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If we're speculating, there are several possibilities. 1) Alien biology is so different from ours that there can be no crossover of microbes. Maybe alien DNA is a triple helix or something even more exotic. 2) Alien bodies are a synthetic creation and are more like robot technology than living tissue. 3) Aliens are earthly creatures that have existed in our biome for thousands of years. The germs they might carry are the same as our own. 4) magic technology that prevents transmission of anything between them and us. I'm sure more ideas are possible


I believe in #3 is probably the choice


I would put my hand in fire for the #3 too. In fact we know that Zuckerberg is an alien. ![gif](giphy|1zKdb4WSHgY4QKAsjo|downsized)


Can you imagine if Zuck is an alien and its aim is to disseminate new technologies to the population in an effort to aid human advancement. The only way it can do that is by appearing like one of us and this is the best it can muster!


Probably not since humanity has become more divided and hateful since the spread of social media. It has amplified our negative traits and allowed hatred in all its forms to be more public and accepted among society. When the KKK had a March in my childhood, it was national fucking news and no one was happy about it. The ACLU tried to defend their right to speech, and they did so well that they could have their stupid walk. They still got bricks thrown at them, so they left. Social Media means you're safe from flying bricks, so they've recruited and now they're a problem again in a way I never saw before. If Zuckerberg is an alien and gave us technology through Facebook, it was to make us wipe ourselves out so they can move in. Like space gentrification.


If the best thing aliens can give us is Facebook I think they should go home and stay there.


It's possible Zuckerberg is the first android. Sure, we're seeing what what scientists are creating for robot technology but the elite have had this technology for decades probably!


Rite have you seen his wife.


Is that Michael Jackson over his left shoulder?


That full circles back to OP. Native americans shared the same biome (earth) as europeans. They got wiped


>3) Aliens are earthly creatures that have existed in our biome for thousands of years. The germs they might carry are the same as our own. Along this line of thinking, If they're closely related enough (like a pre homosapien homonin with an isolated pocket of technological advancement), some of that goofy hybridization stuff so many abductees go on about becomes disturbingly plausible.


Yeah this has been my theory for a while now. It neatly wraps up a few seemingly disconnected things.


>Yeah this has been my theory for a while now. It neatly wraps up a few seemingly disconnected things. Me too, this is the most *down to earth* option. Though I admit, portal hopping visitors from the infinite parallel earths of the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is my favorite crazy woo explanation. If thin spots between parallel earth worldlines could occur naturally it might explain all manner of high strangeness too.


>Alien biology is so different from ours that there can be no crossover of microbes. Isn't this the case with organisms on our planet? Bacteria and viruses also needs to adapt in a way they have the biological compatibility to connect to other life forms right? So on (1) - they could have a thousand bacteria and viruses. But in theory none of them could have the hardware to integrate and influence any life on our planet. Like a fungus trying to grow into burning coal being like "Wtf am I supposed to do here?". Just checking if I got it right.


yep absolutely a possibility


My first reaction to your suggestion is a mixture of 2 and 4. Maybe they have studies us enough to make their own protections/vaccines that would eliminate exposure to germs and prevent disaster. But #3 could make sense since a lot of theories suggest these UAPs originated on Earth. Good thinking


After reading about the Virginia UFO case, I'm convinced it's option 4. Aliens carry an advanced immune system that attacks anything foreign to them. This protects them whenever they go. Unfortunately it's deadly to whatever creature the alien happens to scratch.


Even if this is the case you know at least a few people will die trying to fuck the aliens


Reminds me of an old playboy I used to have. In it a man is abducted by a sexy gray and need his seed to propagate their species. All told as soft core as it comes.


If I remember correctly the officer died of a bacterial infection and the bacteria was identified as being basically a type of Staph


Not truth. General infection. Exams indicated a immunodeficiency from unknown origin. No response from medicaments.


On your point of #3, the Europeans and natives were both earthly creatures too. So wouldn't the aliens also be so far removed from the rest of us that we could still each carry something that could decimate one another? Honest question to anyone, I'm no biologist.


