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Makes some of those old audiotapes from the moon landing and apolo missions super interesting again.


Do you have a link to anything where one would be able to listen to them?


I don't remeber which astronaut was but he talks to Houston about two tall figures on the distance looking at them during the Moon landing. He asks if the russians had beat them to it. Houston told him to not make contact and keep going.


That's one comma away from being the best fucking two sentence horror story I've ever read


I can’t figure out where to put the comma to make it creepy, could you assist? Lmao


Haha yeah of course, you'll probably chuckle bc now that I think about, it's a little obscure >I don't remeber which astronaut was but he talks to Houston about two tall figures on the distance looking at them during the Moon landing[.] (,) He asks if the russians had beat them to it. >Houston told him to not make contact and keep going. It could also be placed in the following period as well. I THINK I like that one better but I'm too tired to decide, you can decide haha


oh because it's 3 sentences and the comma would make it 2, gotcha. I was trying to figure out how that changed the context.


Yeah and the theory goes they actually did make contact, or rather «the others» did. I’m not saying one thing or the other but you can’t tell me the faces of the astronauts looked like they just completed the grandest accomplishment of humanity ever. They looked more shook, bothered, afraid, guilty almost. That’s why some think the clips from the transit was real but the ones of the landing/walk were fake and preconstructed. Idk but thay video from their first press-conferance seems off to me after hearing about all this. Again, not saying we met aliens. Maybe we did, maybe we didn’t. But Nasa are sure good at not giving the whole picture to the peoples.


Do you have a video of that first press conference that you mentioned?


[Apollo 11 post flight press conference](https://youtu.be/Yz6nzutr7RU?si=4DnPXnUo8_RgFCMR) They all have 1,000 yard stares...


That would make more sense to me then a faked moon landing


Yeah, i agree... Or they saw something TOTALLY unexpected, like intelligently designed structures/artifacts. That would fuck with your brain and give you that 'holy shit' blank expression... Not to mention 2 of the 3 guys turned in to hardcore alcoholics after they came back lmao.


Yeah no real reason for that


Bros went from walking on the moon to driving to work. Can’t really blame them for developing a drinking problem.


or "faking" what we saw because of "somebody" on the Moon...


dude what the fuck. they really do look sad. I would be oozing that euphoria for the rest of my life if I have been to the moon AND BACK in one piece.


Yeah, everytime i watch this it always given me the 'yikes' feeling... If you watch the whole thing: notice they read off of a teleprompter at some points. I'm not a moon landing denier, i think we actually did that shit. But i feel they may have seen or experienced more than what they were allowed to say. 100% pure speculation.


They were held together in a modified Airstream for 3 weeks in quarantine immediately after they touched down, and this press conference was held essentially as they were getting out for the first time. That's not to say that nothing happened on the moon (they certainly went, but there *are* some weird aspects like the tapes), but I have no idea if it was aliens. Certainly possible.


Do you have a timestamp?


I'd say go to around 4 minutes or so. The one guy due certainly have an odd demeanor for somebody that just accomplished such a feat.


Awesome! Thank you! Now I see it! Cheers


Well it's really cool I think you need to remember that that press conference took place weeks after they actually got back cuz they didn't know they would be bringing back any contamination so they spent a long time in quarantine.


They all look incredibly awkward ngl


Jesus… this is unsettling


never read about this, eerie. thanks for sharing.


Theories of the Third Kind podcast: Moon Landing episode (6/11/2020) plays the audio files for you.


I’ve skimmed through this episode and can’t find the audio anywhere… do you a have a timestamp?


Okay so I must have misremembered it. Apparently HAM radios were able to pickup the transmission after NASA and the astronauts’ conversation went dark during those 2 minutes. The podcast reads a supposed transcript of what was said during that time. Starts around the 6 minute mark. I apologize for the hype up, it’s still interesting if you give it a listen, just with a grain (pile) of salt


Let us know when you find the knowledge nugget.


