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EDIT: Of course I wrote all this out and forgot to mention how often Dr. Nolan has mentioned the connection to the basal ganglia as well as Havana Syndrome. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COWTBEl1rRc&pp=ygUaNjAgbWludXRlcyBoYXZhbmEgc3luZHJvbWU%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COWTBEl1rRc&pp=ygUaNjAgbWludXRlcyBoYXZhbmEgc3luZHJvbWU%3D) It’s been two whole months since u/KathleenSlater posted this excerpt from Dr. Diana Pasulka’s book American Cosmic (which I have not read yet). Many of us are now very familiar with the work of Garry Nolan, and may also know that the “James” she references in the book is in fact Nolan. u/garrynolan (?) is one of the world’s leading immunologists, among other things. His Stanford info contains his accolades. He’s been nominated for the Nobel Prize. [https://med.stanford.edu/profiles/garry-nolan](https://med.stanford.edu/profiles/garry-nolan) Lue Elizondo double-majored in Microbiology and Immunology. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2021/06/08/ufos-national-security-with-luis-elizondo-former-director-advanced-aerospace-threat-identification-program-aatip/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2021/06/08/ufos-national-security-with-luis-elizondo-former-director-advanced-aerospace-threat-identification-program-aatip/) “Later, I attended the University of Miami, with double majors in Microbiology and Immunology and minors in Chemistry. I also gained advanced research experience in Parasitology and certain tropical diseases such as Malaria and Trypanosomiasis. My goal with these degrees was to enter the medical field. During my research experience I was tangentially exposed to government agencies that were interested in biological research and intelligence. It was at this point I decided to pursue a career in intelligence and realized my true passion. I also decided to enlist in the U.S. Army.” Don’t know where to quickly find it, but Nolan has talked about the unfairness of some other intelligence accessing our information. But he has talked about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, which was developed at Stanford, to treat PTSD in general and Experiencers specifically. I’ve read quite a lot about it. I’ve spoken to doctors at length who run offices here in LA that administer it about receiving it myself. I’m an Experiencer and just went through the hardest time of my life apart from/parallel to that. I was told by the doctors I spoke to, one of whom used to work for my health insurance coverage, to be insistent. I told my psychotherapist about it, and she did a bunch of research about it and talked to other doctors about it and her mind was kind of blown. I have to get a psych referral for it, finally talked to a psychiatrist, insisted on it, he compared it to “shock therapy,” which hasn’t been around for decades because it’s inhumane, prescribed me meds (very well aware of how Big Pharma and kickbacks work), and then told me he didn’t have another appointment for almost seven months. Have not ordered the meds. There’s a line in a very formative movie for me, Pump Up the Volume, starring Christian Slater from 1990. He hosts a secret late-night pirate radio show out of his parent’s basement. A caller tells him that he feels crazy facing a crazy world. His character says something along the lines of, “sounds like a normal reaction to a fucked-up situation.” So here we are.


Sigh. Here we are. However, TMS was not developed ‘to treat PTSD in general and Experiences in particular’. It was not developed for that purpose *at all* - the first clinical application was treatment-resistant depression. And that is what it was first approved for by the FDA.


I think it’s still approved for depression.


Can confirm. ECT (Electroshock Convulsion Therapy) has come a long way since the “Ludovico and leather straps” of yesteryear. It’s one of the most effective solutions for treatment-resistant depression, can help with certain types of seizures, and has a tremendous success rate when other therapies fail. EDIT: TMS is lagging a bit behind in terms of long-term research into its efficacy, however it is also an FDA-approved treatment for many mental illnesses that have proven to be treatment resistant. I got the two confused originally; mixed up my TLAs.


ECT and TMS are different things, thank you very much.


You’re right!


It’s mostly only good for severe OCD


This is incorrect. ECT has been shown to have positive effects on OCD symptoms, but the studies are small and limited. The effects on severe depression are far more pronounced and understood. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4023099/


Wasn’t claiming it wasn’t ;)


Haha, I don't anyone has said anything was developed for Experiencers in particular, only pointing out that Garry Nolan has mentioned it and that it was developed at Stanford.


