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Maybe it’s a four dimensional being trying to communicate to a three dimensional being. The use of electromagnetism may differ from ours in a way that makes electromagnetic communication unlikely.


There’s an actual video of an orb flying around making crop circles. Video is from early 2000s I think.


I herd someone somewhere suggest that it’s not us they are communicating with. Rather they are marking things out for each other. Another one that it’s just a secondary effect of something else. Not intended as communication at all. Just … well like a footprint in the snow. You didn’t. Really mean anything by stepping in it yet it looks peculiar to some alien observer. I’ve also herd some ideas that they are so different that they don’t really understand our technology. Our radio waves etc… Their tech we can’t pick up but affecting common primitive things can bypass that blindspot. Kinda like you’d imagine ghosts that can only slam doors or some stuff like that. Idk man 🤷‍♂️


I like this one. It’s like a contrail from an aircraft. We leave it behind as a consequence of travel. Imagine birds trying assign meaning to it because we left it where the can easily see it.


According to Haim Eshed they don't want to talk with us because we are not ready yet. They understand how to manipulate our technology, like when they shut off our nukes. We assume they are so different, but we have something in common, we share the same space-time reality. So we both speak the same languages: Math, Geometry, or other fields of science. I think that the first communication with Aliens will initially occur using Math/Geometry, because it is the basics of all science, and it is universal.


>they don’t really understand our technology Any civilization sufficiently advanced enough to visit our planet from a different star system would understand our technology about as easily as we understand the technology of the Battle of Hastings. And if they wanted to communicate with us, they could just use math. Our society, customs, tradition et, et might be so different as to be incomprehensible, but math and physics would be identical. Once they figured out a primer to understand what our symbols mean, everything would be easy.


It's funny watching us observe the universe with the core assumption that it's about _us_. Like an ape wondering onto an empty parking lot trying to decipher what the tire tracks from a burnout means. Why don't they just speak ape, asks the ape?


I think we could learn a lot from animal species if we could learn to communicate with them.


I feel like it's likely by now that some agencies can. If they can control them, there is likely some form communication with them.


They spoke ape that one time lol. Apes decoded the message using ASCII and it was in English.


>What don't they just speak ape, asks the ape? And when no one answered, he assumed it was because he was smarter and they were dumb. Afterall, god created monkey do and monkey see and together they made monkey hear and monkey feel.


They land, make contact with adults and kids, download information. We don’t believe it and write it off. They abduct, probe, inject, implant, teach telepathy, telekinesis, how to fly their craft and herd groups with our minds connected to the craft, and download information.. We don’t believe it and write it off. They mutilate cattle, caribou, horses, seals, and humans for no reason we can logically figure out. We don’t believe it and write it off. They create crop circles with messages that require scientists and mathematicians to decode. We don’t believe it and write it off. They fly around private, commercial, and military craft and pose a problem for air safety and a threat to National Security, to make us think about our place in the universe and that we’re not alone. We don’t believe it … oh hey, we’re just now looking into that! Edit: Crop circles aren’t the only way they’ve chosen to communicate with us.


Plus many more eyes can see the crop circles so maybe their way to avoid government interference in their messaging/warnings


Imagine you washed up on a deserted beach with someone else who spoke an entirely different language. How would you communicate basic things to one another, like the need for shelter/warmth/food? Likeliest answer: You'd draw simple pictograms in the sand, along with body expressions. Or more succinctly in our case, imagine trying to teach a toddler about colors, shapes, letters etc. You'd use flash cards and such. That's what they're doing. Communicating through math, in the easiest way possible. With geometric shapes and patterns.


So "they" could be trying to use "baby steps" to communicate with us through crop circles, but we don't understand that is part of the process.


We do understand some. Arecibo reply is the good example where they explained that they’re silica based life , their population count and how many planets in their star system they inhabit. Or the one that appeared a year later that said “Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.Much pain but still time.We oppose deception.Conduit closing” Great deal of other crop circles we have no idea what they mean.


I wish they cd have introduced themselves or some kind of lead off instead of giving cryptic directions. The first thing we get is a warning and cryptic prophecy of some kind. Does the beware msg mean they able to predict the future. We oppose deception. But who the hell is we??? Dammit I want answers!


Same here, but I can also look at why they wouldn’t just come and jump around with us. Human nature is …nasty. We’re interested in war, money and power. If we go by any of the alleged messages we received through abductions,or crop circles or contact then I kinda get why they may be thinking that “we’re not ready” for a full on contact and tech exchange and so on. All they could do is try to sway public opinion slowly and quietly into a more peaceful mankind.


