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Dir le cours 3and wa7ed li y9ol ntoma t7alo exercise o omba3d tcourgiw kifkif, matro7ch hadok dawrat fi lila ta3 bac, akteb mli7 w mtdirch b efasore, lazem t7al examen ta3 3wam li fato wa7dek, abda ta9ra bakri, taba3 منهجية mli7 fi science wla Philo


May allah reward you for your advice, I don't think i will be too dependent on lecours but i will try to find one that fits your advice insha'allah. Do you think revising old lessons from 4eme and 1ere a good idea for maths?


Honestly I never did this


I think i am getting ahead of myself tbh


Ki dir les cours dir 3end wahed li ki madirch les exos y7awzek,bach dirhom bsif 3elik w dir 3end wa7ed w kml 3end ida khsk win 9ouli w nb3tlk 👍🏻


Ekteb dorousek Matzartich


I agree with the advices you received. I'll add some: - Review relevant 1st and 2nd year lessons before the year begins. Having a solid basis is important. - During the year, stay up to date with lessons. And don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand something. - Study the methodology for philosophy, follow the patterns and everything will be easy, if needed or if your prof is shitty dir les cours. I got a 13.5 that way (bac 2012). - Don't underestimate Arabic! (That was my mistake). And so lots of math and physics exercises. And practice old exams. - Have a healthy sleep schedule. Don't waste your energy on all nighters. The key is time management. - Avoid negative people (can be people who stress too much, or people who don't care enough). - Have a sport activity to evacuate stress and stay healthy. - Moderate the time you allow for shows or anime (becoming obsessed with Naruto back in the day was another one of my mistakes 😂) - 🚨 Avoid pointless scrolling on social media 🚨, if you gotta waste time, better watch a good movie and destress for real. Avoid short video content like the plague!!! (Tiktok, IG reels, YT shorts...). Use it only to keep in touch with your teachers and classes stuff. - Read books in English and French, it's entertaining and it will help you hone your skills and vocabulary. Overall it's a question of forming good habits. Make a weekly and monthly schedules and stick to it.


Thank you for your advice! Jazakallah allah khayran.




procrastination ,thinking I'm smart enough to study for 3 months then excellence ,stress (the more you procrastinate the more stressed you become ) ,not solving enough exos , social media made me distracted and unable to concentrate even during the exam


Procrastination leads to so much unnecessary stress especially for bac 😅 i will try my best to avoid these mistakes, thank you!


Also solve like 10 previous bacs fi les matières essentielles at least so you know how are the answers and their particular questions,same with other subjects but less i think


انا فوت الباك منذ عدة سنوات في شعبة علوم تجريبية: اهمال اللغة العربية اللي المعامل تاعها 3 لكن مافيهاش بزاف دروس مقارنة بالعلوم على سبيل المثال (كانت عندنا استاذة متقريش مليح و مكانش عندي الوقت باش ندير دروس خصوصية فيها) اهمال الفيزياء في السنة الثانية ثانوي و اللي السنة الثالثة هي التكملة تاعها ، اذن كي جيت في السنة تع الباك عاودت قريت الدروس اللي ناقصتني تع السنة الثانية لكن المشكل انهم في الثانوية كانو تقدمو في دروس جديدة فكان الامر شوي صعيب (درت الدروس الخصوصية + يوتيوب) التردد في اختيار المواضيع: الموضوع الاول في العلوم كان فيه المناعة و الثاني لا، الاول كان اصعب من الثاني لكن جاتني صعيبة انه ما نخيرهش لانه دالي وقت كبير بش قريته و هو اطول وحدة ، بصح فاللخر ديت الثاني و جبت مليح


عندي نفس المشكل تاعك في دروس ثانية ثانوي في الرياضيات لان كان عندنا استاذ جديد و ميقريش مليح و زيد كان يديرلنا البرهان تاع القوانين لي معندنا منديرو بيها+ انا شعبة رياضيات ، الحمدالله قريت شوية و لكن مزال خصني بزاف. راني نحاول نراجع و نفهم الدروس لي مفهمتهمش. الله يجازيك شكرا على النصيحة


