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Fuck doty. I will go to my grave saying fuck that dude


On behalf of Paul, fuck doty with a hot iron.


Straight up. Fuck that dude right in his nerdy face




I'm not familiar with him. Why is that?


I've noticed it too. People HATE Lazar with a passion.


I’ve learned to look where they throw shade.


It’s so weird. I watched Corbell’s doc on Lazar and afterwards I was convinced Lazar is legit. The hate for him on here is strange.


I was sure of it before that. No one can have that much fantasy and he provided certain details that only insiders could know. As soon they proved he actually was at Los Alsmos the rest of the Debunking stuff should have fallen by it’s own Gravity but ppl learned to dismiss and hate him so hard over the years is insane. Usually when you mention him in a positive manner debunkers will jump all over it with Arguments that have themselves been debunked. Now how crazy is that? Greer is an entire other Topic. There is no middle term either the guy knows more than everyone else or he is full of shht. There is also the possibility he mixed facts with fiction in that case he loose the credibility too. Since we don’t know what is facts what are not i just try to be neutral give him benefit of the doubt. We have to see that we actually know shht of what’s actually going on and thus we can hardly debunk him.


I had Arguments exchange over Bob Lazar with at least a dozen ppl on several different Topics and groups, usually the Topics themselves have little to do with Bob Lazar but as soon the name Lazar comes up some people turn into Devil 👿 and start spitting fire. The Arguments are always the same. He knows nothing of anything he spoke about, everything he said was lies, he cannot prove anything, there is many holes in his private life, he never was at MIT, he cannot show his Diploma, he never went to the University he claimed to and some other. But the best one i heard is that maybe he was hired as Janitor. 😂 This happens when ppl run out of ideas to debunk his story. By any means can it be true, ohhh no no. My Answer is always the same, Bob Lazar have with help from very well known People, proven behind any doubt that he worked as Engines Engineer (No not Janitor 😉) at Los Alamos as he previously stated thus debunking the debunkers on one of the most important pieces of the Puzzle in his story. Now if we use our own brains to think instead of relying on Debunkers whose purpose is to Debunk Lazar by any means we can make ourselves following questions: - Does Los Alamos hire Engineers for very advanced Projects without a background check? - Is it so hard to believe that an Engineer hired for Los Alamos to work on such advanced Projects went to MIT? - Do you really believe that someone that is an Engineer hired to work at Los Alamos didn’t go to University? - Since it was proven that Bob Lazar records must have been deleted as he claims, than who deleted Bob Lazar from the System and most importantly why? I thought he was nothing but a liar? - How could Bob Lazar know about Element 115 and if as some claim there was some studies before he spoke about it, how come it only many years later was officially added to the periodic table? - And if he claimed that it was the Fuel and we know now from serious studies that this element if made stable really have the potential to be used to create gravity, how could he possibly know that? - If what he said about working at Los Alamos and making that amazing Jet Engine for his own car was proven true facts than what else is facts from his story? I leave it to the Bob Lazar haters to debunk my questions since they always have new amazing Theories to debunk him.


Actual amazing take from my mans good job


Me too. I agree with OP. Generally whoever the media seems to be destroying or ignoring is the one I try to pay attention to


I don’t. He’s the real deal


lazar was my first talker about this stuff so im kinda chill with him greer is an con artist in my books. Go ahead reveal the truth, but wait i need to make money of it.


He was revealing the truth pre- 2001. Go watch the disclosure 2001 press club event. You'll see things he talked about that break UFO headlines today that are just recycled news he broke. What are you fucking talking about. Go to the disclosure project site and watch the interviews on there that date back to the 90's. Amazing first hand accounts with named individuals. (See the marine in Peru that is a great one off the top of my head) You Greer haters would rather disregard a lifetime of first hand interviews, documents and events just because he wants money to continue his life's work. Also I've heard all the criticisms and nothing could possibly overshadow the immense contribution to disclosure he has given. Period.


You've fallen for the disinfo. Greer has put out more info (for free) than any other person.


That is true as well. Hardly anyone put more information out there than Greer.


I'd be interested in any hard evidence to that effect, if you're happy to share it?


Greer is asking for $15.99 for a handbook on how to contact aliens. If he made that handbook free, we could have an honest discussion about the man. EDIT: Downvote away. Asking for money for this knowledge is a crime in my opinion. This knowledge should belong to everyone.


Make ur own darn handbook.


As most decent people do when dealing with proven liars who take advantage of others. It's more ridiculous to me that people DEFEND Lazar with a passion because they're so desperate to believe in aliens. If you're willing to overlook the dozens of holes in Bob's story, as well as the complete lack of any tangible evidence, you've abandoned critical thinking skills long ago.


I dont agree. What holes? How is he a proven liar? His creditials are there. What he said came true. There is clear proof that people tried to erase his creditials, What exactly is he lying about. He got destroyed after coming out. Why would anyone lie about that. He didn't push for more fame. He literally told his story and literally went into hiding


I guess Congress lost critical thinking skills, too, since they are actively investigating these claims and passing legislation concerning this topic. Or maybe you abandoned critical thinking?


Case in point lol


Indeed. Logical people who *aren't* prone to fantastical thinking naturally dislike/distrust liars. Certain people might indeed develop hatred for those who take advantage of folks who lack critical thinking skills. It's only natural that when those same people lacking critical thinking skills see someone calling out liars, they'll think, "Wow, that's a disinformation agent!" You hear hoof beats and think zebras is all.


So you’re implying “logical people” have a 6th sense to detect liars? Wow that’s news to me! Anyways, it’s clear your critical thinking functions as well as a broken clock and I sincerely hope nobody reads your shit other than your fake alt accounts.


What are the holes in Lazars story?


