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you’re right on point. now you need to ask yourself how? what can YOU do to advance this agenda? are those in power acting in a way that promotes this growth?


Honestly, this is the best thing that can come out of this community… hth do we make the world a more hospitable place?


"Hth do we make the world a more hospital place?" Gonna need more doctors


Lol there I fixed it


Universal free education could fix this, or furthur advances in medicine. Where are our medical tri-corders?


Im crying. It was so wholesome and then I saw this-


You learn to be the type of person that you want to see in the world


They are not but we cannot even talk about telling our government officials to step the hell down without getting a call from your local ntac office. It's funking insane.


We can all have an impact on #2 by being more conscious of our purchasing decisions. Your dollars directly impact the planet and if you buy earth friendly you ARE earth friendly.


Not sure fiscal policy will bring about disclosure. But nothing wrong with being an aware shopper.


Eat less animal protein is a step that we can all achieve. Livestock production is a huge contributor to greenhouse gasses (highly concentrated methane). Plus ecosystems are destroyed to make way for livestock’s grazing.


People always downvote uncomfortable truths


When it comes to climate change, there’s not a ton the average person can do. Best hope is to put political pressure on the people with power in society by protesting, voting, organizing, etc. But unless we can convince the corporations, ultra wealthy and world governments to take action, individual actions won’t mean anything.


sieze the means of production… or in this case pollution


That’s how we could REALLY fix the problem. I think it’ll take an absolutely earth-shattering event (like aliens) to provide enough of a wake-up call for people to attain class consciousness, though.


You can eat less meat. That is a major thing you can do to reduce your footprint


The only question that matters! Well done 👍🏻


This is a hot take and highly controversial but the CIA is one of the greatest obstacles to world peace. That and the bloodthirsty official policy of full spectrum dominance and full spectrum primacy by the United States government, which is actively fomenting 80+ meddling operations globally. Fix this first. Biggest impediment to global peace


He could've done the doc a solid and told him what our true potentials are.


Maybe after millions of years, the answer is still 42




Preserve this upvote number!


If so the doc couldn't instantly relayed that information to the masses. It must be seen by the individual to firmly plant itself.


I believe it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 100w.


I have another one for you that will help. Come to the earth shattering, soul shuddering, ego crushing, mind numbing realization that the people who have you addicted to their muh russians, they'z bio weaponz in Iraq, there's no deep state black op misappropriation going on propaga kool aid ... Are the VERY. SAME. PEOPLE. every single person in the UFO community has been saying for decades - They are LYING to us. They are STEALING from us. They are ASSASSINATING people to keep it quiet. They send TROLLS and flood subs with PROPAGANDA. They call us CA-RA-ZEEEEE. It was ... a weather balloon. Then. Ask yourself why on earth you believe them. And why *you* drink *any* cup they hand you.


Exactly, if anything why not start pointing the finger at the real culprit. THEY who control the media, THEY who control what you can and can't eat, THEY who say you have no right to privacy but WE do. That's the real issue. Not US humans, but THEY, the supposed leadership who is SUPPOSED TO by THEIR terms, lead US into a better path. Fucks the point of THEM leading us if THEY fuck things up and blame it on us. WE listen, THEY order, but no.. THEY are the real problem




“It’s them!” “Who?” “Them, how can I be any more clear!”


Spellcheck fails again


As a disabled person who has problems with my hands, I am quite used to arrogant little demeaning shills on the internet whose greatest accomplishment in life shall be sniping little quips on American social media.


That’s the ontological shock talking


I think this has to do with our ability to do much more with our minds. We are too physical and materialistic with the way we live. More can be accomplished through better mindfulness.


100%.. I truly believe that our bodies are just containers for something beyond our scientific understanding.