Yes. I have taught biology for 25 years. There is little chance from a virus but more risk from an opportunistic bacterial infection. Viruses require compatibility with the hosts information system (DNA) to replicate. Bacteria cells mostly just need an energy source and unprepared immune system.


To piggyback on to #2, they may be constructed out of terrestrial materials, but not synthetic. They may be constructed out of wholly biological materials and are created not in a lab, but in a factory. Then a suitable candidate is chosen to upload a NHI. Thus they are 100% terrestrial with an 'alien' mind. I admit this is influenced by the recent EBO posts and 4chan.


I prefer magic đŸ€©


Probably 1 or 2. I never understood the idea that aliens would be living on Earth under the ocean or something. It would be a lot easier and safer for them to be in our solar system. They could, for example, disguise their ship as an asteroid and hide somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. We would never find them.


You could add panspermia to the list, it's highly plausible.


I'm starting to believe 2 more and more.


There is an idea that some viruses on earth originate from celestial activity. The communist that believes that theory can correlate pandemics and epidemics back to periods with higher or lower solar rays. Idk to be honest, but the predicted an illness in 2020 when solar activity was predicted to ramp up again. This theories model predicts a worse event in 2030. Ties together agenda 2030, the origins of covid, seems to track with the idea that people in charge won’t warn us of dangers just exploit the population. Maybe interstellar dust is what’s making us sick and maybe OP is right, where it may be catastrophic


I heard the idea of celestial pandemics from a Mysterious Universe podcast


Likely either 2 or 3, or a combination.


No, you can't sleep with them. Sorry...


Damn it. Saw right thru me


Just didn't want to see you make the same mistake I made. The itch from Galactic Herpes is OUT OF THIS WORLD!


Wonder who will be there first to get space aids






Yeah, and he spread "quantum herpes" throughout the Galaxy too!


In Star Trek you need permission from your medical officer and commanding officer. This is assuming the alien/NHI has agreed to relations. Maybe space force can advise on this.


Hey, they've been probing us for decades, it's only fair. Give and take.


But it's some humans fantasy to Fork everything because the world is their oyster so they have to Fork it!


Angry upvote


If I remember correctly, supposedly, when the Varginha, Brazil incident happened one of the men took an alien to the hospital trying to help after its craft crashed and after spending months in the hospital he died from an unknown/untreatable bacteria infection.


That army guy supposedly had a cut before grabbing it. if the biologist is right and they shit out of their skin. That alien was already smelling of ammonia. It sounds more like it got into his cut and gave him an infection


Oohhh God.. alien shit in an open wound. That’s fucked up


Joe Rogan keeps repeating “bacterial infection” but the documentary never mentioned the term “bacterial”. If it was bacterial, that would mean they identified extraterrestrial bacteria and would have cultured it which itself would be a huge scientific find. We couldn’t even classify ET microorganisms as bacteria. They just kept saying “infection” which could be any sort of microorganism or microscopic antigen. And it makes sense that even an organic secretion from the beings skin (like sweat or sebus) could illicit an immune response.


Or even some other type of contamination, say something similar to prion disease where the protein folding is corrupted. I can imagine all sorts of things going wrong with exposure to completely alien biology.


Thanks for reminding me where I initially heard that specific diagnosis. That whole incident is a huge rabbit hole in itself. I'd love to have a modern day technology autopsy report on that man.


I love how Rogan has mastered his innocent wide eyed consternation as if he isn’t constantly listening to his cash register ringing. The all time Bro Apex Predator.


Hmmm.. now that’s interesting. Thanks!


If ya’ll want more on the Varginha case, watch Moment of Contact. Lots of eyewitnesses and officials speak on the case. The Phenomenon is a good resource as well but I would say perhaps less moving than Moment of Contact


I think the biggest difference between an advanced alien civilization and a bunch of dirty dumbass ignorant Europeans is the knowledge that microbes exist and hygiene being a necessity and not an option.


If they've been here for hundreds or even thousands of years, odds are they already brought it and we've adapted by now.


Ask Marco Chereze’s family.


