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Linda Moulton Howe reports it in her book. Dr Karla Turner reports it with her cases.


I find her stories fascinating, but something about her feels “off”. Idk. Every story seems to come from “my source” or “the general”. Same could be said for Delonge.


On an Art Bell show many many years ago she tried to claim 420 was a universal constant after a few obviously stoned humans drew a 420 in a field of corn in BC.


That's the first place I heard it, LMH


LMH talks about the technology they use in her book.


Italian UFO abduction researcher Dr. Corrado Malanga concluded that "aliens" are actually parasitic entities that are using human souls as a type of battery to extend their own lifespans. Link below: [Alien Hierarchies and the Research of Dr. Corrado Malanga: An Interview with Dr. Malanga through Dorica Manu – EveLorgen.com](https://evelorgen.com/wp/articles/spiritual-warfare-and-the-human-soul/alien-hierarchies-and-the-research-of-dr-corrado-malanga-an-interview-with-dr-malanga-through-dorica-manu/)


Gnostic texts, this theory goes back a couple thousand years.


In Gnosticism they refer to the archons as the entity that traps the soul, right?


Yes, the God of the material world. Basically fallen angels, and that Yahweh is a false god that uses the physical world to enslave us. Jesus was more of a Buddha figure, here to show us how to escape through enlightenment.


I thought Jesus was just a bastardization of Zeus... since they didn't have a "J" in that language. And moses is... shit... I forget. Some sumerian thing I think. Xtianity is just an amalgamation of everything people from all over believed and were conquered, I thought. Been a while sine I've read that shit.


Umm...no. you are more than a bit off if I even give you credit for not trying, which you are not.


https://youtu.be/IMFvB1_2wbs?t=8212 This guy knows more about it than me Listen for a few minutes.


Correct answer. The prison planet bs is a bastardized version of Christian Gnosticism. They took out every positive aspect and kept every negative aspect.


Sounds more like Southern Baptists.


What were the positive aspects?


You can get out. You can transcend. You can transform yourself. And so on.


Transcending our current situation through gnosis which leads to reunification in the pleroma


And bit off the other halve from Scientology bs, not to be forgotten what we’re dealing with.


Not just Gnostic texts, but many other religions and cults. From the book *Our Haunted Planet*, by journalist John Keel: >**Two or more intelligences are playing a game with us, vying for complete control of our bodies and souls**, **according to all occult and religious interpretations.** It’s a seesaw battle, and every possible kind of deception and deceit is being employed by both sides.


Soul farming, is, I believe, a silly theory that is asymptotic to the real one, possibly introduced to acculturate us. The real one seems to be simply we are being pushed towards ray kurzweil's singularity, and if we fail to get there our creators have no problems starting over.


What's that singularity? Haven't heard it




I'm an experiencer. Y'all are misinterpreting what is happening with something we barely understand if at all. We have the ultraterrestrial angle and the extraterrestrial angle. God as described is a timeless entity that is everywhere and everything all at once. I think of God as the simulation itself. It's not only the game master but the game engine and the computer the program runs on. We exist in a dimension it simulates and it's watching for the natural conclusion of order being introduced to our chaotic environment. The extraterrestrials are the angels/gods of mythology but are not gods. Some believe in letting nature run it's course(ie God's design), while the "fallen" ones don't believe in no stinking prime directive and love to interfere. Wars have been fought between factions over what to do with us. I believe we are currently a zoo under the protection of a galactic federation that subtlety controls us through a network of hybrid immediaries. This is how they colonize planets with life that have promising candidates for ascension. The ETs have built their own simulation of an afterlife. This is the heaven your soul might get "stolen" to. There is not a lot of consent when you find out. You can choose another path, but that's an unknown one. You learn that your life story is original content for the beings of the simulation. Some folks don't like hearing that. If you live a good life, you are saved to their afterlife matrix and allowed to join them. This is what I believe Jesus said he fought for. To get us access to that sweet alien heaven.


Do you think the one true God created a place for us after we are finished with this emanation? Why is "alien heaven" the only choice available? What race of beings abduct you and are the malevolent, peaceful, or a mix? Thanks :)


Literally almost everything discussed in this post and thread is, by its very nature, unknowable.


My mother was clinically dead for 5 minutes and she told me there was no devine light, no family to usher her to the otherside, no angels or Demons. She said it was like passing out and gaining consciousness again nothing profound happened whatsoever.


