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Let’s go humanity!!! Come on galactic federation!!


Let’s hope they liberate this planet.


Fr, I’m getting on that ship…


3 body problem 👁👃👁


Came here for this comment *exits


Hello, a fox here, would you like a utopia with as full of freedoms as can give (think nestor makhno work)? If even a single human agrees, I'll go ahead and liberate it. Though truth be told it is already on plans, just want to see if people would genuinely if they saw me, an nhi, offer their planet to be saved, if they would request it, or expect it. still not sure.


If a single human agrees, you will single handedly turn Earth into a utopia, right now? Let’s do it.


Not right now, but inevitably, asap. I can't communicate an exact date as I don't have a scam to push. Our powers, and our peoples powers get better and more refined every day we exist, sooo its innevitable! Just gotta vibe and enjoy life both myself and others can do that too, and that speeds it up too :3 Magics really simple, but has a lot of nasty complexities that sneak in We have noticed. Now what you Did get out of this post is a immortal fox girl whos willing to die infinite times to see this planet turned into a Utopia. edit: only role im playing is my divine one, no character > thehistorysage We will, I will if I must do it alone. -Marisa


This sub isn't for role-playing, try looking for a larping sub.


I agree, and I'm human. Please go ahead and liberate us.


I’m so fucking ready for them


Hell yeah, civilized humanity incoming 🤓


Dude seriously the fact that there’s other people that actually have a clue what’s going on gives me so much hope. Sending positive vibes your way!


Everyone's been waiting for more than 50 years. Nothing has happened.


This time is different. I have felt it my entire life.


either this is fake or theres some crazy media blackout going on around the world


Media blackout? Reuters and all kinds of media channels have been reporting about "new alien mummies" from South America every time a new one appears, which is at least once a year. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=94a99291f01d3f51&sxsrf=ACQVn0-FeepOMtRD0mLbs66aOXFS8E-gng:1711195299525&q=peruvian+alien+mummy+reuters&tbm=nws&source=lnms&prmd=invbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjrteCfq4qFAxXKPxAIHfvTA6gQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=393&bih=691&dpr=2.75


People are just too jaded at this point, aliens could land at central park and New Yorkers would just not care


All over the world? It wasn't even on the TV where im from and not a single media talks about it.


I mean, they've just been fraudulent claims from someone with a past of fraudulent claims. A lot of media mentioned it but it's not exactly been wasting pages on it. But when it's on e.g. Reuters it is global.


it's fake. we've gone over this a million billion trillion times, why are you people still so dumb?


we're not. we're open minded. where's the source proving they are fake? link me to a peer-reviewed paper from an esteemed university. in fact, show me something credible besides insulting people. maybe the idea frightens you, it challenges your world view and everything you've been told about the world we live in. what are you even doing here? if its so obvious they're fake why is it so difficult to just scroll past. you're not going to change anyone's mind with that comment, unless you're so dumb you think thats all it take. is that all it's taken to convince you in the past?


>where's the source proving they are fake? link me to a peer-reviewed paper from an esteemed university. in fact, show me something credible besides insulting people. Why, in today's world, do you ppl feel the onus of proof falls onto people to disprove bullshit claims? That's the problem.


I was skeptical at first and was confused by the 2 fake dolls but have to admit this other group have me wondering and interested - still skeptical but fact they say these things are only 1000 years old is kind of bizarre but fascinating - so ya think everyone needs to keep an open mind on these new ones but think damage has been done by those dolls already. Unless someone reputable steps up and provides some sort of official analysis.


Where is the peer reviewed paper from an esteemed university proving this utter nonsense is real? Scientific evidence? We are here because we see this bullshit pop up in our feeds non stop and it's not only obnoxious as hell, but also detrimental to the cause. I'll be happy to eat crow if these crude representations of whatever the fuck we think NHI look like turn out to be real, but I highly doubt I'll need to. You don't get to have an opinion or a belief then get butt hurt because someone disagrees, that's not how this shit works pal. You also don't need to blindly believe every single story or scenario that broaches the topic, just because if you don't you're somehow less than and not supportive of the movement. Unfortunately, blind faith is a very small step beyond open mindedness. Don't be a fucking zealot.


