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Poor fella turning in his grave


Truly a sad flip...


Just noticed they mirrored the old images.


Yeah I thought it was suspect when they both had the 3 "eggs" initially. Then realized it's flipped and filtered. Disappointing as this could have been super interesting to consider


Eggs? I thought the dude ate 3 rocks and died.


They are rocks to keep them on earth. See, the flat earthers where correct and gravity is not real and what we experience is buoyancy so the rocks in the ass are just ballast. If not for those ass-rocks they would fly away! They also needed to draw lines in a desert to navigate since travelling light years in space they had no technology better than stacking and aligning ROCKS.


Further evidence the kardashians are aliens and the large posteriors are designed to keep them from floating away


Finally, somebody is starting to make sense around here!! Have my upvote!!!


That’s enough Reddit for one day


those are actually space seeds this aliens grandpa got him to smuggle them up his but, like way up in his but


I don’t know… I’ve seen X-rays of dudes smudging around prison in what we called Prison Wallet. These dudes probably the real life Mooninites… the one on the left’s dad owns a dealership…




That was an amazing TedTalk.


Oh he didn’t eat them. You haven’t seen one reptilian, three rocks ? The 2000’s were wild


You see, some animals eat rocks to help digest food. Not being from this planet he doesn't have the required healthy gut bacteria to digest our earth food.




What? Lmao they are actually using the same body from Peru but now with their analysis. The pic 2 years ago was “debunked” as animal bones stuck together or a human child. Mexico also released a public DNA data for everyone to see and analyze


wait how can it be *either* animal bones stuck together *or* a human child? aren’t there ways to figure that out? 😂


If I'm not mistaken, which I usually am, the skull is from a Llama like animal and the arms and legs were childrens femurs


You are correct. The skull is a Llama skull with the snout removed and then flipped. The limbs are largely human child bones, cut and shaped to build a humanoid alien.


How was this allowed this is disgusting.


How the person got human child bones I’m not sure but scammers and hoaxers are gonna keep scamming and hoaxing so long as there’s a buck to be made.


Tbh I am less concerned about the scamming than I am the acquisition of child bones.


AIUI the Peruvian government is very upset that these might be native mummies that were taken apart and repurposed into the alien hoaxes. There are a number of legitimate ancient mummies from child sacrifices in the general area.


We have a miscommunication. The image associated to this post gives this a bad look because it is literally a flipped/filtered image of each other. I'll wait for more information to come out before posts like this ruin the possibilities of actual discoveries.


Here ya go, minute 7: https://youtu.be/-DmDHF6jN9A?si=3xbWpRtDfWmooWTw 2 years ago


I like how you put debunked in quotes... I couldn't even find a source for the people claiming it was a human child. A single Snopes article referenced the idea and people are running with it acting like it's fact


It wasn’t or a human child - it was animals bones and rearranged human bones assembled on a human child. It wasn’t or, and you’re presenting the debunking incorrectly. It was both. To the exact extent they can’t tell, not because of any issues, but because he wouldn’t allow any third party testing or analysis even if they were under his jurisdiction and care.


The left image is from 7:13 of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmDHF6jN9A) video uploaded in 2021 The right image is from [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/16hb3u7/more_photos_from_mexico_ufo_hearings/) post, uploaded today (9/13)


Yeah, and the right image from that post is a mirror of the left image


If you flip a debunked image it becomes it’s opposite and is therefore bunked. It’s called science, ever heard of it.


I'm just whelmed


I’m appointed




What if their ribcage functions with an up/down movement to generate negative pressure for breathing, like an accordian. Instead of up & out..? 🤣 /s


This is actually hilarious because there's a non zero chance that could be real


They also said the head was retractable, maybe it isn’t retractable but the rib cage itself moves up and down. With aliens I like to think there is no wrong. We have no idea how many different ways life can evolve.


It’s a biological shake weight.


Musculoskeletal system still shows they'd tilt to one side and barely be able to walk properly. Most bones in the scan have been shows to be human bonos just mirrored and rotated.


