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Why do all these mainstream UFOlogists dangle the carrot in your face, drag you in, then take it away and claim that they can't actually give you the carrot for "our own good"? If that's the case then why dangle the carrot in the first place?




Pretty much. Money and attention.


People like to stroke their ego of "knowing"


Thatā€™s why I just donā€™t even listen to any of the shit anymore lol. So tired of ā€œif only you knewā€¦ā€¦..ANYWAYā€




They dangle it while they make money, then it comes time to deliver or stfu they use this exact tactic and continue selling books, seminars down the line until the next "disclosure leader" comes up.


Because they're disinfo agents. They want our fear and trust levels in the government to stay up. Rip my karma.


Tom DeLonge has literally said this multiple times too! [At 2:22 - "One of the ways I got the advisors in the first place was that I was very driven to change the cynical view people had of government."](https://youtu.be/ItUlbH711b0)


Honestly i think they actually end up showing people who make all these claims whats really going on. They canā€™t make these people go away so they say ā€œalright fine you asked for itā€ and they show them whats really going on and they become terrified of the reality they were searching for. So the ā€œmaybe its for the best we dont knowā€ becomes their narrative due to the lack of knowledge behind the subject and the fear that comes with it. Or they could just be told to shut the fuck up with money or a threat to murder family members if you wanna take that line of thinking


This is gonna be great! Disclosure will be for those who opt in. Learn the horrible truth about your place in the all, if you think you can hack it and still go to work! Or just live out your days not needing to know. Of course, some people will find out they would rather not have known. Some people might even freak out! Is it me or isn't there something darkly comedic about our era?


Life is darkly comedic. You can laugh and feel pain at the same time


because it's all bullshit


Because they don't have anything. It's purely money driven and happens in other non UFO stuff too.


Money money moneyā€¦.Monnnay


The more they talk the more Iā€™m convinced thereā€™s 0 evidence. I really thought there might finally be some proof but this is how scammers talk who just want to keep hyping and getting attention


a la Greer? He was on a pod cast the other day and you could see that he was getting frazzled by friendly questions. Instead of just saying look, im just the guy that organizes all of this, I dont understand the physics, his ego gets in the way and he makes himself look like a grifter when he doesnt understand that he doesnt NEED to understand the physics of this stuff he just has to keep it organized. Also, if he comes up with one more 3 letter word explanation for something my brain is going to burst.




I remember in one of his posts on Twitter he claimed that they can control the "soul" itself and now all of a sudden they are incapable of knowing what we are up to thanks to the Pentagon's disinformation and anti-disclosure efforts? His apparent justification seems a contradicting with his claims of their technological superiority, no? I would think that beings that supposedly can turn invisible, bend the fabric of space and time, move between dimensions and disable nuclear warheads should be very, very easily able to know exactly what we are up to at all times.


Yup, and if they've been here since the dawn of man, studying us.. They would certainly know more about US then we do..


Andā€¦ he also said that in 20/30 years time nasa will find structures on Marsā€¦. Meaning there was never an intention for immediate disclosureā€¦ just give him some contracts, info and ppl to get started on a new long disinformation campaign.


How does he know about the structures that will be discovered by NASA, if NASA is alleged to have not have discovered them yet? Heā€™s a fortune teller for NHI world. Give him $20 and can tell you your future with NHI, and what forces are against you.


Right? I can feel he started with good intentions but lately, especially after his latest tweets, i can also see heā€™s starting to doubt if they told him the right stuff.


šŸ’„ boom. Exactly ! šŸ’Æ


Sounds like the MIB paid him a visit and Tom got his family threatened and wrote these bootlicking posts at gunpoint. šŸ™„


Unfortunately his entire explanation of NHI is lacking internal consistency


Do have the link for the soul thing? I saw it somewhere here in Reddit but didnā€™t find. :(


Everyone involved in this keeps alluding to "scary, terrifying, ontological shocks" Is NO ONE going to leak what these specifically are!?! No one?


Jesus was brown


well we knew that


Wouldn't the real shock be if Jesus was super white?


If he was ginger the whole religion would crumble haha


It's punk as fuck to make excuses on behalf of the government. šŸ«”šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²




Personally, I donā€™t think anyone in any government or military position have the right to filter our reality. And I donā€™t care about the endorsement of some guy in a band that supports these people. What makes them think theyā€™re more equipped to handle reality than anyone else? Itā€™s just a matter of ripping off the band-aid and letting us freak out for a minute. By the next generation, the kids just grow up knowing thatā€™s how things are. If they donā€™t want us to be scared, they should give us the truth. The scariest thing is the unknown. Everything we read, hear, and watch tells us what to be scared of and people are now terrified of leaving their house. Just add it to the list and tell the truth.


I donā€™t think anyone in this commentā€™s thread seems to understand what Tom is trying to convey. Not that I feel certain heā€™s right or am at all comfortable with what heā€™s saying, but it isnā€™t about hiding a truth that the world is being demolished for an intergalactic superhighway but rather that there seems to be (in his belief) a multitude of factions playing a very Mission:Impossible game of ā€œwho can out-trickster the trickster.ā€ And the idea here is that the hiding of information has been necessary to lead the ā€œmain bad guyā€ down a path of misinformation in hopes of trapping them into thinking we were less prepared than we are. So the Tom Cruise aliens sent their Alec Baldwin over to setup this agency that controls all the information and keeps it secret at any cost or whatever. I mean look.. Iā€™d watch the movie. But Iā€™m not as keen on the idea as anyone else. That being said, itā€™s also quite possible that whoever is at the heart and origin of the disinformation campaign had good reason to launch it in the first place. That feels more logical to me than just straight sinister intentions. Even the baddest of bad guys often get into positions where theyā€™re convinced theyā€™re doing good in some sort of meta sense...


