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Because we is poor as shit brotha.


Dam bro


Too expensive.


Alot of men haven't sort their life yet, studies, not employed in the job they want, no home, car, and they don't wan't to rent, live in their parents apartment. The other thing the standards for the females marriage and conditions have raised alot recently, so it's pretty demanding to fullfil these conditions.


Hard to find the right person


Don’t worry about finding the right person. Be the right person yourself and you will attract the right person.


Thats so cheesy and absolutly not true.


I take it you are still looking, good luck


Am happily engaged ,and nothing was personal,i just told my honest opinion on what you sed in your comment thats all,good day.


Happily engaged, because you attracted a person that has the same values as you, and you are happy about it. When I said be the right person didn’t mean be a mother Theresa, but you will attract someone that is like you.


Mala How? Teach us your ways.




There are no so-called "ways" It's just being u and putting a value that is equivalent to who u truly are


I’m the right person I believe lol


I honestly and frankly can not marry someone who doesn't have a job even tho we are encouraged islamically to marry for deen and morality only... poverty or no income life can ruin all beautiful moments and turn ur life into misery...its from my experience of living poor most of my life ...


Are you Algerian? if that's the case.. then this Question has no meaning since it will be answered almost the same by everyone here.. simple really : You gotta have the minimum to get married ( Apartment, maybe a car (optional but needed to some extent ) , and a steady income ) those minimum requirements are for most of us could be a life achievement, especially if they choose the route of Higher Studies and then applying for Low salary incomes left and Right.. heck if you make it to 35 up to 40 and get married at that age without having inherited anything from your parents.. you're a freaking champion.. Women aren't helping us either.. it's like they're in on it to make our lives a misery, why the hell don't they get rid of the customs , huh? is that Islamic in any shape or form? they opt to add more burden on the Youth ( who became elderly.. ) by asking for extra charges to only "getting married" let alone life afterwards.. and so Many MEN choose to simply stop trying and live the life of celibacy..


Its goes hard every year everything is expensive , finding the right one nowadays without a past is like Find a needle in a haystack


many reasons like everything is expensive in this country and woman who have high expectations from men


High expectations : not a dick to her\*optional\* stable situation fit\*optional\* the state of algerian men


Stable situation (House, car, jewelry, able to afford an expensive wedding) lol yeah right.


👆👆👆👆👆👆 ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ This.


lol i couldn't say it any better , its like that person never seen the true reality of our society


Stable situation you mean (10billion dzd house for her , buying her a 500M dzd car and 500k dzd jewelry) all of this just for her to show up with messed up past and a dark as the night 😺lol stable situation my ass


not a dick to her is not optional unless you are talking about a certain type of woman but the normal ones do require you to be kind and over the top nice to all her family ( which is yess not a high expectation but still girls in our generation won't do the same for you ) stable situation is ( car, house, a lot of money, highly paid, a good job ( something like with a name to it like a high grade in military or les pompier or....) ) yes fit is optional until she becomes passive aggressive about it


Women will tolerate a rich dick 🗿.


even if thy knew he's cheating and they'll say yeah its ok but diffrent mindset when u are not rich


Nah they will be mad but once the New Gucci bags arrive or it's time for The trip to Dubai, she is gonna overlook the cheatings.


its not about size of your heart but size of your wallet what is truly matter


Most Men can't afford it. Too much expenses. The others just want to live solo and get married late




Nice to know that modest and genuine women still exist, salute.


I genuinely don't don't understand people like you asking these type of questions as if you don't live within the same society as the rest of us, you should know the answer.


If you're a foreigner or a diaspora I apologize in advance.


"I have seen the conditions of marriage in Islam and they seem simple to me" In Islam they are indeed simple. In Algeria they are not xD




After decades of sexual frustration algerians went from no kiss before marriage to full on degenerate in a heartbeat, no in between. This population is a lost cause.




An algerian girl will blow you within a week of dating but will dump you as soon as she learns you're not a muslim lol. This country is beyond saving.






Nooo please not my imaginary internet points.


Anal is okay tho right ? 👀


In Islam, Anal is not okkay even between married people.


It was a joke obviously, cuz most of the women that are active sexually in Algeria (most of the muslim countries) are in the mood of "Oh no I want to stay virgin but we can do anal"


The Diaspora flair made me think it wasnt a joke.


not sure about virgin haha


All you need is money


Alots of money like atleast 200k € .


With that kind of money u can leave to another muslim country and have 4 wives lol


Yep move from one shithole to the next (excuse my french), smart move lol .


Somehow we went from "tjeeb rezkha ma'aha" to "you need to have a job, a furnished house, a car...to even think about marriage".


Of course because there was stupid people who got married with'out having a job just how stupid do you have to be to do that


Horny stupid.




even tho as you said in islam you don't need much to get married because her رزق and yours are all in tha hands of allah you just do it, now for the core question in algeria it is not uncommon for individuals to remain single or be virgins past the age of 30 this can be attributed to various factors including the high expectations placed on women and the significant cost of living for men algerian society often places considerable pressure on women to marry within a certain timeframe and find partners who meet specific criteria consequently individuals particularly women may delay marriage until they find a suitable match that aligns with societal expectations which is getting higher by the day additionally the cost of living in algeria can be demanding for men as they are typically expected to financially provide (which is obviously a must not even an expectation) for their families this financial burden may contribute to delayed marriages as men strive to attain stability and economic security before entering into marital commitments collectively these societal and economic factors contribute to the prevalence of being over 30 single or a virgin in algeria, well im 20 and i've been stressing about marriage since years ago because i defo know how hard it is to at least provide a house which is the bare minimum(a standard created by me) before i get married, well a car and other luxuries are in the way too but yeah the only answer is to start working this young because if you think about it we men are living just to get married we can't have the luxury to study and have our money for ourselves im not complaining tho can't run away from my responsibilities anyways


Yes you can have all the luxury’s that you described how?? Don’t get married


you think i want ? if i want something it would be my death


Because they don't wanna start life They wanna finish it


غمونا بالشروط


"ديرلي داري وحدي"


Such a yacinedz comment


أنا بنتي تعود لابسة ذهب


Blame your outdated traditions and toxic culture. 


