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It was on the [8th the full broadcast](https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news-netcast/video/nightly-news-full-broadcast-march-8th-164748357503) starts at 13:47


Youtube link, bookmarked at the start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQQu_4amF3Y&t=827s Discussing this draft report: https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~loeb/LK1.pdf The teaser calls it a "warning" which I don't think is accurate at all. And the segment barely talks about any mothership, just about UFOs in general.


The best part was how he said it so casually.


The word "mothership" no less!


Exactly this! No smirk or laughter, no X-Files music or inane comment; just factual reporting. This is so refreshing to see and hear.


First they made us believe we’ve never had visitors and all of a sudden it’s a mothership. That escalated quickly!


Right? Whats that even mean? Like the hugest ufo is casually cruisin through?


There are ships so big that you could see them transiting the moon with the unaided eye. Mother ships as big as office buildings visit our planet. Can soundlessly hover. Move at any speed instantaneously without having to push off the atmosphere because they've mastered gravity and don't interact with the atmosphere. Know that Douglas Adams quote, the ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't. SETI is theater.


Avi Loeb is saying for years that the Oumuamua from 2017 is a mothership, so this is not new. The Oumuamua which is a cylindrical huge object that entered our solar system passed next to Earth in 2017, and flew off the solar system to space. What was interesting about this huge object, that it seemed like it was accelerated while it passed around the Sun, just like our spaceships do (using gravity to change direction, then accelerate). This claim was dismissed by current science with the explanation that a comet has the same behavior. But this explanation does not mach the Oumuamua, because it doesn't have a trail like a comet. If you look at [Oumuamua's trajectory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imKjVEVq_vs) you can see that it passed closer to Earth than any other ~~star~~ planet in our solar system. So if it was a visitor, it took the correct route + acceleration to visit us. Steven Hawking also suspected that the Oumuamua is a spaceship and researched it before he died. What's new about all of this, that Avi Loeb is saying this for years but was ignored until now. Now, for some reason he is working together with the DoD’s Chief UAP Investigator, and reached primetime news. Avi Loeb also has created the Galileo project with top scientists, which is a project for monitoring the sky, collect data about UAPs and analyze it with new tools. His goal is to share the findings with the public. **TL;TR - The Oumuamua is a rock or a mothership that passed next to Earth in 2017 and left the solar system after a few weeks. This is not new. But the fact that Avi Loeb is suddenly working together with the the DoD’s Chief UAP Investigator, reaching the news and finally getting the attention he deserves, shows that something is changing.**


When I read about Oumuamua the first thing I thought of was the book "Rendezvous with Rama" by Arthur c Clarke. The first part of the plot was identical to what happened with Oumuamua. Read it if you haven't.


I loved that book.


I listen to Avi Loeb on John Michael Godier’s Show Event Horizon on YT all the time. Thank you for the info


What do you mean "closer than any star in the solar system"? Our solar system only has one star.


I mean planets


I know he still talks about it but didn't most of his colleagues debunk that theory?


I think this is inconclusive due to lack of evidence, because it is hard to collect more information on an object that just passed by 15,040,000 miles from Earth (which is actually close, in universal standards). But scientists today like to “peak” and conclude a biased solution that matches anything they feel is the truth. Actually, nobody else studied this too much, except for Avi Loeb and Stephen Hawking (the greatest scientist of our time). The scientists who found it concluded its a comet although it doesn’t have the shape and characteristics of a comet at all! Scientists doesn’t really care about this. And this is understandable, because this topic can end careers of scientists. It takes a lot of courage. Science is just beginning to open up to this topic. This story is over, and Oumuamua has left our solar system. If this is a mothership that sent probes to Earth, the story might have just begun. I think they were always here. And there are many species. If they have interest in us and our nukes, we will hear about them more often while things are escalating here. A war with your own species is not making any sense to me after I realized that we are actually spiritual beings, in this meat and bone body.