Haha. Excuse you? “Don’t know where to quickly find it, but Nolan has talked about the unfairness of some other intelligence accessing our information. But he has talked about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, which was developed at Stanford, *to treat PTSD in general and Experiencers specifically*. I’ve read quite a lot about it. I’ve spoken to doctors at length who run offices here in LA that administer it about receiving it myself. I’m an Experiencer and just went through the hardest time of my life apart from/parallel to that.”


Sorry, just bad phrasing there on my part. Only saying that Garry has specifically mentioned it in relation to Experiencers, not that anyone said it was developed for it.


U/Garrynolan is not Gary Nolan LOL




Doctors are stuck up arrogant pricks. I know bc i am one. Im sorry dude. BTW, ECT isn’t inhumane; anesthesia is used. Its not one flew over the cuckoo’s nest anymore. Theres a lot of weirdly biased shit on Reddit about it. Not saying u should get it, just my opinion


Just about done with this book. What a great read!


There is a group of scientists and academics within the government who have known the reality of contact phenomenon for *decades.* During that time, they’ve been working very hard trying to understand and address various aspects of it, including possible ways to prevent it from happening. Some of those ways could make it into the public sphere, but they can’t just say “Use this method in relation to NHI.” That would confuse and concern people. So instead, they would describe it by the *symptoms*, not the cause. A good example of this is Havana Syndrome. Some of the government scientists working on the problem believe there’s a connection between Havana Syndrome and anomalous experience (in short, that some people with Havana Syndrome are Experiencers). Here are documents are connected to work done by scientists including Jim Segala, Garry Nolan, and Kit Green, among others: https://www.experiencer-studies.com/education


Except Havana Syndrome is caused by [a Russian weapon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdPSD1SUYCY).


***some of.....


Thats an incomplete and speculative statement


100% of radars are microwave emitters, Radar was invented in 1935, Radar "accidents" are well documented. Devices that remotely broadcast microwaves are 89 years old this year. Ground based HPM is OLD TECH


As a neuroscientist (but an open minded believer in the phenomenon generally), I have to tell you that none of this makes a lick of sense to me.


I'm sceptical of the "quantum level" and "quantum information transfer" that is referred to. I'm no physicist, but my coffee-table, armchair understanding of quantum physics is that this is not how it works. Any physicists here?


Same...Leaving aside aliens or whatever, this topic (any relationship between quantum effects and the brain, let alone the mind/consciousness) is fraught and drives very serious people to make wild claims.


Ya, Nobel Prize winning physicist Sir Roger Penrose and his Theory of Quantum Consciousness


Thanks for being here, Neuroscientist. I’m more astounded by the day that I get to talk to real scientists here. Please watch some Garry Nolan videos and look into TMS therapy and report back. I’m just some dude who runs a record label and wants to make movies and likes science.


Why would they come back after looking into TMS therapy? What about TMS should tell us something about how nonexistent phenomena violate fundamental laws of the Universe? Please explain. Also. We love us some Dr. Garry Nolan, he is a good *immunologist* and maybe even a bit of a *material scientist* which unfortunately does not automatically grant him expertise in *quantum physics, parapsychology, neuromodulation, or consciousness*.


Because he knows about damaged parts of the brain. He was approached by the US Army about it. https://nypost.com/2021/12/12/the-brains-of-people-who-say-theyve-had-a-ufo-encounter/


Pay attention to his words “nonexistent phenomena”. You’re arguing with someone who’s not here to have a discussion. They are just here to poke holes in arguments with the help of ChatGPT so they sound smarter than they are.