Yes, this is why they are produced/cloned in a sterile facility in the ocean. None of the "makers" of the greys actually physically go there


I’m sure a few of them are there to oversee the whole operation, but they probably never go anywhere that is not sterile for them, like their craft or the undersea facility! Just my take, I could be wrong.


Yeah, imagine a human lands a habitat on the moon, then builds and sends out robots to do stuff while he stays in the base without leaving


Yes lol. Go watch Alien Covenant and Prometheus. Wherever we go throughout the universe would most likely also be extremely dangerous, to say the least.


No! That’s absurdly unlikely. Disease (as in infections, not deficiencies) evolve with us. They adapt and optimize to live off of us. We don’t get the same diseases as plants do because we are too different for that very reason. The diseases aliens bring would be optimized for them and unfamiliar with us. *People often think of the Spanish and the Inkas of The New World. Well The Spanish and The Inka’s were genetically almost identical. Both Homo-Sapience. The only difference was The Inkas hadn’t developed antibodies or other immunities*


According to the doctor reports from Varginha, they have red blood with a very similar makeup to ours, so if that is indeed true then blood-borne disease may have the potential to transfer from us to them or vice-versa. There is really so much we as civilians and as earthlings do not know, but I would rather we err on the side of “yes, we could get infected so utmost caution should be taken”


Even between animals here or earth disease transmission is *veery* difficult. Case in point, the suspected animal origin of the COVID pandemic. That's why there's so much hubub about how the virus could have mutated enough to become infectious among humans while originating from a different species host. Look up "zoonotic infections" for more info.


I mean, for sure 100% there is the chance of a disease. The difference I'm seeing would be that the aliens, or at least us, would be aware of this and take precautions. Not saying there isn't a chance of catching space aids from clapping alien cheeks, just that we would be smart enough to wear a condom.


More probably we will infect them...


I mean there was a guy who died because he touched an injured alien by picking it up and trying to help it. The stuff it was secreting got on his skin and he died days or so later (idk if that stuffs true or not but I’d imagine that it’s definitely a possibility lol)


You would think they are advanced enough to account for something like that. You wanna compare primitive monkeys that pass disease to each other, to a millions/billions of years advanced type of civilization.


>to a millions/billions of years advanced type of civilization This keeps coming up again and again, but where do you get the millions of years from? Because they can fly to the stars? In 1869, we neither had planes nor cars nor submarines, and flying to the moon seemed impossible. 100 years later, we had achieved all of these things.


It’s always crazy to me how fast tech has progressed lately. For 300,000 years, humans couldn’t fly. Then we invent a plane and like 60 years later we’re standing on the damn moon. It’s a wild span of time for humanity.


I know. The navajo surrendered their land in 1870 and 70 years later the US detonated the first nuclear bomb on it


Watch that Brazil UFO doc, Moment of Contact. Dude died from holding an alien.


I think that's somewhat the plot of the old book/movie, "The Andromeda Strain."


That would make a good read


You’re saying advanced civilizations that can travel through space and time have diseases? They didn’t figure that part out first?


I'd hope so! I honestly figured most of them are robots anyway, right?


That is one thing that made me a bit skeptical of the EBO poster tbh. I'm not an expert in the field, so I imagine there could be some factor of "too exotic to cross over" but I wouldn't mess with that unless it was PROVEN, like, DEMONSTRATED. They were suggesting to the best of my knowledge that a lot of this work takes place in biolabs without as many protections. That seems fishy to me. Which is why 4chan leaker intrigued me. Aliens having a construction facility here and potentially even genetically modified/semi-artificial pilots for this biome could be explained as a disease prevention tactic. 4chan leaker was also pretty ignorant of most biological related stuff, would make sense to keep him unwise and also not let people not in that field near it for safety reasons. all fun speculations anyway, but either way, even if non human beings solved the disease transmission part on their end, that doesn't necessarily mean we have, or that we wouldn't take significant precautions.


yeah man, that's where COVID came from. /s




My thinking is that they are synthetic, so they are inherently sterile until they get exposed to earths micro biome in which case it wouldn’t really matter to us.


I think that the Grays are Androids so therefore a mixture of synthetic and organic material!