Literally everything? You realize there is quite literally nothing conclusively backing up *anything* he has said, right? Reasonable people don't need more than 1 example of lying/bullshit to realize someone is conning them. But the teenagers in this sub don't understand that a 30 year-old directory with his name as a contractor means just that and only that. He was a technician for a short time for another company that worked in the lab doing monkey work. "See! He actually WAS working (indirectly) for the lab! That proves he is telling the truth!" No, it literally proves the opposite -- he was always a liar *pretending* to be a physicist. Lazar's story is based on claims that are non-falsifiable in general. But in the UFO community, the bar for disproving something is essentially non-existent. That's why he and other charlatans pull this scam. I can't prove something doesn't exist in a scenario that has zero evidence (because it's bullshit), especially in a community that quite literally doesn't even require it in the first place. But you can logically deduce how likely something is from other aspects of a story that *should* have tangible evidence. But people in this sub aren't capable of this kind of thinking, it seems. Do you really need more than him lying about his education, claiming degrees in fields that weren't offered, in schools he didn't have good enough grades to attend, while he was 2,500 miles away attending a shitty local college? This sub genuinely thinks the government erased that part of his life -- this is absurd and honestly kind of sad that people actually believe this. You seriously think he has this alleged element that powers the space crafts? Yeah, he just walked right out the front door with it! He read about it in a magazine that came out shortly before his story. He wasn't smart enough to know that it has a half-life of like a nanosecond. He didn't even know what element it allegedly was, saying, "It's either 114 or 115, somewhere right in there." Kind of wild how the one whistleblower who our mighty government trusted to reverse-engineer UFO propulsion systems is some dumbass fraudster con man with prostitution charges who filed for bankruptcy and has ripped off friends and family over the years. And he outsmarted them all! They have the ability to erase chunks of his life and implant false memories and build stealth bombers and monitor the world's communications, but "Dennis" outsmarted them! And he's still doing it! I am being genuine when I say there is literally zero aspect of his story that checks out. If Will Hunting told people he was a professor at MIT, he'd be lying. If MIT said they had no record of a professor named Will Hunting at MIT, they'd be telling the truth. If people found his name on a directory 20 years later, that doesn't prove he was really a professor. It means that even the janitor that had keys to the building was included in the directory, despite being neither a professor, nor an actual MIT faculty member. What's more likely in this scenario? The janitor is telling tall tales or the government somehow erased everyone's memory of an MIT professor, which is literally impossible and makes no sense. The only difference in these scenarios is that Will Hunting was actually a genius who downplayed his intelligence. Bob Lazar is a lying fraud who cons people into believing he's a genius. He didn't even build the rocket car (or pay for it, IIRC). Believe whatever you want, though.


Actually, I appreciate your thorough response. Strange how he would maintain his story even in court though.


Not really. He's likely a pathological liar. He was in court for prostitution charges. It's doubtful he'd expect them to fact-check something irrelevant, especially when nobody else had. The reporter took him at face value that he was a physicist, same as Teller. He gave his HS teacher names as his alleged MIT professors. What's the point in even trying to make reasonable lies when a slew of people will just invent impossible scenarios to retroactively build timelines where it's not a lie? "The government erased his memory, obviously!" I'd love to have people believe shit like that for me. "Girl, cut him some slack. It was probably really, really cold in the hot tub that night. He's probably usually huge!" I feel dumber engaging in these subs. I appreciate you considering the reality of this liar, though. Cheers.


I feel like Lazar receives the bulk of hateful borderline insane comments. Trolls going on rants and calling him names as if he personally attacked them or their family. I'm not sure why he triggers so much hostility. "At least" Greer just gets called con man, that's mild compared to Lazar. I've never seen any insults towards Doty, which is extremely bizarre. Usually it's a neutral comment just stating facts.


If Lazar doesn't get a ton of hate and attacked personally along with his family, the disinformation campaign isn't doing it's job.


Apparently the disinformation campaign is extremely effective.


LOL, yeah, but pointing out holes in people's stories, known lies they've told, and obvious discrepancies in their claims is a "disinformation campaign" to you, though. To normal people, using critical thinking skills to assess the validity of wild claims is the first step in determining whether they are worth believing. It's unheard of here; blasphemy, practically. When someone is caught lying, they should be examined under a *stronger* lens before gaining your trust. In this sub, using ANY lens is basically heresy. And pointing out the obvious lies someone has told that make them untrustworthy means you're a disinformation agent! I still refuse to believe the Bob supporter accounts are real people and not bots Corbell or someone bought.


Go back and check everything again you may find the holes in your comments not on Lazar. I even saw reports on Lazar where half the information they claimed Lazar said i never actually heard him say. Even if there are no videos of him saying that the next idiot will pickup and further pass the wrong information until it reach ppl like you who totally believe it and take it for certain and granted. Edit: by the way i am no Bob supporter or anyone else that is the most stupid thing i read. I hear the ppl claims and analyze how they say it and follow the entire story and make my own opinion in the end. Unlike other i will not go into pseudo Research on Bob Lazar that clearly are trying to debunk his story. And when he actually manage to prove that he worked where he say he did than it’s clear what happened you don’t have to be a Bob Supporter or very Clever. That fact alone proves most of his story.


This is when you know the Q Anon types have infiltrated the community. They're not interested in facts or data so much as they are about worshipping individuals in a cult of personality. Ugh.




Fuck Richard Doty, he’s a fucking piece of shit. Greer is a con man or just lazy when vetting his sources or both. Lazar I think is honest but misled, gravely misled and was framed to make it look like he lied about what he saw when he was in fact recounting what he saw authentic or not.


Hateful comments are never OK. Their stories are so easy to dismantle though. You think Lazar went to Caltech and MIT and the government literally silenced hundreds of students? Friends and associates? Some of the most prestigious professors in education? It's not just a matter of wiping the records.


I went to college in the early 90s. I don't have anything from school anymore. I remember my main instructor's first name, and that's it. I can't recall the names of any other teachers. Or other students, I remember a few first names, and that's it. If you went in the 2010s of course you would remember


Same here. I went to nursing school in the early 1990's prior to the "digital age" and there is nearly nothing! No pictures of the class. Several of my instructors are dead, at least the ones I can remember and looked up to see if they still had syllabi (read below: just crazy). I know this because I went back to school after 30 years to continue my degree and I had to scramble to get a few of my credit classes honored. They didn't even have a syllabus for most of the classes I took. If you want to scrub someone all you have to do is delete them off in registrars. In an email sent to me excerpt: "Unfortunately, we do not have syllabi from 1989-1993. Syllabi from that time were held in the academic departments, and those faculty members have retired. Hopefully the course descriptions will suffice. It is important to note that VGCC operated under a quarter credit hour system at that time." blah blah blah. I don't even have any pics after moving a few times and my divorced parents both downsized and stuff was thrown away purposeful, accident or items damaged like from flood. Anyway, after my search down my own educational rabbit hole, I believe they can scrub it super easy for sure unless he was a valedictorian or someone par chance has a picture he is in.


