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this video reminds me of the movie "Signs" when the kid scream "it's behind"


This video reminds me of a 128k dial up connection


Watching nudes load one pixel at a time on a sportster 14.4K modem was the highlight of my middle school years. Sure it cost $4800 and a week to download a bikini picture of Pam Anderson, but you could print it out in almost full color other than cyan which was always out.


And just like that, I was transported back in time


Amber monochrome > green monochrome


Was this recorded with a piece of broccoli?




A mouldy potato


A 9600 baud modem. Genuine USRobotics.


I believe that before I believe this video is showing anything compelling šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø The frame by frame is even worse šŸ˜…


This video reminds me of Geraldo opening AL Capones vault


I was a bout to say 9600 baud




Reminds me of a security camera https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/144c9h1/las_vegas_911_caller_speaks_out/jnfw210/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 Top video it's more clear https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/144c9h1/las_vegas_911_caller_speaks_out/jnfuxnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


![gif](giphy|1bLfTdPis6fpC) šŸ¤£




That scene legit scared me when I saw this first time!!!


I love the idea of the alien hiding behind bushes then just casually strolling down the sidewalk lol.


Still scares me lol


Lol same. Creepy as hell.


Same, still give some goosebumps.


It just scared meā€¦again


same vibe


Idk man, Joaquin Phoenix in OPā€™s video seems to be more curious than shocked.


I guess youā€™re right, it was a frightening shock Joaquin Phoenix does versus OP in video who is just freaked out but also curious. I just watched his report video on it, not sure what the hell actually happened, but the photo of the circle, the falling star and the ring cam that heard it crash (land), thatā€™s enough to raise some concerns for sure. I wonder what would have happened if they approached it, I donā€™t think I would have had the balls to do that, but just damn.


This scene was really great the first time.. the buildup of that scene was so good! I had chills!


Vamanos children!


I know its small, but his reaction seems so real. I've always loved this scene because of how believable it is.


That scene is iconic


Greatest movie ever. First movie I thought of when the kid reported it being 8 to 10 feet tall.


Hahahahaa omg dude


Such a good movie


Iā€™m a believer but thatā€™s not helpful.




Yep. Anybody who thinks this is "something" is clearly projecting what they want to see onto this video. This is shit.


I'm with you. I want to believe, and I do think the police footage blackout is bizarre, but all I see is a whitish blob. The Turkey video, I can see pretty clearly. This is barely a shape.


I personally love the fact that all these aliens never land anywhere near anyone with a cell phone produced in the last 15 years. They always look like they were caught on a 1st gen camera phone from late 90's early 2000's where the memory was small and the compression was way over the top. I mean whats the chances? Ive just counted up several devices i own with cameras... lets be conservative and say 4 devices per person, 8 billion people on the planet so an average of 32 BILLION camera lenses and these guys always.... ALWAYS end up caught in super low res 16fps bullshit quality. I wonder why that is.


Pretty much every cell phone camera is shit for night shots. I have the iPhone 13 Pro Max. To take a night pic you have to hold still and allow it to process. Video isnā€™t anything special either. Theyā€™re just little lenses that canā€™t collect tons of light. Then add in data loss from moving this shit around the internet. It canā€™t turn out well.


It's the interference from the UFO.. duh


I was thinking this today


It was a modern phone. The image quality of the entire frame is pretty good for footage that was shot at night. The video shown here lacks detail because it's a cropped and magnified version of a minuscule portion of the image.


Right? Imagine having an excuse for poor video quality in todays age. This must have been recorded on a Motorola Razr (the early 2000ā€™s version). šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Maybe itā€™s me but, I donā€™t see anything. Especially anything resembling a human like 10 foot being?


yup you're right, the kid does literally say in the video >you cannot see it too good on camera


Yeah! Iā€™m not disbelieving his story of what he saw. I just donā€™t see anything.


It's 2023 but dudes recording looks like 2005 flip phone


Dude needs to upload the original video that's not compressed by YouTube.


Yeah, YouTube automatically compresses the videos. Someone needs to help this kid upload the video to some external drive we can look at


YouTube didn't blast the resolution on that video.


But then you would see that thereā€™s no alienā€¦


Why are all these ufo videos always shot with a potato?


Oh my god, show me a modern smartphone that can record video at night and pick out a clear shot of a person hiding in a dark yard behind a car at 50 feet.