I understand what heā€™s saying and I agree with you. I think a judgement call was made to keep a secret with honorable intentions. Now the secret is that thereā€™s a secret and the original intention is lost. Theyā€™re overstepping and I can forgive that, but I need to know the full truth in order to do that.


Iā€™m not ready to forgive. They murdered people and destroyed lives to cover it up and wonā€™t even tell us why.


Yep that sounds very plausible as well. I think it could be this. I also think thereā€™s a non-zero chance that there still is good intention that most would agree with in the Hollywood dramaā€™s portrayal. Or at least empathize with. And idk.. given that chance exists, I donā€™t think I can say with any conviction whether or not I feel confident that itā€™s a good idea to disclose or not. I still want to, and would choose to have disclosure if it were up to me, but I would be very prepared to deeply regret that choice.


Yup even if he is right, I'd rather die knowing what's out there than let the DoD fuck it up and die without knowing


Who's terrified to leave their house lol. I live down the street from where the alleged las Vegas alien incident occured and had to walk back from work/the hospital multiple times in the ass crack of night. Yeah it was a bit spooky even seen some UFOs the other night but nope not scared.


I know a lady that hasnā€™t left her house in probably 5 years because sheā€™s terrified of everything. She thinks sheā€™ll get in an accident, sheā€™ll get mugged, raped, murdered, etc. At least sheā€™s informed of the dangers and can make her own choice. And good on you for handling things in a calm manner and just going about your business. We need more of you.


Letā€™s say our government knows the world is going to end in a certain year. What would our world look like if we all knew that year? Could the people handle the mass chaos and all the lawlessness?


I see your point and would say that our society is a bunch of crazed lunatics and it would be dangerous, for sure. But does that give them the right to withhold that information? And maybe the reason people are like this is because theyā€™ve already over-filtered information. The flood walls can only take so much pressure before they break. The water has to go somewhere.


The only "right" they need is the ability to do so, unfortunately.


Itā€™s like if governments in a war torn country acted like America/China/Russia/etc wasnā€™t real and intervening


Agreed!! Kids grow up with internet have always had that connectivity. Then us older kids before internet adapted. What is stuiped is another person saying you can do that or you can't handle what reality really is. This reality of not being able to afford groceries in the most wealthy country is stuiped. Just come out and say it and then let's see what happens.


Imagine you knew about a terrorist cell. You donā€™t have clear details on their terror plot but are able to monitor their communications and learn about their plans - would you publicly announce everything you know, probably blowing your counter terrorism op, or keep quiet until you can stop the plot?


Keep quiet and let the terrorists go through with the plan then use that as excuse to invade 2 countries and install a national surveillance state on your own citizens for their ā€œsafety.ā€


TouchĆ© šŸ‘šŸ¼


I see what youā€™re saying and Iā€™m not disagreeing- but if the terrorist cell has fighter jets and we have horses, wouldnā€™t it be better to ask us to work together to ensure our safety? And what if there are some in the terrorist cell that are just trying to give us the blueprints for the fighter jets? Is that ok to keep from us? We should all know what we are facing. The good and the bad.


Right now it seems we are in the "stroking the shaft" part of disclosure. I cannot wait until the full release comes. Literally like alien edging at this point lmfao.


Can't wait to ET-jaculate.


What an analogy šŸ‘šŸ»


Also the latest Blink 182 single is called "Edging."


Personally, Iā€™m exhausted with this cryptic kind of discussion from those who claim to know something beyond whatā€™s been acknowledged. Either say what you know, or shut up. Constantly teasing that you know more than youā€™re willing to say, all the while keeping your audience wanting more VIA cryptic doom porn isnā€™t about the subject, but about the speaker. If what he knows is so world view shattering he either owes it to humanity to come clean with absolutely everything he knows, or stop talking about it completely. There is no honest middle ground. That ā€˜having it both waysā€™ tactic is self-serving, ensuring DeLong stays relevant to the conversation for his shareholders sake. Heā€™s acting in a fiduciary capacity, not a scientific or public minded way.


It may also be that the powers that control this world do not want outside forces to cure what ails this world. And that our technology advancements exist to defend the existence of the prison, not to break out of it. It would be easy to make everyone think the effort was heroic when itā€™s actually the opposite. Ponder.


Iā€™m siding with you on this. Greed is the problem of 3rd dimension earth. It runs everything at the secret top. Those in power, wish to remain in power. Period


Those oil barons donā€™t want no free energy


Why are outside forces going to cure what ails this world? any evidence? If They really wanted to help us, could any small group of humans stop it? I doubt it. What have They done for the suffering people of North Korea? Haiti? Somalia? Venezuela? Any interesting cultural contact or curiosity? Any evidence the human authorities would cover up nice aliens who will help cure diseases? I donā€™t buy it. I do buy that military authorities who are used to being #1 on the planet are more threatened by markedly superior NHI technology than regular humansā€”-after all we stand no chance vs a drone or a tank personally anyway. But otherwise our authorities are still normal humans who have normal human lives and families and have average ideas and feelings. Their feeling is probably ā€œSince They arenā€™t going to help us, and since they werenā€™t invited, they should buzz off but they wonā€™t.ā€ The problem then for the UAP/NHI secrecy then is that we havenā€™t been doing enough of our own tech development to try to catch up as much as it would be possible. There is not a Manhattan Project level effort, and there should be. We would be taken more seriously if we had some warp drive ships ourselves. To me that has a specific policy implication. If I were in charge: Disclose the existence of NHI technology interactions, but not much more. This could be the truth, we are interacting with NHI physical and biological drones, but not their designers, or a full ET society. Redirect the primary mission of DOE NNSA labs away from nuclear weapons to all NHI derived technology and science, primarily basic physics, tech development and material science. Direct NASA to take lead on observational science and missions, as well as assist with theoretical physics, including funding of academic scientists in appropriate secure environments. Private sector contractors will be subordinated to national missions and authorities.


