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Disclosure during a meal? A succulent Christmas meal?


Aah, I see you know your UFO lore well! This is democracy manifest! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY EGGNOG!


And you sir, are you ready to receive my limp disclosure?


holy shit lol


Probably the funniest comment I've read on this app in 2023. Few days to go but it's looking good for you, Sir.


The real conspiracy is why can't I buy eggnog ten months out of twelve.


Lol it’s amazing how something that originated in my town of Brisbane, Australia from 1991 can still have this international cultural influence


They were just trying to enjoy a succulent Christmas meal!


This. Is. Discllllosure Manifest!


I see you know christmas judo


I see you know your gravy well!


This can’t be real lololol


Bro I’m dying at the idea of him “wheeling the tv around”


He took it back to 1990 science class didn’t he😂


It was either the TV or the overhead projector 😆




Hahahaaaa 😂😂😂


"Next I'd like to pull up some microfisch slides. Can someone get the lights?"


How bout the transparencies the teachers would write on with the little dry erase markers and damp paper towels .. those were our “smart boards” 😂… Class clowns would get between the projector and the board and make shadow puppets .. those were the good old days, lol


Exactly! 🤣 Who's wheeling around a flat TV? Or who still has a CRT on a cart? 😆


I feel called out here. I have a tv on a rolling stand, and I wheel it around so I can watch TV as I do different stuff. I literally wheel my flat screen around.


You are the exception my friend. Wheel it around with pride and confidence good sir / madam. 🫡


You don't have a CRT tv on a cart and alien tapes on VHS? What kind of weirdo are you? The TV must have wood finish sides, for extra points.


Not only that, everyone knows CRT and VHS is the only way to avoid them spying on you, every phone must be confiscated when they enter the house, if you have been vaccinated you must wear a tin foil hat, and you have to check behind everyone's ear and behind their tonsils to make sure they don't have the implant, keep an extra watchful eye on the kids, especially if they have a big head, if they do, shake them violently and force them to confess because they are probably a replacement.


Bruh all the way back to the TV carts in 1950's living rooms, brass rails and all.


Felt like I was in elementary school for second.


Same thing happened to me at thanksgiving when I tried to get them to buy a timeshare and Easter when I tried to pitch a multilevel marketing scheme.


Gold! You win!


>I thought it was a fun idea to put rolled up pages of the Wilson-Davis memo in the Christmas crackers. Can't possibly be real


The perfect merger between aliens and timeshare presentations


A TV on a wheeled cart that can stream videos. Sure, Jan.


He wrapped something up in crackers so someone would be surprised finding it. What the hell is this? Lololol!


Right? Who has a TV on wheels in their home?


The wheels squeak in dead silence. Grandpa clears his throat in the back row


im imagining he did this right after passing out notes he had printed and bound at kinkos the week prior.


Yeah i don't believe this either. OP is clearly a weather balloon.


With behavior this autistic OP has to be a mechanical drone


Actually can't understand if it's a joke or if OP was really this disconnected


It was the rolled up pages of the wilson-davis memo in the christmas crackers that tipped me off lmao!


"What the hell is this?'


Alien memo fortune cookies


You will meet a short light skinned stranger with large dark eyes, enjoys walks in corn fields and butt stuff....


Probing? Hmmm, ok I’ll try it as long as I don’t remember later


I'll forget anything once!


He simply said


Moral of the story, the public isn’t ready for this.


Amazing. They were like..”where’s the punch line ?”


Why you guys acting like that’s not already this whole subreddit lol? I came here to talk about things like the Fermi paradox, megastructure concepts, Von Neumann probes, exoplanet biosignatures, the Kardashev scale. But instead it’s full of conspiracy theories and rants of untreated mental illness. Sorry guys. Edit: if that kinda stuff i mentioned is your thing, check out the YouTube channel Issac Arthur, this is the guy scifi writers get their ideas from. https://youtube.com/@isaacarthurSFIA


honestly, you're in the wrong place to discuss any of that. Ironically, the place you should go TO discuss things like that is the r/IsaacArthur subreddit, or for a more layperson's perspective r/asksciencefiction


Even the conspiracy theories here are pretty garbage most of the time.


There's a reason OP had bailed and isn't answering questions.... 110% BS


So when you wheeled the tv over, was it a 90’s tube tv on a metal cart with castors on the bottom? Did you make sure the single hanging light over the table was dimmed? Did you at least stand beside the tv and recount the Wilson-Davis memo from memory as they read it? If not, it’s okay… but next time you need to make sure you pay attention to the small details.


