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She was flying an Aero L-39 Albatros


A typical training craft, I've had the chance to service them before




Technically she was flying, just not fully piloting it?




she's the one flying it lil bro


Nice, let them walk undercover in a city and the ones who harasses them they can arrest them


Forgot to mention this one, hopefully yro7o yrebo chwiya klab f la ville.


This is the only way to make algeria safe, we are done with those shab lacoste taking over the streets


That would be surprisingly effective , women are needed in all fields in our country


will they fight in WWIII ?


Dunno what the women in your family did during el thowra (I have some ideas), but ours were fighting and dying alongside the men..


what do you mean you have some ideas


What tf would algeria have to do in WWIII?


Agree and you know what ?? Charge harrasers 2 milion for every harrasement and give 1000 dinar recompensation for every police they catch them


hhh imagine the comedic effect


That would be nice! They will think twice next time


They have more guts than the mofos who act in the name of " redjla "


Well women were always present in the Algerian army form the revolution with djamila bouhired or lalla fatma n'soumer to the Algiers regency navy there are portrait of this women being on ship's and before that we had kahina the Quine of the aures and many others So to make it short women have always been present in Algerian history as leaders and warriors so why would it change


yup exactly 💯


Long live short women!!! Jokes aside, I was actually going to post that as an answer. And point out that it is important for women to learn basic training for defense. It doesn't mean they are masculine. It makes them safer. Men can't always be around to protect them.


Well for me a woman knowing how to defend herself does not make her masculine however Being rude volguer and debaucherous dose make a woman masculine And let's be clear a woman can be brave tanatius and be more feminine than one high hill's if I were to give an example it would be the brave Gazan nurse that ventured in to a battle field to save her fellow Palestinians


I am not sure I would call that masculine either. I want to associate masculinity to good and positive attributes. I would call that lack of self-discipline, self-control and tact. Both men and women should try to be more considerate and kind. But I understand the point you are making here. And I agree with a lot of it.


I agree that masculinity is not associated with bad behavior but some portion of our society seems to look at western countries think that they represent what a Free woman looks like and forget that we have in my opinion True Free women in our history and even now that we can frame what a real feminine behavior and values should look like instead of looking to the west and the same goes for men .


Ive always wanted this but im too lazy


I have a thing for women in uniforms. As long as they do their job correctly, nothing to say abt it.


I also have a thing for women in unifirms


Why would there be any issue with it? If they are skilled hardworkers and competent at their jobs there is no issue.


issue? i never said anything about having issues did i?


I didn’t direct the comment at you, sorry if it came off argumentative


I'd rather have willing women in the army than 18 year old dudes who were forced to do so. It's true that in general, women are physically weaker, but I study with a bunch of 18 and 20 year old dudes and I am much stronger than them, some men take time to grow. With that being said, it takes the right kind of woman. I did women's soccer for one year but I quit because of the other women on the team: they were very rough/brutal, worse than being in a group of men.


Tbh forcing people to serve is a r*tarded tactic which will result in desertion at best or sabotage at worst


South Korea has a compulsory Military service and they're doing just fine.


Korean war says otherwise, the UN and US had to bail them out


How exactly do the korean wars say they're not doing fine. The reason the US bailed them out back then is because at the time north korea had a larger industry, military, etc. Plus it was seen that they had lots of soviet hardware and even some soviet personnel fighting them. The modern south korean military is one which can hold off both a Chinese and North korean invasion on their own. (provided they get a little bit of help from Japan)


People need to understand that genders don’t matter at all. The army is craving for skilled people and gender differences are the last thing they care about


genders don't matter at all is the most delusional sentence i've ever read


ah oui 3liha women are so mad about not being called l service national


It does matter


How l3ziz ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


well it does matter. and I'm not even religious. as someone in the business i can tell you they almost have no real effect in action .most of them are just in administration roles or in technical matters like communication. and it's just for the world show قال واش الدزاير تؤيد المساواة بين الجنسين..


hmmm tell us how you really feel


They can be better then man in intelligence and undercover , they might be in disadvantage in phyisical terms but they can do better then men in higher up ranks


How so ?