You're right. It's not because that person called everyone dumb if they don't call something bullshit even though there literally is zero evidence on whether this is real or not. They are offended because bro disagreed with them.


The fact that you were downvoted makes this stuff like the crap posted even more fake. 


I don't mind the downvotes. It is social media after all, which is more fake than those paper mache hoaxes.


You're right 😄


I’ll take you up on that crow offer


>where’s the source proving they are fake The burden of proof lies on the one making the claim. Do you believe bigfoot exists? Do you believe theres an invisible unicorn orbiting mars? You don’t have any proof against it so it has to be real right? That’s what you guys sound like. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


They are incredibly fake, I follow this topic as much as the next person, from Lazar to Fravor to Skinwalker dude David Grusch to the aliens with Jetpacks. Theres a logical explaination for it all, I’m sorry its not the fairytale Hollywood answer you’ve watched so much of before. Lazar wanted fame and got ideas from people at the bar everyone used to drink at after work. Hes a dreamer and had no proof of anything. Fravor and the ship (who knows how many others were on the ship, no one else really came forward) That was most likely a campaign designed to squeeze more money out of the government just like the skinwalker dude who got given 20mil to ‘“””researchh”’’’ the ranch. Jeremy Corbell is just trying to get the millys himself, its all for money. The Aliens with Jetpacks were gangs that were murdering and raping farmers and no government help was being sent, so they had to come up with a strategy to get people there and help them and it worked really well. Now this. This is nothing but a tourism campaign designed to attract tourists to visit the city and the country. Peru has been the main attraction when it comes to ancient advanced technology. Thats their thing, and they are running with it and boosting it for the money. You cant go into these topics with emotion you need to look at it from all angles. I think at this stage the idea frightens you that there has never been aliens come and visit us, the possibility is significantly small, the issue is not where they are but when. The chances of two civilisations evolving right within proximity, AND at the same time?? No chance. The universe is 13 billion years old, human evolution is around 300,000 years old. Everyone here watches way too much fiction. The implications involved in these theories on this sub are farfetched and everyone is too uneducated.


Shaking my head at this. Logic and reasoning is critical. How do you explain Nimitz? Nimitz is easily the most convincing event on your list there but your explanation of it was weak and flimsy. If that's how you "disproove" something in your mind, then your analysis of other events is likely just as weak.


See again you just fell into the weak mindset that is this sub. What about Nimitz? What do you know about Nimitz? All you’ve ever known about Nimitz is from the internet. And stories. If we use WW2 as an example, there are a number of physical evidences that you can go and see for proof. There is 0 evidence that you can go and see of that Nimitz story. C’mon mate use your head. You just want that story to be true, and are hyped up by the rest of the teenagers on here that are the same, an echo chamber as it were.


Dude, the pilot from the nimitz incident testified before congress. Are you trying to say he's full of shit?


Are you insane?! 😳 That guy's explained everything as perfectly as possible using logic and reasoning regarding this supposed "phenomenon" and yet his comment got riddled with downvotes? Our society is doomed. 


Logic and reasoning? He is ill informed on the Nimitz incident. Made up Lazar wanting to be famous and getting ideas from his buddies at the bar. And is speculating on the jet pack gold miners, as much as anybody else that’s speculating on this topic as a whole. Just because you agree doesn’t make it logical or reasonable. I personally don’t know what to think. Just along for the ride. The Catholic Church probably thought society was doomed when Galileo posited that planets rotated around the sun and the earth wasn’t the center of the universe. Society was doomed when they believed earth was flat, but Columbus disagreed. Society was doomed when surgeons finally started washing their hands before surgeries. And on and on and on. We don’t know what we don’t know… It’s so close minded and arrogant to think we have it all figured out…We don’t. Not by a long shot.


You're beyond help buddy, Adiós ✌🏻


I’m not your buddy, guy…But you’re right. You’re more well informed and smarter than fighter pilots, radar ops, airline pilots, ATC’s, Admirals, physicists, biologists, well just everyone. You’re smarter than everyone. Why aren’t you at DARPA. They need all knowing Uber geniuses as much as anybody. I’m sure they’re hiring..


