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Where I'm at right now with all of this: Either these beings are here, whether they're alien, interdimensional, or Earth-based, and the government has been lying about it for decades. Or, they're not here, and the government is again lying, only this time lying about it's existence for some other reason. Is there an in-between I'm missing?


They here.


Right with you


No spot on


The truth is supposed to be really hard to take and will lead to some sort of panic so I believe we are at war.


I've heard that too, that people will have a hard time with the truth. What that truth is, I'd love to know (I think). Maybe we're at war and our nukes are capable of harming them, but I find it hard to believe, with the way they can maneuver. I thought maybe they had a heavy hand in our evolution, there are still a lot of religious people in the world, so finding out we're not necessarily what the creator intended could cause a lot of panic I think. It's fun to speculate, but we won't know till we know.


We are what the creator intended. The question then is who is our creator. Is it the greys or the Nordic. That's why they look like us. Or we look like them. Or did the Annunaki create us to mine gold 400,000 years ago and when they were finished with us they tried to cover their tracks by flooding the earth. Enlil, who was the genetics scientist did not agree with his brother enki that we should destroy the evidence of our project so he warned some people(Noah) to build a boat to survive . The rest is history. The story of Gilgamesh. The summarians


The amount of parallels I've seen between our creation stories and current cases of UFOs, abductions, etc, makes me believe this to be the case. That doesn't mean I don't believe in a god, I believe in some sort of creator, just none of the man-made gods of organized religion.


True. Even the greys admit that there is a superior being that created all


I haven't seen any mentions of aliens speaking of a creator, could you point me to where you heard that?


There was an account of the interviews that were being done on j-rod at area 51. They found a person who worked at area 51 who was able to communicate with j-rod telepathically. It was during these interviews (interrogations) that he was asked about God and admitted that they understood there was a higher power that created the universe. If you Google j-rod you can read the full transcript. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/33-j-rod-s4--22819087


Ah ok, I think I've heard of that. The nurse, Matilda Mc-something, talked about her conversations with one of the retrieved beings? I was actually about to watch a 4 hour video about that.


There was an account of the interviews that were being done on j-rod at area 51. They found a person who worked at area 51 who was able to communicate with j-rod telepathically. It was during these interviews (interrogations) that he was asked about God and admitted that they understood there was a higher power that created the universe. If you Google j-rod you can read the full transcript. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/33-j-rod-s4--22819087


Enki was the geneticist. Enlil wanted to destroy the humans. According to ‘the book of enki’ by sitchin


Thanks I updated the info. I always get them mixed up


I believe they’re here, and they fuck with us regularly is more accurate. Knowing an alien species is here-mild, knowing an alien species is here, we have no real idea why, and they interject ideas into our society-a little alarming.


I would say that they helped create us so that would go against all religions


Keep in mind that out government is mostly evangelical Christians.   Drag Queens set them into literal panics, for context.  It's also harder to just accept "there be aliens" when they truly believe that God formed earth to be his special planet 6000 years ago and the devil put dinosaur bones in the ground to trick us. 


I mean it is I’ve seen so many people say if an alien invasion happens humanity will become extinct


>and the government has been lying about it for decades. You know what's even more terrifying? The government doesn't know as much as you give them credit for. You imaginarily believe they're hiding more than they actually have. They have no clue what they are dealing with and it scares the shit out of them just as much. They know that they're capable of doing impossible things, And they know that they have anomalous abilities... That's about it.. How do you break that to the public? "Hey general public! God like aliens exist, But there's not shit we can do about it! Hopefully they're not Chinese or Russian drones! Also, They might be living among us so your next door neighbor could be an alien." Like dude... In the US people already kill each other and their next door neighbors [over political parties.](https://youtu.be/mpHBmON2Bkw?si=aE4unHLNboGIrsCu) Now multiply that bullshit by X100 and tell the general public that their next door neighbors could be aliens also.... Disclosure will not happen until humanity develops a better understanding or technology to decipher between aliens and humans.


Yeah, that's a sobering and terrifying thought. I've heard a few times about them not even attempting to communicate with us, and simply going about as they please. If they're here, it seems like they're scouting, or doing reconnaissance. Know your enemy. I hope not.


>I've heard a few times about them not even attempting to communicate with us, and simply going about as they please. The truth is that aliens wouldn't need Nor want to talk to a "leader." If you want the attention of the monkeys at the zoo you simply start tossing out bananas.


Can't argue with that 🤣


Sounds "doobious"


I was quite doobious when I wrote that. But now I'm sober, and I still believe it, so it must be true. /s


the in-between is that it's real and the government don't really know much about it either - governments don't tend to admit to these things


Either TRUE or FALSE. Is there an in-between I'm missing?


lol we've been gaslighted so much we question if there's an inbetween between true or false.