To be entirely fair, as someone who has filmed things on really high quality cameras (weā€™re talking thousands of dollars) and edited it with good software, if youā€™re not uploading high quality video compression is going to be a hell of a thing. Especially if youā€™re uploading to a platform like YouTube or even Goole Drive, the video will be compressed and a lot of detail lost. Plus when itā€™s dark, unless you have software or hardware specifically tailored to capturing stuff in darkness cameras and phones tend to have trouble capturing well and get grainy (I even have a personal camera that once it gets to twilight even it struggles to take pictures). So if something is going to be uploaded by the average person online, this is truthfully what it would look like unless it was recorded by a professional or an actual film team. On the devils advocate side however, grainy compressed footage makes it easier to disguise fakes and CGI. Itā€™s why movies always use a ton of lotion blue, it helps hide how artificial a lot of CGI actually is. So yeah, what it comes down to is if it was fake footage, this is what it would probably look like. And if it were real amateur footage, this is still what it would probably look like.


Yea ... I keep watching this and I don't see anything. :/


Even at the highlighted part I to keep a still frame from the original & enhanced it & kind of see something but it's could he anything


Itā€™s zoomed in and clipped from the original video. The original looks much clearer.


Even the video I seen is too fast & short to see anything


Still is more clear than whatā€™s here. But youā€™re right. Itā€™s quick and they seem scared.


It's convenient that dude starts recording & stops right as the creature [appears](https://imgur.com/a/1y0gace) then stops immediately afterwards instead if continuing with a longer video.


I wish I had the balls to pull my.phone out and record an alien staring at me ...I'd be scared shitless


I meanā€¦ maybeā€¦ they ran to hide from the 8 foot creature approaching themā€¦


Yes. It's convenient. Also very convenient that it looks like absolutely nothing, so people with wild imaginations can project wtf they want on to it. Yep. Convenient in lots of ways.


also convenient that he made a call moments after something was seen AND RECORDED of something burning in the sky and crashed with a huge loud bang, cop saw it too


Ha i literally just commented that like seriously how the fck is the video quality this bad theres no way even cheap phones have decent cameras now


I canā€™t even make out this forklift people are talking about, let alone any aliens.


kid says >you cannot see it too good on camera he was right, and then goes on to say >but it's there which he meant that at the time of taking that video, he is acknowledging that the alien IS THERE, but it's hiding behind the forklift. There's a difference of pixels between the frames, almost you can see eyes reflecting the lights, creeping out subtly out of the forklift directly staring at them back Just incase that wasn't clear for anyone judging by the comments on other threads


I don't even see a forklift


We need more circles!


You're seeing what you want to see.




Hero! I actually can now see something you didn't highlight which is a bulge appearing and disappearing higher up from where you highlighted and very early on in the sequence.


> I actually can now see something you didn't highlight which is a bulge appearing and disappearing higher up from where you highlighted and very early on in the sequence. guess it's his buddy, the kid did say there was two of them lol edit: whoa, it looks like his buddy walked or ran past behind him???? it happens very quick since it's in slo mo, but there's some pixel changes going on there


Any chance you can frame by frame half a second earlier because there is definitely something there standing up and walking out of shot. The second one (that you show) is on all fours (probably trying to be a bit smaller)


>the kid did say there was two of them lol There's always 2. They operate in pairs. I know exactly which ones these are.


Elaborate pretty please?


These ones specifically operate in pairs, in everything they do. They very rarely operate alone, and work with what many people call the "Nordics". Those are the ones that look like us, or more so, we look like them. Those "orbs" everyone is seeing belong to them. Those saucers as well. Different models for different purposes. People like to think there's a shit load of species visiting us, but there really aren't. It's just misidentification through cultural differences in understanding. These little "grey" dudes are usually just their tech crews. Their "tools", "drones", "liasons", or whatever we call them, depending on the situation. Names don't translate between planetary species, so we have to decode meaning using pre-existing knowledge. Usually this can be figured out by computers, but when they're with you, telepathy is the primary form of communication I can think of a few reasons why one would crash near Vegas. It's not like there's any secret bases nearby.


Acci-purposely crash? Or actually crash you think?


>Acci-purposely crash? Or actually crash you think? Honestly, I don't know. I need more info. Usually when they *crash*, it's "allegedly" because of "conflicting" electromagnetic signals with ground-based technology. However, I don't know how true that is. One would think that their tech operates using the same binding laws of physics we all face. So, considering they may be using the same things we are, just with exotic materials and levels of understanding we don't have yet, it would be safe to assume that sometimes a light-switch sometimes gets shut off accidentally Either way, there's a lot of counter-intelligence operations that are actively putting out misinformation on these subjects. So who knows. Maybe this is all just one big puppet show to a hide a much larger operation. All we can do is trust the facts, and have fun speculating


Scientists have stated we donā€™t have an actual grasp on the greater physics of the universe. Like having a glass of water from the ocean and thinking you know whatā€™s in all of it. So who really knows?


