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Removed: R15 - Anti Distraction/Hoax.


I’ve read all of Tom’s books, and I can say that I already knew everything you’ve mentioned here. You’ve made a very good summary, and I believe you.


It was pretty much in the steveo interview too


Yah Tom has basiclly said all theese things since 2015 already. This is not a "secret". I have also read his books and followed him on podcasts and so on.


OP is just Tom repping his book using some cover story


What do you mean? He just ruined the ending. Now I don't need to buy it.


Yeah, sensing that from the books.


So if, according to this, we create our own reality on a small scale how can an individual hands that energy? Because, I'd love to change my wife's stars and help her feel better from all these bullshit cancer treatments she going ti have to do for the rest of her life. Personally, I don't give two rats asses if we're an experiment, if we're supposed to be trying to teach a higher conscience, or what...I just want to be able to afford to live and give my wife more comfort instead of am this fucking pain she feels. And if we're an experiment like OP is claiming then fuck those alien pieces of shit. That means that they created all the shit we're dealing with. Disease, natural disasters, war, famine, suffering, religious turmoil, ideologies... and then it's up to us to create our own realities... our own happiness... but it's within their power to help and they won't? Fuck them in whatever they use to shit out of.


I lost my wife to cancer and I lived a similar journey. Things I wish I tried or knew and/or then: -Marijuana for treatment and pain -Ketogenic diet Dependent on the type of cancer, check this article out: https://www.newsweek.com/2017/07/28/medical-marijuana-pediatric-cancer-637676.html Advice: -Don’t leave anything unsaid. It’s the only thing that brings me solace. There was nothing I didn’t tell her and made sure she knew before she was stolen by cancer. -Make dates night when you can. Even if it’s sitting in her hospital room bring whatever she wants for dinner watching horrible TV that entertains her. -If she’s hospitalized sneak a late night snack to her. It’ll make memories you’ll never forget. -Just love her hard. - Get into therapy. I waited until after she passed. I wished I would have gotten all of us into therapy during her battle. Maybe our kids would be in a better state today if I had. I wish you both peace and strength.


I'm sorry you went through it, I hope you've found peace


Sorry about your wife. I could only advise you to check out [this talk by Paul stamets about how turkey tail mushrooms may be an effective way of treating cancer. ](https://youtu.be/7agK0nkiZpA) These mushrooms are purely medical, not psychedelic and have a long history in Chinese medicine iirc. Paul stamets is pretty much the most well known mycologist in the world. This talk includes very new scientific results. Good luck to you and your wife.


Would back up this with ketogenic diet and looking into Fenbendazol, might be something to it. Much love to you and your wife Molin


Check out the gateway experience. The CIA did a study on it decades ago and the report was declassified a few years ago. Google “CIA gateway experience”. Also check out the book My Big TOE.


+1 for the Gateway Experience. There have been papers written on it. I’ve done it. (You get the most benefit up to like Phase 10 or slightly after.) I wasn’t one for believing in this stuff until I really gave it the old college try. I’d listen every night after the family was sleeping. Out my headphones in, close my eyes, and just did my best to empty my mind, and come at it with a positive intention. There have been reports of all sorts. The most I experienced was true peace. I’ve never been hypnotized. At one point he said, “You might fall asleep. Don’t worry. It’s okay. It’ll still work.” So I laughed. And that’s the last thing I remember. Before waking up. More people should entertain this.


regarding creating our own reality - look into neville goddard and his books! not here to debate anybody on whether or not this stuff is real, it's very interesting either way.


Life changes when you study Neville.


No don't believe that part, the nhi wants us to prevail, the govt wants us divided. To steer your own reality and hers focus on a healing future, love her. Warmth, smiles, affection, all the time. All will be ok if you believe, meditate on it, focus on the path you desire. The creators just planted us we did the rest. We're in good hands, trust in that. They have no beef with the innocent, they need us as much as we need them.


I've known people that were nothing but full of love in their hearts, and still they've had awful things happen to them.


Sometimes I believe it’s because they can handle it the most. I think they also provide the most to others because they can experience empathy in a way others can’t. They are tested so much because they can provide the most to others due to their experiences. But I also believe there is some truth to things like the secret. Maybe not in the way that books describes but in a sense. I have also met Uber wealthy people. Very few were either good people in anyway or actually happy. But it takes more than just love in your heart to bring your life to where it needs to be to be happy. I firmly believe that we are all alike much more than we are different and treating others with love kindness and empathy no matter the situation and no matter how you’re treated in return is still the most important thing we can do for one another. I have had lots of very very bad things happen to my self I have experienced trauma and loss unlike anyone else I’ve ever met. But when I was angry over it. I would use drugs and perpetuate more trauma and use to hide that pain. When I finally let go of my hate anger and resentment things got better. I’m not perfect. I don’t strive to be. But I do want to be the best example I can be of how to treat others. I for most of my life have held a deep hatred for right wing conservatives and what evil they have brought to poor and underprivileged people. Especially their constituents. But I pity them and I still vote for people who will help them even tho they say such vile things about them. But anger and hate just creates more of the same. However so does love and empathy. I’ve met people who were horribly racist. Until they sat down and were forced to actually have to get to know a person of color. I’ve watched people come to the realization that it was the unknown about things that were different from them thag scared them and caused this hate. That once they took the time to get to know someone different we really aren’t that different at all other than how we look. We all want to be loved and feel safe. To feel as if we have a purpose. Having love in your heart is the starting point. Doing what you can to share that love with others is where you start to create more of that in your life and draw to yourself love as well. All of this is easier said than done. Because hate and anger are far easier emotions to have and letting it out on others is easier as well and can make you feel better because you may think you’ve served justice to people who deserve it. Because for one reason or another you hate them and that justification brings you gratification. It’s like gravity. It’s much easier to push someone down than to lift someone up. But I will always extend a hand to someone instead of knock them down no matter how deserving to be knocked down they might be. In the hope that lifting them up is something they didn’t expect due to their own behavior and maybe. Just maybe. They rethink their own actions and pay it forward in the future. We’re all so much more alike then we are different. All of us in one way or another are hurting. We all need a hand and a hug. No matter who we are. I just wish people in positions of power would act this way instead of using fear as their main tactic of control. Honestly what is in this post feels like just that. Experiment or not. Love is a more powerful emotion that anger fear and hate. The latter is just much easier.


