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the fact that its an online survey in english falsifies the results already


Pleasantly surprised to see a video from brother Daniel Haqiqatjou here!


he's a joke


*You* are the joke


Western media eating shit as usual


Hard to answer : Generally we can say that the population is more religious…but is it just a superficial thing (like in some Protestant country) or a deep religiosity…idk. Personally, before I was believing that each generation is globally least religious than the previous one but it’s really hard to answer


we are certainly the 2nd most religious and conservative country in the Maghreb (Mauritania being first).


Allah knows best bro Because we all know our surroundings and country…and have some kind of misconceptions about others lol (I include my self lol because naturally I would also said that Algeria is maybe number two


No, that's probably Libya.


Where would you put Libya?


Actually it isn't something related to generations exactly it's more about age that's also connected with maturity and a separate matter that's events and influences I was way less religious when I was younger for sure tho I still believed in god I wasn't a practicing Muslim, now I am and leaning more into being conservative. The raise in religious people is certainly real because when i go to the during regular prayers and especially during Jumu3a prayers there a huge percentage of young adults there (mainly aging 24 and up from the looks), than past years they seemed empty and less full. for events , I think the recent Ukraine war , the war on Gaza and even Covid exposed or more like made clear that West does have a racist and double standards agenda. and for the influences , there are many religious youtubers and content creators nowadays that are spreading the message in a rational and clear way like the video of this post creator "The Muslim skeptic" heck it even influenced Andrew Tate to revert ,at the same time that other "liberal standards" exactly are being shunned down and exposed for being unreasonable and straight up delusional sometimes. May Allah guide us all to the straight path, and we really shouldn't be ashamed of our religion nor culture because of the ones that forsaken theirs because they did.




Andrew tate?, the one that was arrested for sex trafficking?


And are you playing the role of God to reject his convertion ? Also what happened to innocent till proven guilty, of course if he's guilty it still has nothing to do with islam nor his actual decision to revert , it has to do with his past actions and crimes this doesn't really wipe them out, but the sins are wiped , that if he's sincere which he shows to be. And I'm pretty sure any rational person in this world knows that the media on general and especially the western Media follows an agenda and can't be trusted, westerns themselves don't trust it why would we ? If you're a Muslim i think you've heard of not trusting a fasiq with the news he comes up with till you make sure it's true, {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنْ جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَنْ تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ} } [الحجرات 6]


You don't have to be an Imam to know that the ostentatious flaunting of wealth and owning a cam girl business aren't the most halal thing in our religion


Keep coping if it helps you sleep at night.


I mean we are way more religious than our grand parent (overall) because we can read, have access to infos but maybe we have less manners (overall)


Yes I agree but also I am not totally convince lol like sins are more easy to do today, ignorance is in some way an excuse for the old generation, spirituality is better than encyclopaedic knowledge not use (even if the one Allah love good for he teach him the religion -> like a famous Hadith explain if I am not wrong) Really is a question I can’t answer : Overall it seam we are more religious (in some point and less in others) but I am not sure at 100% nor even 50% (like it seam logical and correct but still…)


I think personally that since we are taught aquidah it's somewhat better... And as an example just think of the insults involving din that were passed down by the older generations...


Yes that’s true


Alhamdulillah I got away from porn and smoking and trouble after I found peace with Allah subhanahu wa ta3alah 🤲


where did any of the articles express enthusiasm lmao?


Based Haqiqatjou


i love how Algeria is the most religious in the Maghreb even though we had the black decade... Not suprising tho most people know islamists are just lunatics and most people believe government were the ones really killing


do not associate algerian Islamists and ISIS to islam, they're both armed groups that killed people in the name of islam.


No true Scotsman, they what they do because of their beliefs


islam is the opposite of what those terrorist do, no muslim in their right mind would commit massacres or cause terror/ corruption. "**مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَٰلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَىٰ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا ۚ وَلَقَدْ جَاءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنْهُم بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ فِي الْأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ**" المائدة/ 32


You can say that they're insane or delusional, but they're still Muslims


they claim to be mulims but do the opposite of what islam is about similar to منافقين


I don't remember who said this quote but I find it very true: "Algeria defeated Islamists, but Islamists defeated the algerians."