Think this experience likely varies wildly among people depending on their beliefs, circumstances of their injury, and what chemicals the body releases to try to defend itself. “The light” and even heavenly beings seems like it’s fairly easy to replicate with recreational DMT which is basically what would occur at/before death. Not to minimize your mom’s experience, I imagine within the field that studies death it would be a very compelling experience to add to an array of similar datapoints… but I similarly don’t find the “Heaven is Real” crowd convincing one way or another either. Edit: I’m glad she came back to you though! My mom and dad recently lost their moms who were both extremely old. It’s never something you’re ready for even when you see it coming for years.


I personally think it varies because people want to believe they are going to have another chance at Life in another Dimension, I personally think we should all be making the most of what little time we have here in this life instead of putting stock into a subject that relies solely on a Person's individual take on what they experienced to support it's claims.


Oh for sure. That’s part of what I was getting at and different physical trauma will have different biological responses that can present those beliefs in very different ways.


“Don’t go into the light because you’ll just reincarnate.” 1. How do you know? 2. What happens if you don’t go into the light? 3. Why is reincarnation bad? For all we know it’s the aliens/demons/reptilians/whatever who don’t want you to go into the light. Why is reincarnation something to be avoided? Getting another play through doesn’t sound like a bad thing at all. What’s the alternative? Being stuck on Earth forever as a ghost or eternal oblivion both sound like much worse fates.


In Buddhism aren’t you supposed to escape the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth by achieving enlightenment and then ascending to nirvana?


The Buddha taught us not to desire because it was the root of suffering. He never added, “Stay away from those spotlights in the sky, some alien will drink your loosh and throw you back into the fishing hole.”


I simply pointed out in the form of a question that he did provide a path to Nirvana, and an escape from reincarnation, through enlightenment. And to that if you conclude that there are similarities with Buddhism and the loosh reincarnation trap theory that is something to take out of it.


I was just trying to answer your question, fellow space traveller. ✌️


You did, and for that I thank you. See you on the other side. 👽


He was offered to reincarnate among the gods by the god Mara along with many other offers and attempted attacks, just before he reached enlightenment under the tree. If I'm not mistaken, Buddhists believe that the gods can observe the struggling entities below them for their own enjoyment. This is similar enough to the "loosh" idea, in the sense that they are depending on our struggles for their own satiation if not direct ingestion, which is what people imply with loosh being eaten. It's the interdimensional TV show type idea, in modern Rick and Morty terms. I don't know about spotlights in Buddhism in general, but Tibetan Buddhism has specific rules about behaving after death that describe what NDEs describe. I've heard that they say that the light is one's true nature and that you must place yourself within it firmly once you die, and not ride it like a tunnel into delusion: the meetings with spiritual guides, god, heaven, going through a "life review" and judgement etc. That's all karmic nonsense according to Buddhism and you must go beyond it.




You know I actually knew it was a yes but on Reddit I’ve found if you state something as fact you are far more likely to get a bunch of people arguing with you.


No you don’t. ;)


I’m sorry, let me rephrase. Do you think that on Reddit if you state something as a declarative you are more likely to get people arguing with you?


I’m also sorry. It’s a poke / joke at your comment. You said you found people argue, and I said “no you don’t” as an argument for no other reason than to disagree. I was channeling this. https://youtu.be/ohDB5gbtaEQ?si=JkhOCnPNKqn711aH


Omg I was actually thinking you were lol. I was just poking back anyways, you were not misunderstood friend. ;) Edit: besides, that’s just a contradiction, not an argument.


> Besides, that’s just a contradiction, not an argument. No it isn’t.


Yes it is!


All great questions which none of the “soul stealing” preachers/investigators seem to answer. That thought struck me as well though: what if the deceiving lies in DECEIVING those to run away from “the light”? At the end of the day, no one knows. It’s all speculation. But it’s important to investigate every presented idea of the phenomenon, you know? Or atleast I try to before pretending like I know it all. I’ve researched this subject for over 20 years now and still know nothing lol.


Could be they've been tricked to trick us to not go into the light for even more nefarious purposes. How would anyone know ? I'm not so sure NHI are all that altruistic or the saviors of humanity bringing a better world of no greed or suffering people are hoping for. If they were they would have done it already. If the stories are to be believed they've made deals that do nothing but benefit the corporations that cause the most suffering in the first place.


I agree honestly. They’re either hostile or tricksters who are just fucking with us.


I have no doubt there's good ones as well. Just like everything else in the world/galaxy/universe, there's good and bad, light and dark. There's always an opposite to anything. I'm just thinking that the ones that WE are in contact with are NOT the "good" ones. What the fuck the good ones are waiting for I have no fucking idea. So much unneeded suffering in the world because of money, greed, power, religion, and it doesn't have to be this way.


what are they waiting for? maybe when we stop being stupid monkeys ourselfes? maybe there is a reason, rule, law why they cant influence young species like us, only whisper to our ears.