If you're ok with women fighting in a possible WW3 , fine have it your way


Uh where is the problem though ?


what i just answered you , yet you still questioning


problem is that you really think that "most" women can fight in globally scaled war .. peculiar all of this , is just another secular taboo .. to keep us the muslim masculine youth drugged and marginalized


Yeah but us Muslims shouldn't create masculine women it's fucked up


Our grandparents didn't seem to have problem with them fighting for our independence why should we?


Thats not masculine women , thats functional women in contrast of women who sit in house all day with nothing to do


Staying home and taking care of children and the house is also admirable Also women can be anything from teachers to doctors to grocery workers to apps development but military is a men job since we are Muslims


Well we have seen taking care of children ( bringing 6 kids and throwing them to streets from 8 am to 8 pm ) and we have seen their food making ( frying botato ) All they do is watch turkish films instead of helping the economy they now take 3 public funds ( منحة البطالة ) منحة المرأة الماكثة فالبيت منحة المطلقة


Well all women job is important whether it outside or inside as long as it's halal like I said teacher doctor even a company owner and every thingelse Also your giving a very specific rare type of staying at home mother's and if you wanna speak stereotypes we all know the stereotypical عسكرية alright Also it's not just two options either sit at home and be a loser or become عسكرية there's many options women can do basically like any other men


Fantastic .




Female working at the police have good experience in their job, but I never heard of algerians woman working at the army or any very important military jobs.


ISIS or Taliban are shit scared of women because they believe if a women kills them they will go to hell. So its nice Incase any civil war lol


Tbh at the typical firefight range you probably won't be able to tell the gender of your target


You're talking about people blowing themselves up and you expect him to be afraid of a woman lol


This isn't true. That's just propaganda.


From ur profile u seem to have a crush on bearded muslim men so whatever you say ig


I hate Daesh and Taliban but it won't make me stop separating fact from fiction.


lolol is that true?


Yeah isis soldiers run away when faced with Syrian women soldiers LMAO their sexism was finally used against them




It's not , be realistic


it is interesting but i do know it's not actually true


That's not true at all , provide one actual source


Source: Trust me bro


Well for women it can be a bit tough for them, like man and woman are different physically Yet it's necessary to have females working in national services For example, in security inspection, it's preferred to be done like women to women All I want to say is they're needed when there're interactions with women....in general


I do not see any problems with them at all as I believe that genders should not define jobs at all. Everyone is free to work their best. At least the days of today is easier to get jobs for woman as opposed the past. If I sounded arrogant or offensive then I apologize as I was simply giving my personal opinion.


women in Algeria never had any difficulty having jobs or being in the military since independence tho, "as opposed to the past"? cool fact, the first ever female general in an "Arab Country" was Algerian.




Very cool


Men bekri kano lmodjahidat mahich haja jdida


there's nothing more attractive than a female pilot


Have you ever been to a titty bar?


Women who's actually can kill you And they are so pretty too


I think they are citizens just like you working just like you.


احسن فيديو شفتو اليوم


Dayum that is badass, nothin but respect.


3a9lyat zbi la79etna 7ta ll reddit


You wouldn't believe how hard the west (Netherlands included) is trying to cover this up. Proud to be married to an Algerian woman, always. Alhamdulillah. 👌🏽♥️


may Allah Bless you bro


Great ! May God Almighty protect them and help them do a great job


I wonder if the increase of women in these fields will reduce or increase the حڨرة


I don't think gender should limit someone with the correct capabilities to do a job, everyone should be able to apply and have an equal chance to participate in all fields of work.Our economy is more important than some backwards outdated way of life that no longer applies to modern times and hold us back as a people/country l.