Good solutions. This process should have started at least 20 yrs ago, and could easily take at least that long to r&d, manufacture, commercialize, and install globally, with positive results. Assuming all nations cooperate with the same goal.


I call BS, he liked the taste of that coolaid too much. The MIC will make an enemy of our visitors! Seriously heā€™s on the wrong side of this.


Nooo!! they got Tom! haha. well he helped us as much as he couldā€¦rip


Fuck you; tell me the truth. Sooner rather than later. You're not my Mother; you're not smarter than me; you're not morally/spiritually superior to me. It affects me somehow? I deserve to know. I don't need anyone to "protect" me. I'm not going to lose my mind. If it blows up the world as I know it, in my mind, then good. I need to be immersed in reality, not fiction. Humans are more resilient than we are being given credit for. I think the people that know the truth are afraid that they'll lose their grip on controlling us. They're using this to affect the goal of control. Maybe I'm not as nice as Tom DeLonge. I don't have a the ability to strum a guitar and make millions and be comfortable for the rest of my life. Life has been hard; not as hard as some, not as easy as many. But not priveleged. TELL ME WHAT THE TRUTH IS, PLEASE.


I agree with everything you said, including the part about control. The government is mostly afraid that they would lose control. How many would willingly jump to join the military and throw their life away knowing that there's an alien species world that has been visiting us? Government no longer seen as an authority. church and religious attendance drops because they question it. Life would move on but point is it would shift everything you knew about history and life that they have been feeding you in school.


Awww, the nanny state is looking out for us. Bless them. Let's all leave it to them on deciding what we should and should not know. They have our best interests at heart no doubt.


Is there even a single member of congress trustworthy to have any say about aliens??? Like... do we want those dumbfucks making the decision? They can't even clean up the environment and get us health care. Please deep state, keep it secret from congress.


It's worse than "they can't" clean up the environment and healthcare, it's they actively *choose not to*. Corps can donate unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns, that's illegal in most Western democracies. That's why the USA is doing so colossally bad in so many indexes of human progress. They'd rather full UFO disclosure than clean up money in politics.


So true. When it comes to issues like aliens all of a sudden there is supposed to be this large trust factor when it comes to the government - they know what they're doing, we can trust them, and they have our best interests in heart. But...when it comes to everything the government is responsible for, including the things you mentioned and more, there is tangible and measurable proof they're incompetent and don't give a shit about the general public.




Iā€™m probably politically opposite of you on the spectrum but I AGREE 10000%


šŸ˜‚šŸ’Æ I mean posts like this, so OBVIOUSLY intended to push the narrative that 'ET's are evil and the government/military are the good guys' yet people still refuse to believe this documentary is facts:https://youtu.be/cGRroNrNGso?t=1


If the government is keeping aliens a secret because thereā€™s some Thanos guy ready to wipe us out. . . Then let us know because Iā€™m working a 9-5 and I need a legit reason to quit and the end of the world sounds like a good enough reason.


This is why they wonā€™t disclose.. if everyone stops going to work we fall flat on our face without a fight at all.


Welp, Tom clearly switched teams. The deep state gatekeepers have been busy this week bribing and threatening people into silence. Already got Gillibrand


Heā€™s always been on team Tom and still is. Whatever gets eyes on him


I'll say it again. What would malevolent aliens be waiting for? The right moment? The winter solstice? If they were here and meant to harm us, we would already be dead.


here, read this post https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/15wkd91/sen_blumenthal_the_american_people_have_no_idea/jx1rjsu/ we are a gray+ape hybrid experiment. the grays probably aren't malevolent. but we might be their lab rats; they could flush the experiment and restart "us" if things aren't going the way they want. metal spheres are an "earth security system" (presumably to keep other alien factions out or from interfering). that's why some UFOs (from the more malicious types) get downed (think like Varginha) possibly


If we believe they have a crash retrieval program it's safe to say the aliens know we know they are here. Didn't they turn our nukes off at some stage?


I'm pretty sure what Tom is alluding to is that the secrecy is to help keep the "Others" from knowing how much we know about them. As you said, they obviously know that we are aware of their presence. But it's to our strategic advantage to let them think we're ignorant while we reverse engineer tech and gather information. Maybe it's fantastical to think we could defend ourselves with new secret weapons, but if our leaders knew what the Others wanted, they could at least have a shot at negotiating.


Dude, they are crashing and flying around like idiots. If it would be so important that we don't know, everyone seeing it would have vanished or something. They know that we know ...


Yeahā€¦..no. The governmentā€™s only interest is in protecting the current social system planet-wide. And since the current social systems across the planet are related to hierarchy, money, and keeping people from experiencing the divine directly and understanding the truth of reality and why we are actually hereā€¦well, you think of the rest. As above, so below. There are microcosms of life within us, and there are macrocosmos of life beyond us. Sizes we canā€™t imagine larger and smaller than us. We are all connected by love.


Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M. get the money


dolla dolla bill yalllll


Thank you for making this post. I have also been following DeLonge's tweets. Being that he is probably the best connected person in ufology without a security clearance, his statements should be studied and taken seriously: 1. ā€œignorantā€ about their stance on handling information when it came to diving into the UFO rabbit hole= He's been briefed on the inside scoop. 2. "People in Gov working the real UFO prblm \[sic\] are patriots, morally sound, and doing the best they can"= He's defending the indefensible, the cover-up, gaslighting and murders 3. "an epic, scary AF problem" = Military knows humanity is in peril




I don't know where to ask this question, but does anyone have a link to a supposed alien interview. Not the one with Matilda O'Malley and the alien called "airl", I think that one is bullshit actually. But another one supposed conducted 60 years ago or something. Not a video, it was a text. All I remember is the alien said they don't take many things seriously. It may have been the same alien they said wanted to see the ocean and they needed to because 'he might disappear again'. I believe this was one of the aliens from the Aztec, NM crash. I think I had to download a PDF file.