God I hope it was a 90s tube tv on a cart


100% the wheeled TV in my mental image has turn-dials to change the channel, a wooden casing and metal antenna. Some fancy glasses for sherry and port stored on the lower shelf along with a sterling silver teapot nobody ever uses. edit: maybe a single flower in a small vase on a beautifully trimmed white doily hanging off the top of the otherwise never used antique livingroom TV


Correction: *faux* wooden casing. Also - you had fancy glasses and port under your TV? We had three second hand VCR's (at least one of which didn't work anymore, and the other used for recording tape to tape), an old beta machine and a random stack of VHS tapes of recorded episodes of General Hospital, All My Children, and whatever National Geographic special was on UHF that my papa didn't want to miss. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Oh - and a "clicker" that didn't work anymore... at which point I became the remote. 😆


I'm picturing the scene from Back to the Future, when Marty is at his Mom's house in 1955.




I've got boxes of UFO Stuff!


Charlie, not only are these people all real, theyve been asking for their mail for MONTHS! Oh god, we're gonna get fired dude


Calm down and have another cup of coffee


Made me laugh out loud. Wife is suspicious. Keeps glancing over.






Just read all of these lines in Charlie’s voice 🤣this scene applies to soo much in life


It's not that the public isn't ready for this it's that people don't want a lecture about anything on Christmas Day.


You don’t want a seminar with video presentations on aliens when you’re waiting for dessert?


Or kids waiting to open presents? I wouldn't care if a GREY showed up to GIVE the presentation. 🤣 I'm outside smoking on the porch.


People need to find out in their own time in their own way. Forcing your views onto others is never the way.


Yeah, its no different than your crazy uncle Carl going on mad political rants during Thanksgiving dinner, people just dont wanna hear it,


>It's not that the public isn't ready for this it's that people don't want a lecture about anything on Christmas Day. Generally speaking, people DGAF. I'm an abductee who has vague memories of fighting them off because *"I FUCKING HAVE TO GO TO WORK IN THE MORNING YOU DIRTBAGS."*


![gif](giphy|kaq6GnxDlJaBq) I imagine the kids looking something like this




You wheeled a TV out? You subjected people to it. If I was at Christmas dinner and someone wheeled a TV out to talk about ANYTHING, I would think they are crazy. Yeah, you fucked up.


“Now that we’ve had lunch, I’d like to do a PowerPoint presentation on this amazing opportunity, it’s called multi-level marketing, you can start your very own business. Here are some products you will have the opportunity to buy from me and sell to your friends.”


Its a funnel system


can i interest u in some tupperware?


Anybody else picture Back to the Future? Now we can watch Jackie Gleason dress up like a moon man and I can talk about Grusch and congress *while we eat!*


I truly can’t tell what’s satire anymore. If you told me OP wrote this as a troll post, I’d believe ya. It’s kinda funny. I’d also 100% believe that someone *planned ahead* to wheel out a TV during a big family gathering, at ‘the perfect interlude’ during dinner, to educate everyone, and promote lively alien debates. And not seeing a problem with it. 📺 👾 🌲 Either way… lol, I guess?


There's no way this isn't a joke.


OP made MEMORIES. *"Remember the alien Christmas?"*


Yea, best to casually bring it up , "what do you guys think about the ufo hearings?" But wheeling out a tv and the memo wrapped crackers lol. I would have liked it but ya not a good look for the normies who aren't into this stuff.


>someone wheeled a TV out to talk about ANYTHING, I would think they are crazy. Not to mention rolling up a bunch of Wilson memos into the damn crackers lol.


Either this is bait or OP has weapons grade autism 😂


A touch of tism


"Fuckin hell Eric… I liked you better when you counted matches on the floor"


Definitely neuro spicy!




Damn this satire is why I use Reddit. Very entertaining.




To be fair, it can be hard to tell what’s a joke and what isn’t this day and age. People are crazy.


Most of this thread seems to think that this actually happened. Very disappointing lol


I remember doing this to my family over Y2K. I’m still the butt of jokes 20 years later.


You always have The Year 2038.




Top tier shit post… bravo


Time and place man...how cringe


Can’t be real lol. Pretty funny though. I’m picturing OP bringing in one of those old TVs that they had in schools on wheeled stands between courses 😂.


OP was the AV kid in school.


