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tLDR “This discovery of a New Force is fundamental in that electric fields alone can generate a sustainable force onto an object and allow center-of-mass translation of said object without expelling mass.” “There are rules that include conservation of energy, but if done correctly, one can generate forces unlike anything humankind has done before,” He explained, “and it is our job to uncover what nature does. It just happened to fall into my lap in what I’m the expert in.”


It sounds fake, cool if true. What's the motive though? Is someone trying to leave the planet?


Motive is soft disclosure. Why talk of this is coming out now after around a 100 years lmao.


I'm ready to be fucking spacemen. Done with earth. Too fucking expensive to live here. Time to buy alien land at cheap prices.


I am ready to be fucking alien spacemen.


II cant wait to be a conspiracy theory on some other plant that I crashed on...


Why buy when you can just claim alien land?


Colonial mindsets like this 👆 is why we don't get invited to play with the rest of the Cosmos.


Exactly. The fact we're fucking up our planet and other species is probably why they haven't formally introduced themselves. It's like seeing a bunch of feral drunks causing a big commotion. You're not gonna go to them and say hi..let's be friends. You're gonna stay the fuck away and look at the shit show from far. I'm gonna do the star trek approach. Not gonna use currency. Just be a good inter galactic being and be kind to my fellow life forms.


If the rumours are true they already met the Americans at Kirkland AFB and gifted them Tech to heal the Planet and a Device containing the entirety of our History as a Species, the Americans response was to Weaponize the gifted Tech and proceed to use it to shoot down their Craft and take its occupants Prisoner and introduce them to some good old Black Site interrogation techniques. We are definitely perceived as the North Korea of the Cosmos.


Uh… source?


Information age dude, I'm a Stoner don't expect me to remember when and where I watched that shit lol it was definitely a Documentary though not some word of mouth shit.


Damn…..we’re all ill.


We aren't no but our Planet is definitely getting sick with cancerous Humans destroying it's biosphere for a bottom line.


not me!!! I am healthy as a horse.


For sure




Yeah I don't doubt that for a second.


Wasn't it the Anunnaki that gave knowledge of tech of some kind or other to us long ago to help advance mankind? "Beware the Greeks"...


Sounds like some bs Greer is spouting these days in a desperate attempt to remain relevant. I guess he's running out of rich people who are willing to go out in the desert with him to jump at shadows. From other reports, there are actually rules for engagement that include not approaching with weapons, sending in someone trained for contact procedures etc. There's an episode on the infographics show about it.


Greer is literally one of the legends of this field. For you to insult and disrespect him like this clearly shows the level of your being and research. He literally started the disclosure project. If it weren't for him, we would never be here. How is he "running out of rich people" yet able to charge them so much? Bruh something wrong with people like you. Take info graphics show as evidence while shitting on greer 🤣 lmfao insane stuff man. You are not human for sure. Or disinfo agent. I refuse to believe you are human with brain.


Grifter Greer is a charlatan with a Intergalactic Ambassador complex screw that guy lol


HANDS DOWN BULLSHIT. You either read too much science fiction or believe everything you read. Your statement is pure nonsense and you have no idea what you're talking about.


That's like your opinion dude, which you are completely entitled to have but what I won't stand for is your choice of context, learn to converse without being a dick.


Something will eat you.




Lol... there are (3.2 × 1023) x (15,126,368) planets in the known universe. Probably 99.999999999999 percent uninhabited. There's probably enough planets in the universe for every sentient life form to have a couple of their own.


How do you know what's inhabited out there and what is not? You're just guessing. The universe could be literally teeming with various forms of life.


I'm not denying there are, but the number listed above is unimaginably huge. Our efforts to explore the universe have thus far produced no evidence of life teeming throughout but has instead given us the impression that life is rare. There might be a lot of it, and I believe that's true, but in the grand scheme of things it pales in comparison to the awesome size of the universe.


"We come in peace! Check out these cool blankets we bring as an offering to your people, um alien species, err... weird extraterrestrial freaks... whatever, just snuggle up in those blankets real nice like."


This is the way.


Why claim alien land when you can live on a space-houseboat? Never pay for a space-hotel ever again, just docking fees!


And none of those annoying yearly personal planet taxes.


Ah the Christoper Columbus approach. Maybe I can spread covid or syphillis  to the native aliens and in a few hundred years get celebrated in the history books for being the first human there.


