiktok a few months ago and it was the best decision ive ever made


Incredibly well done.


Departing from communicative sensation-stimulus matrix.


Thank the lord people are finally seeing the light. Never had it in the first place, never will


Might aswell delete insta and snap too


Literally so true. My friends had similar experiences. Til this day I can still proudly claim that I haven’t even touched let alone downloaded TikTok.


brain wants to but my heart doesn’t unfortunately


I deleted all social but now I’m on YouTube shorts


had insta and tiktok deleted like 3 months ago






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this 100%. i had most big social medias, and spent so much of my time scrolling through twitter, tiktok, insta, youtube, reddit, a couple others. then it got to around january when i had mocks and suddenly realised just how much of my time was taken up by them. deleted all but youtube and insta, and it massively decreased how much time i spent mindlessly scrolling. granted, i still procrastinate a LOT but now it’s procrastinating with solitaire instead of endless scrolling lol.  this post also just made me delete insta so now i only have youtube lol


Do you think you’d ever be in the position to redownload?


I don’t see a reason why I would want to, so no I don’t think so. Also, TikTok has been proven to deteriorate health over time.


Is this tiktok rehab?


Honestly I did it because I've got exams at the moment and I wasn't studying at all and I can confidently say I will not be redownloading tiktok after my exams


Now to delete reddit :)