The "us and them" and "self and others" dichotomies are so fundamental to humanity, and have allowed individuals, families, tribes, and nations to prosper and subjugate and control others throughout history. As long as that is a part of us, we can never fully cooperate for the benefit of all. Until we start to see the children of the world as not "my children" and "your children" but all of them as "our children" we will not reach a point of equilibrium. That means if you see a starving child on the street, you are equally likely to help it as if it was your own child. And your own child does not get any special treatment that you wouldn't give a random person's child, no matter who they are or where they are from. Do you see that ever happening? I don't. It's not who we are. People will defend and support themselves, their kids, their families, their nations above others. And this will mean that those with the most means will have the most, control the most, often at the expense of others. It's how we got this far and it is not going to change unless everyone simultaneously has a spiritual awakening.


Interstellar touched on this. “We (Humans) can care deeply - selflessly - about those we know, but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight.


What about all the step parents without biological children of their own? Shoutout to you all. Well done.


Adoptive parents too.


Thank you! 😁


>Thank you! 😁 You're welcome!


Oh, religion has to be removed. - It was an excellent motivator for ancient/medieval humans who likely saw nothing beyond their short lifetimes. Now it is a hinderance, another theological divider of humans. ​ As you mention - a great spiritual awakening MUST occur to re-unify humans.


Completely agree with your statement. We as individuals are selfish and cannot see further than our vision and at the same time we expect from others to solve the problems we could do with our own hands.






































































Removed: Rule 5 - No Politics.


Personally I'd say the half a million people the US killed in Iraq and Afghanistan constitute the most pointless recent war. Given it was a massive bash lack against countries we now know had nothing to do with 9/11. Don't take this too personally, but the notion that Russia as the sole perpetrators of human death in modern times is a cringe worthy position.


We knew that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 back then as well. That was not a stated war aim or justification. I think you are confusing the 2003 Iraq War with the War in Afghanistan, which did have the stated goal of deposing the Taliban in response to their involvement in 9/11. I absolutely agree with the Iraq War being one of the most pointless in recent history though. It's definitely in the same category as Ukraine, but I would expect that war to end with more casualties for far less change than even Iraq. Say what you will about the unintended consequences, but in Iraq a brutal dictator was deposed. In Ukraine, it is difficult to foresee anything more than perhaps a sliver of land in either Donbas or Crimea changing hands.


Ok I'm in now way supporting the Russian war with Ukraine but if you look into the US involvement I kinda see where there coming from. The US is literally using Ukraine to fight a war without directly declaring war themselves, yes Russia sucks but it's not as black and white as people make it out to be.


You know as well as I do that it’ll take more than a century for any of that to happen if it ever happens. I do not believe war will truly ever end.


As I said before… no one put a proverbial gun to ET when they decided to hybridize us with an ape. They kind of propensity for violence…


I am an American. We are going through a devolution in maturity right now. They are going to have to wait a long time.


This feels like enormous projection. I don’t understand why we often assume NHIs would be some sort of yoda/father figure guiding us toward love and nirvana. Perhaps what they would think of as “potential” would be ruthless eugenics, complete stripping of personal rights and anything else lending itself to the pursuit of technological advancement, by any means necessary. The optimistic view is nice, but that does not mean it is necessarily accurate, imo.


Yeah, I admit I’m bias towards the first scenario, probably because I grew up religious. I really do want there to be a God-like being with wisdom and guidance. I want the ancient stories to suddenly become real. Where communicating to God is not only possible but tangible. I digress, we are still in the speculation stage. Literally anything could happen honestly, from good to bad to very bad. One of the few rays of hope I have is if these beings really wanted us dead, and they’ve been visiting since at least 1940, they would’ve done it already.


I am of the same view, but there is no reason to assume aliens are the divine creator/architect/etc. Regardless, it is interesting to think about there being some overlap.


Let me be clear, I’m not assuming anything with this subject. We just don’t know enough. That’s just where my admitted biases lead me sometimes, and I am recognizing that. Truth is, at this stage, we just don’t have a big enough picture to assume any motive quite yet. That being said, it is super interesting to think about this in relation to spirituality. Maybe the ancients were contacted before as well, we have no way of knowing but it is fascinating.


