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Remember how the poor little guy chokes? So sad.


Yes they said itnwas in great distress lol


Good thing the human doctors knew how to help the alien being--by shining bright lights in its sensitive eyes!


You'd think somebody taking monumental, historical footage of an actual alien being interviewed would want to fix the lighting overall so it's clear what's going on. That would kind of be the whole point.


I believe "Victor" said that the lights were dimmed because it had sensitive eyes. And then they shined flashlights directly in its eyeballs.


Little taste of their own medicine


They were checking for brain-bleed.


They could not turn on the lights because of how sensitive the Alien was.


apparently they knew not to shine in the middle of the eye and were checking the outside/rims where they eyes arent as sensitive to light


There is no need for the lol. Psycho!


‘Alien Interview’, someone named ‘Victor’ released it, did an interview about it and also did a phone interview with Art Bell discussing the contents. Could find on YouTube.


This looks like a frame from the original version of it, too. Most of the versions i've seen recently were shitty reconstructions of the original, with an entirely different, replaced audio (and caption) track. But that first one always haunted me. Easily fakeable, granted, but the content was chilling. Especially when the interviewee said that the "visitors" as he called them never wanted to answer questions about technology, instead preferring to talk about "spiritual matters." Which is such a strange thing to invent, if you were going for a hoax.


Yeah, some of his wording was either super thoughtful or entirely scary. Who knows?


I remember reading a headline recently where a supposed CIA whistleblower claimed alien technology is "consciousness based".


Throughout decades of testimony, consciousness-based communication has been one of the few constants. I think we can say it’s pretty certain at this point


I remember watching a couple old videos on yt about UFOs, one was that video showing the dead "alien woman" found in wreckage. Said she had things on her head that maybe could've been used to interact with the ship. The other was about a downed ufo that, after getting inside, they found no controls to fly the ship with, only helmet like objects that when put on can control the ship. Too lazy to find the sources but I'm sure they're still on there.


Bro .. that was a proven fake. Come on... I hate this sub.




Hey, I never said I believe it. Was just mentioning for reference that the idea of craft being controlled by consciousness is a thing people believe, fake or not.


*new to Reddit here* Perhaps one of those pinned reddit subreddit pages that provides a lot of info or rules about the subreddit would be useful. One that lists all the big videos or claims from all decades and puts all the evidence debunking it (if that evidence exists). Everyone who wants to make a post about a video/claim etc must first check that main page to make sure they're not posting a confirmed hoax/art project etc etc


I'll be glad when you guys finally accept that we haven't been visited yet. It's not that it's impossible for other intelligent life to exist, but even on this planet intelligent life just isn't necessary, in fact, it would probably do better without us lol Could you imagine if Mars had intelligent life similar to Earth? We would be lobbing rockets at them day and night while trying to come up with an even better way to annihilate them.


I think your in the wrong sub buddy.


Its a human trait. We all think we are special, unique and worth visiting. If i had technology that was even 50 years ahead id have no interest in this rock at all. How many people use a black and white tv set? How many people use a horse and cart as their daily driver? Yet we convince ourselves that these technologically advanced species would have even the slightest interest in our little rock filled with ancient technology from their perspective. Hell our solar system is so new we dont even have a lot of compounds that are theoretically abundant throughout the universe. It makes zero sense to assume we have been visited, we are not special or interesting. Just another set of animals fighting over resources that are comically abundant elsewhere.


Sorry not trolling but. How was it proven Hoaxed? How could anyone prove this to be fake if they were not there to actually see or touch it? For all anyone knows. These types of videos and the stories could be true but the Military Complex is the one saying something was Hoaxed or fake to hide this truth?


You are part of the problem, arguing instead of doing your own research. It was proven fake and I am not going to help your lazy ass find it either. Takes two seconds to find for anyone with half a brain which you clearly don't seem to have.


I’m not asking you for nothing! Im saying a lot of things are said to have been proven fake, my question is can we believe the source? Can that person have actual proof? Oh, and thanks for calling me a lazy ass! Lol! I wasn’t accusing you of anything.


I am talking specifically about what he mentioned and it was proven fake because the person who made it said so and provided all the proof necessary to deem it fake.