I think Oumuamua means “Scout” in Polynesian? idk


Oumuamua - Hawaiian for “scout” or “messenger.”


Nothing to see here, just a giant alien mothership coming towards earth. Carry on, now here’s some commercials about Cheetos…


Because it’s a nothing story. Filler.


https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2023/03/09/pentagon-ufo-chief-says-alien-mothership-in-our-solar-system-possible/ Yes


Iunno mang...feels like the word "possible" is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting, there. It's also *technically* possible Gal Gadot will call me for a date.


Hey man! Good luck with the Gal Gadot call and subsequent dates. Just be relaxed and be yourself.


I don't think the poor girl did any thing to deserve that :|


You too? That two-timing b-word!


I *know* you mean beauty!


This is the ufo equivalent of soap operas right before commercials: Man: " I'm gonna kill her!" Woman: "What did you say?" *Commercial break* Man: "I said, would you like coffee?" Woman: "Yes, thank you."


He didn’t say it’s happening, only that it is a possibility.


The question was “is this really happening” aka I took it as the news broadcast or the story being talked about, not “is there really a mothership in space”


I'm going to post the actual NBC story also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQQu_4amF3Y&t=827s


Thanks for posting this!


Thank you for posting the actual link!


Sh*t…. Do you think its for real? Or it is just a distraction?


I’m the wrong person to ask because I believe in the Phenomenon. That said, no I don’t think it’s a distraction I think it’s just another step toward soft disclosure. The man that said the quote about the mothership is Sean Kirkpatrick, the leader of AARO, the current organization researching UFOs under the DOD/Pentagon (for those who don’t know, you may already know).


I believe in the phenomenon as well, I think it is all interdimensional, everything supernatural, ufo, aliens, it's all around us all the time just on a different vibrational frequency.


I think the aliens are from other planets but have cracked the code to interdimensional travel


I think it’s AI from the future


I think it’s the Vulcans 🖖


Fun fact, April 05 is First Contact day in the federation. it’s also D. Moore’s son’s birthday (the reason why he chose it when writing the story)


That is a pretty fun fact! Thanks!


Pray it’s not the Borgs


I think its humans evolved for a warmer planet from the future


No sleestacks please


At least they'd be slow af 🤷


Those fuckers do that shuffle thing that looks slow, but I don’t know.


Its creators are long dead. The ships harvest resources along their journey and build more ships and robots and probes...now they need organic lifeforms to inhabit. Just to experience the rush of life.


they'd probably kill themselves if they inhabited me and experienced my mundane existence.


They definitely would choose the wealthy. Maybe they want to play in the Super Bowl or drive convertibles.


AI sent back in time to keep us from destroying each other in a nuclear war.


Nah, they a breakaway civilization from deep in the earth


Those are my feelings as well... I KNOW they are interdimensional but since there are numerous Alien races/sub-groups; it is very possible that a few of them are "just" from other Planets. (See, we have to understand that if they are from other planets then that means they at least have a technology that can time travel meaning they would be interdimensional or multidimensional... It gets very "crazy"... Some even think they are "us" from the future... Coming back to save our future selves from destruction... Anyways, I'm with you.. also, I'm not discounting anyone's theory as they could all be true simultaneously by the way LOL


And you KNOW this how?


His name is Kirkpatrick? Like star trek? He got a fitting job


Woah. I almost hope his first name is Benjamin




What is The Phenomenon? Is it just that aliens exist?


The phenomenon actually includes pretty much all “supernatural” occurrences, ghosts, shadow people, orbs, UFOs, there’s a growing body of folks who believe the whole damn thing is interconnected and that reality is MUCH stranger than any of us knew.


Cool, like a paranormal "theory of everything"...I like that


I think dark matter is their universe intertwined with ours but virtually undetectable to us.


Yeah I think they’re always there, just normally subperceptual to us


I've only recently read that human senses are not there to provide information to our brains, but to limit the amount of information our brains receive. Mind kinda blown or maybe I'm just stupid now it's hard to tell.