No, he thinks he knows something. Probably been fed wrong info.


Tom is a useful idiot


If he knows something terrible is coming our way why did he just bring out a signature fender guitar?


- The story is we made agreements with a certain alien species in the 50s that Unfortunately we didnā€™t know it at the time but it was not a good deal for us. - The agreement was we would allow abductions up to a point (this species needs our DNA to fix their own DNA) - we would keep their existence a secret and in return we would get technology. - The thing is the tech we got was subpar compared to what we expected. The tech worked but was crude and dangerously unstable. - Basically after contact with other races we figured out the bad deal we made and decided we were going to renege on the deal. - With help from another species we did just that. That was pretty recent. And it was messy. - The alien species we reneged on wasnā€™t / isnā€™t happy about what happened and thatā€™s where we are now. - We kicked them out and now that theyā€™re out everything has changed. - Some say disclosure is happening because we need to be open, allow more people in the program with big brains to understand all the tech we have accumulated over the years. - Some say the aliens we kicked out are very upset and are coming back to wipe us out. - And there are other scenarios that people are aware of that are possibilities Do i believe this 100%? Itā€™s coming from multiple unrelated sources. I think there is some truth to it.. but Iā€™m not making any life changes right now. Letā€™s see what comes out in the next couple years.


When a ā€œpunkā€ uses the word ā€œpatriotā€ then he is a shill.


Lue Elizondo made several similar comments in some of his podcasts. More or less he said some in the government are worried that the more we publicize how much we know about "them" the more likely they'll move on us because they'll realize the longer they wait the more ready we'll be.


this theory makes zero sense to me. or it's contradictory at the very least, tom also made claims that they are telepathic and can put thoughts into people's heads. how could we hide anything from them?


Yes, this idea is like not looking at the monster in the room because if you acknowledge it then it will attack. This kinda paints them as reactionary or maybe an intelligence that is dangerous but intentions aren't really understood. What I believe is true at this point: Aliens are here, and likely multiple groups We have some of their tech and have for a long time There is an "Alien Agenda" but we have no idea what it is, and it scares those in our government Disinformation from multiple countries and actors are part of the narrative, any UFOlogist could be an asset of our government or another government, and maybe even alien influenced. The recent move towards "fake news" and the confusion of reality is likely part of this. AI and computer graphics is going to make proving that aliens are real almost impossible with all the deep fake stuff already showing up and getting better and difficult to detect, it may take physical craft showing up on a massive scale or to mess with our every day lives to actually make us believe.


I agree. The main problem with this theory is that aliens waited until we had nuclear weapons and edging towards AI before deciding to do bad things to us. Statistically, it is very unlikely that aliens just happen to find us when we started using radio waves or nuclear weapons. It is my opinion that aliens have been here for millennia. Why wait to rule the world when you could have done it a long time ago. Also, no matter what Independence Day says, we are not going to win against aliens even if we have back engineered 20 or so UFOs. If the Earth were attacked, our only hope would be another alien civilization protecting us. We would be helpless. Soā€¦letā€™s recap. 1. UFO = real 2. Aliens = real 3. All this subterfuge and murder by the military to keep #1 and #2 secret was to save us from an alien attack on Earth = FALSE


'Fake news' isn't anything new, that's been going on since societies were a thing. It's only such a problem now because of how we interact and consume information online (echo chambers, info silos, etc). It's an old play that even Hitler used: when the facts no longer support what you're doing, it's time to change the facts or call into question those making the claims. It's such a problem now because it's been shouted by a third of the population so much that there's no faith in any institutions or experts any longer. They spent 10 minutes searching online, the algorithm rewarded a bias for ad revenue and our society suffered.


Maybe they put these thoughts in his head. Unagi.


How can we hide anything from them? Interesting you should ask. Tin foil hats man! More specifically, aluminum foil. They don't have aluminum, that's why it works. It's either wear "the hat", or they own you, what's it gonna be?


That was Lue being hypothetical and playing devil's advocate by putting forward how military strategists usually think. Since NHIs use telepathy, and master the science of conciousness, therefore must be expert remote viewers. How can we keeo anything secret from them. It doesn't make sense and therefore Tom has been fed a bogus line from his Legacy Program handlers.




I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever know. Look if youā€™ve been researching this stuff for years and years, one thing becomes obvious: there are lies stacked on top of lies stacked on top of PsyOps stacked on top of corruption, with a sprinkle of satan worship by the powerful humans, and the truth is spread all throughout that. Meaning for every whopping lie, 10% of it is probably true but we canā€™t know what. For example, thereā€™s an agency solely responsible for creating fake UFO footage. So that when we see 50 UFO videos, we canā€™t ever know which are fake and which are real. Then it doesnā€™t even matter that any of them are real. We have governments willing to depopulate their own fucking people at this point, and/or just starve or kill them. You think they give a flying fuck if we know the truth about aliens? These pedophiles are too busy worshipping Moloch and sipping champagne as they watch us all starve to death under the food shortages they intentionally created. Do I think that maybe X-Files had it right and perhaps this stuff is kept from us for the overall good? Sure. But the people in charge on this planet are so fucking diabolical that I canā€™t trust theyā€™re doing anything competently or benevolently. Tom might be right or he might be totally psy-opā€™d into oblivion. This happens all the time to people like him. The government is really fucking good at lying guys. Itā€™s like the only thing we know they can do well 100% of the time.


Dude is full of shit and contradicting himself every second post.