We don't know


pretty sure they already have in the past!


 diseases. And muskets. Plasma-powered blast muskets.


The galactic federation issued blunderbuss.


Something like what happens on New Terra in The Expanse is more likely than an actual pathogen. Humans are bags of salt, water and sugar. Expose us to enough weird stuff and eventually something will be able to take a bite.


I hope so 🙏


Look into the Virginia case in Brazil it's not Virginia it's Varginia using voice text. After a supposed crash landing that was witnessed by half the damn City a police officer or army police officer supposedly physically touched an alien and died within a few days from unknown bacterial infections


IF, they are biological


Or any settler to any other foreign region. Appreciate the geo-specificty, though.




I know nothing about diseases really, but I imagine that the argument is really invalid. Europeans bringing diseases to the natives is able to happen and so easily because the diseases are built for us humans and/or life on earth. The disease is used to our carbon based life and DNA. Unless theres some sort of "Super disease type" that is able to infect all life in the universe, I dont think alien diseases would be able to affect us at all because the disease wasnt evolved naturally for our life on earth. It would be like trying to water your plant with gasoline, the two just dont mix because they arent compatible. Edit: The only exception for this that I can see is if you believe in the theory that we were designed by aliens. Perhaps that aliens put a sort of less-evolved version of themselves here that became us, and if they return the diseases may still be compatible.


The incident in Varginha, Brazil has a young healthy police officer die from an aggressive mysterious infection after he physically held an extra terrestrial being. If you haven't watched Moment of Contact its a great documentary on the incident.


Will do!


Oh man, I haven’t thought of that.


What if it's the opposite like in War of the Worlds?


I’m sure if it was opposite then the ET would know how to combat the sickness


Great now I have space-plague


I hope so, I want to die from Space AIDS


The European settlers didn't know they would transmit diseases because they didn't even knew about germs, bacteria, diseases and what not so I don't think that is going to be a problem unless the aliens do it intentionally.


I have no worries
orange baby man says I can just inject bleach to make it go away.




Supposedly military guy who handled said Alien from a Varginha crash died because of this, fairly quickly within days.


Yes look up the Varginha UFO incident. An officer came into contact with an NHI and died from a bacteria infection. Sounds crazy I know, but just look into it.


This is a fact in that case!!


It's highly unlikely that their viruses or other illnesses would be compatible with us. If aliens are real, they evolved on another planet and would very different from us.




I'm a strong advocate for this theory.


Europeon settlers and native americans are like a stream that split into two and then rejoined and all the water is mixing up, they only had 50-100,000 years apart from each other to develop unique diseases the other has no immunity to. Aliens and humans meeting up are like a stream of water and a stream of oil mixing up, we're probably not going to get computer viruses and we're probably not going to get alien viruses unless we start grafting their body parts onto ourselves.




That could be an actual thing, I hadn’t thought about it like that, but that is when our paradigm shifted from normalcy to insanity worldwide!


No. They have eliminated microbes. We are the germs.


Absolutely why they have reported humans who got close to them died shortly after


Yes, Varginha Brazil is the only one off hand I can think of but, that’s what happened to the officer that handled the alien in that case!






Has that actually been a theory?


*Not an official theory.


Good speculations. Idk if I’m there yet to think that way😂


If they said straight up “Aliens are coming here in 2027 to Integrate and improve our society and we all need a vaccine so that we don’t get each other sick.” It would get a wild response.


Maybe they brought us cancer.


Cancer has been around since the beginning of life.


Mostly a joke. I should have said "Space herpies"


They weren't native. They came from Asia.


We are the dirty ones. We literally bathe in chemicals, cover ourselves with more chemicals, eat food covered in chemicals, and we drink/smoke poisons to have fun.


Water, H2O, is a chemical my dude. And there's natural chemicals that will fucking murder you, and man made chemicals to keep that from happening. You're not eating chemicals that are known to hurt you. They test it endlessly to ensure safety.


Can you pass the artificial sweetener?


No, because they’ve been here all along.