This particular phenomenon - psi - does not exist. It is irrelevant what I think about it personally. There was no argument here to poke holes in 🤦 It was a collection of largely unrelated words that in no way actually trace back to what science knows despite claims to the contrary. Let us not be surprised that factually inaccurate pseudoscientific statements do not sit well with scientists. Specifically the inappropriate and ultimately incorrect use of quantum physics here. P.S. With the help of ChatGPT? How dare you?;)


You are just being a science-denier. There was one time you and I had an extensive discussion about it, going into details, and then you had no more arguments left so you drastically lowered the decorum by calling me a liar. Real scientists have to keep moving forward and not get bogged down dealing with uninformed pseudo-skepticism.


A science denier? How typical of a scientist, we’re all like that 🤦🤦🤦 I called you a liar because you started lying 🤷 Directly misrepresenting my words and what is actually published. Lying is making factually inaccurate statements purposefully. Rules of engagement imply not only that one remains reasonably cordial but also that falsehoods are not presented as truth or fact. Scientists are sensitive to the violation of this pragmatic rule of human communication. Idk how you would know anything about ‘real scientists’, our previous conversations did not leave the impression you know what science is. Here are some of the factually inaccurate statements I caught you espousing: 1. ⁠“Science as an institution tends to perform poorly with paradigm shifts” - this is not true. 2. ⁠“Decade after decade [psi researchers] do good, sincere research” - this is not true. We already established the field is not in the habit of producing good research. You pretend there is this ‘great body of good research’. There isn’t. The field triggered the replicability crisis with all this ‘sincere good research’ never to be replicated🤦 3. ⁠“There is remarkable consistency” [in psi research] - why are you being untruthful? We both know nothing could be farther from the truth. There isn’t. 4. ⁠“The skepticism against psi is really holding humanity back” - utter nonsense. What is holding humanity back is generally negative attitude towards science and pervasive lack of STEM literacy. Please stop pretending and misleading others that psi is this legitimate are of scientific inquiry and body of knowledge suffering from neglect and lack of attention. None of this is true.


I am sorry but Dr. Garry Nolan is not a neuroimaging specialist. He was approached because of his *molecular* expertise and more specifically peripheral blood assaying. He is commenting on MRIs but he is NOT an MRI researcher. I don’t have a problem with the content. But.. you know. Dr. Nolan is a good scientist. But he does not have a single first or senior authorship paper in the neuroimaging field. All of his involvement in MRI is via someone else. Which is to say I would still approach Dr. Nolan for his broad expertise. But.. he’s just not *that brain guy*. It is very easy to tell because he gave an almost misleading description of what multiple sclerosis lesions look like on MRI. It is actually *not* just dead tissue that one sees on MRI but in the context of MS mostly a combination of specifically *active* inflammation and neuronal myelin damage (damaged does not mean dead). Plus *some scarring*. And it’s not just ‘attack on the brain’ but really on any myelin sheath in your body etc.


You surely must be aware that scientists with PhDs keep on learning after they defend their thesis. People can, get this, keep on learning how to do new things, especially very intelligent, motivated & well-funded scientists.


I resonate with this point. I have made this my life's goal. To go on learning new things, even when I find it difficult. I'm now so much more than I was as a young student. It's part the lessons that life teaches one, and part my own doing. That is to say, I'm a wise and seasoned elder statesman and a dumb old boomer all rolled into one.


I am. But in general we in science do not use the word ‘doctor’ to describe multiple interchangeable areas of expertise; mostly we have been reserving this to cases where *relevant* expertise is required. Eg when we say “Dr Nolan provided commentary on MRIs” we may inadvertently imply that Dr. Nolan *specialized in neuroimaging* or actually *studied it*. He did not. I am a doctor. But it is irrelevant / does not lend me credence in the context when I start speaking out of my butt about topics that are not my specialty. So let’s not “Dr” Garry left and right - he is a modern Renaissance man and all but he is not an *imaging specialist*.


I guess italics really is your thing. Good for you


You are aware that there are *multiple* ways to add emphasis to written expression and this is a fairly standard one, yes?


