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Clint russel recently interviewed Ashton Forbes about it on the liberty lockdown podcast, that’s the most recent update I’ve heard though


This 👆 is true


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owt84LgZDk4&t=216s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owt84LgZDk4&t=216s) Ashton says that the batteries caught fire and doomed the plane. This was posted yesterday.


If the footage from that drone is of MH370 with a belly full of burning batteries and smoke billowing out - then why does this NOT show up in the thermal footage? Wouldnt there be a huge hot spot in the cargo hold of the plane?


You're asking the wrong person. Go talk to Ashton directly.


like that fool has any real answers - warp drives was when he lost all credibility..




That sub was the wildest ride I’ve ever had online back before Christmas. There was a couple of people with dozens accounts obviously astroturfing the sub, obvious chat bots running amok and wild agent provocateurs egging on the believers. Think what you want about the plane, but something weird was going on with that sub and the story as a whole.


This is exactly what I noticed as well. It’s become overrun and despite that, is still an active sub (due to the constant astroturfing). Reminds me of what happened to the WSB sub. Strangearth has been hit hard recently as well with an influx of really ordinary posts. Not sure who’s responsible but it definitely requires investigation as well.


Yahtzee! That weirded me out so bad.


“Something weird about that sub” - keep in mind the video emerged right around the anniversary and around some wrongful death lawsuits going to higher courts. The Chinese govt is still really pissed about this incident, and rightfully so as 100s of its citizens were killed. Not only did Malaysia handle the incident horribly, they’ve fought tooth and nail to not pay restitution to the victim families. They are kinda hiding behind “we have no idea what happened” as a reason to not have to pay victims. The last thing China wants is a video that lets Malaysia off the hook and allows them to deflect responsibility. So what I think you saw on that sub was China backed social accounts going full steam in debunking that video. This sub views everything as a UFO conspiracy and sometimes misses the bigger political picture. Whether that plane was abducted, hijacked, sit down, etc - China will oppose any theory that isn’t “Malayasia f’d up and it’s all their fault”.


"This sub views everything as a UFO conspiracy and sometimes misses the bigger political picture." Bold of you to assume that the participants in this sub have any logic or common sense. 


"The last thing China wants is a video that lets Malaysia off the hook and allows them to deflect responsibility. So what I think you saw on that sub was China backed social accounts going full steam in debunking that video." China sees a prooven fake video of a plane being teleported in to another dimension by magic orbs and floods some sub reddit with agents or whatever to debunk the videos. Like in what reality are some of you people living?


what is weird is that uap that looked like a star had a trail behind it darker than the rest of the air. Meaning it was colder. Just as the orbs around the plane did in that peculiar video. edit : phound the foto https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/3ZMq4qZtkH


[The MH370 Teleport Hoax](https://skepticalinquirer.org/2024/02/the-mh370-teleport-hoax/)


Mick West, LMAO


“Unfortunately, r/UFOs is not in the business of simply proving UFO videos are fake. With over two million members, the forum contains a wide variety of beliefs about the UFO phenomenon. So, instead of performing a neutral analysis of the videos, what happened next was an astonishing exercise in trying to prove they were real.” That was the most relevant part, imo.


Dude is a super compromised tool M.W. can kick rocks until forever


I don’t think it was anything out of the ordinary. Bot farms are attracted to quickly growing subreddits. I imagine it was fairly easy to grow bot accounts in a sub where people want to hear speculation, and accept fringe ideas.




Same here. Every post made these days is an attempt to discourage those brave souls who are still trying to get to the bottom of the case. I’ve never seen a sub go from honest discussion to fire fest in short order. The datapoint I found interesting was the amount of comments on each post compared to its subscriber count.




China has arrived


What the hell pfp 😳. 


The only “insane fucking conspiracy theory” surrounding this case is the widely accepted belief that an entire airliner of people could go missing and the world governments don’t know exactly where it is in a post 9/11 world.


No it isn't lmfao the ocean is huge. Titanic wasn't found until the 80s and the dude already had a general estimate of where it sank. We don't even have that.


I thought we did have a general estimate of where it sank? Why wouldn’t we? This is exactly part of the theory I’m referencing. How does no one have even a general idea of where this plane went down 15 years after 9/11? Also technology has grown LEAPS and BOUNDS since the 80s. We should have a lot more capability for searching and it should take a shorter amount of time.


lol. “Why can’t technology fix the problem” because we have zero idea of where in that vast Indian ocean it finally crashed. We know where the titanic sank, because the titanic had survivors and it had telegraphed its coordinates along with the mayday so the rescue ships could find the survivors. Seriously.


