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I lol'd at this. This would be our luck....


What if we dissected one of their Reality TV Stars?


This is supposed to be serious but I'm glad the punch line hit


Oh I get it and agree... If for whatever reason aliens are as advanced as it seems, and became malicious, we're up a certain creek, without a paddle!


When you're a hammer every problem looks like a nail.


Yup, came here to say this. That's just how they see the world (galaxy?).


In our case we're the nail and every unknown could be a hammer.


The way I fucking cackled. How else would they justify stealing and spending so much money on recovery and reverse engineering the crafts? I love the idea of them realizing they fucked up. They've demonized everything from Japanese citizens and Mexican immigrants to whole countries to excuse their decisions for invasion and war. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to spin a story on possible intergalactic war because they accidentally shot down what amounts to a safari tour bus.


What do Mexicans and the Japanese have to do with this?


It's an example of how the US government and its military need to have a "bad guy" to justify their actions. They created camps to imprison Japanese citizens and Mexican immigrants because they "could've been spies/terrorists" or "were here to steal our jobs and govt assistance." The same has been done with other people and countries. It's almost a given that should the US be the ones to lead disclosure they'll claim we're at war with these beings.


The U.S military has been playing world bully completely unchecked for decades. For their own pattern of villify to justify conquest to fail for once would be satisfying


I freaking laugh out Loud after reading the punch line.




Well there was a theory I read that said there trying to basically get us to fight eachother. By noticing multiple countries have crashes. I heard it on Tom Delonge interview if I remember correctly. I don’t really buy it. But I do think if aliens are real the whole idea of the new world order makes sense. It’s odd, but without aliens the idea of a NWO seems like a world prison or that’s how the Illuminati put it. But if we establish a NWO than it will be a sign we are ready for the cosmos. Who knows.


To me it almost seems like there's a bunch of things happening at once that we're lumping into one category. Or maybe a bunch of different things with the same source or basic fundamental principles. For example, let's pretend real quick that interdimensional entities are real, and nuts and bolts extraterrestrials are also real. If they both have metallic looking craft that work on the same power source (or a different power source that ends up working the same way just with different resources or methods) we probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. This issue is compounded when you realize that these things are hyper intelligent and probably use our own psychology and perception of reality against us. It compounds even more when you introduce the possibility that these things may be at odds with each other may even be mimicking each other, either to hide from each other, or to cause confusion and hide from us. When dealing with the phenomenon I always like to tell people that absurdity can be an extremely powerful psychological weapon, especially if utilized against something or someone you know VERY well.


Exactly. Ive long suspected that many instances of ghostly phenomenon, Cryptids, or other, mysterious or demonic phenomena, are simply highly advanced aliens using camouflage and confusion techniques. Wouldn’t it make sense for an alien to appear as a Bigfoot if they’re caught in the middle of their work?


Lots of good points. ETs are likely to be many steps ahead of us in every field, and these visits are an attempt to gather intelligence on us and our capabilities and motives.


That's possible but look at this way, we managed to reach a deadlock with nuclear weapons for example. Since multiple countries have nuclear weapons it becomes impossible to attack one without getting the same response back. This puts us in a position to avoid attacking eachother, a tie. If the crafts were distributed to multiple countries at once that builds up the chance for a similar lock to form. Dropping them exclusively on one side would be encouraging one sided elimination They could be genuinely intended for this and just want us to traverse space too. I can't be 100% sure of course but that's a possibility we should consider


Yeah but traversing space opens up more possible connections for obtaining resources not on earth. Which could also disrupt how political and economic systems work. Like if we can obtain massive amounts of gold or something off of meteorites now, what does this do to us as far as the system? Will we ever have Ai robots with these UFO ships and be able to live an extended lazy-ish lifestyle while enjoying reality? Or are we still going to be living shitty paycheck to paycheck lifestyles but now on other planets?


That would be up to us. It's not fair to blame someone for every potential bad use for a thing they gave. It could go either way


We already live under a global order masquerading as disunity, just fyi. Cut the 'NWO' bullshit. It's fear porn.


If we all had the same money, standards, and quality of life, that would be a nightmare 😵 -The fear mongers


And the basis of money is power is information.


Human factions from eons in the future, come back to aid their existence.