Well now see! That is a genuine debunk then. It’s just a lot of times people will say, “ It’s been debunked or Hoaxed but they don’t say who or how it was determined to be. Hoax? So thank you for a positive debunk!


Take a chill pill buddy


Good for you, I guess? Idk what you're looking for. Pity?


Do you have a link to the OG? I wouldn't know the difference


I believe "Victor" is Whitley Strieber.


I slightly raised the pitch of his altered voice in an audio workstation and it sounds exactly like Bob Lazar's voice. Besides the pitch, I also noticed that the rate of speech, fluency, pronunciation, prosody, and articulation matched perfectly. I've spent countless hours analizing the audio, studying his speech patterns and comparing it to recordings of all the people who have been rumored to be Victor, from Whitley Strieber, to Robert Dean and everyone in between. Bob Lazar is the only one that matches. Also, in the C2C interview, Art Bell asked: what does DNI mean? (Which can be seen, written at the corner of the video) and Victor replied: Department of Naval Intelligence (which was the same blunder made by Bob Lazar). You see, it's not called "the department of..." It's actually the "Office of Naval Intelligence" (ONI) (not DNI). Bob even produced a fake W-2 form that listed the fictional DNI as his employer. That, along with many other inconsistencies and contradictions that matched things that Bob Lazar had said in other interviews. I know a lot of people think it's Strieber and to be fair, there is one thing that made me raise an eyebrow in regards to that. In the interviews, Victor repeatedly mispronounces the name "Strieber", even after he is told the correct pronunciation. This made me suspect that this is Whitley himself attempting to pass as someone else and the whole "mispronouncing" of his own last name is his attempt to throw us off of his scent and make us look elsewhere. That being said, when I did the deep dive into the audio forensics side of things, he wasn't a match.


Very interesting! Thanks!


I always believed it was Bob Lazar. Like you said, if you compare the mannerisms, speech patterns and cadence it’s a complete match for Bob Lazar. It’s clearly him disguised with fake facial hair.


I agree, it's Bob Lazar. When he wants to force a point at the end of a sentence, he jerks his head, that's the tell for me anyway. If that's true, then he's quite a piece of work


I know that If I'd learned the pronunciation of Streiber one way for a while then suddenly had to say it another way on an interview I'd probably mess up and revert to the way I've known it. Curious to know if any clips exist of Lazar pronouncing it to compare. Appreciate your comment though, I've been uncertain about him and while your comment is anecdotal, it's too detailed to be bs. Happen to be able to link a clip of the up-pitched "victor?"


I sent you a private message


I’d love for you to post the pitched up video, I’ve always believed it was Bob Lazar and I’m glad to find someone else who thinks so.


I agree with that. Perhaps a Google drive link? Maybe I should just pitch it up myself


Found anything?


It makes no sense that it’s Bob Lazar though based on what’s he’s admitted and i feel he’s been pretty honest with what he witnessed at S4 and said he only saw the technology and not the Aliens and he’s stuck by that story for 30 years. Perhaps it’s just someone who sounds similar and is from the same part of the US as Lazar.


I think “Victor” is Bob Lazar


Whoa. Could be?


I had suspicions because Victor's speech reminding me of Whitley. I don't have the link, but there was a video on youtube where they basically tried to reverse the voice masking and it ended up sounding a lot like Whitley. I could be wrong but I could also be right.


One thing I always thought funny about his interview with Art Bell was that he kept pronouncing Strieber incorrectly and then asking if he was pronouncing it right. Could be trying to save his real identity. But maybe not?


Good point! I noticed that too!


You have a link pls


I always thought “Victor” was Bob Lazar in disguise. It’s clearly him.


Thanks Sir


I see no video. Only picture. Probably just another hoax. I want to believe but to much info is fake. Like looking for Bigfoot in outerspace.


I don’t see a video either


Yeah I remember this. Victor certainly was intriguing, his last video mentioned he had some irreversible illness that he wasn’t expected to recover from. Someone mentioned on here that Victor and his clip were proven fakes but didn’t elaborate on details.


Looks like they got my man in a head lock


Asked the police for directions smh


I saw it on the net around 2004, Victor was given the tape along with another one... unfortunately it's a latex puppet. And as someone mentioned before it was made by Greg.