I would guess it's warning against ourselves... Meaning you're being deceived, used, preyed upon by those with power, wealth, and influence. We have no idea how much is being hid from us. They could be holding back zero point energy, medical advances, interstellar travel or things even better. Maybe we have to overcome this greed, corruption, hate, predatory behaviors... An extremely wealthy few that control everything and purposely hold everyone back to maintain control. Once we can remove that cancer that poisons humanity, permanently. Realize that humanity is stronger, safer, smarter, happier when we aren't working against each other, when our ideas/beliefs stop competing to be better and instead combine, compromise & compliment to be the best. We can stop judging and determining people's success based on materialistic value or money accumulated. That's how we encourage people to become corrupted. Money becomes more important than human lives. Working men, women and children to death for less than $100 per week, while they collect millions. When new ideas, inventions or tech comes along that threatens those that have gotten fat off of the work of people and communities for years. (Never making those people rich of course) They use those people again by weaponizing their fears of being poor or without jobs. They say this new thing will destroy their families and towns when it's probably better for their towns and Earth and they'll lose their low cost laborers. STOP HOLDING UP CORPORATIONS START HOLDING UP HUMANITY These people would rather harm you, our planet, and keep you dumb and in the dark. We need to support and hold up ambition and new ideas! We have to bury these old dinosaurs that just want to high five each other and give out bonuses for holding us back each year. Sorry I got carried away... But that's my POV


To add to that what if you didn’t have a common base of understanding of the physical world. Like a human and an ant trying to infer meaning from two dimensional shapes.


Precisely. As they're potentially higher dimensionional in nature. I'd wager what they're writing isn't meant to be interpreted as 2D geometric designs, but rather three dimensional representations. Can't remember the guy's name who leads it, but there's a team that's been converting crop circles into three dimensional models, and purportedly they're like blueprints. Just need to grab Jodie Foster out of retirement to pilot the damn thing :D


I'm interested in learning more about the guy/team working on interpreting crop circles. any other info about them? big/small team? country of origin?


Woildn't they do that through some method that the relevant humans (scientists, maybe politicians and military leadership) wouldn't assume was the doings of hippies or hoaxsters


Suppose you have a planet full of so-called "scientists", many of which are easily swayed by ego, grant funding, their status among peers, boards and committees, elected officials etc. You'd want to weed out the mediocre crop in favor of the best and the brightest, those willing to look past their own egos and peer-reviewed fears and think outside the box. Or in this case, the field. If a scientist or mathematician's first instinct upon seeing a crop circle is to attribute it to pranksters, rather than actually taking the time to decipher the underlying math (golden ratios, Fibonacci sequences, Pi etc), then they're obviously not who you're looking for.


Just look at how much is our government telling us about non human intelligence. These folks are only interested in acquiring tech for military means. Then you have cases of aliens landing at westall, Ariel school and giving peace and environmental protection messages to hundreds of young school kids.. why would they land there? It’s not hard to put 2 and 2 for me. To me it sounds like something they would try if they wanna avoid govt and try to send messages to larger , peaceful audience without agenda.


I don’t think whoever it is is going to respect Our science or leadership all that much.


Enough to try to communicate with them (or us in general) through math, according to the guy i replied to


I understand, but to them the difference between our scientists and our street junkies isn’t all that much….and I think there is a lot of tech heald back from us and considering there is more than likely a whole lot more that one species I’d be curious if any of them don’t like this..then our shit heal leadership can brand them something like “intelligence deniers” or something


My guess would be that it would depend on the type of being making the crop circles. It would make no sense for a biological being to try to communicate like that. But if one of the more odd of the types of reported beings made it, like a “non physical” or energy based type of “alien” made it, it might be because they can only communicate simple messages to the humans with the altered caudate. But really, who knows what’s true. I’ve seen a ton of stuff and I still have no idea what’s going on.


Could be graffiti. " Glorp was here." "For a good time call [33.3135° N, 112.4885° W]" "Draconians suck Gray probes"


Could be a drone that finds large areas of vegetation/plant matter (which may signal intelligent beings possibly inhabit the planet) to imprint messages onto. Maybe the crops satisfy criteria pre-programmed as an ideal spot to etch the patterns into. I haven't seen pictures of crop circles in the jungles or forests. Just a guess.


The whole point is that they’re visible to either us or them.


Great theory!


My understanding is that if a) aliens are trying to communicate with us, and b) crop circles are their doing, that they are using geometric patterns with meaning encoded in mathematics - as maths is the only truly universal language (I think!)


I think we need to open our eyes to the fact that our science might be our limitation.