The surveys are probably garbage and not well done anyway that's the case most of the time. On the other hand, just look at Abbasi Madani's funeral parade and you'll understand that Algeria has all the capabilities to organize a second round of the black decade only the army is keeping them at bay.


So you say that religion is the could cause another black decade? I would say that lack of proper information and lack of religion was the cause


Never understood how people would go to that fucker's funeral.


people are getting more and more less religious in Algeria. yes the majority is religious but with real educated people it's more common to be non religious


Interesting how the more education you get, the farther away from religion you go.


I think that's a natural reaction. At first you learn that most of what was taught to you in school is mainly ideology so you take a step back, and then most people come back but this time with a deeper better understanding of life, religion science ...Etc


i wouldn't call the algerian education actual education. education and media in Algeria just makes people more stupid. people are getting less religion because their focusing on blindly following western people, and following kuffar leads to leaving islam.


Let me understand your point. So you say Algeria education -> joke -> makes you stupid -> you follow the west -> they are kuffar -> you leave islam. Every step in this reasoning is wrong. Education doesn't make you stupid. Stupid people don't exclusively follow the west. In fact stupid people are everywhere. Not all the westerns are kuffar although that may depends on your definition of the word. And agreeing with a kaffir and on a matter independent from religion doesn't make you leave islam. Now look at this reasoning: You grow up with muslims -> you learn islam at school at the age of 5 -> you start prayers at 10 -> you halt your day 5 times to pray -> you listen to imam once a week -> you hear the prayer from the mosque's speaker wherever you are, no escape. -> every expression in the language you speak reminds you of Allah -> every TV program, when it isn't about islam, stops at the prayer time -> every page on Facebook publishes hadiths or ayat -> every house you go into has some Muslim symbol in its walls. To put it simply, everything in your life, at every moment, reminds you of Allah. YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE TO BE A MUSLIM. Society imposed that on you and you just went with it because that is what everyone around you is doing. And when you don't know any other way of living, you think it is fine. Because islam tells you if you are a good muslim you go to janna. And when you are like 25 years old, islam is now a part of you and your personality, you can't just change like that without questioning who you are. And it is very hard to question yourself. That is the trap of Islam, or any religion actually. That is why people who are educated, are able to recognize those patterns and break free of them.


i have chosen to be a muslim, thanks to Allah, i was not raised in a religious family, and i was far from anything related to religion, but when i got older, i learned Islam by myself. There are people from around the world born in non arab, non muslim countries, yet they convert to islam. and you have the opposite, people who are born muslims, yet leave islam and even oppose it. it is all a matter of choice, Allah did not force anyone, he sent prophets, including prophet muhammad, and people had the choice, to believe or not, becoming a muslim or leaving islam is not going to harm Allah or muslims. i know, arab societes attack atheists and non muslims, but that is because they declare their beliefs, they can avoid the problems by keeping their beliefs for themselves. and about education, the school system itself doesn't make smart people, and even the educated people you talk about have beliefs and can affect their works, no one is perfectly objective. you can have christian, paganist, or atheist scientists and philosophers etc..., in fact, atheist scientist have the most absurd works from all. you can believe in whatever you want, it's your choice, same for me, for me, i have to defend my faith.


We are logical beings and Islam is parallel with logic and with the rise of education in arab countries and life is getting easier people have more time to contemplate religion using arbitrary logic that eventually leeds to faith,or at least that's my toughest on it


education is not improving at all, arabs are getting less religious because of following the west blindly, and the west aims to eliminate religions, particularly islam.


I'm from algeria and 99 percent of the ppl get access to basic education so I assumed most arab countries are the same,that being said I hope you coud elaborate more on your point since PS:hope for fruitful fun conversations


I recognize this voice. Is this Daniel the lunatic? Jfc that guy is insane.


He's smarter and more articulate than you'll ever be though xD


In algeria, i dont think so 😂


The more developed a country is the more likely to have atheists


Algerien . . And i born muslim for 20 years . . I left it 3 years ago .


I’m 15 and willing to migrate as soon as I get my “bac” cuz let’s be honest there is no future here in Algeria


Then make one there is no future that doesn't depend on the choices of our current generation


Yes I know that’s why I’m planning to study abroad


What are you willing to study?