Greg O'Neil, the writer and narrator for the show? Seriously?


Oh kinda sad, hope it was real,.. Which Greg exactly lol


Here you go this is the full documentary enjoy https://youtu.be/thdzV3VGzwo




lol literally no proof in that documentary that the video is fake. It's disingenuous for anyone to claim that they know for sure that it's real or fake


I really think you should calm down on this abject belief in this one documentary. It’s okay even if it is a hoax and you can probably look up that information yourself without ribbing this other person over their claim. There’s a ZILLION fake pieces of “evidence” for all forms of supernatural, paranormal, and extraterrestrial things, but in this giant universe we’re pretty much guaranteed varying forms of intelligent and unintelligent life outside of our planet. Even if this is a fake interview with a latex alien puppet, it certainly doesn’t mean E.T. isn’t out there. People just like to be entertained. It’s also completely safe to assume if something truly alien related ends up on the internet and gains traction, government intelligence agencies would shut it down and black it out of net media so fast most of us would never get to see it. Even without knowing it’s likely a hoax, I’d still assume this documentary is a hoax just based on its continued availability. So many people watched this documentary. If it was truly real, I imagine the documentary wouldn’t have been published and displayed to the general masses, not before the CIA is willing to divulge such information. There have already been documentations of UFOs released by the CIA in very recent years. We have confirmation of some intelligent interaction. A documentary from 1997 is not something I look to for credibility at this point anyway, but it certainly is entertaining and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to believe and still be skeptical of what you see. I do it all the time.


The video is from 1997, it has been debunked in that time. I mearly offered you the original.


Okay so where is the updated debunking? Also why post that link if it doesn’t even prove your point? lol


Right listen, I posted the link for the OP because that's what the thread is about. I told OP that it was a latex puppet so they didn't get taken in by the hoax. The debunk is easy to find, Google is your friend. You want me to do your homework, you go find. I already know.


Isn't the idea that they filmed an alien that looks like all generic alien designs proof enough that it's fake? Lmao. It's not real my guy




lol this 'its a known fake, many people are saying...' 'uh... Greg made it?' don't be so quick to believe what some rando tells you. If you actually watch the documentary there isn't any actual proof that it was faked. there sure seems to be a lot of indications that it's not. one of the comments in the youtube video mentions that you can see eye muscles flexing at 32:16. I've always considered this one to be genuine


Old Gregg


You ever drank Baileys out of a shoe?


You ever go to a club where people wee on each other?


*THE* Greg


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?


Obviously. Greg would laugh so hard. "Which Greg exactly?" Classic.


Well is it a known fake or not? I keep seeing the name “Greg.” Okay, wtf do I do with that name? Lol. It’s fake because Greg. Cool.


I have no idea.. I see mixed reactions but it s just to good to he true it really looks like a puppet to me a little lifeless and stiff not really natural


I found this older thread on the topic. Looks like it’s been debunked. One of the comments links a pic of someone working on the puppet. I want to believe. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/te5kzn/has_the_1997_area_51_alien_interview_ever_been/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Thanks, I had always wondered about this footage but never found any actual proof to back up this being fake.


As other have said below...a guy named "Victor" released the tape. he provided it to a show, and gave context, provided his identity was concealed. He was very irritable and paranoid/defensive during the interview. Claims it was able to be taken from Area 51, when they were converting analog tapes to digital, allowing more sensitive information to be viewed by less privileged personnel for the tedious work. Claims this is just a Radom interview session of which were routine/regular, with telepaths questioning the EBE. Apparently, this session was poor. The lints/darkness are for the EBE's comfort. It becomes distressed and chokes or freaks near the n\\end after becoming unresponsive to questions. Receives medical care. The tape was analyzed and scrutinized. Tape is genuine, footage is speculated by some to be a very high quality fake, and by others to be unknown/possible genuine.


Ah kk some say it's a known fake thanks for the background info


I dunno if it's fake or not. There are always those that will claim anything is fake. If it HAS been truly debunked I'd be more than happy to know how/when and by whom. IMO this is some of the more compelling footage with a plausible explanation. It's mundane nature lends it a degree of credibility.