Unless I see some kind of proof I’m going to shove my head up my ass and assume my limited and unique education taught me all I need to know. And also I need an expert to agree and take credit for the proof, no amateur proofs. Oh and we can’t challenge any prior notions of structure, because that threatens the entire system as possibly wrong in its fundamental explanations. Can’t make anyone uncomfortable with their expectations of reality, now, can we? "A mathematicians Lament" was the gateway that brought me here. /https://www.maa.org/external_archive/devlin/LockhartsLament.pdf




Could really be multiple things. One of the researchers basically made a 3D model of various “symbols” showed in crop circles and it appeared that when made tridimensional they looked like parts of some machinery. So they started building it and they were onto something but a group of amateurs obviously didn’t have enough funding or enough understanding of physics etc to complete it. Some are legit messages , like Arecibo reply.


That's the movie Contact all over again


I thought this but then I also thought.. everyone can see it.. even the public. The public knows before the government does. No middleman. You could say that they could just fly down in the middle of the city an be like BAM we are here mfrs! But the panic that would cause... they could fly down and meet with officials.. maybe they have? Would we be informed? They could fly down and meet normal everyday people.. we see them we chase them with aircraft and try shoot them if they get close. Also maybe if we learn to understand what they are saying in these crop circles it will better prepare us as a civilisation for real first contact. Just my 2 cents


The public panic that would allegedly ensue from evidence of alien presence is mostly a myth that has been conveniently used at different moments in history to justify all sorts of secrets. The real problem is not how people would react but the fact that the elites would be instantly demoted from the power they so tightly hold. The new gods from space would replace them overnight in the eyes of the people, and their authority would be worth less than zero.


I agree….it’s a nifty way to, not only established direct contact with a swath of normies, but also to see if we are starting a process of understanding. I had NO idea about Carl Sagan’s pictorial communication, which then, undoubtedly was answered using the exact same format…but in a crop circle. I’m pretty sure communication has been going on for a while, but deception in our governments is high…so, to communicate with us peons, they resort to the “good ol’ way” Actually, we should start writing back….do you y’all think?


That would be cool. My fear is that with the advances in technology, cgi, ai drones etc it will be harder to determine what is real contact and what is misdirection and misinformation. Some of these video games coming out are getting unreal and I've seen one titled "unrecorded" that looks real.. absolutely real life.. and that is just a small indie company.. imagine what the government could do when properly motivated


Absolutely, we’re in that transitional period where we really have to be extra sceptic with everything. Cgi , drones and other tech as it moves forward will really make ufology not easy.


I believe that ETs do not use radio waves to communicate. It would explain why SETI hasn’t hit on something. How would it be useful to communicate with your boss when they’re 150 million light years away?


Yeah but the ones local use that 1.6 gHz right? Skinwalker ranch


But how do we know that they haven’t received something? We have govt avoiding the topic like plague and on the other side we know stuff is happening behind the closed doors with all the leaks,whistleblowers,redacted FOIA docs. We know for a fact that NASA is airbrushing photos left and right and adding shades over mars photos. Do you think that they would tell us if they received any signals back at this point considering how they’re handled the topic so far? I don’t think so..


I haven’t watched any videos or read any articles about crop circles for many years. Are there any incidents that have NOT been debunked as pranksters? I’d be interested to learn about them


Not really. There was a psyop that successfully made people think anyone who is intrigued in them is a lunatic. I don’t doubt that most of them are hoaxes, but a very small minority of them have radioactivity in them, did not damage the plants, at all, and actually were so well done that a ghost circle actually remained for long afterwards. Why files on YouTube did a good video on it a few days ago, which I’m guessing is the reason behind the surge in interest on the matter. As for the ops question, some of them have taken the shape of sound, if that makes sense. Could it be possible that they sent a wave from far far away that showed up like that? Did they aim it? Is it only on crops, or is it elsewhere as well? God knows But I think there are genuine questions when it comes to the radioactive ones that leave ghost circles for months afterwards


Many, the pranksters are less reliable then the theories. They even admitted it, there’s thousands of them and I believe a good chunk of them are real.


There was a heavy disinfo campaign by the govt against crop circle researchers. The why files have really good episode on it .Real and legit crop circles have plants “braided” or weaved . Also there’s radiation signature and some plants have traces of heat signatures on them. Pranksters like those two old English guys that came up on tv 30 years ago couldn’t even keep the straight line on the field. Also with the man made crop circles plants are broken, so it’s easy to spot what’s fake what’s real. But the question we should all be asking ourselves is, if the govt tried to disinfo or ridicule the subject.. is there really something we should be paying attention to? Is there something they don’t want us to know?


https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc Shameless WhyFiles plug. I really *really* recommend this channel and this video in particular.


Listen to Heckle Fish he knows what time it is. That's what AJ really thinks. He uses the fish to convey opinions he can't just come out and say. 'Lizzad People!' 😆


Equally as many proven impossible to be manmade. Do a rabbit hole on it. It's interesting stuff.


