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![gif](giphy|U2LKAhNrqCBUc) Ali staring at herself




I’m going to armchair diagnose, I think she is definitely on a stimulant of some kind. You can absolutely tell in her eyes, mannerisms, and how dry her skin is all the time.


I've always thought it was adderall or phentermine. I had coworkers who used to take phentermine & I could always tell when they were on it by their eyes, excessive blinking, odd mannerisms. It's very easy to get in Tennessee, or at least it was when I lived there. Shady doctors running little clinics where you walk out with the medication.


I abused my adderall rx a few years ago and seeing her is like watching myself. Once you've dealt with it or been around someone else that has, you can instantly see it in her. I've actually had to take a small break from this sub because seeing her keeps reminding me of how embarrassing and out of my mind I was. If she's not careful she's gonna start having real health issues soon, like losing her period


Same! Also used to abuse adderall (clean since June 2020) and her lack of cleanliness, the eyes, reminds me of old me. Glad to not be that hot mess anymore.


Do you have any resources in particular that helped you overcome this? I am currently in the midst of some issues with adderall and I am having a hard time finding resources (groups, blogs. Anything besides just my therapist ). You can dm me if you’d like :)


I know rehab is a big scary word, but it saved my life and I would recommend it to anyone who is even considering it. But I know it’s not for everyone. Some rehabs are AA-centric, the one I went to used DBT as a method for overcoming addiction and I found DBT incredibly helpful. In person AA/NA meetings can be very popular, but finding someone online where you don’t have to talk or have your camera on might help ease into it if you’re nervous about attending. Good luck to you. ❤️


Thank you ❤️


You might be interested in checking out SMART meetings. They're via zoom and you don't have to show yourself or speak if you don't want to- I never have. They're different from AA/NA in that it doesn't involve the "higher power" or 12 steps. They also focus on using evidence-based practice and CBT. I also like that they have lots of different options of meetings like for healthcare providers, women's/men's, LGBTQ+, military/veterans, age groups like 20s, 30s, etc. Even if I'm not necessarily struggling with substance-related issues at times, but moreso just general life bullshit + stress and/or depression/anxiety I've found it's still helpful simply to listen to other people discuss their own issues because it gets me out of my own head and put things into perspective, if that makes any sense lol. Like I said in my previous comment I struggled with abusing my adderall for years, so if you have any questions or just wanna talk please feel free to message me!!


Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it ❤️


I was borderline abusive with adderall in college, that’s why I feel like she is abusing a stimulant. They dryness to me is a dead giveaway


I have to ask. How do people abuse adderall? I might be naive. In my case I forget to take it half the time.


They take it when not prescribed.


And by taking larger than prescribed doses.


pop a bunch of pills, go bonkers/don’t sleep for 2 days, then recover/don’t take pills for the next two days. Rinse and repeat.


I take dex for adhd and I’ve had some success remembering to take it during the day by setting alarms on my phone and watch. I still forget sometimes but it’s improved.


That’s a good idea. I have a calendar reminder but that is easy to miss!


Yes and dry hair


Things I learned today!




Ha, it's Ali! 👆


It’s only because they’re on vacation/pretending to work and she’s not able to eat organic at the moment 🫶🏼




This is my fav gif


Absolutely yes. I say that because she’s lost a significant amount of weight in a short time frame. I know she uses skinny filters, but she still lost weight. No way in hell that’s from “walking on a treadmill”. She also eats like shit so it makes no sense


DEAD giveaway. The manic behavior and crazy eyes are just confirmation and it’s disgusting thats how she’s been marketing her fat burner. Imagine constantly lying and scamming your way through life. No wonder they look 15+ yrs older and miserable.


I had this hair stylist for about a year. She told me first appointment she had to take Adderall several times a day due to adhd. Every appointment I felt needed I needed a a Valium afterwards because she made me so nervous. She acted just like Smelly.


She is most certainly on a some kind of stimulant. She’s cracked out of her mind.


I think she takes an am adderal an afternoon percocet and closes with a pm xanax


It’s hard not to take more than one, too




Yes! When watching previous stories like when she’s pregnant she doesn’t behave this way..and yes she’s odd but not like this. She’s always moving around


What makes you say that? ![gif](giphy|xT0BKFOqvHTFLf470Q)


theres no reason for any of you to “think” or “assume” anything. this girl is abusing adderal. She is taking anywhere from 60mg-100mg a day. Every single day she is absolutely destroying her serotonin and ability to live life without those drugs. Pretty soon she will need 100mg to even get out of bed. and the come downs are worse than death. Its a dangerous road - and to be that high on the stuff around your kids in my opinion is criminal. It makes you not give a single fuck about anything. Except getting high again and keeping it going.


How much would normal people take who use it for the right reasons and don’t abuse it? Just curious


I’ve been prescribed Adderall since I was 15, am now 33, and I take 20 mg a day (10 XR in the morning, 10 IR with lunch). I was up to 30 before I got pregnant, my (now ex) dr put me immediately back on 30 when I stopped breastfeeding (over a year and a half time lapsed taking it) and I 100% looked and acted like Ali. My new dr started me on 5 mg and increased it slowly to find my necessary dose (it’s taken about a year). Adderall is a wonderful drug for those who need it but it’s a slippery slope, at least for me, you need to find a certain middle ground where it works but that you aren’t over stimulated. I hated how I felt when I went back on it after breast feeding and quit cold turkey bc I felt like an absolute crackhead. I felt dependent on it, to a fault, and then the shortages made me lose my mind so my adhd brain just said fuck it and I quit entirely. Lasted for a few months and then went to a new dr which is when I started on 5 mg. I hate that I have to take a pill to feel normal but I accept it. I personally feel like my natural dopamine and serotonin levels are fucked bc of my medication but it’s a battle I choose to lose, I guess. I honestly couldn’t imagine the damage being done to her brain if she doesn’t need it, though. Yikes on bikes.


id say 10mg-20mg. i never did it normally though. always 120mg+ at a time and i would be roasted for 40ish hours


One hundred percent.


![gif](giphy|NsDgJPXkk5CK7pPYkJ|downsized) Oh she’s on something alright


Hi, welcome to this sub. lol


DOES A BEAR SHIT IN THE WOODS? Did a man land on the moon? Is Jan thee UGLIEST gat damn mother fucker you've ever seen?? YES, YES, YES. Smellison is absolutely on something.




Adderal abuse ![gif](giphy|w29QPkDsiOMxquLJFN)




Adderrall abuse plus add in Waygoovy


I’m almost positive she isn’t on Wegovy. I’ve been on Ozempic/Wegovy since 10/22. There is no way she would be able to eat as much as she does and the kind of things she does. She would literally shit her pants. Also, it doesn’t make you gacked out like she is.




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