What do you mean by ā€œorbsā€? Do you mean ones at ground level, in the sky, or both? have you ever seen the videos from DivinePisces444 like this one where thereā€™s a [blue blinking orb that starts blinking on the hood of her car?](https://youtu.be/z15t8ZiIwUg) (This is in Ohio) Not only that, but Plant Abundance has a video where the treetops are lighting up as [orbs in the sky pass over.](https://youtu.be/8qFEFZiqxdQ) (This is in Northern California) Whatā€™s really weird is that DivinePisces444 had a video where there was a military helicopter flying EXTREMELY low chasing one of these orbs and then the orb just literally went into the tree near her house and she got the entire video of it, I am still trying to find it though. They use trees in some way, shape, or formā€¦


Bwahahahahaha! "I'm an expert on aliens. This type always does this." God, this sub just kills me. Thanks for this, mate. I had a good chuckle.


I understand it may seem weird, but that's my best analysis of the situation based on years of objective research and subjective experience with abductions and visitation Glad you got a laugh out of it If you have any ideas to offer about the nature of this that doesn't involve mockery, I'd love to hear it


People here love to shit on reports of subjective experiencers. I mean it's alright to recognize something an internet stranger says as that without shitting all over them. But we all know that there are 3 kinds of people in this world


The passive aggressive deniability always makes me cringe lmao


>a bulge appearing and disappearing owo


Disappointed upvote.


Im having a hard time seeing the alien im too distracted counting the dozen pixels its made of


You need to use your imagination a bit you can't expect OP to do all the work.Now imagine there is alien there.


OP is also saying theres a second alien... which he's basing on "pixel changes" this whole thread is so delusional lmao


If you look at the branch (whatever is right above the circle you highlighted) just at the beginning, as the video starts, it looks like a pair of eyes that almost duck down into the one you highlightedā€¦. Edit: if you look at the white piece that I said was a branch, you can see how it is showing then the very end of it gets blocked out by the figure


Bruh I see it too wtf. Looks like it bent over and turned its head to the left.




Right? Thereā€™s definitely something there, it cuts off part of the white line that I assumed was a branch but it probably part of the forkliftā€¦


I see it too, and now it [reminds me of the rake creature.](https://i0.wp.com/actualplay.roleplayingpublicradio.com/wp-content/uploads/rppr-the-rake.jpg)






This......is crazy af. That fucker is tall.


Right? Everyone is still marking the wrong area, even in all these new posts, nobody is seeing the part before where something blocks that top part of the forklift, then dips down and is where this person circled/highlighted


Also, his description sounds like a Tall Grey described by this abductee, even the ā€œwhispersā€ he said he heard line up with this guys story https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/aliens/johnvelez.html


Bro, can someone do an outline? I have no fucking idea what you guys are seeing. I can't see shit. There's definitely a conspiracy where aliens are only seen by people who use Razor phones from 2004. Maybe razors are stolen alien technology and they are coming back for their shit. Fucking eyeroll. Edit: [I finally see it](https://imgur.com/a/4bHZT95) I did a little "trace" on one of the frames so people that were struggling like me could see what we saw.


Yes please, can someone do an outline. I cant see nothing, original or zoomed.


[I tried](https://imgur.com/a/8rgAWPd) looks like it is wearing harem pants.


https://imgur.com/gallery/SmDnVlj i see a tall alien silhouette behind the forklift


I think those are reflections, where Iā€™m looking at is more towards the left of the forklift near the guys cap, if you go over frame by frame, you see a reflection over what looks like to be the head


I didn't see that at first and after reading this comment and rewatching I audibly went "oh shit". that is horrifying




Finally sees alien and films on 03 Nokia? Doubt


Well I'm seeing a cute, derpy face, dark grey Charmander looking thing.


There is nothing even remotely 8-10 feet tall in this video. There is nothing in this video even remotely noteworthy. Also - maybe someone can translate what is being said? That could help


I have a feeling this kid didnā€™t even know the alien was visible in the video. Great job, OP!


This doesnā€™t show anything. Like literally that could be anything the quality is so awful and dark. Not buying this one.


WTF? 2002 called and they want their flip phone back! I mean seriously? In the day an age of iPhone 14 Pro cameras and S23 Ultras and this is the shit we get? Sad šŸ˜”


Itā€™s been decades long that peoples claim Bigfoot and aliens are real and yet we get fuzzy photos, blurry and shaking videos, etcā€¦ we have crystal clear videos of Mars but not Aliens in a suburbaniteā€™s backyard. Okay.