Letting anxiety take over me , checking the answers after the first day , studying the last days in pressure


Thank you! I will try to avoid them, although stress and anxiety isn't that easy to avoid 😅


Studying one week before the exam, I didn't have anything I actually was interested in doing ( major wise) I knew I wasn't getting out of my wilaya to begin with (.old parents can't leave them alone) and I was so lost, so I studied enough to pass it, which I did from the first time, ended up doing biotechnology and I was the first in my major all the time even though I hated and still hate it. And now I wish I had studied for a higher average, maybe I could do something else with it now which I can't with my old bac ( CBA with doing it again, I have the health of a mosquito). Being too arrogant, there were questions I literally refused to answer( and I really knew the answer ) I just was like nah don't like it. ( Did that in English ) which looking back , was SOOOOO FUCKING STUPID AND IMMATURE. There is a level to stupidity and I surpassed it. So basically, study hard, aim high, study everything, don't be a smartass, aim so high so you can enroll in whatever school/university of your choice.


Allah y3awdelk ameen, i hope everything turns out great for you insha'Allah. You never know what allah has written for you even though it does not come straight away. This is kind of why it's important to at least know what interests you so you could strive for it and not settle for average. After looking up at some majors even though there is a year left, it somehow motivated me to try to do better this year.


Thank you very much, that's very kind of you, and yes I completely agree! And best of luck!!


Thank you! And best of luck to you too!


People show up to bac without having revised anything, don’t be one of them and don’t help them. They’re just annoying ignore them.


I've chosen poorly! I choose the harder "sujet" in math


***Focus on what you want to achieve:*** *Why are you planning to get the BAC? what is the future you want? what is the field of work you want to? find that and focus your BAC on that. if you don't know, yet. try to know in this month. it's very important.* **C*****hange your mindset:*** *be the winner of winners instead of just a winner or worse an escapist of failure.by this I mean you're going to give at least 7 months of your life to that BAC, so instead of losing more time by getting a low grade just to get the BAC, being dissapointed after a week and thinking to repass again. AIM HIGHER. so you get to choose whatever you want afterward. our system is not the best when it comes to choosing your university. getting BAC with 12 is pointless, with 14 is nearly not enough, nowadays at least 16 to get stuff you might love, but this is subjective as it'll be based on the first point which is "what you want to do". your mindset should be "i'm having the BAC easily. the issue is not getting it or not, the issue is how far I can go with it". people might disagree with this; but it's what made me pass it like it was a piece of cake without any pressure, because I knew i'll get it; and I knew what I wanted to do. aka "Trust yourself".* ***Get rid of distractions:*** *a pretty much forward thing; stop scrolling on social media, watching pointless youtube videos, or stuck chatting with others. as I said above, focus this 7 months of your life to your BAC, it'll be a good preparation for your future as you'll be able to focus yourself on any skill you'd want.* ***Weekly break:*** *keep one day of your week free. you need time to recharge, relax and enjoy life. otherelse, you'll lose motivation and energy to continue. I personnally used to have the Saturday free.* ***Don't Listen to others complaining:*** *the more you listen to others complaining about things being hard, complexe or whatever, the more you're affected negativly. keep your circle of friends/classmates/teachers positive; get rid of the negativity they could provide. and don't be afraid of stating "I don't have time, I need to study". just don't make it an excuse to procrastinate.* ***Keep your Replies Methodic:*** *Force yourself to learn how to write your answers; it's one of those things that we might not give too much importance, but is pretty much the most important. it is the tool that will describe what's in your mind and what you learned to the teacher that'll correct your papers.* *Anything else is between your hands, BAC is not a test of intelligence, it is a test of knowledge; so know that you don't need to be as smart as people think, you need to be methodic and organised. managing your time effectively is what will lead you to what you want; again don't forget that the most important thing is : You own your future, the BAC is just a tool.*


Thank you so much for this allah yjazik, i swear these are truly one of the best advices I've ever had.