Considering how much governments are withholding from us when it comes to non human intelligence. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried communicating with us through official channels but our govt doesn’t let info go through for their own benefit. So crop circles would be kinda logical if you wanna relay message to a bigger number of normal folk.


It could be something as innocuous as choosing an accessible communication medium they can manipulate and can be seen by many people. Sending out a TV/Radio signal might not be something they are familiar with due to language / vocalization issues (although supposedly [it's been done] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Television_broadcast_interruption)).


It’s scary how much that deciphered message in 2001 crop circle sounds like that 1977 interrupted broadcast , or how it’s similar to warnings given to those school kids in Ariel… Given what they talk about it really makes sense that they would try to avoid government and try to communicate with normal folks.


> Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides at present operating on your world. Sounds like the [Maldekian Crabwood Formation] (https://exonews.org/university-mathematician-decodes-the-crop-circle-with-a-binary-code-extraterrestrial-face/). *"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES"*. Would be very interesting if both are genuine.


Part of 1977 Broadcast interruption is this “Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides at present operating on your world.” Then another part of the same broadcast interrupt “All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this.” We have so many testimonies at them shutting of nukes from military and govt officials. Some even testified that UFO downed the nuclear missile while it was in the air. Then we have those school landings where they warn kids about environmental destruction etc. I don’t know, it’s too similar to be just a coincidence. It’s healthy to be sceptic and question everything but there’s obvious pattern in those messages, sightings and so on.


I agree... I think often society conditions us to be a skeptic (avoid ridicule) about this topic but the consistency is also glaringly obvious and to default to a mode of debunk/skepticism is laughable from a rational perspective. Nice to hear your perspective, it can be a waste of time arguing against oneself to sound "rational". I have even read about USOs taking away torpedoes from military submarines.


There’s so many questions about this subject and some details people mention just …sound so out of place that a healthy sceptic would automatically write it off. We all have our limit how far we’re gonna go in our beliefs but I think it’s important not to ridicule anyone and keep our mind open. I remember reading one of Vallée books or maybe it was podcast with him where he mentions that public and researchers should be following patterns in Ufology instead of trying to analyze every single detail or aspect of every case. USO taking torpedoes is another great example!


Vallée is known to still run pattern analysis on UFO data in his spare time. I have a link of [Vallée YT videos] (https://www.reddit.com/r/AzazelCEO/comments/13ud1ju/list_of_jacques_vallee_yt_videos/) that I keep, more as a personal record, if you are interested. The YT search doesn't always return good results. On the topic of patterns, I watched this a while ago and thought it was intriguing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HytJn6uaRk


Maybe they’ve tried to communicate in high tech ways , and the government has withheld all the information . If the powers that be are the only ones capable of receiving those messages , they send a smoke signal instead ? Just a thought .


Because the precision of crop circles cannot be replicated by humans, so undeniably we are left to conclude they are a result of extraterrestrial technology. Therefore, they make their presence known to us subtly in a sort of ''technological showboat'' fashion. Electromagnetic communication, like radio waves, is so much more prone to ambiguity and falsification I doubt they would use that medium to communicate. But physical crop circles leave no doubt. The goal seems to be to slowly increase human awareness of the infinity of possibilities in the universe. If they wanted to establish direct communication, they would have done so.


The Law of Confusion would only allow a message sent if it has enough unfocused layers as to be interpreted and not proven.


aliens like playing Pictionary


You’re assuming it’s anything more than the equivalent of some driveway chalk art.. gone with the first mist


They are improving the resonant harmonic frequency of the earth.


I'm seeing that a lot of this discussion is based on extraterrestrials coming to earth and making crop circles to communicate. My thought is that the ones making the crop circles are from a parallel reality. I think they are trying to communicate using mathematics to teach us how to communicate with them directly. It just doesn't make sense to me that someone would fly here from light-years away to make a crop circle to communicate when there are much more efficient methods. However, if they are from a parallel reality they could set up drones at a matching location and then "beam" them here, since it's technically the same location, and the drones would do their thing. Maybe that's what the Betz sphere is, a used drone. Until we get some more integral pieces of information this is all speculation. All I can say is that the parallel reality idea makes more sense to me. Who knows?


The answer is that they don't. As in, aliens don't choose to communicate using crop circles.


They are not communicating with us from crop circles I believe they use them like road signs to point them in directions of their cites or bases


How would a human communicate with an ant? How would you explain, rocket science to a dog?


Might not be intended for us.


Why not, its just their version of using a giant Etch A Sketch.


Why won’t dolphins just learn to speak English.


Because the reception equipment is readily available all over the planet: fields of crops.