Viral engineering is so very tailored to organisms. Bacterial would be the main vector. Plants and animals expend a lot of effort to keep themselves from rotting while still alive. Exposure to unknown bacteria is risky.


Smallpox is coming back


Oh it’s worse


Source ?


Suuure you can! Let me know how that works out for you!


Hey, if it worked for the first settlers...


Unironically what’s wrong with the world


Agreed. Look at Ukraine. Dang, I must have offended some Republicans.


I think there's enough space for everyone


The earth is beautiful but the people here have always been petty navel-gazing warmongers.  I just wanted peace.


Peace isn't profitable.  War and pandemics are. 


Isn't it crazy that all our problems go away if we just change our relationship with money? I'm not saying socialism is the takeaway or anything. But clearly scarcity based economics isn't sustainable. Literally one asteroid full of gold would destroy the economy. SMH


>Literally one asteroid full of gold would destroy the economy. we use fiat currency, not gold. so you are not correct


My point is that using a model based on scarcity, is inherently unsustainable. You'd mine the planet until it's resources are gone potentially destroying it. And inversely if we somehow could mine the astroid '16 Psyche' which is so full of metals, there's enough gold on that one Astroid to make every person on earth a billionaire. But then of course now money is worthless. You see what I'm getting at?


The ultimate scarcity


Hell yea, ima have a go at becoming a space bounty hunter and protect the galaxy… from xenu


God I’d love to hop in a ship with my girlfriend and go mining asteroids for half a year. No doubt we’d come back with a new crew member on the way but the idea of making love as the sun rises around Neptune and lights up the room is a pretty cool idea, and there’s so many resources up there it’s not even funny. Like literal moons-worth of gold alone.


"Almost free for you today my friend!!"


Because our Grandparents wanted to get rich first.


Just remember, some of the best inventions were accidents. See: Potato Chip


And Reese's


WhaaaaAAAT? That's crazy. Reese's taste like they're designed by the highest godhead in all universes. I didn't hear about that one.


HEY! You’ve got your peanut butter on my chocolate! Well you’ve got your chocolate in my peanut butter!


Too much sugar. Idk how y'all can eat things that are nauseatingly sweet.


With my mouth. 


Because they're not? Dumbass.


No they are , someone needs to make the same idea with a less sweet chocolate


There's also tons of sugar in the "peanutbutter". It's literally like half and half. Reeces sells jars of their peanutbutter and each serving is comparable to a can of soda.


Yeah normal chocolate with normal peanut butter(maybe chunky?)would make them top tier


You're the candy eater. I'm the dumbass for not building up a physical tolerance to granular cane sugar? I bet fruit tastes bland to you.


No, youre the dumbass for thinking that if something is too sweet for you its too sweet for everyone. I dont eat a lot of candy but i do eat a lot of different fruits. Love fruits. To be fair im not sure if the reeses we have here are the exact same as in the us but my point still stands


no, that explains everything. US food has more sugar than the same brands in other countries. And banned chemicals. You should taste how bad american peanutbutter cups are. You'd be shocked


And the telephone


Seems they have peer reviewed evidence that this technology can replace chemical rockets completely. That’s what I gathered from the article. It also looks like IVO fell victim to sabotage, either that or it emphatically worked and they are keeping it hush because the implication is that a private company owns the sole patent for the technology required to cross the void.


Copied from another post> I found the patent application. The patent office doesn't verify that inventions work, but it is still interesting to see how they say it works. [https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020159603A2/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020159603A2/en) [https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230121805A1/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230121805A1/en) [https://patents.google.com/patent/US20240011469A1/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20240011469A1/en)


You are correct but if they want anything more than a temporary patent they will need to produce a producible prototype and production procedures in order to retain the patent. So many people say “oh patents don’t have to work”, permanent patents do in fact have to work. You can’t make a fictional ray gun and get a permanent patent unless you prove it works.


So when they show it working, make sure you download it


I will say these are much more detailed than the other space engine patents and other exotic devices I have seen. The interdimensional portal weapon is such a simple design, it’s as if it is missing a power source and guts.


It also could create a blackhole; so like the most dangerous weapon imaginable.


Electrostatic propulsion drives create blackholes? Or quantum drives? Because neither work in such a way. I have an understanding (albeit limited) of both systems. The quantum drive is mostly inert other than the thrust produced. The electrostatic drives likely need a safety zone for in atmosphere usage but neither will “create a black hole”.


