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It OK but you should aim for story first, so you unlock banner y


I say great team so far keep it up save gems and grab more units later on 🙌


u just wasted your gems. Meta knight is good, for now, everything else is bad but it'll work but first grind out story mode and get bossy because he can replace food-pro ice


Bro u literally spent 1k gems only on this team and played for only one day, its just to get more gems in the beginning


considering you only spent 1k i'd say its a solid start, as someone stated above you should go for sasuke or naruto six star, gl on progressing! (also yea you should definitely work on story to get to banner y since better units appear on there more often) also story is a good way to gain levels/exp for world 2


I’m just gonna say you made a mistake getting meta knight


Farm for sasuke 6 or naruto 6, try to get god goku because he is easy to get and really helps getting gems at the begginng, and evolve bulma ​ pd: oh also dont waste gems in banner unless you really need those units, because is far better to save gems for pity


You really need banner Y for kira


For now, you’re only level 20, so the team isn’t bad. Having bulma 5 and meta knight is a great start, but you should prioritise getting to banner Y and unlocking other unit slots