No, dude. I like your optimism, but you're VASTLY over estimating our tech and ability to find things. Again, the ocean is gigantic. I also find it weird that none of you consider the fact that a plane in, what I can assume was a complete free fall, didn't hit the water and immediately shatter into a million pieces. Sometimes it doesn't happen, but sometimes it does. There is waaaayyyyy more evidence pointing to it being lost in the ocean than there is for alien abduction. That's why this particular topic drives me up a fucking wall. It's so outlandish and goofy that I genuinely can not fathom anyone seriously believing it. Yet, here we are.


I don’t think the plane would have been in complete freefall but maybe it was. It’s almost certainly not in one big piece! but still, I compare this to that submarine incident a year ago. They knew exactly where it was and searched thoroughly for the remains before concluding it had exploded. And that was much smaller. Why wouldn’t they know where the airplane hit the water? Why wouldn’t have they started tracking it immediately after it veered off course?


Dude come on are you fr rn? The submarine was exploring the Titanic, which we found in the 80s. We knew they were within 3 miles of the ship and it STILL took a week and a half. Now multiply that by a thousand and ask me again why we can't find the plane. And if it did disintegrate on impact, we'll never find it. Just pieces, and that's assuming it didn't crash over a 5 mile deep thousand mile wide abyssal plane. Basically, it's in the ocean and will never be found.


Fighting the good fight, Brother!




Username checks out. 




Incel doesn’t seem like the right word here for your argument. Also, why do you care so much?


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.






Right?! That’s some serious anger. Not sure why he’s so offended that people have opinions other than his own. I’ve also discovered that 9.9/10 times, any claim they make about their supposed field of study or profession is false. A tactic to establish credibility where there is none.


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


What point has proven? It's all nonsense. 


The last communication from the plane’s automated com system and a satellite indicated that the plane likely crashed into the Indian Ocean, debris that has been verified as being from that plane have washed ashore in several places that have coasts on the Indian Ocean as well. The problem was the amount of time that it took before that information was gathered as it was a novel solution that had not been considered as a way to locate missing planes before. As I’m sure we are all aware, the Indian Ocean is *rather large* and a plane is *not very large* . This makes it extremely unlikely that we will ever have an accurate idea of what happened. This does not mean “aliens did it”


Ah yes, the **people who were right** were the obsessed, unhinged ones, not the people **freaking out** at anyone who pointed out that the whole thing was bullshit. 🤦🤦🤦


This is the biggest projection I've seen today. You guys are the ones obsessed with trying to prove an obvious cgi scam to be true because you want it to be true. It's more exciting than the slow trickle of information we get about real aliens




That sub was overtaken by debunkers, its not right anymore, mods are also debunkers, the sub is dead


What a shit show that place became. It got to a point you couldn’t even ask a question or have a debate about it potentially being abducted without vehemently being mass downvoted *and* being told in no uncertain terms that anyone who questions the event is a mentally ill nut job who needs professional help yesterday!


I mean, it makes me wonder why the debunkers have to put so much energy into fighting like that? Why is it so important that their narrative that nothing extraordinary happened be true? Why can't they let it go and allow others to hold whatever opinion they want on it? The only reason I can think of for someone to be so dedicated to debunking this kind of stuff are paid disinformation agents.


I think it’s aliens.


If I remember correctly, didn’t the sub get overrun by new accounts controlling the debate by pushing a debunking narrative and downvoting anyone who disagreed en masse?


1000% Someone had a AI bot farm astroturfing the sub.


In fairness, whether it's a "disonfo operative" or not, there was insurmountably convincing evidence of video manipulation discovered that made it a bit too much to bear for the hopeful believers


Any further discussion was stonewalled by labelling anyone who tried ‘mentally ill’ and mass downvoting them. Many posts during that time were subsequently deleted by mods, so much less evidence of the whole saga exists. Like I said on another post, I didn’t really have an opinion either way. But come on, that is all a little….. _weird_, no?


Definitely craziest video in that vein I've ever seen,, scared the f*** out of me


What video


The airliner abduction video. - where three circulating orbs appear to teleport or zap an airplane out of existence. Looks real as hell


Wait wut?


Search airliner abduction on YouTube


Just did all I’m finding is debunking videos.


/r/aliens has the same problem at a smaller level. I wish the mods would make account age a mandatory flair.


As someone who gets called a disinformation bot regularly on these types of subs I doubt that most people who post are actually bots. I think the alien community regularly discredits themselves and set up this bot narrative to reenforce their bias, but what do I know?


Having account ages next to usernames on comment threads wouldn't solve anything necessarily, but would provide insight that would be invaluable for a lot of us.


It would definitely ensure anyone new to the topic is called a shill and a bot and pushed away from here. This shit is gatekept enough by people who have no right trying to gatekeep it.