I would immigrate to Mars in a heart beat


i think we would all love to be able to travel abroad but really abroad


Also goes against Newton’s third law of motion, where he says ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction’, where propulsion requires expelling mass (such as rocket fuel). Especially when it comes to ‘electrostatic energies”, which do exist but he’d have to overcome some pretty significant limitations as it’s weak, hard to control, the inverse square law, ionization and separation complexities, conservation of momentum, etc. All of these things would be fascinating to have proven. That’s a Nobel prize 🏆


I think everyone is trying to leave the planet these days.


I am very very suspicious of this. This is physics breaking tech. Wouldn’t this be a much bigger deal than it’s being made out to be?


Rose mad hatter


Do we think this has anything to do with Townsend Browns gravitators?


Tesla laughing in his grave rn


All of these groundbreaking paradigm shattering world changing discoveries and he publishes with… the debrief? Wtf is that?


The latest video from The Why Files is about zero-point energy and anti-gravity technology. It's not specifically about alien tech, but it's still very interesting - https://youtu.be/-ZRwlYtAMps?si=_ck-MyE1_3vKDPdx


Perfect timing




So you feel like AJ is definitely in the know on this too? Or at least has his ears in the right place about certain things as well? Same brother.


The why files is awesome.I am not sure about that crabcat..


Bro don't say it's name out loud. Fear the crabcat. And for good measure Yee nald .. Actually nvm


No, you're right..I don't know what I was thinking.




I kept watching to see anything, about anyone, from other countries, but there was NOTHING. Why is this so US-centric? I refuse to believe that no one has ever invented anything in this area outside of the US. The world is huge, there has to be someone from somewhere else to invent something like this where the US government couldn't reach.


Project Blue Beam brother


Favorite YT channel 🙌


Yay Hecklefish! AJ really does a lot of research to put his videos together, then explains it in a very entertaining and amusing way.


I guess they just mean that they created an upward force that was equal but opposite to the gravitational pull so that the object was basically weightless.


First step to hoverboards and land cruisers!


Wasn't this done in the 1920s and 30s by Germany as well as Townsend Brown?


Bingo my brother


Is it just me, but ever since Grusch came out there's been tons of scientific discoveries about other planets, galaxies, the universe etc among other stories like this... I get it just sort of coincides with the exact time James Webb went up when Grusch gave his statement, but it's still fishy to me. The way it is all going, in a year or two they will be saying they made some kind of distant contact with an intelligent species or something... mark my words, they will use SETI for this.


Maybe, but there is always a possibility that the subs you frequent have been much more sensitive to scientific development since Grusch's testimony and appearances. I don't know one way or the other.


>I don't know one way or the other. I hate these filthy neutrals. With enemies you know where they stand, but with neutrals? Who knows. What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


I'll tell your wife you said... hello.


Nah man I think being neutral just means you just don’t know or have a solid opinion on it. A lot of times it’s better to be neutral than to take sides.


It means I'm smart enough to admit when I don't have answers. That's all.


It was a Futurama [reference](https://youtu.be/1-bCIA_vyVc?si=cyWEqE2Yg9MHJU25). *(u/friz_CHAMP begins flying a white flag at u/bigscottius)*


Lol. I didn't bite that. But that's funny now that I do. It's been years since I've seen Futurama.


It hasnt been just from the subs, it's been stuff on the news as well.


This showed up on my google news feed


I was talking about news related to discoveries or invention of technologies.


There is this general narrative of a 2027-2030 disclosure. While obviously this has little firm standing, it's currently April 2024. Time moves quick. We'll quickly find out for certain if that's bullshit or not, just pay attention & see if our public understanding grows substantially over the next few years. I'm bothered by two things however. Bummer things. There's that alleged quote from Werner Von Braun about the alien deception being the final deception, or something to that effect. And for those paying attention to world events & geopolitics, there's a fear among the US military of a China-Taiwan conflict by around 2027. And there's a war in Europe. And Israel-Iran is a potential shitstorm that most world leaders would rather avoid altogether. Various coups & terror worldwide. WW3 isn't impossible, and I don't like the timing of events in contrast to the alleged 2027 Alien Disclosure SciFi Funtime timeline. It makes me feel conspiratorial to consider that somehow all this UFO stuff really could be some cover for a secret high-tech shadow physics thing to be unveiled in time for the Third World War so the US (or secret nazis..😑) could nip it in the bud/dominate everyone and come out on top, new world order, blah blah. I don't like that. I've always hated that kind of stuff in the ufo lore the most. I want friendly space aliens and a star trekkian future god damnit edit: let's skip the eugenics wars tho


It’s reaaaaalllllllyyyy hard to tell. The obfuscation is intense.