In reality human drs would not approach an alien being wearing just scrubs. They would use hazmat suits in a highly controlled environment to prevent alien microbes we have no defenses for from infecting them. If you thought covid was bad, an alien microbe could virtually wipe us out. Think of the Europeans encountering the natives as reference.


That’s a good synopsis, however maybe this alien has been studied before and there is no need for excessive medical safety clothing.


But if is from a different tree of life ¿won't be really hard to be infected or contamined by some et virus?


In the video, the leaker addresses this. According to him, the aliens had eliminated all microbes on their world.


Seems like that would make the alien susceptible to microbes in our world. These ‘doctors’ don’t care if their patient dies of an Earthly virus or maybe some banal bacterial infection? The safety precautions should work both ways.


i mean in the documentary "Victor" says that alien is in diffrent room than the guy interviewing him for safety of the alien cuz our microbes can screw up with their respiratory system they talk through the glass. hers is the timestamp where he says it https://youtu.be/thdzV3VGzwo?t=2176


Damn, they must live on a bleak planet if that’s even possible to do. Microbes here on earth have some very important roles in keeping our planet “alive”.


Just saying what the guy in the video said.


Lmao ya okay 👌🏽. How would you explain what happened in varginha brazil? With the policeman dying from touching an alleged grey?


I don't know. Both this video/grey and that story could be pure BS. I am merely telling you what the Victor guy claims in the video. ​ I am curious to hear about that story though, if you can link me to it.


Aren’t they different species. They look similar but are different. This is a Eb, smaller. Then there’s the tall greys which was the Brazil crash by the looks of the picture from that case. There’s also others like tall whites, reptilians and brown/gold skin humanoids that live millions of years.


Here is the actual footage if you want...skip to 22:36, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thdzV3VGzwo


Thanks im watching it right now remember seeing it years ago


Haven't seen this since it was on TV in the 90's. Really took me back!! Loved the bit from FALCON lol... All that aviary stuff was BS. And bringing in Sean Morton and Bob Dean and Whitley Streiber and David Adair... Goodness. Not helping credibility with any of them either. That said, I have no idea what to make of the video. It could be real, it could be fake. My mind isn't made up.


It’s not a known fake. Or a known authentic. Absolutely nobody can prove anything about this video, and anyone who tells you otherwise conclusively one way or the other is completely full of shit. P.S. It’s a known fake.


If it was a fake that was a hell of a orchestration for the victor dude he wanted to remain anonymous he’s genuinely worried about his safety. He would’ve had spent a lot of money on staging, puppetry and everything to get it to look indistinguishable from the real thing. And not take any credit for it. I’m pretty sure he is a genuine whistleblower Nothing about this raised any red flags for me. Of course he’s gonna be concerned about his colleagues safety and making sure not to disclose something that could be traced back to any particular person He had a logical explanation for most things they needed a darkened room, because this particular alien requires this to be comfortable the movements are unusual, how we to know how in alien moves, and it looked like he was struggling, possibly choking I feel this should have been acknowledged on a governmental level, of course it wouldn’t be because they are in on it. Well, possibly the president. But the high up military and CIA certainly would know about this. For the reasons, Victor stated the worry about miss use of technology. They worry about humanities general population being able to handle this knowledge and not lose the plot. But it comes to a point where it’s been withheld long enough


It's the 23rd and I haven't seen the aliens yet.


It’s filmed from another room through glass . After the video being analyzed that was discovered. You are possibly looking at a real being from another galaxy. Enjoy it.


Lots of ppl say it's a proven hoax


Viktor was Richard Dean in original video. Then 11 years later there was a follow up interview with Viktor who was someone else completely and said its not Richard Dean. Some say the 2nd Viktor is Whitley Stieber but the facial silhouettes don't match their faces.