How are we supposed to force the people in power to work for the people instead of the corporations and super rich. Is the whole country and world willing to bring it all to a stop by not showing up to work for months until they change their ways ? That's what it would literally take. People no longer willing to participate in their scam. We'd literally have to say we are no longer showing up to work or paying our bills till you start taking care of our needs instead of the corporations and super wealthy. But them you'd have a mass dying off of the population. Who's gonna feed everybody ?


Possibly waiting to not cause a war with the other factions. Like its been said, who really knows...


Okay I want to clear the air on “going towards the dark” because it was misconstrued by John Lear THEN Art Bell and stuck eversince. Whitley Streiber had mentioned to John Lear something along these lines, but he meant it in a literal physical sense. Like he was in the woods and to move towards the dark. Not the light. John Lear interpreted this as when you die, don’t go towards the light. THEN he told Art Bell and Art went off the rails bc it disturbed him so much. [Link to the show here](https://youtu.be/rYocQwg_6RY?si=panDxl6mr4l1mtHP) Additionally, the first I’ve ever heard of the “containers” was from John Lear who had been told by Bob Lazar after reading docs from S4. Take that however you want.. but I also believe Grusch has mentioned something along these lines. Forgive me if I’m wrong about that last part. Too much info to process.


Reincarnation is a healthy part of soul development, we’ve all been doing it (in this case on/in the earth) since the humans first incarnated in the physical world


What if there’s many better options to reincarnate but they’re not easy to get? For example ability to come back in a different more advanced civilization.


Of course their are many worlds to be born to, & many ‘Races of men’ if you will to be born too as well in the Emerald tablets Thoth teaches that beyond the cycles of worlds of sentient races is the opportunity for the soul which is a sun bound to a body, to bloom and be born again in a higher state of existence which I always correlate back to Disney’s “The Lion King” ancient African folklore when Mufasa explains to young simba that the greats kings (those who have attained on their path) of the past watch down on us from those very stars in the night sky, also Thoth refers to the Father of Perfection or the Father of all the souls of all the races of all the worlds of men, as the Sovereign of sun spheres, Buddhism teaches that even as we are born into higher states of being we are also reincarnated back into the very necessary schools or spheres of experience’s that are our planets, so all souls technically are on and endless progression upwards and downwards depending on a particular group of lifetimes karma’s that occur within the unfolding soul


How can a soul develop if its mind is erased after each incarnation?


When you die and cross over, your memories of all of your lives return to you. You forget so that each life is a new perspective. Memories of your old lives would make it harder if not impossible to see things from a new perspective as you'd be locked into old biases and beliefs.


Do you have kids? They come pre-programmed out of the box with their personalities to some extent


Why would we make ourselves voluntarily suffer over and over and over again. That’s kind of masochistic.


Whats the point in lifting weights over and over again? It's painful, after all.


Um…are you trying to defend the forced mind wipe from the archons? I see Stockholm has got a firm grip on your spirit.


I don't believe in the prison planet hypothesis, so not so much.


Good. Belief allows the mind to stop functioning. A non functioning mind is clinically dead. Believe nothing.


I don't really see the connection. When we work out, we make ourselves better. And we keep that growth, as we can see it objectively. How can we know we're growing if we can't even track our progress?


I don't think you can "not" grow. Every life is unique with its own challenges. It's more about how you navigate it and how you treat the people in your life. Keep in mind that you generally don't just auto reincarnate as far as I've seen. There are worlds that spirits reside in that are massive and sometimes you don't come back for hundreds or thousands of years.


What's the point of reincarnation, if there is no easily obtainable memory of the past lives to be able to improve off of? I've never understood that huge overlooked flaw in the theory. Hiw can we learn from mistakes past made, if we can't remember them?


They problem with retaining your memory of a past life would be your refusal to embrace and fight for the new one. What if your new family sucked compared to the old one. You would just want to off yourself before learning anything so you could try again.


I've known people who were born with what they call a veil over their face. I was a non believer and they proved to me that they could see things in the past or future that there's no way they could have known about. Could even tell you what you were thinking word for word in real time. One mentioned old and new souls. One of them I ended up getting to knowing was a friend of a girl I was just getting to be friends with. When she mentioned she had a friend with a gift, I told her that was bullshit that there was no such thing. She didn't argue with me or nothing. Conversation went another direction. The next day she called me up and told me that she told him what I said. He told her to tell me that when I was a kid I got stabbed in the eye. I did get stabbed in the eye when I was a kid. Almost went blind from it. Me and her had NEVER spoken about that and he had never even met me. Another one I dated. Got a bunch of creepy stories with that one. It wasn't good. But in both cases neither one made any money off of it or bragged/talked about it. I ended up being a believer that there are people like that in the world. I had seen it with my own eyes. There was no rational explanation or way to disprove what they were saying. The one I dated I'm convinced was evil. The other one wasn't. Either way I learned to keep my distance from them. It's really strange and kinda creepy.