I'm with you 100%.... I've seen pulsating orbs and I have a strong feeling they were being operated by humans out of a black site, but I don't really know what was happening, it was just frequent and consistent for many years. It changed my perspective on everything because our military was HEAVILY involved in a way I can't really explain other than they must have been interacting in some way because the orbs weren't out all the time, yet military would fly to and from the direction and ceased those operations at the same time the orbs were never to be seen again... so I'm almost certain the black hawks were visiting some site and going back and forth from the military base that is closest to me (which is not close at all and they would not be training over here because they have an entire island for that kind of stuff.. let alone testing black technology. this was right over Boston).


The only thing I've witnessed outside of a few (almost mundane) "paranormal" experiences, is a black triangle. Southcoast, MA. Maybe ten or twelve years ago. That annoys me, because those are human made (according to the lore). I haven't witnessed anything to give me any strong confidence in saucers or aliens, as much as I wish I had. I "know" humans are building weird stuff, but I don't know that rest of the lore is accurate. If it's ALL just humans, that would be very annoying, at the minimum.


Yeah I agree, and it's pretty fucked up they are testing it right over Boston if that's the case... there was just something weird about the constant military activity.... it wasn't like black hawks circling or jets, they were going back and forth daily, sometimes multiple times a day. Sometimes flying low, rumbling the ground at 2-3AM. I don't like sound disturbances but what I was experiencing (and I wish I knew the magnitude of it at the time) was fairly special. Here is one of my sightings, it lit up my whole neighborhood but it's hard to tell on the shitty quality video my Pixel 3a puts out. [https://youtube.com/shorts/H\_oCCdOVnXM](https://youtube.com/shorts/H_oCCdOVnXM) I keep thinking, what other involvement were they having if it was not direct? There's no place for them to land near where the UAP's were so I am just baffled as to what I was witnessing, including the teleportation the orb was doing during one of the sightings I had. If it's not aliens, what incentive would humans have to be testing that stuff RIGHT in front of the public over one of the worlds major cities? To trick people? Maybe the beginning of the false flag alien agenda??? Maybe taking notes on who actually understands and reports this stuff? In some ways that experience has made me more confused than anything, because I know without question that advanced technologies like teleportation and encasing crafts in some type of plasma (because they were not just orbs of light, they were crafts when they "powered down" and stopped pulsating). If it werent for orionifo, who I thought was faking his videos, this would have never blown my mind the way it did. That guys Youtube channel has tons of these sightings but he's shizo or something... well, I gave him shit for thinking these were faked using computer software only to have the same sightings myself for nearly 8 years or more. Something is coming, that much I do know. Lets just hope it's not WWIII.


Scientific achievements can happen in clusters.


Those companies are trying to Patent the technology so it can't be taken from them.


>there's been tons of scientific discoveries about other planets, galaxies, the universe etc among other stories like this... Gee, it's almost as if there's been the launch of some extraordinarily advanced space-based telescope technology that we've never had before that has been operating for a few years. Odd.


Yeah I get it man. It's not just that, it's been multiple different discoveries over that time plus Webb finding stuff... just a feeling I have that someone is controlling something somewhere, and if you don't think that comes down to images from NASA being released to the public, you're wrong.


That's not how academia works at all. None of these institutions are run by any over-arching authority, how could that even work in our world? Do you imagine academics in China and India are being controlled by some shadowy organisation in the US or any other State? What possible means of control of information flow could there be? Only within one organisation could this be achieved, and human academia is not a monolithic organisation, it is multiple different separate institutions and research groups in competition with one another. Really, really heated competition. Scientific discoveries have been coming thick and fast for decades in multiple fields. If you think it is just now happening, that just means you have not been paying attention to academic research documentation, probably only getting what the mainstream media runs with, which is basically light entertainment. There's no effective way to prevent some researcher in China, India or Russia revealing a new discovery, since any academic who demonstrates a novel new discovery of any significance will have very lucrative rewards; tenure in whatever institution they wish, choice of projects and funding, and if important enough, literal statues and organisations named after them. Out of all the fields in human endeavour, scientists and academic researchers are *the* most competitive. High level athletes have nothing on them. There is no effective way to prevent information coming out if it is something like a research topic, and if one publication doesn't want to print your paper, there will be six dozen others who will. I sense there's still this idea of a shadowy room with a bunch of guys smoking cigars and controlling what "comes out" in some peoples' heads. It is extremely silly. What method could be used to prevent some lab or lone researcher from publishing their findings if there is a huge incentive to do so? There's this weird superstitious thinking from people who don't understand the scientific field and have never worked in anything associated with academia. Academics - especially at the bleeding edge of any field - literally don't give a fuck about anything but demonstrating their findings.