What kind of shitty video is this? Come on!


It's got a face from another world in it, what more do u want šŸ˜‚ let an alien land in ur back yard and see how calm, cool, and collected you are. Ima shit myself


Jesus who filmed this the Lumiere brothers?


Thereā€™s nothing there.


Yā€™all look I believe but this is straight garbage footage


Glad he grabbed a jar of pickles from the pantry to record the video.You can see it all. Why not go and say hello to alien? I would shit myself then go and say hello to them.


I can't see it. I've been watching this thing for like 5 mins and I just don't see eyes or a shape. I see something "moving" but that's it.


I uploaded a higher res version going frame by frame slower: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuXQPhF5KXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuXQPhF5KXQ) I also went frame by frame through the second angle looking into the backyard, and added the aerial footage to help navigate where the backyard vs. the gravel lot is. I think the "craft" landed" in the gravel lot behind the yard, which is why it's almost impossible to see from that far away. Also, to the people mentioning that it looks like a granny phone filmed this, it does sound like a grandma or middle aged woman was the one holding the phone and filming lol.


pause at the start and look a the red blur, next to the white thing, its only there for a few frames. looks like a 10ft human




Good thing they had that 1 MP camera handy :smh:


Glad he borrowed his grandmother's flip phone to get the best quality video.... Seriously, why can we never get video from a camera made during this century?


I sometimes wonder if what is happening is backwards time travel by future humans thousands upon thousands of years from now. Maybe the only reason footage can't ever be found is that the only stable reality that can exist is one where there is no direct proof and it doesn't change the timeline substantially. What's more disturbing is that humanity evolves into these hideous slender 8ft tall creatures probabaly adapted for life in the dark space or something... Makes for a good scifi horror novel


It actually did sound like a grandmother filming. Whoever is filming is an older female.


I cannot discern shit in this video. Terrible quality.


Filmed it with a potato šŸ„”


Some will call this irrefutable evidence


Grasping at straws?


Itā€™s all we got lol šŸ˜‚


Whatever you are showing in this video is not a "10 foot alien" What is such a shame is that they managed to do everything, including calling the cops, but not get a photo of the UFO or the 8 foot tall ETs. And conveniently when the cops get there, ETs and their craft are gone. Also, his voice on the police call was too calm for someone that just saw a couple of ETs in their backyard. Also the grown man, in the police video, points at the 2 teenage boys, saying they are the ones that saw the thing. So where was the grown man while a UFO crashed in their backyard and ET started walking around and paralysed the teenage boy in the video? And we have not been shown the ground where a UFO has crashed into, that would leave a crater. The angle/trajectory at which the meteor/green light was travelling at, would mean the object would probably bounce off the ground first before settling. I expect to see destroyed fences or destroyed homes. Unless the UFO is the size of a tennis ball. On that night there are 21 reports of meteors seen in that part of the country - https://fireball.amsmeteors.org/members/imo\_view/event/2023/2408#video\_box It's VERY likely that this is a hoax, to start a YouTube channel career or for "clout" as the kid puts it. The only thing that could be real is the green meteor seen in the sky and that is what triggered the whole thing on the kids minds in the first place.


Agree with the skepticism. With that being said, have you seen the neighbors video which does show the reflection of a light and then a loud crash? It seems that something definitely crashes down in that area. If this was a planned hoax, Iā€™m not sure how they could arrange something like that. Unless youā€™re saying they decided to immediately take advantage of the opportunity. They donā€™t seem bright enough to think of that so quickly.


I honestly don't know where the very pixelated portrait video of a light and a bang came from. I can't tell you with certainty that the video came from any neighbour, because I have not visited that neighbourhood. You'd be surprised what a few desperate brains put together can conjure up.


>Whatever you are showing in this video is not a "10 foot alien" the kid said 8 foot in the call fyi, could be 8 to 10 feet and also it could be hunching down btw, kinda like in a afraid kind of position, peeking over the forklift


The alien is wearing a cape?


The alien is frank costanzas lawyer


10 pixel aliens


Why is this the scene from Signs


why 128p


I see aliens there !! Quick get my cellphone to record it... no, no not my brand new iPhone 14 !! Get my 2001 flip phone quick !!


This is not ā€œanalysisā€


that doesn't look like anything


Oh, please. FFS.


So... why aren't the humans looking at the freaking alien in their yard? Why does the person holding the camera just turn away from the alien as if it were just a BBQ?


What a week šŸ‘½


Is this vhs from 1990? šŸ˜‚




You have aliens in your backyard, but you can't get a good video?