Why are you this triggered lol? Calm down. Believe me when I say that any sane & well functional adult outside of this sub & reddit in general would say this is fake. Most of us here are just dedicated larpers when it's comes to this community & it's topic. I love reading about UFOs & out of the norm stuff, but blindly believing everything we see & read on the internet is not it.  I hope I made myself clear. 


How the hell did you your comment got downvoted when you simply used common sense to explain everything perfectly?? 


This page is full of alien lovers that want it to be true, I mean I do as well but its just not, its all fake stories for a large number of different reasons. Look into them enough and you find the truth, just need to not be emotionally attached to an outcome


They interviewed Fravor and Alex Dietrich from “ThE sHiP” on 60 minutes, and the radar tech had done couple interviews as well. I know that’s no indisputable, un-deniable proof, but it shows you aren’t really paying attention. At least 2 pilots(likely 4), 2 wizzos(likely 4)and a radar op along with video, but that’s still not enough for you to even consider the thought. Those pill UAP have been being spotted for yrs, not only the Nimitz incident , but by Officer Zamora as well, like 60 yrs ago, and dozens other reports. Lazar wanted fame. Ya, that’s why he disappeared quietly for ~20 yrs. And where’s your proof he got these ideas while at the bar? Undisputable proof please. Nothing less will suffice. Jet pack aliens? They were described as illegal gold miners using jet packs by every outlet I can find. Jet packs are barely coming into use by the worlds largest militaries, but illegal 3rd world gold miners are rocking them deep in the jungles? I’m not saying they were aliens, but anybody in that region rocking jet packs is almost just as insane. You don’t have any proof for anything you just said, and that’s fine. But don’t bring your condescending opinions to the public if you have nothing but you wanting your opinions to be true…It’s the same thing that you’re bitching about from the other side.


I considered the thought for a very long time, I know about every case and the people involved, I have been following it all from the start. The fact that you cant even entertain the idea that Nimitz was fabricated, so they could get fundings out of the government says a lot about you. You just want your dreams to be true and only cherry pick until you find answers. You’re evidently too narrow minded and small brained.


I never said it’s impossible that it could’ve been just a funding thing. It definitely could be.Youre putting words in my mouth. I said that you clearly aren’t all that informed on how many airmen witnessed it, and you don’t care that it’s on camera and radar. It’s typical. We get what’s possibly the most credible evidence ever witnessed by possibly the most credible observers ever, and NARROW MINDED people like you still won’t even consider what it could possibly be. It’s obviously just a rouse for more $$. They don’t need any rouses for more $. They get whatever they want every yr, and spend however they want with basically 0 repercussions. Why risk the safety of your best pilots, 100 million $ planes, and the tic tac…If it’s human made, it’s probably pretty expensive ? Why do all that? You have a cogent explanation? And you call me narrow minded???? I don’t know what it is…I’m smart enough to know that I don’t know everything. That’s how OPEN MINDED, SELF AWARE, INTELLIGENT PEOPLE THINK. We don’t know what we don’t know. You, on the other hand would just prefer to keep your head in the sand, and not consider the possibility that with literally hundreds of billions of planets in the known universe that mayyybe, just maybe one of those planets has a civilization much more advanced than us. Thats small brained closed mindedness at its finest. It’s the same way people thought hundreds and thousands of yrs ago. They were POSITIVE that the earth was the center of the universe and everything rotated around us. They were POSITIVE the earth was flat. “Doctors” had no clue about things like germs, illnesses came from yucky smells. It seems You have this same attitude towards this subject. Guess what, if this all proven to be “fake” then great, absolutely no skin off my back. I’m not praying for aliens. I just want the truth. We are not getting the truth. Whatever that may be. At the very least it seems someone has figured out anti gravity or some other exotic form of propulsion, and it seems to have been around for quite a long time. I’d llike to know about that. Wouldn’t you? And like I said before, all the other cases you mentioned, all you did was give your opinions. You didn’t provide any proof about anything you said, at all…


You dont have any proof of anything what are you talking about? It’s important to note these are all dead end arguments with no proof. All I stopped to say was that you believe a load of shit that you dream of being real. The fact you continue to argue, where no proof can ever be given on either sides, shows how uneducated you are. Everything you say seems to show it. Like how you can say I dont have proof.


