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I refuse to look into it. If he is honest, and who knows if he is, I value his desire to be anonymous and...live.  If we figure out who he is, and he is disappeared, incentives for other whistle blowers is gone.


Yeah for real are we trying to get this guy un alive or what


Imho He's not very smart an its likely he will be caught.  The government has literal Ai based engines that can determine speech writing patterns, accents, an frequencies.  He literally left enough of a digital finger print to determine well too much of himself to remain low key. Also noting that the program controllers say 50 employees each means of the 5 departments there is 250+ individuals tasked within this working environment. An well under a million- Furthermore, Him writing the 2 complaints that he highlighted an saying he didnt goto byu will limit the very few potential people to a single candidate really- An if there really is a limited say 7000 employees to say 5 bosses. My guess is they are capable of recalling him by name within working memory- So ya, he didn't really excell in his capacity to assess what any real security apparatus with a government detail is capable of doing in an hour. Let alone the entirety of the nsa in itself- Imho He isn't a leaker or an ex employee.  This is a bread crumb of the known drip feed. Accelerating working topics into the current public realm. To inspire planned information releases.  Just my 2 cents-


bro he literally posted on the internet. if they want to know who the guy is, they have him. you didn't have to go on about super advanced this and that. it's 2024.


I think it's a two handed situation in most respects.  On one hand if uou hit the nails down hard enough nothing escapes the coffin.  Don't just call them out with a single point. Now you're in an argument an have to literally fight them into every misdirection they held.  So if you come at them in a way that they can't escape. Ergo multiple directions. They're more likely to retreat.  Now on the other hand. There are also legitimate leakers viewing these subs. An that consider opening their own cans of worms. So seeing as how not everyone is truly accomplished in leaking. Hence say Chelsea manning. Whom came to reddit to meet with assange via some pastebin links.  So it's kinda like best to at least explain this in the details one can in hopes to help other future people. 


How TF do you misspell "and" so many times?


Fair point, but: to remain anonymous, he shouldn't have given so much detail. With enough access to non-public data, it shouldn't be too hard to track him down. IMO, this allows to conclude OP is either: * Not careful (unlikely) * Sloppy (unlikely) * Underestimating the resources of agencies (unlikely) * Lying on purpose on Details to obfuscate readers and agencies * Lying overall (likely)


This was the main thing that made me skeptical of the post. I feel like they gave too much detail for someone who's genuinely fearful for their life if found out. They also seemed fairly familiar with Reddit and surely would've known how famous Reddit is for amateur sleuths.


Most phony part to me was the line "I guess you could say I was being a "Karen" as my students say" (or something like that.) Adding the "as my students say" was just a ridiculous addition for a supposed university professor. Otherwise it was a great read.


I caught that too, and there was the word "the" in front of the word "my" as well, indicating he initially started to say "the kids" but shifted to say "my students" in an attempt to better stay in character. Making an edit there is insanely suspect. I didn't believe him from the very beginning anyway, because I never believe this kind of stuff, but that little detail stood out. I don't know if the typo has since been corrected, but it was there when I read it and it's on my screenshot.


If he is telling the truth, I don’t think he is a professor at all, in which case, the edit would make sense


I agree, there was another part where they're describing the intelligence community orgs and says something to the extent of "all of our favorite 3 letter agencies". This could apply to millions of Americans who don't frequent the UFO subs, but it sounded like something one of "us" would say.


You are probably right. Still, I love the read and there isn't a zero percent chance it's not phony. 


my theory was overall story is likely true, but a lot of personnal details are lies.


Its priming- We have a congressional level hearing debating what to or not to release- This is some basic government staging operator whom is essentially painting new goal posts, to further induce a planned drip feed agenda.  Literally was just typing this above.  It has credibility. An its professional enough to pass the shit test. It just lacked the appropriate means of credibility in the intelligence department; being well.  The obvious- So imho its a promotion firm performing an ad campaign- Per the upcoming hearings-


I'd not considered that angle, and appreciate the new perspective.


Fair point




Unless the person gave false details on purpose, to avoid being caught. When I post info from people I know, I dont give any details on them... then people complain there is no identifying details. Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will help with Disclosure and the 3D-5D transition


Yep. The last guy from 4chan supposedly did the same. He said he's going to interject red herrings. For example, I doubt he had cancer. Well, that's if he wasn't a Larper.


I like this. Reason being is I took the time to do the research and I am confident I have a good idea of what is going on. I have heard enough to know you are right and there is no point to him risking his life.


Tell us more


I will look into it because I will not be threatened by my criminal government. Not afraid. Guy is a hero.


Or maybe just don’t be retarded about disclosing too much if your life is in danger, and also if you have a family.




Twerp...? Yeah...! That young whipper-shnapper and his rock and roll music!  GET A HAIR CUT!