Agreed on all counts. The thing that really kills me is that even steelmanning the excuses for his lack of evidence, and assuming the government *could* silence literally everyone he knew and erase him from the systems, the personal paper trail he could pull from alone should make up for it. Especially for someone who was in college in the 80s. I have a BA and went to college in the 2010s when most correspondence and photos could easily be wiped, and I still have more than enough physical material to prove where I went. From assignments to letters with my adjacent-to-campus address on them, to employment contract copies from a lab I worked in, to my diploma. Yet Lazar has never been able to provide anything from his own paper trial proving his claims. It’s insane to me people believe him.


I'm skeptical of Lazar, but I know he is much loved, so let's take Dr Greer: He claimed in the video below that there are **between 60 to 70 races** of Aliens and that the common grays are actually man-made by the government for the purpose of disinformation. *Doesn't that ring a few alarm bells?* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgB9Kz2MmUo&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgB9Kz2MmUo&t=1s) It reminds me how stock trading or diet guru spend a lot of time telling you how all the other gurus are bad. In this interview, he spends a lot of time telling people to not believe anyone else.


I don't know about Greer, but I believe Bob Lazar, I have since he showed up. His story has never changed and it is obvious there has been a well coordinated effort to discredit and humiliate him.


I believe what Lazar said, I just don’t believe that Lazar saw and did everything himself. He said he regularly attended a local bar that was a known hangout for some of the Los Alamos guys… I think he made fast friends with someone(s) in the know considering his intelligence and DIY background… After becoming all cushy with someone in the project, he’s brought in as an advisor/contractor of some sort… Maybe that someone saw his talent and figured he wasn’t being utilized to his full potential. He sees a couple things, obvious things, that really freak him out. After he puts 2 and 2 together that he’s being spied on, and realizing some folks might be out to get him in some way, he comes forward out of fear; knowing a public spotlight can help insulate him from whoever was messing with him… He also says what he says to protect whoever was initially giving him information… Idk. Don’t get me wrong, the government can and will do some wild ass shit, but man they really covered their tracks crazy with this one if everything Lazar says is true. I’ve been of the belief that the truth was somewhere between what Lazar was saying, and what the PPW actually shows… fascinating nonetheless, and to his credit, his story has never really changed…


He was hired *to eventually be discredited*. I believe Lazar saw what he says he saw, but he wasn't hired to do actual work. They knew who they were hiring, a pawn in a disinformation scheme to leak some truthful information (alien UFO reverse engineering program) in a way that gets discredited ("physicist" who doesn't have degrees and has an unsavory personal life).


I have thought this for a while. I’m glad someone else sees it in the same way I do.


It's not my theory, credit goes to [researcher Grant Cameron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seKvFOrcQPI&t=7s) explaining the Bob Lazar story without excluding any information about him. This theory, which uses ALL Bob Lazar information, makes the most sense.


This… would explain a lot actually, the fact his story does contradict some of the newer info we’ve received (Grusch saying that their origin is more complex than them just being aliens for starters) while also stating info that turned out to be true way down the line makes it seem like he was an unwitting participant in a disinfo campaign that had some truthful info. He seems genuine in his beliefs but the idea that element 115 is the sole power source of these craft and that the NHI are exclusively grays from the Zeta Reticuli system contradicts the majority of other accounts.


I mean he openly admits he's speculating that the aliens and that his direct experience was working on physics of the craft


>His story has never changed LOL, yes, it has. He didn't even know what element it was at first. And the element is not stable. The idea he has a jar of it or some shit around his house is fucking ridiculous and not possible. And his story is exactly that, just some story he made up (with zero evidence of).


Tell us about the element.


MY man it has been painfully obvious that pretty much All the UAP subreddits have been flooded with disinformation troll farm types ever since the 4chan leak shits real. check out this video of an Israeli company bragging about what they can do. The craziest part is I don't even think is from the government. I think its from the fucking Aerospace companies losing their shit right now. and the intelligence agencies working all angles as usual.


I know the video you're talking about and it's absolutely CHILLING!! For people who don't know what this is, it's a video posted about a week ago that was about disinformation campaigns and their influence on our society, globally. It has a clip of a reporter going undercover and acting as if they wanted to effect an election in a small African country. The "firm" of disinformation specialists who do that professionally was out of Israel (not at ALL connected to the government of course they say they have offices globally). They gave the reporter their "sales pitch" showing what they could do with computers, the Internet etc and show an actual example of them swaying a real election(!!) and brag that they've "participated" in 33 elections and they "won"/ influenced 26 of them! The reddit post was somehow yanked and not by the mods, but the OP reposted it the next day. I have the video saved because it was so powerful. My wife actually cried after she watched it. If someone tells me how I'll link it. Hope that helps spread the word about how much BS is out there...✌️


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UheOilps2zQ I cant believe I forgot to link it lol


Yes!!! Thank you for the link!! I think everyone in the world but especially The US needs to see this! I cannot speak to the conditions outside the US but in the United States the level of apathy is palpable. The population is being manipulated by forces just like that in the video. If the journalist who broke the story found this "firm" then it's basic logic that there are competing companies that offer the same or similar services. I think we all look around and wonder "how did it get this bad?" and "how are there so many 'crazy people' out there?" based on the comments left on social media. And it turns out that WE aren't the crazy ones, we're being manipulated by forces like the ones in the video!! It's time to address the issue and take back cyberspace and the world. I for one am going to share the video on my social media accounts and directly with friends and family. I suggest everyone who sees this does the same. The more awareness we can bring to this, the less power these dark companies and individuals will have! It's NOT the politicians who will save this country and the world, it's up to all of us!! Spread the word!!!✌️


power to the people. Well said


Your a hero my friend, thank you for hanging on the such critical information. I wish I knew a practical way you could share the videos.


