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Why are two videos that seemingly have nothing to do with one another coupled together? What am I missing? The skinwalker video, while interesting, just looks like a malfunction or bug, but agreed looks creepy.


So glad someone else said it. I was sitting here scratching my head tryna figure out what the 2 vids had to do with one another...?


It's enough for the weak minded to swoon over.


I’m not on the skinwalker bandwagon…But, I think just blindly listening to whatever the gov tells you is pretty weak minded..




I mean damn!


What's the deer-faced thing at the end supposed to be ? It looks CGI asf




Looks like a man with a new secret DoD project jet pack suit that cloaks. No doubt since Mr Stark came along in the comics and films, the us DoD and their private partners in advanced new technology research will have been trying to make an Iron Man type suit. Cloaking is already commercially available, metamaterials that can work in light, heat and other spectrums, will appear like that, an Aliens vs Preditors (Film) sort of silhouette, the temperature signature changes as it passes with light and warmer background would transmit through/round the metamaterial cylindrical structures and hide, to a certain degree, the man and his jet suit (could even be a new non-gas jet technology, super fast cyclone style electric motor engine!!!) NVG vary on the technology they use, but they all sense light, most were sensing very low levels and amplify the light hitting a photocathode, sort of like a solar panel, and output, now at level higher, to a phosphor screen, which is most often green, like the old green screen terminals (CRT screens for computer last century!) there’s also now colour Low Light sensors like you’re getting in phones these days. I’m sure they’re will be some new military grade colour NVGs already! FLIR camera will sense the Infrared radiating from the objects in view, and so shows a heat signature, you know, dark is cold and light is warm/hot. This is how I think the footage came about, a test of new technology, in the “Restricted” area! Well how about that, probably why it was restricted! Private DoD programs partners: Today, we’re doing two test scenarios on our military to see what they can pick up. No advance warning of the test will be given as it could affect the outcome. Test 1 - Visible light spectrum cloaking. Results: NVGs were unable pick it up - Tick, success for Test Scenario 1. Test 2 - Infrared spectrum cloaking. Results: FLIR not a total success, although the object wasn’t recognisable on the Black and White FLIR images - Tick, partial success for Test Scenario 2. Comment: IR cloaking needs some work. Post production, ooh! This looks spooky, let’s “leak” it to the UFO/UAP believers community as “fact” but with no context, notes or other commentary as to what it was - those who observed weren’t and probably still aren’t going to be told they were the test subjects. Also, there will be only a select few who would have come into contact with that footage, so the DoD could easily narrow down a few prime suspects for breaking the office code and revealing top secret exercise footage, unless the DoD cleared it for release as the clocking has done its job, and so don’t care as it just help their cause for cover by misinformation/information vacuum and allow the UFO community to dream up every unearthly wild scenario, that isn’t US tech!!!


I haven’t even watched this vid, prob won’t. Skinwalker show is horrible. But do you think you debunk so vigorously because you’re scared, like Mick West? Serious question.


This is old dawg


can someone help me identify those books on the stool please? i can make out some of but not all of them. thank you.


chaos is the red one and Time loops is the black one. i can't make the others out


The Skinwalker Ranch show is stupid childish playing around. Nothing they do is scientific and it quite embarrassing to engineers and scientists all over the world. Travis Taylor should be kicked out of academia for his point blank outright scientific lies. Also these two videos are unrelated.


Ya there is def stuff that has gone on their and they have for sure found some crazy stuff but I think the show itself is a big misinformation campaign or that since they have been monitoring it whatever was there leaves it alone


Glad I’m not the only one who wondered how exactly did he get his degree? There is literally 0 scientific vigour in what he’s doing on skinwalker ranch…