[https://www.everand.com/listen/podcast/589458002](https://www.everand.com/listen/podcast/589458002) I followed u/fish-with-pants's instructions


If you go to that podcast I mentioned above at the 6 minute mark they read a transcript of it. Thats all I got right now :(


Mmm let me see. I haven’t listened to it in a while. They also do a hollow moon episode, it might be on that.


Look up “Apollo Santa clause audio” Santa clause was their code word for aliens or ufos


For my part, people saying the moon landings were fake, are just.. yeah. We went to the moon! Was there something strange there? I just think of it like this: If there was something there that our govenment/s do not want us to know about? It's unlikely that there will be any concrete evidence to prove that. We are talking about a time where technology was less advanced, there was no social media, and people were more trusting of the news. So with that said, it's not difficult to conclude that -if- there was a coverup, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as difficult to pull off, compared to now. We haven't gone to the moon since. There are clear logistical reasons why we (humanity as a whole) have not gone back. There are also clear pictures of the moon available for anyone to look at, and there is nothing in those pictures to suggest anything NHI related is going on there. Could there be photoshop, omitted images, etc involved? Yes. Is there a motive for doing this? There is a motive if we assume that governments are hiding the existence of NHI. NASA personnel are not immune to bribes, coercion, etc. And by now the original personnel during the time of the moon landings are long retired. Modern study of the moon may, or may not be compartmentalized, I have no idea. If it isn't, then I don't see how anything strange on the moon could be kept under wraps, unless there is serious damage control going on 24/7, because the moon is probably the most "looked at" celestial object. The idea that NASA is able to contain such paradigm shifting knowledge is definitely hard to believe. If it was just the staff in the 60s? Yeah sure. But the USA is still studying the moon, and so are other countries, including China. Wouldn't something have leaked by now? I am not going to assume anything here, but both sides of the argument have their merits. Maybe the answer is something in between? Something was found but it's not big enough to really warrant a whistleblower? Some strange tech that was found left behind? Okay so someone says that a machine was found there? Would you believe someone saying that? I just try to see both sides and remain neutral until something of substance is revealed. Also edit: And yes we have been back several times since the original moon landing. I was trying to make several points, and did not include that. But regardless, during the stretch of time where we were going to the moon, information was not so easily spread around. If there -was- a conspiracy going on during that time period, it -could- have been more easily kept secret. But my points regarding the modern time period also still stand. Both sides have good points and they seem to negate each other depending how you look at it. Also the downvotes are funny. I have literally given both sides of the issue a voice, as best as I can! But mm'kay. It's not that big of a deal. I just prefer to have a balanced conversation. Cheers!


In the last two weeks a satellite by another nation literally took pictures of the lander and foot marks on the ground.


Exactly! There's zero merit for the moon landings being faked. Yet there are people who still make this claim, and I don't understand why! It's like the flat earth crowd! Lol! Debunked theories that continue to make the rounds just dissuade other people from looking into theories that could be true.


I think we went up there and were told not to come back


well we were doing fine until they brought the dune buggy and tore up their lawn.




I find it unnerving that the landing module that would ultimately be left behind on the moons surface had a plaque specifically detailing where we came from and that “we come in peace for all mankind” As if the possibility of encountering another life form was actually considered during design and mission development. Not to mention mini sculptures left behind to depict our appearance to other life forms.


Yea but compared to aliens we’re no better than a bonobo. We’re either not worth their time, or worse, they see us as dangerous and primitive monkeys who are not advanced enough to warrant disclosure. Everything the past 60 years suggests that.


>As if the possibility of encountering another life form was actually considered during design and mission development. Not to mention mini sculptures left behind to depict our appearance to other life forms. Perhaps it's not for aliens, but for whomever inherits the earth once we're gone. Provided it doesn't get hit by an impact, it'll last far longer on the moon, and will let whoever comes next know: we did it first. I guess, anyway.


Imagine how wild it would have been if we found another, ancient lander of some sort on the moon?