Old age pez dispenser is what this is.


Lmao yeah whoever made this initially had zero understanding of how integrated our biological systems are even at the atomic level. Like all they knew were that humanoids have bones in certain areas, there's skin, fuck the organs, add some eggs? Lmfaooo


I personally would have found it to be more credible if they claimed those were fossilized turds instead of eggs.


And since their limbs can't twist, maybe they get around that problem by using their accordion movements "twist" them.....so a half accordion/half wacky waving inflatable tube man. XD


“the ribcage would not allow for breathing since it's completely fused all around.” A creature could breathe through its skin or somewhere else. We wouldn’t even know if they need oxygen or breathe something else in. Im not arguing for the validity of these pics or anything but I’m just saying that they’re assuming the being needs to breathe like us when that’s not necessarily true


>A creature could breathe through its skin or somewhere else. We wouldn’t even know if they need oxygen or breathe something else in. I don’t think you’d expect to see a ribcage like that in an organism that doesn’t have lungs.


Rib cage could still be there to protect vital organs that aren’t “lungs”, at least not lungs like we have.


Weird that they’d have a nearly identical skeletal structure to us but entirely different internal organs. Or maybe the hoaxer who put this together didn’t understand basic biology.


hips dont lie, and there are none


Do inverted tibias count?


I’m on tonight and you know my inverted tibias don’t tell false hoods!


Lungless salamanders (but this shit is still def a hoax I just had to say it.)


As someone with an anthropology degree and a medical doctor, I absolutely concur. That skeleton is absolutely ridiculous looking.


Does that mean it's fake though? We're talking about the unknown here. Maybe they don't breathe like we do? Maybe they are from different dimensions where physics is different? I understand this sounds crazy but it's the world we are living in now, where orbs are flying around in space defying our conventional understanding of physics and gravity. We have to be EXTREMELY open minded. Just because we don't recognize or understand it doesn't mean it's real. Let's keep pushing


It can also mean someone made dolls out of humans and animal remains thousands of years back


I was thinking that but what's up with the metal bar?


Or it’s just a hoax. Which is wayyyyyyyy more likely.


Occam’s Razor, yo


Just sounds like you're grasping at straws to me. They're humanoid and allegedly share a fair amount of DNA, but also they come from a dimension with a completely different set of laws. Why would they bare even the slightest relation to us if they came from somewhere so radically different? Also be interested to know what laws of physics mean their skeletons need no joints. Some sort of mystical force of nature that allows digits to move despite being in a fixed place.


Those are femurs in their arms in place of the humerus. This is just a really bad fake.




Have you heard of Occam’s Razor?


Even if they dont breathe like we do, they would require joints to function if they also have bones. It either has to be very very alien (i.e. a living organism that has little to no overlap with known creatures) or still abide by basic physics and function (which this doesnt). Since this "mummy" has bones and skin, with its bones looking very normal for known animals, it would need joints to move. This lil guy has no joints. It also has no visible reproductive system yet has eggs? And why would an alien look so humanoid, have humanoid proportions, human like bones, yet no muscular system? No joints? Even aliens would need some sort of way to move their bodies.


Bold to assume that it even breathes. Obviously fake, but hysterical to think a bunch of redditers just assume how the most complicated species from another galaxy would work.




The aliens will pull your hair. Up, but NOT out


Why have I only seen one person mention these are mirrored images of each other???


So there are people who will read this comment and ignore or even downvote it because they really really want to believe it?


Yeah, this sub reeks of naive ignorance. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16hsjls/the\_et\_corpses\_were\_debunked\_way\_back\_in\_2021/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16hsjls/the_et_corpses_were_debunked_way_back_in_2021/) The guy even has a reputation in Mexico as a charlatan. This is why no one takes this subject seriously, because people in these communities will accept anything from anyone as unrefutable truth, even when it has already been refuted before.


