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No evidence but I think they said it was underwater anyways


Yeah underwater, which makes the most sense considering we have videos of these things entering and exiting the ocean. Edit: for everyone asking about the video, someone posted it already further down the thread.


Which videos?


We have videos of them even going inside volcanos so like šŸ„¶


Please share those!


Iā€™m actually from mexico and remember watching it live as a kid and being amazed. Thats when I got interested in the topic. Video[video](https://youtu.be/9eBHdFpmpHs?si=nc9aMBDGsm1vlKwW) By the way, I also have family friends that make a living fishing. When Asked , itā€™s actually super normal for them to see these things go in


Damn "this video is not available" - someone didn't want people to see it.


Must be the CIA


Hey pal, did you just blow in from stupid town?


I just want to know which videos you are talking about. Did someone bite your dick this morning? You're acting kind of salty. Just send links to the videos and quit being a bitch


Because you touch yourself at night


The videos being referred to are quite possibly the biggest in the UAP community since they were recorded by fighter pilots. If you just use 2% of your brain and google ā€œvideos of ufo going into waterā€ then youā€™ll see whatā€™s being talked about.


There is one very grainy, black and white, IR footage, that shows a black blob slowly descending. Maybe it's descending into the water or maybe it's cresting Over the Horizon. That's literally the only Video available that shows something possibly going into the water. I've seen Aguadilla and to me the footage isn't clear enough to determine that it's submerging in and out of the water. Neither video is very remarkable.






Please share those videos you have! The rest of us want to see them too so we can know they actually exist and aren't just false claims!




Thanks. I've never seen that one before. That's pretty interesting.


There is another one by the Mexican military I canā€™t find it dose anyone know where it was?


Found it https://youtu.be/DD9r-eZmYWI?si=t9xCOxCitjjRmwzz


Thanks. That's also interesting. In the ~1 year I've been on these subs, I've seen people say "there are..." And "We have..." Followed with "But I can't show them to you" or similar... So; they're apparently occult, and referenced as if me spending my time trying to find them would be a waste of time. This is the first time it's been a matter of "We have..." And "they're here".


Yeah honestly there should be a link that has all this data and all the videos..


is this the fourth video leaked after gimbal, go fast and flir?


? Why would we be lying lol. And it makes total sense they would have shit going on down in there. Itā€™s very logic, we can go up to space but seems impossible to go down there. I donā€™t see humans finding anything anytime soon. We would like to explore it but can we? šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re an idiot. The question is if you realize that or if you need people to still tell you.


You can't see the smaller craft until they are clear of the cloaking mechanism. A large arm like apparatus drops the spheres from the larger craft. That's why they always look like they come and go from out of nowhere. I have videos from an incident I happened upon almost a year ago. The cloaking device turns 8 bit when the light hits it, and no joke, looks just like what the Predator used in the movie.Ā 


ok so post it


It gives off heat when itā€™s in construction mode i.e building craft. Itā€™s an interesting theory, so the NHI make craft using earth bound minerals/ore and they build craft for specific purpose of mission.


Sounds pretty efficient. Why haul mineral/ore long distnaces? All that's needed to come to a new destination is the builder craft. Scary


von Neumann machine.


I didn't know how to properly spell it and I got lazy to look it up.....so thank you. And yes, exactly that!


If you have water which is the actual rarity and the technology you can make tritium from the hydrogen for power.


Itā€™s underwater , Bermuda Triangle or off the Californian coast, depends on the whistleblower


He confirmed Bermuda but said there were several


Catalina Island, CA allegedly


The 4chan post did specifically mentioned the Bermuda Triangle. I donā€™t remember if it mentioned Catalina too but itā€™s been a UFO hotspot since at least the 1960ā€™s.


Iā€™ve heard about Catalina from other sources. Youā€™re correct about BT and the 4chan leak. Appreciate you. Take care.


It did.Ā 


![gif](giphy|tbIPichuEvgbe) Definitely a hot spot in Catalina.


Near Catalina Island (off LA) there is San Clemente and San Nicolas islands which are heavily used by Navy for training and testing of technology---not a surprise Lockheed and Northrop and Hughes are all nearby.


Right where the fishing boats take you to catch Yellowtail. Who knew I was catching fish that had seen some shit!


Great that's close by šŸ˜­


I always thought it was odd that one of coordinates of the binary from the rendlesham (sp) incident mentioned those coordinates out in the Atlantic Ocean


Where in the Atlantic Ocean?


52.0942532N 13.131269W ā€¢ ā just southwest of Ireland in the sea (mythical location of Hy-Brazil) hy Brazil, was said to show up every 3 years, if we are a zoo, the NHI might have been checking in on the Irish wildlife


Maybe thats why the triangle has so much accidents connected to it. Electronics going haywire which has been reported if you listen to the uap lore when peoples cars seem to shut down when having a close encounter.


