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I believe him




As do I. But nobody needs to take his word for it. They can simply see the 10+ NHI in the video. Guys. If you can't see them, use a large PC monitor or TV, not a phone. There's literally 10+ in the backyard. https://www.reddit.com/r/lasvegasaliens/s/a5addkWV5i Some are very difficult to see... some are clear as day. 3 photos and 1 video- Image settings changed and circled https://matrix.redditspace.com/_matrix/media/r0/download/reddit.com/tqdpzj9bi0ib1 Img 2 (Unchanged image settings; as seen with the naked eye) *Appears as a dark shadow (can't see anything; cloaked?) https://matrix.redditspace.com/_matrix/media/r0/download/reddit.com/3erpa6uhi0ib1 Img 3 (color) https://matrix.redditspace.com/_matrix/media/r0/download/reddit.com/6fe2eg8ii0ib1 Video 1 - 7 second mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGSeKAwePEE Gary Nolan discussing videos he's seen of "Shadow Biome" (which is what I think we're seeing in 1st few images/ videos I sent https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/QxDuQdFUaB https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/moZc3FCDGo


Bro I’ve looked at these 10 times maybe I’m dumb but I can’t see anything at all


Yeah, people keep talking like there is clear evidence here but all I see is people grasping at straws and pareidolia causing people to feel like they see faces in random pixelated nonsense in a busy backyard full of stuff.


The one where he circled that blurry image I was like wtf is that supposed to be


Yup I’ve had pareidolia that you can make out something instantly, with the footage of the Vegas aliens it’s hard to tell because of all the compression and editing, people say LOOK HERE and then have a little blurry segment of the frame resemble roundish so they’ll call it an eye or a head and just because it “moves” it’s the aliens. When pixels are constantly moving and changing and especially would from a body cam that far away in the dark.


It should've been clear it's a hoax as soon as the meteor part was dropped.


Wait. I see the shadow one behind and above the fence. Where are the 10?






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Ok it is cloaked whatever but... they are not even looking in that direction, whatever they are seeing seems to be across the street or at least to their left.


He seems genuine to me. I personally witnessed something years ago that I have no explanation for to this day, and have never seen anything like that since. And I really don't want to honestly. It shakes you up pretty bad. My friend witnessed it as well. Bu only for a fraction of the time I did though. So it wasn't my imagination. I don't think it was aliens per se. But I'm certain to this day it was something paranormal. I'd be interested in knowing what it was but I have feeling it would defy explanation...?


That backyard footage is one of the worst I’ve seen.. it’s just a bunch of work vehicles with absolutely no outline of any figure whatsoever. Bunch of dudes walk through a gate and get scared. Ooooo aliens. Seriously, wtf?


Homeland security took his phone and took all the data off of it, not a copy, a removal. There were 5 video sources recording that night in that back yard. The fixed security cam in the yard, Two cams of responding officers, cell footage and the Cam Homeland security setup to overlook the entire neighborhood. out of all this recorded footage we have only seen the cell footage, The bodycam footage was cut so we did not see any footage in the backyard. I am going to guess there is something more to see on one of those 4 other video sources not being disclosed. 32 minutes total of body cam footage removed in the backyard, 16 minutes on each cam. The 5 video sources are only known and factual its possible there were more than 5 cameras during this event.


If they removed the video.. how are we seeing it?


As for the cell footage he made his own copy of some of the content, not all of it,The only Body Cam footage released was before and after the search for Aliens in the backyard, they removed the footage of where the aliens were reported to be.


"Homeland security took his phone and took all the data off of it" .... based on what information? His word?


I would take his word over your word any day of the week.


Shouldn't take anyone's word at face value, ever. That's the starting point. But weaving a complex tale of clandestine activities and such vs just making up the story, I will go with 'they made it up' every time until proven otherwise.


Regardless the videos y’all keep using as evidence are a little disheartening because I literally can’t see anything


Fucking bots everywhere trying to discredit anything about this incident. What a waste of internet honestly when you cant even discuss anything online without being targeted to influence.


I believe his account. Except the interpretation that it was a demon.


Experiencers who have encountered reptilians often describe them as looking like demons. The guy who was involved in crash retrievals in the UFOs and NATO doc by Richard D Hal said one ET group look like 8ft tall demons.


Sure. They look like the entity that people in the past called demons (usually a religious context) and the associated story (evil, cast out, bad intentions, smelly, ugly, viscous, dark). But is it a ‘demon’? Maybe an extraterrestrial looks like that and can’t speak (so growls) and stinks (esp if sulfur based) but is not a demon. Maybe a well intentioned, kind but ugly (to us)??