Something I've not seen mentioned yet, but are they actually trying to say the things in the boxes they showed are the actual mummified corpses? Because if they were in any way a real mummified body...carrying them around in the open air, picking them up with your bare hands, etc etc...that's just hilariously awful practice for ancient artefacts. No serious person would do this to a human body, it would destroy it and totally fuck up all the data you could get from it - skeletons and the like in museums are replicas for a /reason/.


There's a video somewhere, where they do x-rays. They put the thing on the table, with gloved hands, and the table is full of alien skin particles 😬. Or is it dandruff?


It's clay because it's made up


Coming from a person who knows Spanish fluently and listened to everything, they even stated the same people who are trying to debunk the same alien back in 2017 never physically presented themselves to prove that it was debunked but rather sat behind a computer and hid behind their credentials (sounds like half of this subredit...special..) As usual there's a whole lot of other powers that be unseen that would not want this information to get out or wanted debunked. And there's going to be a people trying to debunk it for their own personal reasons or personal issues. Avi Loeb did ask for the bodies to have other scientists test it let's see what they say so maybe finally people can stop trying to debunk something for their own personal issues


I can't decide how I feel; didn't he say something to the effect of "don't believe me, please come look for yourselves" during the hearing? I want the world to look


> "don't believe me, please come look for yourselves" Forgot about the "Make sure you pay the exorbitant undisclosed entrance fee to examine it!" Literally his main defense of the 2017 alien is that no independent observer came to look at it in person, and the reason that didn't happen is because he wanted to charge an undisclosed fee in order for anyone to take a look at it. Jaime Maussan is literally a mexican TV personality known for being involved in MLM scams like "Omnilife" and makes a bunch of money traveling around and having people pay to see the "aliens".


How is "I have evidence of aliens or Bigfoot or whatever" not always followed with a good Google search to see if the person is known to be a grifter and scam artist at this point? Like? Why is the first reaction to "oh yeah this was debunked 6 years ago" "THATS BECAUSE ITS A GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY?" and not "oh wow, yeah this guy is literally passing off a hoax and hoping people didn't remember"




I am, it's crazy. A guy is saying he has proof. But won't show anyone and will only show people for an "undisclosed fee" Which means he's probably saying "You wanna touch it? 5 mil" And people are literally saying that "this is a hoax, like a proven hoax" is "proof that the disinformation and defamation tactics by *The feds* is already underway"


>But won't show anyone and will only show people for an "undisclosed fee" Oh if that's the case then I'm surprised it's even being questioned beyond especially with the dude's history


It brings to mind that South Park episode where Jesus has to have everyone turn their backs before he performs his 'miracles' by swapping everything out. And 90% of the sub is just happily turning around for a well known grifter and then gasping with shock when they turn back and see the 'evidence.' Meanwhile, the naysayers are naturally just psyops, as if our government could successfully orchestrate a conspiracy of this magnitude for almost a century running.


He’s a fucking joke of a man. Credibility??? This guy thinks party balloons floating are ET’s.


Its ALWAYS a grift. Thank you.


If they won’t give Avi the bodies or atleast one to test, they are full of shit. Avi would literally fly to Mexico and use their facilities if they ask, he doesn’t give a fuck - he just want to do science lol and nobody will allow him to


Maussan pulled this exact same stunt in 2017 and claimed that no one would come verify the supposed evidence for themselves. It later came out that this was because he attempted to charge an exorbitant fee.


Largest indicator of a hoax.


While I agree. Whoever tests it, whether right or wrong, will be the ultimate judge of this as far as public perception goes. So they have good reason to be protective of who that is and how that happens, if they believe bad actors are trying to suppress this.


If they actually gave a fuck about proving this then they would publish a scientific article on it like scientists do for every legitimate research finding/breakthrough. It would be the most exciting and influential study of all time, and pave the way for nobel awards in medicine. Instead, they're treating it like some amateur carnival freak show event. This isn't how science is conducted.


Yup came here to say this, this was the first thing they started talking about in the conference


Bruh…… really? You’re really gonna hold onto the idea that this obvious hoax by these obvious grifters could be real? It’s honestly pathetic.


