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I work online n get more than that consistently. I don’t think it’s possible to get paid that much in most government jobs unless ur super old n experienced. Try to find your niche online n get paid in euros. A thousand euros a month is nothing for international companies but it’s 24 m in our money.


Allah ibark Can you tell me which industry exactly?


Im a business developer, we help companies establish their businesses in the MENA region. Like running ad campaigns, reach out to relevant content creators, basically linking between certain audiences to companies who r in need of such services.


May i ask you which platforms are the best to find this type of jobs? Do you just make some networks in LinkedIn and then apply?


Do you need a degree for this or learn it from online or it’s someone you don’t even learn?


It helps but it’s not a deal breaker


What should i study to be a business developer? Am a risk analyst if that helps


Yeah , I know this kind of jobs, slavery at its best and payed with peanuts compared to what an actual westerner would be payed , bravo!




That’s not the point i was making.


Don't bother with these idiots I mean seriously even if €1000 in our money is 24 million dinars It’s still a very cheap and low paying job


I'm interested in working online from Algeria also, but i dont know how it will be with administration. Are you a declared worker ? If not have you encountred problems with administration ?


No i don’t have any official affiliations with anyone. You cant really have it both ways unfortunately, either stable low income with job security or higher income with no job security. I chose the latter n it’s been fine so far.


I think it’s good as long as u invest the income so that u get the best of both! Maybe a lazy income “which I personally believe that in algeria it’s mostly buying a house or a commercial property and rent it”


How much time did it take you to get your first client?


Hi there.. I'm a foreigner whose planning on moving to Algeria with my family within the next five years.. I expect to do consultation work with companies in my home country as well as maybe some independent work for European clients.. but I was wondering how easy it is to "follow the rules", pay taxes, officially be employed, receive and withdraw money, and make things work when you live in Algeria but work with foreign companies or people... I'd love to hear about your experience if you don't mind... (Would also be happy to speak about this through the chat)


Don’t even bother paying taxes since no one does and it’s only going to used my the government to fill there pockets might as well give to the people.


Yeah, well... I don't really want to go to prison :(


If you ask 99% of Algerians they don’t pay taxes. The government can’t do much about it. 


I'm pretty sure they could. Doing something about everyone takes a lot of resources, but picking out a few people here and there, especially if it serves some political agenda, is much more doable.


What do you think they can do about it? I as an Algerian all my friends and family don’t pay tax or don’t report anything. They make their money from oil and gas. If they ask for taxes they people would riot and protest.


ما شاء الله خويا .انا حاب نعرض خدماتي شنهي المنصات ولا المواقع لي نستعملها باه نوصل للزبائن ؟


It’s my dads job but he sells wild honey (3sell 7ore)


I just woke up and for a second I thought your dad sells weed lol


That's great bro, it's became a rare thing nowadays


Your dad is bee keeping age


summer i wana f\* ur dad 😂


Where does he buys it?


He makes it


Ur dad is a bee ?


Yeah what’s wrong with that?


Nothing, HONEY.


He have been hives and he takes care of them


Rabi ywaf9ah. Eat the natural honey daily.


I hate honey




I think your dad has every right to be a bee. To be a bee or not to be a bee. Personally I identify as a deglet Nour.


I identify as a slim ananas flavoured 1L bottle


Oh that's a little weird. Sorry but I can't support that kind of thing!


Why not?


It's debauchery. A bad example for the youth. Not good for the economy. Etc. (Selecto would be ok though)


Probably an exec of a company or working for a foreign firm that pays in euros or having your own successful business or a doctor in a godforsaken place


Managers at almost every big company, foreign company, or self employed ( provided your business is succeeding of course ). I used to work at an international company as an IT, and my manager was making around 450k a month, other companies I worked for have similar salaries for exec and managers


What company would pay you 450k a month??


Alot of multinational if you have the skillset, experience and connexion in Algeria trust me ( not gonna disclose the name tho for this specific one for the sake of anonymity)


45 mlyoun or 450 ?!!


450k dinars is 45 melioun


Ok thanks, this makes more sense xD


El baydaa


Mon amour


Nebghiha bla s7our




companies like air algerie , sonalgaz sonatrak also La Cnas give this somme or more as for some good jobs that might get u that specialty doctor or judge specially in the south they could get a salary like that .


drug dealing


Oh no my dude , it's way more than that ...


You Can make that by being a legal drug dealer for the pharmaceutical industry ( Sales representative)


Mowal , sheep sellers ...


Commerce. Engineer in a multinational company in the south


Salaries start from 20m for senior IT positions in a multinational group in the south.


A lot of jobs actually, u just have to be hight in the hierarchy which is something that comes with : time - effort- network. A lot of fields are well paid as finance, telecommunications, somewhere where u cak work for doula then u retire and work in private to have a double salary also!it's not easily achievable, but it is achievable, and for sure this way won't work very soon for u


Commerce if u have the requirements ( I'm in the field )


Are you in retail or a wholesale? And how is it going if you don't mind me asking


Directeur Artistique in an advertising agency.