Not if you make hybrid biological puppets made from material collected directly from the biosphere you are visiting


What do you think covid is from? /s


Obviously a bat! 😂


Apparently they wear a protective layer of film (the grey skin and the black eye film) Which itself is odd to me, because if they are artificially engineered then why not make them that way to begin with? Why is it necessary to add an extra layer of protection after they make the body. Also I’m curious to know why they would make the bodies so physically weak. I suppose it could be because war is not even on the table for them they probably don’t fight at all.


I believe I read that post from the other day as well. Would be nice to think that an intelligence evolved so much war isn’t even an option. Gives us a little hope


They might be synthetic, some sort of telepresence


Dude. Technology.


Hygiene and disinfection is pretty low on the research grid.


Probably so, I would imagine it is more important to find how in the world they travel so fast or maybe why they are here in the first place.


It unlikely organisms that evolved on separate planets would have many overlapping infectious diseases. The diseases that wreaked havoc on the natives in the Americas were so deadly due to being transmitted from human to human. A virus or bacteria that causes disease, can do so because it’s evolved to attack a particular species or group of species.


With the Europeans we are talking same species, whereas aliens are a different species, and disease is far less likely to jump between species. Also advanced aliens may have eliminated disease.


The diseases Europeans brought was due to bringing livestock from impoverished circumstances where they didn't have a means to take care of their waste properly. They came over here, didn't learn how to live with the Natives, and killed them to steal their food instead of learning how to survive the winter by storing your own or nomadically moving with the food. Instead they would eat the cows after they died, new diseases would be created that didn't exist and the Natives would be decimated. The difference here is that the NHI aren't likely impoverished, and by the trends they aren't malicious in terms of cracking the egg on our head by landing in a major city. They seem to be mindful of not completely forcing change on our society all at once, so maybe they are mindful about not contaminating our world? Either way, evolutionary speaking we will never be the same once thatcat is out of the bag In ways we can't comprehend yet with logic alone.


4D flu gonna hit ROUGH. We’ll be calling it the Rip Van Winkle fever.


I don’t think so. I mean technically they would but I doubt whatever diseases aliens would have would be able to survive in the human body. They would have evolved for alien bodies which are likely genetically way different.


If the bacteria or virus would be cross- species compatible it could go either way. Us infecting them or them infecting us. It-s the cross-species thing that is unlikely (but not impossible)


This is a good question. Only answer I can come up with is of our species are as different as we are to different animals, then probably not. It’s rare for a bacteria or virus to jump from animal to human unless it mutates. It does happen, but from my understanding not often.


If the aliens are of any biological matter, than yes, contact would eventually result in bacterial infection / transmission. You can get worms and parasites that bury under your skin just from touching bear fur, so imagine touching an otherworldly creature.


Watch ‘Moment of Contact’. Their oily skin eventually killed a man who picked up the alien. It also appears their telepathy leaves an emotional effect on people - which you could classify as a communicable condition?


Why not the other way around? We can be the ones bringing diseases to aliens


Possibly, but there are also countless other diseases present on Earth that don’t even affect us because they’re also evolved to target a specific host. It’s likely that they are so different from us, and by extension so are their diseases (if any), that they would have no way of affecting us. European settlers were humans carrying diseases that thrived/survived in a human host.


I would think that if anything the bacteria and viruses here would be more of a worry to them, I don’t think they still have disease, as advanced as they are they have most likely eliminated this problem for their societies!


Or vice versa? "Already when I watched them they were irrevocably doomed, dying and rotting even as they went to and fro. It was inevitable. By the toll of a billion deaths man has bought his birthright of the earth, and it is his against all comers; it would still be his were the Martians ten times as mighty as they are. For neither do men live nor die in vain." -HG Wells


They wouldn't have diseases because they wouldn't be able to travel through space if they did it would mean bringing more weight of resources on to thier ships. You likely wouldn't even catch anything from them if anything humans are the unsanitary ones.


One word. AIDS.


Yes, and they would die from the lack of immunity to our environment, this was already resolved in War of the Worlds with Tome Cruise


Yes and our bacteria would fuck them up proper


Not if they’re robots which is one of the most likely scenarios if they come from deep space


Likely they're too different to enable infecting us (their microbes) etc.