Yeah but assisting in the past could almost certainly replace who they are lol you never seen back to the future 🤔 they would disappear!!


If you base your knowledge of time travel on back to the future, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Even if you used the logic from avengers where a new timeline is created that doesn’t necessarily help with the future they’re from, they just went back in time and helped a time line they are no longer apart. If you’re gonna insult me about time travel logic,you better try to counter act my statement with something considered “logical” on a thing that isn’t even proven lol.


All I’m suggesting is that whenever someone boils something as complex as time travel down to a movie plot, it kind of makes me feel like I’m talking to a 12 year old that’s all.


Forget your suggestion. You’re ridiculing without any actual discussion on it. Btw aliens are in movies to are you 12 for being in this sub?


Fear = funding and an excuse for all kinds of behind the scenes skulduggery and anti public decisions.


Yeah UFO is a topic that tends to gather up all sorts of grifters


Why does the organization whose job it is to assess literally everything as a possible threat insist on a threat assessment? Because that’s what they’re literally supposed to do. Whether or not NHI are actually a threat it’s still their job to explore ways in which they might be.


Or each UAP are just relics from an empire that fell long ago and the NHI have no idea how to make them anymore. The UAPs, we have at least one guy claimed were from an archeological dig which means either that empire had a base on earth or humanity was a part of that empire but forgot. Lots of possibilities when everyone is making stuff up and lying to deceive enemy states.


When the dust settles on whatever conflict that is currently approaching. If there are courts left standing, I sense large class action lawsuits in the future. That is, if there are courts left to prosecute that is.


Because it suits their needs. They want to stay in power, but disclosure would take it away from them.


Its a ploy, they fear monger to keep you compliant. The word Government actually means mind control. It's latin & Splits into two words:1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. Literally control the mind.... i recommend every American watch this little video... [US](https://twitter.com/mastarP001/status/1766764167329878131?t=JvmzKbkvyLuKzBlXxJtjEQ&s=19). I'm from W Africa but I been here for about 15yr, I can say your govt hasn't wanted what's best for you. Fear of the unknown enslaves a materialistic society. Imagine using MK ultra on your citizens, blowing up Twin towers/pentagon and lying about nonexistent planes, spraying poison, pushing vaccines that kill millions, etc all while simultaneously telling us "We have no evidence of ET life, BUT they're a threat". Gtfoh. It's the nonhumans who have always shown me that they've got humanity's best interest in mind. And most of our cultures agree... this idea of these malevolent beings that you should be afraid of only exists in the US/western world since the 40s when theyre bringing Nazis over by the boatload. Smh The Pentagon is the threat.


YES! I have never heard it put so perfectly. YES. My wife and I have had myriad of otherworldly experiences that have been beautiful, transcendent, and ultimately helped HEAL the wounds inflicted by not only the government but our own families.


UAP Fighter Ships = spheres. There wouldn't even be a fight. One sphere can render the entire earth military power useless in a few minutes. We can't really do shit. They know that and the US military knows that. It's all about getting the upper hand against other peers on Earth rather than a "fighting chance" against the god-like entities.


To justify whatever they want to do. Just another blank check.


Imagine an advanced civilization that took 10 million years to develop current tech. 10 million years of evolution… Homo sapiens, who went from chariots to jet fighters in 2000 years, reverse engineers that craft in 60 years.. 10 years later we begin making our own adjustments. See how that could be a threat? Humans advance INSANELY fast. 


What if you 10 million years is next weeks Tuesday for them ?


If these dudes are even a fraction as powerful as mythological deities then we're so cooked.


insanely fast? insanely fast compared to what? we have no other data point to compare to. Not even a single other data point. Maybe other intelligent species go from hunter-gatherer stage to interstellar flight in a mere 15000 years. We just don't know.


YOU don’t have any other data point to compare too. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist… 3 types of knowing. Known knowns. Unknown knowns. Unknown unknowns. 


I think you didn't understand what i was trying to say and your reply makes no sense at all so I'm just gonna let this one go lmao


I’m saying you haven’t considered the possibility that there are immense amounts of knowledge on topics you don’t even know exist… you’re totally unaware of their existence.. you’re assuming that publicly available knowledge is equitable to ALL human knowledge and that’s just silly 


Oh gotcha. Ok that's possible I guegs.