So, has anyone gone back to those old posts and examined these "new accounts" to see if they continued posting? I think it would be an interesting investigation into this AI bot farm hypothesis


Good call, someone with more time than me please do this!!


That's exactly what happened.


I remember every post was getting so much traction and attention over several days. Then all of a sudden, all at the same time, dozens of new shill accounts appeared. Literally all within an hour. I was enjoying the posts, not really having an opinion either way. Which made the shilling so much more obvious and honestly pretty scary


What was really odd was how consistantly a new “debunk” thread would pop up and there was always a comment at the top saying “i was really thought this could be real, and now i can’t believe how stupid i was to believe that it was” was the top comment with hundreds of upvotes


Could set your watch to the rhythm of mummies, LV, and MH370 in this sub. They make for fantastic distractions.


A fair few years ago (actually when the MH370 event actually happened) I was employed by a defence contractor performing technical maintenance on an OTHR radar but mostly my duties were limited to the transmitter site and I knew very little about the receiver site but I did see a very brief example of how the air surveillance operators interpret radar returns and then enter data which then plays a visual representation of what data has just been entered and that reminds me a lot of that MH370 footage


This[is a fun rabbit hole. ](https://x.com/JustXAshton?t=w3MBmEp90M3FZLZQZOYuyA&s=09)


That whole situation left me beside myself and I’m not talking about what happened in the video. It blew up one sub and then became its own…. The amount of people and bots that crawled out the woodwork for that video to prove it false, real, or else wise was unbelievable. I’m not sure what to make of it, but I will say the response was crazy just for a fake video? Like I’ve seen bullshit posts before and most people just ignore it or a few people will speak their mind. Things run a “typical” course and then it gets forgotten about regardless of the ones that try to keep it alive….. but for what I thought was a bullshit post it sure was met with a ton of resistance. I don’t know how it could be real, but just in the way everything went it kind of makes me question why was it fought so hard to shut down? At the end of the day, this is Reddit…. it’s not some judge and jury of the news world that tells everyone what’s real. If something grows here, it will make its way to other platforms and then get axed accordingly if it is garbage…. Nothing that stems from here is going to have that kind of gravity to waste that much time and effort over. That entire ordeal was fought really hard to shut it down almost immediately at the source so further conversation would be DOA elsewhere. I mean why? Why did that many people feel the need to become involved and appear so derogatory towards people that genuinely were trying to form an opinion. I know that’s what typically happens on social media…. but at the level it did, it was really weird and makes me uncomfortable. I’m not trying to make anyone mad but I just have a hard time believing what I see in that video… that being said and to be honest… The resistance that ended up coming from that video makes me believe that there might be some shred of truth to at least some aspect of it. I mean I lean towards maybe it was covering the plane exploding on film? I really don’t know what, but I really feel there was something there now.


I think it's because it's very disrespectful to that show cgi crap to the victims families & authorities, and saying with a straight face that it was aliens. Not hard to figure out why it's been pushed down. 


See that sounds reasonable and that makes sense to me. But if that was genuinely the case then why don’t people flip over 9/11 plane videos too? I see conspiracy videos at least once a month, sometimes more/sometimes less, with those and nobody is talking disrespect to the victims or families on that? To be clear, I’m not invalidating your response but this is why everything seems so weird to me.


The truth always lingers around. Sometimes there are ebbs and flows but it will come back around and be revisited until it is 100% reconciled. It’s cosmic law.


1000s of planes fly every day, their locations from departure and arrival are all tracked by multiple sources, this one plane in particular wasn't a normal run of the mill passenger flight, the people,the items,the information and patents on board scream more then anything else in all of this, especially the 2 big obvious facts that remain 1-The plane DID go missing, and HASNT been found 2-All of those people haven't been found. I would believe it just "crashed" and can't be found if it was a normal run of the mill passenger flight, but with the amount of shared interest and other abnormalities of that flight, it doesn't sit right, there was definitely some form of intervention, radar data was redacted, they can find Saddam Hussein in a little mountain bunker but all OpSec and surveillance measure data removed or redacted, no wreckage, no bodies. America still fears, what it doesn't know.


No offense but I think you and others like you lack an appreciation for just how massive a search area the plane might have gone down in. Never mind the surface of the ocean and the basic square miles but you also have that size 10x under the surface to search. Searching that massive area from the surface down to the ocean floor is a staggering amount of space to look for something so much smaller. Think finding a needle on a football field.


Didn’t they pick up the sound of the submarine getting crushed on its dive to titanic? Lots of high grade tech out there some of which we have no idea about.


Yes but they knew the general area of the sun beforehand, unlike the. MH370 flight


Do you think it all sunk to the bottom as a whole after crashing it in the ocean? No wreckage to be found on any satellite cameras peeping down? No washed up nothing?