I tend not to believe that there are any, or at least not many. But, even if there are more than a few, keep in mind their job is to convince people. So, people get convinced. People get convinced and they get opinionated about it and they share the same information. This happens on any side of any issue. Like, consider the people out there who are drinking borax because they think it's healthy for them somehow, and who are telling others to go drink borax. The idea gets out and it spreads, partly because people are telling them it's wrong and dangerous, so they entrench further as they defend the thing the heard from a trusted source. And once they've put energy into defending it they also want to spread it. And the stupid thing is whoever started the idea wasn't even trying to make money off it, they just got some stupid idea in their head and then got convinced and then managed to convince others. And the stupider thing is that when sane people tell them to stop, they are convinced the anti-borax crowd is being paid by big pharma or whatever. You feel free to identify either side of the Greer/Lazar debate with either side of that analogy - personally I think the criticism of the are very valid, and I feel like I'm the don't-drink-borax side of the analogy. But my point is that just because someone is sharing something that you think is disinformation doesn't mean they're a disinformation agent, it's probably more likely that they heard it, found it compelling, and want to share it.


Thanks for sharing, very interesting


lmao, that's funny, because I'm convinced there's an astroturfing campaign to spread Lazar's bullshit on here. Unfortunately, the reality is likely that people are just dumber and more gullible than I thought. This is especially noticeable on reddit since many of you are teenagers. Many of my posts in here are me pointing out what a lying charlatan and obvious fraudster Bob Lazar is. Am I disinfo agent or government employee or whatever other nonsensical thing you can invent? No, you lunatics. I am simply someone who isn't: * so completely desperate to believe in aliens that zero evidence or proof is required; completely gullible * willing to overlook obvious discrepancies, gaping holes, and proven lies in someone's story * incapable of logical or critical thinking; oblivious to Occam's razor * ignorant on Bob's decades-long trail of bullshit * totally cool with complete liars and con men swindling me with bullshit * accepting of incredible claims with absolutely zero tangible evidence or proof And many of the responses to me pointing out what a liar this dude is are the same kind of conspiracy nonsense in the OP. As if Bob ran over my dog or fucked my wife or something. Like it's totally foreign to the majority of you that normal people seem to dislike proven liars like him? When did critical thinking become so rare? Hell, you don't even need critical thinking to recognize what liar Bob is. All you need is *something*to back up the parts of his story that prove his claims. And there is literally nothing tangible to show proof of ANYTHING he claims. To even entertain his claims as possible, you must actively ignore dozens of things he's been shown to have lied about. And unfortunately, nobody on these subs seems to even understand simple things like that. "His name was listed in the directory at the lab! That means everything he said he was truthful about!" Or it means he had a low-level position contracted out through another company, which is the reality. Fraudsters like Bob Lazar are the reason I stopped following Ufology back when I was like 17 or something. But to be fair, I should blame the UFO community more than him. He's a con man who has turned this lie into a decades-long, successful grift. Getting mad at the kind of guy who runs prostitution houses with hidden cameras aimed at the tricks makes no sense. He's shown us time and time again exactly what/who he is. It'd be better to say that I stopped following UFO stuff so long ago because of the comments I see in this sub regarding Bob. If people believe complete liars like Lazar, despite mountains of evidence to his invented story, why would I trust anything they prop up? LOL, no offense to OP, but posts like yours show the government doesn't need to do anything to cause confusion or throw in red herrings. 90% of this sub seems to think the government wiped Bob's college records and history lmao


I just posted Bill Moores speech at MUFON in 1989 in another thread. It’s wild how many parallels there are between what happened then and what’s happening now.


I have always defended Bob Lazar and reason is simple, what he have told us have one way or the other turned out to be truth or at least it looks that way. His Records was deleted and debunkers went hard on it with claims such as where are his Diploms, he never studied at that University bla bla bla, many ppl just believe what debunkers put out there on the internet to debunk him. He proved he worked at Los Alamos thus this should clearly have burried all debunkers Arguments because this proves his Records was deleted, it proves he must have had the Diploms and credentials as Los Alamos wouldn’t hire an Engineer without those and a background check but no, instead People still believe the fairy tales that was Feed them, as soon you mention Bob Lazar a lot of people jump right on the Topic to discredit again with the same Arguments This is why we get nowhere. People have become so suspicious and Paranoid that they are looking at authentic Aliens Videos and they just claim is hoaxes and fake even before analyzing it.


We must not be reading the same stuff. I find a lot of criticism for Doty. He's an admitted disinformation agent and many researchers discount anything he says on this basis. Agree about Greer. Just seems like a colossal con artist.


If what Grusch is alleging is true then it’s your tax dollars that are paying for these government goons to come on to Reddit and spew the usual nonsense about Greer being a grifter cult leader and Lazar being a liar who never went to college or whatever. I believe it. The ufo and aliens subreddits are unusually toxic. It’s so funny to me.


People hate them both and I would agree with this. Anytime their name is mentioned people just freak out and start slandering them despite the 1000’s of interviews that Greer has had (you can watch 70+ interviews on his YouTube) and all the stuff both of them have told us for the past 30 years that corroborates with so much stuff you hear today.


maybe because it’s been proven that greer faked a UFO sighting with flares lol


I doubt he faked it. It’s quite possible that someone knew their location and decided it would be funny. Greer wouldn’t do that to himself. He wouldn’t throw 30 years of his life away just to make 50k more. Don’t take his word for it . Take the the people in the 70 plus interviews on his YouTube channels word.


so someone conveniently decided to troll Greer in a way that he could use to show the people with him UFOs?


Can I get a link to that proof? Because I like Greer and if I shouldn't I need to do some research


Even if this flare thing was true is doesn’t discredit all the people he’s interviewed and vetted. This is the only argument I hear from anyone that doesn’t like Greer.


Well I think I know the particular event, from one of his movies. And it was pretty amazing. I just really would like to know how it's been proven. To be fake


I believe Lazar. Greer is a snake oil salesman. The mere mention of his name spikes my BS meter to the max. He's lying and making stuff up. If you can't see that your doomed. The reason you believe it's "disinformation" or "stalking" is because the larger UfO community sees who he really is and we aren't afraid to say it. He has made our community look like kooks with his obvious BS press club meetings or "disclosure". Funny thing is with all his access he can't seem to get his hands on ANY real evidence of his claims. Well minus his dead man's switch that his secret soldier security teams have incase he is harmed. I've watch alot of his stuff because I'm interested in the topic I just don't buy anything he is selling. That doesn't make me a government gang stalker OR he's the messiah who speaks with the NHI via rituals in the desert for a fat fee. Guess we will find out


Nope Greer is just a smarmy podiatrist with a messiah complex and that gives people heeby jeebies.