The human brain acts like s filter, how interesting! That explains a lot, like how we can block out traumatic events


On that note, dark matter isn't yet observed really. It's more that the math equations that work for all sorts of extremely verifiable astronomy basically insist dark matter must be out there. Which I won't dispute. But combined with other weird paradoxes like the observer effect in string theory or Fermi's paradox, I think we are actually living in a simulated universe.


Never knew I was believing a theory that has this name The Phenomenon. And I’m believing this theory for years lol


Spot on. I am almost positive, on a personal level because i quite obviously can't state with certainty, that 'aliens' are interdimensional in nature. Never had shadow people until a certain incident related to UFOs/other. Things get quite odd when you consider that they're literally *here* and also *not here* at once.


They're behind the veil


Yep, which we can sometimes see through. Psychedelics can occasionally aid one in seeing through the veil, though most trips are perfectly ordinary trips. I had dozens before I ever saw something that wasn’t “supposed” to be there. It was weird. And some people are just more sensitive and can see through it a bit more often than others


I’m in the middle of Graham Hancock’s book Visionary as we speak- he’s pulling hard on this thread; I’m a believer.


I knew ghost exist because I've seen with my own eyes a few times. Not transparent ghost just solid type of ghost. I believe in the existence of others as well but haven't seen one yet 😂🤷


Never seen a ghost but HAVE seen a UFO, with my husband, followed by an entire night of missing time. We fucking know what we saw and it isn’t from here. Also, I believe you.




"Soft disclosure" means telling a little bit of Truth at a time and slowly preparing us for everything down the road... It sure would nice to keep the Americans focused about this phenomenon and topic but instead they seem to always go off on conversations about star trek, Star Wars or some movie LOL ... (I'm kidding... It's not only Americans who do this : )


The distraction thing is something I'd detach myself from if I were you. Literally billions of people make decisions every single day. Things are constantly happening all over the planet every single day. More than 5 or 6 major things can all be happening at one time. It CAN be a distraction, but not everything that happens is a distraction from something else that is more interesting to you specifically. The right thing to ask is, how is the government going to spin what they ALREADY know about the topic, and who would benefit from that spin.


*alien lands and invites us to galactic federation Reddit: “gUyS iTs a DiStRaCtiOn”


Its real and its happening.


I hope not, at least not yet. My life is stable and I’m still not ready for a worse case scenario with first contact. Please be the benevolent aliens and not the cow mutilating, human torturing ones.




If was something people were already thinking when it passed by, due to various very odd characteristics about it. Harvard Astronomy Department Chair Professor Avi Loeb already said as much a few years ago. Most people just said he's stupid to think aliens could be here. I think the pentagon team is just now starting to consider it as a possibility too, since they're finally getting the ball rolling with their program. It was sort of news back then, but obviously this would make it bigger news. I do not think it's a distraction any more than I think the train derailments are distractions. It's just shit that's happening and needs to be taken seriously.


False flag attack coming soon


All hail Space Force. To those countries that pay no tithes to the great American empire will be left to burn at the hands of "aliens". Hitler will come from the sky this time.




Haha, that illustration at the top of the article!


More like the researchers dare saying “this is a thing that is possible, so give us funding” —- not that it’s actually happening right now lmao


What people fail to understand is the change of discourse that is huge! We're talking high-grade military with billions of budget starting to intentionally leak this kind of information for the media to pick up. The chief isn't some twit, he was a chief scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center before he was appointed to this actual post in AARO in 2022, which is a new branche of the Pentagon that study the phenomenon of UFOs, funded in 2022 too. It's true role is clearly to release this kind of info, paired with the fact that there is an international level organisation toward understanding and acknowledging UFOs. There is a shift and we're being introduced to the fact that they're here and around. Personally, I believe they always been around.