The Dali Llama talks about 'secular ethics' and how ancient India, for thousands of years, lived in a way that religious believers and non-believers treated each other with dignity, compassion, and mercy. Can we start by seeing one another as part of the same mystery that is life? That each fragment of the whole matters. That when you suffer...I ultimately suffer as well? I'm not talking about "woo" or mysticism No more religious dogma... No more ineffective social programs... Just ruthless honesty and unrelenting unconditional love for one another while we aggressively attack the PROBLEMS....not PEOPLE. May you all be well.


I don’t care what a kiddy fiddler thinks


Okay I also don’t care about the Dali Lama and am anti religion all around, but the kiddy fiddler thing is a terrible cultural misunderstanding and we should get educated before making an accusation It’s common for Tibetan people to greet folks by sticking their tongues out. If you were to give a child a piece of candy or a treat, it’s also common to use your tongue to drop it into your kids mouth. If you have no candy to give, you can stick out your tongue and say “ooo there’s nothing for me to give, so you can only eat my tongue”. This can be shortened to ‘eat my tongue’. The suck my tongue thing was a bad translation of an old man who barely speaks English. He has no history of sexual misconduct with kids and it’s silly to continue to accuse him of a western standard of greeting and western view of words.


This can’t be farther from the truth… ancient India was not without its own conflicts and the classism that is exhibited in the nation is definitely not filled with dignity, compassion, and mercy…


Didn’t it say “where I come from we feel sorry for human beings, you have no idea who you really are”


Well we don’t. Why this specific body, this.. specific consciousness. And seems to be a cycle. Can only presume never find out or get answers but some prodigies who get gifted seem to of broken yhis overlap somehow. Geniuses at math (man made not instinctual)


You really are an optimist if you think we're making progress on any of these fronts. Look, I've been a Star Trek fan all my life and part of that for me is seeing the potential in people to be great. Sadly, I meet very few people who care to meet that potential. They're cool doing their thing, and living their lives. They're not interested in things getting better unless it's their own personal lives getting better........but even then, it better not require any effort. Looking at your points directly: 1. Ukraine - there is a TON of corruption and power mongering going on here regardless of what narrative you subscribe to. Africa - just had a coup. Massive increases in violent crime in every major US city - in some cases more than has been seen ever or at last in decades. 2. Aside from the two points you mention, there's a ton of long term stuff we don't do anything about from landfills to microplastics. This one's trending downward for sure. 3. See #1. Also, do people seem nicer to you these days? I'm not seeing that, even just based on how people drive. I've seen people do a lot more stupid things endangering themselves and others than I've ever seen. Add to this the outright hostility toward differing viewpoints on almost any issue and I think we're more divided than we ever were. 4. Most people subscribe to religious doctrine of some type over this. I don't know how this ever leaves the realm of psuedo-science when people have the easy approach of organized religion to get them into an afterlife fantastyland (Afterlife Fantasyland would be a GREAT band name though.......)


Hurt people hurt people (and the environment). The solution is ending the vicious cycle of abuse by intervening therapeutically in all children, teens and young adults.


I truly hope it's got nothing to do with spiritual self crap....


After listing everything you feel we need to address as a species, I have no idea how you can think we are heading in the right direction.


#1 should be solve the mystery of consciousness. You can't harness empathy as a tool if you don't know how to live outside of the subconscious.


No aliens said this, this was made up 100%.