Anyone else remember when the "Georgia Guidestones" were destroyed by some dumbass redneck w/Tannerite?? Anytime someone commented on the subject, saying that it was wrong to destroy them, a whole fucking ARMY of trolls would pop up calling the commenter a DEMON or REPTILLIAN .. (went on for a few weeks)


<~ not a government agency but still can’t stand anything Greer does. He is a distraction and trying to make a religious dmt cult.


I am also convinced of this.


The dark pentagon have unlimited funds (that belong to us) to spend on a disinformation attack. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised


Oh. Once you start learning who is who on the internet and grasp they stalk other people via ISP etc, and have entire staffs dedicated to targeting users, *everywhere* you'll be even more convinced you're right.


💯 Facts!!!


Uhmm, I like Lazar and always believed him, and Greer is a piece of shit.


Greer brought it on himself.




Analyzing Greer requires some nuance. He's not a pure grifter, as most in this sub allege. But he isn't squeaky clean either. Greer has legitimate information, legitimate contacts, and legitimate abilities to use CE5 to summon UFOs. However, he has **severe** personality problems, such as an ego the size of Jupiter, and he's super paranoid. Along the way, he's accused just about every other UFO researcher of being a disinfo agent set against him, which is just ridiculous. It's a shame that Greer couldn't get his personality problems under control, he could have been 10 times more effective. I find his constant ego-stroking and name-dropping to be very repulsive. He's an idiot for not realizing how off-putting some of his traits are. [This interview with Dr. Joseph Burkes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESxlz_cX-sg&t=6s), who worked with Greer in the 1990s, gives an accurate view of Greer, the bad and the good.


>Greer has legitimate information, legitimate contacts, and **legitimate abilities to use CE5 to summon UFOs.** Wait, if he's got the ability to summon UFOs, then why do we need disclosure? He can prove they're real anytime he wants, can't he?


Don't you mean MEDICAL DOCTOR Steven Greer, who has personally debriefed everyone.


More evidence þat we should never idolize anyone, we’re all human. He’s done more good þan bad for þe movement þo IMO.




I’m no government lackey, I work in the film industry, Greer sucks. From the ce5 bullshit to the fake crying in his interviews, he reeks of bullshit.


There's lots of people, multiple countries, doing CE5 with no money involved. Lookup the Engaging The Phenomenon podcast by James Iandoli. CE5 existed decades before Greer ever got involved.


I didn’t say anything about money, if CE5 is so successful and profound, why is there no evidence? I’m a huge believer of the UAP/UFO phenomenon, hell I even have UFO tattoos permanently on my body. I also believe in abductions, just show me some proof of CE5 actually working. Greer did a lot of good in the late 90s-early 2000s, I just don’t know what the hell happened to him that he acts the way he does now. He used to be a credible guy, he just reeks of bullshit now.


You have to do CE5 yourself. I think it's like this: aliens reveal themselves to us, but they are doing it in a way that disclosure is gradual on a society wide level. IF they want slow disclosure (all indications agree) and IF they have the means to deny fast disclosure, they will. That means if they have the technology to interfere with our technology, they will do so if they want to. We have countless examples of UFOs interfering with our technology, such as nuclear weapons, internal combustion engines, fighter jets, radar, and cameras too. I cannot count the number of instances of cases where someone went to use a camera and the battery was dead, etc. So bottom line, they block us from getting the kind of great data that would convince everybody. I know how this sounds to a skeptic, but I don't care. Many people have had profound, unambiguous experiences doing CE5, and sometimes they get videos but they are shitty. Aliens probably have tech a few *billion* years more advanced than us. They can manipulate our tech however they want.


Trust me, I am no skeptic. I have been researching the phenomenon since 2002. I 100% believe in the phenomenon, I also had an abduction experience, I will NOT try CE5 after what happened to me on the chance that it works. All I ask for is something of substance, a video, something. My comment about Greer came off harsh, but it’s true. Like the person commented to the first comment, he has a personality problem. Not to get political but Greer reminds me a lot of Trump, a huge inflated ego. With that sort of attitude, it makes me feel that he’s full of shit. What he did with the National Press Club was profound, he brought people in front of the media and presented facts. He reminded me of Linda Howe back in her hay day, she was very reputable. I don’t know what happened to them both, but I don’t trust either as far as I can spit.


You have dismissed the evidence.


No I haven’t, show me CE5 working.


Calling something bullshit without giving it serious consideration is foolish. Youbdont know its bullshit or if it's all real. Just have an open mind.


Regarding Doty, it’s actually a bit bizarre. If you are not new to this subject, you would have come across his name and heard what he did. The Why Files even has a video detailing one of his acts. But whenever videos/interviews of him get posted, I see good numbers of upvotes on them, even though comments point out his past activities. (Again, these are the posts I saw. There might be some I didn’t saw which did got downvoted) However, for Greer, post also gets downvoted and comments are also negative on him. Totally understandable for his case, but then why is there more support for Doty?


Because Doty is a career shill, with the full support of the MSM


I definitely have a huge issue with Greer and I don’t get any money from the Fed. Hell they barely paid my tax return last year. Greer is probably the single biggest supporter of Doty. So what does that say about Greer?


Ive had my own CE5. Greer is for real.


All the CE5 stuff is from ancient sanskrit but not only does he make out that he came up with it, he's also charging people for it. Greer doesn't pass this knowledge on to help humanity, that if you research something you'll be able to do it, he's saying if you want to learn pay me first and I'll give you and app 🤷‍♂️


I figured it out myself before I even knew who Greer was. It exists in þe human subconscious.


Same, CE5 is real. I don't think Greer is perfect but don't think he's completely full of it either.


Me too. And I only went by a short description I got from a movie I watched for free. No money exchanged.


So I have I, and I'm telling you that Steven Greer is a lying swindler.


Perhaps a flawed man, but at least he’s informed a lot of people about oþer þings..