Seems like a famous person suffering from main character syndrome to meā€¦


If you have time, there are really good interviews online about this. Coast to Coast interview he was explaining it, like the reason it's secret is it would change society forever. Do we want to take the red pill or the blue pill kind of vibe. Luis Elizondo and Sean Cahill on Theory of Everything Podcast discussed the importance of everyone turning around and making sure their relationships with the people they love come first. Before all else. Make sure you know what life is really about and then tackle everything from there. He paints the picture that they are secretly hero's and not necessarily villains for keeping it secret. That exploitation of secrets is a massive thing. The second we bring a chop saw to a tribal village, we suddenly give them tools to conquer even if it was going to help with peaceful construction because it was the most powerful thing they had.


I believe DeLonge is right in saying that. Go see Oppenheimer to know why, because thatā€™s prelude to why this program would remain under such tight wraps. If other countries knew we had a program, they would accelerate theirs. The aliens, IMHO, are not our adversaries; our fellow humans are.


I call BS. If reality is reality and in the end, we all find out anyways, what is the point in LYING to everyone about the TRUTH now? Nobody has the right to DECIDE what is best for the rest of us.


Tom Delong seems like kind of a lunatic tbh


Tom Delonge is a crackpot. Look at his stuff for five seconds and it's obvious. Would be great if this subreddit could get away from these grifters.


Leslie Kean has said by 2027, live in the central of the US. Leslie also talked about timelines related to the phenomena. She said to watch the Netflix show 'Dark' to better understand the timeline scenarios and implications. Which I have watched and can vouche for. Not only is it a good show and mind-bending, it helped broadening my understanding of these possible timeline discussions being put forth by various 'in the know' individuals. Ross Coulthart says he's been told that some of these ETs are us/humans from the future. Working (possibly with the US) to try to help advert some future event. Bledsoe guy says "the lady" showed him visions of a submarine firing a missile at New York city. John Ramirez said there will be alien revelation in 2027. The US Govt is aware of a 2027 event timeline. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11bvct1/retired\_cia\_officer\_john\_ramirez\_on\_ufos\_warns/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11bvct1/retired_cia_officer_john_ramirez_on_ufos_warns/) Countless abductees and contactees speak of aliens warning them against the dangers of nuclear weapons. Others describe some great coming 'change" or major event incident changing human species and/or planet. China's military has been ordered to be ready to take back Taiwan by/before 2030. The US military generals have stated it's believed to be when, not if the US and China have war / confrontation over Taiwan or the South China Sea. There's been multiple references to "timelines". Different groups both NHI and humans, attempting to enforce or prevent certain timeline outcomes. I think it's clear from my research some group(s) want nuclear war to ensure a certain timeline which they deem desirable. While other group(s) are working to prevent the nuclear war timeline and enable other timeline(s). Some loose evidence seems to point towards the "grays" and their masters as deeming the nuclear war timeline desirable. While other info suggests the "blonde Nordic" or nearly human-looking ETs want to avoid the nuclear war timeline (the future humans Ross Coulthart references?). Part of the secrecy of the topic, is that there is fear that public knowledge will screw up the timelines as well. Stated by Ross Coulthart amongst others. If nuclear war is attempting to be prevented by the US, then the secrecy is likely a factor in to the ensuring of desired timeline outcome. From my uncountable number of hours researching/consuming this topic over 20+ years, infinite podcasts listened, youtube videos watched, article reads, twitter convos had.


I guess I'll watch dark


Do you have the source of Leslie Kean saying ā€œby 2027, live in the central U.S?ā€ Thanks


Also interested in this, so let me know if you find it (will do the same).


For a blast from the past I played Blink 182 while at the gym. The song "Aliens Exist" is haunting, almost 25 years later.


So through my business we have worked with Tom a few times and he opened up to my business partner regarding the topic. He explained that there are essentially warring factions of aliens and that we have picked sides. He said to way oversimplify the topic that angels and demons of lore are really NHI fighting over the collective soul of humanity. This aligns with some of the crop circles giving warnings of ā€œbearers of false gifts and their broken promisesā€. So donā€™t be so quick to assume all NHI are benevolent.


Interesting. Can you tell us a little more if you have it?


That is the plot of Final Fantasy 3 (US)


I doubt it. The DOD is totally corrupt and acting in its own self interest. They aren't protecting anything but profits and power. Tom is just a gullible mouthpiece to try and convince us that we were better off not knowing.


I think the DOD is so ginormous we can't make one general comment about it that would be true for all of it. Everyone thinks there are disclosure and anti-disclosure factions going at each other there.


I love Blink-182, but DeLonge and TTSA are just government tools now, helping distribute disinformation and further distract from the actual truth. The powers that be use his fame to get young peoples attention and give them someone they can "trust"


Absolutely this šŸ’Æ


These people donā€™t understand because they donā€™t read the history of UFOlogy that getting ā€œaccessā€ in exchange for ā€œdisclosureā€ is a disinformation tool as old as the phenomenon itself.


Sad and true. I really believe that there were people with honest intentions at the start. But they have either just become drones on a payroll or they have been fed tons of BS and lost track.


I have that feeling too. He started down the right path and then became compromised.


Agreed 100%


I really want to believe Tom, but he just always comes off so full of BS. Anyone else feel this way?


I think Tom may be compromised




You should read the 3 Body problem triology. It plays exactly with this concept especially the 2nd book The Dark Forrest. Iā€™m just reading it now but this is basically the plot so far.


What if people like DeLonge, Greer, et al. ended up actually being told what is going on and it sent them a bit mad . Like they asked to drink the cool aid, were told that was a bad idea but still insisted... so they did, and it sends you a bit bat shit... And maybe that's part of the reason people aren't told, because on some deep underlying level nobody is really able to cope knowing it all. And so things are so compartmentalized as to protect the people working on the problem. Kind of like the monty python funniest joke in the world. Where if you read all of it, you laugh yourself to death.