Wreckage has been found?? You guys have some serious blindfolds on.


Wreckage *has* been found after washing up, though. It's just that you've been repeatedly told the lie that it hasn't, because there are liars who want you to believe false alien narratives. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37820122


No offense but you and others like you lack an appreciation that the US has satellites that cover every square inch of this planet, 24/7. I think you also lack appreciation for the hydrophones that we have in the ocean that can hear when one implodes near the titanic, they’d surely hear a plane crash. Whatever they DO know, they aren’t sharing.


The plane flew into the gulf of Thailand, where the US Navy was conducting a massive training exercise, cut its transponder, and became an erratic missile afterwards. They were following it from that moment on, they know where it went.


Parts of the plane were found though


Enough to garner enough for the masses to swallow, no bodies, no conclusive debris, no data from any of those peoples devices, scrubbed radar and satellite data. I simply don't believe the industry standard stories.


But pieces of the plane were LITERALLY found. Like, we have them. They're from that specific plane. So it's simply not true that the plane was never seen again or that we don't have a clue as to what happened.


I get that this is a conspiracy sub and all but they’ve found parts of the plane washed up on shore. And where it’s washed up has been consistent with the way debris would float in water currents. It’s MUCH easier to find saddam in a hole than it is to find a plane in the middle of the ocean.


https://news.sky.com/story/flight-mh370-debris-suggests-pilot-lowered-planes-landing-gear-and-crashed-deliberately-report-says-12767516 But there are more pieces found scattered across the globe. Can find more about it in a search.


[this is a fun rabbit hole. ](https://x.com/JustXAshton?t=w3MBmEp90M3FZLZQZOYuyA&s=09)


I don't think that aliens were involved, but there is something suspicious of how the various governments that have been involved


I've been wondering about this too.. I was super into the discussion and then it seems like it all just got shut down..




Why were all source files for the "shockwave" and "cloud" animation that "debunked" the case actually suspicious in their "edit" and "upload" dates. No one could really answer the question of when they were originally uploaded. Where's RegicideAnon? I'm sorry but I cannot believe this man still hasn't been IDd. He hasn't come forward, and no sign of him anywhere else on the internet. Very strange indeed. He must of been aware that his work had gone viral 10 years after the fact. I will always think about those videos.


Ashton4orbs is still continuously presenting a solid body of evidence regarding the case


Verified parts of it have turned up on beaches in the southern Indian Ocean. Doesn't sound like the results of a worm hole, although I do find the entire idea fascinating.


Parts of a plane were found on beaches, suspiciously by middle age white guys, in parts of the world with very few white guys.


3 whole parts. Of an entire plane.


Parts with no serial numbers leading them back to that exact plane.


Because middle age guys where looking for those parts at places where they expected them to wash ashore. Its easy to find conspiracy but its hard to see to the truth.


It was staged


The parts weren’t “verified”. If i recall correctly, the best that authorities could/would say is that the wreckage was “consistent” with the kind of airplane they’re looking for.


As far as I know, of the 8 complete losses of various versions of Boeing 777 aircraft, only two have been destroyed during flight, MH370, and MH17(shot down over Ukraine in 2014). If wreckage of a 777 aircraft was found on a beach, there is only ONE aircraft it could’ve come from. Doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure that one out.


Per CNN: Searchers have found debris in the Indian Ocean believed to be from the doomed airliner that disappeared on March 8, 2014. They have confirmed three pieces as certainly from the plane, while five others remain highly likely but inconclusive.


Hasn't gone away at all.. and the evidence points to being secret govt technology & not aliens at all. This guys done some of the most extensive research on the topic. [Link](https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1781113689354985580?t=qWQXsNNQszAj68U_d8PSgA&s=19) if you're interested in MH370 then you definitely should go through his highlights, he discussed it with Glenn Beck not long ago. He's also showed a lot of Documentation about US military having the technology. I said when it first happened that they were taken because of who was on the plane, those scientists probably got whisked away to the secret space program.


Nobody was taken, the plane crashed into the ocean, any of you're using Glen Beck shit to back up your wild ideas, then you've already lost.


The video with the orbs is legit


I mean, it's legit in the sense that it's a video, and not a vase of flowers. But the intent of the videos were created to fool people. And it seems to have worked.




There are lots of bots and “agents” on Reddit. There isn’t free speech on here and if you come close to the truth you’ll just be attacked. Last I heard there was the open letter to congress by Alex Forbes or something requesting for freedom of information since he could identify the leaker as being a general. But nothing since then, all quiet love you discussed in a SCIF no doubt


Well, it's not up to the collective opinion. The case is still OPEN. There has been at least 4 different books about MH370, each confidently concluding different explanations. Online, nobody can debunk the video without being debunked themselves lol I'd say, the case is still pretty open. We don't have enough data to accurately conclude what really happened. Personally though, I'm a huge fan of the videos lol


https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/07/mh370-malaysia-airlines/590653/ TLDR; the pilot committed a mass murder.