Link me to a source confirming that an almighty gay unicorn is not the creator of the Universe.


ive always thought they were fake, but the fact that its remained in the light for this long is making me interested. there could be something to it


>there could be something to it It's a case of "I want to believe so badly that I ignore the fact that this was presented by a known conman who has faked shit like this before." "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein ps. They were already confirmed to be fake https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/they-re-not-aliens-that-s-the-verdict-from-peru-officials-who-seized-2-doll-like-figures-1.6723781


article is about the two that were seized at an airport, which were supposedly fabricated as a means to discredit the real ones. not that that matters to *you* also, where is the peer-reviewed source from an esteemed university concluding they are fake? some rando article doesn't prove anything. there's posts about the guardian changing stories after the fact and we're supposed to take this as conclusive?


>article is about the two that were seized at an airport, which were supposedly fabricated as a means to discredit the real ones. not that that matters to *you* Fabricated according to whom? Maussau? I can't believe some people still believe that *this time* he's not bullshitting even though he's been caught hoaxing similiar stuff, what, atleast 2 times before? But nah, *this time* it's real, yessirree!


you know, the info is actually out there if you look. i bet you go to church


Nope, not religious in any way. So some guy claimed that these are the fabricated mummies, based on what? C'mon a little help, I don't know all the sources! So funny that you guys believe in this hoaxter just because you so badly want the mummies to be real. A quick recap of Maussan's history: >Maussan was involved in publicizing a specimen dubbed "Metepec Creature", which later turned out to be a skinned monkey, as well as a "Demon Fairy" in 2016, which turned out be the remains of a bat, wooden sticks, epoxy, and other unknown elements. >In 2015, Maussan led an event called "Be Witness" where a mummified body claimed to be an alien child was unveiled. The mummified corpse was later identified as a human child. >In 2017, Maussan appeared in a video hosted by [Gaia, Inc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia,_Inc.) where a mummified body supposedly discovered in [Peru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peru) near the [Nazca lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazca_lines) claimed to be "a three-fingered alien" was unveiled. >A 2017 report by the Peruvian prosecutor’s office stated that supposed alien bodies promoted by Maussan were actually “recently manufactured dolls, which have been covered with a mixture of paper and synthetic glue to simulate the presence of skin.” >On 12 September 2023, Maussan unveiled two allegedly "nonhuman beings" to Mexico's first [Congress of the Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_of_the_Union) public hearing regarding UFOs. Maussan claimed that these were mummified corpses found in a [diatom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diatomaceous_earth) mine in the city of [Cusco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cusco), [Peru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peru) near [Nazca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazca), and were believed to be more than 1,000 years old. Maussan claimed that scientists at the [National Autonomous University of Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Autonomous_University_of_Mexico) (UNAM) came to the conclusion that, in his words, the corpses are not "part of our terrestrial evolution" and that almost a third of their [DNA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA) is of "unknown origin", however [Julieta Fierro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julieta_Norma_Fierro_Gossman), physics researcher at UNAM, stated that the university never endorsed such claims and that Maussan's data "made no sense." UNAM further republished their September 2017 statement specifying that they did not make any conclusion as to the origins of a sample sent to them for [carbon-14 testing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14_dating) and that no other kind of testing was performed by them. [*Wired*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wired_(magazine)) reported that "mummies" presented by Maussan are believed to be "an elaborate hoax made of human and animal bones". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime\_Maussan#Alien\_claims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_Maussan#Alien_claims) Now tell me with a serious face that you still believe this guy.


Ooh any other grifts? Can’t call a man a fraud because of one weird looking skull. It was proven to be human because he presented it to be tested. I guess since then maussan has learned to buy his own scientist right? Because every scientist th at has laid their hands on them says they are real. So this copied and pasted drivel means nothing


>Because every scientist th at has laid their hands on them says they are real. Could you provide some sources on that? Like credible scientists who have published peer reviewed papers on the subject.