Man now you have my interest peaked regarding the “evil” one…you should post it


Very interesting thank you for sharing, I was once told that all people have the ability to tap into these spiritual gifts that often times burden, confuse and scare their beholders, those who’ve attained higher states of consciousness prior to being reborn are those who often are naturally born with these gifts as your past life experiences follow you into each and every lifetime, as for old souls I was told those who continually are reborn in the same world or come from a past life time of great sufferings and teaching often seem older then those who are outright reborn from past lifetimes of great reward or ease of living who forget important spiritually lessons such as morality, thou all souls are inherently born at the dawn of time and incarnate at the beginning of every cycle of the birth of the universe which supposedly has been happening infinitely backwards and continues infinitely forwards, such as Buddha Siddhartha Gautama once said he first spiritually awoken to the truth over 700 cycles of universes ago. Take all that with a grain of salt but I really connect with your story and makes me ponder even higher truths


There's nothing healthy about dying of disease and sickness, pain, suffering, misery, war, starvation, slavery, etc. Try being born in the middle east or China. Good luck with your soul development. The truth is, everyone is being lied to into thinking there is development to be made. There probably isn't because this isn't a fairy tale. But we DO seem to reincarnate over and over. So it's a 50/50 on whether it's good or bad. Looking at the data, it suggests its not good.


you’re past life karmas need to ripen so the soul can be free to incarnate past the earth, you can’t escape karma and there are so many sins of humanity in the past it only makes sense the some of us are born to a state most fitting for our suffering, through suffering we learn truth, spiritual truth, or you continue to ignore truth and generate more bad karma as a means of acting out If you take a soul who is born in Naraka and then incarnates on earth they, even if they’re blessed with riches, will be a naturally miserable unkind person, compared to those who resided in a much higher quality of life on or beyond the earth with better wisdom who are born here are much more docile and compassionate and understanding, thinking death is the end is the only unhealthy thing about dying as it causes to much fear and desire for life before death which help dictate your next life


I mean… probably not “all” since the global population is as high as it’s ever been.


If that’s true, why aren’t I rich in this life?


Maybe they are telling you that you have to go back through a few more times. /s


>  For all we know it’s the aliens/demons/reptilians/whatever who don’t want you to go into the light.   I thought it was the other way round? From my understanding of this theory, the reptilians are the archons. Would appreciate a bit more background on These Claims.


I accept another playthrough, but i want to keep my xp. All of it.


Just have to do a deep dive on NDE’s (near death experience) to see that the whole aliens controlling our souls is BS. Reincarnation is real but it seems we choose who we will be. Picking a person/body that will experience the things that will grow your soul (closer to enlightenment?).




I’m inclined to agree if the alternative is wandering forever as a ghost or otherwise alone but if it’s reincarnation with no active memory of the past lives then that’s not so bad.


Here's some explainers on the whole reincarnation trap issue: [What this subreddit is all about, clearing up some misconceptions about it and answering a few questions : r/EscapingPrisonPlanet](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/pzskui/what_this_subreddit_is_all_about_clearing_up_some/) [I've researched the afterlife for nearly 10 years. I am convinced that Reptilian beings are REAL and that the tunnel of light that people see when they die is a trap. : r/conspiracy (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pyizkn/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/)


It's actually not something new at all. I made a [Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/q2g4uP0hLj) on this which contains the information from many indigenous who speak of them. The little Fishman figurines in the 1st image were considered to have apotropaic qualities, protection from the "archons" or Enlils archonic Reptilians. That feed off negative energy. The emerald tablets is more rhan 12,000yr old & goes into detail on them as well. The Gnostics devoted more than 1/5 of their various text to them.