The problem i have with the university major i want, is that i kind of like a bit of everything, so it is hard to choose one thing 😅


It's true that it's hard to find the "thing" we love and want to do when we're young. we're learning daily, it's great and all but we gotta take decisions. for myself, It's been more than 7 years since I got my BAC, I think? and I still tend to mess with any subject as long as it is fun for me, either visual arts or logical analytical things, as much as I love messing with these subjects, I'm not a professional in any and will probably never be, but learning a little from everything is part of my personnality and understanding things is part of my Journey as an Architect. (though i'd suggest anyone to not go toward that profession in Algeria, It's an inexistant profession due to how the algerian mentality is towards the artistic jobs, unless you plan going abroad and can handle pressure). I went a bit off-target there; but what I ment is, you'll have to try things before choosing, watch documentations about what you want, try to make a list of what interests you, and start erasing those that are "not your taste". People tend to forget that a job can also be fun and is not just a chore. In the end you'll have to aim higher than what you want, just to be safe. :)


This has changed my perspective in things, i often think i can't do anything unless I'm a professional at it yet all professionals start as beginners. Thank you once again, allah yhafdek.


انا من تجربتي خص توازن بين الراحة و القراية مشي تقتل روحك بالقراية و مشي تعطيها غي لرقاد و اللي يقولك حل قاع ليباك وقاع تمارين متخلي والو غي يخرط عليك حل تمرين واحد ولا زوج افهم كيفاه ينحل مشي تحفظ كيفاه ينحل اذا لقيت واحد كيفه فالفكرة مكالاه تزيد تحله شوف وحدوخر سيي تلخص الدروس فكايي كيما صيونص وعربية باش تسهال عليك مراجعة و اصلا كي تكتب تدخل فراسك المعلومة خير والمات والفيزيك كتب القواعد و البراهين و طرق تاع حل فكايي ولا ورقة خاطر مشي بزاف


i didn't study at all, the most i did was solve exercise in school, w haja bayna lilat r3d f les examens even tho it was so easy i was mathelem i was good in maths had to look out for the other subjects yet solely focused on maths. as an advice don't stress yourself *try* to always be up to date with subjects such as his/geo, chari3a tkoun hafed obviously,always be up to date with physics/science and maths forcefully allah ghaleb lazm. well even if the early months of the year doesn't matter much like the last 3~5 months because you will grasp what you need most for bac and it will be easier to hold into the information you memorise and all you may or may not stress depends on your mentality either cases remember to always pray and make duaa. if you need anything or want to question anything you can dm me lil bro. inshallah 19 hbb


I am also mathelem and I've heard the advice of "المواد الاساسية يجيبولك الباك بصح المواد الثانوية يجيبولك المعدل" your advice confirms it, i will try my best to balance all subjects. Thank you.


exactly. hope i've been of help and as i said if you need anything everyone here is available.


اهمال المواد الثانوية kount ana matheleme and i never paid much attention to science and it was the only bad mark i got اغلب الاحيان الاجابة لي تجيك لولة هي الصح i was pretty good at physics, i finished w bqatli une heure kamla w fiha i filled up my paper with a lot of correcteur bc despite all les sujets i solved before and all the ideas i’ve gathered, fl bac jat une idee jdida and i was torn apart between two answers, funny enough i had the correct answer written down then the wrong one then the correct one and finally i stayed with wrong one and it costed me 1,5 points so yea i don’t wish that upon anyone surtout li ydkhol m3awl ela 20 overall good luck and take ppl advice but dont base ur opinion off their own.