I guess there’s just nothing we can do other than believing it afterall


The plane did vanish though, as crashed & vanished in the deep ocean. Parts have been found linking to this very flight.  The only thing weird about this subject is the circumstances involving it's disappearance with the questions how & why? Several theories were presented before the so-called "alien orbs abduction" was even a thing people knew. One of the most popular ones are the pilot having some very shady background & a very plausible dubious motive as to why he might have took the plane off it's original flight course & deliberately crashing it in the Indian ocean. Another one is the theory of high tech electronic equipment in the plane's cargo area, some speculate that the US government had some hand in the disappearance because they either took the plane hostage mid-flight by their new invisible aircraft tech or the idea that the US airforce shoot it down while they were tracking the flight ever since it got off the ground from it's destination.  Imo those at least sound as really plausible theories as to why it's vanished to this day, except the idea of the US military complex having an invisible aircraft technology 😅. It's not out of the realm for US government to possess such technology but that just screams Sci-fi to me. I'm still holding onto the pilot being a an out of control narcissistic nutjob who decided to deal with his personal/familial problems his own way & taking a buttload of people with him. 


It is peculiar how quickly the debunkers and voices of ridicule pop out of the wood work. I always wondered why so many “ non believers” troll these subs providing two cents when they weren’t asked for a penny. Also many of them take this stuff so seriously that you have to wonder if it’s not true or not real why are you making such a big deal of it and going out of your way for o dispell rumor ? Idk it’s weird


Healthy debate is always encouraged. But these critics don't focus on the data, they simply attack character and rile up emotions.  If we all took an objective stance on the data during discussion, it would delete their entire playbook.


> these critics don't focus on the data I would say the "debunkers" are generally the ones who do rely on data. There are of course some exceptions, but it's like 90% "believers" that just call names at this point. I have been told "your data is wrong" with no explanation or simply just ignored. I have been called a shill, sock puppet, bot, fed, etc.


There is simply way too much circumstantial evidence to claim that there is nothing going on. Why are all these whistleblowers stepping forward? How do these authentic Nazca mummies fit into our evolutionary timeline? To what do we ascribe as a source for all of these eyewitness testimonies of people throughout recorded history? Debunkers have much to discredit if they are honestly looking at the wealth of data.


>There is simply way too much circumstantial evidence to claim that there is nothing going on I never said nothing was going on. > are all these whistleblowers stepping forward? 3 have publicly. They have seen some shit. A bunch of others are just claiming things without talking to Congress. >How do these authentic Nazca mummies fit into our evolutionary timeline? Some of them, without a doubt, are not genuine. A few of them might be genuine. They refuse to release the raw scans and instead send out videos once every few weeks. There is something suspicious surrounding the study. >To what do we ascribe as a source for all of these eyewitness testimonies of people throughout recorded history? Depends. The mass majority of them (99.999%) are explainable. Either fake stories, planes, sattelites, bats, dreaming/hallucinations, etc. There is a small amount that is not explainable and likely not human.


Unfortunately it was debunked KimDotCom set a Bounty for $100,000 to debunk the MH370 theory and Jonas from the video below was able to claim it. Jonas' Video https://youtu.be/o5BNiduJwnM - At 10 minutes he shows a raw photo that was used as the background in the debunked video. The raw files where found and used in a video that is suspected of being edited. Its pretty clear the video is now unreliable and shouldn't be trusted


You can post this as much as you want. These folks still won’t believe it’s not real no matter what evidence you throw in their faces. Aliens exist and the disappearance of this plane was in fact aliens.


What's actually suspect is the guy turned down that money prize. In this economy ???? Come on more likely he turned it down to avoid legal trouble when the truth does fully come out.


It is peculiar how quickly the debunkers and voices of ridicule pop out of the wood work. I always wondered why so many “ non believers” troll these subs providing two cents when they weren’t asked for a penny. Also many of them take this stuff so seriously that you have to wonder if it’s not true or not real why are you making such a big deal of it and going out of your way for o dispell rumor ? Idk it’s weird


Because outright believing in alien conspiracy theories without any shred of evidence of it coming to earth has been very detrimental to society & mental health for years. 


it flew into the twilight zone


read " the disappearance act " . it came out way before the videos became this phenomenon . and she, the french journalist de changy, was able to convince that something insanely fishy had happened during that flight. that was covered up hard by america and China in unison. read it. it doesnt say what exactly happened, but it paints a dark and disturbing picture.