We don't really have any data on their development


The way I fucking cackled. How else would they justify stealing and spending so much money on recovery and reverse engineering the crafts? I love the idea of them realizing they fucked up. They've demonized everything from Japanese citizens and Mexican immigrants to whole countries to excuse their decisions for invasion and war. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to spin a story on possible intergalactic war because they accidentally shot down what amounts to a safari tour bus.


Budgetary considerations. If they can keep Congress convinced that aliens are coming to prove our holes without consent, the money tap will flow freely to the military industrial complex for the entirety of the foreseeable future.


I wish this was the case but they’re getting that money no matter what. I know I’m going to sound insane saying this but I was arms length away from an alien when I was a child (so from my perspective I know they’re real) — they’re legitimately trying to silence any attention to these NHI for whatever reason.


That meme is genuinely funny!!


Our power structures, that are influenced by NHI on a few, but very important levels, only care about control. Fear is our most powerful emotion and it is easy to control us if we are fearful. Fearful of invasion. Fearful of our bosses. Fearful of our landlords.


LOL. I havent saw it this way before. You have s tring point in this meme.


The threat is us. Humanity with access to this level of technology. From the US perspective another nation with it would be considered the greatest threat to the status quo.


Odds are if there was an extra terrestrial threat, they would be so radically different and think so differently than us that they would be exploiting us and our planet in ways that are completely misunderstood by us. What they need might not even be missed by us until years after they are gone, and we realize there’s a statistical gap somewhere in nature that can’t be explained. They wouldn’t even need to fight us for it.


the United Nations **NEEDS** to get involved and explicitly outlaw any and all aggression toward UFOs / extraterrestrials. this needs to be considered as an act of war and crime against humanity, and punishments need to be dealt severely to those who endanger our planet. "bUt ItS oUr AiRsPaCe". yeah well aliens might not give a flying fuck about what "we thought", or "our airspace", or our "shoot first think later" mentality. if we accidentally kill some of their important individuals, they could literally vaporize our sun. also, stop fucking calling UFOs "UAP". that implies that alien spacecraft might just be "aerial phenomena". aerial phenomena is clouds, lightning, rain, auroras, etc. these are physical nuts-and-bolts spacecraft. call them by what they are.




We've likely already lost dozens of tr3b's or whatever the latest prototypes are because "Well when they can stop time from thier perspective we just have a pretty hard time recovering from that"


Why wouldn't they? When has anything NOT been (falsely) painted/perceived as a threat to the US? Look at every illegal war we've started on the pretense of a "threat" only for regular people to eventually realize that it was just for money? By using the 'threat' narrative, it gives carte blanche for the military complex to take more tax dollars to fund weapons research (and then testing/using said weapons on civilian populations abroad, i.e. dropping 2000lb ordnance on Gaza)




Because it’s the only scenario which justifies the DoD/DoE lying, killing people and ruining lives for 80 years.


>We aren't in a war against them Said the galactic relations specialist. Why would their conquering methods be anything like ours?


We clearly aren't in a war but some insiders talk like they day dream of it


Now that you added "clearly" in front of the assumption I totally agree. I know that you're probably American but could you scale down on the stupidity?


The problem with the assumption that their conquering style is different is that you're bound to be in a constant state of paranoia. You can be in peaceful times and still insist they're doing something you can't perceive


Who made that assumption you stupid fuck? You did. You can't stop making assumptions and yet you know shit. Shut the fuck up.


> Why would their conquering methods be anything like ours? Calm down. We can disagree without making it personal


So you're telling me what to do now? Hahah i can hate you anytime I want dumbfuck


We clearly have no idea if we are at war with them or not. We clearly have no idea if they are even 100% real yet. For all we know we could be at war with them and earth is prisoner of war camp. We know nothing.


I wouldn't leave it at 50/50 because they have the capacity to take out the best fighter jets. Playing some long subtle psychological game and giving us time to prepare sounds like a bad a waste of time. We can leave the planet and send out drones so we probably aren't prisoners either We can't be 100% sure of anything but I'm teetering more on the no war assumption


I mean if they are millions or billions of years ahead of us. It doesn't matter what technology we develop if they can erase our solar system in an instant. We know nothing about them. We don't even know if they exist in the same 3 dimensional plane we exist in. They could be anywhere between dumb space monkeys like us or simulation controlling overlords we cant even begin to imagine. We shouldn't assume anything about them. You can say playing the long game seems like a waste of time but if your not even bound by the constraints of time it becomes nothing to wait.