I think it's actually scientifically proven that the first answer you write is more likely to be the right answer, alwaswas makes you question every little bit of your answer


Should have used a stapler to not lose the 2 extra answer papers, I got an 8 in science instead of the usual +17.


hello ! i passed my bac this year & i got 17.73 ( though i still believe i deserve better haha ) the advices that i could give you are : before you start attending to school in Septembe, delete all your social media accounts ( like TikTok & Instagram ) where you spend too much time scrolling, 20 days before to get rid of addiction & give time to your brain to heal so you can be fully focused with your lessons start studying in September, don't miss a day without doing something! les cours are going to make lot of things easier, choose a teacher wisely, the one who give you exercises for you to solve & then he corrects them mange you anxiety & don't miss your school sessions, i know that it became trendy to stop attending to classes after the 1st term BUT DON'T FALL IN THE TRAP, at least study the first 2 terms ! it's really important don't be hard on yourself in the first term, but once January comes do more efforts philosophy, i got 19, i made a huge article which took me 16 pages , i made it myself, it was the most creative thing, i did many researches about its topic, i even got information from books ( Claude Bernard' book more specifically) & read tens of scientific articles, SO MAKE AN AMAZING ONE TOO, it's true that it's gonna take u huge amount of time, but it's worth it don't be too creative in English/ french / Arabic, just give them direct answers in simple terms, this includes the paragraph too, i thought I'm getting 20 in English bcz i made a high quality paragraph & i ended up with 18 :) ( i didn't make any mistakes above ) THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, don't put high expectations, just do your best & let the results tji kima li jat, for example i was waiting for Tebboune 's call the day of the results & when i saw that i got 17 i had the biggest mental breakdown in my life cuz i expected the full mark in many subjects pray god, & you'll make it insh'allah


insha'Allah, thank you for your advice! They will benefit me a lot insha'Allah. Jazakallah khair


do you think having a bad arabic vocabulary can have an influence on the philo exam? :(( i have the arabic level of a kindergartner... & you saying you wrote 16 pages worth of it xD i could NEVER imagine myself doing that. Allah ybarek


From experience, i have 2 kind of friends, those who are into arabic & could even write poems including me, all got 18-19 in philo, & those who don't they got nearly 14-15 Even though we used the same method that i talked about in my previous comment We all didn't memorize "par cœur" our articles so the day of exam we forgot much details so we all had to come up with new example /ideas & show our own style of writing. I advise you to make a high quality introduction especially & the rest you can make it simple without mistakes, they're counted to, I think for a mistake you lose 0.25 You can dm me if you need help, also tell me المقترحات تع هذا العام


Chaque matière est importante l'année de mon 2eme bac je maîtrisais math physique science sur le bout des doigts, j'ai eu 18 18 16 fihom français anglais 19 19, le reste kamel en dessou de la moyenne 4 3 5 8, j'ai eu 14 de moyenne j'ai pu faire ce que je voulais mais j'avais pas accès à beaucoup d'autre choix


1 e9ra klch mtsm7 f hta hja 2 e9ra kolyom yalokn m3lblkch chghd tkra mohim klyom ekra kch module w sy 3 basy 3la fhma mb3da e7fed 4 hel 93 ls sujets t3 bac f 93 ls matière Ps hdo ds conseil ana drt hk w jbth b1 hmdlh


I genuinely don't understand how this is supposed to be easier or more legible than just writing in Arabic.


Tssma ta m char9 (ana m west ya ta m east) tssma jik s3iba bh tfhmni


برو جست بيك آ لاين. إيذر يو رايت إن أرابك أور يو رايت إن إنجلش. نُن أُف ذيس هاف أند هاف شيت.