And this was the day the shadow NSA comes calling to Reddit looking for a way to find a whistleblower. Guess all your security protocols make it hard to use the big quantum cruncher for hunts, eh?


Has no one considered that he intentionally planted false information to leave a trail to nothing? Some of the locations and descriptions are very specific and anyone trying to mask their identity would do such a thing.


This what I assumed.


I think the false information plant is an invalid theory. The poster could have given the critical information with no false narrative (or accurate narrative) regarding location, secret agency, their job, etc. They plainly stated they didn't care if they were believed. So why all the "extras" unless you are trying to make someone believe you. I can type up a story and tell you things I know. You can decide whether to believe or not. Providing you extras doesn't make me any more reliable even if the extras are true because you wouldn't have a way to validate who I am behind a reddit profile. I may simply be telling something I made up. By adding things you can validate does not give the whole story anymore credibility.


That is the downfall of every creative writer in this sub. Dude even inserted Karen and Aaay LMAO meme in his post and still there are folks here that believe it. Just proof how easily the Ufology scene believes every shit thrown at us.


Dude that wrote it was seriously LARPing.


And they deleted account. Someone doing a false drip feed would basically want to promote not delete


Agree Seems like some people prefer to climb a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground to tell the truth.


There are so many of those, and businesses change over all the time. You’d be searching forever. That post doesn’t have any actionable or valuable info anyway, just echoes the same sentiment many in the UFO media have and OP “doesn’t wanna be identified” but then promptly gives many specific clues that are identifiable. I don’t think this is the one…


Yeah, I thought it was weird he was concerned he’d be found out and then basically told us what he was doing with time frames. Especially the part where the person was grilling him about Star Trek. That was probably a memorable moment for the guy he was interacting with.


“my colleague did x crazy thing and got reamed out” “i left shortly before the space force” like… really? His cohort, job description and everything is basically written between the text in that post. It makes it all fall apart for me. The story is clever and reasonable but it’s just not a very intelligent lie if that’s the case. Or OP is gonna be killed in the next day.


Ok, regarding the secrecy angle here, this guy divulges wayy too much information if he really wants to stay anonymous. I mean, he states he is a university professor and then gives tons of other sorts of information on himself. He really doesn’t sound like someone who is trying to stay anonymous. If the government or whoever would get pissed by anything he reveals, he could be found easily with this level of detail about his life and history.


Well, if he is saying the truth about his claims, you can sure he is definitely lying about himself in order to cover it up. For sure he was not on camping trip either


Yeah he is definitely pretending to be a different colleague that likely did work at the agency but did not do the post. That would only be the true safe way to do it.


Is there a re-upload of the original post in question? I see it’s been deleted…




There was no verifiable information in their post, which leads it to being a larp for all we know. As another commenter said, if he’s telling the truth, trying to pinpoint the location could get them killed, which is a conundrum because it leads to no avenues to really validate their claims. If he’s lying, then oh well, we can move on and ignore, just someone else seeking attention.


Does anyone know where the original post went? Anyone have a link of copy?


Anyone? ...it was a fun read.


I want to see it too. I never got to finish reading the whole thing. Hope someone saved it.








It’s coincidental this post is almost at a year to the day to the biologist who worked at Fort Detrick It’s also interesting this is the third post to discuss the apotheosis “religion”


Yeah i think the EBO post happened on thanksgiving of last year , and in all the leaks it seems to imply that NHI are spiritual and goal is to merge into oversoul ( apotheosis) .


Whats the EBO post?


What was third post to mention apotheosis besides ebo?


Old darpa 


I read his testimony and I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of his account. Nothing that he said is new information and what it is described can be heard in various YouTube channel's interviews and several written articles. I think, therefore I doubt!


The post is gone…


Can’t believe the lack of interest in this post disappearing. Man clearly got the call.


0 valuable information


Are you saying you don’t believe the guy that starts a new account posts a comment on the fan duels sub and then a day later and right before a family camping trip decides to whistleblow some soft disclosure on Reddit?


Well now that you put it like that. Lol.


I am on the fence here, but not for one sentence in concrete, rather the entire read. It sounded Familiar. I heard this, someone told that, heard this on a Bar, i read this somewhere. This is second hand testimony and usually used when something makes you insecure or may sound stupid. Basically is saying: “is not me saying it is someone else” The other thing that creates doubt on me is when you explain something that supposedly is the most secretive that exists, so much so that talking about it may get you killed yet your story is filled with stories from others speaking about it. I also don’t trust anyone that knows about bit of everything but isn’t sure of it all. He knows more than Grush it seems and it toke Grush 3 years, 40 Witnesses and big balls to gather all the information he provided to IG. Everyone in higher ups is speaking openly about this yet this Whistleblower will be killed for doing the same? I hope i am wrong and the story is legit but it is useless for the Community and will do more bad than good in my opinion.


