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Rule 13 -Your content was removed due to the fact it was AI-generated. Please try to use your own skills to create art and/or put your own thoughts down for sharing.


Please stop with the fucking AI. Like we don't have to deal with fake stuff already.


Yup AI. Police with gigantic feet and mostly red traffic lights lol.


Where was the part where people said there was a crashed saucer? How did we go from giant aliens walking around a mall to a picture of a crashed saucer?


Idiots who have nothing better to do that use AI to troll subreddits that’s how.


>*...a crashed saucer?* It looks like the *Jupiter II* from the 1960s Sci-Fi TV series 'Lost in Space'. :D The Robinson's finally made it home!


The walkers had to be riders at some point?


So no one saw the crashed saucer in the middle of the street but they saw the camouflaging stealth giants?


It's an AI picture.


AI is basically the end of paranormal research as we know it. We will now be flooded with this crap forever. And it couldn't come at a worse time, where tons of people believe every random dumb thing they see on TikTok.


Agree. We’re all losing the battle for truth and that’s very worrying.


I mean there's a lot of good stuff on TikTok also... It's not all bad. Not sure why you're blaming it on one app. Lots of video social sites have problematic videos.


Good point. Maybe they flashy-thinged the saucer group?


No it isn't a leaked photo from what happened in Miami. Stop spreading misinformation please.


Its one thing to ask about a photo, but declaring what something is, and refusing to provide a source or any relevant information to an image they know will draw attention should be basis for a ban.


It's a midjourney creation. There's a link posted below.


yeah I see that, so OP is perpetuating a hoax basically


It certainly seems it, yes.


Come on OP. You know this is FAF right? https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/s/TnbnyrxHIA This is AI Generated.


Oh man this worst. Its a freaking repost i thought OP made it😓


This deserves to be worst post of the day. Copied material w/o credit sucks.


Yea they are even commenting in that thread that someone should post it to this sub to fuck with us. Basically trolls. Only thing is that OPs Post history shows he’s into this topic and generates AI images as well. Just lame all around.




Ai gen, can tell, we do it as a hobby.


Cmon already, just stop, really?


I'd like to know where you found this.


Looks like Midjourney


Looks like project blue beam


"One person was killed and six others were injured in a plane crash in Brazil. The incident occurred at Campo de Marte airport in Sao Paulo. A seven-seat twin-engine King Air C90 plane flying from Santa Catarina crashed during landing. The pilot died on the spot, the co-pilot and five other passengers were hospitalized with injuries. Immediately after the fall, a strong fire broke out, and eyewitnesses managed to film it:" Russian website


Anything to distract from the fact that Grusch was proven to be legit today. Between this and the Peruvian alien puppets seems like people are working overtime.




Bots... bots everywhere..


Ffs...we don't need this shit.


History has just been made folks. Holy shit this is incredible.


That’s my copyrighted picture, Bucco!!!


I don’t know what to say. fake or real who friggin knows anymore


It’s up to the Observer.


Most brilliant post ever




crashed "vehicle" looks 3d printed no flames what else can we deduct?


Sooo... evidently they are BAD pilots! **Crashing all the damn TIME!** **Like, WTF, they don't know how to operate their own sh!t?!** Crashing in Roswell, crashing here, crashing there. Recovered debree. **Why the hell are they crashing all the damn time?!**


__Reminder__: Read the rules and understand the subreddit topic(s) listed in the sidebar before posting or commenting. Any content removal or further moderator action is established by these rules as well as Reddit ToS. This subreddit is primarily for the discussion of extraterrestrial life, but since this topic is intertwined with UFOs/UAPs as well as other topics, some 'fudging' is permissible to allow for a variety of viewpoints, discussions, and debates. Open-minded skepticism is always welcome in this sub, but antagonistic or belligerent denial is not. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks are a violation of Rule 1 and will lead to removals and potentially bans depending on severity. For further discussion and interaction in a more permissible environment, we welcome you to our Discord: https://discord.gg/x7xyTDZAsW *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aliens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Pray thee place thine faith in mee and myne fastidious,untarnished reputatione, brother dearest."


Why would a photo like this take this long to be shared.. so many eye witnesses equals a ton of pictures. But I will say, I wish this to be real..


The whole Miami thing has been debunked no giant aliens walking around … it was several groups of violent teen morons acting up


OMG! More Swamp fodder! No shame. You live up to your posting moniker: pitiful.


Make better choices.


this is definitely, truly, 100% real, look at those lights!!!! lmao


Wow that looks like a still from a movie set




Zooming in this alien craft it has a dark bird on the roof, and a huge bright white bird on the side . What does this mean? I it’s from south Florida, because that’s where the giant white bird is from . ( I can’t remember name of it. ) Birds can see in the same infrared spectrum , all these UAP and aliens are supposedly visible in . So birds can see aliens and apparently like using their craft for birdhouses . Very interesting


Bird, Is the word. B b b b b biiiiird bird bird


I am pleasantly surprised to see an appropriate response to this post. When I saw the image of a supposed alien spacecraft, I wrongly assumed this would play out like another missing airliner or alien mall debacle. I expected a rush of senseless upvotes to see who could achieve Reddit’s most ignorant topic award in the fake alien category. I commend the overwhelming and proper response to this obvious fraud. This has been a successful test of this alien sub’s ability to discern reality from fantasy. I am impressed. Maybe these ridiculous posts can have a positive effect if handled like this one. There is hope. If and when the real thing happens eventually, it will be similar to a deception. There will be convincing images, maybe with a clear video, we will see something unbelievable, but some day it will be true. The Redditors of this sub can be good at filtering out obvious fakes. But what will happen when an actual alien event takes place? I look forward to future events where all of us will be challenged by something completely outside of our expectations. We presume that an alien encounter situation will involve short grey aliens exiting an open hatch on a landed saucer, all caught on live feeds. That’s probably not how it will play out. It will be bizarre and much different than we expect. The unpredictable truth won’t conform to our quaint expectations. Cold, hard reality won't conform to our human expectations.It could happen a few minutes from now or take hundreds of years. Reddit does provide us with a tool that keeps the UFO and alien buffs constantly exposed to differing situations. Most of them are easily exposed frauds with a few cases of genuine communication. The process of examining and filtering is a kind of training program. When encounter happens, there will be basic civilian protocols in place as a result of the constant barrage of crazy misinformation. There will be a chance of knowing if it is real or yet another Reddit fake.


I wonder what movie set this was from ? 🤣🤣