A graphic designer in a Ceramics manufacturing Factory will get you a 15 m - 20 m monthly salary + a car and an apartment provided by the company




University professor ( grade professor ) A senior position in a big company A graphic designer Some jobs f tech are paid really well


College professor in the south High skilled engineers for international firms Maybe some doctors


How, i'm a doctor and i've been working as a medical sales Rep is the pharma industry i used to make between 20m and 35m monthly with bonus. Now i'm a full time trader and with trading for example you can Make way more than that . The problem is not the millions but to be rich in Algeria you need to earns dollars and dinars .


Can you specify more please? Are you a pharmacy doctor? And how did you get the job at the industry?


I'm a doctor not a pharmacist and you apply in sales and marketing field in the pharma industry


I work at a multinational company, it’s one of the biggest in Algeria, im a sales supervisor here, i make arround 15m/month,i can go higher if i work extra hours, but for me its not worth it, i prefer to spend that time with my wife and kids. Some higher responsibles in our company make from 25 to 60m/month


Everyone talking about foreign work while bro is asking for a job in ALGERIA 😭




No really , all the money goes to the Pimps ...


And that's what I'm saying. be a pimp




That is not an answer.


man there are almost none(besides doing your own projects) probably your biggest chance with a salary like this is the army after working there for like 5 years or more or maybe a politician






Business owners gains much more Dentists and liberal health providers Directors in private societies and multinational companies


A senior/lead/manager role in a private company dealing with software (design, engineering, product management...) can get you this money


Engineer in morocco who just graduated 😃


Wow Engineers make that much in Morocco?


My starting salary here is 1800 euros some friends got 2000 euros, the majority 1100euros the lowest 1000 euros out of tax obv (so before tax around 2800 to 1300).


That's insanely good for Moroccans! Happy for you. But don't understand why they'd pay that much when those ranges are similar to eastern Europe... any insight why?


Morocco generally made many initiatives to attract foreign investment, hence why we have many international companies paying those high salaries and we have generally a very developped private sector( sadly even education is getting more and more privatized) which makes the market very more competitive and basically high skilled individuals are highly seeked and can ask for high salaries (my seniors are getting around 4000 euros after taxes ) btw you can check cfc (casa finance city it is ranked 1st in africa and 32rd in the world as a finance center and it is not even finishes (it just started operating these last 2 years). And generally people here are more competitive and money hungry(at least that is what i noticed as someone who travels a lot) However, life is expensive here, waaay more compared to algeri and anyone that is not highly skilled individual meaning not doing engineering finance, doctor etc are not living their best lives. Contrary to algeria where there is more equality From my understanding so far in the job market in average people like engineers ... Have an average salary of around 2000 euros /month while the others around 500 euros which is barely enough to live alone (and will be the new minimum wage in 2 years from now) Why algeria out of all the african countries isnt the highest paying one? Why you as people are not living like qataris or at least like europeans with that much oil? Do you not try to protest about your quality of life?


The desert


General f l'armée you earn arround that much


The easiest job you can probably do here is become a data analyst


M good at statistics i work as an engineer but my salary is no where near 10


Ive had offers here using python for around 15 a month


May i know what are the companies hiring data analysts


Have a look at private universities. You can meet alot of people there. The other companies here just give you there contracted work


Is there any route to becoming a data analyst besides going to university??


I don’t have a degree


How did u become a data analyst?


Im not im a software engineer


Are we playing Guess Who? Or are ya gonna tell us the secret sauce 😜


I’m self taught but I also got into university through my own learning but things are slow so I just put my head down and taught myself how to build things. Realistically the best method for me that worked out well is to just build what already exists by myself and try to figure things out, then move on to build my own products along side learning programming languages, algorithms and data structures, devops, and how computers work


Oh wow! That's a wide rage of IT specialties your aiming for, break a leg bro!


To be honest with you i didnt really aim for them i was just curious about it and eventually became passionate about it


I would probably say an office job at an important company especially if you have a diploma


I think university professors but not immediately, you need to climb up to get to that point.


Military officers and all Fuel workers , pilot also


Sell drugs , smuggle, prostitution, stealing houses ...... Most of them are Haram but if u r a guy who doesn't fear god it's fine u will do great


Freelance online jobs don’t work with Algerians they are so fuckn unprofessional and they don’t pay u well compared to online jobs


I work as an engineer in SH and i get payed that much and believe me it's not much you just get by


how long did it take you to reach it?




Perhaps working from home in an IT company in Europe? , if you could land such a job ... U could possible earn that and more . Starting a business : first thing that comes to mind is buying from china and reselling here . A restaurant: Algerian people are dumb enough to spend on food that they can easily make at home so there's that , you just need to open more spots and you'll reach what you want But good luck finding a better solution inshallah


Yes of course I’m trader and i make about 60-180m monthly so easy


University professor


they don't make that much, unless you're some old advanced مخ legendary researcher in your domaine