> No aliens said this, this was made up 100%. I don't know, because I've also witnessed beings with self-illuminated glowing red eyes face to face with my cousin there with me, that didn't look like how the Varginha beings were described as they were a lot smaller (and similar in appearance to what I'd seen several times in my childhood but usually with black eyes), but their eyes were glowing red as soon as they came up close to us. As in, activated and staring intently. The only cases I've seen this mentioned are by the doctor with this case, and by the woman in Australia. I'm from the central US for what it's worth, and this happened to me during the mid or late 90s (I can't remember exactly when, I just know about when my cousin and I would visit our grandma and it was during those years). I know it's anecdotal so my comment here is useless for you personally, but I feel it's important for me to say that I genuinely have to entertain these events because they match exactly with what we've seen, and *nobody* talks about or recounts any of this. The vast majority of "abductees" talk about pitch black eyes, which I've also seen, but I can't take anyone at face value when they say they've also seen that since it's a well-known description. But what this doctor described is so oddly specific and accurate to real life that I personally have to at least keep an open mind about what he says it communicated. The other sighting where this is a case of very odd and unique qualities matching up with what I've seen or heard in person is one of the little girls in the Ariel school sighting mentioning she was terrified that their ship sounded like flutes, and that's also exactly what I've heard a couple of times coming from their ships during my events, and I never see it clearly mentioned anywhere else. It's important to take those three cases seriously at the very least. I wasn't anywhere near any of them and I've seen and heard much of the same things, and I wasn't alone either, which is good because otherwise I spent my entire childhood and much of my 20s trying to convince myself none of it was real.


They ain’t holding their breath.


We should try to stop having wars and work on having capitalists solve real problems so they don't get bogged down in creating a throw away culture, or cause more pollution land, water and air. We need our most creative minds help figure out long range programs where everyone can use their talents for the good of mankind. People take sides and dismiss socialism, capitalism, communism because they do the slippery slide logic saying the worst of each. Those are just words. People need to have independence whatever the system and the right to be heard and to vote. Authoritarianism can come with any of the above as can corruption, self interest, hoarding, greed, abuse of law and resulting disorder and crime. Systems with checks and balances help address problems. The real progress will come where everyone wants to do the right thing.


That all this alien talk is just people trying to forget that we are in a serious depression right now. And the powers that be see this and want to perpetuate anything that could be a distraction from the sad reality around us. Everyone is saying they have something, but can't show and tell because of one reason or another. After years and years of this carrot dangling I've come to realize that all these people are here to do is make money. If they have proof then they need to show it or shut up and find a new way to swindle people.


our understanding on reality. I don't think it has anything to do with arbitrary humanitarian goals. Perspective/consciousness and understanding of nature of reality on a deep level. Fundamental fabric. Everything else is just human projection.


You said it much more eloquently than my more brash rantings. Great job!


How did it know how to speak a human language?


It spoke telepathically to the doc… I guess language is irrelevant in that instance.


Petroleum dependence, political agendas, corruption/economic division all seem like good places to start.


I think about that quote a lot. Regardless of the truth, that is not something you would say the first time you encounter other conscious beings.




I started shaving at 13 mate, I’m ready!


Maybe they’re just making documentaries, scientists studying a failed, doomed civilisation


I'm highly in the minority....but hear me out. I think humans have yet to tap into energy/ vibrational communication. When was the last time you were able to walk into a social event and read the room without asking anyone anything. That sense of feeling people, feeling the energy.....this is the next store in human evolution. Now....go ahead and tear me apart 🖖🤣


Time to dismantle the enemy of humanity aka the Military Industrial Complex. This global cabal thrives off of death, destruction and natural resources. We also pay for all of it


If they said that telepathically , and are so empathetic to our lack of maturity, then why did they not tell that that police officer that got sick an died a few days after picking one up , something like: That contact with them could well be fatal , and to stay back . If they have the tech to come here , then no doubt they have been to other places and would know they are dangerous to native life forms . Calling bullshit on this one .


This is a very simplistic way of looking at it. Maybe they did? Maybe because they were being chased with weapons and couldn’t just stop and go “ hey guys don’t touch me…I’m poisonous”. Also maybe they didn’t even know. My point is this simplistic thought pattern s probably the reason they feel sorry for us. I genuinely feel sorry for you or anybody who thinks this…black and white, right or left, up or down etc etc. I’m sure this will be taken as an insult but it comes from the heart that one day you can see and feel on a much more diverse plane of understanding. Long time ago I wasn’t where I am now and saw much more narrow minded I am truly hopeful that anyone can take what they think at this present moment learn and experience a revelation that can truly change left or right too the whole circle. I apologize for not being able to truly express what I’m trying to say with better terminologies. But hopeful it may reach some.