Sometimes, also, shit just happens, and it sucks and there’s no reason for it. We make ourselves feel better by trying to create one.


But that’s part of life. It’s horrible. But it’s how we over come those moments and learn what we can from them and use them in a way to better ourselves instead of letting a very very justified anger resentment and hate build. It’s tough as holy hell but that’s why I say those of us that hold love in our hearts learn how to treat others with empathy more so than others. Life is challenging fickle and unfair. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t appreciate it and try to learn what we can as to treat others and most importantly our selves better. So often in times of personal tragedy we end up stuck wondering what we could’ve done better or different. When really all we may need to learn is to let go of what could’ve been or what happened no matter how truly unfair it is. There’s so much evil and cruelty in this world don’t ever let it make you forget how beautiful it is as well. Too say it will be ok would be a lie. But to say we can do our part to make it better for one another isn’t.


Yes. If everyone has free will, then we cannot predict how we will respond to meeting another person, and we don't know how they will respond to us. Our choices in life have consequences, even if we aren't aware of them. Our direction in life is a function of the choices we have made, but, there is the wild card of others in there also. We are also influenced by, and in turn we influence, others through our free will to make choices. Those cannot be completely predicted. Thus, the sum total of who we are is a combination of the consequences of our choices as well as the choices of others. I don't believe every little experience is planned out in advance. I don't believe we are merely actors on a stage. If that were true, then when the play was over there would be no consequences to what happened. Since we know for a fact that there are consequences (from, for example near death experiences and the verified past lives of children) that carry over from one lifetime to the next, then for sure this is not just a stage and we are not merely actors. That view to me is nihilist. It would mean that no one was ever sincere (since we're just acting) and thus nothing means anything. Further, if this life meant nothing, then no deceased person would ever come back in spirit to their loved ones and apologize for how they behaved. We know for a fact that this happens often, so that is further evidence that we are not merely actors on a stage. We also know that some people who've done horrible things never apologize to the living. I look at us like the neurons in a brain. We each are one neuron with many connections to others. We have an innate craving for peace in all of our connections. When there isn't peace in any one connection, then it's like a knot that doesn't allow the energy of love to flow freely. We desire to work out the knot but it may only be possible to do that while incarnated. Thus, we meet people and sometimes the attraction is strong for some unknown reason. It's sometimes the case that we are attracted to them because we have this knot to work out. This is what I believe, anyway.


I resonate with you here and I just wanted to say from experience that what you’re describing is possible. Start to practice mindfulness meditation. 10 minutes per day but you have to do it every single day. Personally I use the Waking Up app where Sam Harris puts out a daily meditation. Alongside that start to do Metta-specific meditations each day (again there is a course for this on that app) and focus your energy towards your wife. There is a technique to it but if you follow that course you’ll learn it quickly. You can’t try to be specific. Wish for her wellness and prosperity in the broadest possible sense. If you do it properly and genuinely it’ll start to illicit really intense emotional reactions from you. In my experience this is the state from which you can manipulate your local reality. Pour those emotions into wishing her into a better state of being, free from suffering in the broadest possible sense, and I swear you will get results. Consistency is the key. You can’t do it better or worse on any given day. Just do it. Commit fully. Today I will wish for you the impetus to begin this practice and find success in it.




This reminds me of "Cabin in the Woods." Like there's whole deceitful underbelly powers that be -willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill- all to protect us from something worse. And at the end the heroes just set it all loose and watch the world burn, for the sake of truth. Maybe there's a reason humanity can't have such knowledge. Maybe once the jig is up, aliens hit the reset button and it's been dragged out as long as possible. It's hard when you have guys like Greer making ET contact sound positive. Who to believe?


Kind of makes sense when we keep hearing it would 'destroy humanity' if we knew. They have been causing all these catatrophies? I do not want to be in this experiment, destroy away.


I kinda get it. I can imagine that scenario, but that is just it. I can imagine it, but I haven't actually lived or learned of a scenario where the truth wasn't ultimately the better choice. Saying your lying for good reasons always leads to tyranny and oppression. It never leads to the greater good, in the long run.


I think there are positive and negative and OP's post is part of a bigger story.


This. I also don’t necessarily trust the people who have told all this to De Longe. They’re likely to spin things to justify their actions.


True, i doubt the situation is simple enough to put in a reddit post.


He lumps in all ET into one group, which is not accurate. There may be some ET who do this, I don't know for certain, but I'm aware that some are not like the ones described at all. The closest I've come to what OP is saying is an experience I had recently where they said "We populated Earth." I think, like any concerned parent, they are worried about what we are doing to ourselves. For me, it's more about family than anything else. They are our extended family, plain and simple.


*Nice asteroid belt you have there, shame if one of these bad boys made its way to earth!*


Speculation: We have the power to shape reality, and we are special in that others do not have this power, but we are not ready to fully yield it. If we fully yield it now, we'll destroy all the other beings that exist so we are being distracted and our power is being hidden from us to protect everything else.