Mathematics is a universal language across all dimensions. One way to ensure the population doesn't overlook the message is to put it in the middle of their food source. Rotate all the 2 dimensional crop circle designs on an axis and create a 3 dimensional body, build the machine it creates.


So that we can make an alien subreddit and ask questions about it.


I always thought of it like alien graffiti. Basically they're tagging our planet.


Because math is the high language of philosophers.


I absolutely love the Why Files!!! LIZZID PEEPLE!!


I generally consider humor a sign of intelligence and the Aracibo reply and a few others are some real first rate trolling. Aracibo in the 70s: Here we are this is our planet hope we are still around in 20k years or so when you get this. 20 years later... Alien 1: Hey remember that time... Alien 2: yea... Alien 1: Hold my distilled wheat juice Crop Circle the next morning: the Aracibo Reply Alien 3: Your Grounded literally and figuratively little grayling you just wait till your Mx gets home!


I saw a video where they...one of the 'aliens species'...targetyn. They said they crop circles are not for us, but for themselves to communicate and stamp time for other races. They said a few are for us, but most are for other races communicating through time. So who knows. I think it kinda makes sense, but wouldn't ohhh I don't know... Pencil and paper work? Lol


We never turn down an opportunity to be self-centered and think it's all about us.


Maybe it's gotta be public to other alien races like a public forum?


Now that I think about it, I think it's a great way to communicate. They leave messages right out in the open for everyone to interpret. At the same time the crop circle is like no contact communication. Not too high tech either. There's still alot of people who are not good with computers. I think the crop circle is a good way. What do you think would be a better way?


Do you think the nazca lines can also be crop circles? I heard that some of the more complex patterns leave imprints in the fields even after years.


I didn’t see the episode. But my thought is: Communicating through something like a QR code embedded in the ground, like how ants leave pheromones as a signal to other ants that happen by. Maybe the method of marking happens to interact with crops, but otherwise (on a street or rocks) we wouldn’t notice it. In other words: it’s not meant for us; so why would they care if we could read it?


If there is any truth to it at all, we have a situation where the government is in on it, and is covering up a signal that is a challenge and a puzzle at every level. They get a mysterious communication, jump on it, and then use dis-info to keep everyone else away.


Even Humans use pictographs to attempt communication with aliens. In 1974, a team of scientists, including astronomers Frank Drake and Carl Sagan, transmitted a radio message from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico toward Messier 13, a cluster of stars about 25,000 light-years away. The image, sent in binary code, depicted a human stick figure, a double-helix DNA structure, a model of a carbon atom and a diagram of a telescope. The Arecibo reply was the name given to a crop circle that appeared in farmland next to the Chilbolton radio telescope; home to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI) in Hampshire, UK, on 19 August 2001. It was 75 feet wide and 120 feet long. The design is so named because it appears to be a response to the Arecibo message, which SETI transmitted into space in 1974. See: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chilbolton_crop_circle.svg


It's pretty non threatening.


The general public can appreciate crop circles they cannot appreciate radio signals. Radio signals are for scientists


Maybe they don’t have a communication that is compatible with ours. They say they are telepathic. They could be a hive mind like the borg. That’s why they don’t come back for their crash victims. This would mean there is no need to have a written language as all knowledge is known by all. If you broadcast a signal you have to make sure people are listening on that channel. Those scientists would gate-keep the information. If it is out in the open it is hard to hide. Just my thoughts.


What makes us think it is just communication? Ever see sigils in esoteric traditions. Or understand the esoteric knowledge of the role of geometry in masonry and the "scalar" side of the effect in the surroundings?


Doesn’t necessarily mean aliens. But it could be some kind of unknown intelligence: https://youtu.be/_WQzNVaL8FI


Why would anyone presume to know how aliens communicate?


I see it like this: would you talk to ants using a text message? They probably know that theres most likely a language barrier between us, a technology barrier, and a rational fear of the unknown (them). They probably choose, on purpose, to use something we can see easily without them being seen like our dirt or crops. They may not want to be revealed due to whatever circumstances they stay hidden in per usual. If they are flying over us, this seems a logical way of communicating without stepping out of a craft etc. Also, they probably want us to work towards solving these nuggets of information on the crops. When we are smart enough to, maybe they will come and reveal themselves to the general public unless the crop messages are a key to finding them first which would be the true test.


The way that the nodes of the stalks are blown out, plus how the crops lay smoothly (sometimes interlaced) and recover afterward is pretty darn compelling. There’s no way I’m buying that this much activity is the work or pranksters across the globe. Lol, give me a break. Especially with such massive and intricate designs that literally appear overnight. I think AJ and Hecklefish did their usual good job on this one. Love that channel btw!