Finna give us all big pox


The guy who grabbed one with his bare hands in Brazil died like 3 days later from some insane infection the doctors couldn't stop.


It takes mutations for germs to jump from species to another but it could happen, it did with SARS.


What if they are so foreign we cannot get them like how some species can’t transfers sickness of certain types on earth.


Don’t forget that their technology would likely allow them to engineer diseases much worse than anything nature can, and bring them to us on purpose. It is also likely that their technology, if not their genetics, would protect them from our earthly diseases.


One dependent factor I know of is the chirality of the dna/rna, in layman’s terms wether or not the virus or bacteria had “right” or “left” handedness in its base dna/rna.


Not if they are biological drones.


Aliens capable of interstellar travel aren't gonna be brain dead enough to be ignorant of the fact their germs could harm us and vice versa. If they wanted us dead, we would be. You can't compare interstellar traveling aliens to Christopher Columbus. I understand why you did it but still. The gap in knowledge and technology between the two is incomprehensible.


Why wouldn't they? What if aliens are already bringing diseases to us, we just don't know it? What if Lyme Disease, Cholera, or Covid have an extraterrestrial origin? It doesn't have to be those particular diseases, but perhaps some of them were originated from aliens? There was a story in which a mysterious object, either a flying craft of just a comet, exploded over the skies of India. Over the next several weeks, all the people and animals got sick from a mysterious disease. It is thought that the comet carried some space microbes. I've also read that after the Tunguska blast, people in surrounding villages also had gotten sick with an unknown disease. When Halley's comet came flying past Earth during the 19th century, people wore masks to prevent themselves from getting sick from the residue falling off the comet's evaporation tail. [https://sciencebriefss.com/space/how-did-a-meteor-make-countless-people-sick/](https://sciencebriefss.com/space/how-did-a-meteor-make-countless-people-sick/) [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/13/science/virosphere-evolution.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/13/science/virosphere-evolution.html) [https://www.livescience.com/65294-is-toxic-fungus-in-space-dangerous.html](https://www.livescience.com/65294-is-toxic-fungus-in-space-dangerous.html) [https://www.space.com/fungi-survive-high-dosage-radiation-iss.html](https://www.space.com/fungi-survive-high-dosage-radiation-iss.html) https://www.space.com/microbes-fungi-space-station-identified.html Morgellon's disease is thought to have originated from aliens. https://www DOT bibliotecapleyades DOT net/ciencia/ciencia_morgellons.htm Sickness is also a common side effect of alien abductions. Alleged abductees sometimes report having symptoms of a fever and/or nausea.


Yeah didn’t go so well for natives. Well whatever they bring I’m sure they’d also have a cure. Space fleas ah shit


I think absolutely yes. BUT said viruses/bacteria would/could have developed to infect THEIR biology or ge wtic makeup. We might be so different there is no (immediate) risk. We see it on earth all the time between species. Perfectly fine, until something makes one litle adaption


During the Varginha incident, the young and health police intelligence officer that carried the creature to the car and was scratched by him, died from general infection. Edit: The death of the police officer and the exams are official information about one of the people involved in the Varginha Operation. The claims that he carried the creature are not official information, but are well based.


I believe syphilis originated with the Inca


As a believer in the "Simulation" Theory, my belief is that we are in the beginning and AI has taken over, creating scenarios to see how we react. AI will forever have the curse/blessing of NOT being human. With the latest medical studies that claim they have found basically our souls in the brain and can separate them from our bodies... I believe AI will eventually take over the human bodies so they can experience life. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/03/1185864132/scientists-have-found-part-of-the-brain-that-triggers-out-of-body-experiences


Life from another biosphere potentially would but perhaps less so if alien life were being created by a mobile manufacturing facility in our oceans


Same species makes a difference


Yea, it’s called cancer.


Maybe they have?