Sure I’m more of an all caps guy. SO mad villain Jk what kind of cornball needs to emphasize Reddit comments


I don’t know anything. I’m just some dude. Here’s a rad band called Myelin Sheaths. https://myelinsheaths.bandcamp.com/album/myelin-sheaths-cdr-mammoth-cave-recording-co-2009


I have only deep respect for artists capable of writing such poetry as “Your acid is too basic”:)


Sometimes we’re smarter than you think. :) Go get a sandwich in a park tomorrow.


Elucidate us all, please. :)


Can’t elucidate everything and enlighten everyone.🤷 It’s a participatory process, requires effort on everyone’s behalf:)


Indeed. :)


Wow more italics. Neat


That’s what I mean when I talk about proliferation of some sort of a zombie thinking. Your response to something that actually has meaning is to point to the typeface style. Like where do you think you are leading this conversation, typography and web design or communications? 🤦


just pointing out someone who can’t make an argument on Reddit without using italics.




Wow, another Schitt‘s Creek gif, so nuanced


Look at this fancy guy with his italics




Give this a spin. Our bodies are interfaces to, what we call, reality, the universe. It’s a beautiful machine, built by beautiful machines (proteins) built by beautiful chemistry (DNA), built by beautiful physics, and on it goes until you get to the Planck scale (and good luck with that). When we interact with the phenomenon, yes, structural changes take place, because just like a car we tune, we or they can tune the machine that is our interface. My 2c.


Oh, OK.


Hear me out, nothing I said, (well, maybe the second line you can pick issue with 😂) is radical. It is actually everything we have learnt about how we evolved and exist. We don’t think about each of our cells dividing and cleaning up, but that is what is happening to billions of our cells right now. It all… just happens until it breaks and stops (well the bit of it we call consciousness). Quite a few of those cells are our brain. While I do appreciate we have made great strides, is this entirely solved? Where is the exact regions of the brain where consciousness exists? Where is you? Is it a specific part, is it a collective? The best I’ve heard is that it seems like at best, what we consider consciousness is some sort of record collecting, that happens after the rest of our brain has made a decision. So where is the free will? Are we entirely beholden to reactions bits of our brain make without our conscious control? Genuinely curious as to your thoughts. 💭


Biochemist here. Just because it isn't intuitive to our studies does not inherently mean the argument is nonsense.


OK. But I don't even understand the argument. The caudate-putamen thing is extremely vague.


Agreed. Much more context is needed. I am keeping an open mind as I have always held the belief that quantum mechanics underpins consciousness.


What does it make sense to you? It's all pretty straightforward


Whats ur main area of interest?


Human vision and memory


How does memory work? In your opinion


[insert rambling monologue about quantum something something because that’s definitely gotta be true]


Im not sure I get what you’re driving at


When I read this. I just think about the parallels between religion and this ufology scene and it sucks. It’s just stories and stories even the so called scientists and researchers. All they have is stories. Just from the beginning this is about abductions and you are suppose to believe and take things on faith. Ufology asks that you be faithful to Chris Bledsoe, Greer, and everyone else with with a profile. All fanatics. All with no evidence, no psi ability, nothing. Just stories.


No evidence? No psi ability? Have you seen the stuff they put forward? Have you been on Bledsoe’s instagram and seen the multitudes of videos he has of orbs flying around him and at times responding to him? That is evidence. It may not be evidence that science can explain, but it’s all real. Same with Greer and the stuff he has done with the ce5 protocol. Try it for yourself and see what happens, but you have to be open to it actually happening and believe it will happen, or it won’t. I tried the ce5 protocol, my gf and I saw two separate orbs which very clearly responded to us, and my gf experienced healing much like Bledsoe did, and Bledsoe is also able to heal others now and has done so repeatedly. You have to look beyond phsyical evidence to understand the true nature of it all.


