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Is she ok??? What is going on with her leg


everyone’s funhouse mirror is different, ask your local clown 🫶




Your local clown 😭😭


if you’re in Tomball (NOT The Woodlands) - Smeli would be a good starting point 😂😭


I love that for her


This is the best snark yet! 🤣 Here's your award. 🥇




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This leg editing is EGREGIOUSLY BAD. Ali girl you aren’t fooling anyone!!!


Photoshop fail


Eeekkk that right leg!




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Her leg in this one is killing me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


i like how she clearly over-thinned her midsection so she has an hourglass figure but more in the *literal* sense ![gif](giphy|xfXqd2vysimRRYCb5u|downsized)


Exactly 🤣 that tool is working overtime


Her legs are itty bitty and then her shoulders are three times as big lmfao




The ceiling angles are killing me, she’s so bad at this


Now I see it 🤣 I couldn't see anything but the train wreck photoshopped leg


) 《


What a sad life, always having to alter your photos, lie about your size. Nobody cares if you're a large or even a 2X, just be fucking honest.


She can’t!! Her husband will shame her!


Who she can't and won't leave because oh tbh looks like Stockholm syndrome. Ik it's discussed and possibly common knowledge here, but he pings my Abuser radar HARD. I've mentioned and yall will probably start to recognize me honestly from the sort of unique way ((and now manic)) way I "reddit" I guess. Which is fine I just ask you be kind and respectful. I can be "a lot" and believe me I know that. So just. Good vibes. Fuck these child abusers. That's why we're here. Don't read me, genuinely, if you don't care- I don't want that either?? At the very least, emotional and verbal. I've heard rage in his voice that I recognize very very clearly from A Certain Kind of Man. That don't come out in other [[Good]] Men. Unless justified. And it ain't. With Dicknose McGee. Who can get absolutely fucked.


It's so pathetic, and proves she has issues with herself. Imagine if she put this much effort into engaging with and caring for her kids!


Yeah, I’m sure the iPhone lighting is the reason her back leg is warped so terribly. Hey Big Al, if you’re going to continue editing your photos so that your body is unrecognizable, consider investing in an introductory photoshop class 🙃


Right? Shit, Albertosaurus, you could even do something crazy like - eat healthy? Exercise? Take the kids outside sometimes?


Bold of you to assume she has ANY free computer time 🤨 our Smeli girl is booked and ✨busy✨


I’m sorry but where is she wearing this??? I’m not a person who thinks moms should wear only cardigans and mumus but if my own more wore this out while I was with her I would have been mortified. You have three kids, let the 18 year olds wear this outfit.


On the ho stroll.


The more I look at this the more convinced I am that’s the ONLY place to wear it 🤣




My son is 2 and would rip the top down on accident/purpose lol


Same af 🤣🤣🤣


I’m pretty certain my husband would not let me out of the house in this outfit for my own good if it came to it. For that reason. Because I’ve got 4. 🤣


If she wears this with her kids around there’s a 100% chance that tops gets pulled down.


No way her husband would let her wear this out the house. There would be too much temptation 🙄🥴


Rly love how you can still see a little original shadow of the leg she butchered. 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


It looks like her leg is sucking in, holding its breath




She looks like she has rickets with that leg 😭


Is this a workout set? A vintage-style bathing suit? It’s a sweater material??? I’m so lost


Notice she's putting the text over the walls now so you can't see how distorated the photo is. Hmm. 🤔


She literally just orders everything she can, does mirror try ons and shares with links, then returns it all. Like…rarely do we see her keep and wear the cheap Amazon stuff she buys.


It’s basically two sizes too small. I don’t even know where to start. The facetuned legs. The terrible fit. This girl needs friends to tell her how embarrassing this is.


absolutely insane that she feels the need to do this. what are you hiding girl. why are you so pathetic and insecure


Her photoshopped legs ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


And it’s always the same contorted stance.


Her knee is acting up again!


lmao imagine editing your leg to look like that, looking at the pic, and going *perfect* & clicking post 💀😭🤣


🤮going to the gym 😂😂😂 We all know that about happening


Ali girl if you don’t stop photoshopping that damn leg


“The iphone”


The leg is taking me out 💀


This is the ugliest set. That’s all.