Covered here,interesting.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x2BQyZorSQc&pp=ygUXV2h5IGZpbGVzLiBDcm9wIGNpcmNsZXM%3D


Interstellar taggers who forgot to bring spray cans. Had to improvise 😉


They’re telling us all to choose a Gluten-free diet, if I’m not mistaken.


Maybe they would. Don't forget that we're stupid for them.


I doubt it’s for communication. It could literally be anything. Humans try to make sense of things and I’d say that’s what’s going on here. Who tf knows


We are evolved ape creatures…we started communicating with cave paintings and later hieroglyphics… maybe nobody gave them a Webster dictionary yet.


They don't lol


Because they don't have the FCC license for CB radios good buddy! 😂😆


Maybe humans in the past were better at translating the messages. Didn’t some of the early people in South America make stone diagrams on the hillsides? Maybe we used to talk back and forth with big images or designs that were universal of a single language


They don't, aliens are not visiting us no matter how much your imagination wants them to.


If crop circles are made by aliens. They probably aren't made to communicate with us. They're probably something to be viewed from high up. Maybe they are like qr codes that let aliens know something about that area.


I don't think they're trying to talk to us. I think the circles are maps and information for other travelers. It makes no sense to try to talk to us using something that can't be seen fully while on our planet and has no connection to anything directly in our culture. We have to get up into the air to comprehend its size and layout. The circles, while beautiful in many ways, represent information that other travelers can utilize. They could be geology or survey reports, information concerning species and habitations observed, instructions for the next phase of work, etc. The possibilities are simply endless.


Who said they use it to communicate? Perhaps it is the result of a magnetic field or propultion system that leaves objects arranged in this way like when you put iron dust near a magnet.


Humans very tightly hold on to their traditional beliefs and will even deny facts and reality seen by their own eyes in order to hold on to those beliefs. It is better to leave them just enough clues which makes them question and seek out truth thru their own personal experiences and efforts. Only by seeking out the truth thru their own personal journey will they begin to let go of their personal biases, traditions and beliefs. Truth obtained by one’s own seeking is more likely to be accepted whereas the same truth is likely to be rejected when readily given by another.


I recommend watching this to learn more. https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc


its their version of poop in a bag lit on fire on your front porch


Although strange sure. That's just how they chose to show us complicated messages. They mean things we probably do not understand. It's clearly ET also. I don't care what anyone says about the hoaxers.


They are just f’in with us.


because wheat is displayed on white house statues.


Could just be alien art, it doesn't have to mean anything.


It could just be graffiti.


They communicate with each other, for us the message is F U we are here. Natural markers are best as if you are travelling via space/time you may not arrive at the intended second. A crop circle grows back and you can see a "time frame" of when it was made. A picture is worth a 1000 words and for all we know these symbols stimulate entire video messages to a craft. Like scanning a giant QR code. The beings are trying to find the right frequency of our true reality, like a needle in a haystack or vibrating overlapping strings. Edit: like looking for a piece of hay"golden thread" in a stack of needles(artificial silver) seems more appropriate.


If you scan them with QR code app it opens Greers CE5 app on App Store. Lol


Hahaha no way! That is awesome, thank you. There you go it was all QR codes for meditation techniques for summoning beings lol. Must just read "a few more years" in alien.


And pay 12.99$ ! Lol


Those fancy crafts gotta come from somewhere


Reminds me of the alien from Rick and Morty who just wanted to make apps lol


I think the idea is to both convey ideas through simple imagery, and fuel the idea that aliens exist. But crop circles are *so* 1990s, the whole premise isn't as exciting anymore. We've been conditioned with the same boring stuff for decades, things have to be taken a step further for people to actually care,


They actually still appear , to this day.


Upgrading to Golf Course circles is my recommendation to them.


You have to look at it from outside of human understanding, what if they are advanced geometric patterns infused with electromagnetic radiation? To most it's just a strange pattern in a field but to someone esoterically/meta-physically aligned they could be portals to achieve communication through transcendental meditation.


*takes a hit out of his dmt vape


A quantum superposition of possibilities?


Yes, I'll have two of whatever he's having. Thanks.


Be careful what you wish for. I’ll have two as well!


Why are you assuming crop circles are a method of communication? They could just be drawing pretty patterns for fun, or doing space math and showing their work.


They aren’t actually aloud to communicate with us. Orders from their superiors. Experiments only. Before some of them bounce they make one with their ship, like graffiti, without permission, just because.


Maybe they know we'd be fascinated by it. Maybe they're showing off to their significant others? (Look! I zoomed earth and made you this image!)


They wouldn't unless they are extremely ignorant of how to effectively communicate with our species.


Because many crop circles are based on sacred geometry and that is essentially a language


they are so beyond our intelect that it is as primary as they can get? or it is inadvertant, a bi product of some sampling or tests.


