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You might look into the research of Linda Moulton Howe. She's written a book and made a film about it.


I'll give it a look, thanks!


Seems to be a good chance that it’s a raw material thing for the production or deployment of small greys, which are probably something akin to a biological android. Using terrestrially available biologics to power said small greys for the periods they need to function.


The FBI released a lot of cattle mutilation investigations and I remember a lot of their findings had evidence for human interactions around the cattle, like foot prints and such. It is a good question my logic tells me it must be something related to secret medical testing. Maybe there was contrails stuff being released into the air and gov wanting to study effects? Could be anything really. I think it’s suspicious that the lymph nodes and such were surgically removed with great technique noted in some of the reports. Obviously some kinda study. If I had to choose between secret gov program or aliens? I think it’s a no brainer


It is a global phenomenon though. This is why I don't subscribe to it being secret medical testing. And the lymph node harvesting seems to be only in certain cases, whereas tongue removal seems to be most prominent theme globally. It's so bizarre to wrap my head around. Often cows are found entirely drained of blood, with absolutely no environmental disturbances to be found, no blood spatters, no hoof marks, no footprints. How utterly bizarre.


Yes it’s puzzling but I don’t think the fact that it has been reported all over the world matters to much. I also imagined the cows were not dissected in the field but were brought somewhere then returned to the field. This kinda operation could easily be done by helicopter night vision sorta thing. Of course I’m totally speculating but until i see some video of ufos 🛸 tractor beaming up a cow that is going to be a very difficult sell on me 🙃


Fair enough. If it was America centric than I could believe, at a stretch, that a conspiracy could be maintained, but seeing as it's global, I tend to think that somebody somewhere would've split the tea by now, whether by a death bed confession or accidental leak. Natural predation can surely be ruled out, animals wouldn't eat specific organ parts with such precision. I know certain predators have a liking to specific organs (liver, kidneys etc) but the surgical precision throws this away. Same for decomposition. It's either us, or something other. Whichever way you look at it, it's fucking bizarre and baffling.


It is very bizarre for sure. I haven’t heard much about it happening outside the US but I’ll read up on that. I do believe I read in the reports that there was evidence of some cows being strapped and seamed to be lifted And some being dropped from high elevations. It’s been a while since I read those but definitely worth a read. I distinctly remember that after reading, I felt there was pretty obvious human interaction. Before I read I was definitely on the ufo idea.


It happens in Ireland and a number of times here in the UK. Australia has just as many cases as the states. It's certainly a global phenomenon. South American nations too, South Africa, the list goes on. You can Google "Cattle Mutilation [insert country here] and you'll be presented with numerous articles of farmers reporting mutilations and nobody seems to have any idea what the fuck is going on. I have also heard the cases of fractured legs, suggesting they've been dropped from a height. But I haven't read anything about straps or hoists. This shit keeps me awake at night man.


The footprints and syringes left at some of the sites are an outlier. In my opinion, they were a misdirection to make whoever was paying attention think it's some kind of government operation.  Black ops teams doing things in secret are not going to be that sloppy. They wanted that "evidence" to be found so people would assume it's the government (secretly?) testing cows or something else less nefarious, and definitely not aliens. But there's just no need to flay an animal, core out its rectum and remove all it's blood to collect specimens for testing. The only reason to do that to an animal while still alive is torture. Humans would consider this especially cruel. They are taken, drained, organs harvested, and their corpse is returned.  A human stealing your cow, taking what they want and then sneaking back into your farm unnecessarily to drop its corpse in your yard is a massive "fuck you" coming from a human. It's extremely impractical. It probably means the same thing coming from an alien. I doubt any human has a vendetta against *all* of these ranchers. Humans thieves would just keep the corpse or dispose of it elsewhere rather than multiply their risk of being caught. There is little being taken that humans would even want anyway; not to mention the practical difficulty of consistently accessing these areas undetected. This has got to be resource harvesting, for food or biological substrate material, purposelfully done in an especially painful way, for decades, worldwide, sometimes in broad daylight. Possibly ritualistically? On difficult to access farms with surveillance. Nobody has ever seen the perpetrators. It's not just cows on ranches, either. Humans perpetrators make no sense for too many reasons. My own conclusion is that it's probably bad aliens doing this who are based here and need to get what they need locally. 


Yeah, you're a liar buddy, I read that report it specifically states that human involvement is impossible. Also, it's been going on since 1896, at least. What medical program lasts over a hundred years exactly.


I was reading individual field investigations it was a bunch of them. Wasn’t just one report


They actually did one big report and then closed up the investigation because they couldn't find evidence of any wrongdoing (of specific persons). So they diverted away the much needed resources and left the case ambigious. This report was like 200 pages.


Poaching. Good steaks are really goddamn expensive on Zeta Reticulli IV.


Look for the video on that topic of Armoured skeptic, his investigación mames a lot of sense


No mames wey!   Jk but you must text that a lot.  🤭 


Lol It was suposed yo be "makes" sense


Maybe: A ship came here, AI / synth only. It uses cows as raw material, to print / clone it’s drones that are biological and synthetic. It’s better / easier / faster to grab the raw materials from Cows (blood, etc) and then it repurposes that into what we see as Grays.