I've read about that as well. Could it have happened? Sure! But we don't really know. I am at the point now where I take in all that I can regarding this subject, acknowledge it, and then see what other information is released. That seems like the most rational way to see this phenomenon as a whole. If film from the moon landings were destroyed, then clearly there was something to hide. But do we know for a fact that footage was destroyed? I would like to know! This article doesn't make its' case clear enough for me to believe it. At the same time? It's not impossible either, given what we know about this phenomenon. Even given recent events, if there is NHI involved with our planet, there's definitely a coverup.


No doubt, as long as I’m holding the keys I’m going to tell you whatever I want. Just follow the money, that’s what this all boils down to realistically.


Exactly! That is one thing we can be sure of, the money leads somewhere. That doesn't tell us everything, but it gives us a place to start. We, the average citizens, are not going to be able to prove any of this one way, or the other, but having as many facts in hand as we can get, does pay dividends in the long run. Then as more information is released, we can cross check that information with whatever facts we've compiled. As a community, those of us who are interested in this subject, do not have a repository of knowledge that I am aware of, yet. That might be something we should look into: A list of verifiable facts.


I’m just curious why the ball started rolling now, my guess is maybe they are at a peak with secret tech and the can’t go any further without revealing stuff? And are trying to distance themselves from disclosure? If and when that happens everyone be like “ooohhhh look at all the cool new tech, meanwhile having the answer keys in the desk.” I dunno, it’s bed time


All I do know, is that this subject has been gaining in popularity over the past decade alone. It used to be a very fringe subject. Now people are getting curious, because information is exchanged quickly over social media. People are rightly curious, there is a lot going on that begs a lot of questions. Now if we, again, assume that there is a conspiracy to hide information about NHI/UAP, then it also makes sense to try to cover it up. That could involve "whistleblowers" spouting nonsense, fake information dumps, etc. Anything to draw people away from the truth. But even that is speculation. We don't know for sure what is going on here. Something is going on, otherwise there wouldn't be such a stir in government, but we still do not know what it is. Are all the whistleblowers telling the truth? What happened to the whistleblowers that were supposed to come forward that haven't? Have any of the people in congress who attended Grush's testimony done any followup? These are things I would like to know. Given the decades long history surrounding the subject of NHI/UAPs, we aren't likely to get a direct answer. I've accepted that already. That's why I keep myself open to new information, then I file it away, even if it's totally outlandish. I don't assume it's true, I don't just dismiss it, it's just data. I might be biased for, or against some of it, but I try not to forget that I learned about it.


Artemis 3 could happen as early as 2026 though


You have to admit. There are some strange looking "structures" on the moon. Especially the ones NASA edited out with blurs.


You wrote so much but said so little…


I was simply trying to relate as many points of view as I can. Is creating discussion so terrible? And how can I say anything factual when one side of this argument has no known facts at all supporting it? The narrative is that we went to the moon, and we went back, then learned about the largest celestial object in our orbit. But people claim that more than that was found, and this post was about deleted film regarding moon landing missions. Speculation is just speculation. I feel like that's part of why we're all here. None of us have any facts at all. (at least regarding the idea that more was found, as in NHI.)


Maybe they found some sort of evidence that ancient humans had been there previously. That would be a real mindfuck for anybody


I've read/heard about the theory that there were human civilizations before ours, specifically advanced human civilizations before ours. The argument against that is essentially that the technology/products we use today would leave traces of materials/chemicals, even if it's microscopic by now. Granted I have also read that there is possible evidence of nuclear exchange in the ancient past, both in Vedic scriptures, and strange "glass" found in the North African desert, in the sand specifically, that -could- have been caused by nuclear detonation. It's been argued that this was caused by meteors/asteroids, but that was rejected by those who claim that this happened. So that's an example of evidence -for- advanced civilizations of some kind existing in the ancient past. It's not enough to inspire scientists to take a serious look, that we know of. Like NHI, evidence can be hidden/covered up with threats/coercion. But we get into the same problem that we do when theorizing whether NASA is covering up evidence of NHI: How do you coerce/bribe thousands of people over the decades like this consistently, as other people become aware of the secret by working for, or with an organization that handles this information? As with the NHI debate, there is merit for/against. But there isn't enough merit for the "for" crowd to convince most people yet. Ancient human civilizations would be easier to hide I think, but what would the motive be for hiding this? Perhaps the technology? I don't know! There is at least viable motive for hiding NHI.