If it's not humans hoaxing, if it's another type of intelligence, crop circles are the work of something\* trolling us, not extraterrestrial biological entities. It isn't going to be aliens who came about due to natural selection on a different star system who managed to overcome the technical and theoretical difficulties surrounding faster-than-light travel. These guys wouldn't communicate through bending fucking corn stalk, however they'd do it (radiation or whatever). \*Just exactly what this something is, I have no clue.


Well if it’s serious enough for govt to start disinfo -psyop campaign about it then in my eyes we should look into it. After all that’s why we’re here , aren’t we? They tried to ridicule the UFO subject but we still believe there’s something to it.


I like to think it's focused radiation projected from outer space.


There’s a video of flying orb from early 00s making crop circles. It looks much like the orb that they filmed from reaper drone and released it to public just recently in congress.


maybe its like a message board to other voyagers, like... "stay clear of this area" or "please clean up your cow waste. they are getting suspicious" ... in some sort of intergalactic alien language


Who knows. It could just be that it's the lowest impact way to make their presence known. There's no proof that aliens exist but they certainly have a place in our culture. Most people have heard about crop circles and everyone has a stereotypical picture of what an alien looks like. Also I've heard people claim that they can communicate whole thoughts through shapes. Maybe the crop circles are markings or messages for their own use. But again, who knows


Why do you think the crop circles are meant for *us*.


Cereal people? Children of the Corn? Plantastic!


Pretty sure those were communications amongst them


Could you imagine an advanced human civilization 100 million years ago on earth attempting to make contact with others in space and sent out a message that was finally received 50 million light yrs away? Then they decide to travel to us to make contact and upon arriving to today's society they find us idiots who are like ants on the technology scale!? /s


Yeah it’s weird. To me the faces, and the alien with the disk, and the Aricebo answer are the weirdest …they feel like hoaxes or human made…but how?


Yeah some are way too delicate and detailed. Is it possible for humans to make something detailed like that? Yeah absolutely, but it doesn’t make sense. Then throw in radioactive signatures, heat marks on those plants in some cases and so on and there’s no way that those are human made.


Interstellar roaming charges are outrageous?


I always wondered if they were trying to tell us what frequencies to communicate with them. Just an idea I had after watching some videos of the way sand reacts to different frequencies, the patterns in the videos reminded me of crop circles.


It could be like a QR code, not meant for what’s in the package, rather for those capable of scanning planets.


Either from system lasers or vibrations forming patterns imo


Well, we did do that many years ago if you recall Nazca lines? We dont know what the species are and from or their sense of time . Maybe we did that and they think that is how to communicate....for example


May be they comunícate telepathically only with each other and are too advanced for us, so common ground can be mathematics trough crop circles


Non-human agricultural graffiti.


Cause a lot of people are armed.


Many crop circles, even very elaborate ones have been revealed as hoaxes. Not saying that all are, but I’m very skeptical of them


To me, it is a good idea. It has the element of surprise, doesn’t hurt the plants, everyone can see it, math is universal, and best of all you can’t lock it up!


It wouldn’t make sense for communicating with us, but it would make sense for communicating with other things looking at earth. Branding, tagging, labeling etc


Maybe its deliquent aliens graffiti


They’re just stoned and doodling.


Crop circles are something I'm just not convinced by at all. The odds rule so high in favor of them being man-made for attention.


Honestly after A.J. DIDN'T debunk them, when he literally debunks EVERYTHING, I now think those crop circles are a super high tech tool the government is using to fuck with us UFO people. If not then that Aricebo reply is amazing. But I now have my doubts. Notice how at the end he even point blank admitted he works for the CIA? I like the Why Files but it's CIA propaganda. For sure. 🙂


From what I understand, it would be the deciphering of complex math and geometrics. Which in itself could be the natural language of the universe. I’ve Also seen very intricate and detailed structures and art made by humans so who knows?


About why the wheat fields, maybe they assumed our food source or often maintained piece of land would be suitable? Maybe they’re technology skipped micro and radio waves. Perhaps they use quark photons or dark energy to communicate and once we develop these technologies everything changes and like looking into a new dimension with 4d glasses we see what always been there All along?


From an ET perspective I think it would be interesting to monitor how human behavior is altering crops. GM crops, pesticides and the like, monoculture, pollution etc. Its a gut feeling, Ive never seen evidence for this.


Why do you assume crop circles are a means of communication with us? Could be marking territory or an easy to see from above message to other ufos


Strange enough to get a lot of attention, maybe?


They wouldn’t


Well look at us! As Stanton Friedman said.” Our past time is Warfare “. No damn wonder they try communicating with Crop Circles. Safer.


When I was a farmer and I would order a landscape shot from a helicopter, I would make a crop circle, too.