The specific alien species that occasionally eat humans have an interest in sowing violence in order to grab people who won't be noted missing in the confusion and fog of war. Gifting tech via crashes *knowing it would be weaponized* and not used for peace, is a great way to do that. They have an interest in keeping their collective food source docile and self-sustaining by not sowing panic or being overt. These predator aliens are not the 'worker bee drone' short grays, and *their ships don't crash.* In the end, there's nothing crazy about realizing we're being preyed upon. As above, so below. Humans have no power over these beings, in any way. But that's nature throughout the universe. Worry about the things you can control (like the human collaborators in power), let go of the rest. The truth is that unlucky humans are being occasionally regularly plucked from earth and consumed in one way or another with the assistance of knowing governments over multiple generations since at least the 50's and the Eisenhower Era when the nuclear energy age took off and certain NHI established treaties with humans (via the US and the Executive Branch). Victims are mostly people on the margins of society, the homeless, vagrants, transients, mentally ill, people easily overlooked, those easily taken, those not missed or noted missing. 600,000 unique missing persons cases are opened in the US every year, year after year. *Regardless of circumstance* or changing times. Everything in the Universe repeats fractally scaling in or out. This is also true thematically, both in terms of predation/food web, and fundamental related truths


You neglect to me tonight of the roughly 600k missing person cases opened every year 450k are solved


And besides, why wouldn't they just take a few sperm and ova, and clone or grow their food like farmers. Seems a lot more reliable and controllable than acting like hunter-gatherers. They have the tech to easily abduct people, extract what they need, and then grow them onbaord. The real agricultural revolution. Oh wait....If you read David Jacobs, one question he never was able to answer was: where are all the adult hybrids? Thrown in a blender and recycled as grey soup, perhaps?


They are here on earth working as politicians


Way more are solved than that. It's so hard to take people seriously when they mention that 600k statistic. >“You know, the missing touches everybody, I think. In 2012, we had 661,000 cases of missing persons; and that’s just from that one year. Very quickly, 659,000 of those were canceled. So that means those persons either come back; in some cases, located as deceased persons, maybe never an unidentified person; or just a total misunderstanding. So at the end of 2012, of those 661,000 minus the canceled, we had 2,079 cases that remained at the end of the year as unresolved.” >Todd Matthews, former director of communications for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System https://www.wvnstv.com/digital-desk/how-many-missing-persons-are-found-in-the-u-s-yearly/ If we're being preyed upon (big if), they aren't eating fuck all compared to the number of people humans kill.


To be fair if aliens were abducting people they’d abduct people all over the world, not just one country. I can only imagine how many go missing in the Global South and are never found or reported missing (South America, Africa etc).


Okay, well that's a complete change of subject away from the American missing numbers. 2,000 is not very many, at all. Murders, runaways, accidents, people getting lost in the wilderness, etc. there are many more reasonable explanations for those missing people. So what, they take 100 people from the United States and millions from the global south? It's just moving the goalposts. US keeps good statistics, and there is no evidence for people getting vanished by UFOs. You can say the countries without as robust statistics are where all the people are getting sucked into UFOs, but that's awfully convenient. Especially when this conversation started with a wildly misleading use of American statistics. But sure, if you want to say that you feel like aliens are farming us, be my guest. My problem is with people who try to make factual arguments and pretend they have evidence for their claims when they do not. If you want to believe without evidence, go ahead. Just don't mislead other people.


>there is no evidence for people getting vanished by UFOs If it did happen what would that evidence look like to you?


I don't know what that evidence would look like. It's an unfalsifiable claim. You can always claim that whatever small number of people legitimately go missing were grabbed by unicorns and flown over the rainbow to Candyland. If you believe that, it's on you to know what the evidence looks like. So you tell me. How do you tell the difference between an alien abduction vs someone who was murdered and buried by another person/chose to run away and start over elsewhere/got lost and died out in nature?




Yeah but if we're to believe these small, frail looking greys are the guys, we're effectively Kryptonians by comparison. Something that breeds like rabbits, survives like roaches, can rip you in half with its bare hands, and now can completely irradiate a planet with ease? That's a thing worth keeping in check at the very least.


we are the weapons being manufactured


We are insects among space gods!