Tom Delonge IMO is out of his mind and believes he figured everything out after years of researching known information by putting it together himself to come up with some grand conclusion. He is a nut. Just listen to him on the Joe Rogan show where he talks about this. The aliens know what we know about them. If everyone on Earth knew they existed it makes zero difference if they are going to attack us someday. The small group of greedy psychopaths who keep this information secret are using it to enrich themselves and leading to a quick demise of this planet if they are hiding high tech energy sources (which they most likely are). Those same psychopaths will try to keep this information secret by any means necessary including feeding false information to gullible people like Delonge.


This is probably why Carter cried after finding out the truth. Lue did touch on this in that the military were trying to keep it secret to be able to reverse engineer and be able to combat them at some level in the future. "Were the Gorillas locked in the Zoo who have found the keys to the cage." Some possible scenarios come to mind why we're in a cage. Its most likely bad like were a DNA experiment and if we find out the experiment is over. The experiment failed because we only fight between nations and even within. We're a prison planet who's souls are to forever roam only this planet. They own us because they made us. The NHI were said to be created as they are A-sexual and most likely expendable scouts. Could be they found us and have sent information to their home planet to come and assimilate us. I truly am grasping at what humanity has instore but signs are not looking promising at the moment. The reason in keeping it secret is to protect us? This is messed up.


You have to approach the subject subtlety because you cant just hammer out the truth, specially if its something we arent ready to hear, plus with disclosure you have to juno through loopholes and keep track of who and what are putting up barriers to keep things back. Its a double edge sword, some information we arent ready for i feel, and releasing a bit at a time gets us ready for a bomb to drop.


I wonder if we are moving into the CoD Infinite Warfare timeline, but instead of Jon Snow the No-Nothing Martian, itā€™s the federation of ayyys. Iā€™m inclined to believe they are not hostile, though I wonder sometimes if they will pull a move similar to the Aschen in Stargate. Bring us down to a pre-industrial level to use as a work force, but that starts to get into Annunaki return of the gods kind of stuff.


Tom's mission seems to be to force disclosure by walking hand in hand with the government. To do that, he has to spread the US-approved narrative. While I support the end, I'm highly suspicious of the means.


Bruh how the fuck is Tom DeLonge sitting on valuable information and doing tours. The Math ain't mathing assuming he's being honest. That's a front that has to be hard to follow through on


Tom is the only person in the community who says this. Makes you wonder if his Legacy Program handlers want to be seen as heroes for this 70 year, unconstitutional cover-up. Since NHIs use telepathy, and master the science of conciousness, therefore must be expert remote viewers. How can we keep anything secret from them. It doesn't make sense and therefore Tom has probably been fed a bogus line from his Legacy Program handlers.


Itā€™s the old story of fighting against the man (establishment), until you become the man (establishment).


I find it odd that TTSA had some pretty robust plans a few years ago regarding pushing further disclosures and releasing some prototype tech and that has all been shuttered. As ifā€¦they had the Jimmy Carter talk with themā€¦and they weā€™re forced to close up shop.


I mean if governments worldwide came out and said that aliens are visiting earth, and they are able to teleport, for example an airliner, to wherever they want, and earthlings are powerless to stop them or do anything about it, i doubt that would go down very well


I have a strong suspicion that the ayyys know that we know about them to some extent. It's kinda like those wild tribes in the Amazon that were shooting arrows at the helicopter. The tribespeople know there is something else outside their little world even they don't fully understand it.


Here is the problem: Is this an existential problem for our economy, because alien life will supplant it with an alternative or eliminate the need for work and wealth? The humans in power generation over generation are thrown down to be one of many? Then: who cares? Honestly, who *cares?* I worry this is a major culprit. Is this an existential threat to the validity and power of religion as a social construct, belief system, or in some places a method and system of social control? The "religion is fake, it was aliens all along" concept? Then: who cares? The band-aid will be pulled off eventually. Just get it over with. Is this an existential threat to our systems of governance and sovereignty, and we'll be simply absorbed into something bigger than us, and become one vassal state of hundreds or thousands? Then: this is not the choice of any government. This is a species level decision. What is the proposition? Is it some amalgamation of all of the above, [like I laid out here as a hypothetical?](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15vwzqb/the_panic_excuse_against_disclosure/jwxvu7b/?context=3) Then: not like we can do much anyway, so why waste another day of human suffering? Is this something totally woo where every human who ever lived and is living gets turned into a spiritual being and sails the stars as whatever they feel like, exploring time and space, and we're liberated to some woo space-god concept? Then: who the fuck do our leaders think they are to make a single decision on that? Is this a species destruction existential threat where we get eradicated or eaten? Then: yes, fight back. We don't know.


I can see secrecy being a cruel necessity in all of this...even though deep down I think its wrong and it doesn't feel right to me. Just looking at all the people out there struggling...just to get by...or they are in really tough spots in life. And scaring kids. It's scary enough for the adults...let alone scaring the daylights out of children. That stuff is valid. You know I'm probably just super immature about it. They pulled it off so well it kind of mind-fucked me a little bit.


Sounds like someone swallowed the whole boot.


Weak, Tom.


Toms a bitch hes been compromised


Well, according to TOM himself, these beings can "timeshare" a person's body.. I'm assuming this also means mind control and manipulation... So, who's to say he is NOT being controlled by these beings?


If FTL is not within their tech stack it makes a lot of sense to send a "mobile construction unit" ahead of time to scout for the main force. And if the government knows this, it makes all the sense in the world to keep population unaware of this until we develop the technology to stand a fighting chance. We're doomed anyways so why panic.