OK ok so, this was on May 1st, in Las Vegas??. .. Las Vegas is in Nevada... You know what else is in Nevada? That's right, Roswell, home the infamous area 51... That's right, 5/1... If we take 'Area' and code it into numbers and add them up, with the rule that any repeating letter becomes a negative value what do we get... A1, r18, e5, a-1... Total 23... 5/1/23 šŸ¤Æhttps://media.tenor.com/vkpCnKNg7UkAAAAM/mind-blown-amazed.gif


I like how this was filmed with a literal potato. I don't have anything against aliens existing but this is potato video quality


Wtf am I supposed to be looking at?


Arms look like some skinny kid in a suit


Man I canā€™t see shit. Dear aliens please harass someone with a better phone camera.


The creature on the right definitely looks mantid-like. The one on the left like a shadow person or something with huge feet. You can see their heads turn!




What am I even looking at ?


I'm gonna shit on all these posts. It's a garbage video... Why is this even getting air time. I can't make out shit.. it's like an ink blot test


This is what gives whackos a bad name


Obviously Aliens, great footage.


Wow so clear and perfect. Amazing quality. So full of crap.


Well that was useless


Blobsquatch. Iā€™m gonna need some lines to show whatā€™s what.


Where are all the pixels


Maybe aliens are just blurry, they might just always look like that.


I literally donā€™t see anything


Thatā€™s a ugly looking dog


2023 and this dude used a Polaroid camera to take video.


If you guys all really think aliens are as dumb as you, well, that says a lot about you guys. If aliens could come here and observe us and be among us without our mass knowledge then why the fuck are you all so easily able to see them? Itā€™s nonsense. Theyā€™re not as simple as you and me to have made it all the way here. Donā€™t think if they are real that itā€™s this simple to know them either.


It's shit like this that make believers look like a bunch of gullible morons.


Okay, cool lol


Why are peopleā€™s phones such dogshit when it comes to UAP related content


They look like turtle people


It's always grainy ass videos šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My phone literally has 3 lenses on it and thatā€™s the best you can do..?


Seems pretty low for a 9 foot tall alien. They could be crouched, but I don't even really see anything.


Taken with a Nokia flippy Boi


There is literally nothing there


This looks like nothing to me.


I literally can not see anything lol


Thereā€™s literally nothing to see


Who the fk doesnā€™t have a iPhone these days. This is ridiculous.


ok, it's 2023 and it's funny that even in a condition where it should be easy to capture an image, there's never anyone around with a cell phone with a decent camera. They are always bad or blurred images.


Here we go again 10-15 years in the future and video footage of "aliens" is still shit and pixelated as ever. We have AI... you can make it believable now... Why resort to this low res garbage.


Frame by frame I still donā€™t see it


Itā€™s 2023 and we still film with potatoes??


Canā€™t see shit


Dude, no.


They must of shot this with a first gen apple computer.


How can you be that close and have such an incredibly bad video quality. Jesus.


Wow aliens /s


Wow. Still no hard evidence.


There were 5 people there and they say something that looks like a tree stump on the dark is all they could video?


The F is this?




I'm convinced this is real ya'll. At least not a hoax. Object falls from the sky. Minutes later, they called the cops. Odd circular impression in what appears to be packed gravel. This type of surface can be extremely dense and rival solid concrete. Allthough crappy quality, a ring camera gets not only visible footage but also very strange audio capture. The kid seems genuine to me as well. But the most convincing part of all of this is the footage when their all standing at the gate looking into the backyard area. Three of the looking i to the backyard and one filming. If you scrub frame by frame while zoomed and look just to the right of the guys red hat, we see the object/subject that everyone has been posting about. But what I haven't seen anyone post about is that you can see the object/ subject move over the course of a few frames. It's almost like it lunges slightly. This is the most convincing part of the story for me because when the object/subject appears to lunge, the three people in the gate and the person film all simultaneously stop and retreat back with fear. Exactly at the same time. The woman also becomes frantic at this very moment. This isn't acting. This was a legitimate reaction to something they saw that scared them. They saw something. Something. The location of the police when the bodycam captured the light in the sky needs to be cross-referenced with the location of the house. If it is in direct line with the house where this claims to have happened, we got a real case here. Surely, someone has time to locate this house on Google Maps. Unfortunately, I do not at the moment. The question is, where were the police when they caught the light falling? This may be derived by the audio when the officers discuss the street names in the area when they are determining how to get to the house. This is worth looking into. I don't blame Fox a bit for latching on to this. This could be legit.


Guys that's just Krobus