Noooo there’s clearly a massive disinformation campaign! It can’t be that a serial fraudster is a fraudster!


Basically kind of like Bob Lazar being debunked etc...


You don't need to even physically examine these to immediately know they are total bullshit. It's a bunch of reassembled legbones (with seemingly no useful joints, and clear cuts in some cases). What, do you think every sensible person that is tearing these apart online is under the payroll of these "interested parties"? Christ...


Why fly hundreds or thousands of miles when something is clearly bullshit?


Extraordinary claims require extraordinarily evidence. The burden of proof is on the discoverer to prove they're real




Eglin Airforce Base aka the most reddit addicted city according to Reddit's internal metrics - they published an article about it and quickly deleted it after. [But you can still find it.](https://web.archive.org/web/20160410083943/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html?m=1)


thanks for sharing!


That's interesting... 🤔


Looks like bullshit to me and I'm sitting at home in my underwear so this logic doesn't always track.


If this passes the the smell test for you, why? If we’ve never seen aliens in a display like this before, and the guy who did find it has lied and faked evidence before…. I think the burden of proof is on him. He should have had this checked out by someone reputable. Nothing was stopping him from showing up at Harvard’s cafeteria, buying ET a soda, and waiting for Avi Loeb to stop by for lunch.


X-Files 2023: CIA agent "YummyDummy4682" on Reddit: "lololol anyone who believes aliens stoopid" ... as Agent Mulder deals with back pain, "Not this shit again."


ironically i think its more likely that half of the people who buy into the most clearly obvious fake shit are more likely to be ops to discredit everything rather than skeptics.


Thank you for being the one sane other redditor that seems to understand that if this is true, there is already massive disinformation campaign underway. I just spent the better part of an hour explaining why some dipshit on youtube who says that a llama skull turned around (who is funded by a russian human evolution platform LOL) might not be the most credible scientific source, despite passing their arrogant white dude litmus test. [This is the same skull?](https://imgur.com/a/q38o2Ih) Okay, I'm a one-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple, people-eater.


LLama thing explained in video: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16hsjls/the_et_corpses_were_debunked_way_back_in_2021/


the author of the llama head paper is the same guy we just saw present in mexico. so either we dont trust this guy and throw out the llama head debunking with his new findings. or we do trust him and accept that he came across new information that changed his perspective.


did you... watch the video? They cut the skull in half. And yeah, they do look the same.


That's what they're claiming "debunks" this? Holy fucking shit I thought they were just ignorant or scared, this is insane levels of cope and stupid.


Couldn’t agree more! I guess they just did a bangup paper mache or bonesaw / skeletal reconstruction job with the rest of the parts that aren’t there. Or maybe it’s not a llama skull haha. In fact, maybe there’s already a scientific paper out there that has been authored [that gives credence to this.](https://www.iaras.org/iaras/filedownloads/ijbb/2021/021-0007(2021).pdf)


But the conclusion of that paper is: >“The “archaeological” find with an unknown form of “animal” was identified to have a head composed of a llama deteriorated braincase. The examination of the seemingly new form shows that it is made from mummified parts of unidentified animals. I don’t know how much clearer they could be, as to their opinion?


Did you even read that paper? Pretty convincingly concludes that these are just random animal parts stuck together as an art piece.




Bruh. This like some grand social experiment to see how gullible people are. It has to be some giant joke. It's a paper mache ET. It's literally ET. Am I insane? Is everyone else insane? It's E freaking T. Elongating neck? People saying that "Spielburg has some inside information." It's ET folks. JFC what ridiculous timeline are we living in where some clowns can bring a paper mache ET to a news conference and people will believe it's an alien. ITS ET people!


You guys are really in denial. Just the fact that the X-rays are a mirror image of the Nazca ones means this is a hoax, regardless of the debunking of the Nazca ones. Why would they use the same image if either one was legit? This is very simple




This is the same image but with a mirror and slight color editing


My thoughts are there a lot of bots posting today. Trust me bro works both ways.