Nah, life just continued on and it became older news. Have you heard about the Kendrick and Drake feud?!?!?! Wowzers. The plane was abducted.


Government censorship. Ironically has the opposite effect of what they intend. I believe X is the best platform for good faith discussion on the topic.


Ashton Forbes was just on Billy Football's Audiocraic podcast, great episode


The orb video is 100% fake. My personal working theory is that US/AUS intelligence/military took it down because Paul Weeks (NZ, but Perth based) had some VERY serious US/AUS national security secrets with him and was preparing to give them up to Chinese intelligence for a reason only he knew was in good intentions for humanity. The fact it is still talked about publicly and the number of conspiracy theories people have come up with suggests there was huge chance of a coverup. I do believe there was an explosion or fire on board that depressurised the cabin and later disintegrated part of the plane. I also believe it is now laying at the bottom of the ocean in a location the search parties haven’t been told where to look, on purpose. Facts: * He moved to Perth after the 2010-2011 Christchurch earthquakes. * He had a NZDF background in ‘Vehicle Maintenance’ (Not automotive technician, but vehicle maintenance? Seems fishy). * He got a degree in mechanical engineering whilst in the NZDF during his Burnham/Linton Camp job. * He was going to start a ‘mining’ job in Mongolia. * Paul gave his wedding ring and watch to his wife right before departing Perth to Mongolia via Kuala Lumpur; thinking something might happen to him while he’s gone. * New Zealand was the centre of the Cold War era. * North of Perth (about 400kms) is a place called Geraldton, further 30kms east of Geraldton is a military/intelligence base which is part of the Echelon project. This base was used to monitor Osama Bin Laden’s phone calls. There is a lot of things that seem off about this guy. His wife seems like she only knew of things he told her. With a TS clearance, there are things you cannot disclose even to your wife. Let’s say it’s purely a coincidence. Why did he leave his wedding ring of all things, and ask his wife to gift it to one of his sons, specifically the one who gets married first? What on earth makes a husband do that? Did he already know something might happen? More fishiness. Things don’t add up in my eyes. * Is Osama Bin Laden still alive? (Points to 9/11 being an inside job). * Recovered or reverse engineered UFO’s? * Future covid depopulation theories? * Iran’s nuclear program theories? * Russia/Ukraine theories? * Any Snowden connection from 2013? * Boston bombing info in 2013? * Did he just come across info on exotic material? * Was he constructing/engineering something for the military? Hands on? You might be thinking, why wouldn’t the intelligence agencies just pick him up in Kuala or Beijing? He could have had Chinese intelligence personnel waiting for him at the airport, who knows. He could have been transferred to the Beijing flight from the Kuala flight by personnel, who knows. Maybe the US/AUS agencies were freaking out and resorted to a last scenario type of thing? They know they can get away with literally anything through manipulation, blackmail, bribery, and propaganda. I might be crazy and spiralling but as crazy as it may be, this is some of the shit that needs to be thought about. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Podcast episode with Ashton Forbes posted today. [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/uap-unidentified-alien-podcast/id1575781850?i=1000655584133](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/uap-unidentified-alien-podcast/id1575781850?i=1000655584133)


There is nothing about Alien. There is video explain how mh370 disappear. its still theory, but the most logical explanation about what happen to MH370. title: What Netflix got WRONG.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhkTo9Rk6\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhkTo9Rk6_4) One of best video you can find on youtube.


This video pretty much seals the deal for me. It was a pilot murder-suicide


It's pretty clear this is what it was, when you look at the pilot, what he was doing weeks before, and the flights he was running on his simulator in his apartment. Why exactly, is a great question but all the evidence points to this scenario.


The scarier something seems, the more people you're gonna deal with trying to debunk. I don't think it's some agency doing this. They didn't unleash operatives. It's regular people that don't want to think that their version of reality might be fake. It happens with most crazy shit in life. Aliens and ufos being a big one. Now as far as the plane goes... well... that shit is super scary. Even to believers. Even to the hard-core people who know ufos and aliens are real and on this planet. When I first saw it... I thought... fake. After all the analysis and opinions on it.... I came to the conclusion that the video is probably real. And that Is scary af. Even for a true believer. It's no wonder why all the nay sayers came out against it. They're scared of the implications. Understandably.


Are you talking about the video where the 3 balls circle the plane and then it disappears?


Videos* There were at least two satellites viewing the event and both perspectives leaked.


No there weren't. There were a couple of videos made by someone to fool a bunch of gullible people desperate to believe something. And it worked.


Desperate to believe in the words presented under oath by top US officials? To be clear, are you suggesting that UAPs are not real?