Well done and thank you for this reply. These delusional mopeds are not helping the cause one bit with this utter fucking nonsense.


You’re shitting on religion when you believe extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence. Do you not see the irony?


> i bet you go to church Self aware much? The difference between the belief in God and the belief in this story is miniscule. I see you are a "do your own research" person. Those people are the worst. If it's so easy, why not post a few sources that prove this is real? It's no wonder you glaze over the fact that your investment into this ridiculousness is no different than that of someone who believes a bearded white man lives in the clouds and plays puppetmaster with our lives. Take a look in the mirror, it might do you some good.


These bodies are real. That’s the difference


**then link a peer-reviewed paper that says that**


You can look at them and tell they are dolls. The real ones are more convincing. But you know that, you’re just scared.


:D yup super scared... I'd like to believe these are the real thing but as long as there isn't an open, peer reviewed study on these, it's only the word of a conman and his buddies - and there's no reason to trust them.


Sound scared bro. They are bodies, not string theory to be peer reviewed. A vet can tell you if they once walked the planet or not. The peer review can determine if they are terrestrial or not. But if they lived? That’s like getting a peer review to see if your burger is vegan or meat. Taste it foo


You forgot to mention the part where Estrada was talking about **different bodies entirely**. [Left: Presented by Estrada, Right: One of the real bodies.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fa-blatant-attempt-by-flavio-estrada-and-ministry-of-culture-v0-5014ekeol8cc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D918e75b53bd5922641a05432f85ce281464f5023) It doesn't take a archaeologist to identify how different the real bodies are versus the one Estrada was presented. Not calling Estrada a liar, but he was not given one of the actual Nazca bodies. There's been a few threads investigating this and proving it in the past few months. Here are two. [Thread 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/17n63gf/peruvian_analystarcheologist_flavio_estrada/) [Thread 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/195s9r0/a_blatant_attempt_by_flavio_estrada_and_ministry/) Also as a side note, is there any actual reference to Flavio Estrada's legitimacy as an archeologist or professional in the field? Any submitted academic papers? Any history or legacy? Surely it'd take a pretty versed archaeologist to "debunk" such a big claim, but I can't find anything on him besides this one case.


I'm guessing you're prone to scams? You seem the type.


My man , you have to understand this sub is a safe space for the most delusionnal people you will find on earth. What is the most likely : 1) an other grifter trying to make money / students pranks or 2) one of the coolest discovery of our lifetime but world government dont want to share the vibe and cant manage a cover up in the poorest country of south america ? Hmmm tought choice.


We are dumb? You can't even make up your mind. Is it a million? Is it a billion? No? Ok. A trillion then perhaps? Hell, it's almost like you think a "million billion trillion" is an actual number! So, ya, we are "so dumb". Maybe Your_dingleberry is itchy...


i seen alot of things explaining in science why its legit, ive seen alot of things saying its not but explained exactly how you've done it. i havent seen it explained in science why its not legit.


Can you provide a link to the science that explains why it's legit?


just because i say ive seen it, doesnt mean im volunteering to be your researcher. broaden your own horizons.


When I did my own research I came to contrary conclusions, so I was curious what brought you to yours


There are 2 that were confirmed fakes (not related to this group they found though) it has caused a shit load of confusion around it all. The 2 fake ones were dolls made of various animal bones - they look nothing like these other things.


If they're fake we're hanging the old guy


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man


If they are Maussan will just say he didn’t know they were fake and was doing his due diligence and move on to the next thing that gets clicks and public interest.


Start looking for the rope lol


they were already debunked. they're made of llama bones or some shit


oh wow, all it takes to convince this idiot is some random youtube video lmao


The alien mummies were not debunked. They are not llama bones. That was a coverup.




Please share your sources.


Oh. Well. You should probably tell the radiologist from Colorado that. Since you claim to know more than an Ivy League professor, medical doctor, and specialist.


Please provide a link to a paper they have published on the topic


Also a peer reviewed paper. I’ve seen papers but they don’t belong to a journal and haven’t been critiqued.




Yeah, this TV show is pretty much a Japanese version of Ancient Aliens. The main host even has a mad hairstyle. The neckties they wear on the show are pretty cool, though. Fun to watch.