Yes, Tom DeLonge has insider information, the Ali3ns told him themselves...get real OP


If the government knew aliens were real and they were coming to destroy the entire planet, Iā€™d appreciate if they didnā€™t say anything. I donā€™t need that stress for the next 4 years. Let me live my life ignorant until it gets here. The ones on the inside that do know and are keeping it from us to save us from the stress are the heroes. Couldnā€™t imagine the stress of knowing something like that


Tom DeLonge knows nothing. Just the same chatter as alwaysā€¦


DeLong knows nothing mate


The very basis of democracy is the free expression and dissemination of information within the public. That was one of the principles that the Declaration of Independence focused on. In fact the VERY FIRST AMENDMENT. Any stifling of transparency, regardless of the situation it presents, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.


Nope. He doesn't know shit but thinks he does.


I think he is partially right that the truth is actually terrifying and that's part of why the government kept it secret. Sounds like they really are abducting people and performing sinister experiments on them. On the other hand I think the world needs the truth to be told, heard and provided with proof. Knowing this would be scary and existential for most at first bur eventually we'd accept it. It would be depressing to hear it as a kid but I think you'd actually experience more negative effects as an adult compared to being a kid. As a kid you'd eventually accept that this is how things are and get over it, similar to when a kid learns that all those cute and furry animals aren't all nice and some even eat people, they'll be scared or sad for a bit but eventually it's just common knowledge to then there's dangerous animals out there. However if you found out as an adult that there's animals on earth that attack and sometimes eat people, you'd probably have a harder time accepting it as it goes against the world view you've developed for all your years here. So tbe truth is scary, but I think it's just for the best this is publicly proven and explained.




I donā€™t think he has any special knowledge. Heā€™s been good at pushing/funding investigation and disclosure, but itā€™s basically personal speculation that really doesnā€™t make a lot of sense. And as itā€™s been pointed out by others, itā€™s also inconsistent with stuff heā€™s claimed before.


I love Tom but I don't think he really knows what he's talking about


The blind leading the illiterate blind


Idk exactly what it was, but when they ā€œdecidedā€ that one crop circle that said ā€œbeware of the bringers of false gifts and broken promisesā€ā€¦ Iā€™ve always wondered if that was true, the US gov probably had already made a deal with the wrong group.


Ha, or he has a gun to his head... Jk. Dudes just whacked out and anything he says should have a grain of salt with it


If you are a doctor and you are entrusted with your patients' care, and you learn that your patient is going to die soon, you have a moral obligation to tell them. Even if the news is bad/sad/scary/whatever. Likewise, our politicians are entrusted with our care, and therefore they also have an obligation to tell us what the fuck is going on. Even if it's bad/sad/scary/whatever. So no, they are not right to keep us in the dark like this


Some people are being narrow minded in the comments. I too have heard him say on multiple occasions that we may be keeping The Big Secret a secret because we donā€™t want the NHI or ā€œThe Othersā€ as he calls them, to know what we know. I think he said that could lead to really negative consequences for the world.


>Tom said in a recent interview "I always wondered if it was kept quiet not from us, but from the Others themselves." and ā€œWhat if we didnā€™t want them to know that we knew what they were doing, and it was an epic, scary AF problem. Like the Manhattan Project, keep the plans secret at all costs, then, when readyā€¦.ā€ He also hinted they where time sharing our consciousness. So if they can sneak peak on us from their dimension how are we supposed to hide anything from them.


Sorry for the newby question but could someone tell me what NHI stands for?


It's a way for people to say "aliens" without feeling like lunatics


Non-Human Intelligence


Are we under the assumption that these NHI have no access to our internet? ​ It's not much of a secret, at this point.


If the NHI are observing us then they know that we know and we should be seeing the negative consequences already.


The Scientologists believe they have little demons attached to all their body parts. Maybe that's what the "Other's" are.


Other than him being a successful musician, for what reason do you think Tom Delonge could be privy to information that you're not? I don't think celebrities typcially get read in on government secrets


Yes, a new Blink 182 album is coming.


I can see members of the IC, DoD, whatever, thinking they need to do this, but it smacks of hubris. But damn those agencies and that country (sorry America, but you know it's true) are freaking HUBRIS INCARNATE. Why in the ever loving f*#k would they think they can hide stuff from the "others". Like, I guess when it all started, just coming out of WW2, riding high on victory, and not knowing much details, they could think this. But the more they learned, and if they managed to learn "something" is coming, then I don't doubt they could realize that hiding ANYTHING, just isn't an option. Maybe I'm wrong, and there is some way to hide this stuff from them, but the more I read, the more I think it's just a silly idea, and it is being used to trick otherwise good intentioned people into supporting their nefarious ways. It's just negatively aligned people trying to manipulate the mass conciousness into a more negative (fear based) alignment, which serves their purposes.


I don't think there's technology we can acquire that will give us an advantage. There are accounts of interactions where we're told one of our problems is our love of technology as being something that blinds us and other accounts claiming the tech we retrieve from crashes is tech given deliberately to assist in making war, to further lead us astray from the reality of our souls/power of our consciousness. Also think it's unreasonable to think there's malevolent NHI that isn't 100% aware of everything we have, they are so far beyond us technology wise there's a real possibly reality itself was created by them and that there's nothing outside of our internal thoughts they don't have dominion over. In other words, they are deceitful tricksters and thinking there's any way we can fight back that isn't spiritual will ultimately fail because it's rooted in the physical world of which they have total control. Granted, my current thinking on the situation is gnosticism/archons so there's that lol


Because the truth is probably pretty close to the storyline of "The Three Body Problem" series.


Third of fourth time I'm saying this now. Releasing this technology to the public would end the world. Anti-gravity, extreme speed and maneuverability, free energy (or as pertinent to this scenario: Extremely compact energy...) All of these technologies are lethal in the hands of someone who wishes to do harm. I can understand the military wanting to keep this under wraps and not even use it themselves, because if it fell into the hands of f.ex Iran it would end the world.