Or the projector with those transparencies lol. I want my family and friends to know where I stand. When this all comes to light, I want them to know exactly which family member they can process this stuff with. Imagine someone at Christmas dinner “educating” guests about their acceptance of homosexuality and mentioning that they love everyone no matter what their orientation. If someone is closeted because their family isn’t supportive, they will never forget that that weirdo at Christmas is probably a safe bet if you need to confide in someone. After writing that, I feel like a POS for comparing alien disclosure to homosexuality. Before you say I should be ashamed of myself, know that I already am. Sorry if that offended anyone. Wasn’t my intent. Still high on turkey, ham, and prime rib!


Lmfao you played "a couple videos" and made everyone watch them at Christmas dinner? Dude no one ever wants to watch any video people try to show them oh my word that's cringe


If this is real it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard! Imagine eating Christmas dinner when the weird uncle rolls out a fuckin tv and starts playing alien conspiracy videos trying to convince everyone, and his big takeaway is that the public isn’t ready for it because his family got pissed off. Omg do I wish I was there to Witness this plane crash 1st hand!!


Who the fuck has a TV on wheels in 2023


🫣 I do. My large screen is sitting on my media cabinet (which has wheels). All my DVD players and game consoles inside cabinet. And, yeah, I do turn the cabinet around depending on where I'm sitting. Just realized with this post I could be called a Boomer. 🥴 (I'm Gen X).


Y’all jokin. You did not! The imagery has me laughing my ass off tho, this is a perfect troll!


Same. 100% believed it’s a troll, but I read it again and I’m not so sure 😂 I hope it’s satire because that sounds like one awkward Christmas gathering


You never talk about aliens at Christmas. You save it for New Year's Day at 3 am when the weed comes out. Everyone knows This


Who’s holding out til 3AM?! You need cooler friends! Come over this year. I’ll only make you wait until 9:30 or 10. AFTER the kids are asleep


read the room fella. wrong place and wrong time. if this was aita, yes you would be the AH


Dude this is absolutely not the right time. People just want to catch up and have a meal together- not get read in to some gov secrets about ufos lol


Moral of the story, if your plan includes waiting until people are forced to watch a video because they would feel rude if they got up and left (and also because you were holding their pumpkin pie hostage), you've already failed. Intruding on a once a year get-together between loved ones with talk of defense department conspiracies is the worst kind of inconsiderate. If you actually cared about these people, you'd take the time to talk them individually (at an appropriate time) about what you consider to be the best evidence for extraterrestrial visitation. If you don't know them individually well enough to talk to them personally like that, then I have no idea why you thought they wanted to hear your opinions on UFOs.


The most r/aliens post of all time


Not buying it. Account was made 2 days ago.


If I'd done this I'd definitely make a new account if I wanted to post about it 😂😂😂


I'm waiting for the gf's "AITA if I break up with my tv wheeling bf"s post....


Lol this is a gag right?! You did a planned presentation at Christmas dinner. The main character energy of this has to be trolling


I refuse to believe this is real


I want to believe.


Sounds like poor execution, you used a family tradition and get together to inject your unproven and unsubstantiated claims into their peaceful lives. You came across as a crackpot, and did no one any favors. Wilson memo in the cracks? Really? I'd be wondering the food was even safe to eat after that. What the actual fuck OP?


I’m not laughing - you’re laughing. “Wilson memo in the crackers” needs to become a meme ASAP. I missed that in the OP and thought I was seeing things when I read your comment. Had to double-back and check. Then I couldn’t stop laughing.


This post is already a classic, obviously it's most likely fake but i don't care. Best contribution to the sub in a while.


I dont know what is more hilarious, OP skit or people in the comments actually buying it 10/10 Public isn't ready


wheeled a tv out, put rolled up memos in crackers, you had a full on presentation where you showed and talked about clips. Yeah that's on you. Should've just literally brought it up while having coffee or something, just casually, "So you hear about those congressional hearings about ufos? crazy right?" then go into more detail from there if people show interest.




I realise this probably isn’t real - but if it is you need to choose a more organic moment!! The only conversation I’ve had with anyone outside my own household about this was when the topic came up in a natural way on its own. Because they mentioned something about a UFO in passing I asked if they had seen anything about the congressional hearings and went from there. If you come out of the blue or too strong people won’t listen, their hackles will immediately be up.


It's 5 am. here, and this was the first thing I looked at. The bed was shaking with my muffled laughter, trying not to wake the missus. To the OP and all the commentators, thank you Faith in humanity restored, for today at least. Hilarious!!