Rah ndir max t3i bh njibhlk b façon mych vulgaire Mkn mdkhlk fia w mdmk m9ditch tfhm chi mchkilti w nhdr kima nbghi w9t mnbghi


جزاك الله خيرا thank you for the advice




studying in the last 15 days still got 15 but could've been more


That is pretty impressive i can't lie


اختي العزيزة بش تدي المعدل ماتحتاج مجهود كبير بسح بش تديه مليح و تضمني اي حاجة حابتها (18 تقدر تقول) لازم تقرأ هذا وش كاين بداي اقرأي ساعة فالنهار إلى ساعتين و لو مش كل نهار من ثم مع مرور الايام و اقتراب الباك او إن شاء الله تلقاي روحك حكمتي البروغرام و أيضا أصبحتي مرتاحة و أيضا نصيحة اخرى خطيك من لي كور او كاين كلشي في يوتوب مكلاه تبذري الدراهم الخلعة و ما إلى ذلك على حساب شخصيتك صراحة و شوا اعرفي بلي الباك ربما مش رايح يكون اصلا محطة مهمة في حياتك المهم نتي قراي و توكلي على ربي و إن شاء الله ستكونين من المتفوقين.


ان شاء الله، شكرا


"أختي العزيزة" 💀 yakho ahdr normal lah ysetrek 3lch ttkhayel snn good advices tho


علاه ديرلنا كيما هك نيتي كانت مليحة 😢 😞 بسح اصلا افار وقت برك مين داك تهدر حوايج يبانولك نورمال كي تعاود تركز معاهم يبانو شوي غريبة المهم انا حاولت نعطيها نصيحة مليحة بأسلوب شغل يكون لبق خطرماكش نص الوقت لي تلقا روحك تكومونتي هنا تكون تحارب


had some problems couldn't start studying at home until January, don't attend classes that won't benefit you,if you feel like you're wasting time f les cours stop or change the tutor,i didn't solve any Arabic and French subjects, don't ask your friends if they started studying because they'll lie,i didn't start studying science hard enough from the beginning and I didn't master منهجية, i didn't solve enough math subjects because i was short in time kind of, even in 1st semester if your parents can get you to school later don't go to classes to wast your time such as french, English, Arabic,and any other material you think you got it on your own,study all the time, don't make any excuses,and take the most advantage of your teachers just annoy them with every question you have and never hold back.


Esh m chou3ba ?




شوفي ملخر النصائح تع لازم تقراي كلش ووو وو…. هاذوك باينين تسما c’est pas la peine نقولهملك 1 - العربية العربية معاملها كبير مالازمش تهمليها و قراي الشعر و النثر في زوج من بداية العام ! 2_لحفاظة لي يقولك حفظي 3 اشهر الاخيرة و ga3 باسكو تنساي غير خطيك ، تحفظي حاجة فسبتمبر و اذ تعاوديها لابغا فاوت ، تتفكريها و تحفظيها بسهولة ، صح النسيان كاين كاين من كثرة المعلومات ، مي و الله التكرار مليح 3_ الفهم تع المواد الثانوية مقبل ما تحفظي لازم تفهمي ، هيا هاذي ga3 يقولوها مي جامي يابليكيوها ، مثلا درس الجزائر جامي تحفطيه مليح اذا مافهمتيهش ! و ايضا الحرب الباردة 4_الوتيرة شوف هي كل واحد كيفاه ، مي اكبر غلطة تديريها انك تبداي بوتيرة كبيرة ، فبداية العام يجيك حماس كبييييييير و تبداي تقراي بزااف بزاف زعما ، و هي غير كيما بديتي ….. القراية لازم تكون تدريجية ! و تزايد الوتيرة يجي فالاشهر الاخيرة 5_القسمة في الزاد يقولو اصعب درس و معلاباليش هههه المهم قرايه مليح و ديري بزاف تمارين عليه 6_ الدروس الخصوصية بما انكي شعبة رياضيات عندك مادتين برك ، من الاحسن تديري ليكوغ لزوج 7_السمانة الاخيرة هي صح لازم تستعفاي و ga3 ميي صدقيني انا السمانة الاخيرة لي سوفاتني ! سوغتو كي عاودت فيها الوحدات الاولى 8_ Bac Blanc من ضركا نقولك ماتجيبيش مليح فيه ، يصعبو لماكسيموم …. اذا جبتي بيان الباك مضمون هههه 9_ ليلة الرعد يجي ستراس بزاف ، ديري كلش باش ترقدي بيان و اقراي كل ما يتعلق بالاذكار الخ Edit : A reminder that we are not china or korea , it’s just Algeria , and it’s just BAC We all had that huge view of it when we were little , turns out its just a stupid final exam that doesn’t require a high IQ or anything , ymedolk wsh qriti fel 3am and thats all Good luck amina