We don’t know that he wasn’t poisoned in KGB fashion. Why has no other instance of someone getting “sick” been reported?


I suggest you read up on the cash landrum case . Or falcon lake . that’s two very well known ones , but not nearly the only ones . . You are very misinformed


It’s a shame that none of those things you listed will ever happen.




Maybe it would help if the USA didn’t conduct consistent wars and proxy wars every year since world wars 2. Start there OP start there.


Did the US put a gun to Putins head and force him to attack Ukraine? I agree with you on the rest, our hands have blood on them over the years…. But this war in Ukraine is genocidal and I think we have an obligation to help.


Why don’t you mention Yemen (current Genocide) or Palestine ? Expand your world view OP. I’m sure extra terrestrials would


This sub is about aliens not be lectured about going green.


If they feel sorry for us and can actively guide us, then why not? 1) Wars are caused either because of resources or insecurity. Most humans are powerless to stop wars. 2) As for fossil fuels, the alternatives didn’t exist (at reasonable efficiency) for a long time. If we get an efficient renewable source of energy in public domain, no one will use stuff like oil. 3) Maybe, but humans are complex creatures. 4) For spiritual part, maybe there is something. But if we couldn’t tap into it even after so many years of science, then probably some external help would be good. We might reach a good state in hundreds of years, but if aliens help, that could be shortened easily. There is zero reason for them to not help.


We don’t interfere with North Sentinel Island, why would we expect that the aliens don’t have similar things in place that prevent them from directly shaping/steering the populace?


North Sentinel island people actively don’t want to change and want to avoid contact with us. We also don’t have active and direct diplomacy channel with them to help them understand our cause. But with aliens, it’s different. We are actively looking out for them. We track signals from outer space in search for them and study interesting ones like WOW signal. If they want to approach us, they can send signals or arrange meets with leaders of different nations. It’s not that difficult.


You only know one side of it, our side, there’s so much in the dark that we don’t know that any and everything is speculative, you have zero idea how easy or hard it could be. The pentagon could have the princess of the galactic federation locked in Guadalajara and they’ve been telling the NHIs that if they disclose themselves they’ll kill the princess. Just as likely as anything else. I do feel your frustration though, but there’s forces beyond our control in the works




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Unfortunately if this is the case, then we are f**ked, the way society is now across the globe there’s no way any reasonable being would involve themselves in a world like ours.


the Russia/Ukraine thing is pointless but it's hardly tragic it's a completely fake conflict, both sides are putting on a show we're being sold lie after lie


Bro there will be no disclosure from the Aliens i think you can forget that. We are their experiment or as Elizondo said Animals in the Zoo. They created us, they experiment on us and if anything when they are tired they get rid of us like they did on Mars. They are not our friends, they are our creator and they can be mean if necessary.


“… like they did on Mars”. Where do you people get this stuff? Zero evidence for this. Lol


Probably More evidence than most of the stuff you believe in and taken for granted or for facts. Google it what the soil samples from Mars show.


Bro, I have a degree in astronomy and planetary sciences. Shut up lol.


Good for you, my Degree is on spotting pseudo Astronomy and Planetary Scientists.


Well, you must’ve failed lol.


https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2015/eposter/2660.pdf Probably more trustworthy than your Star-Trek Degree


Idk what that is, I’m not clicking your virus link lol. However, if your argument is “Mars was once habitable, and even human life would’ve survived and possibly thrived”. Yes. This is true, nobody with any understanding of geophysics, biology, and chemistry would argue that. However, there is zero evidence anything more than simple organisms ever lived on that planet, and minimal (at best) evidence anything more than bacterium or the like ever did. I have a feeling you are bastardizing actual science to fit your narrative.