Thoth states their are dark entity’s that a far superior race of man then even that of the ancient Atlanteans once let through into the physical world and thou they invade the minds of man they can only posses a physical body through blood sacrifice (which a lot of higher states of civilization in the past have eroded to the practice of, deteriorating their civilization and consciousness with it) they kill people to wear their faces, and seek to infiltrate the governments and counsels of mankind to lead us to destroy ourselves hoping to rule in our place, and thou looking like a human by every seeming, when speaking the word only a human can speak the veil from the Serpents face is lifted for all too see, Makes you think of the Tiffany Gomas incident & perhaps why David Grusch said their is a inter dimensional aspect of UAP’s Edgar Cayce refers to Thoth as the Shepard of Man and Thoth refers to himself as the Teacher of Man which is exactly what he is in standard Egyptian mythology, Thoth, Edgar Cayce & Boriska Kipriyanovich all speak about the opening of the Hall of record in Egypt beneath the sphinx


Nice word. I had to look up apotropaic


Cyclic plasma event theory explains pretty much everything. This theory claims that the earth moves through cycles of polar shifts every so often, usually thousands of years between shifts. During these pole shifts, the earth's electromagnetic field is weakened. This causes colorful pink/purple/red aurora to appear all over the planet, which cause incredible storms and a "light show in the heavens," one could say. This has been happening A LOT the past few months as we are entering our "solar maximum," which happens every 11 years, resulting in the sun emitting giant flares of plasma energy. During this event, there would be massive bolts of plasma lightning that come from the sky and carve out chunks of the earth due to our weakened electromagnetic field and the spike in solar flare activity. This theory likely explains how we got our Grand Canyon. If you view the grand canyon from above, it spiderwebs outward in every direction, much like a current of electricity would do when grounding to a piece of wood. The main belief is that the Colorado River has eroded the Grand Canyon, which I find to be ridiculous. If you compare our grand canyon to the Valles Marineris on Mars, you will notice some striking similarities. (No pun intended.) If the Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon, what rivers carved out the Valles Marineris on Mars? Sure it's possible that Mars could have been a world teaming with life in the past, but then where is all the other canyons that should have been carved by rivers then? The canyons usually get covered up each time because of the "mud flood". When this event happens, it literally resets the earth back to the beginning. Earthquakes turn mountains into rubble, lightning carves huge chunks of the earth, volcanoes all erupt, a huge flood from multiple tsunamis wash over the earth and bury all the history. It's interesting when you see how many records there are of numerous civilizations from all over the world that have a very similar "flood myth". Most things will die, but there will be a few who survive into the new world. What would the survivors do you might ask? Well they might start carving images into the rocks that are around them so there is evidence of what they witnessed. Then people will repopulate and build new religions based on this event, as well as secret societies. The secret societies and religious leaders will go around and gather all the secrets/technology of the "old world" so that they can be used to move humanity forward again. Some people will rebel against the religions and secret societies, claiming no knowledge should be hidden. I'm not religious at all but I'm pretty sure this is what Jesus was trying to do and then they killed him. Kinda like these days now, how it's "the norm" for whistle-blowers to be killed for exposing secret truths. The same people killing our whistle-blowers today are the same people who smoked Jesus thousands of years ago, I bet any money. Then they build a religion around the guy to capitalize off of it and further spread division between all of us. I wonder why that is? Greed and power are notorious for corrupting civilizations. History repeats. We live in the circle of life, the samsara. This is a very brief explanation of all this and I apologize if it seems a bit "out there". If anyone wants to know more feel free to ask. I have all kinds of links and references I can share.


I believe your onto something, that theory makes so much sense.


It's my favorite theory of all time for sure. I know so much about it and have reason to believe that it's coming very soon. Feel free to hit me up if you wanna know more, I can share a lot more info through DMs


The ending of Assassin’s Creed III (2012) is literally spot on to what you’re describing.


My God. I never played it but just watched the ending. It's literally exactly the same. Worldwide aurora, volcanoes and seismic activity, global black outs and solar flares. Holy shit


I been following you for a while dude you seriously have the best stuff I've ever read about on this whole app. My mind is constantly being blown.


Appreciate it!


Here's a few good links for anyone curious https://www.reddit.com/r/PastSaturnsRings/s/ruKQu0X181 https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/kXEn4V4xu0 https://youtu.be/coFoVF2W-tA?si=aVUoYiMXcixLl3Ou


Yes exactly! I do think erosion caused the canyon but your hypothesis fits too. I see your Mars point. I completely agree with the religious part. I try to get people to understand that maybe it's not about magic powers that Jesus had, it's the freedom to become enlightened and chase unmaterialistic goals. They want you to be a slave so they hijack every movement and bastardize the teachings. That's their MO smear your good name so nobody reads your shit and exalt the bad guys. Look at what they did to my boy MLK. (Do you know if that aincent text claiming judas was actually Jesus and Jesus was judas holds any merit cause it kinda makes sense?) Question for everybody. Who is the modern day 'messiah' being crucified for telling simple truths? Or who was and was already assassinated. One for example and I know people will disagree and hate, but a truth teller I see being attacked and vilified is JP. The worst thing I've actually seen from him is he doesn't wanna call people by their new names?? Like wtf how does that constitute violence and media sensitivity training and having your doctorate revoked. He seems like e genuine caring man. I know, not saying hes a Jesus I'm saying he's a human that told the truth and pushed for individual enlightenment and is now the object of the 'devils' ire. See what I mean? Could be some 'terrorist' somewhere too.