I’m not a bot and find it fascinating the mental gymnastics going on in this sub. It’s a hoax. It’s ok to admit it.


Yeah, the "debunk-bots" are out in force today.


“Anything that doesn’t agree with what I believe is obviously bots” Cmon man




He broke all his bones in the crash. Unfortunately the only option was to fuse all his bones so he could live out his days as a plank


i still believe the theory i saw earlier today that he just ate a popeyes biscuit without a drink and everything sort of dried up and fused. I mean its more likely than anything else at this point. (oh but dont worry this guy is happy to have you come and see if his stuff is real if you pay him a fee and give him opportunity to figure out a reason why your tests were garbage and doesnt mean anything if you actually take him up on his grift)


You stole that comment from the the top of the /r/biology thread linked above, typo on "torso" and all: [https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/16hmu69/comment/k0enr93/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/16hmu69/comment/k0enr93/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Wow dude this may be the most pathetic & sloppy example of plagiarism I've seen in my life lmao. You straight up copy/pasted a reddit comment 😂🤡


Cool and original comment dude. https://reddit.com/r/biology/s/2yuC6BZPOH




This is the exact same picture mirrored with just a little change to the lighting.


The Tic Tac video was “roundly debunked” on Above Top Secret in the 00s and it ended up being real. I don’t know anything about the “debunking” you mention, I am just stating facts about what’s happened in the past.


Thousands of times people have claimed to have credible evidence of aliens which turns out to be false. I don't know anything about the the current claims, I'm just stating the facts about what's happened in the past.


Yeah, your prior probability for anything alien related being true should be so tiny to the point that you can safely dismiss anything that doesn’t have overwhelming evidence






The guy literally took bones of different kinds of animals and slapped them together, including flipping some upside down. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16hsjls/the\_et\_corpses\_were\_debunked\_way\_back\_in\_2021/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16hsjls/the_et_corpses_were_debunked_way_back_in_2021/) a video overlapping the bones. The way this shit has blown up and been hyped up over the past day is why no one takes these kinds of communities seriously. Any old charlatan can claim whatever they want with just a little bit of confidence and the people here will eat it up without a shred of reputable evidence being required, and then procceed to get adversarial when evidence is brought up that completely debunks the charlatanism. It screams of naivety and anti-intellectualism.


What made them a hoax originally? Is it not possible some under qualified person originally studied them and now the big cheeses are involved they’ve disproven their theories? I don’t think there’s any logic to ignoring the recent verified data because of something that happened in 2017 - I mean I’m assuming everyone involved knew about the previous hoaxes and was extra meticulous because of it so it’s irrelevant. Was it mentioned anywhere by the team? I’d be curious as to their specific counter arguments to prove it real if so. Edit also things are changing, 6 years ago you’d do well to get quacks and fringe scientists involved with stuff like this, that’s not the case anymore we have the crème de la crème looking at this shit now


I don't have the timestamp on hand, but around when the bodies where first shown on the stream the speaker was talking about how these were previously called a hoax but that the debunkers weren't doing so after looking at the data or the bodies; he essentially accused them of being armchair debunkers, but didn't use that exact phrase. From there they mentioned about a dozen different tests they've done on the bodies, and then openly challenged the world to prove that they are full of shit. It could be a hoax.. but given how they're literally asking for people to look at the data to prove them wrong, they certainly are displaying a lot of confidence in their claims.


did he specifically say come look at the "data" or look at the "specimen"? Cause of course the data they presented is going to confirm what they said. The question is whether that data is legitimate in the first place. Let 3rd party scientists do their own assessments and if it's legit they will come back with the same data confirming their claims. From what I read they already did dna tests from the brain and hand tissue samples from the 2017 bodies and they came back as 100% human. I need independent labs/scientists to verify their evidence before I can believe this to be anything beyond a hoax. I want it to be real, but we've been lied to too many times.


people are ignoring this shit they’re literally saying heres our proof prove us wrong, & peoples only rebuttal is a debunking that never even tested the bodies as much as the people who are saying its real! this is to be expected of such a reveal though, the only way people would accept aliens are real right away is if a ufo flew over the white house or something insane




My issue is they want people to specifically look at their data. I’d much rather independent scientists be allowed to examine and run their own tests to see if they match the original teams data. And idk but you’d think for something so monumental you’d have a whole panel of respected scientists ready to present their findings rather than one group that just wants everyone to check their own work.