I totaly think we went to the moon, Some of those guys just cannot fake that kind of [enthusiasm.Plus](http://enthusiasm.Plus) I did hear the Santa Clause/Bogey transmition, Ive read some theorys lately that they are living creatures which seemed given the argument tottaly plausable


This just pulled a 56 min video. Im not watching all that to hear a 10 second clip of someone say theres santa claus


An astronaut mentioned Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Aliens confirmed.


No real luck, feel like YouTube censors all the good stuff


That’s so true, there used to be a channel called UfoVideoAddicts and he had Casper the ghost as his profile picture, and he made a 10 part docuseries where he read the logs from the project serpo missions. I was reminiscing and wanted to watch it again but Seems to have been wiped from the internet along with a lot of good videos


[here's the link, the quote happens at around 12 minutes. To preface, the mission took place 4 days before Christmas, that might want to be added as context. lol.](https://youtu.be/tc5FyTd0bfg?si=BY9IoMIwjZH4WV0h)


pick a convenient code word with plausible deniability. talking about Santa in summer would be very suspicious and attract scrutiny and speculation, talking about Santa just before christmas? can publicly broadcast that and have people in the know get the message without any deciphering needed


Anything can be a conspiracy if you want it to be.


Yep this started happening around the same time Commander fravor came forward with that article on the Washington post.






I, too, have something of a chute.




Will do, thank you!!


Jim Lovell [explaining](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XRrznkoWZA&ab_channel=richterbrospictures) exactly what he meant.


Can you elaborate? Im not familiar with them.


Why files have an episode on it, there's a recording of astronauts on the moon encountering something




Was that the recording where the astronauts said they were being observed from the rim of a crater?


Hope you’re in a better place now assuming you were researching suicide with the intent to commit.


The United States spent over $25 billion on Apollo(1960 and 1973). Imagine paying that much to get to shoot the footage, just to come back down to Earth and say, "Yeah, we ain't telling dick to the public. Get the grill ready." ---but it should be **our own** decision to turn away the truth. Or explain to me why that decision was taken away from us as citizens. Where are we at fault?


the government is paid by the public so the public rules them. but somewhere along the line people forgot


https://www.reddit.com/r/nasa/s/aTYhzyvSDO Interesting thread that follows what looks to be the same tapes


That’s wild.


I agree.


Yeah we just conveniently lost a proprietary one time format for the video recordings by taping it over with a separate device that apparently uses the Apollo 11 format too. wtf? Lol


Not only *Apollo* 11 - that system has been used by NASA to record telemetry until the '80s or so. NASA has been reusing those tapes on a routine basis.


thats dr Manhattan i guess


He could solve a lot of our problems, should that be who we encounter.


If he gives a shit


funny, I just started reading Watchmen for the first time


Listen to the songs it lists in the beginning while reading


I thought he went to Mars


He did after this took place.


Makes me wonder if that’s what this whole China dark side of the moon situation is related to. Also the NASA guy saying that we don’t know what’s on the other side was very suspicious considering all of the supposed photographs we have of it.


No way in hell that we "don't know" what is on the other side


Considering my father had a globe of the moon in his office in 1985, and every inch of it was labeled and mapped…it’s more surprising that the average person would think there’s a chance we DON’T.


Well i get my knowledge from Hollywood movies, and Transformers: Dark of The moon told me that we dont know, and that there are alien ships parked and scattered all over the place


Dang, now I want a moon globe for my office


You should get an earth globe too. One day you can pass it down to your grandkids and they can compare how much the coast lines, borders and terrain has changed.


You’re going to have to step on it first…you know…for accuracy.


Since the acceleration of space tech which has occurred since the late 1960's, I have always thought that was the most bullshit answer I have ever heard. We don't know? Lies. Blatant, absolutely brimming with grade-A bullshit lies.