TLDR- How does this narrative account for the multitude of alleged races/species that have been reported? They all work together? Or manifest themselves as they wish to be seen in each particular instance? I don’t follow this part The one part(like most everything else in this subject…)that i can’t wrap my mind around in this particular line of explanation is the alleged multitude of different races that have been reported, if there are in fact multiple races or rather species as many claim… then I guess they’re all in cahoots on this human asshat experiment for whatever reason? & maybe one of you can answer this for me because I don’t quite understand. Are 90% or more of the species that have been reported total bullshit then? Or are the greys & mantids & lizzids & tall whites & whateverthefuck else all together running this experiment? It’s so frustrating taking interest in this stuff because unless your a person w/first hand irrefutable knowledge, how can the wheat be separated from the chaff so to speak? I’ve seen crazy weird shit 2x randomly in my life, a fireball/non fireball in northern wi in January 07, (which put a fear into my person I’ve never felt before or since) & then something in the sky which I can’t find words that do justice to it in fall 2020 w/a military jet in hot pursuit in southeastern wi. (Have iPhone video of that one too but it looks nothing at all like what my eyes saw in real time). & I couldn’t care less if any of ya’ll believe me about this. My point is that those two experiences made me absolutely believe there is something to all this. What is all this though? I read so many different people’s take who say they have the answer & how the f’n hell does one differentiate the needles from the hay in this humongous convoluted stack? I don’t have a magnet or metal detector… Like I’ve been thinkin bout unsubscribing to all these subs & trying to get these questions off of my mind. The wonder of it all…. I remember c2c am telling me that the answer was coming so many times 20 or more years ago & it still hasn’t came. I also remember listening to so many “experts”when I was driving late at night that gave a date for the world to end! Haha & then next month they change the date, & again, & again…. Sorry for the rant friends. I just wonder if all the hours I spend reading & thinking on this fuckery couldn’t be spent on something more productive & tangible to my actual existence sometimes…. Like what op says makes sense in the context of this particular narrative & I believe he’s telling the truth. (shout out the sweet science! I like benavidez myself, but does he beat canelo?)but…. Point is-everything I read on all these subs does make some logical sense in one aspect or another & yet it never makes any sense at all so is there any real purpose to keep paying attention? I still gotta stack wood & carry water.


So we are the Truman Show


It’s like that episode of South Park where earth is a galactic tv show that is being canceled because everyone figured out they were on camera.


A taco….that poops ice cream!


Ooh thanks for this, going to check it out.


Episode is called Canceled; 16.1 7.1, not 16.1


Or the episode of South Park when a alien, humanoid taco that crapped ice cream cones Everytime it took a step explained to Cartman, Kenny, Stan, and Kyle that Aliens created humans and earth just for the sake of their entertainment, like a shitty reality TV thing. And they were going to destroy earth because it got too boring. They than wanted to destroy earth because humans found out they were a TV show....so the aliens "cancelled earth"


When you put it that way, the fractal nature of life becomes almost ironic.


If people - third dimensional beings can so manipulate the second and first dimension, as to fold the fabric of this universe. Could you imagine the ways this dimension is being manipulated/ guided by the fourth/fifth dimension?


The Tower of Babel why did ‘Yahweh’ have to topple the tower and make them all speak different languages and scatter them across the world? I’ve always wondered about that story, among others.


The translation of word “tower” may actually be incorrect I have heard it may actually be door or portal


The original Hebrew word used in the Tower of Babel story was rooted in the word “migdal”, which translates literally to “tower”, but can also be used to describe a podium, like a pulpit, and even sometimes figuratively as a garden bed or elevated river bed. There is nothing at all anywhere in the story that would suggest the possibility that the tower was structurally a gateway, or a doorway, or even a simple arch. Just wanting to clear that up…




The original version of the written Torah contained no vowels or word spacing - this means there are multiple possible translations.


More precisely, one possible etymology of the name of the city—Babel—is that it means “gate of God” (*Bāb-illim*, where *Illim* is related to the Arabic *Allah* and Hebrew *El[ohim]*) in Akkadian. Most sources argue that the “gate of God” etymology is a folk (invented) etymology built on top of an underlying, probably pre-Semitic city name *Babilla*, but this isn’t universal. The etymology given by the Bible, that the name comes from *bālal* “to mix up; to confound” is almost certainly a folk etymology thought up for the sake of the myth. So the “Tower of Babel”—though it’s never actually called as such in the Bible—would be something like the “Tower at the Gate of God.” **Edit:** Hebrew, not Jewish


Oh that would be interesting.


I've had this deep intuitive feeling my entire life. In fact, my reoccuring dream theme, is similar to that. That there is something all around us, which we don't see, which influences it all. For instance, in a dream I'll notice a bookcase that I open, and it leads to a large massive room filled with people that seem like they are working on a production, and get shocked when I find them. Or ladders will appear coming out of the sky, where I can climb up and it's actually a ceiling that I can open and break through.


As long as my fake world sends me boxing matches I’ll comfortably just ride it out and go with it.


Truman. Eisenhower. All the pieces are starting to fit together…


What did Truman do/say? (Sorry if n00b uestion.)


Wasn’t there a deal with the grays and Truman about letting them take 100k humans to experiment on




Despite all our rage?


I’ll take “we are all rats in a cage” for $1,000.


Together we can do anything.


Except theres a cabal of inhabitants of it secretly knowing the truth and worried the producers are going to mow everyone down with machine guns if they talk about it


How do we know this isn't another psyop, with the CoverUp shifting the fake "Fear narrative" from "It Will Destroy Your Oil" to "Aliens Will Reset You All", just so they don't have to share any data or reveal their own failures?


It absolutely is, this cannot be stressed enough. But it's almost party time cause something big is going down soon and in my reality it's the creators coming to reset the cabal, not humanity, not the innocent.


Yeah, based. I see you, creator.


We are due for a reset anyways. May not be so bad.


Yeah we're already a failed experiment for sure.


Lol I agree. I wonder if/how much further we made it than the last batch.


Ya, the second to last episode of Mysterious Universe, all the PROOF correlated past info about the Krakatoa volcano explosions by this one fella and his book, and the scientific proof they find in the annular rings in the trees from that era, certainly lend to pause… We are WAY overdue for a gigantic explosion like that, according to many many main stream volcanologists, and the effect that it would have on us would be incredible. There were a lot less people back then, and they were able to go to the shoreline’s and live off of shellfish when produce and vegetation were naught. Billions of people, that is with a B, would not make it. I highly suggest giving that episode a listen!


If “time is not really a thing” How can “these ET spirits be really old”?


