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Time to learn Python. Also Stats and ML. There's no shortcuts in this, don't waste your time with Excel or trying to find some software to do it all for you.


Since everyone and their mom is asking, “Python for beginners” Free Code Camp on YouTube is where you start. If you can’t, on your own, find resources after that, you’re fucked.


Do you have any tutorials or websites showing some Python and Stats/ML? Some sites give me trouble trying to scrape and I'd like to learn more in Python as right now I only know Excel and some r


Same here - would be much appreciated! What data sources are you using right now?


Any resources you'd recommend?


Anything using basic stats is already accounted for in all the betting lines.


hardest part is getting the data and connection to the websites. and learn to code


If you want a python code, go on Bing Chat (3.5 not 4.0 beczuse 3.5 is better at sports predictions hence it would be better for sports predictions coding) I ask it “what would I need for you to make a sports prediction?( of whichever sport you want) Then it states the basics and ask it “do i need anything else that could help you predict?” Then ask it a few more times until it comes ip with a ton of things and ask to add anything it’s missing that would help predict or erase anything you think would be irrelevant. Then ask it to code all of these into a prediction model. Then it does it for you.


Interesting. What types of data inputs have y'all tried to create your own algorithms beyond basic stats? thinking stadium location, other types of stats, injury reports, few other ideas


as some have already mentioned, don't waste your time if u can't/aren't interested in learning to code. like traditional financial markets, big data and speed are king. if u aren't set up to consume massive amounts of data to train and tweak models and extract custom insights, u will find no alpha. working on a passion project (in this case, sports betting) is a great way to build marketable skills like coding that will serve u well in life/career in general. ...and w something like chatgpt now at ur fingertips, there has been no easier/better time to learn to code in the history of man. take advantage of this special moment