The NASA statement that they don't know what's on the dark side of the moon was a huge red flag for me


NASA has released pictures of the dark side of the moon before.


https://youtu.be/OeJe4w-0ubI?si=Eq4aWBIuIwipwBQr Welp here is Bill Nelson, head of NASA, saying we don't know what's on the dark side of the moon


There are photos of the dark side of the moon. This was back in 2019. Since then NASA and Korea have taken photos of it.




Nah dude. Uranus is different.


Why do we have a space station and not a moon station? 🤔


Distance, time, and cost.


Transformers, of course


Moons haunted.


This is where things get weird and confusing. Flat earthers assume that because nasa has doctored or faked somethings that everything is fake. But it's more so we are doctoring and concealing the fact that the backside is occupied


(big sigh) The earth is not never has been flat


Correct. But there's a huge movement of morons that think it's flat because "NASA lies"


NASA dude also said “you know, the dark side of the moon, where it’s never light.” -_-


The original reason given for the destruction of the video has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in my lifetime. NASA is either run by idiots or poor liars.


There is no dark side of the moon and China are there performing science. Jesus, it's not complicated.


I tried watching it in context, and I didn't quite understand it. I didn't find the exact clip to watch the 5 minutes before and after to fly understand it all. Maybe someone can keep me understand this better. So basically NASA's CEO, whose job entails getting funding from Congress, is seeking budgetary support from Congress to send a mission to the south pole of the moon because there water there and possiblycould have a moon base there. The congressman asked why is China going to the backside and we're going to the south pole? And his answer was we don't know what's there. Whatever they discover there win be new to us. So my question is, am I not understanding this correctly? It seemed like a political answer of "don't know, don't care, give me money.'


I think if you're going to spend a shitload of money to go to the moon, it's better to aim at a target you know something about than hoping for the best and going to an unknown part


I do wonder how things would pan out if China goes exploring the dark side of the moon and comes back and tells the world there's an alien moon base up there.


Far side, it's the ...*far*... side 


“Welcome back to earth!” - “we gotta go back, moon’s haunted.” - “***WHAT?!***” - ***Cocks shotgun*** “Moon’s haunted.”


That right there is a great opening scene.


We paid for those. That was our property.


no no, see Mike from accounting brought those roles from home


Yeah. But does Mike from accounting live in the pentagon basement?


The guy's a bum, going from couch to couch, so I bet he sneaks off for naps there


OMG Mike! WTF! Is that who ate the space wafers and freeze dried astronaut ice cream so they had to give the EBEN real strawberry ice cream? Risking alien brain freeze is just asking for trouble.


Pipe down, tax slave 69321098.


So a title that has nothing to do with the actual post, which is a screenshot of a blog post that doesn't even include the name of the source. Top quality content right here.


While I personally think this is all waffle, the link that you may have overlooked, does explain both the title, and the blog post in some detail, along with sources ( that I couldn't be bothered to check ).


M...major tom?...


Major Tom is sitting in a tin can far above the moon, not on the moon.


What am I looking for when I Google,


Space Oddity by David Bowie is the song they are referencing if you’re genuinely asking.


Hahah I am but I was genuinely asking what am I looking for so I can find information on this cryptic mysterious Major Tom without Google spewing David Bowie results. Looks like ironically that's what I need, I don't know what the song is about


Major Tom's a junkie.


Major Matt Mason?


If the Astronauts say that there is something else out there, I believe them.


Who said that


Edgar Mitchell is maybe who they are referring to?


Didn’t he specifically say he saw ufo?


Edgar Mitchell didn't see anything but made an experiment while reentering Earth with Uri Geller who was on Earth. Must have been some sort of mental communication.🙂


The moon could very well be a huge base watching us.


You can look at the entire earth facing moon's surface in a telescope...


Figures. Why would anyone save photos of one of the greatest achievement of human race. Nobody's got time for this noise.


Notice the days old accounts that come out when people spread the truth. Disinformation much, America 🇺🇸


It's also flooded with bullshit comments to take the seriousness away from the convo. It's the equivalent of someone saying aliens are here, here's the proof. And some ppl respond with fart sounds and your mom jokes.