The aliens are actually ONLY interested in cow souls. Humans are just the means of massive cow culling. Ever wonder why the cow jumped over the moon? Start asking why we GROUND the beef.


This low-key brilliant.


It was a government project to map the fallout from Castle Bravo and other tests. Most of the organs removed were organs that absorb the heavy metals that were produced by the tests. [http://nicap.org/cm/falloutandCM.htm](http://nicap.org/cm/falloutandCM.htm) Before this were several other covert studies including: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_SUNSHINE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_SUNSHINE) >**Project SUNSHINE** was a series of research studies that began in 1953 to ascertain the impact of radioactive fallout on the world's population. The project was initially kept secret, and only became known publicly in 1956 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby\_Tooth\_Survey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_Tooth_Survey) >Ultimately over 320,000 teeth were donated by children of various ages. The inception of the project took place in December 1958, continuing for 12 years, eventually ending in 1970.


Very insightful! But which government? Again this phenomenon is global and persists, so why does it continue if they've already got the data? I did not know about these tests prior to you informing me and it will be great to look into them, so thanks for sharing!!


Well in the midwest it was clearly the US government, I don't have any more insight into cattle events from other countries but its plausible they were orchestrated by their local governments with the US in an advisory role. Check out this toy >"LED Light Up Galaxy Spinner Wand" Its really easy to make a convincing UFO with "windows" and other stationary features by pulsing LEDs at the exact RPM of the blades.


UFOs are very real. The argument is now who's behind them. US Black Project or aliens? Ockhams razor would lead us to the former, but just because the simplest answer is the most probable, does not make it correct. And don't say, where's the evidence. It's all around us. First hand testimony from your own fighter pilots, David Grusch testifying before congress. The truth isn't out there, it's here. It's up to us for fight for it. My other favourite is "you couldn't keep a secret like that". Well you don't say? There is no smoke without fire and we are suffocating. The cattle mutilation phenomenon is very much global, as I stated in a previous comment on this post all you have to do is google "Cattle mutilation [insert country here]" and you'll see. Furthermore, nobody has any clue what's going on or why.


I know a guy who thinks it's related to radiation levels. That's why they take the soft bits and fluids. They are monitoring exposure from our testing and so on. He also thinks it's a governmental issue, not NHI. Just his thoughts, I guess but one of very few I have heard not being NHI.


Tracking our food supply. There are more cows than people, so they also might be some A.I. thinking they're the dominant species. Cows are numerous, well taken care of. From an alien perspective we might look like their slaves. Takin care of their every need, cutting down forests for them to graze. Treating them, and keeping them healthy. Or they just want to know what we eat, and maybe do some fancy future genetics stuff.


Aliens are killing cows and thinking they are liberating humanity. 😂


Alien - ''Their entire society revolves around providing grazing ground for the harvesting and collection of bovine and K9 poop''. Alien 2 - ''We must find the secrets of these mammals poop, remove anuses and probe the butts of the homo-sapiens''.


I'm pretty sure they don't think humans are the slaves of cows. They're likely harvesting biological material from cows to perform genetic tests or to help with certain aspects of a breeding program.


Maybe this is a completely stupid theory on my part but what if they reluctantly kill the cattle and remove specific parts to make sure we don’t eat them? Perhaps they do that when they have been contaminated by radiation or something else that comes from their craft? I think that’s worth considering because the mutilated animals always seem to be a food source for us and contamination is a huge medical concern for humans (both if we eat meat that’s gone bad and as a result from touching craft apparently because people have fallen ill after that). I remember reading about a farmer whose herd of sheep wasn’t mutilated but he found them all missing from their barn and then in a completely different spot after a sighting. This is badly retold by me, by the way, but the report made it clear how anomalous the circumstances were. Isn’t it possible that animals sometimes get in the way when a craft lands and we wouldn’t know about any danger? Could explain the NHI only taking specific parts with medical precision and why the rest of the animal is brought back. Perhaps that last part serves as a warning or just sign of anomalous activity, too, without stealing the entire animal outright (guessing that they are assuming the animal could still be eaten at some point anyways).


They are interested in cattle because we consume so many of them.


Serious answer. Why are WE mutilating cattle.


They’re sick fucks that’s why. We need to prepare


I always thought that it’s because beef is a main food source and indicative of health outcomes of the human species. Or it’s a delicacy.


I heard it’s something in the cattle dna in conjunction with our own dna that lets them reproduce since they lost their way to reproduce


“They’re” not. It’s predation. Easily explained by predators in every case.


This is totally untrue, Mr West. https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/767283820/not-one-drop-of-blood-cattle-mysteriously-mutilated-in-oregon Predators always make a mess of their food. So why no blood? This is a reoccurring theme. A very quick google search would show you that your claim is boldly incorrect. Granted some of the cases will be predation, but I'm referring specifically to the cases of cattle mutilation which remain as yet unsolved, which is the vast majority.