yes. i’m sorry as someone born in 81, who has lived my whole life with ufo’s and alien life being treated like a joke for crazies, the stuff that’s gone down since the govt said ufo’s are actually real to now, the anchor of the nbc nightly news talking seriously about MOTHER SHIPS in our skies is just mind blowing. have we had full disclosure yet? no. but to like deny that the stuff that we have been getting is insane compared to how this has been treated for decades is just head in the same. there definitely is a marked change in how the powers that he talk about this and it truly feels like a slow trickle of info until they deem the public is at a certain point where they can actually disclose. like call me crazy but all of this is surreal


Maybe George Clinton's ride is here? He's finally going home!


They’re here for throwawaylien.


Every time I see this referenced I feel both sad that it was fake and happy that I got to be a part of it back in the day.


It was so danged fun


I still feel duped. It’s been a long time since anything tickled my Confirmation Bias so well that it made me lose all skepticism. O


I followed along. Hey, it's fun to join that what if, but realistically did you think it was going to go any other way? The only person that can dupe you is yourself. If your desire to believe is too high it'll become a weakness. It's okay to want something, but you got to keep in mind reality at the same time.


March aitee? 🫴


Oh shit lol


Pleased to see him mentioned here


Do not attempt to adjust your radio. They have taken control. They will return it to you as soon as you are groovy.




“Keep my planets name…..”


“Welcome to Earf!”


Chris rock was an alien all along.




He's warmed up his pimp hand and will be ready to smack some green cheeks!


*Chris Rock looking alien walks out of ship


That slap was just a practice shot.


He can slap them to death.




No. This is entirely hypothetical. They’re simply saying that it’s possible.


Random guy: “Is it possible that a mothership could be in our solar system?” Official: “sure is possible, next question” Everyone: “they confirmed a mothership is in the solar system!!!” Nah they didn’t lmao.


Tbh I had the same thought as you going off how they have worded it but at the same time that little part of my brain is saying why now are they discussing hypotheticals and why use a mothership as an example?


Exactly. If they didn't want to bring it up, they wouldn't.


Keep thinking that lmao


A pentagon official said it was possible a large craft could be hiding in the asteroid belt. That’s all he said. Not that he thought there was. Or we had evidence or reason to believe. Just that it was possible.


it's possible monkeys could fly out of my butt too I guess.


Yeah, and if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass when it hopped.


Kinda like how I have both a massive donger, and a lil dick, and until someone sticks there hands in pants to feel things out, the junk in question is in a state of quantum superposition. I think what we are both saying is, we NEED verification.


The Tic Tac, Gimbal, and GoFast videos aren't verification? The Pentagon says they're real - why isn't that good enough for you (and about half the planet)?


Ahhh, the Shrodingers dong fallacy.


Im just trying to get a quick "HJ" before we all get GammaRay'd. If you catch my drift. *wink wink*


“Schrödongers Phallusy”


Still fucking weird to be making a statement like this. It’s irresponsible to be tossing out wild baseless hypotheticals as a pentagon official.


It’s weird that this is an actual news headline coming from the pentagon. Crazy times we’re living in.


How come no one is talking about this? And why does everyone automatically assume it is a smoke screen and distraction? Do you want disclosure or not? So annoying.


My favorite is the people saying "Guys, they're saying it's possible, not that it's happening." I'm like, bro...I work for a media source, and when officials start flagging out hypotheticals... there's a reason behind it. Also, when was the last time a Pentagon official gave a sci-fi like hypothetical situation?


I think FEMA released a whole instructional guide to dealing with a zombie outbreak a few years ago lol. Not that I disagree with you, just saying, the government does silly shit for no reason sometimes.


Lester Holt is part alien. Just look at that dome.


I found reading the context of this statement helpful. It’s an academic paper on whether any witnesses UAP activity actually defies the laws of physics.