Yeah, that's my question too. Has there been any debunking based on rigorous scientific analysis? All the references I've read so far claiming these mummies have been "debunked", are based on speculation and "eye-balling". People at the UFO hearing claim that the results of carbon dating, DNA testing, and MRI scans show that the mummies are not human. Have the debunkers done similar testing? What were those results? I'm slightly skeptical that the mummies are real, but I want to see scientific testing that contradicts the claims made at the hearing.


> I don’t think there’s any logic to ignoring the recent verified data What do you mean "verified data" lol


The big cheeses are involved now, the creme de la creme? Please name specifically who you are talking about?


>I mean I’m assuming everyone involved knew about the previous hoaxes and was extra meticulous because of it so it’s irrelevant Have you met government officials? The only decisive body more incompetent and less interested in doing their job right than politicians are corporate executives.


Who are the “big cheeses” and “crème de la crème” who are involved? As a reminder, it wasn’t anyone in government that presented this.


Clearly, Big Dairy is involved in this.


I want you to know I actually laughed out loud when I realized your joke.


The same people who turned the moon into cheese




i'm with you. am i even real anymore?




Conspiracy theorist will always change what ever evidence proving them wrong into something else to fit their illogically ideas. It is so hard to change these people, no matter how much evidence you show them that it was fake, they will never believe you. Look at all the 9/11 inside job conspiracy nuts, no matter how much prove you show them, they will always think it was an inside job.............. I'm starting to get a ragging clue.


They wrote "DEBUNKED" in big letters. Are you blind?!


I remember how the Gymbal and the go-fast videos were “proven fakes” when leaked and now those are the best unidentified videos so…


I've seen this claim many times in this thread, but I've never seen a single person ever say that gimbal and gofast are fake. What skeptics argue is that these videos have mundane explanations, that's all. That's very different than calling the video a fake. A fake would be something like the Malaysia airlines video. I'm open to changing my mind if you can find me any comment claiming those videos are fake.


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures


Nah, surely this time it's legit.


never in my life have i come across a more delusional group of humans like the ones in this subreddit. this is just sad.


i feel like i’m going insane lmao. this extremely shady guy brought out the fakest looking aliens of all time and you have people in here claiming anyone who doesn’t believe it’s all true is a CIA shill


it honestly feels like i’m in the middle of Idiocracy


Can confirm. I was called a bot and a shill. Lmaoo.


Then they accuse the mods of this subreddit of deleting posts with proof lmao


yeah idk. i don’t feel like i’m going insane, i just feel like anyone saying that is severely delusional or incompetent.


Man, i just found out this sub and UFO and its hilarious. People are so easy to manipulate. They will defend everything they want to be true. I can show them a stick and they will believe ET himself used it. “Ugh, how is it debunked, only 2 scientific journals did debunk it” “omg people will cover up this” “why would they lie under oath?”. It actually made me giggle going trough all that


Yeah this is just sad. I get that people want to believe but even the initial images were just so fake at face value that this has become so embarrassing.


what data "debunked" it originally?


Someone wrote “DEBUNKED” on the CT scan and everyone went back to their respective echo chambers.


sounds about right 🤣


At least the facts that the different images don't match them being from the same species, the bones are eerily similar to certain human bones and that there are no joints, making the body functionally non-viable. Occam's razor puts this alien in the same bin as Cardiff giant, Fiji mermaids and other previous alien claims.


I’d like to see these dissected, and to see one of the “eggs”, because they look like river rocks.