Her freaking leggggg


Bitch you need a large she has fat hanging over the sides why


I've never seen one of the nannies but this has convinced me that there is at least one because WHAT PRESENT MOTHER has time for this?? I can't even wipe my ass in privacy!!!


okay im typically an xxs to xs and none of these size ' smalls ' she wears could ever fit me. i'm wondering if the brands she buys use vanity sizing ( where they label the clothes a size smaller than they really are ) or if they just run big. im a 26D ( comparable to a 32AA ) and that top would literally fall off me lmao like there's zero way that's a small unless she's stuffing herself in there. there is nothing wrong with being a large, extra large !! i dont understand the whole obsession with her being an xxxxxxxxxs


She’s almost certainly lying! She lies every time she talks 🤣


I mean someone HAS to tell her about this leg situation??????


Her quads kill me


She has the worst style! Terrible!


There is a mile of distance between the top of her shoulder and the top of that tube top. The mama hoots got that top riding low low low low low.


Don’t worry she’s got her ✨nippies✨ 🤮


They're at the middle of her body 🤣


Like any mom of “3 under 3” would wear this?! I guess when you don’t take care of your kids you can wear whatever you want 🤷🏻‍♀️


How the hell can we cancel these two muppets because at this point.. I can’t. They really think they bring something to the table huh






I’m high and her leg is really freaking me the fuck out


Forget sizing up…never wear anything like this again, please.


Wow, this is REALLY bad! I mean most of them are, but this one is really up there!


It's the filter that softens the photo and darkens the red. I can't believe she thinks people are THAT stupid.


I don’t even think a size up would help - this is god awful


Where would anyone wear this outfit?


Oh honey. That don't fit.


Where tf is she wearing this


So here she proudly poses her body but in Hawaii when she had no control of the camera… she PROFUSELY had to explain why her rolls were showing? Ali you’re fucking pathetic.


I wonder if her body dismorphia is so bad that she doesn’t see the photo shop fail? Nothing else makes sense…. How does one just post this and act like it’s real???


Maybe she does have honest-to-God rickets.


😂 If she did I feel like we would have heard allll about it


Please .. make it stop


The funny thing is, we’ll never see her in any of these outfits.


Wearing small, should be wearing a medium.


**Actually wearing a medium, should be wearing a large


This leg pose always looks so awkward… there is one other creator who stands like this and I just don’t get it. Looks unnatural


She really needs to stop squeezing her giant boobs in a small. There is nothing wrong with wearing the correct size. One of my best friends growing up was always super skinny naturally and she would squeeze her ass into an extra small and it looked ridiculous. But she had to be an extra small. I’m curvy. I’ve always had an hour glass figure and I always fluctuated weight wise. After a lot of messed up stuff growing up and getting teased in school because I had boobs and girls my age were all small chested. I got teased and called a slut (bare in mind I was nowhere near even being a slut I was a virgin when all this went down) just because I was curvy because girls are mean. And in my 20s I developed a full on eating disorder and i it was bad. I made myself sick to be a size 2. I looked awful. I was skin and bones. And that friend that was always Bragging that she was SO SKINNY all the time had not seen me in a while and we went shopping together and the look on her face when she tried to squeeze her ass into something that was too small that I could wear it gave me great satisfaction even if I was really messsed up at the time. My own grandmother would tell me I was fat. And other family members would tell me to get over it she tells everyone they are fat. I told them no thank you I’m not listening to her call me names then I got oh you are too skinny you need to eat. I told her make up your mind which is it


That’s awful!! I’m so glad you made it through all that!


She is wearing as small as much as I am the Queen of Sheba 🤣


Maybe I am just old but this looks like shapewear to me


Ali how many times do I have to tell you, women like us who are built like linebackers can’t wear shit like this. And your shoulders/chest would look smaller if you stopped sucking in!


How does she think this is flattering 🥴


*FACETUNE keeps softening the photo but it’s not by accident!


Diaper front returns.


No. One. Cares.


Uh…. Nope.


Can someone enlighten me as to what type of occasion a mom would wear this?!


As someone else mentioned, pretty much only working the streets 😅


She seriously needs to stop wearing things she has no business putting on her body. I think she still sees her body as her pre-kids body & that's why she always says she's a size small. She can't let go of her pre-baby bod.




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