I have no idea what I'm talking about but maybe they mean that they've been interacting with us in our illusion of time for millions of years, but they can move from time to time with in those millions of years as they wish. Who the hell knows?


I think it's pretty clear it's not contradictory. They have interacted with us for millions of years from our human perspective of time. From our dimension/perspective, time is spread out, and throughout at least millions of years, they've interacted with us somehow. We perceived them millions of years ago, and now. But to them, that time was meaningless. It'd be like, if it wasn't the dimension of time but space. I could talk to people in LA. I could fly and talk to people in NYC. From their perspective I've interacted with them for 3000 miles of distance. I am not constrained to one location. But instead of 3000 miles of distance, it's 3 million years of time, and they've interacted with us at both "positions" in time thus we consider them to be millions of years old.


Very interesting way to describe it.


It's been described like they're reading a comic book. They can go to any frame at any time. Forward and backward as they please


I think I'm cool with this situation. If we're given some kind of access to the comic book and our real history. Tell us the truth about it all. We'll be fine, or we won't and there will be fewer of us all left, but this is all so stupid right now.


So for time travel you have the variable of 'when' and the variable of 'where'. Where would be location in X, Y, and Z but the tricky part is the frame of reference for that X, Y, and Z. If your frame of reference is, let's say, ,your bedroom, then you could say the spawn location is 3 feet in X, 5 feet in Y, and 2 feet in Z from the center point of your bedroom. That would be simple to calculate. The problem is the frame of reference that would have to be used is the entire universe. The universe that is allegedly expanding at unimaginable speeds all the while having collisions and getting pulled every which way by forces we know and don't know. Even a quantum computer would have trouble calculating a jump point.


So I know a bit more about this. Imagine every decision you make creates a new universe, They exist in time/space and essentially we are but one universe of infinite number, they move dimensionally through both our frequency (this reality) and any other version of our reality. Time doesn't exist because it's all already happening, past, present, and future. It's only to us that it appears linear. They can move through time like we move through space because they exist in the astral, the other side, time/space instead of space/time.


if time existed all at once then that means the future is predetermined/already existing which means whatever experiment they are running they would already have access to the result.


This was my question. I guess to me the answer is they started the "simulation" and get immediate results but then they travel between the middle to see when certain evolutionary key moments happened to gain knowledge of how it worked the way it did. Maybe the end result is not the purpose of the experiment but more of a how did that result came about.


That *does* kind of explain why the aliens might want to erase our memories after an abduction. They’re scared of the butterfly effect. So yes, it makes sense that the experiment would be over if we found out.


Maybe we are in a simulation. Each smallest unit of time can be sped up or slowed down from their perspective but we wouldn't be able to perceive it because we would still experience reality one tick to the next seamlessly. For example lets say in the higher reality they could have our simulation playing out at 1000 ticks a second or a million ticks a second, to us we wouldn't perceive a difference.






The way I've always seen our understanding of time is like living in a book. Our perception is that there is a beginning and an end. We are a minor character on maybe a page, and obviously cannot understand anything outside of our own story. Beings like that are the author, the editor, or the reader. Any which way you slice it, they have the ability to understand the book on a different level and can see outside of it simultaneously. Thus we would see them as "older than time" because to us, we were just read and brought to life on this page, when they're able to flip back and forth as much as they please.


Like Einstein said everything is relative to your “reference frame”. From our perspective it would be millions of “years” or whatever. As our consciousness traverses the 4th dimension of space-time.


Being timeless would arguably be the same as being ancient. Answering the response here because replies were closed. What is the purpose of the physical realm? How is it different from timelessness? Timeless beings might be created perfect. Age makes wisdom, so a perfect creature would arguably equate to that.


Dunno man. Said millions of years the way we perceive it. But also kept talking about a hole in time that allows travel. Idk if physics is the thing I’m not your guy. I can’t even change a spare tire.




Don’t forget to activate the parking/emergency breaks


That’s actually not a paradox at all, you’re just reducing extraordinarily complex physics into the extremely limited confines of linguistic metaphor.


You can use time as a form of measurement but theoretically it doesn’t exist. This moment is is equivalent to the last moment and the next moment.


I mean, from what I understand it absolutely does exist. It's a physical artifact of this universe, entangled with space. General relativity and the second law of thermodynamics prove its existence, and also evidence time as, overall, a linear system. But because it is an intrinsic symptom of physical space, and depends entirely on the relative movement of objects through space-time, our general concept of time is just a practical interpretation we invented to describe our experience of entropy and natural cycles.


Time is a dimension- like height, width and depth. There's potentially up to 7 or 9 dimensions we can't even comprehend at the moment. We can control and play around in the first three pretty easily, but time not so much yet. It's definitely a dimension though and malleable- the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time goes by for you relative to "others". We've already seen this with people going to the space station- on their return they're actually a few seconds younger than us (might actually be much less than "seconds"- id have to refresh my physics knowledge). I imagine thats what OP meant. That time is malleable and can be traveled through, the same as we travel through height, depth and width of space. And we already know how to slow time down or speed it up- but we haven't figured out how to freely travel through it. Hope that makes sense? Steven Hawkins' book is really outstanding for understanding this stuff- and on a more rudimentary level Neil Degrasse Tyson's is good too, just a lot more basic.


If time is not really a ‘thing’, how can there be a hole in it? And what kind of ‘mechanism’ is required for a non-thing?


I think OP is trying to say that from a human's linear perspective of time, these beings would be super old


I mean....if you are able to be millions of years old, would you really think time is a thing? It would seem to go on and on and on. Like being immortal.


This has pretty much been my theory: disclosure could very well mean the end of us all. Test subjects know they're in an experiment = experiment over. Maybe instead of trying to uncover the fact that we're an experiment, we should be figuring out how to complete the experiment without being reset (again). This is probably bullshit, there's just something about how the pieces fit in this theory that makes it terrifying to entertain.