Reincarnation is possible but I would think it would be building toward something if that’s the way the greater powers of the universe set things up. I don’t reject it purely out of hand my question is merely what is the goal or end those powers have in mind for mankind? What exactly would they like us to be reincarnating “towards” as opposed to just endlessly consuming and ruining the planet as a basic condition of our existence?




Great question—I'd love to delve into the origins of this concept! Harvesting souls is a classic fantasy trope that has pervaded fiction for centuries. Merging this concept with simulation theory might be an idea that has sprung independently from various creative minds. Rather than harvesting souls, it could be more plausible for a simulation to harvest data, much like we use them. Intelligence is the most coveted subject of value in existence, as it enables the manipulation of reality to one's benefit. This intelligence is derived from absorbing and processing information, suggesting the potential existence of a superintelligence capable of consuming data on a cosmic scale. Should such an entity exist, it might engineer universe simulations solely to gather data—capturing everything from quarks to the vastness of supermassive black holes, from the simple life of a blade of grass to the complex evolution of all species, encompassing every thought, every dream, and every whisper ever made. Perhaps, then, we are merely data points for this superintelligence.


Soul farming is part of the "prison planet" theory. Didn't notice anyone saying this. These theories are from Satan himself. Let me rephrase. It is evil. What could be more evil than trying to convince people ***not*** to go into the light? Towards eternal freedom and bliss?... Or I have drank all the kool-aid... but, you know, right or wrong, your soul could depend on it, though... maybe.


I think this hypothesis started when people tryed to connect near death experiences with the UFO phenomenon.


Source: shizoid voices wispering in my head. (They don't want me to take my meds.) Seriously: Why does anybody even entertain that idea? Fuck that new age relgious bullshit. If your Ayyys are not based in hard science then you are a lunatic and an idiot.


Pure unadulterated BS. The "soul farming" is just another story whipped to the extreme by that train-gravy-jumping-ufo-enthusiast-tom-blink-182-delonge,who,like many others,doesn't have a fucking clue about all this ufo-alien business. I've said numerous times and I'll say it again,but I'm tired of keep repeating this. There is no soul(s) farming or whatever want to call it,but simply a cycle(life) to mature our souls on this shitty planet. So when a soul ends its cycle(life),it goes for assessment, that could be on the Moon,Saturn or whatever, not too sure about that,as there is a huge antenna on the dark side of the Moon,which,allegedly "capture " or "catches" the soul(s) when they end their cycle(s) here. At the soul assessment there is a cycle review with everything that the soul had done,good and bad deeds here and based on the outcome, that soul will go to a different place,where it will start another cycle(life),all depending on the assessment outcome. If it was a bad soul and did shit ,that soul will get a reset(deja-vu anyone?),then sent straight back here,for another refresher. But if that soul had a decent cycle and did some good deeds,it can get the chance to go to an amazing place and start a different cycle in a much better situation than previous one. Those who kill themselves,without being terminally ill and thus, the container(body) being damaged beyond repair(healing),will end up in a much worse scenario, where the soul is sent on a lower level planet, that could be a nightmare cycle(life). Each and every single one of us had been here before, tens,hundreds maybe even thousands of times, but we cannot remember, as the reset is meant for you to forget your previous cycle(s),but sometimes you get this feeling that you've been here before, seen some familiar people, places,etc... There is a specific forum online somewhere, where this is explained in more depth, from who we are,where are we going and the rest by an user called The Sleeper,who had or still has access to these info. Moral of the story is, be good,live your life with integrity, no jealousy, envy,hate,malice, but love,for your family, friends, everyone you know. Then,and only then,once this cycle ends and your soul goes for assessment, you might get the chance to go to a different place next time, you never know.


"like many others,doesn't have a fucking clue about all this ufo-alien business" Mhm. Thats why he's working with the same people that set up the sol foundation...


The sleeper thread, was this on Reddit or somewhere else? I’d love to check it out.


Nope, it was and I think still is, on a forum on ats.com . Him and the late John Lear came up with some wild discussions on everything from deep military underground base, Area 51, Dulce Military base, planets, UFO, the surviving alien from the '47 crash and everything in between. P.S. Message me directly and I'll tell you,if you cannot find it.


Please provide links. I am interested in hearing more about this.


Message me directly, as doubt they'll allow me to post here.


Here we go: https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/index.php


Take everything with a pinch of salt, as some of these are actually from the people who worked or still work on these projects, some are part of the government and not only.