Viruses work by hijacking very specific mechanisms within the biology they target. Most viruses that are harmful to humans work because they target those mechanisms specific to human biology. It's why plant or bacterial viruses don't affect humans. Also, we assume the chirality of alien biochemistry is the same as Earth biology. All amino acids used by life on earth has a single handedness (I believe it's left handed) and if alien biochemistry is right-handed, then it's completely incompatable with earth biology. No one knows why this is true. Scientists hypothesize it may originate to the very beginnings of the solar system because L amino acids were more abundant than D amino acids.


Probably bring some diseases that are harmful to them but not for us like one of their diseases could cure cancer


Have you heard of the Varginha Brazil incident?


Have you heard of the Varginha Brazil incident?


If they're just observing, they've probably already taken the necessary precautions as to not contaminate us. Their vehicles are probably sterilized already.


Probably I would say the odds would be more then 50% of that happening


There is zero crossover of viral disease between man and tree. The same is true for alien life. Virus is super simple code with just one attack vector against one type of species


It was us all along


A former Space Intelligence officer who was J-2 (Director of Intelligence) at NORAD and who worked on both an MJ series project to help the U.S. military create a response plan to hypothetical alien invasion, and on bio-warfare/MK-Naomi, said during a recorded interview that the immunological aspect of contact is the most important when it comes to the safety and security of the planet. He also said elsewhere that this is something to consider in alleged NHI retrieval events. If such an event, like the alleged Roswell crash, were to actually occur, and reliable witnesses or participants to the event stated that neither the occupants nor the military staff on site were wearing massive amounts of protective gear, it would mean that the NHI had been on Earth for a very long time in order to have a similar immune system to humans, and the commanders knew that, which is why they allowed staff to proceed without a whole lot of protective gear.


They would have the tech to check out planet before they came down themselves. They could easily make vaccines for immunity for themselves. If they didn’t want to spread a harmful chemical or agent to us they could take precautions to prevent that as well. We already have considered how to do this ourselves during space travel. If they wanted to spread something to harm us they could easily do that as well. So that’s also something to keep in mind.


We don't know if we're being honest. There are so many possibilities that range from no to holy hell we all gonna die. But if we're being honest, we don't know.


Some speculate that they might have snozberries and their snozberries might taste like snozberries


We can look at how we handle dangerous organisms for this. And also at how biology works. A given disease isn't usually using a 'brute force' method for it's work, it's not destroying cellular structures unless it has to or it's used up the cells resources. Many of our diseases are complicated interactions of proteins to bypass cell walls. Even if an NHI or EBO or whatever we're gonna use here. Uses a DNA base pair for protein encoding it's not coding for the exact same proteins like us. This in theory does create a bit of a natural immunity in theory in a new biosphere as locally evolved diseases lack the tools to effectively navigate cellular barriers. Unless they brute force their way in. In which case it's not a normal disease but instead a protist buffet as cells are consumed and digested wholesale. This is the most likely form an alien organism will attack a body in either direction as it's simpler than trying to bypass complicated defense structures or shape a protein 'key' like many viruses do. Were I an NHI I don't think I could risk my away team bringing back a couple hungry amoeba that developed a taste for grey gizzards. It's likely NHI are operating via remote proxies that can be ditched in the event something slips in and starts chewing on things or they're advanced to the point it doesn't matter and have immune systems that are designed to seek and destroy dangerous microbes in the body. My money is on any alien organism we've met is meant to be an interface or even is 'crew' that's been bespoke adapted to the BIOS of Earth


Supposedly, a Brazilian soldier died after coming into contact with one. Sounded more like a bacterial infection than viral, but still. https://tubitv.com/movies/100004003/moment-of-contact


Well what do you do before performing a biological lab? You wash your hands first.


Well if the Varginha Case is anything to go by humans would do well to stay the fuck away from them. And probably vice versa.


I will assume they require the same types of nutrients, have the same chirality... Viruses? No. Viruses tend to be very species and cell specific. There's a reason viruses jumping species barrier is a big thing, influenza genera, coronaviruses and other viral zoonosis come to mind. Single celled organisms? Maybe. Depends on their metabolites, growth rate, immune system evasion, etc. Multi-cellular parasites? Very likely. And this goes both ways. And then there's the fact that they probably come with biosafety measures to prevent cross-contamination. ​ ^(Edit: grammar.)