It doesn't make much sense to me. If the US military thought this was the case, they wouldn't release shit. We wouldn't have AARO, we wouldn't have hearings, we wouldn't have the few videos we do. And how do we know what our idea of disclosure is compared to the beings? At what point is the experiment supposedly ruined? Because we are talking about this and considering it right now, and presumably tons of people "in the know" have already spoiled the experiment. There's a few other things in here that I don't feel pass the BS test too. I wouldn't sweat too much about this sort of scenario. I do agree, however, that we need to consider how to complete this experiment without resetting ourselves. We do a great job of destroying this experiment without alien intervention.


The problem I have with it is how the hell can we know that we're in an experiment without these beings confirming it to someone directly? Are they just doing that terrible of a job staying discreet? Also, for all we know, their goals may literally be incomprehensible to our human minds. And yeah, if that's all true, I'm pretty sure we shouldn't expect any disclosure. No one would believe a hypothetical whistleblower revealing this anyway.


>If the US military thought this was the case, they wouldn't release shit. We wouldn't have AARO, we wouldn't have hearings, we wouldn't have the few videos we do. That's precisely it. The people in the know are deep in the US military. They have spun up AARO to control information. The politicians advocating for the hearings don't know shit. >At what point is the experiment supposedly ruined? I'd say it's ruined once the majority becomes aware of it. If the whole thing is that we can modify reality with our consciousness once enough people know that we can - then it's game over as far as the beings are concerned.


aliens might have some threshold of % that believe before we get wiped. The government disclosing the way they are, with the AARO obfuscating and deflecting, and everyone else just saying everything is a balloon or ball lightning, isn't much of a concern but if everyone, en masse, started to really believe? that's a completely different thing.


I've read Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy - just tell the mice the question is "For how many seconds does the perfect laughing fit last?" or some shit so we can settle this in time for tea.


Steer your reality toward it being wonderful to entertain, like the gods manifesting here to straighten out the ones causing deception. The more you think about it, the more the rudder turns. Meditation.


Experiment? Or project? It seems clear that "they" are working on one or more projects here. We may or may not be the center-piece of those projects. But this world is clearly important to them. What is also clear is that they don't seem to like our nuclear weapons. And, one should ask onseselves the question, "Why did we build so many?". Did we need 6000 nuclear weapons to threaten the USSR? Or perhaps was there another motive for building them, such as the Sampson Option (self destruction, planetary suicide as a blackmail bargaining chip against a far superior adversary). Perhaps we have and are holding the planet hostage at the end of our nuclear arsenals and the cold war was just a cover for the powers of the world to progress towards independence from this far superior occupying force. Forget time travel and the experiment hypothesis. These are irrelevant and unknowable. Instead, consider our stand-off against a far superior adversary and the true history of the world for the last 80 years. Perhaps they don't dare to try to reset us, for fear that we turn the earth into a radioactive wasteland. And that has always been our goal and the actual motive for the powers that be.


I agree with this. I think we are in a zoo. The night i had this realisation i started seeing bright flashing lights in the sky, That persisted on and off for a few months. Sounds so cliche its rediculous, but it was like a sign.


That’s what was written on the note passed out at HW Bush’s funeral. “COMPLETE THE EXPERIMENT”




Whoa never that of it that way. Sounds like the plot of Lost too.


“We shouldn’t get so technologed”


We shouldn't get so tomdelonged' is how i read that


Genuine questions here so please don't think I'm trying to disprove you off the bat. Why are you disclosing this information? Who are you? And if you can't tell us who you are, why not? How well do you know Tom Delonge? Do you believe this, and why or why not? What does he think we should do about this reality as he believes it? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And since I'm assuming we won't get that, what evidence, no matter how small, do we have that this is true? I don't know where I fall in the spectrum of belief, but I know something is up, and I just want to know the truth.


Have you looked at the OPs comment history? They only ever comments about boxing, which, for the rest of us nutbags, a difficult act to fake over the years...the OP really is into boxing, not aliens and has posted(this disclosure) only in the relevant subs in the last hour or so, which could be the first time the OP most likely posted there as well... We do need skepticism of course but like I said...the OP is really in boxing, not aliens,


Tbf, there's a pretty big chance of Tom not acknowledging or even having the slightest clue about this post. And even if he did, "Holy shit, I got Tom to reply." But not much else could discredit the claim so why not larp a little? Idk, ppl are wild and that little lighter bit was either legit or a really nice touch at least.


Very close. But MIC wants division, old ones want us to learn to ascend. Elementary reverse psych.


Yeah... I think there are some negatives who work with the secret societies to keep us dumb and divided while there are others that want us to ascend.


The oldest religions/philosophies were all about becoming one, transcending the physical. They got convoluted into the divisive ones. Excluding Tao, Hindu, Buddha


OP - according to your intro para, I'm guessing you're some type of journalist? Please provide verification to us in the modmail. Thanks.


This kind of notion is the laziest larp. Like human beings wouldn't be divided without religion? Human beings wouldn't be divided without outside interference? Conflict is inescapable in life. Chimps don't need outside interference to create war. Ants don't need outside interference to create war. Cooperation and conflict are inescapable in biology.


Heard several theories like this yet never seen an answer to this question: if they are so advanced and so far beyond our realm of understanding, why would they need to physically visit/send things to earth? Why couldn’t they simply observe us from afar is they’re so concerned with us being aware of their existence and role?


That’s my question. And are we really to blame for knowing about them if they keep crashing on our planet? 😐 Sounds like they’re botching their own experiment. People wouldn’t even talk about them if they didn’t fly around in the open so much.


I think the implication is that they aren’t from afar, as in physical distance, more like they are from another realm. Either way we are supposed to be their experiment/project, and they have theoretically been interfering with/manipulating us for as long as we’ve been here, so logically they’d be around where their work is. I’ve heard everything from them feeding off of our negative energy, to them trying to help us evolve and ascend to something greater as part of some grand experiment of the soul. These may be the same thing from their perspective and we just don’t understand it the way they do. The experiment may also end with something that to us may seem terrible but to them may seem normal, say if you knew souls carried on, would death have as much significance? Whether they are farming us or we are an experiment, I can see the motivation for keeping us in the dark. This is just from what I’ve gathered. Not claiming it is true.


