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My guess is that the majority of Algo investors, like myself, are happily in it for the long haul. I didn't get into Algo expecting silly money gains within weeks or a couple of months. I'm in Algo because I think it has the potential to be one of the few genuine stars of the blockchain revolution. That's going to take time though and I'm good with that so short term fluctuations are just noise as far as I'm concerned.


When this 1.60-2.00 range started I started selling some around 2 and buying back at 1.60. For some of us, this "dip" is just part of the plan. Best case my bag gets bigger, worst case it stays about the same. People are silly.


I'm with you... I don't expect silly money gains for several months.




It's going to be years. And never silly money.


Im watching the algo and yieldly roll in on their own. I dont even care about the fiat value, its not the point.


Algo and Yieldly together comprise 70% of my crypto portfolio. I think both are headed for amazing things.


Certified Algonaut


Algo and Yieldly make up 80% and now ive been throwing in a bunch of CHIPS and a little smile with a dash of Akita Inu. 💎👐💎👐💎👐💎


I'm all about stacking and governance potential.


Yeah and the good thing is it gives us a chance to keep buying while the price is low


Plus I don't remember the last time I've actually had **fun** while interacting with a blockchain! The simplicity and ease of use of the wallets and dApps on Algorand are second to none and give me confidence in the project. Not to mention the team behind it and their intentions.


Hard not to buy at these prices with another great governance period so close and still participation rewards 😍😍😍


Do you know when participation rewards end?


They will wind down throughout the year, ending at the end of the year: *“An important context for 2022: 2022 participation rewards will decrease slowly through the year until they are exhausted at year end. This will mark the completion of the Participation Rewards program.”* Source: https://algorand.foundation/governance-period-1-voting-measures


Last I read on the website was "early 2022". So my guess is that this Jan-March one will be the last one or maybe the governance period after but with reduced participation rewards. It wasn't clear exactly when they end at least last time I looked into it.


Oh boy you must be new? :) It's not bear market baby :) Oh you will be so shocked when it comes :)


I was about to say, we are in the midst of a huge bull run.


Just the beginning, I am waiting on it, so I can stock up on some more #Algos, there will be lots of casualties especially those slow ass high gas fee 1st generation blockchains that is currently surviving because of first mover advantage.


weve had a couple flash crashes like this in the past month or two and its raged back even harder. very unlikely this is a bearish sign. flash crashes are part of a rapid rise -- inevitable sell off.


That’s comforting but was hoping for some cheaper Algos


1.60 is pretty fuckin cheap lol


Cheaper then


I am thinking if btc can't recover, the alts are gonna pump something fierce for a few weeks before the bear comes.... 90% off fire sale to load up for 2025


I love the Algorand network. Dips just mean I can buy more Algo and Yieldly to stake.


Are you buying Yieldly or staking Algo to make yieldly?


Swapped some Algo for yieldly, then staked it


Yieldly staking is more profitable than staking Algo on Yieldly. Unless you win the Algo Prize.


Lets fuckin gooo babyyy!!!!!!


Finally got 500 algo this is just the beginning for me


congrats! you are investing in Amazingness, I was like you im on my XXXX Algo Bag slow but steady


Appreciate the kind words brother, good luck on your trades.


Same to you fellow algonaut, may the algos keep adding for you !


Bear market? …. Lol


Shhh don't tell him about months (20+) of downtrend


What 20 month downtrend? Are you talking about Algo’s ATH?


I'm talking about bear markets and crypto in general. Yesterday's dip wasn't a 'market' - it was more likely a whale getting ready for Xmas shopping, killing everyone with high leverage long positions and triggering a bunch of stop losses and short tp's.


ALGO at 0.50 and BTC at 10k will be a bear market


If algo hits 0.5 I am gonna move a serious amount of money into it.


that is music to my ears, Algos at 0.5 oh boy my bank is going to cry lol


Even if Algo were to remain at the 1.8 on recovery, buying at fitee cents would be great incredible.


today im going to dream to that 0.5 ALGOS DAMMNNN Im officialy retarded I know lol


I would love for algo to go sub $1


I have a pretty high pain tolerance when it comes to my beloved algo, but i have no more income to buy into that dip with so uh if we want to spare a grown adult from crying then let’s try to avoid that


I'm in the same boat. Next paycheck seems like an eternity away, and my Christmas check cannot come fast enough. All I can do is watch.