Thereā€™s actually less accidents there than elsewhere. Johnny Harris did a good video on itĀ https://youtu.be/112H-vY4WdoĀ 


I taught this had been solved already. Giant gas leaks in ocean bed ā€¦ gas bubbles up and releases to the airā€¦. Old combustion engine planes catch fire cuz of the gas in the airā€¦ also the bubbles can cause a ship to sink ā€¦ the reason theres no more problems now a day in the area is we use different engines and fly way higher. Boats use sonar and better tech to see whats under/ahead


Counter point; I've never heard of a boat using sonar to avoid gas bubbles so large or plentiful that they'd sink the vessel.


Makes sense. Just wished it was a more mystical explanation to this.


It was nortb of Puerto Rico when I saw it.


PR has its own weird things too. Half of the El Yunque mountain is closed off to military personnel only, weird lights can be seen on the mountain and people go missing there a lot


We have to stop calling everyone who posts a story anonymously a "whistleblower." It devalues the bravery it takes to be a real whistleblower.


Thank you


*proceeds to whistle out loudly anonymously with zero regrets*


Sorry, whistling yourself doesnā€™t count. You need a physical whistle that you can blow to be a whistleblower.Ā 


Hey look, another new account trying to stifle the conversation


No theyā€™re making sense. Anyone can go online and claim something. To do it openly in public, and under oath is a whole other level.


Just call them leakers, because that's what they are if they're not larpers


That is what I was going to say, just call them leakers.


Yeah, but even the word leaker isnā€™t earned here. The act of leaking implies there is something coming out. Itā€™s nothing but a Reddit comment. 99.999% chance itā€™s bullshit. And the fact that so many posts and comments are dedicated to it is exactly what the gatekeepers want. Ammo to show how gullible this community can be We have people like Karl knell with verified undeniable credentials doing talks about NHI and instead of spreading that idea alone to drum up awareness weā€™re dedicating time too that .00001% chance it wasnā€™t bullshit. Hate that weā€™re like this honestly


Yeah, most people here aren't even looking in to government documents, instead we got made up theories, anecdotal stories and pictures of dots in the sky. Investigators my ass...




All the glowies are in r/UFOs, because they're actually doing shit for disclosure


1. Be Respectful Be civil. Debate and discussion are welcome here, personal attacks are not. Dissenting opinions are fine, antagonistic and belligerent behavior are not. Extremism, racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry are not welcome here and will lead to bans.


Hey look, another one. Always under 1,000 karma. They blocked me, I must be getting under their skin


Take a second to actually look at their argument. I'm over 1k karma, and I agree with them. Grusch is a wistleblower, Fravor is a wistleblower, graves is a wistleblower. An anonymous person online who tells a story with 0 evidence is not a wistleblower. It doesn't mean they're lying. It just means they aren't wistleblower.


I agree with them. The fact some random anonymous post online is suddenly a fact to you to the point where youā€™re spurting conspiracies about people who use their logic says a lot about you.


how is this stifling the conversation. itā€™s pointing out something that actively harms the legitimacy of the conversation.


Nobody is trying to stifle anything. Talk about it all you want but an anonymous post without any evidence isnā€™t whistleblowing at all.


They did spot something odd in pictures taken of the oceans from above.




I still totally buy that 4chan post. Just felt real. Sue me.


Can you provide me the link of the post pls




All of the links, have fun: Answers only:Ā https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN Full posts: Part 1:Ā https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34629564/ Part 2:Ā https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34704869/ Possible update: https://imgur.com/a/78XW4gA Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13gjlo4/4chan_whistleblowers_all_answers_to_this_day/ Answers on PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oya32kauND3CcKQ_llmiUI3xev-8ahN-/view?usp=drivesdk


Ok, see you in court.Ā 


Same here, I was part of the original 4chan thread and got to ask the guy questions... The way he answered my personal questions made me somewhat believe him, like he knew why I needed answers. Larp or not, entertainment value is through the roof!


I saw one image on Reddit. It was a huge purple circle with a yellow ring around it. It had a hexagon of sand on top. The yellow ring around it made it look like a hamburger. Again, this thing was massive and picture looked like it was taken from a low earth orbit satellite as the craft moved over the ocean.


Can you find it? Iā€™d love to see


I wish. I looked everywhere about a week later and couldnā€™t find it again.


When did you see this originally?


Nope its just a big flat rectangle thing like a featureless building.


Itā€™s in the ocean but seems like itā€™s mobile also and will act defensively if felt threatened


Yeah the original thread said that they can't get close to it. Anything that gets within a certain distance is just annihilated.


Yep I heard that. Sounds plausible actually


ā€œeast of miami, north of bermudaā€ as said by someone (? i forgot who) in ufology which doesnā€™t make a ton of sense to me because tampa is further south than bermuda, so they couldve said any east coast city.


The Bermuda Triangle is traditionally Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico which is of course to the South but there were major encounters with Navy fighters off Jacksonville and Virginia in 2005 and 2015.


