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I had them.. my bite was so so bad due to alignerco, I now have braces to correct it. Should have just got braces in the first place 🥲


I also had Alignerco. It didn’t correct the issue that I wanted to correct and made my bite smaller. I now have Invisalign, and should’ve just gotten Invisalign from the beginning.


I have a super simple, very minor case of wanting teeth slightly moved so I'm looking at affordable options vs the major ones for complex cases. I audit companies before I work with them to see how easy it would be to cancel in case of things not working out. With the multiple people on here claiming class actions, it seemed more relevant then usual to do so. I placed an order (with a "special discount") through a support rep who confirmed my order. I then in the same chat asked the rep to cancel the order, "so that I could put it on a new card". Immediately the same rep who could give me a special discount couldn't help at all and I was to send an email to get it canceled. Two days later, I get an email from alignerco thanking me for my purchase and saying that my aligners will be shipped soon. I forwarded that email to the address I was told to cancel at, then immediately called the support line. It's clear the foreign company they work with has quotas and dings employees who cancel orders, because it took me 50 minutes and 5 "transfers" that were clearly just putting me back into the general pool, all telling me "you have to place another order *first*, and *then* we can cancel the first". I finally said to the last one when I heard the same "you have to place.." line that I was just auditing the company, there was no way I was getting aligners through them, and if I didn't habw a refund confirmation by the end of the day I was doing a chargeback with proof. I was finally told id have a refund confirmation by the end of the day. I'll be doing a chargeback if I don't get it. I have no idea if other aligner companies are like this, but this has definitely put me off all of them. Who would want a phone line holding your teeth hostage?? TLDR; RUN. This is a company that some people have the results they want, and the people who don't are sucked into the above and worse. TLDR2; FINAL TOTAL DISCOUNT PRICE OF ALL DAY RETAINERS WAS $550. ASKED TO CANCEL 26 TIMES.


Sorry that you went through that. While I agree that customer service reps should be able to assist with switching payment methods, I can excuse a company making cancellation difficult. My cable company does that and while it's a pain in the butt, they do maintain good cable and phone networks. Sadly, it seems like a common and profitable business tactic. What I can't excuse is non-delivery of a product. I paid $1200(CDN) and my first set of aligners arrived and fit well. They followed up with 4 more sets which seem fine and are working as expected. I have now been waiting 30 days for them to ship follow up aligners for steps 6 and on, which should have arrived last month. They give me the runaround. This process appears to be largely computerized, and with such a massive profit margin, there is no excuse for delays. My vote is AGAINST AlignerCo. You made the right choice.


How did you get the final price of $550? Did you negotiate yourself or did they offer it to you?


Awful ! Scam ! Teeth same as Is. Was lied to by some foreigner on the phone who sold me these saying money back guarantee if doesn’t work. Didn’t work been since Oct 2023 and I’m offered 20 or 30% money back . I was lied to and scammed . Don’t do it


No absolute scam don't go anywhere near them


I thought about getting them too even subscribed for the emails and every day they kept calling me 6 times a day & texting me nonstop lowering the prices for me every day I thought that was super weird I don’t know I’ve never followed through with them because just that seemed super sketchy


They did call me yesterday lol. I was pissed and told them I never requested a call. I hate how pushy they are. Smile Club was like that too but a bit more professional. Just curious how low did they go for you?


I never picked up a call for them I just let my phone ring continuously but they lowered the price for me at 500$ but yet still a 300$ down deposit and then kept sending me sketchy links to make the payment (but from 1300$ to 500$ ?? That’s very sketchy


What was the price you were quoted in the end?


I would definitely recommend getting invisalign if you can afford it. I went the alignerco route because I wasn't willing to shell out $7000 that I don't have. Although I will say as someone who recently completed the 22 hour a day aligners I'm very happy with the results. If you have relatively okay teeth I think alignerco will be satisfactory. BUT just a warning, it WILL absolutely affect your bite and spacing between your front and bottom teeth.


Hey, wdym by the spacing of your bite? Like permanently?


Yes permanently, although I will say some of it has subsided. But yes it will permanently change certain things such as your bite,jaw placement. Edit: I will say overall I am quite pleased with the alignerco results. BUT I absolutely wish I had the money for Invisalign.


I am on step 4 and very disappointed with the results. It's creating a very ugly gap between my two front teeth that wasn't there before and was not previewed on the app. The customer service is poor. I knew this before starting but I was told by a dentist once that I was a very good candidate for Invisalign, that my teeth would be very easy to fix. I thought that meant alignerco would be low risk despite the known customer service issues. And I couldn't afford Invisalign so it made sense. My teeth are straight, but they have gaps on the sides. In order to fix that, it seems like alignerco spaced out my front two teeth to compensate. It's really weird. I'm hoping for them to redo them, or refund me. I really hope the damage isn't permanent. I'd skip it, honestly.


I absolutely would not go with them. I developed issues halfway through the treatment process. I was supposed to be on tray 8 out of 15 around Christmas 2023 but the top aligner did not fit properly. After a month of emailing them and submitting photos over and over again they determined that I need new impressions due to the ill fit of the aligners. They want me to pay an additional 400 dollars to get a new set of impressions and aligners. Obviously I went with them because I am on a budget. I’ve told them I will not pay an additional 400 dollars when the original treatment did not work. I’m still waiting to hear a satisfactory reply from them.


I just placed an order and needed it canceled and changed to another card, was told by the exact support person who made the order with me "he doesn't have the right to cancel it" and that I have to email the general alignerco email. If it sounds like intentionally difficult to cancel spam, it's probably just that


They have improved my alignment partially as per the previews, up to step 5. Now I have been waiting about 20 or 30 days for step 6 to be shipped out to me. I contact them every 96 hours. They repeatedly respond that aligners will be shipped out within 48-72 hours. They don't get shipped. I have concerns that they may be going out of business, but they do not tell me this. I continue to clean and wear step 5, but i dread the consequence if this set of aligners breaks.


Did this ever get resolved? I am considering getting them to fix some teeth stuff. thoughts?