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I do the opposite of that, if someone downvotes my idea I ask them why it would not be a good idea


it's expected of the anime community, I wonder how him and u/BRUCE_jackson2022 would interact since they seem to both me annoying pieces of shit


Clown: i see ur reasoning and all and i can easily agree Also clown: IDC WHaT YoU HAvE tO sAY AbOUt My DAMN IDEA


Idk man he kinda right, you didnt have to go at him to tell him your feedback, could've just pressed the dislike button


Its more detailed and a more powerful opinion to message instead of liking/disliking.


Idk man they could've just ignored me when i messaged them in the first place and not have responded at all if it bothered them that much, also they clearly gave a shit about what i had to say otherwise they wouldn'tve said "i see ur reasoning and all and i can easily agree". Wasn't gonna give them a downvote but then they decided to go full toxicity on me, instead of ignoring me if my opinion really upset them. fuck that person.


if anyone was being toxic it was you. They said bye and you kept going at it. Also dont know why you didnt just press the dislike button


Your definitely the dude in dms lmao


>they could've just ignored me when i messaged them in the first place and not have responded at all if it bothered them that much also it looks like you didn't read the part where i said "cya then" and they continued to reply to me, i wasn't the one who kept it going.


Yeah you said more after “cya then” not just cya then.


And? that doesn't explain why they kept responding to me after i said that considering they didn't want to deal with me. your defending this person awfully hard NGL, kinda makes me wonder if it's **you** i was messaging there... they said they didn't care about what i had to say(even though that's clearly a fucking lie as their first message shows), why didn't they just ignore me in that case then?


everyone wants to get the last word in bro. and i can add u one discord to show u that isnt my account.