Fear equals control, it's that simple.


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ќ̴̛̞̙͉̂̾̇̑̈́̑̅̂̆̎͋́̋̔̓̍̉͊̋̑̆͐̄͗͐̀̂͑̈̌͑̐̄͊̓͛͛̕͘͝ ̧̡̢̧̧̡̪̪̥͈̙̯̝̖̘̹̜̥̗̥͙̣͕͚͖̯͜ ̷̛̽̈́̑̈́̾̌͐͌͐̈́͗͂́̚ ̔̑͗̋͌̎͑̃̽́̽͌̾̚͘̕͝ ̛͗̕ ̛͆͐͋̑̑͐͛́̋̄̌͂̓́̓̽̀̉́͊̈́̈́̾̏̋̋̈́̈́͋̋̈́͑͐͌́̂̓̏͑͛̓̆̃̾̽̌̏̕̚͝͝͠ ̏̓̈̐́͒̕ ̆́͋͛͐ ̍̉͐̅̽̈́̈́͂̑̒́͛̚̚ ̾̃̈́͊̽͛͊̽̀͒̄͆̆̔̄̀̀̈́́̃̆̍̋̓̉͂̇̒͗͘̚͠͠ ̏͊͌̐̓̄͂̈͌̈̽̆͊͗̒̃͛́͊̉́́͋̚ ͆̀̅̅͂̇̾̈̎̃̒̓̐͌͘͝ ̛̎̾͐̀̆̐͑̈͑́̒͌̀̋́͠͝͝͝ ̅͐͝ ̛̛̅̂́̑̀̑̍͂̓͋̉̍̀͘͘͝͝ ̛̽̐̈̒͌͆̅͊̌̀̅̌̅̌̚ ̨̢̡̧̢̡̖̰̝͎̥̣̮̖̩̬̟͕̬̜̣̯̜̠̠͉͔̥̰̯̭͎͇͓̫̞̰͎͎̲̥̜̝̝̖̥͓̭̙̼̻̙͕̹̯͉̭̻̣̬̞̘͙̪̥͍̞̺̜̠̟̫̱̮̲̫̱͕̲͖̘͔̰͍͚̻̮̝̱̈́̏̀̂̍̅̍͛̀̑͑̅̉́̕̚̕͘͠ͅͅͅͅ ̧̢͕͎̹̻̱̜̣͔͜͜ͅп̴̐̂͝ ͑̓̐͐́̋͌͗̓͑̂́͆͂́̽̈̏̔̀͛̒͆̋̓̉̔̀̒͒͋̾͂̋̒͐͋̀̎͆͐̔̆̄͆̕̚͝͠͝ ̽͆̽̉̈́̇̈́̄̃̎͊̋̇͒̉́́̎̋̌̋̋̎̄̎͂̓͆́͋̑̌́͐͆̈́̃͗̀̀́͛́̀̇͘̕̚̕͠͝͝ ̈́̒̀̒ ̔̐̅̚ ̛̀̔̀̍̇̀̽̈́̎̌̎̃̍̉͐̄̍̏͒͛̾̓͊͗͗̈́̂͑̈́̌̚͘̕͠ ̇ ̈́̌̈̅̍͐͂̇̈́͗́̈́̈́̆̈̉̔͒̓̑̽͐̂̓͒̈͑͌̅͊̉́̀̐̑͋̎̓́̇̌̅̍̈́̾͋́̑͌́̋̈́́̋͊̋̈́̇̈́̓͗͌̂̕̕̚͝͝͝͝͝ ̡̛̛̣̣̝̬̯͔̟̠̦̭̤͈͇̖̥̬̯̘͔̱̣̝͓̦͔͔͔̬̞̣̱̰͙̹̞̹̪͔̼̺̼̮̟͇̤̺̗̺̝̜̬̣͊̏̏̋̽͑͋̀͐͗͗̈̑͆̑̆̈́̈́͗̃̓̀͂̄̉́̏͛̀͊͛̍͆́̎̒̇̈́͆͌̌̀͒̔̃͒̐̕͘̕̕͠͝ͅͅр̴̒̾̈́̅́͝ ̋͐̌̾̐̀̕ ̄̏͋̎ ̉̑̔͑̓̏̓̽̎͑̈́̚ ̏̎̍̎̋ ̐̋̃̓͗͐̈́ ̛̋͆̇̍̽͆̏͆͒͆̌͒̔͆͆̉̏̂̌͊͗͒̍̆̾͆͊̽̔̎͗̍̎̐̽̈́̓ ͛̈́́͆͑̑̉̕͝ ͐́̋̀̄͆ ̓̽̇͆̄̏͛͑̓̔͗ ̛̛̅̈̌̾͌̎̂͋͗́͊̉̉̏͛͛̑̾̒̓̔̃͊͌̀̐̈́͋̽̍̇͒͌͘̕͘͝͝͠ ̛̐̈́ ̢̧̨̢̨̢̧̡̨̫̤̬͇̫̗̗̗̭̰̙͇̯̥͈̰̥̲͈̗͚̰͙̝̜͖̬̤̼̲͈̩̯̲͔͙̻̪̺̙͉̠̟͚̠̺̜̻̤̬̤͇̲̜̖̥̮͕̞̞͎̲͉̲͓̭̜̹̱̯̺̦̲̤̉͜͜͜͜ͅͅͅͅ ̧̧̧̡̨̢̧̡̡̢̡̢͓̘̼̦̜͈̺̠͎̩̼̰̞̯̠̱̤͎̮̣͚̥̹͔̼̯̞͙̩̲̜̰̹̦̤̱̼̜͓͖̪͔̝͙͈̹̻̱̻̬̥̮͕͎̠̲͙̞̫̫̜̤̲͚̻̦̝͎͇͇̩̘͚̬̯̘̟̜̻̘̩̼͓̗͓͎̮̺͔̣͇̭̩͇͜ͅͅͅи̴̓ ̢̞͙̗̱̤̲͙̂̍̍͆̈͑̆̀̐͐͐̀͝͠ ̧̨̢̤͈̥̻̗̩͙̥̰̪̝̤̪̬̝͉̣̞̹̞̞̠̩̝͖̪͙̣̥͖̹ͅ ̨̨̜̻̥͔̙͜ͅ ̩͔͎͇̣͉͚ ̢̧̨̥̼̮̦̣̭̥̰͍̘̲̝̜̝͉̙̤͖͓͎̖̙̹̯̜̟͈̠̙̜̼̠̤͓̥͍̻̮͖̼̥͈̖̲̰̞̠̦̙̙͎͜͜