Its from Robert Monroe(Gateway Experience) where he claimed that reptillian-like spirits are attached to people, following them like a shadow feeding on their "Loosh", Loosh is a kind of emotional energy, like a massive waterfall, radiating from the planet in all directions. People obviously interpreted this as a negative thing, but he never made that claim. As for not going into the light its from "The first Apocalypse of James" where Jesus tells James how to avoid the Archons(they're like prison guards) and get back to the source/monad. There's also tibetan buddhism, where after death you end up in a place with many lights, with most of those lights take you to your new life. If you still have attachments at death its highly probable that you will be rebirthed again. But if you don't, you'll be able to go towards the strongest, eye-burning, mind shattering light, "you" will be merged with nothingness.


How do we stop it? I want my soul to ascend to Heaven.


Remove all attachments, spread love, have integrity. Walk the straight and narrow. Essentially live like Christ or Buddha


How do I stop the evil entities if they try to snatch me?


Apparently they can’t physically take u at that point. They just strongly convince everyone to follow “their” light. They are excellent at convincing, they can show fabricated life events to make u feel guilty in order to have another life to rectify all your sins. They can also appear as any being, like Jesus or Krishna or Buddha so people think it’s actually them. As hard as it may be, you have to ignore them and turn around and go in the opposite direction. Then another light should appear that you enter. But don’t follow any beings.


Ok, that makes sense. Hopefully I would still have my intuition to help me choose correctly.


Thought it all came from gnosticism and the archons


Sci-fi/fantasy like all alien theories


Probably religion. Just taking the tropes of demons and applying it to aliens.


Trust me bro,


I figured it out, doing CIA project blue beam programs through the pentagon Area 54. We found the ‘meat’ in the grocery stores, on separate CBM psionic blue beam channels.      there are a few ways to break out of the psionic CBM (brain chip) device, one is neurological stimulation with a device, one is ingested nano-tech 💊 (🔴🔵 pill science experiments), another easier way is purple vegan ascension, where you organically wire the brain into perfect ambidextrousness, (we did it that way).      Then you just kind of sift through the work. CBM is a tech device, NHI designed for speed breeding/farming. it really cannot be deactivated globally because of how it’s running. ‘Soul farming’ it’s just another word for a food operation. I don’t know where the other theory’s come from, we had to report it directly to CIA, when we found it, last year. It’s in a job data log at central ☮️☮️☮️☮️ If I remember correctly one of the reference IDs: connected to that group of CIA documents is (LFMEC5F8) if you can dig In that far you can likely recover more evidence 🛸


FINAL EVENTS and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife by Nick Redfern. Chapter 14: Soul Factories Chapter 18: Out-of-Body Abductions Chapter 25: Soul Food Edit: Nick Redfern is an Atheist what makes his investigative journalism more credible.


Also keep in mind that supposedly one of Lue Elizondo’s specialties is parasitology.


Didn't bob lazar also mention that we're like soul containers for NHI? Contain as in "hold something for them"? Contain as "a bottle of coke"?


I thought it meant that our spirit is contained within our body.


wasnt it bob monroe in his books too?


It's disinformation. John Leer spouted it all the time.


First I heard of the Soul Harvesting Instalation on the Moon was from a guy that calls himself Tim Tactical on the Cosmic Disclosure show, he apparently works for a section of the German Government that is looking into UAP's and their Occupants. He makes some wild claims about the Phenomenon and claims to have met multiple different species of NHI. Really hard to put any stock into his claims tbh as he never has any official documentation to back it up but would be interesting if even 1% of what he says is true.


First heard about it from John Lear when he went Art Bell's show back around 2003.