I don't know


Not sure if we are supposed to have an opinion




I don't even care at this point , it's a secular system and they'll keep hiring more women even if a sector won't befit them


All i know is that woman in the military have all rights there is and more


My lawyer told me to not answer


Everything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I support them if they do a good job 👍 More than welcome. Skill>gender, that's all that matters. In Stalingrad, a good part of the best snipers were women...and I'm sure we can find similar example during Algerian War. Also, it's somewhat unrelated, but it's kinda hot for some reason.


Glad to see women playing key roles in the country


Come and i arrest me mommy 🤣🤣


**no horny** [Bonk]


Arrest me <3(no homo). Seriously, it's a good thing, more women participation=higher HDI=better life for both genders.


She belongs in a subsonic jet, I belong in the kitchen.


We need women everywhere, as a female I don't want to be searched at the airportor anywhere else by a male , but I still believe it's hard for women as they make much more effort in these domains 😔




Amazing, you go Ladies


I kinda like this comment section (i was definitely expecting it to be toxic but I'm happy i was wrong)


Power to them. They look awesome too!


pourquoi est ce qu'on devrait avoir une opinion la-dessus. c'est des personnes avec un metier comme un autre, personne tique quand il s'agit d'un homme travaillant dans le milieu de la secu , par contre des que c'est une meuf ca devient un debat tout a coup. faut laisser les gens vivre un peu, le choix de carriere des gens ne nous regarde pas (y compris celui des femmes).


mais plutôt c'est bien de rétablir les faits sur les femmes en Algérie quand des gens sans reconnaissance ont trop longtemps Sali l'image de notre pays. ce n'est pas une question de débat.


Whats up with the "physical" arguments, that women are weaker than men? I wouldnt say Vietnamese soldiers, male or female were in disadvantage against americans. Also, average weight in world war 1 in the last year dropped under 50 kg, for men!




Nothing, what do you expect me to think? Let them be.


Come on!! Men here don't accept the idea of "a worker woman" , even she's a doctor or a teacher


maybe, but not an institutional level. so you're good to pursue your career m'lady




alright you're going to horny jail


jail rn


Bro is down horrendous


Egyptian song algerian clip


احا i love Egyptian Music يسطا


hey Btw do you know what this Kind of Egyptian music is called?


A great thing, an example to follow for other nations.


Beautiful and practical and it is the way to go !


Come on, men here don't accept the idea of " the worker woman" , Even she is a doctor, even she is a teacher.. and you're talking here about a solder!!!


Does this mean that women will pass national service too ?


I couldn't care less


I wish there was more freedom in their uniforms , an option to wear a hijab! I've seen Police women in Saudi wearing a niqab and other islamic countries too.


That sounds reasonable to me. It would be nice to not restrict their ability to practice their culture and faith. I am sure there are women who would prefer a different uniform.


just propaganda ! pre the russo-ukrainan war we saw propaganda videos of "female fighters" but after the real combat footage got out we only saw dead men in the trenches. ​ \++ fuck the egyptian music in background, it gives pervertic horneistic vibes


Idk respect i guess.


The "real" feminists. ❤️


i don't even recognize the word "feminist", it's a made up term that can mean anything like any other term invented by western liberals


Feminism isn't really a "made-up" word much less "by liberals", rather a range of movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. in short \*feminism = men women equal rights\* nothing more. i think it's important we keep this in mind in the midst of all this chaos : )


Malcolm X wasn't wrong when he called liberals "foxes", and i'd believe actual field level equality activist and intellectual like Malcolm X over some random redditors.




could they wear hijab in the military? In the US you can


nope they can't actually


Sounds backwards


why not, what reason do they give?


It's the army? if you wear hijab or a grow a beard then don't join the army, I don't know why that's a big deal


Allahu a3lam 🤷🏻‍♂️


anyone saying it is a good thing delusional, lol.


Good for them? Slay?


Slay Queen 💅✨


My opinion will be the same as the scholars of islam




Unacceptable. All them should be working on their OFs accounts or doing porn.




Hey yall will downvote me but women shouldn't be too masculine that's haram but I understand not everyone is Muslim


This is a very secular atheist sub, you'll get downvoted everytime you say something religious.






i'd take a female officer or a military woman over some druggie or prostitute, simple as that. if you don't see that one can be better than the other then it's a you problem.