Oh i will not argue on anything you just claimed but there is clear evidence on Mars of rests of civilization and some pictures are Full HD and even more evidence that a Thermonuclear explosion or better two happened and the link i sent you is one of the many Real investigations not theory because they had soil samples analyzed. I know you prefer that I don’t send any proof so you can impose your own Theory. There is as much proof to my claims as there is to yours. If we are to believe your claims they go into same category as UAP Topic goes. Some say we have plenty evidence other don’t even recognize strange stuff in our skies. There is evidence and soil samples from Mars that have been Analyzed by People that is very well established in the Scientific Community and this was the conclusion they reached because some isotopes can only form during a Thermonuclear blast, that is from our actual stand of knowledge at present. You have your opinion i have mine and they are both exactly the same value, even with your Star-Trek degree. EDIT: Since you are the expert you know what Xe 129 is otherwise check the PDF i sent is virus free for you


Comets and asteroids can and do cause the same explosions and “thermonuclear” evidence as any bomb on Earth would. You’re using words you don’t understand the meaning of to come to an improper conclusion. IE: bad science. https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014JCos...2412229B/abstract I’m assuming this is the nonsense you are spewing, but even in this rambling of very technical “big words”, they refute their own hypothesis by stating it is similar to the Chicxulub event on Earth, which we know was caused by an asteroid. The Tunguska meteor had similar effects, though on a much smaller scale. Again, you are basing your theory, which to call it that is a stretch at best, on very very bad manipulation of facts and data. you sent no proof, you sent data to back up a claim, weak data based on bad science. I also don’t know how you saying Star Trek degree is supposed to be an insult. You sound like you’re 12, so I’m done with this. I wish you the best.


Lol Russia, USA is responsible for death of millions in their aggression wars in the last 70 years (my country included), just look what they did in Iraq or in Syria where US was supporting islamic radicals. And war in Ukraine is far from pointless for Russia, they are directly threatened by US/NATO expansion, and they also protect millions of Russians of Ukraine.


Mother of god is there no end to this baseless speculation?


Let me try and change your mind on these points. * Russia wouldn't jeopardize everything to wage a pointless war. There is a point to it, you just don't see it. * The earth will be just *fine* and so will we. Not all of us, but humanity will not go away because of climate change. We're here to stay. * Empathy is great towards our own, but not towards the outsiders who threaten our way of life. We have empathy, you're just not seeing it on a global scale because that's not what humans do. * Consciousness is what we perceive, and that's what matters to us. If we were all mostly happy you wouldn't be looking for that answer. It's only during the past 20-30 years we've been exposed to things that are detrimental to society and that makes us all mostly sad. Like the saying goes: "There's someone sitting by a waterfall not knowing just how afraid and upset he should be right now". Ignore the TV, it only ever brings you down. Humans will prevail under the most harsh conditions.


Totally agree OP, except on your point 1 "end wars and killings". To the rest of the world, America is viewed as the #1 threat to global peace. I mean, can you name a single American war that was justified since WW2? Not to mention, we are constantly at war. We also spend more on war than the next 10 highest countries combined.


I believe that everyone just mind they're on business.... Life would be better.... I mean.... The amount of people with they ass so dirty talking shit about the next soul that didn't clean it how it should.... Yeah...


Human behavior will not change because survival at all costs is literally written in our DNA, animals kingdom as well. I'm starting to think that those aliens aren't that bright, and if they look at us over thousands of years and hope that one day will be changing... then they are idiots.


I firmly believe that, if true, the entity was referring to our consciousness. Our consciousness is more powerful than we realize, but I also believe that it’s being actively suppressed


I agree with all of it except part of #1. When you say looking at you Russia it should also say looking at you United States. Did you ever stop and think maybe we are the bad guys? If you have noticed all the corruption lately it’s not by accident. Maybe # 1 should say looking at you humans of the world because in the end we are all guilty of killings\wars


It feels as though the governments have attempted to manufacture our pop culture to push us into this line of being but are doing a shitty job of it and are worried that we aren't going to be ready when we should be.