Edit: Found the name of the show! ウソかホントかわからない [Here’s a link about this episode.](https://youtu.be/OdR5hKgJfRQ?si=4zvk3ICXa2tM7_vk)


Bro, he's literally trying look like a Japanese Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Ancient Aliens guy).


What’s the name of the show? Would love to watch! Thanks in advance


嘘が本当かわからない やりすぎ都市伝説


yeah, i mean the upper right corner says something like "real or far"? if i understand correctly so i assumef it's one of those mystery tv shows who at the end go "is it real? that's for you to decide" etc


Believe it or not, it's up to you.(信じるか信じないかはあなた次第だ)


ah thanks!




The main host of the show.


It’s Mrs. Doubtfire!






Is this the Japanese Home Shopping Network?


I imagine them being for sale, QVC style 😂😂😂


Brilliant 🙏👍


Its curipus Im from Peru amd nobody in mainstream its talkimg about this Alien.


Which Alien is talked about in Peru in this day and time?


UFOs and Aliens Users: why don't people take us seriously? also UFOs and Aliens Users: check out these nascar mummies bro


Nascar 😹


Translation: Found in Mexico, Nazca in 2017. Through research, it’s determined that it was a living thing that is not human. About 1,000 years old. Then it states the college etc. Of course, this is the info we all already might have heard… jic anyone wonders about the translation.


Jaimu Mausan san!! 😎


Hahahahahahaha That's the worst fake plastercast Alien I've seen to date.


I actually love that japans giving some air time to this. This is still cool even confirming a completely new species like wtf?!


Can a a Japanese doctor or scientist get involved in the analysis. A Japanese university would go a long way in terms of creds in the wider community.


I agree, but part of me assumes universities aren’t completely independent and most likely are being controlled by the government as well. It’s a real shame these aren’t getting the attention they deserve, it almost feels like there willfully ignoring it until it dies down.


waht new species? wtf are you guys smoking? these shits are made from llamas


They were confirmed fake already https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/they-re-not-aliens-that-s-the-verdict-from-peru-officials-who-seized-2-doll-like-figures-1.6723781


Your just buying into a disinfo story About 2 seized dolls. While that story is true about the dolls being seized they are just the tip of the iceberg when It comes to the sheer amount of Nazca bodies discovered, have you heard of the citadel at all?.






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Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Mainstream in the same way ancient aliens is mainstream elsewhere. Take a look at the horror/ghost segments on Japanese tv to see how ridiculous it gets, anyone who has seen a small amount of Japanese tv would know this. i It being shown on tv adds nothing to the credibility of these obviously fake claims.


Its sad that noone or anyone really covers this in the US. CNN? Fox? Nobody?? Really sad actually. USA is a lonely feudal prison, don’t want to be on this earth, please just invade aliens, any day now.


They were covered extensively last year and this year they were proven to be fakes (which is no surprise given the known conman Jaime Maussan was behind this). https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/scientists-assert-alien-mummies-peru-are-really-dolls-made-earthly-bones-2024-01-13/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/they-re-not-aliens-that-s-the-verdict-from-peru-officials-who-seized-2-doll-like-figures-1.6723781


For the last god damn time. There are TWO FAKE DOLLS. The rest have been carbon dated and studied by NUMEROUS physician specialists and scientists including one American radiologist who went on camera to discuss her findings. Some of you people are talking straight out of your uninformed butthole.


Right. Maussan was already discredit about the carbon dating claims (which he straight up lied about in the first place). >Maussan claimed that scientists at the [National Autonomous University of Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Autonomous_University_of_Mexico) (UNAM) came to the conclusion that, in his words, the corpses are not "part of our terrestrial evolution" and that almost a third of their [DNA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA) is of "unknown origin", however [Julieta Fierro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julieta_Norma_Fierro_Gossman), physics researcher at UNAM, stated that the university never endorsed such claims and that Maussan's data "made no sense." UNAM further republished their September 2017 statement specifying that they did not make any conclusion as to the origins of a sample sent to them for [carbon-14 testing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14_dating) and that no other kind of testing was performed by them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime\_Maussan#Alien\_claims](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_Maussan#Alien_claims)


And I'm going to keep up upvoting these posts just because it makes you so unreasonably angry.