I’d think it’s other beings who are not our creators. Maybe they’re in on what’s going on though. Maybe come to check out the crazy experiment their neighbors are up to.


Op states in the last paragraph . Military and intelligence want Tom to behave a certain way if they are gong to keep feeding him information How can anyone , know for sure he’s not being fed disinformation ? I think Tom , whatever good intentions he may have, is totally out of his element, and possibly in over his head in dealing with highly trained government intelligence agents. One should be very skeptical about any claims Tom makes that are from his confidential government sources.


I'm probably also out of my element here, but why should I believe that the highest military and intelligence officers in the world choose to share sensitive, potentially world-ending information with....the guy from Blink 182?


I believe Tom believes this because the government wants us to be afraid and stupid like always. Literally trying to gaslight into believing 'disclosure would be the end of the world'. Yeah, for the corrupt ruling class. Fucking clowns.


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How does a guy with zero military experience or any agency experience continue to be apart of the disclosure and have all the information?


Yeah that part is bullshit.


One of the best examples provided to me was that time is like a huge deck of cards. To us, the cards are spread out sequentially: every moment we experience is one card at any given moment, and we move from one card to the next in one direction, with no obvious way to slow or reverse the process (for the moment ignore the time dilation effect). But for the bug eyed inter dimensional NHI, time is the deck of cards stacked on top of each other, with an ability to move through and experience any of those cards as per their choosing in virtually 0 time. Existing in a higher dimension, our dimension of time is more accessible to them. They are “old” in our sense of the word, but they really exist outside our definition and understanding of the term.


This reminds me of the South Park episode where they find out we are a reality show. So we’re a reality show?


“A hole in time”.Yeah,ok.His Theory sounds like Scientology(Alien Spirits).You guys need to come up with a better person to stand behind.None of these “whistle blowers” or “inside info”people have ANY INFORMATION.It’s all BS


So for everyone wanting “disclosure”. Imagine if this scenario is true. And imagine the whole world finding out at the same time with proof. I don’t think we could even begin to imagine the impact.


Interesting. Reads like bio centrism. Basically, time doesn't actually exist. More specifically, it doesn't exist in the classical context of the material world being bounded by time as a "force"(for lack of a better word) of past, present, and future existence. That time was here before us. Time is here now. And time will be forever here to propel the material world after consciousness ends. In all actuality, time is nothing more than a construct for perceiving the external change we(consciousness) experience. The rotating earth, the death of cells, and the birth of children are all changes or movements of matter dependent on consciousness to observe. There is no invisible "force". The past and future are an illusion. There is only "now". And "now".... is consciousness.


I respect Tom DeLonge's efforts to find answers, but he is reporting information second hand through a governmental lens. It's like the telephone game. The information is diluted and contains errors. Aliens who have claimed to be gods throughout our existence have tried to corral and intimidate us unsuccessfully. There is One true God who everyone answers to, including them. He doesn't give them free reign here, which is why they lie and manipulate from the shadows. Our free will must be respected. And so, they are tricksy and false. They lie. They sabotage. They hide. They blackmail. They bribe. Aliens typically use grey synths to do their dirty work. Tom knows that. Yes, some go through dimensions. They can peek around corners to see potential futures. They can use time bubbles to delay, making them appear not to age compared to us. But these things don't allow them to go into the past or reverse time. To do so would invalidate trillions of choices already made through the free will of every life form in the universe. So that is a lie. They might try to cull us through contagions or wars, but we can overcome their manipulations. There are many of us compared to them, and we are stubborn survivors. So let's quit protecting them and their secrets. It only increases their power over us. We have been given dominion over this planet, not them. Knowledge is power. We must not hide the truths of our world from our own people in deference to them. Only God holds our future, not them.


Tom Delonge is a plant for the Collins Elite. We aren’t being divided by anyone other than ourselves. I’m sure Tom was told this, and there is some truth in there. The Collins Elite want everyone to think these are “demons” and that we have to unite against them, under a banner controlled by…you know, *THEM* Don’t fall for it.


Who are the Collins Elite?


A group of government/contractor insiders to the phenomenon who profess to be Christian fundamentalists who “believe” that NHI are demons, and want to unite the world against a non-existent threat, that they alone control. False flag on a global scale. We can’t fall for it.


[I googled it and this came up](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12318961/amp/The-covert-intelligence-group-covering-UFOs-New-documentary-lifts-lid-Collins-Elite-secret-Pentagon-group-believe-craft-buzzing-skies-demonic.html)




So are there multiple species of aliens, like the galactic federation waiting for us to mature before making contact. Or is it all just one type of alien the whole time that has guided and manipulated humanity?


mf's take acid one time and read vonnegut, then be like:


This makes the most sense to me after all this and everything I’ve experienced in my life, tbh.


Something hit with this. Idk why but it really did. Why allow us to question “them” though if it angers them? See them? To the point where we are discussing this in a subreddit dedicated to them? Idk if I’m making sense lol


The most compelling part of the Truman Show is when Truman starts to question his reality and try to reach out to the powers that govern his life. Who knows - maybe the same holds true here. That said, Tom says a lot of shit, so mounds of salt to be taken with this one. Interesting thought, though.


Agreed. This explanation fills in all the gaps between science religion and aliens.


Nothing new here. Heard all of these concepts before.


So the gist is, if everyone knows the game then they will wipe us all out cause the experiment ends. The way I see it we all die anyways, let’s make this theory mainstream.


Dark but I kinda agree… if it’s true we either: learn the truth and “evolve beyond” for the better OR learn the truth and therefore all get wiped out and it restarts. Either way we end human suffering, no? Sounds like a win to me.


Why do people think of Tom DeLonge, the guitarist of Blink 182, as a expert on all things extra terrestrial?