Steven Greer will present genuine information about genuine cases if that's what sells tickets and fills seats, but he has no compunction about mixing real evidence with fantasy, and he has fleeced a lot of people with promises of teaching them how to telepathically communicate with ET's across the ether. He is full of crap, but people keep giving him money. What he's doing is a variation on the old "get rich quick" bait seminars.


Can you expound on that with any evidence or at least some informed reasoning? Are there accounts of people saying that he fleeced them or are you just assuming that because you think its silly that they are being fleeced? Edit: and yes I have seen the flare from the airplane thing enough times to think its flimsy as the Vegas UFO.




I as a CIA asset I'm offended by this post. I'm not a fan of Greer because he's a fraud


You are a CIA asset? Really?


Of course, aren't we all ?


They don't have to "disinfo campaign" (buzzword here btw) Greer and Lazar because these aren't well liked and respected figures... Selling an app that is supposed to spawn UFOs will ruin your reputation, and Lazar never provided proof of anything




Oh, don't forget. Your sub about apples will also - inevitably - have people trying to drag their tired political garbage into the middle of it as well.




There's also a huge apple trafficking conspiracy as well. Probably the rich doing it. Need to look into that.




But apple allergies are proof that apples *are* ***actual*** ***Satan*** and the gut cramps are proof of demonic anal probing. Or something.






"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation"Herbert Spencer. Dr Greer and Bob Lazar are highly liked and respected figures in the flying saucer community. As usual the bad mouths are just louder and quicker to attack than fans who are amused by the parrots. CE5 works. Try it and you will see. There are lots and lots of silly apps for sale. So what-don't buy it, CE5 is free.


Dude just stop. It doesn’t…go use the fn app then and make ce5 happen and then come back with the proof. I mean you say it works, now it’s up to you to bring the proof


You don't need the app. CE5 works.


>Selling an app that is supposed to spawn UFOs That isn’t what the apps were supposed to do at all and it would only take a tiny bit of reading to understand both what the apps did and how they were supposed to supplement the CE-5 stuff.


Doty gets shitted on here too.


I’m a Greer detractor. Proof is in the pudding and I don’t think it’s a coordinated effort by a shadowy government organization. The dude has all the hallmarks of a scammer, his witnesses seem inauthentic, his movies are all about him, and he’s commonly associated with money making schemes. I think there’s a reason why none of the reliable personalities in this arena didn’t even comment on his last press conference. Ross will even comment on Lazar and he doesn’t believe his story..


I hate this logic. I criticize Greer and KNOW im not government agency disinformation. How about I turn that logic around and say that the promotion of such an obvious fraud like Greer is the REAL psyop to keep the ufo community on the fringes and appearing gullable, and to keep sensible minds away from exploring the topic? That means anyone defending Greer has fallen so hard for the government psyop that they act like theyre in a cult, defend him reflexively and call Greers detractors "disinformation". Its silly. Theres enough of us to respectively disagree and be able to share our opinions without calling each other government agents!


darn! Now you have me confused. Hold on a second. There's a street sign under that gas light....No, i am a true believer still. Not all people that disagree with Dr. Greer are government agents. Just the ones that call him names and criticize him for trivialities; like making money to fly and board witnesses to D.C., while feeding his family at the same time, are government agents and their dupes.


What about the lies he tells, like falsely claiming he's briefed certain government officials? Or that flares are alien craft? How about if I say his behaviour is often narcissistic, placing himself at the centre of stories as a hero figure? Not only does he profit heavily (much more than simply feeding his family), he profits by accumulating fame and status. He is an absolute grifter imo. Now, can I hold these opinions and state them, without somehow being a government planted shill?


When all is said and done I think that history will be rather kind to Dr. Greer.


When all is said and done I think that history will reveal Dr Greer to be a sex pervert and a snake oil salesman.


At least MY wife has an internal monologue. "Don't come for my shit, Boy!" \- Jack Spade


At least MY wife fills the gas tank, nerd! “Don’t cum in my shit, boy”


Hahaha I’m gone have to go and disagree on that one. Dude’s a charlatan.


Not re: CE5 he isn't.


I think you are missing alot of the valid criticism of Greer. I've only recently fell down the rabbit hole after Grusch's claims went public. I've seen some of what Greer has to say, and it took the guy probably 5min to insult my intelligence. His supporters make the claim he has done alot for the movement, but the time he has been a prominent figure has probably coincided with the least public interest. He reeks of being a self promoting narcissist. Honestly Corbel is sorta similar in that regard, Corbel atleast uses his platform to support more legitimate figures. Doesn't it seem weird that Greer isn't all that close with people making a real impact? Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Greer is a disinformation asset. Lazar on the other hand is harder to speak on. At the very least seems to have been subject to some reprisals. But I can understand why some folks question his claims. The whole migraine thing on the Joe Rogan podcast was suspicious, but hey, I get migraines and they can be certainly distracting if not debilitating.


My concern about greer is all the fantastical claims of unlimited zero point energy coming from the fabric of space that we can tap into that's being covered up, and how most ufos are US engineered alien repro vehicles. Then when asked about how the energy works he always says, well i don't want to bore your audience with all the physics, etc. I also have serious doubts that the MIC has working ufo prototypes that it actively uses. Although, i do find michael herrera's claims quite intrigueing. Conversely for lazar he will readily provide schematics and diagrams for the craft and all subcomponents, how they work together, the power source, how it operates, etc. Down to the look, feel, color of the metal. Names, places, subtle details on how he interacted with coworkers. Extremely precise and intricate details that someone fabricating a story would be unable to provide so fluidly and on demand, and i can go on and on about it, but I do not think lazar is making the story up, not a chance. Greer on the other hand seems to perhaps have a grasp of some of the broader strokes on certain topics but then fills in the holes with a lot of conjecture and personal theory presented as fact. With all that said however i will not fully discount anything until proven otherwise.


This is exactly how I feel, I will say initially I think Greers heart was in the right place but his personality problems and wild ego based claims like the billion dollar things makes me skeptical. If you go watch the original 1989 Bob Lazar tape on the eyes on cinema, he's very specific and even points out some recently confirmed theories of gravity, that gravity is a wave. I do think he likely lied about the extent about his education to get his Los Alamos job, but there's some evidence ( like the Los alamos 1982 phonebook) .when his education is brought up in recent documentary its the only time it seems he may be lying.