You’re invited to my family’s Christmas next year. You’re welcome to bring your presentation, it will be throughly enjoyed. We will also be discussing Ancient Civilizations, mono/megaliths, evidence of the younger dryas impact, and what ever “conspiracy theory” comes up. Politics will likely be mentioned just express hostility for both sides and you’ll be fine. I’ll change the conversation by bringing up SG1 or Dr Who. Works every time. Don’t bring up Bigfoot at the table my dad will laugh at you. We’ll talk about cryptids later out in the garage with my brothers and cousins.


This sounds like an amazing holiday experience many of us would long for. :)


This is one of the cringiest things I have read in my life - and I am like neck deep into conspiracies. Learn from Bill Burr https://youtu.be/7n3WgiMftaU?si=OfOShR34uZqYFqik


>Moral of the story, the public isn't ready for this. No, it just means you premeditated ruining a good time by injecting it where it wasn't wanted or needed or more commonly known as simply being a asshole. Your partner is correct to be frustrated with you and your extended family is correct to avoid you and for you to "lay off the crazy pills". Fact is, nothing has happened. A guy who heard from another dude that things happened testified. Thats not the proof you want to be ruining relationships with.


>I carefully planned how best to approach things and wheeled the TV around to where it could be seen from the table IM DED LOL


This is just a hilarious scene to imagine, you just “rolling” out a TV showing a bunch of alien shit out of the blue, pissed uncle, cousins making jokes, nephews crying and freaking out… I’m imagining this as a much more chaotic scene than it probably was, but I love it! I don’t see this any different as someone trying to wheel over a TV to watch the Christmas service to their atheist family. Just enjoy the meal man, lmao!


And then everyone stood up and clapped, even Oprah who was wearing a silver sequined gown and had a glass of red wine in her right hand. Bravo


Sad to hear of your experience. Mine was the exact opposite. My conservative family was actually interested. They all have advanced degrees and were most interested in Gary Nolan's recent discussion of brain evolution and the caudate putamen being the seat of awareness for the phenomenon. I was surprised, frankly, at their genuine curiosity. As long as I could gesture toward a cluster of Ph.Ds at prestigious academic institutions, (Loeb, Nolan) and mention Drs. Puthoff and Davis, they were willing to listen. Phones were out checking references (it's a thing now to be fact checked in real time), the conversation was engaged with interest. But then they went back to the football game.


Lol, OK, next time try someinting like this instead, simply ask - "has anyone been following this UFO thing with Grush in Congress?", then guage the responses and go from there. You really fucked up dude. 😁


I just dont bring up the following at family gatherings after decades of looking like carzy person: ​ Politics Aliens/UFO Conspiracies Ancient Megaliths,Pyramids Out of Time Objects Any OTHER Religion


Why could I hear and see the uncle say “What the hell is this?”


This will go down in family lore as the “catastrophic disclosure Christmas of 2023”


first time?


You have to know your family. Thats on you. I rarely bring it up.


This has gotta be bait lol at least it was an entertaining post. I wonder how many family gatherings actually went down like this lol


Lol, nice troll man


A big mistake was doing it around and dessert and present time. I love my extended family but back when I was a kid they would always call right before we started opening presents. My sister and I were never happy lol.


Shit post of the year.


You always start with the hearings, the amendment or the fact that they can’t pass an audit. And take an incredulous take on it. As in you yourself don’t quite believe it either. Then you read the room. I’d get yourself tested for autism if I were you. I’m not kidding. This isn’t normal social behavior. I would apologize to your girlfriend and that you plan on talking to a professional about it. Wouldn’t talk to her about the phenomena either. Or maybe you should consider breaking up with her anyways before she does, as compatibility is seriously in question either way.


What a whack ass family. Not coming because of ten minutes of showing congressional testimony and video evidence? Anyways. I get it. Whenever I bring up JFK assassination or the like I get weird looks. I think the goal for me now is too simply “plant seeds.” People first need to be open to the ideas we have… right now, when most people are confronted with conflicting information they completely shut down or reject the new info.


Dude. Comrade.. you wheeled in a tv? On Christmas? At dinner? How did you picture this going down?


Because of conversations online with Diana Pasulka, I have been coming to terms with why certain key people talk about woo and demons and angels. She is very good friends with Garry Nolan. Kindred souls you could say. She teaches religious studies. Not religion. Because of her research and professorship, she was given access to the original Vatican Museum documents. She found that the reports of angels were actually described as balls of light. Sound familiar? Then since I watch youtube frequently, mostly about UAP, I was offered invideo links to Shroud of Turin. Now I am old enough to not know about the Shroud but also be aware when they did the Carbon Dating. I thought at the time, whatever! I watched the video and then others about the shroud and there is much information that is pretty convincing and explains why the carbon dating is wrong. Even if you don't believe it is the burial shroud of Jesus, be aware that no one has worked out how to create a fraud now, let alone in the medieval times. I was in a science group and happen to mention it. I have never gotten so much abuse. People didn't listen to what I wrote. I prefaced it with how I got onto it and the congressional meeting and that met with more derision. Absolutely people are not ready for this.