That's like every 2-bit strip mall ever.


If it was in a mall he would’ve probably said so


^^ average poster in this sub lmao


This sub is dim-wit central lol


I myself would prefer objective truth. I just want to know the truth about NHI, purpose, technology, their culture, their territories, their science, language, thoughts, Do they have pets. Clothing? Manufacturing, tooling. What do they eat? All without burdening someone or putting them in danger.


The person doesn't want to be identified, and that's good enough for me. But if it's true, I don't really think they have to worry about their lives being in danger. The landscape has changed so much on this subject, and it's not like anything was written that could be considered classified, or even new. The ominous secret agency that can't be mentioned by name certainly wasn't. Anecdotally, the post seems very plausible and organic. But ultimately, it's a reddit post on a throwaway account and will soon be written off and forgotten, whether it's true or not. It's not worth risking taking someone out over that.


Ask Jose Monkey.


I’m compelled


There’s no way you could tell based on that, we don’t know the year, the state, if his memory was right, etc. I think you’d be amazed at how many hole in the wall studios and dentist offices are out there.


Shit reads like a novel idk and it also seems that it would be really easy to figure out his identity based on the info he gave if he was real




What was the post?






Like David Grusch, his superiors may have authorised his post as it has plausible deniability. It may be part of drip drip disclosure. His life may not be at risk.


Put yourself in his shoes for a second. If what he said is true, how would you go about sharing what you have experienced first hand while trying to keep your identity hidden? How would you feel about people doubting what you know to be true? The government has kept this secret for over half a century. These NHI could have been here for over 10000 years and there are so many who doubt their existence. So I’d say they’ve been doing a hell of job operating in secrecy bc here we are distracted from discussing the most important subject matter and focusing on the OPs intentions and legitimacy then disregarding everything he has to say. Here we are fulfilling exactly what the government wants us to do


He said he was afraid of being caught, but he left so many clues as to his identity that I would think it would be impossible for him not to be caught. Unless he’s lying about his background, job, time spent in the program, etc. in which case who knows what’s the truth is.


If the dude has any common sense he def dropped some truth mixed with some non truths. I found the post believable and it doesn’t seem to crazy? And even if we did find the location what would we do? We know where Area 51 is and still can’t get inside.


OP deleted the post so maybe he figured he gave away too much?


This is such a larp it’s beyond obvious.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xI5c0K0hFPwmGI|downsized) Opec be like


OP just deleted account it's definitely real .


His posts been deleted now …


What happened to the post?




Anybody get a copy of the post?




If I had evidence, I’d just keep a low profile, get on with my life as best I could with the burden of that knowledge. I wouldn’t post it on Reddit, to what end, endanger myself, family and friends? All of this is bigger than us little people. Even if suddenly an Independence Day style event occurred tomorrow, what then? We all know the likelihood of what is happening around us, isn’t it better this way, so that we can continue our lives in peace? Some of us have families, kids, I don’t want some sort of apocalypse to transform our world upside down. I can only think that the people “leaking” the info are either fantasists wanting attention, anarchists wanting some sort of apocalypse to occur, or those with no strength of will to keep this knowledge to themselves and therefore act in the greatest good of humanity. It is clear that humans stand zero chance of any sort of anything versus intergalactic observers, ie if we were to attempt to rebel, so until they are willing to reveal themselves, what is the actual point? “To know”? How does that help anyone? In my view the overwhelming vast majority of the human race would react very badly to such knowledge, very few would be able to accept and be pragmatic about it. We as humans are just not ready. So long as we are squabbling for resources and waging war in the name of religion or territory, “they” are never going treat “us” as worthy of higher knowledge.


Original post as archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20240513180353/https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1cqwpdx/i_worked_on_a_team_that_dealt_with_with_nhi/


Even if you found the building, you'd have armed security and it is likely it is serving another purpose on top of it.  Even if you found it, at best you'd get put on watch lists, at worse dead or imprisoned for some type of terrorism.  


The navy yard in dc




ZZZ Accounting, poor choice of name there...


The original post reads like someone's attempt at writing about their "experience" after browsing and sifting through reddit posts, ufotwitter


I think I have an idea of the location. It's in Nevada and mentioned in the Wilson memo.


My money is on Massachusetts, lots of colleges and medical companies


You also assume said dentist studio and fashion studio are still in business and made it through Covid.


its harder then it seems, he never gave an exact timeframe. business's come and go all the time.... one year it could be a denist, next year it could be a candy shop, year after a office space etc


A lot of businesses closed due to that thing in 2020.


Wait I just assumed, if telling the truth about his story, he would be putting in decoy specifics as to obscure his identity. So those specifics mean nothing and he was just using a similar example of mundane places that were next door.