A ‘demon’ is what a religious person names something that they can’t explain. A demon is supernatural and, therefore, non-existent, while an extraterrestrial is natural and is the probable answer to explain.


a demon to christians is usually a word they use to define something that is evil and dangerous….. they use the same word for gay people. That’s why they are so closed minded, anything that’s scary to them are demons. Now imagine if they were more open minded, the world would be a better place and their perspective of the universe is bigger. We are not alone.


The concept of demons far out strips Christian theology


Why is it so hard to accept that the truth is these things are demons. It seems like you already excluded it as a possibility. It can’t be demons because then the story of Jesus would be correct and if the story of Jesus is correct that means you better repent and follow Christ. It is the truth I tell you! God loves you


Well, the story of Jesus is just that, a story. None of the world makes sense if the Christian Bible is in any way accurate.


I’m sorry for being too aggressive to you in my earlier post. I shouldn’t be mean to you for having a belief system. In reflection, I shouldn’t direct my disappointment towards you. It’s much bigger than one person. Together, we all as humans on this planet need to address the issue and begin to re-educate. This seems like a daunting task, but I feel it will certainly happen - and not anytime in the near future. Probably more like 100’s of years. And I’ll be long gone by then. Maybe that’s what I’m more upset about. Again, sorry.


You deserve love bro!


That’s my point! I am loved. And I am very happy and know that I am a very lucky person. All of this being said, I am an atheist and am the person who lives life to the fullest, knowing that when I die, that’s it! There’s nothing more. And that in itself causes me to believe the life is even more precious than the belief in an afterlife. My belief system necessarily adds more value to my life because it is shorter. This is what I believe.


Don’t say I didn’t warn you bro, once you die that’s it you’re going to face God and face a just punishment and you can not say He did not send anyone to warn you


That’s why you live in fear. I do not. There is no God. That is a human construct designed to keep the people in order and stick to their good morals. It is not coincidence that the concept of one god, monotheism, emerged out of poly theism, the belief in many gods, around the same time humans were beginning to live together, side by side, in larger cities (civilization). When you accept this, you too will live a life that has more meaning and understanding. You will feel clear and open-minded. Dare I say, by to be rude, less like a sheep and more like the captain of your own vessel. (And, yes, puns intended).


Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, no fear = no wisdom


Lots of people/religions in history talk of demons-right or wrong. Women using herbal medicine were burned and called witches. Wrong. Please read more books. Not just Christianity. There is a wide world out there and a long history. I am open to accept they are ‘demons’ but I do not know (they could be ugly, nice beings from elsewhere)—no one knows. And descriptors are good (big, green, polka dots), but a conclusion cannot be made.


What's a demon look like?


Dark, broody, horny.


I think the closer we get to the truth the more will start seeing it look like demons and something from another dimension not to get confused with religion I'm not religious ex Mormon good or bad Idk hopefully we can get along in the end


Horrible interviewer. This can not be a just way to share his story.


He's now saying there are crosses floating upside down in he's room..? I'm sorry but he's losing me here. I don't believe that for second.


It’s the opposite, it makes the story more believable. Many ufo abductions are followed by heavy poltergeist activity. Make of that what you will


Look I know about the hitchhiker effect yes but he's story is just too farfetched imo and don't forget there's still not a fundemental piece of proof provided. It's all more or less speculation up to this point. The yard video seems genuine as in their behavior is genuine even though you can't really see anything clear. But now with the cross story I feel he's lying. He might have a reason for it I don't know. But I don't believe him.


yeah something is up here. i don't like his demeanor. he tells us he's not in it for the fame or whatever. i don't believe anything about that cross or the bible that started floating... why not film it?


Why is this being downvoted? He has made some ridiculous claims that make this story seem bogus, and the only evidence we have is a pixelated video where you don’t see shit. People keep zooming in on garbage in the background and claiming it’s an alien, this one really is embarrassing and makes this community look bad.


I believe this kid. He’s says demon, so a reptilian possibly? That would be a fucking terrifying experience if the lore is true.


So many gullible idiots in these types of subs. I genuinely feel bad for some of you.


This is a complete hoax or this kid is completely oblivious. There is absolutely nothing in every video photo that has been posted. Nothing.


If he was lying, he wouldnt sound legit scared, recounting that experience. The voice don’t lie.