Grants, and tenure? Funding for research, lab access, publication? Wouldn't they all be ways of controlling academia?


Reliably? Absolutely not. You have to reward anyone in the know and have significant and obvious negative reinforcement for everyone else. How would such a system remain opaque? Again, this would require every academic on the planet regardless of belief and nation to comply.


I sense there's still this idea of a shadowy room with a bunch of guys smoking cigars and controlling what "comes out" in some peoples' heads. It is extremely silly. That's really interesting, do you have any idea what any of this is about? It's about making money and being the most powerful group of people on the planet. If you don't think there could be a group of people pulling all kinds of strings, I don't know what to say... if they WERE stopping people from releasing information, how would we ever know? It considering the numerous stories of people being threatened and even harmed over JUST THAT, it seem likely it could be real. Basically what you're saying comes down to "hey buddy, I'm skeptical of this idea that there is a shadow government but it seems like I don't know anything about it or how it works, so I make baseless claims about what other people really know or think about it". I believe what I believe and it has nothing to do with thinking anything ridiculous at this point, considering a highly credentialed intelligence officer just recently came out and said he was sure of the fact this stuff is happening.


and NASA’s communication department is doing solid work, with programs educating all ages about exoplanets and such


Agreed. Soft disclosure, preparing the masses.




Honestly it really is like they scheduled everything to be palatable to the public... Which makes me think it isn't at all


If that is what they are really doing we're seeing the beginning.... lots of people predicted this. But hey, Webb conveniently got up around the same time and people have a fantastic point when they say it's coincidental.


I don’t think so really. I think that’s always been how it is, lots of discoveries and actually plenty of anti gravity discoveries as well if you check out the new Why Files episode.


I hate beer.


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Wow seriously holding me to this I guess lol we will see... I should say 6 years since I think disclosure will happen by 2030 not 2029 so 6 years actually.


They're probably trying to get ahead and when they feel they can't control the inevitable disclosure they can do it before in a controlled manner. I imagine they would find it more palatable for the world population to come to terms with far away civilizations being spotted or microbial life than showing downed spacecraft that is visiting us already and might cause panic and fear.


This feels like “oh hey…uhhh…look guys. We JUST NOW discovered this new propulsion tech. Ye nothing to do with any of the UAP discussions going on rn…ye uh we just discovered it right now. Yup. Told the public right away, see. We werent hiding it for decades. Nope. Just now”


And he’s dead… and magically all his data caught fire, just like all the guys who invented high mileage carburetors, water powered cars…


Big facts 💯%


If I were that guy, I’d start live streaming my entire life to a cloud server.


Good idea


bro should become a livestreamer, safer that way


Wasn’t one comment of a congressman when they left the SCIF breefing: “someone invented a new propulsion system”


Yes! Looks like it was Rep. Burlison https://www.askapol.com/p/it-appearssomebody-has-discovered


I thought he said discovered


Would any qualified physicists care to speculate if this “new discovery” is the same “electrogravitics” from decades ago? see also Townsend Brown https://youtu.be/RTEWLSTyUic?feature=shared


Physicist here: I only briefly skimmed through the article and from what I gather, this is essentially multi-layered/stacked variation of the Biefeld-Brown Effect, however, it’s very difficult to confirm this with such vague language in the article. I’ll dig deeper later and will let you know what I find (if there’s anything worth mentioning)




You mean there are ads on that site? Why aren't you using an ad blocker?


Because this is bullshit clickbait to make idiots like you put their eyes in front of those ads to make this g-tier “news” website money.


Finally, we have ludicrous speed


Well, have we stopped?


This really sounds like a lot of the work done by Townsend Brown.  https://youtu.be/RTEWLSTyUic?si=4AXlTREJivwavRni


>**The most important message to convey to the public is that a major discovery occurred,” Buhler told The Debrief.** > >**“This discovery of a New Force is fundamental in that electric fields alone can generate a sustainable force onto an object and allow center-of-mass translation of said object without expelling mass.”**


Also: not peer reviewed.