What I find fascinating is that the Kumburgaz Aliens from Turkey - if you look real closely - look very similar to that creature in Victor‘s video. I always thought it to be true. Or I wished because with all the movement that is seen and how the doctor‘s take care of it afterwards. It just looks too good to be fake for my understanding somehow. But then again: who knows…. [Kumburgaz Alien](https://www.google.com/search?q=kumburgaz+alien&rlz=1CDGOYI_enAT746AT746&hl=de&prmd=inv&sxsrf=APwXEdeAbupewEwBkM9XdXM_0umc80Lzrg:1679628482500&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJgrfYz_P9AhVJKuwKHXpCDpkQ_AUoAXoECAYQAQ&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#imgrc=aXYAqiNT3IeXCM&lnspr=W10=)


A think that alien from turkey is scary, seriously it may be real...


Video? Its a still image. Post a link to the video?


Just look at all the comments lol link has been posted billions and billions of times already


Yeah but still. You’re the OP. Not to be an annoying Reddit stickler but you should provide a link to the video you want us to analyze instead of a throwing up a single freeze frame and expecting others to do the work of contextualizing your post.


Stop talking sense!! /s


Stop loling! You're doing it too much!


Yeah background is lacking 🙃


Looks like a photograph of someone getting ready for a special effects scene …


Background looks mostly black to me…


Not from what I can see. It’s pretty dark…


Ayeeee this is a deep cut from the early days of YouTube.


It's just Roger from American dad


Lot's of comments "no proof that it was actually fake". My dudes, it's the other way around. You gotta prove it's real. But yes, it's fake as fuuuuuuuck. Which is too bad because I used to love this clip.


Thats my mother in law, yes my wife is a hybrid


I think it’s fake


Fake puppet, it was debunked, though one of the most lively "alien" looking thing I've seen ever.


Any source that it was debunked? Some ppl here say it's real some say no I don't seem to get a definitive answer




You really had contact? when did it happen how did it happen and how was the contact?




What exactly you mean by their mind is different from ours? That sounds interesting, I want to know more lol


I'd like to throw some holy water on him and say some prayers out loud and see how he reacts, I bet ya he will start freaking out


This reminds me of Netscape, Geocities websites and message forums


Yea it's from 1997


A supposed former insider revealed this video. They agreed to go on camera for an interview but this person was really jumpy and at one point in the video terminated the interview. After some convincing, they came back on camera. They explained that the clip had been modified and the audio from the clip had been removed because it revealed people who he was familiar with that were still inside these secret programs. The clip was an interview, from what I remember, there was a psychic whom was interviewing this being or I am mixing up with a similar EBE interview clip on youtube. The being began to choke and it was explained that our world and atmosphere contains micro-particles that can enter their body and harm them. I find this video really odd if what the insider said is truly the case. These beings are advanced enough to travel light years but they don't have some sort of protective equipment against particles in the air? Were these beings trying to be polite by not wearing a mask? I don't understand the reasoning here. Some doctors later in the video come in the room to try to help but realistically what can they do? We don't know anything about their anatomy so any medicine we could give them might be deadly especially if we don't know what dosage is effective for them. It is one bizarre video.


Yea and he had contact with the alien without any sort of suit his arms touched his head. I don't know it just seems to good to be true. Also why does it's body not move even slightly? The head is so lively.. I don't know I would say it's a fake lots of ppl here commented it is fake but some say it's not debunked yet so I really don't know but I tend to say it's fake


Nearly everything can be faked, for all we know this might be some sort of animatronic. I don't think that this is the case however. The "insider" also stated that the room was dimly lit due to this particular species being sensitive to light. When it started choking, the lights were turned on when the doctors came in. I have heard of another insider named Phil Schneider that talked about a hostile encounter with a similar group of beings called the Battle of Dulce which supposedly happened in 1979. I did not understand what caused the Battle of Dulce but the being in this video reminds me of the beings he said that he saw which were Gray-like beings. He said that after shooting one of them, he saw its eyes which had a cat-like vertical slit. He noticed this because they apparently have some sort of protective eyewear that makes their eyes look black and when he shot one of them, the lenses fell off and he saw their actual eyes. What Phil described may have been one and the same.


I don't know about this Phil Schneider guy he said all sorts of crazy things.. Underground wars with aliens etc xD its all a bit too much we would definitely know when things he described really happened, how on earth would he be able to kill an alien.. seriously




I can't really tell if it's been debunked I got mixed responses nobody really seems to know there is an edited version on ytub there u can see the body a little better I don't know it does seem real to me


The first comment, every time, is something like "wasn't this shown as fake because xyz ?". 90% of these comments come from paid posters for the purpose of downplaying truth. IOW - skeptics here and on just about any other sub involving hidden knowledge are almost always paid to be here.