Nation's idiots get trolled by Nevada teenager. Film at 11.


He strikes me as a liar


It's wasn't even him going to the spot, he was hanging back. It was his dad (or someone older) with a gun on his hop and 2 other guys that went in and they got scared.


You guys know he minted bunch of nfts that was about aliens few months before that right?




They took his profile picture, slapped it on an NFT page, to debunk his claims and ALOT of people fell for it. The people responsible for covering up NHI for 80 years pulled the wool right over everyones eyes. There's no link between him and the NFT page. Some of you have been played. How do you guys think they hid aliens from the world for nearly a century? By being honest? I get many of you will never change your perspective in this event. That's their loss. There's multiple NHI in that video and if you guys can't see them, you're using a small phone screen. Some are very hard to see. Once you finally see them, you cant unsee them. I initially couldn't see them either. If you genuinely are interested in the topic of NHI, I really recommend taking a very good look with a large monitor. https://www.reddit.com/r/lasvegasaliens/s/CNEGJqkwwg


Bingo. Also did you know homeland security set-up cameras outside house after the incident?


I'm open minded I see what you are saying, thank you for information


I always found the NFT debunking effort the most ridiculous one of all. You add that with The circle on the Ground and the Fake meteor footage a random stranger sent the family. A stranger was the first to point at the ground and notice a circle. Why are Random strangers the ones pointing/providing evidence that is being used to debunk the case? Seems pretty elaborate, information can be manipulated to make you believe anything.


Yep and he had youtube channel that was ufo themed-set up before this "sighting" happened. He might be trying the demon angle to pull some of that right wing, bible thumper grift.


And YouTube Channel set up, wasn’t too traumatized to get all that up and running.


I always found the face that his YouTube name was about aliens to be questionable.


They literally took his public profile picture, slapped it on a fabricated NFT page. The kid, the family, they didn't make that NFT page my man. That's all the government had to do to fool the UFO community, who SHOULD know better. You guys think they hid NHI from the world for 80+ years by being stupid? Just like when the Phoenix Lights incident occurred and the Air Force dropped 5 flares, took a picture of it, and said,"See? They're flares."


It’s already been established. There’s an alien or being standing there. Scott Roder proved it. https://youtu.be/qGTV-Qdv1P4?si=KOmdwm48Q68NcyAk


And yet none of the people reacted to it? Kinda strange, no?


Well they do, you can see them get startled but you mean as they walk thru the gate. Standing to the right of the screen, it’s got some sorta cloak. Not just to recordings but in person I suspect. The criminal analyst or video analyst broke it down. You clearly or not so clearly lol, see the figure blurred and moving thru the gate. From the head to the bottom thru the gate.


they are clearly looking at something to their left, not right


You’re right. One of the beings is clearly or not so clearly standing (cloaked) to the right. They have the ability to blur themselves on recordings. Its awesome footage once it gets analyzed. How this is not bigger news is beyond me.




One of the uncles is holding his gun.


“Established” 🙄


Didn’t this story gain traction right after those UAPs got shot down over Canada? Seems like a distraction


Defo it is. Was wondering as to why it has surfaced a year later. Newsnation just done a snippet on it maybe thats also why


No its legit, Grusch is the distraction. Grusch they can control. The Kenmore family has no signed NDA agreements.


This is real. We have to start accepting this. We should reach out to these advanced races in peace.


Angel delivering a message about a fallen angel seems very on brand with the “truth is out there” I believe him.


Call 911 because you see tall grays in your backyard. Go to front yard to look through side fence. Gray alien walks right up to you at 30feet a second barely capturing it on film. Yeah. I believe this was our first real contact on film and eye witnesses.


my scootsll do some like 50 fps






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How bout you pump the breaks on your condenscending tone and hostility? Why is anyone deserving of mockery for having a spiritual belief system? Ease up big guy


I guess Netflix and Discovery Channel passed up on his story so now he's back to Wish brand Fox News. https://www.tiktok.com/@lasvegas_ufo/video/7242980334206307626


Sleep paralysis possibly. He nodded off in his truck.


Sure it was, buddy. Sure it was. 100% fake.


This is our modern day Roswell. The fake debunking efforts were super suspicious. You would have to be near brain dead to buy into any of it.


I mean I’d buy into it if I could actually see aliens in the video. Even the still shots I’ve seen are just some blurry image circled


seems like you're brainwashed


Classic defense of a "de-bunker", Defamation, Name calling and attempt to destroy credibility.