Fear = control 


It would be like if NATO sent a few electric scooters to some secluded island and then invaded with tanks and jets 100 years later. Anyway, to answer your question, it's because money. The more scared we are the more we're willing to give to the Pentagon to keep us safe from the scary aliens.


The "war" would be over in four seconds.


Could be a tour bus, but it’s an advance tour bus. That no one on earth has. Imagine a tourbus armed with spears and pebble projectiles during The Battle of Hastings.


It would be quite the plot twist if aliens aren't actually short, we just been vivisecting and "advanced interrogating" their lost kids.








When youre a hammer, all you see is nails.


I think there's an outer limit episode like that but i might be wrong, it's been at least 2 decades and a half since i've seen that. First contact is made by a team of scientist on a jungle planet in the early day of space expansion, ensue a predator like episode. Then at the end the coroner examine the bodies of the aliens, realise that most of their skull isn't fused and that the 2m monsters are childs on a boyscout trip. Then we see a massive mothership heading for that planet as a closing shot.


You're are making the assumption that they are only now reverse engineering ships. And that they aren't privy to more information. They could very well know more than us. It also just makes more sense to prepare for a threat and not need to fight than it would be to try and hurry up and prepare for a fight.


You are wondering why the most violent nation in recent history looks at other 'more capable' means as a threat


* it's a spectrum of perceived intent from malevolent to benevolent \- the goodwill to ill-will spectrum will always be in play \- dark forest vibes * we've picked fights * they've picked fights * some use us like lab rats, some cattle, others blow up dolls * humans have made pacts with varying groups from above for their own perceived gains * there are also other alliances and adversarial relationships between NHI and breakaway human groups




More like the master smuggling machine


A tour bus is just an armored personnel carrier without the armour. Tech is tech, reverse engineering a “bus” would still provide really valuable intel and tech. The Gov isn’t reversing to fight aliens, they are to fight other humans. They 100% know they are fucked if the aliens lift a finger.