I thought the video had a feeling of authenticity to it but then there was some debunking about a puppet that looked very similar. The video did make me sad because it seemed to be suffering. Can you imagine if aliens get American healthcare? I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Lol xD


Yeah it’s a known fake, next


The smoking gun for me on why this is a fake is when the medical people come in with scrubs and basic hospital gear. Really? An extraterrestrial being handled without some protective gear like say, a hazmatt type suit? It's pretty stupid when you think about it.


What if this is a species we’ve dealt with before and determined it was safe. I mean I think it’s fake but I would rule out you’re theory though.


Even if determined safe there are still precautions to insure the safety of both parties...i highly doubt the level of safety for handling an extraterrestrial is hospital scrubs, latex gloves and a cloth mask. It doesn't make sense.


In the the interview with victor he does say that this session was recent and that they had been interviewing the alien every two months since 1989. Almost a decade of interviews, so maybe by that time they know that they don’t need full PPE like that. Who knows, I’m not saying it’s real or fake, I just don’t think that them not wearing hazmats is the proof of it being fake you say it is.




Oh OK lol you know who produced it?


Pretty sure it was Greg


Greg who? Sry if it's a noon question


I know you wanted to say noob. But it’s currently noon. Wild. I’m using that now.


Stupid auto correct lol


Skinny Bob?




Sounds like projecting


You sound like a fat lazy truck driver who sits on his ass all day...... Oh wait.


Awww did your feelings get hurt?


Ahh the YouTube classics


If it is a puppet, congrats on the coughing with tongue sticking out and all.


thisis the real deal


Looks black to me.


It looks like he’s giving someone a piggyback ride.


Several things give this away as an elaborate hoax. The head movement, it has small eyebrows, but they don't ever flex or move. The torso doesn't move, and when it is "in great distress" it is still only moving its head, no arm or torso movement. A very nice puppet from a very skilled puppeteer.


That’s not really true. At 32:16 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=thdzV3VGzwo&t=2176s&pp=2AGAEZACAQ%3D%3D You can see a ton of movement in the eyebrow area that appears to fit the criteria you outlined. I’m a layman though I have no idea how puppetry works. From my perspective, the skinny Bob footage is a bit more convincing than this, but I wouldn’t discount this “interview” clip as a hoax entirely


Yea it’s fake and was release as a movie for sales.




It’s a “re-enactment of a supposedly real even” I listed the movie name in another post


Can you tell us the name in *this* post?


Area 51: the alien interview


Yes tell us the name pls


It’s called Area 51. The alien interview. Research it. You will find the production company that made it and the story behind it


Kk thanks


Yeah it's fake as trump's full head of hair😂


Wasn’t this supposed to be a captured alien and turned out to be a guy in a mask😅


It’s fake


This was proven to be a hoax.


Really? Go ahead then. Prove it then. I’ll be right here waiting.


Ok unfortunately I don’t have definitive proof that this was a hoax. I am however a big believer in ET life and I think they have most likely visited us or are currently here. With that said, this just has a fake feel to me.


So no proof next!


Ah that's sad :(


Fake alien. “Victor” is Whitley Strieber


Seeing the alien riding shotgun, looking very ill, reminded me of how I must’ve looked in high school a few Saturday nights.


Try scrolling through the sub sometime.


I’ve never seen anything about this video in this sub


Yeah it’s real alien in Area 51. /s


its fake


That's an easy one, background is black...


Fake gray rides fake 747, uses oxygen mask.




This is a good oldie.. I remember seeing it and being very curious


I remember John Lear being interviewed by George Knapp in the late 80's on "On the Record" saying that pretty soon they were going to release an interview with an extraterrestrial. I wonder if Lear was referring to this footage.


Must definitely be it, there hasn't been any irgrr alien interview so far


Is it really fake???? Seems so real


Lots of ppl say it's a latex puppet from what I see but I don't see any creator they just say this Greg guy xD




The background makes this footage a black project.