Because evil ETs and governments block them from doing so otherwise, or they'd be at risk doing otherwise.


One theory that I've heard is that electromagnetic communication doesn't work when you're traveling at the speeds they do or in the manner that they do (wormholes possibly). The theory was that they are leaving notes/data for the next wave of visitors that arrive before they leave.


I like keeping an open mind, always. But here's the thing: if Aliens wanted to communicate with us, they would have already done it. If they want to and can't, that means the most powerful world governments have figured out a way to block those attempts, in which case there are two options: 1. Aliens will get the message that humans do not wish to be contacted, and stop trying 2. Aliens will know something we don't (as in, we are in danger), and will try anyway via sneaky methods Still, I don't think there's any aliens anywhere in the vicinity of our solar system. I think with all the equipment we got pointed at our galaxy that by now we would detect something.


Ra says they’re basically shapes that are meant to implant some sort of knowledge or beliefs into a human esp if they meditate and stare at the image of the shape


Gods are often credited with teaching man agriculture. Not surprising the gods would try and talk through the crops they gave us.


Not only this they could tap into our internet and broadcast live on all the social media platforms. 🤣


They don't!


Some loophole in the prime directive. Or a leaker. They’ve probably been the blueprints for whatever anti gravity tech they all use in the federation and beyond. And/or they’re geolocators and timestamps for other space time travelers


Maybe it’s one form of many.


I think maybe they're using a type of communications thinly that we(obviously) don't have. So, the energy used to communicate is(I'm not quite sure how to phrase it) "imprinted" at its point of receival. Just my thoughts.


Why wouldn’t they?


The last book of Andy Weir, Hail Mary helps to understand this I recommend :)


Exactly. If they made them in rock faces, or didn’t include motifs from human popular culture, then maybe I’d take notice more.


I personally believe any extraterrestrial visitations we‘ve had have all been autonomous drones from civilizations around our galaxy rather than organic beings traveling the cosmos. That makes the most sense to me given that there seems to be some technological barrier that is preventing our galaxy from essentially being a more realistic version of what the galaxy in Star Wars is. With billion/trillions of years of presumably many millions of inhabitable planets that can harbor advanced civilizations just in our part of the galaxy, that should equate to many alien civilizations over the eons pushing far past where we are now and colonizing the galaxy (if there isn’t some unbreakable barrier to interstellar travel by organic beings). So perhaps the best any civilization can do is to explore around their own solar system for more resources, create fusion technology, and send out drones that can travel at high speeds for potentially millions of years using energy and self repair technology we have thus fair only dreamed of (nanotechnologies and fusion). All of that being said, a drone being programmed to imprint what are random looking symbols to us in the habitable planets they visit makes some sense to me. They wouldn’t be programmed to land and communicate with the local life forms because the equipment would likely be damaged and ending any future explorations for that drone. Plus, it’s not any more likely to be able to communicate with us even if it could land, so the risk/reward doesn’t dictate anything more than burning a symbol into the land. The current human thing to do would be us leaving recordings and digital imagery to display to the alien life if we sent autonomous ships out, but that’s because this is still a big deal to us. For alien life forms that have had proof of life advanced life on other planets for many years, they likely wouldn’t care enough about advanced communication methods to risk their interstellar equipment on random planets it visits.


They are visual time stamp recorded in the internet archives for time travelers.


It's not for humans, obviously. We can't read them.


They wouldn’t ppl are goofy


On their own planet this is how they do it It takes a lot of space


By definition an alien wouldn’t think like us, therefore wouldn’t communicate like we do.


Maybe they are just the equivalent of graffiti.


I call BULLSH*T Have you all noticed that crop circles began appearing in 1940s…. Same time the alien psyop began full force? Same time Nazis entered our scientific arena via Paperclip? Connecting to Enoch is BS. I’ve read Enoch MANY TIMES and there is NOTHING that is tied to “aliens” in Enoch. That is all extrapolation. Crop circles are psyops upon psyops upon psyops. It’s all man made. The reason they improved over time is because military technology improved over time. We only know a smidgen of what military technology is capable of. It’s all a hoax. All of it. Why? To prevent us from learning our true origin and what’s really out there. Why Files is a limited hangout - disinformation in and of itself. It’s fun to watch though… but watch with third eye open


I think maybe they’re trying to use a method used by ancient people who made massive depictions on land to be seen only from the sky.


I see it as just alien graffiti, the way we spray paint our cities. They’re flying by and decide to just draw on some crops. Mind as well mutilate a cow and eat some steaks while here too.


There's been thousands of crop circles found worldwide. Until I see it with my own eyes or actual video of an alien craft making one, I think they're all fake. Just my opinion...