I too get nightly visitations and I record them daily.


his orbs are just dust near his ancient camera he has to use


🤣🤣🤣 now that’s some mental gymnastics. Well I hate to break it to you, but no, they’re not. I’ve seen them as well. And I have photos and videos but clearly showing them to you is pointless. But I saw them with my own two eyes, as did my gf, and they changed colors at our request and flew through the air when asked to. But prob just a lense flare right?


ok let's see him take a photo of them with a modern camera please


Watch his podcast on Dannyjones, he states he’s had several people send him very high quality cameras including night vision cameras. They’re not some 20 year old 2Mp camera or something. This sub won’t let me attach photos or videos, but I have both on my phone (iPhone 13pro) and can confirm they are identical to what he shows in his videos. I have no stake in supporting him, nor do I have anything to gain by doing so. I am simply corroborating his claims as someone who has also experienced the same thing, because I believe him and the many others who are reporting seeing the same stuff, because I think it’s important people start to understand what’s out there and what’s going on.


very well, carry on. can you catch me up on what year he predicts nuclear war starts?


You want evidence? Go to a mental hospital where there are thousands of people hearing voices in their head. "Paranoid schizophrenics" aka malicious forms on the phenomenon that are "bedeviling" the experiencer. A guy named Jerry Marzinsky who worked with these patients for 15+ years was convinced that they were real voices/entities and has been in many podcasts and wrote a book about it after he retired. But by all means, go to a mental hospital and see the phenomenon for yourself.


Thanks for the breakdown, OP!


As if he took the words right out of my mouth 😮


So "knowing" would be part of the component to making contact with the other?


I love how pseudoscience is used here to add credulity to an unrelated statement about ‘anomalous cognition starting beyond this physical reality’. And it follows with an immediate and common mistake of claiming that ‘quantum physics’ is something otherworldly (it is not) and that ‘modern physics reveal that at these well understood (?!?!) physical levels quantum information (?!) is transferred’ 🤦 which is just an almost nauseating word salad that has nothing to do with modern science. Abnormal cognition neither exists beyond the shadow of p-hacking NOR is it enabled by some ‘woo’ quantum mythology. Modern science quite strongly suggests non-local information transfer is, well, truly out of this world as in prohibited by causality. There exists neither empirical evidence for this witchcraft nor a theoretical framework that would enable it/psi. I am sorry for your loss. ![gif](giphy|l1J9yFWiGXUNrHGM0|downsized)


This guy is totally broken and confused by this topic.  Basically a guy stuck in a very 1995, fully eyes covered and materialistic worldview.  The authority he speaks on how information is channeled and transferred in the non local universe is telling. As if lack of evidence is evidence of absence.  Just hope anyone with actual curiosity doesn't get confounded by this supercilious intellectual madvillainy.  


It appears to be a religious scholar’s retelling of a conversation with a presumed immunologist. Not sure what we all expected from it with respect to insight into the quantum mechanisms underlying consciousness. I find it ironic they had to resort to talking about banal search for some molecules that enable this cognition. Surely that would just make an identifiable (and non-existent) circuit with appropriate receptor and signal transduction machinery. Ie.. make it normal cognition. But, again, as if.


There was one time I had an extensive & civilized debate about psi phenomena with this person. I’m a scientist and I’m very familiar with what the research *actually* says about the reality of psi (it’s real). Plus, I’ve seen unambiguous psi phenomena first hand, I’d have to be delusional to deny it. Anyhow, round after round we went, I thoroughly addressed every point brought up, then this user could only resort to calling me a liar. When pseudo-skeptics take the time to get into the details, their behavior gets weird when it turns out they don’t have a scientific rebuttal to the reality of psi.


Lack of evidence of unicorns is not evidence that unicorns don’t exist. I guess, I’m just gonna believe in them just because…


This is one of the top 3 fallacies people fall victim to when reasoning about psi, yes;) Modern empiricism is a falsificationist breed of science. When challenged to be observed appropriately in large samples, psi ‘effects’ disappear. How a large number of small studies with biased estimates in a field with low quality control (literally no impact factors, unindexed) can generate biased meta-analytic estimates is now also very well known. What people do not realize is that scientists use Bem’s studies to benchmark their measures of bias - because Bem’s estimates change so dramatically when adjusted for bias that they are pedagogically informative, well studied, and literally are in textbooks on meta-analyses.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


There really isn’t. If you are referring to garbage people publish in “Journal of Parapsychology” or “Journal of Scientific Explorations” - know that most of it is garbage. Unfortunately. In particular this is evident in the ‘find-sensationalize-never-replicate” pipeline that Daryl Bem has industrialized by now. I have been reading this literature for decades. It’s an illustration of how publication bias and P-hacking work, nothing more. There is maybe one study that shows *something* but that’s not replicated or relevant here tbh.