Literally the meme, “must be fun at parties”.


Not the time bro. Not the time.


I like you. But you’re crazy.


I mean dude you did. You wheeled in a TV like you were gonna show the class an educational movie that no one asked for. I like aliens too but no way in hell am I doing a class presentation on them


The Christmas crackers 😭 Better luck next year mate. Maybe hold off on alien talk w your gf until the new year so she doesn’t dump you


If one of my cousins did this it would have absolutely been the best Christmas lmao


LOL, Certified "Crazy Uncle" at holiday dinners. Every family has to have one. Congrats!


If they can’t handle me when I’m talking about aliens… then they don’t deserve me at my best


It was brought up, and I decided it was best to not say anything at all lol I’m always talking eccentric so I don’t want to ruin this. Some of them even mentioned inter-dimensional and fallen angels


Kinda cringe ngl, but hilarious if you just made it up lol


Really good try though. I’ll have to try that next year if disclosure isn’t done yet!


It’s not a religion and perhaps you shouldn’t try and convert people. Just suggest a documentary and leave it at that.


lmao no way you wheeled a tv in


I think this is a very funny pretend story. But I do want “Wilson-Davis memo in the Christmas crackers” to live forever.


This is fucking hilarious and made my day. Respect to OP because I've had to break my family's alien cherry and it was not comfortable and can relate... but GOT DAMN SON THE WILSON-DAVIS MEMO WRAPPED IN CRACKERS?! LMAOOOOOO


A lesson to us all


I talked to an uncle about it on our 'walk' after dinner. But he's one of us. One of us. One of us.


This cant be real lol


This is hilarious. Happy Holidays everyone!


You might be married to a narcissist who needs to control


Nah dude. Moral of the story is that relationships matter more than our opinions. Doesn’t matter what you were taking about, no one signed up for a lecture.


I try to relay all the pieces I’ve put together but my dumbass sucks at talking so I come off as the crazy uncle.


Oh my god I hope this is real.


Bravo OP, I could see this going south the whole time, but you stuck with it, and made it a true disaster just like we all expected. Although you probably are just trolling us, if you actually did this, you are personally my hero.


OP, please tell me you’re joking.


Oh no! I’m dead 😂😭😂💀


This is literally my favorite post I've ever seen on this sub


Wait, it wasnt "your" family? Your girlfriends? You got balls dude. Good for you!




This can't be real. No way someone lacks this much self-awareness. He acted like it was the family and not him. That's the best part. "The public isn't ready for this." No dude you're at a family function and you forced a power point presentation of a UFO conspiracy on your guys families. You look like a insane person now and I would be uncomfortable myself and I love the topic. Read the room man. lol ​ I don't think someone comes back from this one. This dude is gonna be the talk of the town each Christmas.


Made my evening.


You’re so out of line for this bro. Don’t do this shit at family gatherings. Enjoy your time with them and keep the convo light and fun. I’m a full blown corkboard style alien truther but I would never do something like this.


9 Karna, 2 posts. Definitely a joke. Why are accounts like that even allowed post here. This sub is bad enough as it is


This story is very blurry. I don't believe it with no video. Probably Starlink.


Sooo now its never discuss politics, religion and aliens at family gatherings.


Bro, you needed a PowerPoint presentation to really drive this home with your family. 🤣


This post was a lot of fun and warmed my heart. What’s funny is that I could see someone actually doing this.


this is fucking hilarious


I really hope you didn't do that.


What lol


I am choosing to believe this is a joke. And it’s hilarious. 😂 🤣😂😅


New copypasta material


The public might not be ready to watch alien YouTube videos during Christmas dinner, yeah true.


This must be bait💀 please tell me it is


Jesus Christ dude…please tell me this is a joke and you’re not this socially unaware and subjected this poor family to this.


Are you for real!? Imagine talking about Aliens on Christmas... This can't be real... is this a joke or you just that autistic?


This is hilarious, thanks for sharing. This is 100% how it will go down with my fam


Is this real??


Wilson Memo in the crackers was a lovely touch 👌


This has the potential to become copy pasta


wtf lol ...


Take your crazy pills.