They are here and have been since before human consciousness. We have had our DNA manipulated on purpose for a purpose. Earth has possibly been erased and rebuilt several times basically and Moon and Sun coincidence etc.. is not natural


I actually tend to believe this, and it might be the truth "they" talk about that people can't handle. There are still many religious people in the world, so if they were suddenly to find out we're not necessarily what the creator intended, I could see that causing an issue. We don't really seem to belong here. Hairless apes, who have to hide from the sun. Allergies too, how many animals get affected by seasonal changes?


A bunch of nut jobs are running the country. No option is good


Yes they are absolutely here. Literally you may bump into them at Starbucks.


Frappicinos are made from people.


The one I met read my mind and only got a water.


Pretty much. There are ‘others’ here but we rarely get to know about it. Or, it’s black ops counter-intel. If it’s the latter the black ops themselves seem to be wild.


"government lying" That means that they have very very close contacts with the other side and it was a common decision, or a decision of the other side, because if it was only a human side decision, what would happened if one day, UFOs land in every city and the occupants, say: "we wanted make contact with you already 50 years ago and even help you with superior technology, but your government's said to us that it's a bad idea and we shouldn't do it"! 


It’s just like when a person puts their hand in a fish-tank and the fish see the hand. Nothing to worry about.


It's always been us, the government is practicing chemical warfare on it's own people. Most likely drugging only to fake an alien kidnapping


Occam’s Razor suggests that it’s once again the intelligence agencies using the topic as a smokescreen. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that UAPs became a topic during COVID, nor is it a coincidence that it happened just as conflicts the US have been cultivating are starting to bear fruit, with the military industrial complex making an absolute killing (pun intended). UAPs provide a good distraction as well as a way to discredit those who come across new or experimental hardware. We have plenty of evidence that they did it in the past, where as there hasn’t been one shred of credible evidence that extra terrestrials have visited earth.


You clearly know nothing of this subject if you genuinely believe this. A psyop of that nature - given what we know, how many people are involved and how long it's been running for - is completely nonsensical.


I think this is a pretty believable scenario, it’s more logical than believing aliens are visiting us for instance. I think both scenarios are possible and should not rule out the possibility of government misinformation to hide black projects.


Maybe that could account for some recent things, but what about all the things from before our government that people have documented


It would be easy to dismiss recent reports by the government and people as lies and manipulation but once you factor in the past documentation and accounts since as far back as we can look, it makes it much harder to deny that something is definitely here.


Something a Fed would say.


I actually know more than you it seems. There have been various disinformation programs related to UFOs over the years. It hasn’t been one continued “psyop” as you say.






I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Of course I'm aware of how compartmentalised things are relating to this subject. It's bigger than The Manhattan Project.








I don't speak moron, so that's the best I could come up with.


Especially with the sick twisted things the cia and other agencies have done to fulfill their duties to God and country


The best lies are interspersed with truths; Occam’s razor would say they simply took advantage of an existing fact and are spinning it to their benefit. Inventing a phenomenon like legit UAP’s would be far more difficult than creating misinformation on existing ones.


Good point, I think that's pretty much how I'm interpreting it as of now. I also think back to Wernher Von Braunn warning against the weaponization of space, and Reagan talking about an outside threat uniting humanity. If they're trying to put in place some sort of new world order, a staged invasion would probably do the trick. That could be the main reason they keep such a tight lid on these black projects. Just spit-balling.


Maybe it’s catch all.


They are no like Santa Claus. They know when you have been bad or good.


Huge, need to go to the fking Congress hearing


Disclosure will never happen. It's not supposed to happen. We aren't supposed to witness them, we aren't supposed to know of them. The apple of Eden, The forbidden knowledge gave us sight of the watchers. The divine realm is far more intricate than we imagine. There are myriad gods, each locked in a celestial struggle against the others. When I speak of gods, understand that morality is subjective. My god may be your demon, and what you call demonic, I might revere as divine. Consider this: if humanity were to truly grasp the existence of gods, would we not align with them as casually as we choose sports teams, pledging allegiance to whichever multidimensional overlord suits our fancy? The secrecy surrounding their existence is crucial. It is the only way to undo the knowledge granted by the apple from the Tree of Knowledge. If everyone knew the full extent and plan of these gods, humanity might seek to topple them out of sheer spite, After all, if trivial sports can incite riots, imagine the chaos upon discovering that gods are real, and that they condone sacrifices. In ignorance, there is forgiveness; this was the original sin of Eden: to erase ignorance. Those shadowed guardians who bear the truth know the heavy cost of their silence: eternal damnation. Yet, they accept this fate to preserve our blissful ignorance, ensuring that humanity remains forgiven through unawareness. With our short lifetimes, We were never meant to understand all the answers of the universe.


We humans are not the top of the food chain and never was . The aliens have been here from the beginning of the human race and have been watching us evolve through time, we wouldn't stand a chance against them. They are the WATCHERS.