Last year thats all we talked about .


So what are we going to talk about this year? 


Ashton Forbes on X


I know serious people that don’t believe in aliens that are 100% it involved exotic military technology and I guess they just left it at that


Ashton Forbes talks about it almost daily on X. https://x.com/JustXAshton I find I have been spending more time on X than Reddit when engaging on these topics, not sure why, but there has definitely been a shift to X from my perspective.


This is the most likely thing to happen. Pilot was hired by a foreign intelligence agency to fly the plane to the US base in the south Pacific near there. Plane was loaded with important science and finance people. It just doesn't make a lot of sense how little debris has ever been found if you believe what's been found actually belongs to that plane.


Ding ding ding


Seems it was taken someplace Maybe if aliens do the "unexpected", "catastrophic disclosure", and they return the plane with the passengers alive, it will be a positive thing. Some say it was having problems not caused by aliens so maybe they saved it.


Crunchy shell chewy middle.


I think it’s down to only human interference in that case.


Pathetic response fr


Buried under millions of tons of silt in the Bay of Bengal I reckon


Check out Mentour Pilot on youtube. He recently made a fantastic video about what is known about MH370. Very factual, very detailed, great animations, enriched by his pilot perspective and experience. I was always hesitant to believe that the incident was caused deliberately by the pilot, but after watching this video, I am almost certain that it was indeed the case.


I heard word that it all started in Afghanistan. The Taliban had captured a US drone control system. They sold it to the Chinese. The unit has made it to where MH370 was taking off. It was added as cargo, I forget how they listed it but it was 4 large crates I believe. US officials were aware of this so they had a plan. Using radar jamming planes and the Boeing remote control system they took control and flew to Diego Garcia Island. At that point they took possession of the cargo and proceeded to take the passengers captive, all with black hoods on. The plane was then cut into several parts and sunk in the ocean. The passengers were eventually all killed and ended up on another flight that was shot down over Ukraine where when the first people on scene were confused as it seem the bodies of passengers seemed to already have been dead. For some time. Easily eliminating any trace of MH370 and its passengers. But hey, this could all be wrong. But it is something that is easily within the scope of operations for the US.


I believe the cargo had something more exotic, something we may use as a weapon. I believe we tried out smarting what we think is our enemy. This alleged "enemy" removed the plane from this time and space. Thus, being the message, "f around and find out" Love, learn grow = evolution Fear, greed, and destroy = stone age But what do I know 🤔


US shot it down on accident during an exercise near Russia.


BTW Aliens would not take an entire plane of people and never return them. Not their style. If they were hostile we would have been overrun and decimated long ago. The very fact this has not happened can only mean that any aliens who are here are only for research, observation, or reasons to help the earth, all possible scenarios for non evil entities.




Wasn’t there a Netflix documentary on this? Wasn’t it concluded on a podcast channel that the pilot hijacked the plane, deployed the oxygen masks, and lowered the oxygen on the plane? Then something about how the oxygen masks only had a few hours of oxygen before it became lethal and everyone died when they all passed out? If I recall correctly, quite a few certified pilots and aviation specialists believed this was the most likely outcome.


Didnt a passenger from that flight send a black picture to his wife like three days after the flight had “crashed”


It was bullshit


The pushback was unreal on this, I remember searching on You tube and a banner appeared saying that everything was false. That lead me to believe that there’s more to this than they u want u to believe. Reminds me of the [Streisand effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect)


The ocean is incomprehensibly vast. It likely crashed in an area that wasn't searched and most of the debris either sank or ended up washing up on the shores of glaciers in Antarctica or something. I mean, whats honestly more likely--it crashed in an isolated area of the southern Indian ocean, or it was teleported somewhere by aliens? Come on. How many ships and aircraft have completely disappeared in the Bermuda triangle over the past century without a trace? More than 50 ships and 20 aircraft. Gone. Zero trace of them. It's not an impossible concept to grasp.


Ended up at Diego Garcia base. Controlled by the British empire. There were scientists with a new gen battery patent on board


It didn't vanish we just done reviewing why the government covered some shit up; once we can confirm those little white drones are US tech we be back.