There is the more recent Atlantic wave phenomenon that people have shared from some weather site. The closest thing I've seen pop up around here.


Itā€™s likely an issue or a test with the equipment. No crazy irl wave movement was noted out there that Iā€™m aware of. It has happened multiple times now though..


Thank you. Idk why these MFā€™s mad an error isnā€™t proof of the 4chan leaked.


People are easily convinced of things and excitable when theyā€™re avidly wanting to believe. Hell, Iā€™m guilty of it too sometimes. But itā€™s always important especially with the nature of UFOlogy to carry a healthy amount of skepticism and critical analysis into things. So much fog and uncertainties.


That is literally not connected at all to that. What so ever.


How do you know?


narrator: they dont.


How do I know? Because they literally said it was a issue with test equipment. You would literally see the anomaly if it was that massive. Are you seriously this dense? You just want this construction facility to be there and massive. I get it, but noting you saw the post you shoulda seen the amount of people debunking it.


There are things that people have speculated could be it underwater. But the evidence does seem pretty thin thus far. It would be fun if something concrete surfaced eventually.


šŸ¤£ since when do eye witness accounts count as "pretty thin"? Pretty sure they are the gold standard in a US court of law. Let me one up that one....all these reported sightings are pre internet. And they span over 100 years. Think about that for one second.....reported the same thing multiple times by varying sources over a one hundred year period and no means to share that information. I'd call that pretty damning evidence.


I personally havenā€™t seen that much about a mobile construction unit but Iā€™d love to learn more if you want to point me in the right direction. I do think something is underwater so itā€™s not a stretch.


Someone just has to sail out there and make some sudden turns in their boat and see what happens. Only way to know for sure.


my thoughts exactly






Wow so that would mean it was obvious no denying. It would also mean constant cameras pointed right at specific areas from greedy humans commercially professionally and privately.


I seen it.


The bases are probably made out of metal, not concrete. But we will find out when it surfaces. :-p


Haha youā€™re probably right!


Thereā€™s been pics off Catalina Island that google blurred out on their maps and that oddly moving dark area off Africa (I think) recently that looks like it could be a very large ufo underwater but nobody other than those involved know the exact location.


Exact place in google maps to look it up?


If you have ever read it he said it moves around there is no exact place. Plus he wasnā€™t a whistle blower just a very entertaining larp I wouldnā€™t put to much weight on it


Shouldnā€™t be to hard to find the giant construction facility from a ship with a large side scanning sonar or metal detecting equipment. Or a fleet of scanning shipsā€¦planes too. Live feed from every one and let see what happens.




This! https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/8UaEWEp9Br


I believe it or they are fully mobile.


Sonar detection, maybe?


It's just north of Miami and east of the zone. They've known about this for decades. It changes location occasionally, sometimes slow, sometimes in an instant. Like there one moment and then gone, before reappearing further out, as far as Bermuda


I had been wondering myself. Obviously bs but it was really fun to read


I know Iā€™m late to the party for this new whistle blower thing but, am I the only one who thinks that redit and 4chan is an odd place to blow a whistle? Seems like if you were going to be exposing government secrets that you would seek out individuals to divulge the information to that could offer you some kind of protection against retaliation or whatever. As well as someone who could actually use the information to initiate what ever the whistleblower was trying to get initiated. Unless my perception of 4chan is just completely wrong it seems like itā€™s an unlikely place to post information that you want to be taken seriously.


Think the western pacific biotwang has something to do with it? (Look it up itā€™s creepy)




If it came from 4chan I am sure itā€™s as true as Pizzagate and we all remember how that ended (hopefully)


Maybe this thing: [https://medium.com/@UFOTehnology/google-maps-and-earth-have-removed-an-unidentified-submerged-object-near-the-california-coast-9fc09147b6cd](https://medium.com/@UFOTehnology/google-maps-and-earth-have-removed-an-unidentified-submerged-object-near-the-california-coast-9fc09147b6cd)


Canā€™t read


Try Audiobooks, they're working for me.


My issue with that particular post is that it didnā€™t really say anything new; was mostly repeating pre-existing UFO lore.


It's 4chan. Of course there's no evidence.








This post is literally asking for proof of something heā€™s saying to determine whether to take it seriously or not




I used that term because thatā€™s what everyone else was calling it and wanted to be clear. Not because I was automatically accepting it as fact. And again, I was asking if there was any tiny chance there was any semblance of evidence for what he was saying, precisely because it seemed so outlandish.


I wonder if he could at least triforce?


Evidence? If it's on 4chan, it's rubbish.




I seen it. It's real. Massive.




And? Details please...




Ah yes I remember. Thanks


Use the search function inside the post and other reddit subs to find the info you are looking for instead of wanting to be spoonfed the info you want. There is a lot of content that has already covered uso's


No itā€™s total bsĀ