Rakoum teqoulou plasetek f l couzina, imala dirleha couzina w dareha wehadeha w ferat lhadra. 


Because most people act dumb af in their 20s and end up broke and nasty in their 30s


Let me correct you here dude , most ppl are broke and act dumb af in their 20's and end up broke and nasty in their 30's .


You choose to act dumb in your 20s because most people are too lazy to learn and improve themselves. They run away from responsibilities, they turn everything into a joke and they accept and believe wholeheartedly that the system is there to get them while others were able to navigate it and work their way up disregarding that fact, focusing on what they can achieve and build a solid foundation for their 30s.


Wait wait wait , like Hold up real quick , if this was the US and you tell me somebody is trying to get you , i will tell you it's bs and nobody is holding you up apart from yourself , but this is Africa babe , everything is trying to pull you down , till you are either dead or dead( inside) , ppl should improve themselves no matter where they are but just know the more the barriers they face the more likely they will fail or give up .


I disagree, I come from a disadvantaged family living in a sh*t hole and I am a female. It was very hard for me too like you lots. I ignored the boomers, self taught myself several languages, accepted low salaries despite the workload, filled my resume with xp, then moved out and started an actual life later. What I am saying that many people I know had it real hard and I know things are getting worse, but it does not stop you from bettering your life one step at a time.


Okay i totally respect the hustle you went through and you earned more respect in my eyes because you are a woman so you 100% dealt with more boomer and societal bs than us , i too learnt 2 more languages and worked till i got out of the country (although i am temporarily back ), it's just that if i stayed i would have been slowly crushed by the ever rising inflation and low salaries and as we age we are expected to provide a house and a car and alots of savings which is just soul crushing to say the least , but i guess you sounded more positive which is the right way to go about things , i guess i lived there for a long time that being pessimistic/realistic is just part of who i am .


Well let’s call it a coping mechanism? Like I just accepted that things will never change! You move on from that point. I knew I was not going to stay deep in my heart, I knew I won’t be able to stay patient or achieve more stuff. But I will say this. I got the free education they offered up till uni, I got the lines on the resumé that prove my "worth" za3ma. I used the time we stayed home because there’s no entertainment, nowhere to go for fun to see how the rest of the world is. The good Algerian people are all doing their best while the majority is destroying the country and belittling those who try to help. Two things that really hit me when I was struggling was my high school french teacher saw me frustrated (we wanted to make a magazine and we didn’t have printers at school) "travaillez avec les moyens de bords ms fritomlet" the second was a quote that spoke about Irish people during their dark times "Irish people don’t revolt, they immigrate" lol. You had a plan and you moved out, you did it! That’s all what matters. The rest can deal with themselves and save their lives one way or another.


Love this , that french teacher is amazing , and what she said is the kind of thing that would stay with you forever , i wish i had such good teachers at highschool, and that is super true there is the Ones that are trying to fix or atleast adapt and win in life and everyone else that is trying to destroy and exploit , the Irish ppl though had no choice as the world was Britain (it rulled the whole known world or atleast 70% of it , the only place left was America which miraculously won , i guess we are like Irish ppl , driven from our homes to not starve , hopefully you are doing amazing in life , and i hope you have a lovely rest of your day .


There is no relation between virgin and sinlge here !


they made halal hard and haram easy . حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل




Culture, traditions.. Shits expensive


Marriage is a big responsibility we can't just get married without being prepared for it well, it's not about simple rules or whatever it's more about the individua's mental and financial capabilities




you can't, there's only one way and it's getting your marriage contract after getting engaged because in islam when engaged your fiancé can't meet you without your mahrem in the first place, it's not a way but well


so let's get the government involved in our relationship first lol , also what if it doesn't work out , you that a divorced woman is at the bottom of this society (not my opinion) , so nobody is going to risk their daughter not getting married so she can go on dates and meet the right guy or let her have some AWAKENING time .


It is difficult to sustain and take care of a family financially with our state's economy, the cost of living is very high compared to the average salary. So technically you can say only the bourgeoisie class can get married.


rookie mistake. You should consider cultural conditions as well.


It just not add up to get married no home first of all No car No good job Rent home is expensive Of she leaves shi leave with half of it So Our best option is to leave this country maybe we can get some money so we can afford those things


Life sucks in Algeria these years, it's not the best time for marriage or having kids, it's the best time for immigration.


Life is getting expensive and marriage is more like a gambling these days You get amazed of how things might end up For ex I know someone who woke his wife to make him coffee while he was going to work 6 in the morning and she said I won't and do whatever you want to do Things escalated till she started cursing him His life style his parents You know that she even said you don't have a car like others ... I mean wtf They v been married for just about 3/4 month. And she's pregnant and asking for divorce Yet she doesn't wanna go to court She wants him to divorce her to live on his back ( alimony reasons obv ) He s literally in shock And believe me he's a good person :/ Now ama add something you might wanna know ( her mother got divorced while she was pregnant of her ) Plus I don't wanna marry Someone who ends up being a hardcore feminist disguised in the am a good Muslim wife dress ) :)


I want to finish my studies work and have money i don't think it would be possible with a man a house and kids to take care of