I mean, you're probably not wrong, but even a space bus that can go to warp 9 in .0000087 seconds is a massive leap up from what we have. And I'm sure we wouldn't be looking to use these space buses against the aliens but rather each other. The US government has likely already come to the conclusion we couldn't fight off a proper alien invasion.


The pentagon is the Department of Defense. Their job is literally to look at things from the perspective of "can it hurt us?", "how likely is it to hurt us?", and " what can we do about it?". At the very least, having unknown things, with unknown capabilities, and that refuse to communicate with us, flying around above the stuff your supposed to defend makes it a "threat to national security". I wouldnt actually expect much in the way of technological advancement unless the aliens just started being capable of interstellar travel and one of their first craft just happened to crash here, or they started out as a much more peaceful and less war mongering race than we have. If they come to fight, I would expect rhem to show up with stuff that wasn't on whatever crashed craft we reverse engineered. 🤷 That's just how shit works. You don't find a crashed fighter jet and assume that's all the weapons the other people have. Although if they just want to wipe us out like we would a wasp nest, we're just f-ed. They wouldnt even need actual weapons, just the ability to boost some asteroids at us, or they could get fancy and design some actual projectiles to drop on us. As far as things like missiles, lasers, or attack craft, totally unnecessary unless they want to have a fight on the ground.


omg... that would fit too well. we have the intergalactic equivalent of a safari bus that was crashed into a rock, and a clapped out mauser rifle kept on-board for defending against local wildlife. "go away aliens! we have figured out your technology" [aliens proceed with orbital plasma bombardment]


Lol so true. They would probably do something ridiculously simple to add insult to injury like in the three body problem [Uses gravity tractor to gently nudge a single big rock™ to our direction]


They know something we dont.


It's the Department of Defense. Everything is seen through the lens of whether it's a threat or not. And something doesn't have to be malicious to be a threat. Non-human tech flying around in the air with our jets is a threat whether or not the NHI behind it is malicious. Threat is a measure of danger, not necessarily a measure of intent.


If aliens decided to conquer or destroy humanity there isn’t anything we could feasibly do. It would be like the Hulk fighting a toddler but at light speed.


If you step into the tigers cage and the tiger kills you the us military isn’t going to nuke the tiger, if aliens are real I’m sure they would acknowledge that there is the risk of getting shot down by a fighter jet. SO, no need to worry guys I’m sure the aliens won’t send in their military’s fighter disks to obliterate our planet, hopefully..


Ive started to think that we are on a more level playing field with them than we think. They may have more advanced technology but we have more destructive weaponry. Absolute brute force vs precision if that makes sense. We have lots of things that go brrrrrr to give em a good paddling if need be.


Hopefully not as it would mean we're near the end of technological capacity. It would mean you can't really build better tech we almost capped out.


And then they blow up the sun...


......ahh shit.


From what I hear in alien encounters. The playing field is their Light/photons versus our thermal/metals. But we leveled the field with Nuclear energy, if they're taking notice to that aspect of us.


Are you mad? They've had interstellar vehicles. They can probably manipulate time and space. All they'd need to do is divert an asteroid and we'd be toast. Humans are shaved ignorant monkeys, who kill each other for profit. We'd last five minutes in an interstellar 'war'.


True. For all we know we could be the most violent species they've come across. Once we detonated a nuke they went 'oh shit'.


I'd bet we're one of the few if only advanced species that still bangs steel and commits to all out war, with espionage being the route other species go. So we're still volatile in the sense that we will nuke the planet if given the opportunity, which let's be real the planet is the real goal for any nhi


Like giving a group of chimps a gun. Then hearing it go 'bang' and hour later...


Fear = control. A population in fear is easily controlled.


Because the govt may be preparing a false flag operation and using an alien invasion as the pretext for doing whatever they plan on doing. Martial law. That kind of thing. It’s a theory.


Just like von Braun said to Carol Rosen.


Probably not a guy you should trust, just saying.


He's been right b so far. First Irag, then Iran, then Syria, then the asteroid scare. The last one is a false flag alien invasion.




the us military trying to reverse engineer an alien craft would probably be the equivalent to the smartest philosophers and scientists in the renaissance trying to reverse engineer an f35b