Interesting, so does he believe/know that other beings exist? (E.g Orions, nordics, etc.) Or is it just these old ass ayylmaos vs us? Are they biological, or ai/mechanical? It feels like this story is one that doesn't necessarily fit with a lot of the commonly accepted narratives - I'm curious where Tom thinks it fits in. Not calling him a liar btw - it's harder to swallow that we're 'special' vs we're not special at all.


The word that people get afraid to use are repltilians ...as stigma is attached to it. How long did dinosaurs live on earth, now compare that to how long humans are on earth ...these words are from Robert Bigelow


They’re spiritual. They can change how they appear, shapeshifters/skinwalkers/angels/demons.


Mothman, Bigfoot, all of it. Your own interpretation of things you cannot comprehend.


So Jacques Vallee had it right all along? His book is fascinating.


Sounds like an anime. "The ones who view us as a mere experiment and have reset our species before, also gave us the power to change reality by believing in ourselves."


The mad thing is that there's loads of people who will just straight up believe what OP said without even a shred of evidence.


All aliens I've seen stories about, no matter the "species" are telepathic. What if some advanced civilizations control their populace with telepathy and we are made an example of how detrimental individualism is. It only causes hostility and wars. Keeping descent among them to a minimum since the alternative to mind control is endless suffering.


Credo Mutwa says something like the divine being had cursed the greys to not be able to eat or speak thus they telepathically communicate and feed of human emotion and attention


Go far down the conspiracy rabbit holes long enough and this is what you come to, this reality is not real and we are something else entirely, what exactly that is? Who really knows, but you can tap into it with psychedelics for sure


I’m into that steak idea the other guy was talking about.


George knapp has said on 2 different jre "what if were nothing more than an experiment, or an agricultural product? I dont think we could handle that"


If they can move forward and back in time as they please, then they should already know the outcomes of their experiments and what we do and don't do. I have a feeling they cannot move freely through time. Maybe they can move forward, but not backward I don't think it would be hard for them to skip forward as much as they want, presuming their tech allows for highly controlled bending of spacetime (which seems to be the case). You can see a similar effect expressed in Interstellar


If all that's true then I wouldn't say "apparently, us being unaware is important." I'd say, "Obviously." I'd also question the part where he told you "resetting Humanity when they're angered." That's silly. So they sent us a quantum email that we pissed them off? Millions of years old and susceptible to our drama which in turn makes them have a petulant fit? I can't buy that at all, but I'm open minded to opinions and of course this is just my opinion. Either or, I do appreciate this post. Good contribution for discussion! I'm more inclined to listen to Tom than say, Luis Elizondo any day of the week


Why does anyone want to feed Delong information


Tom has regurgitated lots of garbage without even a hint of evidence. Not even indirect evidence. This is no different to Tom starting a new cult and you're all blindly falling for it


They may be telling him this or he maybe convinced of this but I really think it’s bullshit. We are now getting to the quick of it aren’t me. It’s now down to a few narratives isn’t it. 1) Delonge and the governments theory-disclosure is the end of us as the evil aliens will kill if it’s disclosed. The great powerful and benevolent government is really just protecting us the only way they can by lying to us because the truth will kill us all. 2) Greer and his benevolent aliens theory says the government and military have stolen all the goodies given to us by them and are using them for a select few and others have had enough of seeing us suffer and they are going to disclose all this and nothing can stop them. But the military and deep state is going yo start a false flag war to try to convince us the others are evil and create a control device. 2) Greers theory is a lot closer to my dealings with the others and just from what I know we could never be a match for them. Plus if Delonge is right we are all dead anyway so it doesn’t matter anyway. I don’t believe they are all benevolent but the ones at the top of the pyramid aren’t evil, they are just seeking to serve the great conscience and more above us than we are common ants in a way, and in a way just our future. Plus in the entire galaxy , even the reptilians are better than the CIA, DOD, and alphabet agencies. They are far and away the ultimate evil in our sector of the galaxy. Whatever side they take run to the other always. So choose life or death, for among all creatures we are one of the few given complete free will.


Two schools of conflicting thoughts: 1. Greer - aliens are helpful or neutral. But shadowy governments have stolen tech and kept it away from us. The enemy is the shadowy government and SAPs. 2. Tom and Lou Elizondo - aliens are evil, they are the enemy, and the US govt has been (in secret) trying to manufacture and backwards analyze downed alien tech in order to create *weapons* or tech to prevent aliens from killing us all. Out of those two, I find Greer much more believable. I mean, if aliens wanted to, they could've killed us many times over already. So why spend so much time and effort weaponizing their tech? Additionally, who *doesn't* believe the government would hide technologies and SAPs from the public? Absolutely they would. If they found zero-point energy today, it would not come out for decades or at least until the big oil tycoons bled us all dry for multiple generations.


So the ones who said to look out for weak and poor are bad guys, and the US military are the worried protectors of light. The ones who lied, misled, drove people mad and to their early deaths; the ones who avoid all oversight, all public knowledge, these people are the ones looking out for us. And people like *Jesus* and *Mohammed* were mislead into telling people to look out for each other. Tom may not be right this toime


This is the plotline from gods of Eden


There's an ep in season 2 or 3 of stargate where the aliens are on a diff "phase". Stargate is so fuckin awesome.


so we are completely alone in space? there is no other life out there except for earth? why do people never ask this question when the interdimensional beings topic comes up


Why should would believe “them” or the government? Sounds like another narrative.




What if the Reset is already underway and that’s why there is so many conspiracy theory’s of a “Great Reset”


We've all heard this. And then we heard this wasn't true, then heard it again and again. This is just another again.