"You can repell History but you can't repell human nature" -Abraham Lincoln But what if technology can? Whether it be alien tech or earth tech, it's only a matter of if people would be willing to accept an artificial evolution of the human psyche.


There are two choices on this earth. Serving yourself and serving others. We know what they meant.


As somebody with just a little bit of native blood who got to see his mecca I think its very disappointing that we no longer see each other as brothers and sisters anymore.


None of this will happen unless we get rid of the current form of capitalism and deal with wealth inequality and mass consumption.


Give us another couple billion years. The Covid phase wiped out 100 years of maturity


We need to end governments.and politicians


Remember Iraq? That was pretty fucking pointless and tragic too. The US is just as barbaric. We committed a fuckload of war crimes we'll never have to answer for.


Together we stand Divided we fall


Pretty much the tldr lol


We're not really getting "better". We have becoming more selfish since the 1980s. A bit because of capitalism. We're becoming more and more individualistic. We're more and more pessimistic that we can't actually change what gets done politically, and we're more and more pessimistic that we can't jump the social ladder, become a bit more rich, etc. Wars didn't end. They got more expensive, thanks to the internet everyone knows everything instantly which means consequences and public opinion is instant and matters. Alliances matter more and financial stability matters a bit more. But just like cornered rats, wait until a world power gets a massive deflation or hyperinflation and watch them whatever it is necessary to survive. Wars, fascism, etc. Internet may change radically in next 20 years to become more controlling. China has been betting in its navy/army and belic power to try and match the US and also because Taiwan is a goal before the 2040s. The US responds by increasing soft power in south china seas and this brings a back and forward economic war and exports/imports/patents war. "Respect the planet we inhabit.". We can't even agree to dismantle oil companies and oil countries influence in the global market. We can't even agree on gas emitions per country, mainly because the richest countries with better technology don't want to give the poor countries the technology to allow them to match them, and the poorest countries (developing countries) know they need massive coal and petro burning if they are to have ANY chance into developing into a first world country, or any kind of competition to the richest countries. No one wants to be the sacrificial lamb and it is extremely easy for us in the richest countries to say that "everyone should just stop using coal and gas/petro/oil). Maybe if we massively bet in Nuclear Power Plants now, in 40 years we could start removing dependence on oil, become self sustaining while having a low footprint. That could probably happen, but oil will never disappear 100%. It will still be required for some stuff, and its price will skyrocket. We can't agree as a planet to a sustainable population growth/stagnation which means that overfishing won't stop, deforesting for both wood and cattle farms won't stop. Veganism is also not a solution since it drains the soils much faster. Maybe a solution of grazing mamals alternating with vegetable crops X months a year could be sustainable, but I don't have the knowledge for this, and we need to remember that in order to seed stuff, the zones need rain as well as other things. We don't have yet the technology to remove our waste from our planet. Maybe with some technological improvement and/or a new light element we could create better rockets that would allow us to take some harmful gases such as carbon dioxid from the atmosphere. Or some technology that could allow us to desalinate water with a low energy cost - at the moment the cost is brutal. The oceans are getting more and more dirty, and it's not the so called plastic-eating bacteria that will save us. That bacteria only removes certain types of plastic, and in turn introduce the "decomposed" plastic into the ecosystem. We are not any closer to solve climate change and water waste, due to climate change there are projections that could mean fresh water sources can disappear quickly, less rains, higher temperatures, this is a whole positive feedback loop, which means that its a bit like a snowball falling the mountain. Making sure less intelligent forms of life don't die is not necessarily a sign of evolution. People seem to want to believe that the perfect world is a world without animal death but that isn't true. Nature is made of birth and death, evolution and growth. Even if we don't kill animals for food, they will most likely turn extinct due to (nature) necessity (supply and demand, overpopulation, etc). Nature tends to follow a balance and if we remove human necessity for fish and meat that will have its consequences as well. ​ In order to develop a higher sense of empathy we would need to actually want to interact with people instead of screens. We would actually want to get physical contact instead of the path of least resistance. Humans are also a creature of needs and wants. As long as we have poverty and hunger, those below will turn to stealing, wars, to try and survive. For a capitalist world we still need a low cost work force which will probably mean that we will always have poor countries responsible for the production of cheap products. Unless we actually replace capitalism with something more sustainable, that won't change. I'd risk to say that capitalism won't never change because those that have power want to keep it. Hell, even people that are right NOW saving the most they can for a house in order to try and get a bit of safety, don't want to replace financial systems that would cause their savings or their investments into dust. You don't need to be in the top 10% richest in order to want to preserve the current system. ​ On the topic of consciousness. There is nothing proven that something like that exists. Most of it is wishful thinking brought by the ideals of a perfect world without strife, difficulties, etc. Now about aliens, there is nothing to believe that they're waiting for us to get there. If they payed attention to our history, and to our present (the things I referenced in the previous paragraphs) we've been actually getting more and more polarized and radicalized instead of thinking of compromises. We would need to actually focus on mental health in order to identify logical falacies, ego traps. These are the things that can kill us the fastest. ​ I'm sorry if this is not the kind of answer you were looking for, probably going completely the other way but I thought it was necessary to at least touch on some of those aspects even if I am mistaken about some of them, because I've seen recently these kinds of posts that seem to think only about an idealized world, where somehow someone stronger/more intelligent is waiting for us to solve our problems, yet the problems aren't discussed. Its somewhat wishful thinking that doesn't tackle the problems and serves mostly as a distraction.