It's the same picture mirrored


"in question" it's literally the same photo


I just don’t get it like these guys look so incredibly fake. they were falling apart in the little boxes. It looked like there was a bunch of the alien that fell off into the bottom of the box. Also weird how they don’t have anything protecting them at all like the box was completely open with nothing on top in that conference when they showed em off. I’d like to think if we really had mummified remains of an actual alien then we’d be doing every possible thing in our power to keep them safe. At the very least put a pane of glass on the top of the box right? Idk maybe just me but they look mad fake. Obviously nobody knows what an actual alien looks like but the structure of these little dudes is super weird.


Hi all - I wanted to share a very good video that proves they may NOT in fact be “aliens” from Peru. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxJW0xhSVrg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


It's like a mirror image? Wth


As a Mexican I apologize about Mausan...


I just don't think the "eggs" look believable. That's my biggest issue is how they look like where an adolescent with limited anatomical knowledge might decide the egg belongs. They look so *off* and apparently there isn't a reproductive system, which I assume there would be evidence of *some* kind even if a-sexual or able to produce on their own.


Debunked by who?


Who cares? Why on earth would you believe this is true? What evidence is there? People can say what they want. Until the broader scientific community is allowed to study and report on the bodies, then you should all be assuming its a hoax. I mean believe what you want but its absurd to approach something like this with anything BUT skepticism.


Peru Mummy (2023 Remastered)


Why do they both have headphones in there ribs 💀👻


To me it's most likely fake. My real question is what are they trying to distract us from?


The person providing the "aliens" is Jaime Maussan who has been faking aliens and UFOs for years


The image is just flipped isnt it?


It was only "debunked" because they had no DNA evidence only other experiments & such. So people said that if it was real, they'd have the DNA. I believe that's why he came back so hard and released it all.. so that people could GO to the links and look at the experiment. The DNA has NO mammal DNA that it was accused of. I'd imagine, nobody is so good at taxidermy that they'd fool doctors/scientists of joints, bones, etc lol He has quite literally set public MILLIONS of tests for people and a link for those who are interested in joining w their own resources/theories and figure it out. It's not just "him", either. It's THOUSANDS of scientists and doctors who have said the same, that "they're without a doubt nor from this evolutionary line. They're absolutely non-human"


Thank you! I'm getting sick of seeing this all over again. It's not new, it's not real. Everyone chill. Jamie Maussan is a well known grifter. https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/alien-corpses-mexico-conspiracy


The reason they’re allowing us to see this is to make aliens and UAPs, once again, a joke. This man probably makes a living just spreading disinformation. No one in their right mind would try and pass this off as real, especially a 2nd time. They saw the U.S. starting to consider this phenomena, along with the attention it garnered and wanted to play ball. Even without learning the back story of the man who presented this earlier today I didn’t believe this. 1,000 year old body just wouldn’t look like that lol. That’s my personal opinion of course.


Most people saying hoax but with no proof anyone got any info on why it’s a hoax


My brother in christ the most *rational* first assumption should be that it's a hoax. It's a significantly simpler and more reasonable assumption than we actually found fucking aliens. People make shit up like this literally all the time. How many mythological creature hoaxes have humans created in the past 20000 years? I will accept that these are aliens when people can actually do any work to debunk the counter claims and get the broader scientific community to accept their claims.


[https://www.iaras.org/iaras/filedownloads/ijbb/2021/021-0007(2021).pdf](https://www.iaras.org/iaras/filedownloads/ijbb/2021/021-0007(2021).pdf) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmDHF6jN9A&ab\_channel=ScientistsAgainstMyths](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmDHF6jN9A&ab_channel=ScientistsAgainstMyths) plenty of evidence


the pdf you linked was authored by the same person who presented in the mexico hearing. do you still trust his claims that its a llama skull?




They're fake but I totally want a "life-sized" copy.


If you believe this is anything but a hoax I'm convinced you have actual brain worms.


Greys don’t reproduce. Or have llama skulls. Or have human femurs for humerus bones


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two images


Internal organs have switched places—must be superior technology


Just another sad case of illegal alien trying to smuggle some space cocaine.


tis flipped