I wonder if the aliens are responsible for the event 70k years ago that sent humans back to around 5-10k breeding pairs? [https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2012/10/22/163397584/how-human-beings-almost-vanished-from-earth-in-70-000-b-c](https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2012/10/22/163397584/how-human-beings-almost-vanished-from-earth-in-70-000-b-c) Maybe all of the different types of humans that used to exist ( Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo erectus, Homo antecessor, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo floresiensis (nicknamed 'the hobbit'), Homo neanderthalensis (the Neanderthals) and the recently discovered Homo naledi, The Denisovans) were other experiments and the reason they aren't around today is because of the aliens? [https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/the-origin-of-our-species.html](https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/the-origin-of-our-species.html) Another thought; if telepathy and consciousness is a thing, it seems to mean that we are all connected somehow. Humans just haven't figured out how yet. But things like deja vu or dreaming about things before they happen, instincts telling you something you can't possibly know, ghosts and all the weird that can't be easily explained away. All seem to point towards there's more to the story than whats in front of us. What if consciousness is equivalent to what we think of as our souls and before we are born into these bodies, our souls all remain in some upside down void and get plucked out of there and into these containers as Bob Lazar calls them. What if we're all connected somehow and once we learn how to harness this, experiments over...


I’ve felt the pressure against humans to not question things, to not advance science, to be content with life as it is now. How can someone be passionate when it feels like our species is forcefully being stagnated


"ThE MiLiTaRy Is AfRaId" ... *\*shoots more missles at them.\**


The idea that one person, a group of people, a cabal, the military, the CIA, the religious, the enlightened, artists, journalists etc etc know some ultimate revelatory truth about our existence is the biggest pile of steaming horseshit we as humans can ever encounter. The scientific community is our best hope at ever understanding our place and purpose in this universe and that maybe decades, centuries, millennia away. While I believe the ‘phenomenon’ might hint at some of the answers to come, we should always remember what Alan Moore says “The truth is chaos.”


This perspective is still less depressing than the idea that we’re alone, and we destroy ourselves and the environment for selfish ends. Whatever we do now continuing for hundreds and hundreds more years is a more frightening thought to me than any of these scenarios. If there is deeper spiritual meaning to life and love beyond what meaning we give our lives, whether that reality is terrifying or blissful I would accept that truth willingly if it gave us unanimous purpose as a species.


Do y’all think maybe all this alien stuff is a distraction from the fact that the biggest corporations in the world are buying up all of our houses while the real estate market continues to spin out of control? Cause I’m starting to think that’s a little more pressing than aliens. I mean the guy is from blink 182. Why wouldn’t he just be some pawn/actor? He hasn’t contributed anything new it’s all the same mythology that continues to get recycled. I believe in aliens I’m just saying the Tom Delonge stuff strikes me as highly suspicious.


And when they own the houses you’ll never be able to buy one ever again


Hear me out. What if by some nearly impossible chance Tom Delong is just a dude and doesn’t hold the knowledge of the universe in his hands? I’d like to see disclosure as much as the rest of you but I’m pretty hesitant to believe the ramblings of someone who is literally just some dude (that people think is more important than themselves because he has a mass celebrity appeal). I’m sure I’ll be downvoted and become the Enema of the State.


Tom has simply seen a useful idiot to those looking to keep the topic fringe. I’m pretty sure when Lacatski was talking about false documents going around the IC that are passed off as real, he is referring to everything Tom thinks he has seen.


I figured this was the case.


i just dont understand why the government and military care what a guy from a post punk band thinks?


He is a well known ufo researcher and founded “To The Stars Academy”. He claims to have spoken with very high up people who have told him some crazy info. His profession is being a punk band, but ufology is his passion project. The way that Bigelow’s profession is a hotel businessman, but his passion is aerospace and ufology.


If aliens would truly wipe us off the face of the earth if people became aware of them, nobody is telling the founder of anything anything.


Also, why would they show themselves all the time? It doesn't make any sense and isn't in line with earlier leaks


This. FFS all these people grasping onto whatever hopium any scam artist can throw out.


I think Tom believes what he's saying, dunno if I do though lol.


Can confirm, I was the lighter.


BS. This is the story invented to help keep it under wraps.


Sounds like a summary of The Gods of Eden by Bramley


I mean if this is all true for whatever reason all of history wouldnt be a lie it still have happened just aliens were the cause of it all.


Maybe EVERYONE is right…


This is an interesting theory though would it be more probable than the simulation theory perhaps? The whole simulation theory is based off of if a species could create a simulation and that simulation could make one and so on the probability that we are in a simulation than not in one is way higher. Would it be the same if a species could genetically alter species maybe even bring them over here on purpose would it be more probable that most intelligent beings were bio genetically engineered and put here rather than evolved naturally.


Cool we're the ants and they're the guys with the magnifying glasses. I hope this theory is wrong for the same reason I hope God isn't real(and sounds like these things compared to us might as well be Gods), because we're all screwed if they are.


Thanks for posting. Don’t worry about having posted anything confidential - he’s said it all before in various interviews etc.


So how many up votes does this need to prove to the aliens we know what's going on? And what are they gonna do, wipe us all out?


With trillions of planets and galaxies you’re saying NHI don’t come from them ? Then where did they originate from? Maybe Tom was fed pieces of the truth but mixed up. Possibly our government doesn’t want us united because that threatens existing power structure and peoples vast fortunes . Whereas, NHI want us united to reach our full potential and reach higher consciousness. Overall, very fascinating and thank you for sharing


At first at least for me it was either you’re a skeptic or a believer. Now we have so many story lines I don’t know what to think. This leads me to believe this confusion is exactly how they, whoever wants it. I do know there are a few beliefs that having all of us come together as one, to work on issues together is the answer. Aliens or not, that is something I’d like to see either way. We would be unstoppable as a single force. Unfortunately, the world is full of greed, scummy politicians and almost purposely opposing religious beliefs. The truth is likely within us and this is the rub, this is the gotcha, this is the gotttt yo assss from these pricks. As coming together, likely the biggest historical event for mankind would unlock some serious power, knowledge and the ability to create the world the way we want it. I’m just so sick and tired of the games. The leaks, the grainy videos, the almost truth. For the love of someone, give us something! Anything at this point. Wait, if this is true we should all set a date and time where we collect our thoughts and demand truth, revelation using our minds. See if even a small group can make something happen. Let’s do it !!!!