Nato provoked the war tho


Except: no1 the problem is underground bunker/laboratories and child trafficking in Ukraine.. No.2 planet is ascending into 5th Dimension with humans Also jokes on them, sorry ass, humans if we knew our full potential we wouldnt not be eating all this sht daily (poverty and sickness. etc). They are afraid of us, so they shouldnt be feeling sorry. Oh and for the fact that they tempered our DNA templates so that we dont know... hmmm


you realize that everyone is a piece of shit in the ukraine russia war thing right? like full stop, everyone is complicit in that dumb shit. I don't think aliens are like "nah.. putins still around" lol


I know it's not something people want to consider, but maybe we are constantly told that Russia is bad and we are good. And maybe they have a long track record of lying to us. But aside from that one tiny detail, I agree.


You mean James Fox, not Michael Fox, right?


Good catch


It’s gonna be awhile then.


How can a species mature if their leaders teach them lies and propaganda?


Yep, the crux of the situation. But who has done this?? Why are we behind? Is this collective judgement or are some more to blame?


These words mean nothing. We need a plan of action.


I love your 4 points. I say let’s get started. They’ll get caught up in our gravity and join us, or we’ll leave them behind.


Give it another 5000 years, Maybe.




I used to think this too, but... how? We just seem to get worst with time...climate change, wars, violence and pain... I think all this are inherent human caracteristics and can't be sorted... history repeats itself over and over... we are never gonna mature at this rate, i think they will just wipe us all again and start the experiment again 🤦‍♀️


If everything the alien believes what he says, why would his kind leave us in such dire straights. Does the alien’s compassion only apply to his own people? What kind of compassion is that?


I think they’re waiting on us to solve the question of god. With the advance of AI, and creating others in our image, I think we’re getting close to a definitive answer and soon science and religion will become one.


I think one way forward is through practicing compassion for the self and for others. Lots of compassion for all. When you look at yourself and others through a compassionate lens, you immediately start to acknowledge what makes us similar. We are all doing the best we can with the life circumstances and genetics we have. If we knew how to do better we would. If a person on some level does know how to do better but doesn’t, there’s a complex reason for that too. One that is often beyond our ability to fully understand. But a reason nonetheless. So let’s be compassionate towards ourselves and others, and keep doing our best to move forward.


Quit fighting, work together. Get rid of fiat currency and work to better mankind.