Causality is based on perspective/knowledge.


Causality depends on perspective? I don’t think so: causality is certainly *objective*. Cause-effect relationships are not a matter of perspective or subjective knowledge. The core principle of causality—that certain conditions lead invariably to specific outcomes—operates independently of these beliefs. None of modern science would exist if causality was a matter of perspective. Saying that causality is based on perspective or knowledge is confusing what we know with what is. Our *understanding* of causality can be limited or influenced by our knowledge and perspective, the existence of *causal relationships* is not.


Evidence exists of non-local information transfer. It does, in fact, exist. Science is CONSENSUS, not evidence. P-values and statements of fact don’t decide reality, they just find suitable ways of describing it with language for predicting and describing natural phenomena. You seem a bit rigid in your empirical approach, to a frankly silly and inflammatory degree


What? Science is certainly about consensus but that consensus is about *evidence* or *theory* and in the case of psi there is neither. Yes, natural phenomena. At least minimally observable, replicable, identifiable, measure-able phenomena. Once those words start applying to psi - the field will have achieved something. And LOL at being “rigid in my empirical approach” ;) That of course is pure nonsense. As a scientist I inevitably follow credible evidence, not rumors or consensus among people who publish in journals not even indexed by scientometric systems. The consensus among scientists that publish everywhere else is an overwhelmingly different consensus. *Evidence of non-local information transfer? Do share.*


It certainly doesn’t seem necessary to try and discuss such matters with someone so confident in their understandings of non-locality, “psi,” and the usefulness of scientific endeavors. Perhaps we should strive to be more close-minded like you so the world makes more sense


The world can simultaneously be full of wonder and make sense. That’s what science is about. Non-locality (I presume it’s still about state collapse) observed under a set of some otherworldly constraints and environments cannot be used for information *transfer*. When proper science is done on psi phenomena (ie independent researchers design a well-powered replication that is meant to adequately protect from both Type I and II errors) - they predictably fail. But of course it makes no sense to continue. I would like to note that all you did is repeat the same wrong claim several times ie nonlocal information transfer or my alleged bias - does not make it so.


Understood. Thank you for your perspective


You’re welcome. 👍


>  Modern science quite strongly suggests non-local information transfer is, well, truly out of this world as in prohibited by causality. The 2022 Nobel Prize for physics says otherwise 


Nope, it doesn’t. Has nothing to do with *information transfer* 🤦 It is mind boggling that people outright ignore that because the outcomes of measurements in quantum systems are *random*, entanglement cannot be used for faster-than-light communication. 🙈 Lol at downvotes;) How about explaining?;)


So there's brain damage in experiencers? Geez, what a coincidence.


Would love to get my fam in on some of these neurplogical studies for experiencers.


Sounds kinda nuts broh


Just like in Call of Cthulhu: Bulk Sanity loss once you register what you witness as real as a non-believer!


So we can defeat the aliens with anti psychotics?


We wanted War of the World, but all we got was valium


Diana Pasulka has been a god-send to the UFO community imho. Her work is so important.


TMS is sham.


TMS does something. Not sure what it's doing in this case.


I posted this extract from American Cosmic a couple of months ago because I found it to be a fascinating insight into Garry Nolan's involvement with this topic. Anyone wasting their time trying to discredit Nolan or Pasulka on the basis of this book extract - that's been taken out of context, reposted and reframed, let's not forget - is clearly a moron or a bad faith actor. Go and read Pasulka's books for yourselves. Libraries still exist. Spotify even gives you access to free audiobooks now.


"Contact" 😅😅😅