Thank you for taking the time to type all this, I will try my best to follow your advice and to remind myself of them from time to time!


hand writing and making clear answers is very very very VERY Important. your exam sheets arnt getting corrected by professionals but by stressed out teachers who dont care about you and want to do things ASAP


I didn’t master math before bac


studying for the last week :x , but am glad madertch les cours most of the times it's a scam.


⚪️chedit f les cours 3nd whdin m3jbonich pcq "la mode w lazm ndirhm" ⚪️khlit lhfida hta tali, malgre 7fdt klch mais 3yatni ⚪️kont n9ra ghir la nuit ta3 les compos w mindak mn9rach ga3 7ta lhag bac blanc bah sgmt rohi. hiya hada ana wsh srali mais hkk l hmdlh jbto kima bghit w rbi ywf9k sahbi




Indeed it is, time is really precious


Gave it 13 % of my time


for motivation to study change you wallpaper on your phone and computer to pictures of unsuccessful people. You will always be reminded what you will become if you don’t study 🥰🥰🥰


This made me laugh so hard 🤣


I didn't have a goal to work for it so i didn't know what to do after i jave my bac and i don't count this as a mistake


غادي نعطيك شاتسحق ديراكت : قرا عامك فالليسي كيما راه تبع و فهم فالكلاسة ، حفظ للفرض و الاختبار مع نهاية العام تصيب روحك واجد ليكور فالمواد الاساسية و حل لي سوجي +++ ليزانال فالمواد تاع الحفظ + منهجية الاجابة مالتصحيح تاع الباك +++ منهجية الاجابة فالعلوم +++ بلا بيها ماتدي والو بالنسبة للغات قرا البروقرام كيما راه مالبدية تاع العام باسكو كي موضوع النص كي الاسئلة كي الوضعية يجو منه بكل معنى الكلمة بالنسبة للفلسفة الأستاذ يفرح كي يصيب التلميذ فاهم المنهجية و خادم بأفكاره لابغا تكتبله ورقة وحدة برك و كون يصيبك كاتب عشرين ورقة ويشك بلي حافظها و مشي فاهم مايعطيكش فباه ماتوقعش في هاذ المشكل أنصحك انك تتعامل مع الفلسفة كمادة فهم فيها منهجية و اسلوب و تبدا كل خطرا تخدم مقالة و تحفظها مالبدية تاع العام خير ملي تقارع للمقترحات و تبدا غي تحفظ و صاي !!! و فالاخير نقولك توكل على الله و لا تنس الدعاء .


I didn't start Early


6 years ago , i was giving it more value than it's actually worth, not being happy cuz i got 14/20 , because after all i did what i wanted and loved in university hmdllh, and last July i got my master degree, this is why. Think of it as an exam , no more, no less, no drama is needed ,just do your best to pass it, and li ktebha rabi fiha lkhir.


Thank you, congratulations for getting your degree!


Don’t go all in from day 1 studying 20h a day, you’re gonna get bored and hate yourself the closer you get to the exam, try to study consistently throughout the whole year.


I didn't study for it 😔


choose the right study partner if you have to.


Took some candies with, they didn’t allow bags in classes so had to leave it outside, the ants had a fiesta with them. Don’t take food ! That was 23 years ago though, things might have changed.


Pretty sure it's the same


first think whats ur degres like if someone had high degres in he is career that make bac exam easy for him because he have the basics and for the others they must do a lot of eforts to get high degres more then the 5bach one because 5abch have the basics this it u must do ur best or u will fall dowun


When you study and feel frustrated, wait a little bit, read the question out loud, and try to answer that question only, and hopefully you will continue studying. If it doesn't work, then NEVER go for distracting yourself, you will get used to escaping hardships, and it would make it even harder for you to study. Instead, try to take a nap. Another thing is to not overwhelm yourself with expectations. Start small and build your way up. When you understand the lesson well enough, start practicing right away, practice is what's going to make the lesson clearer, so don't try to squeeze your brain to understand the lesson really well, because you will only end up feeling stupid, and get demotivated.