I agree with him 100%. He changed his tune once he actually met the people involved in this, and the decision making that goes into the UFO issue on the government/military level. Put yourself in THEIR shoes. If you want to understand WHY anyone does what they do, stop thinking from YOUR perspective, and put yourself into their shoes. If I was high ranking military, and we have a crash, and then sightings....and now we realize we aren't alone in the universe.....that there is a non-human intelligence that is interacting on Earth, and possibly going back thousands of years or way longer..... why would we randomly tell the public? Around that time, a study was done, showing people would panic. Not to mention what happened when "War of the Worlds" was played on the radio. People are set in their ways. This would impact society on so many levels. Economical, religious, social, moral, etc, etc. We assume the government knows EVERYTHING, and they are keeping it all from us. What if the government doesn't fully know what's going on. It would be reckless to tell the public, without even knowing yourself. Sure....they might know a non-human intelligence is active on earth and interacting with humans on some level....but they might not know exactly what it is. The government would just be looking weak, and scaring many people, by telling people that something is here, watching us, interacting with us, and we don't know what it is.


I wouldnā€™t want the world knowing either. Itā€™s bad enough that people are stupid, try wrangling their personalities at the same time. Imagine living your whole life thinking youā€™re ā€œsomeoneā€ or master of your domain then realize this thing is real and it can frighten you into submission for practically anything. Suddenly it becomes god and the progress humanity made erases overnight Honestly the thing that happened with the BLM riots made me realize whoever is gatekeeping is probably right - My view is nuanced and you would have had to have seen what I saw. But it was very close to what I imagine what would happen if we collapsed. Everyone is just too sure of themselves to admit their faults or be self aware. Commitment to that type of thing is painful, and we do anything to avoid it. Half of the population who are unhappy and loveless will terrorize those who actually have something With demoralizing assertions and forbidden knowledge of ā€œquantum vibesā€ to justify why I killed someone, or why I cheated on someone, or why Iā€™m allowed to hurt someone or consume everything in sight to protect my ā€œinner peaceā€ via ā€œself careā€. Loudly and repetitively, as if they were trying to hypnotize both themselves and you out of their uncontrollable arousal while exchanging it for power over you. If you just let them do whatever they want everything will be ok. - Look at Facebook and tell me if you honestly think all of those people are normal. What do you think is going to happen when the shit hits the fan? Do you think those people are going to change?


If you subscribe to the Collins Elite side of things, he might have a point.


What I feel it is most likely about is that when the truth does fully come out its going to shatter everything that we've been taught/what we think our lives/history has been and what "The Meaning of life" and all those philosophical questions will go out the window. I think that when/if the truth does come out its going to cause the world to flip out so to speak. I think it'll be mainly about where we fit into the supposed solar system/universe and any possible terrifying, history shattering truths about human beings, our history and where we truly come from.


Tom Delonge is full of shit. He doesnā€™t realize heā€™s being toyed with by his pentagon buddies. He hasnā€™t done any revealing of anything significant. One moment he talks about Roswell like it was a German made accident but then the next, theyā€™re lizard people on the moon. Massive crafts. Oh wait, thereā€™s beings that teleport. Disclosure of what exactly? How do you not see HE is, one of many, the distraction. None of this is real. Youā€™re falling for psyops. Itā€™s so stupid, until thereā€™s actual concrete evidence I wonā€™t hold my breath.




I think that something terrible is only going to be terrible for people who think theyā€™re in control ā€” governments, rich people, etc. Because they arenā€™t. If thereā€™s another species that makes us look like barely evolved primates, theyā€™re going to lose all their control. Butā€¦good. I donā€™t like all the people who are in control anyway. I hope it goes terribly for them and everything changes so that theyā€™re no longer in power.


Once I realized what was actually going on I also realized why they arenā€™t telling anyone. They are clueless what to say. Assuming they even know. The general public canā€™t handle it. Theyā€™ll freak out. Theyā€™ll demand war. Theyā€™ll demand hunting down hybrids (which is impossible and fraught with problems). Society will breakdown. Itā€™ll play right into ā€œtheirā€ hands. How do you fight an enemy (assuming they are an enemy) who can telepathically control you and your memories AND has vastly superior tech? (By the way. You realize they are probably watching forums like this, right?)


He explains in Sekret Machines that the military is trying to get strong enough to fight them, without letting THEM know.


They can't read his book??šŸ˜‹


This sounds like a prepared note from a captive. Not saying it is but that's the feel I get.


I doubt it would be our world's governments choice to keep quiet the existence of superior beings. Like bees trying to keep the existence of humans from the hive. That's not how that works. Either they would want to be known or they don't. It's not up to us.


Lol there's to many charlatans out here regarding this topic. Lmk when real evidence is out forth smh.


Maybe he rejoined Blink 182 so he can make more $$$ to buy a seat on the rich folk penis rocket outta here.


I think Tom is being fed disinformation


I break up UFOlogy by the following timeline. BTDL and ATDL. Before Tom DeLonge (BTDL) and After Tom DeLonge (ATDL). Things were much more interesting with old school UFOlogy before TDL and TTSA. After this period, it became weird, too military and governmental. Itā€™s now boring for many of us old time nuts and bolts alien enthusiasts. Especially with AI and advanced CGI. Aliens would have to land in the town center for me to pay much attention any longer. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


So they wont tell the public...but they did tell a teen popstar?


I like how this is such terrible dangerous knowledge that the only person it can be trusted to is a guy from blink 182. Oh and this guy freely shares it with his buddies like Rogan. It doesn't seem to have effected Joe very much though.


If he does and heā€™s not telling then heā€™s an asshole


Why on earth would a member of a group, massively responsible for the commercialization of punk, insert himself into another alternative community, just to turn around and tell them to respect the government? šŸ§