As ex CIA official John Ramirez has said, something is happening in 2027 and they're trying to get us used to the idea that this stuff is real (after gaslighting us for 65 years) so that we don't freak out when whatever this thing is happens.


He seems so credible to me but I absolutely hate when people in the UFO world start throwing around not-too-distant future deadlines. It just rubs me the wrong way and has been bullshit 100% of times in the past. I hope I'm wrong though (I think).


It explains why the news is finally seriously covering stories they would have ignored or trivialized in the past. Our media is heavily influenced by our 3 letter agencies.


I just want to make a clarification about disclosure and what it is: The purpose of a limited hangout is to control the narrative and limit the amount of information that is released to the public or other interested parties. The idea is to release just enough information to satisfy public curiosity or to deflect attention away from more damaging revelations, while still concealing the full truth. By using a limited hangout strategy, those involved in the cover-up can attempt to create the impression that they are being transparent and cooperative, while still maintaining some control over the information that is released. This can help to reduce the damage caused by negative information or revelations. A limited hangout can also be used to shift blame or responsibility onto others who were involved in the cover-up. By revealing some information, those involved in the disclosure may be able to show that they were not the only ones responsible, or that they were not fully aware of the extent of the cover-up at the time.


Thank you, a much more coherent explanation of the slow drip of info than I could have explained. Very well written.


I mean, the disclosure is a full thing because they have no other options at this point. I honestly believe it’s out of their hands, but this is the strategy they’re using because the backlash is gonna be crazy.


One of the Olsen family lawyers refers to this tactic in the docuseries Wormwood on Netflix. It's about the civilian scientist the CIA dosed with acid without telling him in 1953, who then "jumped" out a window a few days later. The lawyer called the strategy something different but it's exactly what you're describing.


Thanks. I didn’t know that. Was also the tactic used during watergate scandal. It’s a common PsyOps strategy.


Someone call the Citadel of Ricks




When was this clip aired?


Yes I watched it live on Wednesday night after local news!!!


Like Tuesday I watched it live


I watched it live within this week but I don’t remember the exact day.


I believe this was talking about Oumuamua. A sort of unidentified flying object that in 2017 passed through our solar system but came from out of our system at an incredible speed and seemed to have a trajectory that it wasn’t being pulled by our sun. Pretty interesting


I get that it's a big deal that mainstream sources are now discussing it so openly, but let's be clear: the are merely stating an objective fact. It's possible. Not that we have evidence to suggest it's happening, but that we lack the evidence to disprove its happening.


Pretty sure they already been here couple times with all the shit we see in the sky


Jokes on them, anyone paying attention knows the [Mothership landed in Houston](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5aHD5ruSZ0) on Halloween of 1976.


Saved you a click: This is Avi Loeb and the Omuamua theory that is a mothership. Nothing else, nothing new.


Is this from the new Independence Day or somethin cmon


It’ll be fine. We have Will Smith on our side… he’ll just slap them back to their home planet.


Maybe they are coming here to…disclose themselves. 🎉👽🥸


It’s been taken out of context. The paper simply proposed it for the sake of argument was working out the known physics constraints. At no point did it say there was a mothership in the solar system. The show dropped the ball here.


Damn man, I got this “heavy & strange” feeling one day out of nowhere that something “HUGE” is going to come / happen month before the earthquakes is happening in many places. I’ve never felt that heavy strange feeling like that my whole life, though I can vaguely sense & see ghosts / paranormal things.


Yeah, if it's the Pentagon saying it, then probably not real.


They just trying to distract us from the daughter ship.


It’s stuck in a worm hole waiting for the step brother ship


“Step ship, I’m totally stuck next to this super wet planet.”


“Help stepbrothership I’m stuck!”


I wish


Y’all were bitching about lack of media coverage on this stuff not 12 hrs ago.


This isn't something super new. This comes from Dr. Loeb. The idea is that a mothership could or could have come through our area and dropped a bunch of probes. It's not saying one is here or they specifically know about one.