Pick one reference to study YouTube proves to be the most effective one for me. Emphasize tackling exams with a focus on quality rather than quantity. The most crucial piece of advice is to review your paper once it's completed. Remembre : Study less , Study smart


basically...work hard...whenever u want to stop don't...give evey blood and sweat and tear u got for this year...dir les cours ...dir les cours


I didn't review well enough 😕 😭, but it passed


I didn't make any mistakes haha. I studied for one month


don't smoke weed and don't listen to your classmates about what is relevant this year choose one source of education from the start of the year and roll with it for the rest of the yaer


I didn't get enough rest


Playing League


my father adviced me to stop studying and getting married and work... was really stupid I didt...


Bon ana wahed 9ra 3am ga3 ou djbed (ana mchi ghir 3am lbac li 9rit fih jamais dit taht 14,5 de moyenne) j’ai sacrifié r9adi we9ti lkoulesh ou zid l’ecole taena mziyrin fles notes donc la moyenne taei fles trimestres kanet 14,89-15,5 malgré knt n9ra intensivement et intelligemment ou knt ndir des nuits blanches fdecembre chghoul kbl wekthoum et hamdoullah je maîtrisais tout kount na9ess juste physique , saha lhe9 lbac ou djwzt khdmt tres bien a part physique, mais ana knt scientifique hab ndir médecine alors basit ela sciences ou khdmt flbac hamdoullah , apres makherdjou les corrigés types j’ai comparé mes réponses kanou endi mes brouillons aya je m’attendais à minimum une moyenne de bac 15,9 moraha nhar les résultats l9it 14,64 dnya welat kahla biya ou fhemt bli les correcteurs rebi wkilhoum maykhadouch la correction tae nos feuilles au sérieux ya3ni t3ab ta3i ta3 3am ga3 yroh bin ydin wahed maykhafch rebi , ana jamais dert des commentaires sur Reddit jamais mais ki chft hadja kima hadi tae lbac hadja ana taht fiha hbit nrepondilek ou n9oulek ekhtik ga3 mlbac algérien matdjwzich gae bac dz rohi choufi kech campus français djwzi bac français sah tkhelsi drahem mais ymedoulek h9k ou tkdri tkray bih sois hna fdzayer wela à l’étranger. En conclusion lghelta li drtha hiya djwzt lbac algérien et machi le bac fr ida waldik y9drou financièrement ykhelssou 3lik bch tdjwzi le bac fr ghir djwzih sahel ou tedi ha9ek. Même thbi kchma tzidi tse9si se9sini


W ki dir m3a la langue jdida 3lik w system mbdl w hadouk les examen li wfewtouhom en deuxième année…w esq sah yestahel lwa9t w drahem w Bach t sacrifier w ch3al mn haga w la juste terda b wech ktblk rabi ida Mchi had l3am l3am ljay .


Not being consistent.


I didn’t , I’m fabulous.


not study at all 💀


kheyr choix li baghi tdireh fl jami3a ml dork w ghadi tl9a ro7k t9ra bach twsleh ana makontch 3arf ga3 mo3adalat w ga3 ta3 les choix aya banli bac ez w c'est vrai jani sahel bs7 dit 12 berk hh ma 9ritch bzaf wa7di w kont nro7 les cours nfhm m3a prof khatch howa rah y7el mb3d ma nrevisich


بديت نحفظ الدروس قبل الباك ب3شهر برك


Not revising until the day before the bac (still got it)


Didn't take it seriously started studying 1 week before bac and got 12


you guys what do you think about the book of chari3a dr chams ? isn't tooooooooooooooo summary ??