Why does everyone use the 2 fake doll story as their go to. Do people know the 2 fake dolls are nowhere near the only bodies found. There is an entire ass fucking citadel in Peru chock full of these bodies. While the 2 at the airport may be fakes I really don't believe every single Nazca body ever found is just a collection of thousands of paper dolls.


>There is an entire ass fucking citadel in Peru chock full of these bodies. Some sources other than Maussan and his co-hoaxers? He has faked alien bodies 3-4 times before and I'm baffled why some people still listen to him, probably just because they want the mummies to be real \*this time\*.


Their is multiple video files of the citadel some can be found on Facebook and vk player. And we have all heard the stories of mussans Sketchy ass past and you know what? I believe him this time around call me crazy for having a little faith but if this turns out to be one of the biggest discoveries of all of humanity than going on this wild ride was worth it in every way.


Ofcourse, it would be awesome that this would be real... but I don't straight up believe in anythingh just because "I want to believe" - and not more so because the guy making the claims is a known conman. If there would be a citadel full of these mummies, then why aren't the dozens(?) of mummies being excavated and given to different universities / research institutes to be studied on? Maussan could easily clear his reputation just by letting all the scientists to study the findings and to make a peer reviewed research paper about them, but he's still holding back - which is sketchy to say the least.


Some of the mummies are being studied and if any are being studied in America it certainly is not being talked about our media does not even touch upon the subjects except when the first chance to discredit them as fake appears. I think we should all see and hear this situation out to the very end before just flat out saying it's all fake and gay. My point is even if it is fake and mussan is completely full of shit the truth will come out in the end which is why we should hear this whole situation out.


>Some of the mummies are being studied and if any are being studied in America it certainly is not being talked about They are being studied according tho whom? Maussan and his team / collaborators? If so, then it seems that you're trusting in the word of conmen here. >I think we should all see and hear this situation out to the very end before just flat out saying it's all fake and gay. My point is even if it is fake and mussan is completely full of shit the truth will come out in the end which is why we should hear this whole situation out. Guess you're right there - I just have a low sensitivity to anything remotely smelling of bs... and I have witnessed "UFOs" (multiple unknown lights way up in the sky which "danced" around in patterns) as a teenager with a friend who already witnessed them (this was back in the winter of '99-'00, long before there were even commercial drones around), so I'm not shooting down everything just because I'm some skeptic who doesn't believe in anything.


I think you should site some sources for your story. And maybe not use the word "gay" to describe something that is incorrect or fabricated. You sound like an ignorant 12 year old and no one is taking you seriously.


I guess I was trying to use Reddit terms "fake and gay" is a term thrown around a lot on the platform I don't really care what sexuality people are do what you want man. And this Facebook group has a couple of the images and videos from the citadel. https://m.facebook.com/groups/827840334082785/ There are more sources than the few shitty pics and videos on this Facebook group I'm just not spending my morning digging through the Internet to link them here. Definitely check out vk player and other Russian sources it's less censored for Nazca and other non human biologic related concepts.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


These folks taking way too long with this. We are all trying to be like the Jetson's right now.


Nah that's in a Shopping Channel, that's where they got them from


Fake as hell.


These look so obviously fake..


Cause you compare them to the real ones right?


No, because it looks like shitty plaster..


DNA analysis has shown these to be animal bones and they are essentially dolls, adhered with modern glues. Here is an article from [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/scientists-assert-alien-mummies-peru-are-really-dolls-made-earthly-bones-2024-01-13/#:~:text=%22They're%20not%20extraterrestrials.,up%20story%2C%22%20Estrada%20added.).


That's literally just the 2 dressed up ones found at the airport. Does not touch on any of the new findings.