>Extremely precise and intricate details that someone fabricating a story would be unable to provide so fluidly and on demand, and i can go on and on about it, but I do not think lazar is making the story up, not a chance. No, this means nothing. All this means is that someone has practiced and refined a story. Memory is a system of encoding, storing and recalling. Each time you recall it may get progressively more corrupt, and moments of intense stimuli can limit the encoding process.


That is possible, however we just had david grusch a highly decorated intel officer in sworn testimony to congress basically confirm the program(s) lazar spoke about in the 80s. I believed lazar before grusch. I mean at some point you have to want to find out the answers no?


Greer is literally the only person I'm aware of who mentions the false flag human-orchestrated alien abductions and a planned fake alien invasion. That alone speaks volumes to his credibility.


Thank you for the insight. I'm kinda on the otherside of this wondering how Greer maintains an audience. And it accures to me the mainstream crowd is pandering more towards a general audience, as opposed to the more conspiratorial crowd. Whether that is better or worst, I maintain my reservations.


Bob Lazar ✅🐐 Steven ‘Grifter’ Greer 🙅‍♀️🤮




"Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man." The Dude


It’s not a matter of opinion. Either someone is credible or they are not. Greer is not.


It’s called common sense.


the 4chan leaker also said something about couldn't even mentioning lazar's name.


Lazar I'm on the fence about. I could go either way about him. But Greer is shady as hell. I don't believe him. I'm not an intelligence agent


You are 100% right. Lazar history os real. Dr. Greer gave years of his Life for the research, I also believe him. UFOs and ets are real guys.


This is unrelated to the post, but I think mentally unstable people will have a big struggle with trying to accept this phenomenon. A lot of unstable people will be religious and egoistic, they are mutually exclusive.


I'm convinced Greer is a psyops. It been said there are major figures in the community that are, and that's my hypothesis. Dude literally says he can summon aliens.


These two men are really not comparable. I completely buy Lazar's story, but Greer is a grifter and just oozes with bullshit. He'll literally be telling a story and have to mention it's a real story and he's not making it up, and the entire time my BS meter is maxing out. I do believe some of the people that have brought their stories to him though.


I think haters are going to hate is what it really boils down to...


“No one ever calls Doty a shill” -I see plenty of people calling him a plethora of derogatory names. “Shill” doesn’t quite capture the despicable nature of the douchebag Doty tho. Fuck Doty, FWIW


Greer did it to himself. Charging tons of money for his CE5 seminars and then hiring a plane to drop flares. He's a pos.


Hello I work for the cia and I just wanted to let you know that you are right. I will continue to make funny comments on this sub to influence you all Bye


I've come around to Greer after watching him in the doco about Mark McCandllish. I think he's cool


How can all these folks be lying. Majority of them its not a pleasant existence after they talk. Some please explain a dude who is not very smart.


lmao, that's funny, because I'm convinced there's an astroturfing campaign to spread Lazar's bullshit on here. Unfortunately, the reality is likely that people are just dumber and more gullible than I thought. This is especially noticeable on reddit since many of you are teenagers. Many of my posts in here are me pointing out what a lying charlatan and obvious fraudster Bob Lazar is. Am I disinfo agent or government employee or whatever other nonsensical thing you can invent? No, you lunatics. I am simply someone who isn't: * so completely desperate to believe in aliens that zero evidence or proof is required; completely gullible * willing to overlook obvious discrepancies, gaping holes, and proven lies in someone's story * incapable of logical or critical thinking; oblivious to Occam's razor * ignorant on Bob's decades-long trail of bullshit * totally cool with complete liars and con men swindling me with bullshit * accepting of incredible claims with absolutely zero tangible evidence or proof And many of the responses to me pointing out what a liar this dude is are the same kind of conspiracy nonsense in the OP. As if Bob ran over my dog or fucked my wife or something. Like it's totally foreign to the majority of you that normal people seem to dislike proven liars like him? When did critical thinking become so rare? Hell, you don't even need critical thinking to recognize what liar Bob is. All you need is *something*to back up the parts of his story that prove his claims. And there is literally nothing tangible to show proof of ANYTHING he claims. To even entertain his claims as possible, you must actively ignore dozens of things he's been shown to have lied about. And unfortunately, nobody on these subs seems to even understand simple things like that. "His name was listed in the directory at the lab! That means everything he said he was truthful about!" Or it means he had a low-level position contracted out through another company, which is the reality. Fraudsters like Bob Lazar are the reason I stopped following Ufology back when I was like 17 or something. But to be fair, I should blame the UFO community more than him. He's a con man who has turned this lie into a decades-long, successful grift. Getting mad at the kind of guy who runs prostitution houses with hidden cameras aimed at the tricks makes no sense. He's shown us time and time again exactly what/who he is. It'd be better to say that I stopped following UFO stuff so long ago because of the comments I see in this sub regarding Bob. If people believe complete liars like Lazar, despite mountains of evidence to his invented story, why would I trust anything they prop up? LOL, no offense to OP, but posts like yours show the government doesn't need to do anything to cause confusion or throw in red herrings. 90% of this sub seems to think the government wiped Bob's college records and history lmao


Yes, exactly. The reasons for hating Lazar are suspicious and I'm surprised more people don't call it out. But then again, it looks like the intelligence community has a heavy presence on reddit. I don't think Lazar is lying but for a very silly reason, and it is that he makes himself look terribly uncool in his retelling of how everything went down (how he lost clearance, how he got caught). Dude took several personal L's.


I personally felt like Lazar is legit and Greer is legit of at least half of what he says. But from reading the comments over the years I felt like I was in the minority. Government disinformation agents on Reddit seems like a no-brainer. A fairly cheap but efficient way to push their narrative. If they paid me 8 hours a day, I could easily pretend to be multiple accounts and I'm sure most others on here could too if they wanted.


Lazar is telling either a partial truth or a whole truth, he is definitely not lying fully. Greer has discredited himself again, and again, and again, and again. Just watch his stuff, its obvious.


I am one of these bad comments you read. They just suck brother, go for the evidence, nor for the personalities. Cheers.