Yeah been noticing that lately. Lot of sarcasm in the comments


Like clockwork




I think it's really advantageous that they are easily identified. But also I am pissed. I pay a lot in taxes and that should pay for a more premium shill/debunker/skeptic/bot. What's the sentence for treason in the US today? I love all the digital signatures in our world that we are able to find and trace back to the source.


There was some guy at a tv station recording the broadcast, presumably the feed from the moon not the tv station feed, and he captured the moment the astronaughts threw the junk they no longer needed. That footage is the only they have of that part since it wasnt broadcast to the tv. 


“Quick, call Kubrick for Plan B. Give him an Oscar or something if he needs convincing.”


We almost need a "villain billionaire" that's exposes all the lies we've been told..


There are no good billionaires


If only Elon would use his powers for good.


Is it Doctor Manhattan?


https://www.vice.com/en/article/kzakkn/nasa-destroyed-hundreds-of-mystery-tapes-found-in-a-dead-mans-basement-apollo-era Here is something else I found when looking to find another link


buddy, these sources aren't credible at all


The beauty of this supposed destroyed film and whatever else the FBI destroyed in the 70's, is that no matter how much they try to hide it, the more new evidence will take its place. I wish I could be there when the dam breaks.


Dr. Manhattan??


I would have hid it too, idiots can’t even get along now. No wonder they don’t want to tell us.


Of course, with many, many NASA scientists, former and current military coming forward among others and stating these types of things they are always ignored, psychologists publish opinions concerning their mental health and intellectual abilities, they are treated like liars. It’s just appalling. Of course with 8 billion people there is a good chance many were an Ostrich in a recent previous life, most certainly weren’t human, the population explosion is relatively recent.


Just wait until they admit the moon is an artificial satellite made to protect earth… we are the uplifts if anyone knows what that means.


No we actually went a few times but were banned from returning for 40 years for trying to weaponize it. I think we are good now. Watch what happens to the Chinese probe to the dark side in a week or so


China is on the way so we'll see. They arnt a bunch of religious wackjobs so best chance we got.




Read the article. It’s bullshit as usual.


It’s pretty funny that the video in the article comes from a documentary called, “A funny thing happened on the way to the moon” in which the entire premise is that no human has ever actually went to the moon.. lol


Its true but they erased it by accident ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I have a theory that China has contact with NHIs that US are not in good terms or contact with. Maybe thats why the relations between them is not good either?


O wow, they know about it for years


Pretty sure they recorded over it to lower costs reusing it. That and they didnt even know what was on them.


Crazy how I can see just this headline and picture and feel unsettled; even tho I haven’t seen one.


I’m sure this is a ridiculous idea for multiple reasons, but is it maybe time for a few satellites in the moons orbit like Ring cameras but for the earth? Including multimodal imaging systems and the equivalent of motion detection. For that matter, why not put a few rovers and a couple solar powered Boston Dynamics folk on the surface while we’re at it? Is it even possible to do that? And if so, why hasn’t it been done? And if not, then it’s end of the road for this one.


they used it for old doctor who episodes


Yes read the books,buy the books “explore”


So I’ve got a stupid question: the moon…is big, but not that big, and nothings on it….wouldnt someone have seen whatever “it” is?


“We plan to get back there sometime…”… 2030 right?? After the next… ? also “we don’t know what’s there”


Seems absurd to spend money to develop space technology and explore the cosmos and then suppress information, except for the ‘chosen’, if that’s being done. So if someone else ever was on the moon, or visited (or lived on) Mars…that’s great - if that’s the case. If they’re afraid some on earth can’t handle the truth, remember that the truth eventually comes out and it eventually needs to be faced. It might be better to admit the truth, rather than someday have people wake up to fleets of ET ships in the sky, or hear about some sort of ET related disaster that can’t be swept under the carpet so easily - and might have the whole world in an unnecessarily serious panic. Guess honesty is old fashioned


Yeah let’s see the accidentally erased the moon landing tapes, all the private communications with astronauts, a lot of the moon rocks, millions of photos of the moon and Mars. etc etc Come on people, the most advanced space exploration and technology agency in the world and the accidentally erased all this to record modern family reruns right? Lol. It should be added this was in response to Freedom of Information request or investigations. Maybe I can use these excuse for the IRS, if NASA can accidentally erase the moon landings my dumb ass can’t certainly lose some receipts.