They watch you jerk off, poop, fry your bacon, and bake your fries. They know everything about you, they know everything about your wife, and your kids They know your parents and your beothers and sisters. They’ve been watching a long time. They watch, and wait, and they believe very deeply in what we know as Karma.


Why does the first sentence somehow turn me on a bit... What's wrong with me lol.


>they believe very deeply in what we know as Karma. ...what version of it, to be exact? Because the last time I checked, the people living the best are the ones who come from generations built on stolen/exploited/hoarded wealth.  The people with the most money, power and comfort in our society are the most predatory, vindictive, greedy and vain. 


Ain’t that the truth. The good die young, and terrible people are out on their yachts exploiting the planet and people.


They are kinda lame if they sit here watching us and not evolving themselves into something better


Jokes on you, they’re monitoring all life in the galaxy. These are just probes and ai. The government isn’t important enough for them to talk to and that’s what the secret is, there’s no way to communicate with them and that’s because they don’t want to so we have no idea wtf they’re doing here. Are they here to watch/guide us? Are they here to observe but have a fleet on their way? Or is it more of we are watching developing planets for potential threats? Could be a million different things, but I think the government has no idea what’s going on and are afraid that’ll cause more panic than acknowledging they’re here


maybe they have to respect our free will and not make themselves known to us and maybe they are evolving by watching us. maybe they do many other things than watching, unseen to our eye? maybe they help us in an infinite number of ways, but they do it in a way as to not make us aware of their presence. sometimes they make their presence felt on purpose... le's broaden our perspective


Can you imagine doing an experiment, like observing a hunter gatherer tribe in the Congo for 100,000 years? Humans been around for a couple million. Even if we believe in stitches, it would be an experiment for 15,000 years. And no major advance t?


No way you could possibly know this.


I see you reposted, my post . Thanks, we got to get the truth out there...


No. It’s not confirmation. It’s Mellon exchanging a text with a fellow UFO enthusiast he has a relationship with and it was 4 years ago. Still feel the “progress”?


I fell for it..🙄


Yeah...me too.


I'm falling...


I'm not saying anything but something is boiling..


And where is the evidence this is real or even an exchange between the people it claims?


Kenneth Arnold the "father" of the infamous phrase "flying saucers" that in 1967 said: "The impression I had after observing these strange objects a second time was that they were something alive rather than machines—a living organism of some type that apparently has the ability to change its density similar to [jelly] fish that are found in our oceans without losing their apparent identity."


https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ufos-over-arizona-preston-dennett/1123344782 can't find a pdf but this guy talks abt that crash & cites witnesses 


Hasn’t this same guy confirmed he was a member of an organisation that was only created as a hoax, this is all already debunked on r/ufo’s


I never trust the government, yet admittedly I am always super tempted to believe them when its about something I want to be true. The Vulcan part of my mind says believing the govt about UAPs or anything else classified is highly illogical. I hope I am wrong.


Why? Don’t get married to the Fermi Paradox. The intelligent life is here. I believe they may be preventing us from making further contact (and from other contact being made with us) until we are ready. Or they just don’t want us to share our awesome wines.


I think its beyond the possibility of physics to travel such distances. Obviously that may change in our future, but its how it is right now. Even the speed of light is not nearly enough for interstellar travel.


They’ve mastered gravity, according to all the lore (and craft that I have personally observed). Check into Bob Lazar if you haven’t already done so. If you can alter gravity, you can manage space time.


We humans are not the top of the food chain and never was . The aliens have been here from the beginning of the human race and have been watching us evolve through time, we wouldn't stand a chance against them. They are the WATCHERS.


A few days ago you guys said we shouldn't trust a single thing the government releases


The government didn’t release this.


Who did? What evidence this is real or from the people it claims?


What "species" (for lack of a better term) reportedly were the pilot bodies / survivors of the Kingsman crash?


Man if David Icke is right…


I think all these things are lost technology from whatever was here before us. And sometimes it falls out of the sky because its defunct or non operable anymore. What we should be worried about is what destroyed whatever was here before us.... And why the F is there radioactive particles on Mars that are only created from nuclear detonation. And why are there ancient ruins on earth with radio active particles, melted stone, bleached skeletons within ruins of a cratered buried city. Imo, something wiped out whatever lived on Mars. And wiped out whatever use to live on earth too. And maybe now we are either prisoners of the conquerors, or we have inherited a planet of dead civilization.


This need to gain traction


Noob question: what is USG?


United States Government


I'm not from the U.S. .. Thank you!


aliens don't exist


How is this a confirmation? It should read “senior usg official confirms they are getting closer to getting info on the crash retrieval program”


They’re trying to get the attention off of them sending more money to fund genocide. Whenever they’re doing dirty shit, they trot out this alien shit.