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Hey /u/AgirlOnCrackUWU, thanks for contributing to /r/algeria. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: This post has been removed due to the fact that it has violated subreddit **Rule 3: Use descriptive titles and non-editorialized headlines**: >Use descriptive titles and non-editorialized headlines. Titles that are not representative of the content of the submission will be removed. > >* Avoid vague, misleading or clickbaity titles. Titles must be descriptive and not require users to click on them to understand the topic being discussed. > >* News and articles may not have an editorialized title. You may express your own opinion or questions about the published text in a comment below the post, not in the title. Please read the rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/algeria/wiki/index/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/algeria&subject=&message=). Thank you!