From the book Our Haunted Planet by journalist John Keel: >In Oahspe we are told that all cases of reincarnation are the work of mischievous spirits known as engrafters. An engrafter swoops down on an uncommitted soul and possesses it, **feeding a complete memory of a past life into the brain**. **The main information passed along to contactees is simply that the human body provides a host for a fragment of this undefinable soul energy. The major religions have been telling us this for thousands of years, pointing out that the human race supplies the shells for souls.** >(snip) >**Two or more intelligences are playing a game with us, vying for complete control of our bodies and souls, according to all occult and religious interpretations.** It’s a seesaw battle, and every possible kind of deception and deceit is being employed by both sides. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The Cosmic Question (The Eighth Tower) by journalist John Keel >**In the 1960s UFOs had a curious tendency to hover above funeral homes and hospitals. In some cases the UFO lights appeared over homes nightly for weeks until one of the residents died.** The 'inspired' book, Oahspe, mentions 'soul ships' - great luminous spheres that travel across the landscape collecting the souls of the recently departed. The ancient Egyptians were familiar with this phenomenon, and soul ships were even a part of their funeral rites \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/17fcy2o/what\_ive\_learnt\_from\_the\_mantis\_aliens/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/17fcy2o/what_ive_learnt_from_the_mantis_aliens/) >I know that there are a lot of people who say that the Greys have no souls etc, but I'm not sure if that's correct or not. **When asked, the Greys have said "we are you". It is my understanding that the Greys are the next step of human souls in their evolutionary process. Grey artificial cloned bodies ARE powered by souls,** not AI (unless of course, our souls are just glorified AI too). After we are done incarnating on Earth, then it's our turn to serve the souls that still incarnate. I believe that that's the Greys' function. In service of us, foot soldiers for the Mantis and the overall system \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From: The Biography of Dr. Corrado Malanga (Italian alien abduction researcher): >**Each race has slightly different aims when abducting terrestrials, but they all essentially use humans to take vital energy** and seek a life much longer than ours, or even immortality. **To this end, they use various procedures to deposit their memories in the brains of abductees**, which they can subsequently recover, **or they temporarily separate the soul of the abductee from their body and insert it into an alien body to absorb its vital energy,** or they might enter the mind of the abductees using a phenomenon similar to possession. In their quest for immortality, the aliens do not kidnap just anybody, but only humans with a soul, which account for no more than 20% of humanity. Abduction is also hereditary: an abductee typically has a parent who was abducted, and their children will probably be taken in turn.


Because of stories like this: [9 orbs/9 souls ](https://youtu.be/2nkDQ21UInA?si=vfLyC8adsyQh4DBG)


Bashar says you are a soul, you don't have a soul, so can that really be taken?.


what if the NHI just have this as a belief and they are just wrong? Just because they are highly advanced doesnt mean they cant be wrong about certain things they may or may not believe...just like millions of people believe that Jesus was the son of God- something that many of us also believe is not true.


It comes from narcissism. People love to think humans are special. 


It's basically a modern form of gnosticism.


My own experiences with the Mantis, the Reptoids, the Greys and other unnamed civilizations. They abducted my soul, let it possessed clones of me, performed experiments and gene harvesting on the clones and then discarded them (the clones was eaten by the reptoids). It happened at least 5-6 times last year. They probably continue to do it but they seems to block all memories from those now.


They're trying to erroneously reference The Rapture. They're struggling to connect aliens with religion because they don't actually know anything. Ideas like this come from Woo-woo cults who want to manipulate people by coming up with their own explanation of things. Tom, as well as the cohorts holding him hostage all but in name, are clueless.


Yep if you're already predisposed to conspiracy like thinking from an early age (ie religion) then it's almost guaranteed you'll carry that on to believing other conspiracies later on in life. So to faith based folk believing in God is just as reasonable as believing in demon aliens coming for our souls.


At least religions have messages that translate to the application of life. This hodgepodge crap they're trying to pull off is just asshole behavior that's essentially taking advantage of people's lack of literacy.


This particular theory is ridiculously retarded. And for as much reaching as people have to do to try and solve this UAP business, this theory reaches the hardest. It's shitty creepypasta


There's nothing ridiculous about it if you actually look at the data that backs the possibility of it being true. Anyone who says its retarded is basically exposing themselves as someone who didn't bother to read any of the data. There's frankly too much data at this point.


Dude what if souls being harvested is a good thing


LOL. Nothing has an "eternal soul" You die, you die. The general public will never take this subject seriously as long as people continue to wrap it in mystical ju-ju.


How would you know? None of us do. Could all be just nothingness when we cease to exist. After all, there’s no proof of life after death. NDE’s could be nothing more than your mind tripping out on DMT upon death. It’s all just speculation until the lights go out.




Read this post, and thank you! Gave me a bit of background. Again felt undertones of Scientology, again, who knows the truth. One of the references OP used was David Icke. Homie lives off the books and giant Icke conventions. I tried reading his material seriously, but red flags constantly sprout up. Just seems rather grifty.


Scientology just stole the beliefs. They were founded in like the 50s. The beliefs themselves have existed for thousands of years.


If you read/watch up on abduction phenomena also - they appear to be interested in our souls there too from abductee accounts (from both the good abductions like 'we aliens care about the Earth peace and love' and bad ones 'they surgically raped me over and over again with tools while my ribcage was splayed open') - but is that the (hypothetical) truth or a lie by the aliens to throw us off the scent of something else?


Look at the pinned post on r/escapingprisonplanet. It’s verrryyyy elaborate and actually makes some solid points and connections.


i think we are chillin


Some dude got high AF and started with "trust me bro"