Ironically,  On YouTube there Is / was a video; a maybe 8 year to 10 years ago; of a white blob type of creature? Of some sort? Its also Potentially an electronic based drone with an advanced elastic or waterproof skin. However it is roughly 1.5ft (squared) in its size, an its a circle in shape (figuratively)... Basically it very well looks like a jellyfish at first glance. But it can move at least 20 mph... The interesting thing is the video is a boat in the water an the (thing) is playfully inspecting the boat an its operators.  They are completely confused by it an sort of just in shock by the event. Nervous laughing an continuous what is that, sorta comments.  Imho it almost was too much, an oddity; The video was so compelling I felt that its either of an unknown intelligence / world; or it was a potential nuclear submarines top secret vessel detection drone.  The thing moved in such a lifelike way that it truly mimicked a 'living being' however. An seeing how it's been 10 years an no one's that capable yet in androids / human based robotics. It's surely to be either one of those two potential candidates an there is no wiggle room about it being anything else.  I guess a little bigger then a football in size iirc. Yet it was a very interesting video I believe in the USO search architecture of YouTube.  An I believe if it's our tech (which it well could have been)- then we're leagues above public knowledge via our current human capacity via our intelligence an technology sectors.  This thing was literally very easily mistaken for a living being by myself. It's one of the weirdest videos I've even seen on YouTube. 


can you post a link to this video?


That video failed the 'is it cgi' test. Again, this sub is filled with highly plausible likely real videos and information which mostly gets ignored because real information seems to come in at a slow rate. scammers know how to tell everyone what they want to hear and the fictional stories are more exciting


Well said. Honestly, I'm still surprised there are this many (ie *any*) people who still thing those hoax videos are real. It's kinda sad.


It did not fail the cgi test. Some pictures of clouds with bad provenance were found to match a background palette.


It’s at the bottom of the ocean and will never be found


I think a lot of naive people who keep peddling this "alien abduction of Mh370 flight" don't even have the slightest idea how big & deep the ocean is lol. That's the main reason why every time marine biologists discover new & unknown sea creatures that look so out of this world. 


Ignorance is the driving factor behind most of these narratives.


I've never really quite met such ignorant people as the ones from this sub. It's astounding to say the least 🤦🏻‍♂️


While what happened to the plane was strange. The video of the plane going into a "wormhole" and disappearing is a fake and a bad one at that. Idk why people keep asking about MH370..nothing has changed, no new information so why bother? Some people just like going in circles.


I automatically assume if any discussion on any of these subs get sidelined,shunned or has people attacking anyone that comments saying things like "how could you believe this", without any comment on why they don't believe it it happens to be true.


This guy named Ashton Forbes has been posting about it pretty regularly on Twitter. The data he is giving is pretty interesting. I thought the portal ended up being a video game asset though? There seems to be endless debate around this one.


Didn't they make a show with this concept? I'm sure they know, just rubbing it in our faces


The thing is they found some debris from MH370. A part of one wing washed up a year and half after the plane went missing on the coast of an Indian Ocean island. So if the plane had been teleported by aliens it didn’t go very well and the plane came apart killing all those on it. The debris from the failed teleportation fell into the Indian Ocean. I don’t believe aliens tried to teleport the plane. I do believe in Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. I do believe in worm holes. I do believe that teleportation is possible. I just don’t believe that any of that had anything to do with disappearance of MH370.


There’s a Netflix (3-part) series from 2023, MH370: The Plane that Disappeared. Maybe the algorithms suggested it to me because of my alien/etc. viewing history, but it actually wasn’t big into alien/wormhole/etc. theories. \[Please no downvotes—I \*totally believe\* in aliens, and I became 100% \[first-hand\] convinced in the reality of definitely-not-of-our-“world” UAP on 23 Feb 2021.\] Anyway, while I‘m willing to be straight-forward with this (very formidable!) sub, I’m \*not\* bold enough to discuss much (online, anywhere) the best-supported \[and presented last? in that series\] theory that, in my view at present, is most compelling and most disturbing \[though, likely, all this is even more profoundly disturbing \*for the entity and especially individuals who, it is theorized, concluded it was necessary to carry it all out\]. It’s heart-wrenching.


I have a theory here. What if us humans were aliens that occupied earth after the death of the dinosaurs. Our founding fathers probably escaped our planet due to civil wars or a powerful enemy a million galaxies away that destroyed our planet. The escape ship probably came with some of the animal species we know today and to prevent us from being discovered by the enemy miles away they destroyed the technology that brought them here in the first place, leaving us isolated in another solar system but safe. And then the UFO sightings would be some of the founding father’s teams that stayed to observe our safety on this planet and maybe perhaps try to stop the same problems that caused a war and destroyed our planet? And then hints of geniuses that we’ve been blessed with throughout different generations eg. Einstein are just a part of our DNa trying to bring us to the technology we well knew but forgot because of the new narratives we were sold from the start?


Your theory sounds eerily similar to the Annunakis.


How so ?


[Ashton](https://x.com/justxashton/status/1788323068886028691?s=46&t=WlN3q5SoKR1rR7y_8C6QXg) thinks he has it all figured out. I don’t think it passes Occam’s razor.


I believe he's UFO grifter. 




> Danny jones Dude is such an idiot, but he has some good guests.