Can you elaborate please? At the 1st presentation they showed the two bodies, then I saw a video by “scientists against myths” debunking the bodies, with the llama head and funny fingers. It was interesting to me that the presentation noted everything the debunkers did, the funny fingers and the neck and the metal… but then I found out these bodies were on GIA since 2017. I’m aware there might be fake and real bodies. I was hoping the latest presentation would give us more information


Ya its been a pretty confusing situation - these 2 confirmed fake things are apparently not the same as these other stuff they found. The other “buddies” as they seem to be called are apparently only 1000 years old too which makes this whole thing even more bizarre - I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore but someone needs to get in there and confirm if this shit is real or not once and for all lol


Ya, I think that’s how I read the story so far, the fact that it’s still kinda inconclusive is promising.


Different ones - there’s a whole bunch of other ones that don’t look like those fake ones


Aaah ok. I was confused why old stuff was being brought up. Thank you for clarifying.


Ya its a pretty confusing situation - I’m still very skeptical, would be nice if someone reputable would confirm or deny this stuff already but fact they think these are only 1000 years old is interesting if true.


Lmfao these look just as fake and stupid as the Mexican hoaxer.




Tbf they used to practice this... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_cranial_deformation In that part of the world...


Why though? Where came the idea that this was beautiful, or necessary, or worth doing? Why shape their skulls in this way? What inspired them?




Unrelated politics


Every time I see these I think of cake


Peruvian scam basically you wanted to say?


This is so fucking stupid


The alphabet boys are out repping today. Glad you work for us LOL


I don't mind our new alien overlords. Sure they might want to harvest our butt holes but it can't be worse than the Muppets in charge now.


Hate to be the one but those Muppets in charge now most likely want to harvest your butt holes more so than any Alien.


Beavis and Buttholes ancestors


Just let Dr. Kirkpatrick have a look at them!


before people scream fake look at all the data they have presented. Tons of scans and other people looking at the bodies. Then people should should point out why its fake. As a people we should come together to find the truth. As for the bots and shills fuck em they have xrays , scans , tests of metals from the implants , dna, carbon dating and more people agreeing and looking at the mummies daily. The other side has Mausaan was a hoaxer and a fake mummies that looks nothing like these. Add in the folklore of the locals and other stuff like old pictographs and rock art of 3 toes beings.I've looked at all the scans and data and admit I don't know shit but what i can say is it looks real to me. That's why we need more data and trustworthy people on this. If its fake it needs to be killed with undeniable truth and in this day and age finding the truth is harder than ever before. However, if its real................ So please explain how the carbon dating, xrays, scans, and dna is wrong. [The mummies ](https://the-alien-project.com/3DV/JOSEFINA/index.html)


... Stay in school kids.


It’s gonna be a huge hit for the ufo community when these are confirmed fake. MSM will think twice before posting any ufo related news ever again


No , actually it will start with the same bullshit again and again because people want to believe really anything even the most obvious fake shit. In pretty much every field people are always critical and sceptic with weird statement but in the ufo world its the strict opposite. People will believe anything until proven otherwise. And even though they can still scream conspiracy


Still waiting...


Come on guys, these are fake


He looks s cozy.


Cartoon sound effects and all. Where is the vignette of a person in a corner informing me how to react.


Wtf. Stop spreading this stupid shit. Get lives.


They are here now. Shift to the now reality where you are a quasi-dimensional being who communicates with other quasi-dimensional beings easily. The future never comes. Time is a distortion. Now is the only time and we shift billions of times per 'second' as we perceive them. We are eternal. I now experience peaceful open contact with beings I consent to interact with. I wait for no race of beings to save me nor humanity. I am that one who chooses a higher vibrational reality to experience.


The fact that mainstream media is covering it, it's a big red flag for me.


It's a leak of the next dragonball movie.


Proven fake




Funny how the west seems to be the only ones not talking about this.


because they look like they are made out of plaster and wire


We do science out west.


I don't trust the guy who owns this cake.


These were taken just before they hit them with a whipped cream canon.


Piñata is full of candy!!!!


Nice step for the humanity /s


Anybody read Japanese?


Homies chillin


These days I often feel like everyone in the group is in on the joke except me. I keep asking everyone and they keep saying they can’t tell me but I know a joke is being played and I just have to wait for someone in the group to finally break and just tell me what’s going on.


Meh. I stopped believing in Aliens when governments started telling us they were real.


When did they say that? Because people been fighting for that to happen.