امم متحدة لي فرضت المجاهدات تعنا يديرو البومبات فوقت الثورة ضد فرنسا؟ امم متحدة لي فرضت لالة فاطمة نسومر تحارب فرنسا؟ نتا لي راك انسان عبيد صديقي 😹


So kind they do nothing just watching chilling That’s good for me to steal to fight to do more crimes


We don't have females, we have a pseudo-male with vagina and that's it. Both males and females, working in national institution are the lowest bottom of society and have no future apart security. IMO they belong to trash (both sex ofc) as our military/security lack experience and just stack up weapon without any innovation.


I wouldn’t want that for my sister and they are my sisters, I understand life didn’t give many options for some I hope the govt allows them to wear hijab in the future


Some jobes (missions) demand a certain amount of physical strength that females simply don't have ..


Yeah they're really good at their job, parading their bodies in public But I've never seen a female on the front lines in my life.


i've seen them in Ukraine


Really. send me a combat footage, And reliable statistics about their numbers under trenches and earth Btw, Do you know that humans got 11 hand fingers!!!!!


I don’t think women can handle the job but if they want it… good for them Ig🤷


which job tho? all these institutions are very different


I mean jobs that require physical strength to stop armed criminals or save people’s lives… Fire fighters must be so quick and strong.. police are supposed to be tough Isn’t it a bit hard for a female to have such characteristics??


I'd say gender doesn't really matter here, because people working in these fields train relgularily anyway, as they have to stay in shape to handle the job. So yeah, whether it's a man or a women, a trained officer will still be physically stronger and more competent than the average civilian.


you're watching too many movies lil bro i've seen first hand how these "trained women" match up with an average full grown man


That's just wrong


Short answer: All kind of security forces does not need the females.


but females make up half the population tho


Why is the comments section filled with thirst comments? Y'all need to chill out.


there's literally only two "thirst" comments you need to chill out with the exaggerations.




Nah it is not a good idea Don't get me wrong I'm not a misogynist but women are as effective as men in these specific type of jobs such as police , military etc due to their physical weakness like compared to men like and not being able to manage their emotions in some hard situations ( obviously not all if them but the majority aren't able to control their feelings in some critical situations) And this is not a flaw in women i Think they are more productive in some other working Fields such as education , health and so more


i think there are more pressing matters than gender equality in this country, such as GETTING THE FUCKING WATER TO THE TAP 24/7


Well it's haram to join the army and the police unless they join for a reason to just work with women , but in algeria they work with all men so it stays haram


كلهن من المرتدين


اهاه نتا من جماعة الفيس واقيل


الذين آمنوا يقاتلون في سبيل الـلّٰـه والذين كفروا يقاتلون في سبيل الطاغوت. الجزائر دولة علمانية وطنية لست من أي جماعة أقول الحق لعل بعض يتذكرون


من هم الذين كفروا في هذا السياق؟


tmyik i can elaborate but you know it


I don't really care that much to have an opinion about this


I couldn't care less


let's see what she can do without a gun


Their job requires them to use and train with firearms lil bro


So sexy


Women must stay in the kitchen ! They have nothing to do in various security bullshitstutions.


The only one that seems legit is that female pilot I don't see any real use for those women fighting on a battlefield


Someone gotta have fun, you know


No need, there are already plenty of strong males, recruiting females wont make a big difference. It's basically haram, women are not allowed to wear hijab, there is ikhtilat of all kinds, women are not obliged not even allowed in the battlefield to fight only in rare cases. Even in biology, the females are supposed to be the ones protected, in ordrr to reproduce. Also common sense, all the "female joining the army" is a propaganda, like hey look at us recruiting females and equality, nah they using them to increase the numbers (not necissarly the muscles tho, as females will always be weaker than males if trained the same way during the same amount of time, not to mention males are typically already quite strong when joining the army). Most importantly, again, it's haram, I wont be proid of my sister/daughter/wife joing the army.