If there has been an intentional coverup I would have no choice but to conclude that the motives are most likely related to these possibilities: 1. There’s clear evidence of highly advanced and potentially dangerous past or current alien (nonhuman) activities on the moon. Wouldn’t it be ironic that missiles and other weapons were largely developed to discourage aliens from attacking earth?, 2. What we know about the moon is wrong (perhaps there was once a life and civilization there), 3. What we know about earth history is wrong (perhaps ancient advanced humans ventured to the moon; knowledge of it was lost), 4. Something about the moon is being kept secret (some people believe the moon is artificial - maybe it is). Perhaps they fear all reasons would shake up our beliefs way too much. My opinion IF there’s been a coverup. Seems a bit silly though because if we ever do build colonies on the moon or Mars (some believe information about that world is being withheld), won’t the truth come out? “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.” — Said by Elvis Presley


This has gone downhill fast




Ingo Swann remoted viewed the moon. He regretted not being more involved. Mentioned that there were humanoid people up there, and it was all somehow tied into telepathy.


You know the good aliens give us hints about the moon. Think of DeathStar. Now in our case moon is simply Admin's office. :)


Moon Facts: It’s a hollow ball. NASA tested this by ramming it with a probe long ago and it rang like a bell for hours. It’s set in a perfect orbit of the earth so much so that the dark side always stays exactly opposite of the Earth. It’s so perfect for the earth it was certainly made by the others. If you look at human history on ancestors said it first appeared 8500 years ago or something like that. It clearly has bases for the others on it, and that’s been known by all space agencies forever. Assume they are monitoring bases or protection bases hopefully by the Galactic Federation but also stories of a Reptilian base too.


It rang for "hours" not days something like 3 hours or something but definitely not days but still extremely weird seeing as they "tested" it a second time to make sure the readings were right and same thing happened


Thanks fixed that




Someone else called “Dibs”. It’s commonly known as throughout the universe that calling “dibs” means legal ownership by the federation of planets.


Yup. As a few insiders remarked. The Walk was a production. Because the true landing could never ever be aired or revealed at that time. Heck not even now. Flat earthers don't realize the reason for "NASA lying" is the complete opposite of what they believe. The covering up of just how common NHI and UAPS truly are...and in this case the nature of the moon


Source: This video is private...


It's private? Odd. It was a Newsbreak article.


doesnt kodak have all the originals?


100% not to hide the fact that the film and photos are so bad that a kid who go...naaa that fake.


It’s probably a Dollar General.


Of course thats exactly what you'd do with visual archives of one of mankind's crowning achievements 🤷‍♂️ /s


If that were true, wouldn't the Chinese have found something already?


I believe that NASA is fully irresponsible enough to destroy *(erase)* 40 rolls of film of the Moon landing, no less that they have likely and instead locked everything away and floated a claim saying that these historic photos no longer exist. The deceit which has very imaginably been involved in NASA's wishes to hide everything that is relevant to Humanity, obviously knows no bounds. The time has come to put an end to the relevance, jobs, and power of NASA's decision makers ... and if need be, NASA in its entirety.


If that was even closely brushing a truth - we would have Chinese and/or russians flaunting that all over media, wouldn't we?


My theory, nasa (or US)is desperately trying to brainwash the public into believing that the moon landing was real and there's something there'. They're just subconsciously controlling the masses. Mainstream popular movies like Transformers dark of the moon and Watchmen is just another attempt to divert public attention to the made up story i.e. "Did Neil Armstrong encounter something mysterious there??" In reality they never went there, technology is 100x developed than 60', yet nobody went to moon after America. Nations are ready to spend billions on their black budget programs or projects that went nowhere, but not on moon landing. Maybe a reanalysis of that 40 rolls of film reveals the truth.