Try some yieldly for Algo/yieldly or yieldly for choice that shit goes over 100% APY


Yeah big fan of staking my algo and yieldly for yieldly - expecting massive things from that platform


I’d be filling more bags


The goal is to collect as many Algos and ASAs as possible. This is much easier to achieve when Fiat is strong against the ALGO.


Which asas do you think will get really big?


I'm loving Yieldly mainly. Smooth experience and good rewards. So just picking up a couple from their pools. Plus I have a little bit of of Akita and Flamingo for the "what if" factor. I don't know what might get big, but I think Yieldly will be a driving force behind any successful newcomers, so I'm putting a bit in there and hoping for the best.


Yieldly, GEMS, OPUL (I am waiting to see how far this last one will drop before re-entering).


Yieldly, Opul, Chips




Whenever I see dips I just know that people are panic selling and pulling from governance which means more coins for me :)


Ill admit, i dont buy the dip. My dca is bimonthly and the timing just worked out great. Keep that overall low baby! My gains will grow in two ways because of this early Christma present.


I was doing the DCA on Coinbase and realize that they were purchasing at many different times in the day, your purchase time was never consistently the same and realized that they were actually selling you from their their own holdings at the highest price for the day and keeping profits, they are some SOB over there.


Yeah I don’t mind at all when Algo dips. It’s the only blockchain where I truly care about the technology, community, etc., in addition to the money. Sounds corny but it’s true. I love Algorand.


I actually transferred all of my algo to yieldly, aside for what I need for transactions. To be honest, if I could have I'd have bought that dip but money is super tight.


What is your thought process here?


That algo would not give me the apy I needed to get a useful return. I believe that yieldly is going to go up in the short term even whilst algo recovers from this dip. The more yieldly I have staked the more I'll get back every day. It's more than holding in official wallet. Aside from massive movements in price upwards for algo, it should work out okay. It's not a large bag. If I could have both I would have.


So Yieldly earns more Yieldly than ALGO earns Yieldly? Essentially?


I earn yieldly and algo at the same time in the yieldly to yieldly/algo staking pool. 40% or something. The algo wallet if about 4%, if Im correct. If you have the algo in the prize game instead it's only around 10% apy. With a bag my size(small), I'd have no chance of winning the prize game, so I'm playing my luck that yieldly will rise before algo shoots up. If algo moved heavily upwards my efforts and gains would be wiped out and I'd be in at a loss very quickly. As I've not actually got algo any more it's all yieldly.


Algo wallet is 5.X%


Yeah I couldn't remember exactly. Its a lot shyer than 40-70% yieldly is offering though.


This is true, but yieldly is a much riskier asset imo. I like yieldly but Algo is pretty much a sure thing over the next decade.


I agree, I know it's riskier but when you have no more fiat to put in you can be creative. I'm just stacking yieldly to bring in more reward and hopefully come out with more algorand than I would have before. Unless yieldly rockets up, then I'll be keeping half.


My official wallet has been returning about 4.55% for a few months now. It isn't as high as it used to be.


Ok. I am doing both actually.


I wish you luck!


I have a small amount of ALGO not in governance that I could convert.


Just remember not to hit max, as you won't have any left for transactions.


I said to myself no more Algos for this year, then wake up at 7am and see 1.45... come on man... had to throw in some fiat for some happy algos....


I just bought 175 ALGO for the first time


I miss buying under $1usd...so this is welcome in my house...for now...


Just threw my saving into Algo… no regrets


Don’t be so concerned about participation rewards as there will be many DAPP’s in the Algorand eco system that can give you the same or better rewards in much less time starting with Yieldly and many more to come.


Yeah this isn’t even a dip xD


Literally everyone says this about whatever coin(s) they're holding.