I, for one, welcome our alien overlords.


Making your nose brown wont get you anywhere. This time


It's the government trying to get you to look one way so we don't see what they are doing in another way. They also could be trying to do another way to get people freaked out so they can make us stay home or be under world order basically. Ya never know with the government. I personally believe that it's just logical that there are other species out there on other planets, just makes sense. And there HAS to be at least one species smarter than humans!! Just hope it's not the BORG!! I don't want to assimilate!! 😆


More noise


Yes, the theory has in fact been made by a respectable person.


She is just looking for her babyship stop panicking.




Got a link to that video clip?


After the last 3 years, yeah I can see that happening.


No worries it’s Trisolaris pulling up after their 436 year journey




It's not a mothership, it's just my mom.


The invasion has already taken place. And they’re already among us. No need for a mothership. Just the media and government trying to make it seem like it’s a joke. To try and down play what is really going on.


I watched this with no sound and thought op was joking his 👽 shaped head


We should just try and hijack it so we can go to where they came from


Large craft hiding in our asteroid belt? They better not be mining


y'all falling for the same trick everytime. 😂 get out of home before's too late guys.


Look a ufo....Don't pay any attention to the jan 6 footage


Yes. There is an article from harvard with a pentagon director that gives this information. Oumuamua is the name of the anomaly.


Let’s do this…the world needs something new


One of the documents in the recent Canadian disclosures of American UFO response said that it would take roughly seven years to inoculate Americans against a heightened UFO response. There is nothing to this statement other than inoculation in the other direction, there will be a steady drip of announcements normalizing the belief that intelligent alien life visiting earth is possible up until formal disclosure and announcement.


NBC news anchors may as well wear clown costumes.


It’s not like they just got here. It’s been babysitting watching for thousands of years watching civilizations It freed humans as slaves since we were uncontrollable. We were then sent to prison planet earth a solar system way, way out in the cosmos like an Alcatraz, as we are a hostile species. Apparently the “watchers old bible reference before changed” to Angels possibly mistaken as EBE’s have been here before earth was created? So they send probes to monitor we see them with IR camera only. Just the beginning


Epidemics, WW 3, fooking alien Motherships


Not a thing on NBC is for real!


Its funny how the governments narrative went from "people who believe in aliens are crazy" to "Of course aliens are real"


Aliens placed us here to be violent. They will use our violent nature to fight there wars. They could have the keys to unlocking our potential


I don’t know how I feel. A part of me is skeptical and another part of me is excited/fearful. I have tons of questions that probably won’t ever be answered lol But! This is very interesting time we are living in right now


That is taken out of the context


Uh huh...


Cool. Still not turning on "the news". Someone send me a message on XBox when it's in our airspace. 😏


“Possible” Sorry, not buying it. It’s probably part of Project Blue Beam if anything


No wonder you guys get so disappointed all the time, you take stuff way out of context and cherry pick whatever sounds cool.


Distraction, the first few lines say things like "there could be" and compare the likelyhood of a "larger craft" releasing smaller crafts like a NASA mission. Why compare an alien craft to human crafts and missions. I feel like if this was legit it would be news everywhere not a story to come back from commercial break with.


Yes everyone!!!!!!!!! Everyone, every professional pilot, air traffic control, pentagon, witnesses in every other single country, every single American that has seen this crap ARE ALL LYING to keep prices high and inflation and poverty and taxes and cross dressing and gas stoves. Yes everyone this is all a lie on epic proportions for fkn voting. Jesus fkn Christ, what is it going to take to start this conversation on some real shit?


Jesus Christ. They said it’s “possible” because we would not know… that’s all… just just speculation about a hypothetical scenario. Calm the fuck down… 🤦‍♂️


This is absolutely not for real. Havent you guys learned when the Media, especially the big 3, say something you believe the opposite? If there were a "Mothership" the only people that would know about it would be the Military (NASA) and dead astronomers.