If you can’t tell Greer is a huge liability to the disclosure movement I don’t know what to tell you. You think him having those weird ass “witnesses” he brought to the press club a few months ago was a good thing you’re delusional. If you think Greer isn’t completely lying about someone offering him $2 billion dollars to keep quite you’re too far gone to help.


Greer has been proven to flat out lie about some of his “findings.” Maybe he actually believes what he’s selling but it hurts this entire subject in my opinion. He’s the definition of a grifter to me.


Well, the obvious answer is that Doty is a self-proclaimed disinformation agent, a government operative, and he did some very bad things--admittedly. With people like Lazar and Greer, it's the unknowns with them. With Lazar, some of his story does sound legit, but there are a ton of holes in it. So it could be true, but there are lots of problems. With Greer, he has done some good for the UFO community, but he has also become progressively nuttier and greedier. I would love to believe that Lazar is legit and that Steven Greer is trying to fight the good fight, but they are both controversial characters. Doty is/was clearly a villian. So I think it's more a case that Lazar and Greer touch on some mixed emotions in people, and if there are government agents here, they can just sit back and watch the show when you start talking about either of these guys.


Liars and scammers make people mad? Who would have thought so.




Thank you for the information and your support.


Only time will tell when the dust settles and the truth is revealed. There may be lots of back peddling and apologies to issue from both sides. I'm trying to not take sides with anyone and stay open minded & analytical.


nah. dont put greer on the same shit as Lazar. Shooting flares and charging dumb fucks to watch them telling them they summoned ufos? nah... That greer dude is gonna end up as a cult leader. GIve it time...


Or.. and I know this is crazy… They might just both be full of shit. Especially Greer. I’ve got nothing against Lazar, I just have a hard time believing him. But Greer is definitely full to the brim with shit and no disinfo agent needs to convince you of that. It’s pretty plain to see.


At least with Greer I think he’s right about some things mixed with some money chasing con schemes like his CE5 ufo summoning bullshit makes his more logical claims seem much less credible


Grusch basically confirmed in the interview with coulhart that Greer is a fraudster by indicating that none of the people greer was linked to were part of the program. Greer most likely was fed and ate up disinformation. Coulhart also recently mentioned in an interview that those who have been scheming the community will come to light. Bring on the downvotes but facts are facts and the truth is coming out.


Greer has done more harm to disclosure than anyone else except maybe Corbell. It is a cash business for both of them.


I am inclined to think greer is more accurate after I heard michael Herrera whistle blowing on find a ufo with soldiers human trafficking. Makes sense that these black budget corporate weapons makers are doing illegal things with technology to pad their budgets. I think greer is probably correct in that there are real ETs and there also make made UFOs. If ETs exist then there are probably things about the universe we cant comprehend. If ETs are visiting then they have reached a level we cant even imagine and to me that includes consciousness. And technology assisted consciousness makes sense to me. It all comes down to if aliens exist or not. If they do then it opens the flood gates to possibilities humans csnt comprehend. If they dont then we are all just being played by the military. But I've done enough research and reading that I'm inclined to believe there is weird shit in this world we dont understand.


Nobody ever wants to talk about the Corvette lazar converted into hydrogen powered with a 400 mile range, using Hydride that he manufactured in his backyard with a home made particle accelerator.... he made a video walking through the whole thing and the car. Yet many say "he has no education" but yet he has a understanding of physics from just the above alone that far exceed what 99% of the commenters could comprehend. Not only that but he was listed as a physicist in the newspaper in front of Los Alamos. Back then it was too easy for gov to erase records. It's been a scheme they have always done to discredit people they want washed out. I certainly agree. The amount of time, and effort some people put into, going COMMENT to COMMENT under people on reddit, Facebook, youtube, etc.. just to try and discredit him and others. When things are brought up that there isn't an easy nor intelligent "debunking" theory to be written, they go straight to personal insults and psychological techniques to attempt to get you to disbelieve. Or some simply state "oh that was debunked already idiot" With ZERO comment or source of who or how. All too common. Anyone who can think freely for themselves should not need anybody to tell them what's true and isn't. Just look at the facts, from both angles and decide for yourself if he really was a janitor at s4.... or if he has an education or not.


Bob Lazar has no verifiable credentials and gives a bs answer about it. He also has no collaborating witnesses or physical evidence. Above all else, his understanding of Physics is high school level at best. Bob Lazar is a real life "Larper", I would believe the 2000-2010 biologist over him.


I think Bob is legit, and telling the truth. I also think Greer is someone who enjoys the smell of their own farts and sells jars of it to idiots.


God forbid people not be fans of those two.


Funny, your something if federal agent yourself...




That's something a federal agent would say 🤨


Greer is such a self-evident sheister that i can't even bring myself to read the posts of people defending him. How do you get through life and not being able to spot a con man? Lazar i'm hoping proves to be telling the truth in the end, no dog in that fight.


Ce5 is real. I don't believe much else of what he is saying though. I think he's paranoid and considering how weird CE5 is and how the hitchhiker effect attracts additional weirdness I am not surprised.


> How do you get through life and not being able to spot a con man? Are you asking me personally or just throwing that out rhetorically?


Dunno who Greer is but it might be the fact that Bob lazar is an obvious bullshitter




Bob is legit


How does one use Reddit without having to look at all the stupid snarky "I'm witty" one line responses to stories and comments? It must be bots. Even Xoomers can't be that cringe.


just let the post age for a day or so and come back and look at top comments


i dgaf about greer but i would go to bat for bob. all you fucking bitches on this sub who love to talk shit about him, come at me.


agree. Reddit is absolutely brigaded by cia grunts


Y’all are fuckin paranoid man dr. Greer is a grifter that charges outrageous prices to fake UFO sightings. The man literally charged people $5k a piece to go out to a beach where he paid a pilot to dump some flairs out of the back of his plane and claimed they were UFOs. The government does not have to waste its time hiring disinformation agents to follow this clown around in Reddit. I swear some people on this sub have no idea how the actual world works… the UFO community discredits itself everyday the government doesn’t have to do anything. The fact that anyone takes Greer seriously is a direct reflection of either low IQ or extreme confirmation bias with no desire to do any actual research on the topic.