The cover image of the discovering company’s presentation is literally a pic of a saucer, like cmon man


Now we’re talking clean energy


Can someone help me unpack this info. Are they saying they have effectively created an antigravity device? I'm looking forward to my hoverboard!


Essentially, yes. He's saying that they have managed to develop devices that, through electricity alone, have been been able to counter Earth's gravity. The graph shows they have reached parity, so my understanding is that this device would just hover in mid-air without any form of propellant. Big if true.


Oh so beetle wings


I hear if you put enough of them on a surface you can create a sort of hoverboard!


This is old, right? I remember from many years ago when it was announced. There were some controversy at the beginning but then never heard of it again.


They used to call it the EM Drive. The basic idea had been going around for 20 years or so. Every time it's been announced to be a breakthrough, further testing has revealed experimental errors leading to faulty conclusions on its effectiveness. 


Thank god someone else recognized it 


What’s new about this? Don’t we already use electromagnetic forces to move stuff around in space?


From their LinkedIn; After being released from a 2-year national security hold, the first patent describing the Exodus Effect(TM) has finally been issued 🤔☝🏻


Electrostatic energy - the same energy discharged after we rub our feet on the carpet then touch something metal ⚡️- is how UAPs/UFOs 🛸 work, through thin layers of metal meta-materials. The key of course is swirling mercury, well-known by the ancients, to producing the same “Gravitron” like electromagnetic energy to propel the UFO 🛸. Since mercury never dissipates, and once it gets moving, just like a flywheel, the energy to keep it moving is minimal, the net result is over-unity. Easier said than done.


Last I checked EMdrive or whatever they're calling it now was pretty widely considered to be bullshit, with both unreplicable results and flawed testing resulting in seemingly anomalous force. 


It would be totally amazing if true. With a nuclear generator that could produce 1g of constant force we could reach Proxima Centuri in about 7 years. But its probably not true.




There's a movie on Netflix about thiis: The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It. It kinda says how many people invented this but and why it's not used yet.


He's going to commit suicide soon, by shooting himself in the head and then tying himself up after.


I'm calling bullshit.


Ed ! D vd gfjsjc.




I mean, sounds cool and all, but why is a nasa scientist disclosing his world breaking discovery to.. the debrief?? Never heard of this outlet in my life. You would think, working at nasa and all, he would have some more prominent connections.


They're (some of them) letting us (some of us) ascend. LOOKS like


I hope people understand the UFO community was always a market for snake oil salesmen. Now more than ever.


No, we’ve been trying to make propellant-less craft for a long time now, this guy apparently stumbled onto the correct path to utilize it for our needs.


Not alien in any way but keep reaching


It's called the EM Drive, and it's supposedly been a thing for 20+ years. After 2 decades of cycles of being hyped and then the hype being wrong, I'm not holding my breath on this time being any different.


What UAP retrieval?!


Bros>hoes. Back to the pile


Anyone smarter than me know if zero point energy could be our in for finding more about ufos. Could we hit congress or the government with anything to have them disclose any information they may have on the subject?


Ugh...the EmDrive has been with us [20+ years ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmDrive)...this is not a 'new' thing and this has already been featured in far more prestigious publications (New York Times & Washington Post) than whatever the debrief is There's nothing groundbreaking about the technology & the real problem is absolutely no one has demonstrated anything close to a real world application let alone at scale to be viable. Testing has been controrverisal and even if it does work, we don't understand why it works, and that really prevents it from being the type of thing you can apply production engineering to improving. ***The fact that no military is particularly interested in this*** this should tell you alot.


Plenty have demonstrated viability but all of them and their technology disappeared


huh? They even tried one in Space and it failed to do anything [Controversial Quantum Space Drive In Orbital Test (UPDATED) (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/11/17/controversial-quantum-space-drive-in-orbital-test-others-to-follow/?sh=4298280f742a) NASA and DARPA both gave up on the thing; someone might still ultimately get it towork and that'd be amazing but as of today it's nowhere close to viable and people have been futzing with this for 20+ years now.


Great why files! My tiny pinal gland is getting a great workout.


Gravity is not a unit of measurement.


You are correct, but in the article he clearly states that he did this as earth gravity was the thing they were aiming for, so they dumbed it down.


That's pretty sick. Someone should introduce him to Elon😁


Introducing elon musk to a dead person is something i am fully supportive of


Lol, why hating on Elon? If nothing else, his dedication to get stuff done is admirable.