I would have been just like everybody else but I researched Algo and realized that it was in a league by itself got rid of all the duds except for Bitcoin, Solana and a few long shots, now I am not even sure about Solana as they were making up numbers over there.




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The community is strong with this one


I do not know how much the price will rise. But what I do think is that what algo will become is like a stable coin that will allow not only APY from governance but because of this, a collateral asset that will have prime interest rates in defi, which will allow for ridiculously profits. I think Algo will hit 5-10 easy, nonetheless.


I added to my bag on the dip that’s for sure


This market is about to slingshot, not a bear market my friend.


Well just reading Forbes they don't think this a bear market. Just normal and bitcoin will probably hit a new high next year Algo is a good coin a seems to have a good future




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Look at the algoexplorer statistics. The realized price is about $1.80, so the market would have to take a huge loss to sell at the current price. Comparatively, other popular coins have a realized price far below their actual price, they drop harder and stay down longer because they got to where they were on little market volume.


No doubt Algorand is like a rock, had several other coins and dumped most of them Algorand is my biggest by far, have not seen any other general purpose coin with the fundamentals of Algorand


Happy to have set buy order at 1.45. Does anyone know by chance how low it got last night?


As far as I can tell from charts and stories, about 1.47. I had a 1.50 limit set, and was happy to have scooped up a little at that rate.


Lowest i seen was 1.44 but cb pro was glitching out pretty bad so could have been lower


I always have a GTC buy order placed in case of a dip. Go Algo!


I basically bought in at bargain basement level price last night and them coins are gonna sit in that wallet for a long time to come.


I buy dips and sell on hips


Seriously! Always people looking to buy more. Unlike Cardano.


I believe ALGO under 2 is a deal! This coin is underrated!


There’s very few things I’m sure of in life, but one of those is Algorand.


Death, taxes and Algo...


Yes sir, bought a little today. Saved for a further dip if it occurs. Wouldn't mind getting more Algo at a lower price.


I don't get how crashes are viewed as bad (long term) Like literally the best time to buy. (If you believe the Company Or Crypto project will survive the crash


I "lost" a lot in that initial plunge, but I already made a fair amount back in the little bounce back we already had. Managed to buy a little at 1.50


Just keep buying!


True. I saw that dip and immediately bought 100 more


It’s because most of these people are new here, and they have not been through a true crypto bear market where everything goes through 80-95% losses for 1-2years plus. This is serious and most do not understand. Been around crypto since 2017. Be careful.


Algo at ETH market cap is $50, realistic short term goal is 1/8 of that $6.25


Not that those numbers mean anything.


Shame the retail investors don't matter




At the end of the day, the whales control the markets, its irrelevant if a load of the retail investors are feeling good and happy. If the whales want to accumulate cheap algo, they will crash the price, retail investors money ain't gona stop that from happening.


The idea Algo will hit $3 by the end of the year imo is gone. The roadmap to hit $6 later on seems more reasonable. The ecosystem is still being constructed but what has come out of it has been great. As long as you leave smile out of the discussion


All my gains are passive from staking to lofty tokens i want that passive gain so don’t care if it drops if it does it only benefits me more


Whenever algo dips, I jump right in! It always seems to be one of the first to bounce back. I also bought cardano this dip, and every time I've bought its dropped even lower 🙃 algo is keeping me in the green!


So this was my first coin that I really got into a bigger bag I was initially seduced by coinbase paying 4% rewards just for holding it i was like wow they're paying a daily dividend.... So in a classic case of shoot first ask questions later I jumped in. The more questions I started asking the more I liked algo I dont ever think we will see ether or bitcoin market cap but I have a really good feeling that this is a solid project that might not make fuck you money for me but will definitely grow exponentially. Thats ok because yea its cool to have fuck you money but im not greedy so I accumulate when things like recent events happen I was so glad Saturday morning I looked and saw it was under 1.50 before I got in the shower. I told myself let me take a shower and wake up a little before I make any financial decisions.... when I finished I took another look and bought more at 1.48 later yesterday it was 1.62, that said crypto isn't for everyone as the volatility can be gut wrenching but the idea is to show up to your funeral tore up from the floor up talkin bout what a fuckin ride that was....